HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-04, Page 3'Thursday, 'DTaer lth, 1916. CENTRAL Alid .rasa CLINTON NEW KRA PAGE THREE STRATFORD. ONT. You can Secure a Posi- tion it you lake a Course with Us. The demand upon us for train- ed heap is many times the num- ber graduating. Students are entering each week, You may ter at any time. Write at once ur free catalogue of mmereeel, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Department D.A. McLachlan, Principal More and Better Eggs - and Poultry To Help Feed the Empire. In order to assist farmers to prodnce more Non fertile Eggs, and more and better Dressed Poultry of the quality .and kind that our high class market demands, the firm of Gunn, Langlois -k (Jo., limited„ Montreal, have arrang ed with reliable breeders of Bred to Lay, Early Maturing BarredPlymouth Rock Poultry to distrinute in the int mediate vicinity of these bene, twelve thousand (12000) hatching eggs during the season of 1016, at a price of market -eggs on the followingconditions,- Every farmer who finds it to his advantage to secure the benefit of the •anove mentioned hatching eggs must the following rules and regulations. and lend every possible assistance so that the greatest good to the continuo sty and to the Industry will follow, 1st -Sill or otherwise permanently xemove from his present flock of lay Ing hens alt male birds on his farm, Manch 10th, 1910 2nd -Market all eggs twice a week and conform with the suggestion made re the care of eggs for market purpose -as same may be issued from time to 'time • 3rd -Sell all cockerels that are fit for market as broilers during the early summer 4th -Bring all cockerels of heavy breeds to the firm's plant at either Clinton or Holmesville to be caponized at a time, and under such conditions as the firm may specify. Gaul-Ialois & Go., LIMN Q;liatton Branch Phone 190 etase a LTJ ash Ao eado e A 11ta a s a. 4 ► 3 PhIllOS E a IP 1A C 4 IP 1 IP 1 6 .43 IP .4 •Organs, IPC ,special values in Art P Cases Is M C C P.I 110.IPIPIPt w II IP lo V'VVVVVVVVV♦ 1 ,c� See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianus and Pianos and organs rent e3. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. Music Eluporinnl C. Hoare 1 JIp,A/YiM ..... ROOFIMi_1 0/8M11~1181 Corr ogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate EavetroughingT Tinsmithing ing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly Byam &Sutter 'Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. GRAND.. TRUNK SYSM taster Ixcursions Single Fare .Good going April 21st and returning same day. Fare and One third Good going April 20, 21, 22, 23, Return limit April 25th Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron Mich,; Buffalo, Black Rook, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y, Further particulars on applica'- +tion to Grand' Trunk Agents. John Ransford &Son city passes- ' ger and Ticket Agents, phone b7 9.0. Pattison, station agent L\. Litt YU(/Iv1� BARRISTER SOLICITOR 6OTARY I'IIBLfO, BTO OLINTON !H111RLES I3. WALE Oonneyance, Notary, Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issper of Marriage Licenses. Huron St.. Clinton. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer,' Financial and Real Estate 'INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In mance Companies.. Division Count Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt. attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Mile on:Albert Stmeet,;occupied ty Mr. Hooper. );,In. Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments axe made. Office hours from 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with theloice. Office open every week day, Mr.lHooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. Medi ..aJ' OI? S. W. THOMPSON Physician. Surgeon, Eta easoial attention elven to dinonses nt the Eye. Ear, Throat, and Nose, efully aamined, and suitable 'glasses prescribed, Office and Residenne. Two doors west or the Commercial Ilene Huron Rt. Eyes IIIES. (IAM* maid CAASI11)1.Ii Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. ft. IF.. L. lt, C. 5.. Ede Dan u an's oaten at residence High Street': Dr..I, C, Candler. R,A. 11,11, OSIoe --Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight calls at residence, Datteubura St, or at homilies DR, J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, BURGEON. reaachoer, eta, ollice and residence on teabury Street.. - DR. IN. R. AXON DI:NT*ST Crown nttd Bridge 'Work a Speclaltr. C Graduate of C.C.D.S..a Chicago. and 11,0,1/8 Toronto. Bayltefd on llondays, Slav tst. to It DR. N. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E afore, Specist care taken to make dental treat mans ae Deinlese as ooeeible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auctiontev GODERICH ONT 1111111 sCDo.e sales a speotalal, Ordees et, e NEW ERA aloe, Clinton, prrm•sly aoten0. to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale not discounted' G. D. McTaggart M. 1J, MoTaggar McTaggart Bras. SPINNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Business transacted tlOTEB DISCOUNTED Dl NTED U Drafts Waned. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance co. Farm and Isolated Town Prop. erty Only insured. Head Office—Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J: B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres, Thos. D. Hays, Seaforth, See.-Treas Directors -D. F, McGregor, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweie. Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; M. lelelemon, Clinton; j. .B. M:eLean, Seaforth ; J. Connolly, Goderich Robert Ferris, 'Harlock. Agents• -Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth ; W. Chesney, Eggmondville; J. W. Yeo, iioltnesville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jarmut'h. Brodhagee Payment's made at Morrish & Co. Clinton, and Cutit's grocery store Goderich and, Jas, Reids store Bayfield. A Carload of Canada Perhaps Cement Phone us tor prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO Drs. Geo. tt M. E. Whitley Heilemann Osteopathic I'lly. Specialists in Womenls and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders ;Eye, Her, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Rattieenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m, FOItD dt MctJ11O1) ' We're now eelling Timothy Seed (Government Stanch'ed,). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Gamine. AFTER A SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Columbue,Ohio.--"I had almostgiven up. I bad been sick for six years with female troubles and nervousness. I had a pain in my right side and could not. eat anything with- out hurting my stomach. I could notdrink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken, From 178 pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell over. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound, and ten days later I could eat and it did not hurt my stomach, I have taken the medicine ever since and I feel like a new woman.. I now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has done for me already. My husband says he knows your medicine has saved my life."— Mrs. J. S. BARLow, 1624 South 4th St., Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com- pound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and strength to the weakened organs of the body. That is why Mrs. Barlow, a chronic invalid,recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound. mulch for Witter Wheat. In sections where there is more straw than. can be used to good ad- vantage for stock feeding and bed- ding some of this material may be used to good advantage as a mulch for winter wheat, says the Country Gentleman. One experiment station in a test :las learned the value of such practice. In November, 1914, after the ground froze, part of a field was mulcbed with three loads of straw to the acre. The wheat in this part made a good winter survival and yielded an excellent crop, while fields that were not mulched both on corn stubble and summer fallow were totally winter killed. In such cases the mulching would pay in spite of the labor. Approximately three tons of straw an acre should be used after the wheat has become dormant for the winter. Old straw piles which are more or less rotten can be spread to better advantage than fresh straw piles, but either may be used. The old straw may be spread with an or. dinary manure spreader, but fresh etraw requires a special implement known as a straw spreader. The straw must be spread very thinly and evenly for best results, as the wheat will smother out under thick bunches and kilt out on bare spots if the straw is not properly unread. Was Not Mich of a Believer in Patent Medicines But Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Are All night. Mrs. Wm. McElwain, Temperance Vale, N.B., writes: "1 air, not much of a believer in medicines, but I must say Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are all right. Some years ago I was troubled with smothering spells. In the night 1 would waken up with my breath all gone and think I never would get it back. I was telling a friend of my trouble, and he advised me to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. He gave me a boxand I had onlytakena few of theurwher I could sleep all night without any trouble, I did not finish the box until sonic years after when I lett my trouble corning back, so I took the rest of them and they cured me." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have been on the market for the past twenty-fi"ve years, The testimony of the fusers should be enough to con- vince you that what we claim for them is true. H. and N. Pills are 50c per box, 3 boxes for 1$1,25; at all druggists or dealers, mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Last QVlonday the sad news came to Crediton of the death of :Miss Jane Doyle, music teacher. Mise Doyle was highly respected by all who knew her. Her death cameo very sudden. While at church et Mt. Carmel on Sunday morning, she took asev,el'e pain in her side and wan at once removed to the home of the prilest where she died on Monday. Better Pay The Price Don't he tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better toWay a fair price and know exactly„what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it le easily the most economical. ' That has been said sn'"often that everybody by this time should know it -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now‘to get personal -If you would like to miss that sort altogether— COME 111519E 1f yon would like to buy where nothing hot high qualities are. dealt in—COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices Were unfair Edison Records and Supplies W. counter Jeweler and Optician;. F() 1111 maw Issuer of Marriage Licenses .ceedaedif•Ndd•ideNdddu• TheStowaway By LOMB TRACY •OupOB410011MrddBd00111ASM'ds1111 was not because the vessel was over. due that David confessed. Bulmer, despite his sixty-eight years, was an acute man of business. Moreover, he was blessed with a retentive memory, and be treasnred every word of the bogus messages from. Iris concocted by her uncle. The storm had burst unexpectedly. Bulmer mane to dinner, ate and drank. and smoked in quiet amity until Da- vid's laboring muse conveyed his niece's latest "kind love an' good wishes," and then" - "Tell you wot," said Dickey, "there's. another live thousand due -tomorrow on the surveyor's report." "There is," said Verity, knowing that his guest and prospective partner alluded to the new steamer in course of construction on the Clyde. "Well, it won't be paid. You are (yin' about Iris. You've been Wu' ever since she disappeared from Bootle. Snow me 'er letters an' their envelopes, an' I'll find the money. But of course you can't. They don't exist" Then David set down the untested wine and told the truth. Not all -that was not to be dreamed of. In the depths of his heart he feared Bulmer. The old man's repute for honesty was widespread. He would fling his dear- est friend into prison for such a swin- dle as that arranged between Coke and the shipowner. Dickey rose from the table. His movements showed his age that night "I'll think it over, David," he said. "There's more in this than meets the eye." So here was Verity with no shred of hope in his mind that his one time crony would raise a finger to save him from bankruptcy. The office boy announced a visitor, evidently not the terrible Bulmer, since he said: "Geunelman to see yer, sir." "Oo is it?" growled the shipowner. "Gennelman from the noospaper." A quiet mannered young man ap- peared. "May I ask if you have received any private news of the Andromeda?" he began. David creaked round in his chair. "Is she lost?" said he in a strangely subdued tone. I -I fear she is, But there Is much more than an ordinary shipwreck at issue. Several telegrams of the grav- est import have reached us this morn - Ing, Perhaps before 1 ask you any questions you ought to read then. They are in type already, and I have brought you the proofs. Here is the first." David took- from tile interviewer's outstretched hand a long strip of white paper. For an appreciable time his seething brain refused to comprehend the curiously black letters, for this is what he read: REVOLUTION IN BRAZIL. SERIOUS POSITION, STARTLING ESCAPADE OF A BRIT- ISH SHIP. Rio de Janeiro, Sept. S. .A situation of exceptional gravity has evidently arisen on the Island of Fernando do Noronha, whence, it is said, ex -Presi- dent de Sylva recently Y attempted to Ce - ca e. A battleship and twa cruisers have been dispatched thither ander forced draft. No public telegrams have been re- ceived from the island 'during the past week, and the authorities absolutely re- fuse any information as to earlier events, though the local press hints at some ex- traordinary developments not unconnected with the appearance off the island of a British steamship known as the Androm- eda. Later, De Sylva landed last night at the small port of Macelo, in the province of Alagoas, a hundred miles south of Pernambuco. It 1s currently reported that Fernando Noronha was captured by a gang of British freebooters, De Sylva's return is unquestionable. Today he is- sued a proclamation, and his partisans have seized some portion of the railway. Excitement here is at fever heat. Verity glared at the journalist. He laughed almost hysterically. "The Andromeda!" he gasped, "Wot rot! Wot silly rot!" The shipowner grasped another print- ed slip. This time he was able to read more lucidly; Pernambuco, Sept, 4, Public. Interest in the abortive attempt to reinstate Dorn Corria de Sylva as president was waning rapidly when it was fanned into fresh activity by news that reached this port today, It appears that on the 31st ult. a daring effort was trade to free De Sylvia, who, with certain other ministers expelled by the successful rev - ()lotion of two years ago, is a prisoner on the island of Fernando do Noronha, Lloyd's agent on that island reports that the I.3ritish steamer Andromeda, owned by David Verity & Co, of Liverpool, put into South bay, on the southeast side of Fernando 00 Noronha, early on the morn- ing of Aug.' 31, and it is alleged that 'her mission was to take De Sylva and his companions on board. The garrison, fore- warned by the central government and al- ready on the qui vtve owing to thedisap- pea0anee of their important prisoners from their 'usual quarters, opened fire on the Andromeda as .,soon as she revealed. her purpose by lowering a boat, The steamer, being unarmed, made no attempt, to defend herself and was speed fly disabled. She sank within ave min- utes off the..Grand-pere rock with all on board, With reckless bravado her com- mander ran ,up the vessel's code signals and house flag while she was actually, go- ing down, thus establishing her identity beyond a shadow of doubt. A' note of pathos is added to the tragedy by the undoubted presence of a lady on board, probably De Sylva's daughter, though it was believed here that the ex-presldent's family ',were in Paris, Telegrams from the, island are strictly censored. and the foregoing statement is unofficial, bet you' correspondent does not question its gen- eral accuracy Indeed, ho has reason to credit a widespread rumor that the island is still in a very disturbed condition. No one knows definitely whether or not Do Sylva, has been recaptured. It is quite certain that he bas not landed in Brazil, but the reticence of the authorities as to the state of affairs on .Fernando Noronha leads to the .assumption that he and a few stanch adherents are still in hiding in one of the many natural fastnesses with which the Island abounds. The British community on the littoral is deeply stirred by the drastic treatment received by the Andromeda. 10 is pointed out that another ship, the Andros -y -Mels, believed to have been chartered by the lasurgents, Is under arrest at Bahia, and the similarity between the two names Is regarded as singular, to say the least. Were it n01 ,that Lloyd's agent, whose veracity cannot be questioned, has stated explicitly that the Andromeda , put. into Sontb bay,a point slgnilicanity nu' re- moved trom'the regular track of trading vessels, It might be urged that a terrible. mistake had been made.. In any event, the' whole matter must be strictly in- quired into, and one of his majesty's ships stationed in the south-Atiaritic - should visit the Island at the earliest date possi- ble. Delayed in transmission. Sornething buzzed inside Verity's head and stifled all sense of actuality... He gazed.at the reporter unblinkingly, as though thought itself refused to act. "Is, that the lot?" be inquired me- chanically. "Nearly all, at present. Here, how- ever, ie a' short telegram from Paris Which' is of minor interest." And Verity read again: Paris, Sept. G. The members of Dom Corrla 00 Sylva's family, seen early this morning at the Hotel Continental, deny that any lady connected with the.- causeof Brazilian freedom took part in the attempted rescue of the ex -president. They are much an- noyed by the unfounded report and Bold_ strongly t0 the opinion that the revolu- tion would now have been a fait accampit had not a traitor revealed the destination of the Andros -y -Meta and thus led to that vessel's detention ;at Bahia. The lady! Iris Yorke! it last Da- vid's supercharged mind was begin- ning to assimilate ideas. The journal- ist's voice came to him as through a dense screens ',You will observe that the former president's relatives tacitly admit that there was a plot on foot," the other was saying. "It is important to note, too, that the long message from Per- nambuco, marked 'delayed in trans- mission, seems to imply a prior tele- gram which was suppressed. It al- ludes to a revolt of which nothing is known here. Now, Mr. Verity, 1 want to ask you" - The door was Dung open. In rushed Dickey Bulmer. In his hands he beld a crumpled newspaper. "You infernal blackguard, have you seen this?" he roared. David stood up. He held oa to the table to steady himself. Even Bulmer, white with rage, could not fail to see that he was stunned. But Dickey was not minded to spare him on that account, "Answer me, you scoundrel!" he shouted. "You are glib enough when it suits your purpose. Were you is this? Is this the reason you didn't tell me Iris was on board till I forced the truth out of you last night? Now let's have it! No more of your flainin' "YOU INFERNAL BLAC$d IIAlWP, RAVE YOlif SEEN TRIO" IOA1iID, made up tales. Wot toot; you to shove the Andromeda into a rat trap of this sort?" David seemed to be laboring for breath, 'Arf a me'. No need to yowl at ins like that," he protested. He fumbled with the lock of a cor- ner cupboard, opened it and drew forth a decanter and some glasses. "Ah," be said, smacking his lips with some of the old time relish, "that puts new life into ole. The story is all moonshine on the face of it." "I think otherwise, Mr. Verity, and Bulmer, 1 take it, agrees with me," said the reporter. "Wet!" blazed David, into whose mind bad darted a notion that denied him by its daring. "D'ye mean to in- siniwate that I lent toy ship to this 'ere Dom Wolfs -'is -name? D'ye sit there an' think that I'd allow 0 bon- nie lass like my Iris to take a trip that might end in 'er bein' blown to bits. We creel, that's wot It is, reel erool," "The lady referred to was Miss Iris Yorke, then?" "'Oo else? I've on'y one niece. My trouble is that she went without my permission, in a way of speakin'. 'Ere, you'd better 'ave the fax. She was engaged to my friend, bir. Bulmer; but, bean' a slip of a girl an' fond o' romancin', she just put herself aboard the Andromeda without aayin' 'with your leave' or 'by your leave.' She wrote me a letter,, w'lch sort of ex- piable the affair. D'ye want to see it?" "If I may." "No," said Bulmer, "Look 'ere, Dickey," went on David, "this dashed fairy tale won't hold water. Yon know Coke. 1s 'e the kind o' man to go bumpin' round like u stage 'ero an' hoisting Union Jacks as the ship sinks? I ax you, is 'el it's nonsense -stuff an' nonsense. Art' if the Andromeda was scrapped at Fer- nando Noronba, '00 were the freeboot- ers that collared the island, an' 'ow did this 'ere De Sylva get to Macelo? Are you listouin'?" "Yes," sald. Bulmer, turning at last and devouring Verity with his deep set eyes. "Well, wot d'ye think of it?" "Did you send the ship to Fernando Noronha?" It Is needless to place on record the formula of David's denial. It was CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. 'sir�4, l ..sa rip'•, A Christian college -home, healthful situation. FOrprospectnssnd terms,writethePrinelpnl R. S. Warner, M.A.,D.D.,St. Thomas, Oa63t. .0N Cliil'tare11 Ca -y'' Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Delight, and which has been in use for over CO yeas, has borne the signature of and has been Made tinder his Icer- %�'�� serial supervision since its infancy. rf/!/. Allow no one to deceiveou in this. s. All Counterfeits, Imitations end "Just.as-good" are but Experiments that triSle(witli and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is .GASTOFtIA Vastoria IS a harmless substitute' for Castor. 011, Pare- ,;, gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups It is pleasant. It contains neither 0piunn, Morphine - nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. ' 11 destroys **Venues and allays Feverish/loss. For more than thirty years it Lae been in constant use ftrr the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Fsowe1s, assimilates the Food giving healthy end natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The M'other's Friend. GENUINE C STORM ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ,... In Ise For Over 30 Years The Kind You .Hove Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY,NEW VelFe rr ,'tom lir J vi. fi tihO,7 Some Needed Inventions A public building that will expand sufficiently to accommodate a crowd of any size. A mislaid shoehorn that will ring a little bell to show its whereabouts when wanted. A cellar furnace that will open its door and feed coal into itself when the fire gets low, A telephone thin will automatically shock a bore who has talked over five minutes. A baseball bat, that will magnetically attract the hall to it so that it can be hit. A lawn mower that will toss nails and rocks over the neighbours fence before attempting to cut into them, A fountain pen that will say "1'm empty" before you start to sign your name, and not silently cease flowing after you have made the first initial. A rocking chair that will crawl out of your path wneu you are about to tumble over it in the dark. A shoe string that will stilton out like wire when a knot suggests itself, but will become beautifully pliant when the knot crisis is past. tree door bell that will flash a picture of the caller on the inside of the door, and state his business in readable letters. A match holder that will outline it self with light when it feels a hand fumbling for it in the dark. An alarm clock that will reach out its hand and gently open your eyes and smile down into thetas instead of scaring you half to death, Mother and Baby The fond mother always has the wel fare of her little ones at heart. She is continually on the watch for any ap pearance of the maladies which threat en her little ones, Thousands of moth ers have learned by experience that nothing will equal Baby's Own Talbets in keeping the children well. tion cerasin them Mrs. R. Morehouse, Bliss Heid, N.B. writes : "Baby's Own Tad lets are the beat medicine I have ever used for my baby, Ho was very cross but the Tablets soon put him right again." The tablets are sold mil' get by eine dealers or by mai! at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, AMNION Violin and tell +►r MUSIC All the whimsical witch- ery — haunting restless- ness—dreamful exaltation of the world's finest violin. and 'cello music caught for you with an exquisite sense of reality in COLUMBIA Double•Dj.c RECORDS Xarklent RPve your dealer play these for you: Parlaw Kathleen Parlow—A5412—$1,50 Eumoreske (Dvorak) orchestra accompanl. meet. Melodie (Tschaikowsky) orchestra accom. paniment, Pablo Casale -A5649-$1.50 Largo (Handel), with orchestra, Melody in F (Rubinstein), with orchestra. Jules Palk -A1110-85.3. Ave Maria (Schubert) with Traumerei (Schumann). Charles D'Almaiae-A1712-850. White Cockade; Jigs and Reels Medley with Harrigan's Reel (Prince's Orchestra), Eugene Yeeye-36525—$1.50 Caprice Vieunois, Op. 2 (Rreisler). Eugene Yseye-36524—$1.50 Hungarian Dance in G (No. 5) (Brahms). Celnmbia dealers gladly play theme and any other of tau thou.aada of Columbia records without thought of obligation. Complete Record List from dealers ar minion by ue. LUM I Graphophone Company Canadian Factory & Headquarters Toronto, Ont,. 1q BALL & A TKINSON CLINTON