HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-04-20, Page 4PAGE EOM, 1►aM THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Thursday, April 20th, 1910 • ' eOttttttttiliitNitttttitt♦itt iititO++tetttttttitii ttltte.•liiit +INit+ttit+Ittittti lN•tHtttttttNNtWan•�����a�saaa�ua��>L....:... - —a— ,. •---_-_:..._.. _W__ Gorne to'Clinton on Ma 24th. 1 N......t�attittittNt4tNii.t.ttttNt.1♦ titiei4,titet.•it4iiiititiiK.....•4ttNtttttNtttt NttNtlift./ttltietr99999 '►iritic♦NN919tt+tNtOttt46,tNttttttttttttttiitttt+iit0riiit*iµtyµ AINIMIMMIY Yi6w avci tIe•N0t/o00siessesill--N--- Local News e///0elea,asl-/0000 tita►l000000 SOMETHING, TO BE EXPECTED co • Early ••onieens. AutomobilesApril' showers era Sucker fishing, �' Houaeeleanmg'. Bare heeded maidens Re-organtzakilo'r; o£ spotting clubs Ifr SEASONABLES These Three Women Tell How They Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of Surgical Operations. a Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but they should be the.last resort for women who suffer with ills peculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of women.after they have been recommended to subinit to an operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All sick women should read them. , Marinette, Wis:—"I went to the doctor and he told me I must have an operation for a female trouble, and I hated to have zt done as I had been married only a short time. I would have terrible pains and my hands and feet were cold all the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and was eured,.and I feel better in every way. I give you permission to publish my name because I am so thankful that I feel well again." --Mrs. FRED BEHNEE, Marinette, Wis. Detroit Mich.—" When I first took Lydia E. Pinkham's ;Vegetable Compound I was so run down with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor said I would have to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk 'without help so when I read about the Vegetable Compotmd and what it had done for others I thought I would try it. I got a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and used them according to directions. They helped me and today I am able to do all my work and lam well." —Mrs. Taos. DWYER, 989 Milwaukee Ave., East, Detroit, Mich. Bellevue, Pa—"I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and they all told me the same story, that I never could get well without an operation and I just dreaded the thought of that. I also tried a good many other medicines that were recommended to me and none of them helped me until a -friend advised me to give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The first bottle helped, I kept taking it and now I don't know what it is to be sick any more and I am picking up in weight. I am 20 years old and weigh 145 pounds. It will be the greatest pleasure to me if I can have the oppor- tunity to recommend it to any other suffering woman."—Miss IRENE FROELIOHER, 1923 Manhattan St., North Side, Bellevue, Pa. If you would Iike special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. (confidential),Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. y A I N? direct from factory 1 savingdealer's alar' s profit Ready Mixed and House Paint, inside or Fire Resistant—Barn, outside, Flat or Oil Roof, Iron, Priming Finish, Quarts 45c $1,50 @ Gallons $I.25&gallon Why pay regular retail prices for 10 gallons for paint when you can get what you O want at less than wholesale? Our Paints are guaranteed to give satisfaction. MINERAL PAINT COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. Awnings: Stx'aw ,rats - Busy farmers - Early gardening Drop 311 puce of eggs Board of Health wid+, awake Peregrinating umbrella menders, THE 'ENTRANCE EX AWLS The ;High Seholol entrance exams are fixed for June 21, 2e 13, ainn Public School graduation from June 10 to 23 The entrance time table is ins Tolle. lwe ;— lune 21-1.30e.330, composition,; 3 40-9.25, speliirg, June 22-9-11 30, arithmetic '1.20-4, liloral tree. June 23-9-11, English grammar, 1112, writing; 100-330. geography GET ,TIME NEWS IN EARL?i The editor or every `local paper is under obligatikin to alt ;who bring in items of local interest but doubly s'o to 'those who bring them it, early. 'As the time for coingt'r,. press draw+ near, time and space .becomes mire crowded anti greater eondensatio 1, of val- uable contributions becomes reties eery. r MINOR LOCALS The seed catalogues are on their rounds—infallible reminders that the time for gardeuing draws near. Malor Rev, C.W. Gordon (Ralph Conmaie has been transferred from the •post tie senior chaplain to the Canadian forcer at St'h'orntliffe, England, to an infantry brigade at the front as chaplain That some of the fraternal in- surance socieities of Canada are not away from eollalpne, was the frank admission made by counsel to the members of the Legislature Renew your subscription and see that your label reads 1918. Although over 700 lacrosse play- ers .out of the 140 •'svhenheid eertif- leates,,,lastyear enlisted with the various battalions. the Ontario 'ti aleur Lacrosse Aseeciatiesn is fools Ing forward to a vet;y successful Veal', and from reports frben vagi pus points leads Ito the belief that there will be more teams playing this year than in any previous year Lots :of rain now. Send along your personals and news items of any kind. They al- ways .help to imine the paper inlet= eating. It pays to read the advertise- ments in the NewEra, Sugar is at the (highest peak since 1s99. So far this a rio,or maple sugar seas o q. A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Porprospectue sad terms,write the PrInelpel R. Z. Warner, M,A.,D,D.,St.ThomaaO t. 63 MAGIC READ THE NC• BAKING`ABE` Al vM POWDER Keeps Air in Football If you have trouble keeping your football filled with air, here's a thing that might help you. The leakage/ is probably caused by your failure to tie a proper knot in the cord over the outlet valve of the inner rubber ball. 0r`18 there Is an automate valve it may leak and a knotted string over the end would help. Make one 'loop with a cord and then another just like it, as shown In Fig. 1. Pass the end of the cord under the first loop and then pull both ends, The knot will never become Loosened until you loos- en it. The way to make this, knot was held as a prized secret for many years by a famous English football team. BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS In the `print; Most Peollre heed :t Tonic Medicine One 'def the surc-st signs that the blond is out of order is the pimples unsightly erupti,gns aid eczema that colmefrequently with the change fr'alm winter to spring. T'heie prlctve that. the long indoor life of winter has had its effect up- on the .blood, anti that atonic mel •icine isnueded 1-q'put it right. Inci,:ed there are few people who do not need a tonic et this sc4eson Bad lbiotod does not merely sh'o'w itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this same cbntlition is due (at- tat'ks ,of rheumialism and lumbago • the shaiNstialbbing pains of sciatica and neunalgits; pgor appetite and adesire tto,avoid exertion. You can not mere these troubles by the use 11 purgative medicines --yon need. atonic iandatonic only, and am' - long all medicines there is none can equal .Dr. Wiliitams Pink Piisi flgr their teak, life-giving nerve -re steering powers. Every dose 'af Chia medicine makes neve rich red brood which drives out impurities, stimulates everylorg,an and brings a feeling est new healith and en- ergy to,weak, tired, ailing men women, and children. If you ase 'ant of sorts give this medicine a trial ,and see liloiw quickly it will restore the appetite, revive droop- ing spirits, and fill yeeur veins with new .health -giving blind. Yeou can get these Pills from any medicine dealer>'or by mail at 50 cents allover six boxes for $2,50 from TheDr. Williams Medicine, Cry„ Brockville, Ont. i T CLIOTHES eeceems„srax..sum. CiVri'K QTdQ'S. E. ..,y�..,.,.Attare tamirgat null tvanE to look your best on r Sund2v Morrish h n ,o. Men's Outfitters elinton ITALY BATTLES FOR COMMERCIAL FREEDOM Financial Policy of Bismarck and New er Commercial Spy System Made Italy Germany's Economic Slave Germane used to boast only a litre while ago that Hely was 6.9 gocd as conquered, and, indeed, if war itgd not nome to Europe their boast migi•t have soon Been true. It Is a strange story, which may welt begin from the time when Italy joined Germany 1't the Triple Alliance, One ltnmedlate consequence was to estrange the finer, alai relations between Italy and France, The French hankers, netneri at the attitude Of Italy, would oho her no consideration. Oominerolnl and economic embarrassment at once began to threaten in the business cltiee or Northern Italy. Bismarck never lost a chance to stand by a friend 'n distress. If h: could engage two friends iu a strug- gle he would stand by to 10teel the coats. So ,he stood by l,taiy, preesin'; German money upon her in her hour of need, establlehing a German linen - alai system which has combined t3 grow more powerful every ear, German traders swarmed into Italy, backed 'by the Fatherland, financed by the Itato-German banks, helped by the Diplomatic Service there and by the Government Departments in Berlin. Gradually Germans wetted down in the place of each Italian enterprise that was squeezed out of existence. A po- litical footing was gained, the pr: as was stifled, and Getman goods dump- ed into Italy cheaper than the uativa product. Only when war loomed up did the country take stock of all that had been lost in the"drift,ng years of the Alli- ance. The conquest which was eo nearly completed was insidious throughout. Invited by Italy to inter- est herself in -the country, what pure natural than that Germany shoul:l founder her own banking establish- ments to keep in touch with the Ger- man capital floating in the country? Crisps supported the movement, play- ing into Bismarck's hands, and in 1890 a German banking syndicate set to work, Followed four years later by the founding of the Eanca Commerciale Italiana, with German, Austrian, Swiss and Italian subscribers, o Bank's Pressure There can be no question that Bis- marck was alive to the great future which the chance held out to Ger- many. Crisps may web have felt that with the small capital of fivemillion francs ($1,000,090) the Banca Commerciale could scarcely be dan- gerous, but in twenty years the figure bounded up to one hundred and fifty million, and in 1914.the bank oould put its finger upon not less thaw eight hundred million francs. The greater part of this money was the property of Italians, and it is just be cause such a vast amount of Italian money was held in the clutches or Germany that Berlin counted team p having Italy almost as a German ool- ony 9n the near future. Holding the money of Italian traders, the bank ex. orted Its influence In every conceivable direction to gain advantage for itself and Germany. bt is stated that au or- ganized system of a.gencies and auxil- iary branches used to report secret.y upon the attitude of Italian men of business towards the bank. If the re- ports showed a trader to be hostle to- wards any project which it suited the bank to favor he was relentlessly ob- struoted with all the delicate weapon; of torture which an industrial bank has at its disposal until he was con- verted or frozen out. With this gigantic power behind them it is not surprising that the Ger- man shopkeepers and commercial ad- venturers succeeded where Italianm firs went to the wall, Not only d d the Invaders foist their own godos up- on the Italian public, but they succeed. ed in stealing various trades which Italy is fully competent to carry on for herself. .It became impossible to enter any shop in Rome without chanc- ing upon some German name or trade inscripthea upon one or other of the articles for sale; and there were thou- sands of German articles brought to the Italian market labelled to look like goods of native manufacture. Commercial Spying There was a wonderful system em- ployed by the German Government through its agents there by which a supply of information upon Ranee trade concerns was always available. Every aspect of the• commercial pos. stbtlttles or Italy 'was ceret'ully na,od. 1%e commercial spy bureau enabled the German banking system to obtain control In almost every department of Italtaa budges activity. Foundries and mechanical factories, scientific de- vices, jewelry, toys, the motor trade, even the shipping trades were largely absorbed. At Genoa and at Naples Germans controlled the traffic of tha Aieditterranean, The struggle for the !shipping lines made an amazing story of German patience and predatory in- stinet Italy Lias finally awakened to the subtle advance of the German peril. If she can succeed in redeem- ing her etalen markets and her confis- cated Industries at home slie will achieve a triumph not lase important for her destiny than the redemption of her provinces beyond the border. Sky Perlscopes In the cities that are liable to be visited by Zeppelin airships the watch. era on the lookout for railing craft have suffered from stiff necks, and also aye strain from long -continued gazing at the heavens to detect hostileair- Craft, and to meet this difficulty op- ticians have devised a special form of sky periscope, This instnuwent is constructed on the same general prin- ciples as those used by submarines, end the type that has been so widely adopted for use in the trenches on land. The device is a simple arrange-. meat of mirrors that the watcher can hold in his hand, and which enables him to scan the entire vault of the sky while looking down in a conven- ient and natural positon, It has been found so convenient that a much bet. 'tafned. ter and more constant lookout is main, � 4 a'•.Jl +er'46'.eP01e Therrep ritlaryori' entl'laCineAct• AVegetahte resecteientarns-• stmitating IhCFaod ntilINpta+ ego ( ImglheStoniachsund0„iici.;af U MaTiTIT Pronto(es Digest ion C1teerliii Mess anti Restcotltaittsneillrr; Opiunt.Morpitiue nor Miami,. No'r NAIic OTIC. mirgrcetcdikJp 1211lY111? m,05t,;, AdseSeed + , D=leSada+ f 1,,wared- Nrifrrd &Ire. 17nna1re Rohan Aperfaet Remedy fort onstipa lion, SeurSloleactt,lharrhea', 4vorme,Conv u lsion s,Feverish gess and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSimile 'Si ;aarue of etaffsegaanne '111E CENTAUR Orir43Y. MONTRL•AL&Naw YORK CASTORIA Por Infantg,and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In. Use For Over Thirty Years W;r12 Exact Copy of Wrapper. _ M- �w v, N TORK CITY. MENSIERESETOSESSEEMEMEMENEMMEMEM 1 MAW MINOR LOCALS. The Ontario Government 'hens a proposal to males the price Ala marriage licenses $5,0x1 of 'which $3.90 shall go to the Government $50,000 a year could be raised this Way. OHIO WOMAN'S WiSH For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women Bellefontaine, Ohio.—"I wish every tired, weak, nervous woman could have Vinol, for I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for Vinol. I was weak, tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol made me strong, well and vigorous after everything else had failed to help me, and I can now do my housework with pleasure."—Mrs. J. F. LAMBORN. We guaranteevinol, our delicious cod Liver and iron tonic, for all weak, run- down, nervous, debilitated condition. J. E. Iiovey, Druggist Clinton, Ont. 000000sol-00000000000-0000 • e Ito Galt. Arelideat•on Rich'ardsou of London conducted the induction se vice I A large party, numbcring'about eighty, nelghbots and friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gliddon, of Dunlop, gathered at their home on Tuesday evening to tender theta a farewell address prior to their departure to male their home near 'Hamilton Business and Shorthand` Westervelt School Y. M. C. A. Bolding u London, Ontario College in Session Sept. 1st to July. Catalogue Free. ' Eriter any time. -- J: W. Westervelt; Principal ". Huron County News for a fine • 0 00000000000000000000000090 The Menesetung Canoe Club Min- strels of Goderinh donated $241.47 to the local ,branch of the Huron County War Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs, L. E Dancey, of Goderieh, have received wore that their daughter, Miss Alma D'attcey, has arrived safely in England from Cairo, ,Egypt. At a regular meeting held in the Brussel° town hall on 'Friday even ing of last ,week 42 of the Brus- sels soldier boys Were made the re- cipieuts of kindly remembrances in the corm of wrist watches and I shaving Eets. The money wasrais- ed by subscription fromn'On-I tax- payers and is donation by the Council ,Mr, John Willits, of Turnberry did in the : eergus hospital on Wednerlday of just week, after undergoing an opera- tion Be was 64 years of age • Mills and freightsheds Were threatened foe time by fire which broke ont in one of the fish houses at the Godei'ich harbor Wednesday afternoon The fire department responded promptly, thowevver, and ,quenched the flames beforethey got a start in the frame buildings surrounding. The loss is slight, Bev. D. Waiter Collins, formerly of Exeter, was last Tuesday night inducted as rector of the Church'of the Ascension, Windsor,sur:.eeding Rev,, W. B.. Snslgrove, who went Complexion you must do something more than use cosmetics. You must keep the blood pure, the liver and kidneys active and the bowels regular. You must also correct the digestive ills that cause muddy skin and dulleyes. '.J ee ems i the 0th con offeryou the needed help. They are mild in action, but quickly strengthen the stomach, gen- tly stimulate the liver and regi late the bowels. They put the body in good condition so the organs work as nature intend- ed. Backed by sixty years of usefulness, Beecham's Pills are worth a guinea .a box ElixacNaM .ntb Every Flea 51 Special Valle Is ryas., Sold enrratera 1n beech 28 ceab. Eat more Bread and Better Bread Few of us eat enough of the er Staff of . Life." Make your Bread from 1 s read and Better Bread •?•.rl t'taa'ann"AL 720. i;^