HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-04-20, Page 3'Thursday, April, 20th, 1916 CENTRAL add STRATFORD. ONT., You can Secure a Posi- tion it you lake a Course i►ith Us. The demand upon us for;train- ed help is many times the num- ber graduating. 'Students are entering' each week. You may enter at any time. Write at once for our freecatalogue of Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Department D.A.-AlcLaehlan, Principal] More and Better Eggs and Poultry To Help Feed the Eutpire. In order to assist fat mens to produce more NonfertileEggs, and more and better Dressed Poultry of the quality and kindphat our high class market demands, the firm of Gunn, Langlois et Go., limited, Montreal, have arrang ed with reliable breeders of Bred to Lay, Hedy Maturing Barred Plymouth Rock Poultry to distribute in the ion mediate vicinity of these Nene, twelve thousand (12000) hatching eggs during the season of 1916, at a price of market eggs on the following conditions, - Every farmer who finds it to his advantage to secure the henett of the above mentioned hatching eggs must the following rulee and regulations, and lend every possible assistance so that the greatest good to the common ity and to the Industry will follow, 1st -gill or otherwise permanently remove from his present flock of lay ing hens all male birds on 'hie farm, March 10th, 1916 2nd -Market all eggs twice a week and conform with the suggestion made re the care of eggs for market purpose as same may be issued from time to time 3rd -Sell all cockerels that are fit for market as broilers during the early summer• , 4th -Bring a'l enckerels of heavy breeds to the' ft, nes plant at either (Minter) nr Ilolniesville to be eaponized at aline. and under such conditions as the firm may specify. Gellll-Li lois & Co., LlIDileQ Clinton Branch Phone 190 tAike e.aacaauu.aADDADAAat i 4 pidilos Si/. 4 See and here our finest t 1 New Stylish designs of E • Doherty Pianos and C Organs, 1 special values iu Art d • Cases P • • • Pianos and organs rent ► ied. Choice new Edison E e phonographs, Music & C ' variety goods, 4 Music Emporium 4 O. d • - i 1 IllA to 4 11. VVVVVVV.VVVVVr'‘ 4 4 C. Hoare �n+.�+vvonwnknJtrts�nroi.nniv�newv� t, OF ANG 1 Corrogated Steel Shingles' g Felt Roofing and Slate Eavetroughing Tinsmlthing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for_ Prices Estimates cheerfully given 'Repairs Done Promptly Byatri & Suttcr Sanitary Plumber's Phone. 7. ttetAreeeidetaaleeVerVelefeemsafeeteaeardemearv Lfl U. I RUl s's M Faster Excursions Single Fare Good going April 21st and returning same day. Fare and -One third Good going April 20, 21, 22, 28, Return limit April 25th Return tickets will be issued between all stations to Canada east Of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron Micb,; Buffalo, Black leo dk, Niagara Falls and Suspension dries e, N.Y. Further particulars on applied - tion to Grand' Trunk Agents. John Itansford & Son, city passen- ger and Tiekct Agents, phone 64 A.O. Pattison; station agent W. BRYl)Of416 BAi(1t18TEli BOLIOITOLt NOTARY PHSLIC, ETO CLINTON CHARLES O. •HALE Conveyance, -Notary Public, Oommiesioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Iseuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton, H. T. RA N C E Notary Public, Oonveyancer,"i Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In eurance Companies.. Division Court Office. . Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, ICC. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on:Albert Street.' occupied I y Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on evehy Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m., to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with thelofdce. Office open every week clay, Mr.lI3ooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron, MedK.al. DR 41. W. THOMPSON Physician. Surgeon. Etc -?' eneciai attention given to dieensea of the Eye, Ear. 'throat. and Nose, Eyes etully ',canned, and. suitable Wanes prescribed. Office and Residence. Iwo donna west or time Cowtuercial Bete Duren 8t. IDES. (11<1! and I.A 1II1I It Dr. w. Dunn, L. R. C, P.., L. R. C. A.. Pull Dr, .^.unn's office at residence Web Street; Dr. J. 1t, Gaudier. 1I.A. sax, Otaoe-Ontario Street, Clinton. ,tight calls at reeldenoe, 8attenhera St. or at boovital • DR. 1. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. cenuehenr, etc., alike and residence on tenbury etreeh., DR. P. A. iiXON DENTIST Clown and Bridge Work a Specialty, f: Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and P.O,D.B Toronto. Itayneld• on etendays, Day 1st to D DR. il. l'OWLEIC, DENTIST. Officee over O'NEIL'S store, Special care taken to make dental trent meat as peinlent ae pmeaib1e. THOMAS GUNDR Y Live stock and general Auction tee GODERIOH ONT t a, I. Rent Ilea a apOel,.It„ In Cer, et r Nww RnA orrice, Clinton, prom' t,y apt entre to. Terms reasonable, Farmers' sale not, Uncounted! G. D. McTaggart M. D, MoTaggar lileTagmart Brost 'RP111TIC$R5 ALBERT ST , OLINT0h; General 'Rankine; Boehm/me t. aaaacted d0TES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest allowed a deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance fie. Perm anti isolated Town Proi', erty Only Insured. Head Office-Seaforth, Ont • OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President Connolly, onnolly, Goderich, bice -Pres. Thos. E. Flays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas Directors -D. F. McGregor, Sea- forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W, Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood ; M. Mil nen, C,inton; J, B. McLean, Seaforth; J. 'Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris, 'IIarlock.. Agents--l:d. 'Plinc'hley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, 'Holmesville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton: 13. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagee Payments made at Morrish & Co. Clinton, and Cutit's grocery store Goderich an& Sas. (Reids store Bayfield. A Carload of Canada Po 1atH4 Ccmca Phone us for prices ft will pay you John Hutton. LONDCS,BORO Drs. Geo 4 mL E. Whitley Ileifemann Osteopathic Phy. Speci'aliets In Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office--Rattnbury Hotel. Tuesday and friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD (It McLEDD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standaa'd,). We tiled have on hand, Alfalfa, /elflike, and Red Clover. We alwraye have on hand -Goode Wlteyat. Peals, Barley and Feed Corn aighe's+t Market Prices paid for Hay and ail Grains, • PORE Na6s0U In The Spring Soldiers on the Battlefield. "There it no greater patriot -not even the soldier on the battlefield -than the man, who battles with the stubborn soil and makes it yield for the support of the nations." We have in Canada a power of dominion in our resources that will make the power that comes with strategy, brute forge and armament, insignificant. If we know what we have and use it wisely, we will make others 'dependent upon us. The etomach is the center of the body from which radiates our vitality, strenu- osity, our fighting strength. A healthy etomach turns the food we eat into nour- ishment for the blood stream and the nerves. Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery refreshes and tones up the stomach walls. Removes the poieonous gases from the system. The 'first day you start to take this reliable medicine, impure germs and accu- mulations begin' to separate in the blood and are then expelled through the liver, bowels and kidneys. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery to -day from any medicine dealer; it is a powerful blood purifier and tonic. 'Depend upon this grand remedy to give you the kind of blood that makes the skin clear, the mind alert, the vision keener and puts ambition and energy into the entire body. Contains neither alcohol nor nar- cotics. Ile ingredients are made public and printed on wrapper. It's a pure alterative extract made with glycerine from native roots and herbs. Sold by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form, or send 50 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial box of tablets. Send fifty cents (or stamps) to pay for wrapping and mailing a copy of the Common Sense Medical Adviser, in cloth lending, 1008 pages, with color plates. Huron Co. ee•ee•ameeeeneemenene oneg Daniel Melsaac his purchased the undertaking business owned by the late T. Lawson ,at Crediton. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S �ASTa'R1A Rev. A. A, Trumpour, of ♦9t. Thomas' Church, Dover, .has accept ed a call to the Trivett Memorial Church at Exeter, and he will take hie duties there on May 14. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA TORIA The girls of the Bruseel't contin- uation school held a tag day on 'Tuesday. When 1647 woo colieetedby sale of Huron County War Auxili- ary'buttons. The money will go toward the purchase of instruments for the new battalion band, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr. Alexander S. Deavitt who has been bailiff of the Division Court of Exeter for the past 12 years, died at his home on Gilley street, on Saturday morning last after an illness' of several weeks. "13e was 76 years old. labbeedukuihmktaimahohnow Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt. Relief ---Permanent Care CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely veva. able -act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress - cure iadi- geation-improve the complexion-brightea the eyes. Small P111, Small Dore, Small Priem Genius mutt bear Signature Better Pay The Price Don't he tempted to choose cheap jowelery. Far better to"ipay a fair price,and know exactlyewhpt you are getting, Yon will ueyer be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the meet economical. That has been said so:often that everybody by this time should know it -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry iu,", the land Now to get personal -If yon would like to miss that sort altogether - COME HERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Edison Records and Supphes Ws R.'eolu t r Jeweler and Optician: Issuer of Marriage L'iccnlsea TSB CLINTON NEW SRA itCrit num THREE •0000000000.000••OMIR•111000 'heStowaway By LOUIS TRACY ••••••••••••••••••••••••me etives of those who have• lost their lives would pot only be paid all just Maims by the new goverun ent, but adequately rewarded. In your own ease the recompense would be prince. ly; but,'assuining that .We .bnerd a'ves• se1 bound for Europe, what •certainty. ha'e you. that you will ever receive a penny?" "Oh, reely, that's corrin' it a bit thick, mister," growled Coke. "You believe 1 am exaggerating the difficulties of ;your position? Pray con, ' sitter. Your vessel is broken tip. She teas fired on while at anchor onthe wrong side of the island, on the very day selected for tuy escape. You and yoile. men . manage to dodge the bullets, aud,;under my leadership, assisted by Captain San. Bella vides, yon overrun the place by night, kill several soldiers, seize a lau001i, despoil peasants' of their crops and stores and make off with a good deal of property belonging to the Brazilian government, not to meution the presence in your midst of such a significant persouage as myself. Speaking candidly, Senior Captain, what chancehave you Of Convincing env. international court of your inno- cence? Who will believe that you were not u true filibuster?" "Wet exactly is your offer?" "Ample compensation otlieIally. Five thousand pounds to yon lu person." "Five thousand!" Coke cleared a throat husky with doubt. "That 'ud make things pretty easy for the missus au' the girls," he muttered. "An' there's no new ship for me w'en Dickey Bulmer cocks 'is eye at Hozier, It's a moral there'll be a holy row be- tween '101 an' David, D'ye mean it, mister'?" "Even if 1 fait and my life is spared I will pay you the money out of my own private funds," was the vehement reply. "Well, well, leave the job to me." "1 promise on my honor-" De Sylva began. But the nearer surface of the sea flashed into a dazzling distinctness, and Coke dragged him down to the launch, The cruiser had rounded Rat island and was devoting one sweeping glance eastward ere she sought her prey in creek or tortuous chancel. At last after a wearying delay she vanished. hive minutes later Watts and Olsen brought the welcome news that she was returning to the road- stead., It was then half past 2 o'clock, and the sun would rise soon after 5. Now or never the launch must make ber ef- e, W,at- .J OME l "Flue TuonsAN)1 TFIA'T 'un NAME TnINOS smiac'TY NASY." fort. Ready hands tore away her dis- guise, she was tilted by crowding in the poop nearly every man on board, the engines throbbed, and she was afloat. Al daybreak' the thousand foot peak of Fernando Noronha was a dark blur on the western horizon. No sail or smudge of smoke broke the remainder of the far flung circle. The fugitives could breathe freely mice more. They were not pursued. Iris fell asleep when assured that the dreaded warship was not in sight. Ho- zier, too, utterly exhausted by all that he had gone through, slept as if he were dead. Coke took the first watch 1.0 person, He chatted with the men, surprised them by his candor on the question of cotnpeusation and announc- ed bis resolve to make for the 800 mile channel between Fernando Noronha and the mainland. When Bonier awoke to. find the launch beading west he was vastly es- tonished by Coke's program. . Watts let the cat out of the bag later. "Those of us 'oo don't leave Dom Wot's-his-name in the lurch are to get ten years' full pay, extry an' over an' above rot the court allows," he Amid, "Ten years' pay an' a ten years' drunk! It's enough to make a sinner of any man." Hozier laughed. Two days ago he would have asked no better luck than the helping of Dom Corria to regain his presidentship. Now there was Iris to protect. Ho world not be content to leave her In charge of the first grimy collier they encountered, nor was he by any means sure that she would agree to be dins disposed of, Ile was puzzled by the Singular una- ulmity of purpose displayed by his shipmates. But that was their affalr. His was to insure Iris' safety, The future he trust leave to Provklence. And, indeed, Providence contrived. things very differently. By nightfall the launch was a hun- dred miles west of the island. Norrie got eight knots out of her-, but it need- ed no special calculation t0 discover that she would barely make the coast er Brea if she consumed every ounce or coal and wood on board, Were it not for, Hozfer's foresight she would have been drifting with the gulf etreaitn four boars after leaving theris- CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. FORTMEt< KIDNEY* How They Work VICTORIA, B.C. '. For several years I have been troubled with Kidney and Bladder Trouble caused by uric acid and the pains caused by the intermittent stoppage of urine was very severe. For this 1 was taking something or othercontinually with but little or no relief. At last a friend. handed me a sampleackageof your Gin Pills. The contents of this samplegave me relief that I had not experienced in a long time. .Since thea 1 have been taking Gin Pills occasionally and have had no return of my former trouble, - (Name on request). The above letter ` is from a popular and well-known comnt,ercial man in Victoria. Gin Pills are 50c. abox or six boxes for$2.50 at all druggists. Sample scut ''vee if request 27 National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 00008009000000000eesane00• Local News 00•D0000(1100000@I00•• 606 ✓p i:•• EASTER RATES The G, '1. It oifrrs special rates for Easter Single Fare is good, however only for the one day, Friday. April 21. A fare and one third is good going o0 the 20. 21, 22 and 23, rot•ncnieg on the 25th. See advt. on page 4. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. mt die safe, So d lint three do {trees of strength -No. 1, 51: No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per boa, Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE Co., • " TORONTO, 014. (Fertilely Windsor.) WAN TED i GOOD LIVE NEWSY NEWS Have you any news to tell the editor? In case you do not happen to meet .hint use the telephone pe• the nail You will we helping to make your town paper 'of greater interest and thereby sert•e the gen eral community, anwell as have a good feeling 'drhdtpftelness your- self. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears D.�..,� the Sbmature of •C�lt iy,G?� WHO KNOWS? Why Sir Sam Hughes goes out of his way to champion Col. J. Wes- ley Allison'. What is Sir Wilfrid Laurier kick,. ing about on the appointment 'p,f a royal colnmissiorr? .How was it the minister of militia took his trip abrbad at this pantie '.:•lar time? ,Where is Col. J. Wesley Allison is ecc•reting himself. 5N7God,'t3 Phosphodiue The Great %rsglisheilictncd,. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes now Blood in old Veins, Oteres Ncruous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- dcnc8, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of eke Heart, Tailing 117cntoryl. Price 51 per box, six for Map One will please, six will ouro,ty SoldbY all druggists or retailed in plain cis-. on receipt of pries, Nrrisnomphyrt mailed enc. THE 1510011 Mepic ttea CO..TORONTO. ONT. (Formede Wisdom) _ePlIIL ROD a.ND GUN Fishing is given first place in the •lpril issue of 11od avid Gun the majn'ity of the stories it ,this early spring number dealing with a ;•nl,jert which at this time of year ma%es a special an'peal, to the out- of-door man, Besides the sto-'ietO in which fishing leers a prominent part, and other tioriee in which fishing does not occur, the depart - moot edited by Robert Page Lin - notes," contains much that is ,of practi.'al value to the t.'tngl'er, among the articles beim one on "The Trail of the Angling Canoe- ist,'• Guns and Ammunition, edit- ed by A . B, Cleiirie, is replete with information for the gun crack or enthusiast. "The Trap" contains the largest records of trapeshoot- ing events and seine reminiscences of a well -knows Toronto eholo'ter, •'J'ahnny Townson," while under the heading of the Kennel there is much to interest dog lovers, the Airedale being the subject under discussion this month Rod apo Gun is published at Woodstock by W. J. Taylor Limited., SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson IV.- Second Quarter, April 23, 1916. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, I Cor. xv, 1.28. Memory Verses, 3, 4 -Golden Text, I Cor. xv, 20 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. It IS a great privilege to bave before us so constantly in the: lessons of this yeai the great fact of a risen living Christ, so that we may be said to bave many Easter lessons instead of, as in other years, only one in the year. The Iesson chapter for today is pre-emi• neatly the resurrection chapter, lead- ing its On 60 the r•apnrrection nit tun SCHOOL TEACHER' Wards off Nervous Break Down Alburtis, Pa. -"I am a teacher in the public schools"and I got into a.very ner- vous run-down condition. I could not sleep and hadnoappetite. I was tired all the time. My sister asked me to try Vinol. I did so, and within a week my ap- petite improved and I could sleep all night and now I feel well and strong." - Rosa M. DELI ER, Alburtis, Pa. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all weakened run-down conditions and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis, J. E. Hovey, Druggist Clinton, Ont, dr iteuils Head uttu .e tral;slatiea of: "RUITion. ��A•the righteous who shall the,, be alive and eueout'aging the Saints to constant SI' victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. and to be steadfast, Immovable, al- ways aboendleg iu the work of the 1 _ Lord (verses 50.53). Let us notice first what the messen= 1 ger says of himself. Although he has been forgiven, he cannot forgetttat p Baling`'owers of Fruit Preyed. he was once a persecutor of the church ofGod. but he always mngn1- U . i Frnit -G -tiU S ! Gee the grace of God which saved such O sinner, and beearls himself theleast of 'the apostles: Later he says that be is less than the least' of all saints, and still later he calls, himself the chief' of sinners (Verses 9, 10;• Eph, 8; I Tim. 1, 16). Titat is true growth lu, grace, for as we learn to know our ,Lord better we cannot but sink lower in our own estimation. Tile whole world is guilty before God, anil "sin- ner" is the only fit name for every one; without exception, But He came to 'save sinners, and only by Itis merits can any one be saved, so that it is never a question of what we are or what we can do, but only Wbo is He and what can He do? As to the message, the gospel by which we are saved, it is that. Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day and was seen alive many times by His disciples and, last oe all, by the writer of this epistle, who saw Hind after He had ascended to heaven (verses 7.9), Paul did not think out these things, he received them and delivered them as he'reeeiv- ed them (verse 3). No minister of the gospel Is expected to think out his own thoughts and put them into the form of a sermon or essay and give them to the people as bread from heaven- But the true messenger of God must re- ceive the message from God and deliv- er it as such, not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstra- tion of the Spirit end of power (I Cor. ii, 4). The prophets were to speak only what God told them, and even our Lord Jesus was told by His Fa- ther what to say (.ler, 1, 7-9; Ezek. 7; iii, 4; Deut. xviil, 18; John sit, 49, 50). The messenger who speaks merely out of his own heart his otvu message is not a true messenger (Ter. xxiil, 16, 26). As well might Israel think to manufacture their own manna as for a preacher to get up or think out his own discourse. Then notice how Paul repeats the words, "According to the Scriptures" (verses 3, 4), and remember how the risen Christ opened and ex- pounded the Scriptures by Moses and the prophets and also the Psalms (Luke xxiv, 27, 32, 44; Acts i, 3). There are foto great truths which we cannot magnify enough -the super• natural birth of Christ by the Holy Spirit, His bearing our Sins on the cross as our substitute, His resurrec- tion from the dead and ]xis coming again to set up His kingdom of right- eousness anti peace on this earth. Apart from His resurrection from the dead there is no forgiveness, ue sal- vation, no glorious future for tiny One, but that great event secures all and enables es to sec ourselves as risen with Christ and seated with Him. In the beavenlies, He our life, our affec- tions there and we waiting with Him for the completion of His body, the church (verses 14-20; Eph. it, 4-0; Col. 111, 1-4). ' Believer's now being gathered from all ualions to form His body must have their resurrection bodies in order to be fit companions for Him when He shall come to reign. Christ the first fruits rose from the dead three The simple juices of apples, oranges, , figs and prunes, when transformed into 'Fruit -a -Lives' will relieve diseases of the Stomach, Liver; Kidneys and Skin. The truth of this statomontltas been proved in thousands of cases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, 1 Neuralgia and Chronic Headaches. The enormous sales of'Frttit-a-Lives,' are the best proofs of tate value of this fruit medicine. i 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Frult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, days abet• his er•uelnx,ou ant1 rorty days later ascended visibly to heaven, where He waits for His completed body, which the Holy Spirit is gather- ing. At His coming all the bodies of His redeemed shall be raised and the p living believers changed, and all to- gether meet Him in the air for the judgment seat of Christ sad the mar- riage of the Lamb. Then He shall re- turn eturn with His saints to judge the liv- ing nations and to begin His reign, for He must reign till He shall have sub- dued all things unto Himself and eon - (leered the last enemy -death (verses 23-26). The "afterward" of verse 23 covers all the present age between the resin,. rection of Christ and that of His re- deemed. The "then" of verse 24 coy. ers allt�the millennial age when He, with His saints, shall be reigning and subduing all things unto Himself (verse 25; Rev. v, 9, 10; xx, 4). He will not begin Elis reign till we coma back with Him in His glory. Then shall be fulfilled Ise. xxxii, 1, 17. All the discipline and the training of be- lievers now is to fit us to reign with Him In His kingdom The last clause of verse 28, "That God may be all in all,' is the highest peak in Scripture. The Best iledirine For the Baby The best medicine Poi the baby is the love ;that never fails ' to cure land which a,t the same time the mother may give with perfect ,as- surance that it is absolutely s Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tab lets. They are the only medicine absolutely guaranteed entirely free from injurious drugs and what is more they never fail to free the baby froutthose minor ills of babyhood and childhood. Once a mother has used them she would use n'o other medicine. They reg- ulate the stomach and 'bowels; drive out constipation expel worms„and make teething easy. They are sold by all medicine den ers roe' by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine, Co.. Brockville, Ont. Farm ,hands, as spring approach es are flocking to the city for jobs It would appear that inthe long run, cows, chickens, sunsets, green fields and purling brooks are out- classed in attractions by movies, trolley cars, paved streets, cabarets and hig league baseball Patriotic SOS and music by the world's great bands are reproduced for o ytt with a brilliant vividness and richness of tone that you will find nowhere but in Columbia Records, You are cordially in- vited to hear the following re- cords, free, at any dealer in COLUMBIA R[p�'�q'+ Double -Disc •ipg���t'p1 Ejr- l e D4.J Herbert Stuart-R2300-S5c. "We'll Never Let the 0111 Flag Fall" "Good buck to the Boys of the Allies" Scots Guards -P. 31-87c. The Entente Cordial March (Douglas) Namur March (Richards) Latimer and Howo-P. 19 -Baritone -BSc. The Veteran's Song The Old Brigade Scots Guards -P. 14-85c. British Grenadiers; Cock o' the North ; Wearin' o' the Green ; God Blass the Prince of Wales; Rule Britannia; Garry Owen; Men of Harlech; Dear Little Shamrock; Blue hells of Scotland; Iced, White and Blue; God Save the Ring. , Prince's Orchestra, ERery Band, St. Hilda Colliery Bend, Municipal Band of ?'Mian, etc.• and thousands of splendid se- lections. Hear them at any Columbia dealer's, Cot complete record list from him or write us for it. Graphophone Company Canadian Factory & Headquarters Toronto, Ont. 15 BALL & A TKI NSON CLINTON