HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-04-20, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50, No. 43 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 20 1916 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers The thist is Your Horne Battalion. What will YOU do for it? =VVWVVWVVVWWVWWvvvvV AMM star Brand Formailenode insures your grain from Rust. We guarantee Star Brand Formaldehyde to be the hest Formaldehyde you can use. It will save you many bushels of grain, aad assures you of having clean grain and straw for'voar stock, also a,c:ean threshing, 50c per pint tootle. Buy the Best and be Sure Of Results Best Quality Drag Store 3 The Rexall Store W. 54• E I O LM3338 Phm,B, vvvvvvrvvvvvWWVVWVWvvvvvvWVVVWVWVWVVWvi vvvv WVVWW0WvvvvVVvvvVVSO vvy.AMAMAAAAAA AAA AAAAAAANA AA 1 1 Pte Royal BarIc OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 lapital paid pp 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,0(10 Total Assets .. 185,000,000 3S3 1rt. A.iC gid With World-wide Connet,ioii Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking liusilless Transacted, R. E. MANNING, Manor, Clinton Branch t weovvvvwvv vvvvvvvvvvvvwv vvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvwvvvvvvvey i THE MQLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855 VAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,81u,000 90 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS ,Savings Bank Department Interest. A11eaaee1 al )!Belfast Cukritltt Rate C.E. Dou'dillir, 111611:11,k'a'r fs'li11 0 1 4troof h 6' B1444404O•• 000000000000 0 4. • O O e O o. • • s 4 • m The eve's , increasing demand for Suits at this popular price has • • prompted us io offer • • special values, and we • • point with pride to our • Fifteen Dollar Suits • • • 'and say • Match Them if Von •2 0 • 0080400600000•909000.0.000 Ordered Clothing I Ready -to -Wear Elo thing $1 • • • e •v •• • • • • can 1 MOSERINION OM= Two and 3 button models in worsted, tweeds, etc. 1 he tailoring. cut, and every detail of suit making is the best that good work- meii could do. itunsusiemsommeni We have a pleasing surprise in store for the man that don't know about the goodness of e our 4 0 a • m 4 • O A s O a • 6' • m • • • •••a•®a aw••w•s•w•••s•s•lvr w•lAoos••a.,••w•••a•••au4,04.6•W4A .xnwarm.trspla.mfensaxMmeax.eeers,emw Fifteen Dollar Suits anaairret CEVel The Morrish Clothing (9. Agent for C. P. R. Telegraph Co. A Square Deal for Every :flan } 4 4. o. 4. k + • 4. 0 •• • 1 e Try The ,New Era, for Job Work in 1 On the `inconstant' Another ° Letter From "Ted"; Rigsby. February, 19t1i, 1.916 Dear Dad -Just a few lines, to let you lrnow that Mies well. r1,s I have said, thing* ,are:fa;:t ap- proaching esi climax over here, ana we never know what an hour may bring forth I won't get to the trenches naw until ;the last of nest ¢month. Through tinforrreen events inter venting I am slated for G dist, and hope '.o'te there whey, thinge. are red hot. lee ,i glorious pros pe':t, ,and 1 em simply delighted extraordinary igored fortune. ' 1 would have bees disappointed if it had not been for the personalint e von'. r iron no,f,our Capt. Tlieisigel•, who used his gourd Offices to pro- cure formsea'number ton a, later contingent., I e,hall nIways rem- ember him with the kindliest feel- ings. It hasbeen snowing rallday but not freezing. The hills all arotrntl ustare white most of the time. The seve>e weather inJan- uary was the worst I have exper- ienced. As i have said before, the mines areas great a danger atter a storm he the submarines are in fair weath ,'r. The Arethusa got hers .at last We once were attacher to her for a day, and the next day attached the submarine fleet -Eat, and the third day sent too--, where we now remain. We have been all around hut -remain in the light cruiser squadron. No one could be induced tinge to a big ship after being, in a light 'one such as we are There are leg, the many restriction had a larger ship. nor the continu- ums running of a destroyer. I can assure you however, we don't grow fast TO the bottom, as some of the 'interned" ships are supe ()red to dc. By "interned,' ships -we mean those whose armament is only Dor long range firing, aria which haven't the speed tse stay with the later, faster ships when. at sea. These seldyean get a shift at all. They must have a miserable, exist- ence, xist- ence, • March 8 Just a few lines, as it is ever Wo late. There's ntottelling when this thing will. er,d in a great smash, Mbet any Lime something is going tolstart, \Ve tam superbly confi- dent and will win, of course, It may dost a lot to win, however. The weather isabcminatble at present eels of snow( and rain. March is a h'alrt'ible month over here War is the only topic now. :For iEnglauct :war is 'gnly ,commencing. War is Rina a pleasant thing, though we have had the more, ipleteant part'of a rot of it. The boys in the .trenehes have had it very i-eeigh. Our leave is still corning, and I ,think catmint be very far away, A few days emeriti help us greatly foget on to our feet again I vainest go to Devon until after the war, I will if I live, It is a beautiful place and well wtoeth seeing, aside frlona its interest to lour family. 3LIy eyes begin to dr'o'op, so I will "clew up." With feev,: • TED H.M.S. Int oiistant M1NOR LOCALS Read the ads. Hot .Cross buns tomorrow' Thunder was oe the program on Wednesday. There are not apt to be dead stocks where there is live after using, Jelly Powder Specially for Easter McLaren's Jelly Powder — a frill assortment— Raspberry Strawberry Orange Pineapple Lemon Chocolate Port Etc. , 3 packages for 25c Try the new flavor, Grape Fruit for Easter Seedisplay in our south Window The Store of Quality W . T. O'NEIL THE J:U e GROCER Phone 48 lots?®®69+ opoeptoos0••••:0®••••O A Tribute 10Dur a cored Bead. • r sessese ••H Row bright are the honors • • which await those who with . • O sacred' fortitude and patrio • •' tic fervor have induced all • • things 'that they night save 0 • their ,native land from the • • ruthless, power of a retia • • less enemy,, The honored • • dead! They that die for a • • good cause .are rede;emet:l, • • from deaths Their names • • are igatli'ererl and garnered., • • Their memory is precious: • • Each .place grows proud fon • s Them who wore born the, e, • There will 'be ere Long.. in • O every village and 10 every, • • neighborhood, a glowing, • • pride in its martyred dead., • • Tablets shall preserve their, • • names. Pierre ,lova shall re- • O new their inscriptions t as • O time and the unfeeling ale-! • O ments efface then,; and the\ 0 • national festivals shall .give, • E8 multitudes of, precious • 0 names ro the orator's lips, 0 • Children shall grow up un-, • • der more sacred iespiraa • • tions, 'whose elder brothers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • 01 • • s 69 4. dying nobly for their coun- try left a name that honor- ed end inspired ail who bore, 1t',: Orphan ,children shall find thousands of fathers and mothers to love and help those whom dying her- oes left as a legacy to the.. gratitude of the public. Olt, tell me kot they aro dead—that glorious host --, that airy army of invisiole heroes, They hover as a cloud of witnesses above this nation, Are they dead that yet speak louder ,than we can speak, and a mora universal language'? Are. they dead tint yet act? Aro they dead that yet move upon society, and inspire the people with nobler rias Hype, eel mete heroic pat-. riotismee Ye that mourn, let glad- ness telugle with your team, It •was your son, but now, o he is the nation's Ile made O your ltousrhold bright ;1 ® Now his example inspires a. O thousand ,households. Dear, e e to his !mothers a:id sisters O he is now Leother to every, • • generous youth in the land. • • Before ,he was narrowed„ e • appropriated, abut up to 0 • you; now he is augmented, 0 O set free, and given to all, 0 • Before he was yours; he is 0 • ours; He ,died from • the p • family that he might live, • • to the nation, Not one man • • shall be forgotten or nes, • • {elected. • Neither are they leas hon- • • ored who shall .bears tiara • • ugh life the marks of wounds 0 • and sufferings. Neither • • epaulet nor badge is so Joon- 0 • orable as wounds received • • in a just cansea Many a • • man shall envy him who • • henceforth limps, Crowds • • shall. give way to him and • • uncover in the presence ofi • • lee'bleeess and helplessness.. • • Buoyant children shall pauses • in their games and with • O loving reverence honor those • • whose Bands can work no • • more and whose feet are no • •' longer able to march Inc- • • cept, upon that journey • • that brings good • • Melt to honor and.immor- • • tality. Oh, mother of lose • • children! ,Sit not in dark -s • • Hess nor sorrow for those • • whom. a nation honors, The • • nation lives 'because you • • gave it then that loved it • • better than they did their •: • own lives. Aand when a few • • more days etiali have clean,. • • ed the perils from around • •, the nation's brow, and she • • shall sit tiusullied gar-, • • meets of liberty, with lire- • • ,ice upon her fo,ehead, • • love and humanity in her • • eyes, ,and truth opon her • • hips,—she shall not Forget • • those whose 'blood stirred • • the vital cuerents of :the • A cowl • •, Evory.mountain •andhill • • shall have its treasured • • name, every river shall • eve ▪ keep some solemn title, e- f • esy •valley and every ialte • • shall enerisJi its honored • • register; and till the mote- • • tains are worn out and the • • rivers forget to flew, and • • till the clouds , are weary of 0 0; replenishing syringe— sha11 • • their name=be kept fresh • • with reverent 1i0noes which 1• are n ' t scribedu i of the r e book 1 of national :emembtanee. • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • m • 41 0 e m O • • 0 • • . • • CDb r&O(SCK. • S00SOSS0OOl1••®•••1169 ,0® ••• • beet. tgharlit Kerr lojureu in Big fight Son of a Former Methidist Church Pastor Named in Casualty List 'In the list of easualties pulbhish- ed'Monday is the name of Lieut, Cearles Itierr of Wellana:' This young ,man is a son .of Rev, and Mrs, W, E Kerr of Vancouver , hdr. Kerr was paster of the Ontario Street ,Methodist; Church here, some years ago. Lieut, Kerr was with the 44th Regiment and then ;Mined the 38th, with Capt. Mc- Cormick. He was in another part Or the service for some time and then rejoined the Battalion in !✓1 gland last year. He week to front aboutthree months ago, Friends here here that he may anon be able t,-, retell) to his duties. The young soldier is a cousin of the e-iitor of The New Era. •e s see see•• sere sasses •ee 0 c9 The Huron GattiI •' utrp9C4.00 3®•0®x4.4.00®®0••®04.4, NleW SOLDIERS TIIIS WEEK BRUSSELS. W J' Grant W.RONE'nER, R M Smith CLINTON. R "Tasker GOTERIC13. R B Young W F Berry EXETER. L 16 ,Johne J J Woods SEAFORTH J A Troyer Obituary MRS CIIIDLEY, By the death of Mrs, Mary Chid - ley which oeeurred on Tuesday of this week, this town and commun- ity suffered a very real loss We are led to romade as one of our old residents folilows aoothe:' to the Beyond that his ,place Or leers will not readily 'be filled ; it ie pre- eminently true to the ;aye of the late hhlrs. Chidley, who held a place in Clinton and the hnnrts of its' People entirely her own and of her own making. 'Hers was a strong personality and it was enriched by the possession of many excellent c!ualithen, the greatest perhaps her large hearted thoughtfulness for others, The ,late Mrs. Chidley, :nee Mat y ,ili'leming, was 'born seventy years ago at the Fans, near Ca•mp- bellt:own in Argyle, Scotland. 36 years age she came to ':linton as the wife of Joseph Chidley, who died it! 1694. Her son and three daughters survive her, George of Indian Head, Sask.,'Miss Agnes of the ,Department of Educ,rtion, To- ronto, R'Irs, Clara Constantine of Teoswater, and Miss Elizabeth at home, The funeral will be hely from pier late residence, Isaac street, on 23rd instant, Bender Given 4 Months First Jail Sentence for C, T. A. Violation, William Bender of Zurich was on /Friday last, found guilty of bringing liquor illegally into the C.T.A. County of Huron, and was sentenced jby " Police 'Magistrate Andrews to four months in the county jail ,as a penalty 6or violating ,the tact for the third time The clisege upon which he was found ;guihty was set tetbe tried on (February 8, but was adjourned 1:o the 15th and since that time it has been radjourned from week to week until (Friday, which was ;the tenth ,adjournment, • %he evidence of the three clerks of Seiandeett - 134'os., wholesale 11- quor dealers of London, was taken land the sale of $125 of liquor to. Bender was proven rand Left no doubt in the mind of the magistrate that Bender was 'guilty. • The case had created al grcat deal of interest in the country, and is the fitret time an offender has heeh committed to jail on an offence against the C.T,A, Crown Attorney .Seeger, of Gale- rich, hes ,acted throughout the case for Inspector Torrance, of South ;Huron. Capt. C. E. Dowding Seriously 111: Mrs, Dowding received a'cable- gram on Saturday night, that her SOD, .Capt, C. E. Dowding, paymas- ter of the 33rd Batt!, and former- ly'14lanager of the Molson's Bank here, was seriously AS in the Old Pte. N'ornian V. Country ,with sinew/Ionia. The Capt. only arrived ie Hog-' land a few weeks ago, His many friends in town will hope that a train for the better will take pljace right away. Levy Wounded The seconc casualty among Clin- ton men 10 Preece is reported in the official lists Pte. Norman 1 Levy, joined the 33rd :Battle and was .one of the men selected to go last summer 111 a draft. He got , into the trenches last September and ,has been fighting allthe time. Word was received here on ,liriaay of his being wounded slightly in the legs and was at No, 3 General Hospital at Boulogne. His parents reside in town, "Pick's,' old friends will hope no serious trop- ble will result from the wound. Military Oayat Wngha • • Wingham, April 18,—With excel- lent weather, and the co-operation of almost every citizen of. the town which observed a hal£-holiday, a military demonstration. here today by several hundred men of the 161st Battalion was en event which will ,long be remembered. Wing - ham gave an enthusiastic welcome to the soldiers and treated them royally all dely, An immense crowd of visitors from the sur- rounding country witnesses the demonstration, On the noon trains from Clinton and Palmerston, a couple of lum- dred members of the battalion ar- rived and these formed part, of a parade to the armories. where a dinner was served. The parade was composed of the town fathers, Tuesday leading ,officers of the war auxil- iary, prominent citizens; the bat- talion !band from Clinton, detach- 'runts from Blyth, Brussels ana Wingham, and the ,bugle band of Goderieh, The Wroxeter detach- ment arrived via C.P.R, early • in the afternoon. Anotherparade took Once to the park at 2 &cloclt and an exhibition of company drill and physical drill,, directed by Col, Combe and . his adjutant, Capt. Vanstone, was given there. The town all aay was gayly decorated with flags and .bunting. Alt .the Sol(iiers met the evening train, on which Col. Hamilton ar- rived, He addressed a rousing re - muffing ,meeting to -night in the opera }louse, EASTER SERVICES. WESLEY CHURCH, MORNING Organ Prelude Doxology The CongrtrgaLion Invocation Hytrin 172 The (ougeogation Prayer Anthem "Hail; Thur Glorious Moon" Adams Responsive Reading, Psalm 16, Mat. 28, 1..15, Hymn 174 ',Clic Coegregat ion Offertory Sermon, text 311,61, 28,0 Rev, -W. L.- Rutledge Invocation Anthem "Our Mighty Lord is Risen" Bailey Hymn 175 The, Congregation Benediction Organ Pesti tide EVENING Organ Prelude Doxology The Congregation Invocation Hymn 171 The congregation Prayer. Anthem "calvary" P. Rodney Lesson, Mark 10.3-15 Duett "Drifting Away From God" Simpkins l?tes, Johnson and McKinley, Hymn 174 The Congregation Sixietto "Rock of Ages" Bowles !Iles. East, Mises Cautelon, Turner, Ctandel, and Messrs, Moffat and Eget, Offertory Serntos,, text 1 Cor. 15.1.8 Rev, W. L. Rutledge, ,.D D Invocation An thein ''O Death, Where is Thy Sting" Turner Hymn 108 The Congregation National -en them Benediction Organ Postiude ST, PAUL'S CHURCH. MATINS Processional Hymn, Welcome, .ELappv Morning 171 Laster Anthem Ohrist our Passover Chant 2 Choral Communion J, II. Maunder Easter Hymn J, EL Maunder the Rector Kyrie Gloria Tibi kfymn Sermon Offertory Anthem, Why Seek ye the Living Among the Dead Hymn Baster Chant 102 Sursum Corda J. II. Maunder Sanctus.. J. 13. Maunder Benedictus qui venni J. H. Maunder Agnus Dei J. II, Maunder Communion .Hymns 233, 261 Gloria in Exeelsis J, H. Maunder Nunn Dimttis EVENSONG Processional Hymn St, George 164 Proper Psalms DSIII. DSIV, CXVIIE, Chants 174, 85, 178 First Lesson. Exod, 12 20 Magniflcat in G J, H: Maunder Second Lesson, John 10,11 to 10 Nene Dimft:tis in G J, .H. Maunder Special Collects Hymn Victory 100 Prayers Resurrexit 170 the Rector Awake Thou Thnt Sleepest St, Clement 27 Hynmti Sermon Offertory Antheln Hymn Hymn Hymn Anthem Duet and Chorus ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. MORNING Where High the Heavenly Temple Stands Our Lord is Risen Awake Thou Ghat Steepest He Awakes EVENING Thou Whos,r Almighty Word Christ the le.tel is Risen To day All Hail the Poser of Jesus Name As it Began to Dawn The Resurrection Shelley Miss Elva VS iltse The Magdalene The Lord is Risen Sullivan Miss Mayfrid Allis Hynni Hymn Churns An thein Solo Quartette Solo