HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-04-13, Page 4PAGE FOTAL
Thursday, .Anvil 6th, 1916,
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. ,OLT .TON ;
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Co i1S COlt13
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�I V�'rY„Gv Yr �y
.� YrvnvN.tyn►»► V
�� T �>;►, axs•tpe.tUree
\ r + "I X
+Encu we,ge a�proa4pmg ■
cepa, sibs to ■
{ JJ
Tm ietw went the houslkhave , ;: ,:'
y Ile waehun and wowlif��l�
sten, being ) ,
(if/RES •
+ R BH 8,- MALE.
Conneyauoe, Notary Public,"
For the con that run into con-
• L 1
fie .cruet
but while hwg was
prepared for U3m' he fell into a trance. 1 suffered with an abscess on mT'
$e saw heaven opened and, Something PobG b[cNlChg a +. COx, of
p 1„O t. I,triad,every-
• • e a Post-
You can Secure
loin 1t YOu. take a
C!J he de with ,Us.
demand upon for,tratn
Commissioner, ate,
• Issuerof,MarriageLicenses,
Hilton li., clmton. .
wink on- a remedy is needed that rich!'
work on the blood, make it pure, rich^
and wh olesome build upthe wasting.
' B
tissues�and,put thebody;into condition
Por a slit uCi( this dread disease:,
. _
Dr. Pierce G.oldes Medical Newt- wt
Cotce. "I ye want t0 let every batty
so ur on the .1' land kno v where "cul
J s } y
a , w • ii -'t ' o t ,
We're rn. fir 1 f r the creek. ,�V111,
P like
;^'^' �`!CR'•`“--"'2,-', :
-.: - .17
,.;Terra r4en
4a.,, ; Je )
.ra eseev+vev,:>y��
a great sheet let _down to the ting and medical treat-
eartl','fillrof"all'Ynanner of creatures; " dt ler' _eoaie'time, • but In tarn.
and he was told to "Rise, lull anti int.". >3 inaliy tie doctoradvised an op°ra
�tYh erlornged,butia-
When he objected on the ground, that stg, ,,iR ., . frTi.ile - , •
he had never eaten anythang .unclean, GOkd of impro 1D the sole ;becaIit
t . h.
s ' orae. A had red aS ever fad-
The us
ed,help is many times . the num•
bar graduating. 3tudPnta) ore
entering each week. You may
enter at any time. Write at once
for O.nr' free eataot1i of -
Commerciale Sharthaud, or
Telegraphye artment
c' p
Notary ' li RAN o, E
. Notary.Publie, Conveyancer,':
Financial and Real Estate
1NSURANCr,AGENT—Rmresenti9814Fire . la
durance Odiul?an;es:.
Division,'Court Office.
erY fights !m the right way:` Tis first'
action andill to put the stomach, bowels,
liver kidneys M good working order;
that makes digea\on good and aeeimila-
lien wick and thoro• it makes sound-
healthy flesh. That'e'half the battle. '
- u
Catharines, Ont.—"I forever a
that pluuae you? • Now. Mr. Norrle, let
her '11)1!„
The head of the launch swung; to-
ward the protecting allndows. Hozier
seized the precious respite, Ilea oke
p 1 p
loudlybogaoh that all should hear,
and he begun with a rebuke.
' o
lees e>;rownt °v 'Pe
Raeluel` 0 ;4114S
the voice Said, "What God hath °leans
ed that call not thou common.” This
Wes;,relfeated., three itimes; ,and while
ec vas wludeting what }t could
ID,,' lit the three men' mood before ,the '
gate inquirin);°for biro,' The Spirit to'd
him to go with them, for He bad sent
Eng a cure, w •hen a friend reeo-
mended Zam^Pall. ,I tried it,with
the result that Isidore loK the poi -
eon wee; drawn out and the sere he -
gra to heal,. Perseverance &teete -
a complete .inn, and new tint oven
r a scar -remain"
is fer
D.A. yICLa chl:in Principals]
Plano Tuning
great debt of gratitude to an army offieer
a particular
"I am sorry that thane of us who are
left should U the drseraceo the fihe,reer
s � n, r h•i,
” :eases
in,,, so;
them. So, when the men had made
hint .
to him the cense wherefore
. ,
(key had come, he called” them in and
TamSnk equally geed
.yerema;; bleltatpoisoning, ,ul!"k".•
bails, lice, burns: cols, aiad''alt
P •
(Wend of mise for
ora sot ,ul) b Ilii 9 tdromeda
;` .y 1
s brew
h"iid. !four
c. .,.:, A_ w'r
tIdged themeand on the morrow went
skin:fajiir""les. All drnggiets. 6sr.
nd Reiter eggs
ltilore a e Vit,
Hel Feed the,)Fingdre.
p Fe d th n
To p
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
the' ublic th t 'ho is re-'
form p a , P
paced t0., d,0 ,fine .,paa,n0: tuning,
tone regg"platingg, and repairing.
Orders left 'at W. Doherty's phone
prompt attention.
; :
h l' "
I' �•
Vt, ., ' ,
�, �' �L ',
, �5 a4,01\\`
f II'li,v'`
meommea Da:.
Piefeets .,•m
- , ,. • Pr• -
j 4, P,eroe,for drptq�er-
1 50 a •deang•
such wonderful
since; tee. ship.. Cru, l
aae.'ssmi ta's•. Is, ' .- Lel .i'
; ., at I
Hardly :believe -'St Peter
ti)lil thttin `t) at' we Woe
open li ' ''' 1 "
of ' mutiny. t am
4' i'''; wu -14'
t •
id ase f ll he
on tfi -verge
: i f
Rah• : ,.i
,s, :Chi Pita are deknowledged to, have the .
in• et sate ,of•.any.•prd-rieWry'median e in
Cattalo—an achievement sbrety'due to their
remarkable virtue .hs .a Kidney Wad Hladder
remedy,. t•,1
sutusersof Gin Pills have disco.eredthat
mid rimed -arm acts tis a mita
• . •, .,, box, 3 ter $L25, er from Zam^1lnk
away with them, taking also some of
t o brethren from Joppa. The next Co Toronto;
day they reached,the 'home of Corne-
flus and found .that he bad gathered
manyto hear 'the message:
In order to assist
61, will receive
a mix- ' ss-;, I lav -
you. Let n7 have more
cv letters
Thee es acaof h otbdSv
In reply to as. why
and orodn d
s and more and
more NoII•fertile LRg ,
Dressed fur of the quality
G Cameron, i�•C.
"' ^ 'been a ss-
�� /r � . er,for twelve years
es e. muse ,siprt
0f Chiu.. '''-" or - "--- the moat pu1J
together." ' .po,
laws. ry
'fact that ;n con funding aateddiioiue tlo heal
'dad�4me up the Kidtieya add nlndder certain
he had been sent for Cornelius rehearse
sent tor
story then
and kind that our. high class market
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
="'7 . ; ^— .- f tth'hrpncL tis
tmr w
"Bully for you!" said the man who
et the $tgrth trnr organs, especiallythe effect
other og , pp y
ad the and said, There-
[ore are we all here presentbefore God
& Co.,ds, the firm of Gunn, Langlois
& Co., limited, Montreal, have arrang
with reliable breeders of Bred toThured+iy,
MaturiII Bnrrte *PI 11 uottth
oultr to dretribute in the im
P y
vicinity of these hens, twelveconnection
(1300()) hutehmf eggs duringever
the season of 1910, at a price of market
eggs on the following conditions,—
Ot1t°e on,Albert Street, -occupied by
Mr. Hooper. ' In 'Clinton on every
and re env day for which
h re
appointments are made, Cffice ou
from 9 a,m, to 0 p. m. A good vault in
witb tlteloffieo. Uffice open
any everyweek da' Mr,lHooper will makeafraid
sfor Mr. Uameron,
-''• '. ,`1°: �}�., w e °sem
mIndia. I have bion rid and fro nearly
mg tosleep o mthe world and;from have
o glee out in all'kinds of weather t$e
g p
bronchitis became chronic and I wasresidy.'
of consumption at ,unts3. The
doctors gave me no hope but that it would
eventually mean consumption, I was so
had`sug.ested tree climbing as an ex-
Strut ap ryas the p•rattrful an-
saver. "You've made plenty of row a]-
I only hope you have riot at-
tracted 'attention
the i s f a II d,
.— w'1r You may not
Ttisimportmibtoknow,in,theca a otcon-
attpated patients,.that, cin P,
harsuly on the bowetsi there is no gri mg,thea
but a gru<Trp,and' gentle rcoee itiii e. iliaonly
function ryGie Pe`s for constipa n. I
thus rcL'co ag the bowels, you safeguard your-
eMf against possible Kidney trouble•
Gin Pilliare60c, a box, ors boxes fort2.�p
etyourdralers. Atrial treatment wits cJesusoPNazareth,inHaslifeanda
seat upon request, to tg
to hear all things that are commanded 1' FL :01 r,, r
UR R Cl.fPTS.ed
of God" (verse 33). This is theEarl
"correct• attitude for any companyIToav ftc n d0 the ileacapersicaLay,
say, ` O, ,never mind a receipt ; I'llRock
eP people gathered in the name of theonly war it aur in m;+ eipt; 11mediate
(Ord. Peter reclaimedunto themthousand
Thinliludeismereererlilnook toon
persons ,heart than his ?head,
death and resurrection. as the one fore Don't follow such a n ex tropic.
told b all the and that who- Keep your receipts. business
Every farmer who hods it to his
advantage to secure the benefit of the
hatching eggs moat
bail Ihad hied everylmowuremedy and
Physieianeinforeign. countries but got no
relief. After returning home a friend, ad-
�+,- = have been heard
;�/', owing'to the dim-
lrY y -�
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada Limited Toronto•
. .
prophets, .1
ecever believeth in Him shall receive man )nay clic or fail, and his ac -
cr•unta be ttssi Wed for the ileac-
remission of sins (verses 54 43). While g
anove mentioned
Curbance On the
fit .od creditors. Lt such a case
the fallowing rules and regulations.
and lend every possible assistance so
that the greatest good to the Column❑
ft and t0 the industry:Evill follow.
1st—Kill or otherwise perlilaneptly
remove from his present Hock of lay
in hens all male birds on his farm,
Physician. Surgeon. Elio
9gecial attention gives to diseases °t me
Eye, Ear, Throat• and Nose,
e,„ efully ..mind, and, suitable 'glasses
peed me strongly to try' took eight
Discovery' I did so anddttirely h`t bottles
in all and to -day am entirely _free from
bronchitic, I honestly believe I would not
be in the land of theliving to-daywere it not
for this wonderful medicine." -Cera A.
W. STnAWiAN, R. E.learned
' other side, but no
1 , than' Its to any of
I/'/` _in
;;,, 'Ti you for that. Our
skipper's firstno-
tion was to put
�'� to sea. Wasn't
O •
Peter was' speaking the Holy Spirit where fa the )arson without a re_
came upon them all, and they snake ceipt if it happened that' throw lr•
with tongues and magnified God and accident g
Ar for his it
Were baptized in the name of the Lord mint was not credited'? 'He could
the man to whom
(verses 44 419. Thus the circumcision he paid
that God had also granted to money. ,but that man
Imeirenmeised repentance unto is gone• Your is your
March 10th, 1910
2nd—Market eggs twice a week
Office and Residence.
Cwatrperc,at Hots
frond Friday Comes uu the eset lust
—� it u.uural? 1)o
gentiles ,receipr.
life (xi, 2, 18). We have combined next pto0f of payment,
the suggestion made
Two doors west M the
and E Sunday two days laser.
— you want to be
peek's lesson with this one,
conform with
for market purpose
ninon St.
Clean up get ready fur the
Sy -, hunted orer Per-
re the care of eggs
assame mlty be issued From
I, 11S• 6Lhit ;r; t1 LA.11.
Health inspector.
Hondo Noronha
as, we purpose taking the Easter' lesson e
tezt 'week. Give I attention to Prompt Relief
3rd—Sell all cockerels that are fit for
Dr, W. Caput, L. le. e. P., L. H, c, a., eat
y�� Qand
,` ,-• at daybreak? But
he would have
the wonderful words of verses 38.43
note that Jesus Christ crucified, from
market as broilers during the early
4th—Bring all cockerels of heavy
breeds to the firm's plant at either
Clinton or Hulmesville to he ca onized
Dr. CJnn's office at residence High Street::
Dr, J. C. Candler. D.A. MAL
(Mee-•O°tarlo Street, Clinton.
right cane at residence, Rattenberr, At,
or at hosoital
IL:945E(i ����� ����Y
Relieve The Kidneys and Rudder
Like Ordinary Medicines
�i.�.� seen the useless -
it uess_of trying to
"SHUT IIP!" WAS sale slip els cruiser
before the launch
Lesson III. — Second Quarter,
April 16, 1916.
the all -too -common ills of
risen and returning to reign is the the digestive organs—weal[
ane great theme of all the prophets—stomach, torpid liver and inac-
t real person alive forevermore.
tive bowels— is found in the
at a time, and under such conditions
filo The Rowels.
ANSWER. stud gone u ca-
always safe, sure, quick -acting
as the firm may specify.
Gann-I,anilols & Go., vlID1�eQ
enoachenr, etc„ office and residence on
teubury breeb,•
When the kidneys get out of order the
back is sure t0 become affected, and dull
ble's Iengt h. Now, here is a scheme that
strikes me as workable. At any rare,
It Offals a forlorn hope. There is n
r ,,,, t
Cook 13 Cotton Root Compound,
d sajG reliable reRle,aEino ��� ��
rr medieitre. Sold is three de. ilii YY
Clinton Branch Phone 190
— R. 'N'. R. AXON
pains, sharp paitls, quick twinges all
point to the fact that the kidneys need
sharp bend in the creel. just where the
tidal water ends. 1 fancy the launch
Text of the Lesson, Acts x, 1-16—Mere
�" No. 2,y$3; No. a, $5 per boa,
�,; greee of strength—No. 1, Sl.:. PILLS
f Sold ts. o sync
Crown and Bridge Work It Specialty,'.
Graduate of C.O.DS,. Chicago, and
Plasters and liniments will not cure
We kidneys, for they cannot get to thex,
seat of the trouble, brit Doan's Kidney
Fills do, and cure the kidneys quickly
will boat a little higher up, but we
must risl. ft. We will take her in. un•
ship the mast, tie is few boughs and
vinos on the funnel, and not twenty
cry Verses, 13-15—Golden Text, Rom
12—Commentary Prepared by Rev.
D, M. Stearns•
) prepaid oil.
^+ZFree pamphlet. Address:
_ THE COOK MEDICINE CO, Largaa Sale of Any Medicine in the World.
YTOIONTO.ONT. (wfdt riadur.) old everywhee. nboxes,25cets.
C RayOeld int tllendays, ;Bev 11414011
and permanently,
searchlights will find us."
Leaving Peter in the house of Simon
and here esiounsfin
New Stylish designs of
DR fl t! iI a LER f
C ial one over n 10 ma's store,
j Spnoial care taken to maks dental treat
Mrs. Lizzie nldunson, tPls his testimonial N.S.,
writes: "Lam sending this err Damns
telling you what a wonderful cure Doan's
Kidney Pills made for me. For years
I had suffered so with my kidneys 1 could
hardly do my housework l used several
A rumble of approving murmurs
showed that he had scotched the drag-
OIL He continued rapidly:
"No vessel of deep draft can come
close In shore from the east. The
have Grand
the tanner at Joppn (chapter ix, 43),
we turn for a little Willie 10 the home
of Cornelius, the centurion, at Cassa-
rca, where we find a man who, with all
his house, feared God, prayed to God
V V J 6 G.1 1 iG
lays the Same
► moat as naminie ea oascible,
kinds of pills, but none of them seemed to
be doing me any last I was
cruiser will the -pore rock
abeam within an hour, but to make
alway and gave much alms to the poo-
Dohert Planus and
special values in Art
it :
Live 'stork and general Auction ter
." b u m et0,a SAWS a apecn.,n„ Wilms 1 sr r
► to. Seratei9 reasonable. aalut nor'
► iisnonnted!
advised to try a Uox u D°aa's h;dney,
1 fo When I hail dal cn u/c first boa
I found relief. I have used five boxes,
and to -day I feel like a )dew woman. 1
cannot recommend then tel highly."
Doan's Kidney Palls me ler. per de.
3,boxes for $1.35, at all do •Icrsor made.
direct on receipt of price byThe 1
sure two 0f you wilt climb ills ridge
and watch Ver movements. The rest
will load up every available lnetr Of
space with wood and water and food.
How can we • win clear of Fernando
Norontia without fuel? It is a bun-
dred to one that the launch would not
pie (verses 1, 2), IL religiousness and
Sincerity were all that is necessary we
would think that this man was truly
a saved man. but when we read that
the angel said to Cornelius that Peter
would tell him words whereby be and
all his house would be saved (chapter
xi, 13, 14) we know that they were not
Lay in and Day out o
G. D. McTaggart M. L. MaTa gar
Milburn Co„ Limited,pl ermit, Ont,
. When ordering direct snecifv •''[)nun's.'
steam twenty miles on her present
coal' supply. Such •as It is, we must
saved until after fetor came and
preached the gospel to them. Like the
oa.,.-",',,s, \/ V K Y Y
in and Week
• Pianos and organs rent
• ed. Choice new Edison
• l�11SSlC t4C
• phonographs,
► McTaO =art Bros,
General Banking Bushiest
Whose of the hutcnn?treasurer
G Sundays In this month
There will be live Sundays in April
this should give you st good cbance t0
get to church
keep )t for an emergency, even if we
are compelled to tear up the deck and
dismantle the cabin,"
"talks like a book!" snorted Coke.
Hosier was coolly reminding them of
those vita] thins which Lreu had
g y
of the queen of Ethiopia, he
was an earnest seeker living up to the
light he had, and to such God always
sends morel' h#, bat there is mi aalda•
tion revealed in Scripture as a,result
�1��� out.
Mtn 9µo
Year in and Year
tllplpy out.
variety goods.
failed wholly to take lute account.
reborn In them
01 out good works (goal iv 5; .Eph.
11 'g 9; Tit, ill, 9, G). It )s the blood
Hume Emporium
Drette ieeoed. Interest allowed n
Confidence was
Meanwhile here was the launch
thrustingo her nose hitt the mud and
shingle of this malevolent Island.
'that mal.eth an atonement for the soul,
and without shedding of blood is no re
missiou )Lev. zvii, 11; Heb. ix, 22).7,27
here, in the case of the Ethopian,
-- �' /� L
Always the same.
To his further annoyance, Sam Bann -
vides, who depended on his compatriot
the principal agencies used by God are
C. Hoare
The McKillop Mutual
E Fire Insurance Co.
► harm and Isolated Town Propare
s it
le erty Only Insured.
for a summary of the latest scheme,
asked Itis to accompany De Syh•a and
himself to the hut
eke the Liver They are stupid creatures these
• peasants," he said 1Yben they see
an angel, the Holy, Spirit, and groan
(verses 3, 19). The eyes of the Lord
looping over the whole earth for
whole hearts toward Himself, and it 11*
also written "Ye skull seek Me and find
— '
—� �ioln and
�e Cello Music
- nntTt�
Head Office—Seaforth, Ont
Do its Du you they will not be frightened"
when ye search for Me with all
your heart" (Ii Citron. xvi, 9; Jer. xxix,
ib s-\‘ v `
Maple Syrup
Seas® Will
J. B, McLean, Seaforth President
J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres,
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sea :Tress
Directors—D, F. McGregor, Sea-
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rinn, Seaforth • John Benneweis.
Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood, b1.
Seafoien, Clinton; J, B. N1cLea;,
Seaforth ; Connolly, Godeiieh ;
Nine ti041 in tea when the first it right the
rtomach add bowels aid riph`t.t 11
Intl butfirml coin,
B y Y
poi a lary a"'to
do w duty.
iCaretpoti on-
h '
1ndtQ°" L
There was so much coalmen in tie
statement that Iris was a ready velum
leer, Soon all bands were at work,
and it was due to the girl's forethought
that strips of linen were procured from
Luisa Gomez and healing herbs ap-
Plied to the cuts and bruises of the iu-
jilted men. Syh•a was for leaving
the two soldiers on the island, but
Coke's suilorlfLe acumen prevented the
that blunder.
13). Cornelius was whole hearted, ac-
cording to the light he had, and was
certainly a sincere seeker after God,
same Lord in heaven who saw- the
desire for light in the heart of the man
in the chariot, saw it also in Cornelius,
per he searches all hearts. So He
sent an angel from heaven to the' home,
of Cernelfus,'while he was in prayer(
(verse 30) to assure him, that God had
e wY .'A
Gr 1(a
�R f'
i it
j p
lUll 1
yj yFOi..
it %
All the tV himSlCa1 WitCll-
.. ery— hauntingrestless-
f neSS—dlealnflll exal.tatlOn.
Of the world's finest violin
> g
2nCl Cello i171.51C caught
for jrOtl 1l'tth an exquisite
Sense Of realit in
be ere
Robertie Harloek. Sick
A ente•eEd Hinchle Seaforth• Headache, aid Distress after Eft
E J. W Sota11Pi14
commission of
• id
r du, a stud
''T ase
with0 it Eating lloffhuudness These
eard his anThrecognizea his
afro (verses3,a ministryof
the angels Is always n most readmit -
H011' are your Sap Pans
and faits ?
SmailDeee, Sion Prior jokers will be found at daylight,
Yeo, Holme
Yeo Iiolmesvil e; Ales• Ieiteh,
; Alex.
Clinton; R. S,'Jhrmuth. Brodha en Genuine a'l't Signature they'll be able to say exactly wet
PaJtrients made at .Morris'h ' do limo we quit. The wirnmin can make
Co. ,Clinton, and cutlt's grocery out they was seared sere an' darsent
Stole Goderich and Jas. Beide stir. It Ind be diffeeent with the .so-
store, Bari'•aaa.
ins study, There .are 'millions upon
millions of them;they excel in strength,
heal' Ms voice,'do Ells leasure, o an
come like lightning, minister o the
saints lRcv. v, 11, Ps. cilli 0 21; Ezek
/ �ry �-r RECORDS g� �t
•f iC ■ !1 ■ ■ ■ \
! bra a.l �6,/i t0.6 JI/ ttJ
Xoehlua Have your dealer play those for you:
parlour Carlow—A5412-51.50
_____ } jars, An we ain't via' o. have such
i 1'4; Hee. i, 141. 'They`, .. easily to
a eartbteaki' start even it the Cruiser
f theeer
find any house and any person' add
Hulnoreske (Dvorak) orchestra accompani-
' n
Leave o r order pow
and have Aiken' when
A Carload or (;anada 'dears• aStay' aeon after 2 k.
"Where d0 you or t° make for7"
D A idWhero d'ye think, ` toted loot' -
pnr"aD C.t�ie�ltand
Y 'S•• lI. t by nor: to beotind. anti] we sight
Phone us tor .r>tees 8 homeward hound sale,'"'
Q p Mean to ululation everything,
theu.Y' chid De ,Sylvt . He seemed ,to
need n° doors opened lot them; We
shnU,be like them :in many tesbects .by
by, but higher than' tlley in the '
glory, Pott w
that• Cornea s he an eke milt. ,
The rest of the auger's message was
thr Simon Peter sand 1 e i Plein' hi'Joan
Melodic (Tschaik0wskyp orchestra accomv
\\ pHniment.
Pablo ,Cassis—A5549-41,50
� Melod.(Ha1 (R.t with orchestra.
Melody in F (Rubinstein), with orchestra.
Lbta -' Jules Felk—A1110-8Se.
l Ave IYfarin Schubert) with Trauna rei
](t will a 00
n be watching Che onward,sweep of ,the
Q. the
Rabat to do. The lasts we hearebt
s "K Cherie D u4 "
at,:.• r::
Byarn SitttCC
Sanitary Plttmhers
QN D ,,
ter Gly searehiight.aa the warstlip went
/��y north:" -Bat Coke was stirewtl He felt'
ut Q1> • ' that there was soniething"liehlnd the
The Pr><ce,
words,' and he suspected the ex -press-
{�O ' • Don't. he tempted to choose cheap denfdom t ace any,:'el for it," he nn-
•f{hilip be was on 1419 way to Caesarea,
where he evidently dived (Acts viii, 0;,
8, 9), but perhaps had • not reach=
ed home at 'this' tube: Drew 'eaa'y to
re lid that when the angel el had deliveredtt��
tudee—A 1.2-8512.
.h. White Cockade; Jigs and ikeeis Medley with
Harrigan'. Reel (Prince's Orchestra),
_ _
Nae E Cagii a Vlenuo6s,?V ,Op. (Q reisler).
�� E "bleat Y Vieriu 652 51.50
'Phone 7.
jewelery. Far better Gojpay a fairh 0t IS irises
t p gdwhat von swered. ` (turd s trees Y w
rice and know exact)��
Urs. GGO III. L+ . Whitley are getting, to abandon) I've lost me strip, un me
IEIeriemaurl money, an' me i ,er, au' 'aff roe Hien.
p? p
You will never he sorry—for as ap
uiess one wag' lookin' 'f'or trouble,
message.he deputted ,Iverge. 71, ;bu,t
'; •
8o we stop fp eons' de) that tt meant
returned to heaven, from whence he
came a few moments before?
Cornelius was nor slaw to call. two
Hungarian Dance in G (No. S) (Brahms).
Colombia dealers gladly play these and any other of Get
thao..ad. f Commhia ceeora. Niu,ont Iheaghe of ogabaLi.n ,
�' Comdlettt Aectrd Inst from dealers pr mulled br tp.
matter of mono 9
Osteopathic Plty. Y, it is cacti the this ain't no d!reaswre lsl:tn i, mister."
Of his heusehgld servants: and a devout
11 SYST'Eh1
$ ecial cal• Yet it misfit be made cue,"
P ietb in Women a and been As how?"
Y said so^often that
soldier who waited on him continually, ',
t baad happened and
Yn ii
ee emvert'has
everybody h
y y y 3
Acute, Chromic; and Nervone knowecnothis time should Do °° not realize how greatly the
Children's Diseases lb—and vet there is no members of the present government
Dianrl:era scarcityof cheap jewelry in; the
Disorders y °
Eye' SU'LTAT70Nd Throat. land p I y • fearm :tiara to Brasil, Here am
their prisoner, practically Meridiem.
Now to -If almost alone: They duce not )till t e
start mall to
p pp
• Now we return to Peter whom God
had to prepare to go 'With these men
to, the home of Cornelius, a gentile.
I® Gra . ho hone Coif
t / P p
��a Canadian Factory&Headquarters
P y
• ""
Single s�,l.Q
Office—Rattpnbury Hotel. Get personal von would
Y p like to miss shat sort altogether— by process of law, Set the, are mon.
Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 to COME HERE tag heaven and earth, to prevent m}
Toronto. Ont.
Good going Aprar2lst and returning
escape 0r shoot me down in the act.
If you would like to buy where: Why? Because they know that .the•
but high
Yields t0 Delicious Vino' •
,, , , ;
Name day.
I are and One third
5, ^
Goad going April 20, 21, 22, 213,
Return.11mit,AprLl 25th
nothing qualities are
We're now selling TimothySeed dealt in-00&lE HERE pcj0ple are Ion,i:xi. to ball me Iia t»'ps•Shreveport,
,�g Mont again. Suppose you and your
:(Government Standtarti:). 50 Pern;iml)nCO,"
And even at that, no person ever'
We also haveen took pie
on herd; Alfalfa,said our prices were unfair m, S'pose Eta P' ••
Aleike, and Red Clover. friss snapped Coke.
We always have OM hand -Goose Please listen. You can but refuse
La.-" I had a bad atom-
itch trouble for years and became so
weak I could hardly walk or do any
work. Myappetite was poor, m food
pp y
would not digest, I bloated and was very
i; !' tx
- 't"''",• t0,i,"p�':1 * `
' '
Return tickets will be issued between
all stati0ne in Canada east of'Port
Arthur and to Detroit and Port Ham
>r when you look at the facts fairly. If,
Wheat, Peas, Bartley and Feed Cora Edison 'records and
t its [ say, I were put ashore at Psrnnm•
--0--Sn) ..les dozen
1 n,
weak and nervous. I tried man, rime-
dies without hel p. I caw Vino adver-
timed and tried it, and pow my sto mach
Mich, Buffalo, Black Rock,Market
huco, or at any other 0P I)tef n
Highest M, Prices paid for Hey
trouble is completely
P Y cured and I am
Falls and Suspension Bridge; N.Y.
anal di .Grain& peas C ,can tante, 1 should be among
,n own followers, You, Captain
well. I]. L. MARSHALL,
Vinol is guaranteed"to tone up the
Further particulars on applies
' tion Co Grand' Trunk Agents.
John Hansford At ion, c1t paeSen-
ger and CicketAgents, 'phone b7
11 c0D
f vL fir/ � SI d C C +7 � it
Cour ship wnersgand thelrelf
Jeweler acid Optician.' y .
tr t
Issuer of �Iarria_L Licenses r+r,rsmr*rrrrar, a 1:14tP strtacnr
tired, over -taxed and weakened nerves
of the stomach and create strength.
J. E. Hove', Druggist
! nnhnn Ora
,�s /�
B,� L1a-•I & L 1
N ® N