HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-04-13, Page 2PAGE Two.
IIID (.INxtON NZ1 W tl L&.
Ready -
to -Wear
1 arinents'
Phone TS
Dry Goods
Ilonse Fur
itishinr s
Order Your Easter Hat
The rush will overwhelm us in a weeek or so-
We can gi,-e better attention to your Easter Hat now,
Why not come down this week? Our milliners are
creating new designs all the time: Always something
fresh to see here. This store for High class 1+4'littinery
Easter Suits and
Easter Coats
Coats that meet the taste
and fit the desired styles of all
patrons. Coats in the newest
models and the newest cloth.
including Gabardines Serges,
Tweeds, Blanket ()loth, and -
Ladies contemplating
purchasing Suits for Eas-
ter w(,u'd do well to see
our + xtensive stock. Nev-
er before have we been so
bast' in this department.
Never in our history have
we heel in a better posi-
tion to supply you with
most up-to-date garments
—See our Suits before
Easter Waists.
We are daily complimented on the superiority of
our Waists in Crepes, Voiles, Silks, etc., all at the
most moderate prices,
New Easter Neckwear to hand this week.
VA INT 0P::E30ir•E
• A Phonograph second to none, yet at a price no home can
• afford to be without it, Its beauty of tone and clearnese of
C reproduction are marvellous. Platy any s,zed record, vocal,
.:mr1a:, _.- -
Compares with the Best by Actnal Test
• instrumental, band, etc, For Sale at
• Jas. Durnford F"rtorereClirlton
• 0'oR40eseoess000ecoose DID•••• OtfO•••••••••••*0••••0••••0
• for immediate delivery. They are sold at the
• following prices;
We make these only from
(wenuine Vegetable Parchment
We carry in stock a line printed with the words
Choice Dairy Butter
• 1000 Sheets $2.25
It 50o Sheets 1.50
le250 Sheets...... ..... ........ .75
e loo Sheets •35
ilt Wrappers specially printed from your own
e copy, we can l; supply them at the following
prices— •
1 M $2,25
2 to 4 M 1,75 per 11I
5 Yr i.5o per M
to M I,q.o per M
i'' •
•to The New Era 0
e eli:,.INTON - 0
•IC ° z,; :a tRf00/409000e41e0e060000e00.040000N4000:
, O R A4
• • , •
The Huron Battl,
• •
he is amarried man with a family.
family and owner of a 100 -acre farm
Robert Lawson. tr prominent young
Morris Pon nihil) farmer. ilea ]eased
hie holdings and donned the khaki
as a private in the 161st Battalion.
The officer and men of the 161st
passed at the recent exemeatMontreal
in musketry fighting. ,They were;-
Lient. H U, McLean; C.S,tJ., 13, 0,
James; Sergt, R. P Nash; (),S,M,. 1,
Seeley: Sergi, G W. Burchell. We
understand Seeet. Seeley stood second
in the whole class,
The Wingham branch of the Huron
County Wer Auxiliary is arranging to
have a military day on April IS, with
the Wroxeter, Brnsrels and Blyth
detach/Items along wittethe Wingham
comnauv present and the battalion
bend. • A recruiting meeting will be
held in the town hall in the evening.
to be addressed by some of the best
platform speakers available,
Ed. Dlnnroe's water pail is the wet
spot on the parade gt ound'. when the
soldiers drill on the from street.
OM. L, W. Shannon, D. O, O. of
Military Division No. I, made the fol-
lowing order last week -Bengt, S, D.
Grant, of the 33rd Huron Regiment,
has been temporarily detailed foe duty
with the 161st Battalion in the capacity
of baud iostrnetor
Serge. Major. J. Seeley left last week
foe London to he instrnetnr in the
bsyonet course which opened nn Morn
day in that city.
The goys of the ]61st want to get
down to business right away. They
can't have full hattaticn drill until
every last men is in the' ranks and
ready ler hi share. Are YOU holding
them back?
-� S ---
Think of the deeds of vour Canadian
brothers at St. Julien and Lange
merok, Yon can do as well if you join
the army, Come now,
`fake a glance at the congenial and
satisfied fellows in the .101st. Get in
the game, ]nen, and be one of them,
Hurry up, before it's too late,
Every man who holds hack keeps the
Germans going that touch longer,
Consulation Free- Any yoneg mar
wanting to know whether he is medi
catty lit or unlit to help Light for the
Empire, will be welcomed at the
•Iteadgnarrers by -Major , J. W. Shaw,
Medict1 Officer, Huron's Own.
Don't offer the time worn, frayed
nue excuse that you ere stay ing on the
farm to feed the soldiers Get a repot t
of fond products of Huron -or of Ont
arra-and thereafter give the true
reason for your delinquency.
Never mind getting a new spring
overcoat and suit, The King will
st,ppty, you tkirh w complete outfit,
becoming and smart, and pay you be;
sides for wearing it.,
Some of the women of Huron want
to knit socks for line, upstanding
young men, who are willing to near
them to Berlin on the. Spree. The
knitters nan't go tt.emseh -e,, bat ire
anxious to do what they can to help
on the win'. Hurry up, boys; give the'
women their chance.
The following men from the N. 0, 0
• class left Clinton last Saturday for
London to 'take e "oohrae in bayonet
• tightieg and physical training which
• started on Monday and lasts until May
4, The men have.heen.given Corporal's
I1t stripes. They went under the charge
of Lieut. W P. Scott of 13rusetils
company. The names of the nteii arta-
• Clinton -Corp a I'retnlin
W P Runnings
M .Draper
Brussels-CorpA R, Mustard
• • Wingham-Corp L O Cantelon
• ”' A M Forhes
" J E Holmes
Seaforth-Sergt J Gillespie
Corp Wm McKIniey
Blyth -Corp 0 Ootiltee
Goderich-Corp W kl Peachy
" d Woodley
ftensall-Corp 13 W ioh'ston
Made Well by Delicious Vinol
Crestline, Ohio. - " I contracted a
hard, chronic cough, and was weak,
nervous and run down. I have a small
family of three, and it was hard for me
to do my work. I took different medi-
cines without benefit, Finally I heard
about Vinol, and it has restored me to
health and strength,my cough is all gone
and i feel fine," -Mrs. H. 13. CARLISLE,
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic without oil, for
chronic coughs and' colds, and for all
weak, nervous, run-down. conditions.
J. E, Hovey, Druggist
Clinton, Ont.
" ;S E Mc&irthur..
Exeter-Onrp T 12 Bissett -
' L Rivers
The men from the 16Jst Jiatti, are at
teethed for discipline and rations to the
142nd Batbaduh'aud are quartered in
Queen's Park,
Good Competition at
Spring Stock -Show
Seaforth Show Marred by Rain—
Many Spectators Attracted to
Seaforth, April 1t --Wet weather
somewhat. intert, red wish the fan-.
rual,spring ,horse /and cattle Lair
held !'bore today but there was a
good .turnout 'of spectators, whq
nppeared well satisfied with the
display of stock, and the judging
which followed. The prize -win-
ners were.
Shorthorn b411, ,3 years and over
-J. nominee $. Son, Soafrorth :
Tames McIntosh Tuckersmith.
Shorthorn bull 2 years old -J, W
Beatty, Seaforth
Hackney stallion -W. 3, Dale,
Roadster stalyon, trotting --Ike
Medium, L. Chat lesworth, Blyth;
Andy Recilac, fflossenbucy and
Berry, 93rnsall,
Single roadster-Irlortipti Elliott,
Varna ;' Geo, Beatty, 'Varna.
Single carriage, horse -F. VanCg-
mond, Clinton; W. J. Miller, Clin-
Roadster Loam -Dan Henderson,
Clydesdale stallion, foaled in 1915.
-Jas. Smillie, 'Rananli ; Thomas Me-
Mil].ant Hallett.
Percheron stallion --Jae, Smith,
Heavy draft team—Thomas Mc-
Millan, 'Hullett; Alea. Sin slairi
Nippon road; R Northcote, Exeter
Brood mare in Mal, heavy draft
James Smillie, Hensel!: R.7). Belt,
I-Ieavy dnert, filly oe gelding, 3-
ycae-old-R. Ncrthc'oite, Exeter; R,
Northcote, Exeter; Dennis Barry,
Heavy draft, filly or gelding, 2 -
year -old -R, ,D. Ba]Il, H.:nsall, Thos
Heavy draft, filly or gcld'ing, 1-
yaar-oia-•W. J. .loafs, Hallett.
Huron Weather Instu•ancr Cnni-
pany special --Thomas McMillan,
Agricultural steam-D,Pothering-
ham, Tuckersmilh; John Dale, Can
Agri:ultera' b}ofild mare in foal
--A1ex. Wright, :B"ucefMid ; R, D.
Bell, 'lierisall,
Agricultural filly or gelding, 3 -
year -old -A, Wright, Bruceticld;
John iJdwcliffc, Iiensall: Jonathan
4lugill, Huron road.weat
Jud es -heavy horses, J. McCal-
lumShakespeare; light horsed
1. Darrach, Listowel, calttle, Mr.
Smith, .Exeter
Heart Was So Weak Could Not
Go Up Stairs Without Help.
When the heart becomes weak and
does not do its work properly the nerves
become unstrung and the whole system
seems to go "all to pieces."
When this happens you need a tonic
to build up both the heart and nerves,
and Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills
will accomplish this for you, providing
you Jo not let your ease run too long
and allow it to become chronic,
Mrs. $vangilisre Loverdure, Port
Coulonge, Que., writes: "Last summer
my heart and naives were so bad I could
not sleep at night, and my heart was so
weak I could not go up stairs without
help. My doctor said he could do no
more for me as my heart was completely
done. A cousin of mine carne in one day
and told toe that Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills cured her completely. I
immediately gave her 50 cents to bring
me a Lox, and since that day there is a
box always on my sideboard. I. am now
well, and my heart and nerves are stronger
than waren I was a little school girl: I
advise anyone with. heart trouble to try
them, No doctor can beat them."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50c per box, 3 boxes for 81.25; for sale
at all dealers; mailed direct on,receipt
of price by The '1', Milburn Co„ Limited,,
Toronto, Ont.
A Paemaekers Poster
Famous Dutch Artist's Remorse-
less Exposure of Carman
Inhumanity in Belgium
Luis Raeraaelcera, the famous
Ilut:eh Cartelonist, has ganorousl'y
dt'awn for the, National Committee
flor Relief in Belgium erne of the
nibst remarkable and certainly the
frost hearlrenclering of all the
War Posters."
The misery of the: millions now
in Belgium whom the Germans re-
fuse to feed has inspire•] this not-
able artist to his finest effort. A
Belgian woman, with a ragged .red
cloak over her shoulders, is :ho3ci-
ing tightly to her breast an infant
in a
shawl: Around the childis
clasped the mtritlter's lased --ii band
which spells starvvaitian, In the
woman's face there is the infinite
0lo,rrow ;of motherhood, driven to
despair by German inhumanity and
the pitiful. helpless yearning 1)0
relieve the child's suffering,
But it is in the face of the child
that Blaemaeltcrs has Vold the full
horror of the tragedy of Belgium.
The staring terror in the eyes ,there
lnlok up at the mother makes one
shudder and turn away to think
what might have been in England
With remorseless realism R,aernalc-
ere, in this iofant'of pain, has vis-
ualised e0 the world the infamy of
The )poster, which is artistically
rep;!ocluced has this Irroonfe; iheed-
ing; "In Baum.' Una heath, op
Peeve the 'one word "Help' A ny
evader of his nawspaper can se-
cure a copy of the poste• free e of
roost by sending a postbard to the
Hon. Secretary, National Commit-
tee Jnr Relief in Belgium ^.rraf't3gar
Buildins, Traialgat Square, Llon-
211on A ropy,isea) view in The
New Era ',office,
How She Was Relieved from,
Pain by Lydia E.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Taunton, Mass,-" I had pains in both
aides and when my periods canis I had
to stay at home
from work and suf-
fer a long time.
One day a woman
came to our house
and asked my
mother why I was
Buffering. Mother
told her that I suf-
fered every month
and she said, 'Why
don't you buy a
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?' 112y
mother bought it and the next month I
was so well that I worked all the month
without staying at home a day. I am
in good health now and have told lots of
girls about it." -Miss CLARICE MORIN,
22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass.
Thousands of girls suffer in silence
every month rather than consult a phy-
sician. If girls who are troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, dragging -down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion would take
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, a safe and pure remedy made
from roots and herbs, mucte suffering.
might be avoided.
Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass, (confidential) for free
advice which will prove helpful.
Skipped a $3,000 Sand
Chief Felker, of Paris, Nabs a Man
Wanted at Seaforth
Thursday, ,April 13th, 1Sf16.
Let, Me Figure
On wiring your House for
Electric Lights, -My prices are
as low as is consistent with
good work. All work guar-
anteed to pass inspection.
W. J. Nediger'
Phone 131.
Poster Printing
' The New Era. Printing Office,
which has the best equipped plant
in any Oanadrah town, turns ont
lean striking looking Posters for
Sales. Entertaleu-ents, or ether
purposes, at fair prices for the
quality of work produced. When
ordering by maid these are the
tegular sizes to ask for ;-
Sixteenth Sheets ex 9 inches
Eighth Sheets 9x12 inches
Quarter Sheets 12e18 inches
Half Sheets 1.8x24 inches
Full Sheets 21x36 inches
The New Era
For Sale
Colt rising 4 years, well broken, Ap•
ply to
For Sale
The property of H, T. Rance --3 year
old driver, unbroken, and a 1 year old
colt, Quick sale desired, Apple to
Galt, Amil, 6.-• Roy Metcalf,, alias
Prect. Pree,nails, wanted by the :fro- House tl►r Sale
lice for having jumped a bail bond
of $3,000 fur•nishtel byte U,altonian,
was arreslecl orFrieuay afternoon
atPtanceton by Chief Psalter, of
Paris, ,andwa:, identified by Chief
Gorman tau the It noted man, Met-
calf was implicated in an arson
case :arising out of a fire at Sea -
forth and spas balled out. When
the trial came up in De, -ember, Met
calf failed to appear, and since
then Chief Garman, of this city alas
been endeavoring to lora re the
man. This Week he got a Lip that
there wee .aman atPrin:etou, an-
swering the destiipfi:r�a, and Chief
Felker, who made the arrest, gets
.the reward off.e,ed. Metcalf will
be handed over to th,• Ooderich
Births, illarria;;es t .1.1g 'ahs
SWAN -BOWL}, -.At, the Renee in
Bre eft•h9, on April 12th, by ttev.
11, F, Woods, Miss &ulie, third
uanghter of Peter Bowie, to thew
Swan, of 13ruc-field,
JOHNS'TONE-Int Clinton on Thurs
day, April fish, Annie Dlaeielene,
daughter of Gord,,n and Annie
Johnstone, aged I year and 5 months
CLUFF-AT 81.. James rectory in
Stratford, on Sunday, April 0,
1916, Lauua Annie, only dau;liter
of Re v and Mrs, W `i', Cluti
New Patriotic Song
"We will Fight till Victory is Won"
is the title of a new patriotic song
which is dedicated to the goys of the
Ibis; Be tail ion. This song is good and
i , on sale itt a. T, Cooper's Bookstore,
the price being; ;30c.
20 Cows tor Sate
I will offer for sale after Seturdwe
morning. April 150, about 20 good
breeding fresh r, 1ved 01218 and 4 I have made arrangements to hz idle
springers. I will allow 6 months time a limited number of, calves, mostly
if desired on approved joint notes, good Shorthorn grades,
Phone 14 on 166 Phone 14 on 166
Smaller Coal Bilis
Let us reduce your coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plying- you with a coal that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat and leaves only a small
amount of ash. This coal is
The Coal That Satisfies
It will save you money. Give
it a tripe
T4. J. Holloway, Clinton
Western University, London .
Income Doubled -Nolo $75,000
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arte and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in view
Write for particulars to:
Eggs for Hcching
From Herts that Lay
Weare prepared to supply a large
number of eggs far hatnhing purposes
frond the famous Guild bred-to•lay
strain of Single Comb White Leghorn
-Sittings 60e per 78 nr 43 per hundred
Our Special pen of 2 year old bens
mated with Tom Barrow strain cock.
erele 1111 per 16. Incubator lots a
special ty.
N. W, Trewartha, Proprietor
phone 4 on 142
Rags, I capers and Rubbers
The Women'e Patriotic Society hope
to snake a collection of these articles
the last week in April, Housecleaning
may haye arrived in some homes,
please do not destroy the above
House on Rattenhury St., formerly named aaticles, bat save for thtti
Williamoccupied by the late Mrs. illiam collection 10 ApriL
Murray, Apply to .
G. D. Ma 4.GGART
Saxon for Sale. A white brick 2 story house of I0
rooms with good cellar; TO /1 water;
acre of hind with apple trees; also a
stable. Corner of Princess and Spen-
cer street, For terms etc. apply to
Mrs, E. Iloltzhauer, on premises,
For Sale
Saxon Runabout for sale, only run
21 months last season, Has all up -to.
dace fixtures. Apply to
Victoria Street
6 -Room Cottage for Sale
A 5 room cottage and # acre of land,
trait trees, the house has town water
and electric lights, for sale cheap on
easy terms, apply to
Agency manager Northern Life
Phone, office 30, house 140
Seed Potatoes.
R. J, McMillan of Se forth, who is
in the province of Alberta at present,
has purchased sortie very fine Beed
potatoes of the Golden Coin variety
and wilt have a carload shipped to
Oliuton. They, will arrive about the
COth April, Any orders left with Will
Grant will be supplied.
Lots for Sate
Three tenths of an acre, sittutted oa
east side of Victoria street next to
Doherty switch. A desirable location
for residence or business. r5, snap if
taken at once. Apply to
W, S. Downs, Eattenbury St, East
Fat Hens and Chickens
Taken at any time.
Highest Market Prices
Calves for Sale
Painting dC Paper Hanging
Painting and Paper H enaing neatly
and promptly done, Orders left at
Hunniford's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
for Flour
Now is the time to buy your Winter
supply of Moor, We carry a full stook
of the following bratnds,-
Purity Five Roses
Exeter Milverton
Tavistock London
Listowel White Plume (pastry
And also a brand of Breakfast Food,
made from choice Manitoba wheat, at
fi pounds fur 25e
To Hake Your liens Lay
This winter, we recommend oar
Laving Meal, Beef Scrap, Oyster Shell
Bone Meal, Grit and Charcoal.
%Ve always carry a full line of
l Bran Low Grade Flour
Shorts Molasses Meal
Oil Cake Dairy Meal
Highest Prieea Paid for alt
Kinds of Crain
Flour and treed. phone 199
Valve -in -
c.evr.iei "FOaNVlnely„
at the Clinton Motor Car Co. Show Roorna
Price Complete $675 F.0.13. Oshawa
Regular Equipment, Mohair Tailored Top, Envelope and Side Curtains, Electric Horn
Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer, Electric Staring and
Lighting System, Ammeter and License Brackets.
NOTE—Owing to the great dernand for this car. we would
suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery.
We use the Stewart Speedometer, Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting System
with Bendix Driv., same type and grade as used onthe high-priced cars.
W. J. NEDIGLR, Agent, Phone 131, CLINTON
t�cestrc' ca:manse•