HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-04-13, Page 1Established 1885, Vol. 50, No. 42 CLINTONLINTON .,________ ONTARIO 11-1URaSDAY APRIL 13 1916 The r6zst is Your Home Battalion. ERA W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers What will . YOU do for it? WWWWWWWwwvVVV,YVVVVAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAA SNP ran4I FoPm i dhide Insures your grain from Rust. 4Ve guarantee Star Brand Formaldehyde to be the hest Furrnaldehy ie you can use, It will save you many bushels of grain, and assures ,you of having clean grain and straw for your stock, also a c eau threshing, 50c per pint l ottle, Buy the Best and be Sure of Results Best Quality Drug Store The ltexall Store VT. S. i,2 -1011.1V13116' Phm,'B, WVWVWWVVWVWWV omovvvVVVWVVWWVVWVWVVWVVV W YVVW VWVVWVWV WVWAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAMnAAAAA.S to , Royal Bank OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 apital paid rip ' 11,560.000 Reserve awl undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets . .,....... 185,000,000 3S30 13 tiff N( .L-1 I with World -'wide Clown eetions Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Bantling Business Transacted, R. E. l ANNING, Mala er, iiillio>l Brod, I WWVVyVVVVWVWVWVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvdvak NlvMWWV 3 t 1110ao0; 49049G.44 0, •♦499m404.0 iG4. 00409000000994.004000.00000000 Ordered Clothing I heady -to -Wear. Clothing 1 • • k • The ever increasing ® demand for Suits at e this popular price has •• prompted us 10 offer o special values, and we s point with pride to our $ Fifteen Dollar Suds m and say Match The it Von eau ? • • • full • •• Two and 3 button models in worsted, = tweeds, etc. 1 he • tailoring, cut, and e every detail of suit makingis the best 1 • that good work- *° men could do. 1Lu— We have a pleasing ° surprise in storefor the • man that don't know about the goodness of" our ♦ • • •♦ •9 • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • e e • The orrishC'�� h i O ♦ • •4k♦•OiDA♦A}♦A'D�4N.Md.4..4M0♦4 60000604200000,i040004000•04000•0 •• Vma.+aaaadmrmaear'i^"^aer Fifteen DoIlar Suits Agent for C. P. R. Telegraph Co.' A Sgoul'e Deal for Every Map 1'0 • g Try The New Era for Job Work in I 96 ••m••m•••••oeosesseleee8880 •®®®mceeoeeeeeese eemeee•e eaecesesoessoeott•e•sees•e• Fa • • • 9 8 • • e • 9 0 • • • 0 • • 8 • O 0 a t9 0 9 0 60! • • w 4. • / qtr • 3 „tl• • • s Clean, Up �iter ovvii• • s • r' • e • 9 W 0 Q) a 51 Early Organization of Forces will Secure Effective Results. It is not too early for the health departments of our municipalities to prepare for their spring clean-up day. The snow is gone, exposing to view the accumulated refuse of the winter months. In Canada we are favored with a covering mantle of snow during several months, and, as a consequence, are in- clined to be somewhat careless of sanitary conditions. With the coming of warmer weather this neglect becomes a source of great danger and unless prompt action is taken, may give rise to serious epidemics, " The Municipal' Council and Boards of Health should initiate without de- lay plans for a general spring dean -up. Generous appropriations should be made for the purpose and a thorough organization developed for the removal of refuse. The local pride of the people should be appealed to on behalf of a clean hone—an appeal rarely made in vain. In many of our towns and cities there are organizations interested in public questions, only requiring initiative to secure effective action. The beautifying of their home town should be made an incentive for energetic effort, thus increasing their interest and enthusiasm for the place called "Home." to e tie 5 • N • •• e cw m 0 0 a tl 4, 0 • ra 8 9 • 9 9 A w e 9 • O • • • to • • • 9 e • 0 0 m 0 • e ••• • • • • • • • • • e • • 9 m • m • a a 9 0 49 e 44.9gimeveGdm +YMieegoem•®00d 9 neeesese•neeeeenoso••seeeeeeeeeeseeCi•eaoeseeeeemec"r.es.+''5 isasseeesaiseecseeestaan s e WITH TEES1i CHURCHES. • aeaneseseasisepoencseasia 4. SALVATION A1;11Ia'. Wheedler Bawling and Staff Cap!. White will conduct a special meeting in the Salvation Army Hall this Ifni day evening at S p. m. Everybody Welcome. ONTARIO T. CHORba. The Pastor, Rev. S, J. Arlin will preaeh on Sunday. Pte Aicheson, of the 10Ist Battalion will sing at the evening service. The animal meeting of the W. M. S. was hent nn Tuesday afternoon, The officers of the present year were re elected for the year beginning with the month of Mayi- Presi den t -Mrs. Oourti ce let Vice -Mrs. Steep 2nd Vice -Mrs. Rathwell Treasurer -Mrs. Holland Secretary -Mrs Beacom Corresponding Pec -Mrs, May Systematic (riving Dept -Mrs. Geo, Shipley. WESL1!iy CI UBC11 The Pastor's subject next Sunday evening -"The Delectable Mountains -Rest and Refreshments. Pte, O, Atchison sang "Crossing the Bee' last Sunday evening, The Faster Thank offering of the W. M. S. will be held in the school room tonight at S o'clock. BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev, J. K. Fu,irfuil preached morn tug and evening. At the close of the Pravermesting on Wednesday, the quarterly business Jelly Powder Specially four Easter McLa,ren's Jelly Powder - a full assortment - Raspberry Strawberry Orange Pineapple Lemon Chocolate Port Etc. 3 packages for 25c Try, the new flavor, Grape Fruit for Easter Seedisplay in our south Window The Store of Quality X. 0: NEIL1 HUB GROCER, Phone d8 THE °1' I -i Ir I 1: RATTENBURY, 'President, W. S. R HOLMES, Secretary • 9 '• Special en Page 3„ 0 6 0 0 0 G 490 a Our readers will find a the news of the Soldiers, a the Spring Fair, and the 2 o Minstrel Show on page 3 a a of this issue. Other in - m teresting news items on L a the other pages, 0 t • meeting was held and reports heard from the Treasurer, Palvonage Hoard and the Ladies Aid. Pastor will preach next Sunday. ••••••••c•••e•e•eoluasO•••• Local News OLENTON BOWLERS MAKE DONATION, The Clinton Bowlers have dnnxted 1112 to the Western Ontario Bowlers 0atriotic Fund.. EASTER RATES The G. T. It, offers special rates for Easter Single Fare is good, however only for the one day, Friday, Anvil 21- A fare and one-third is good going on the 20, 21, 22 and 23, returning on the 25th. See advt. on page 4. NEPHEWS ENLISTED, Among recent enlistments at Winsnipeg, are those lof Arnold Holmes, e'on of the late Ed. T. Holmes, and Russell Emerson, son of the lateEmersion, bn, both 'nephews 1 Cr,G 1 L u rsephe\vs of Mrs 'II. B. Chant. 1Mi'ROVEMENTS Cooper & Co have put up new awn Ings this y eur. lice kitchen of M.r. Henry's home on Princess street, has been shingled. 1'1r, John Stephenson has torn down the old shelter forshingles ofTwitchell Bros, on Victoria street, COMMITTEE MEETING TONIGHT The Celebration Committee of the Clinton Orange Lodge wilt be held to night (Thursday) to prepare plans for the corning 12th, 'When vvill the gang of middle-, mer1and war profiters be made to disgorge? • alae+eseaseneeeneeea••eesese e Patriotic Notes • eseemea000eoe•messe••eme•ee Corte to the Council chamber Fri day afternoon prepared to quilt. Two quilts will be in .frames and the Women's Patriotic Society hope that all expert minters will come $o that the quilts may be finished Friday, Loot week the following supplies were shipped to Hyman Hall -53 gray flannel shirts; 130 pairs socks, 2 scarfs; 0 hospital shirts; 3 pyjama suits and 4 wash cloths, --o-- -, The Society acknowledge with grateful thanks a, donation of five dollars from Mts. Grigg sr, You are all asked to remember that in about two weeks time a collection shall be made of rags, old rubbers and paper. Come to Clinton on May 24th, 1916 BIGGEST DAY EVER . HELD IN CLINTON (The Committee will present the 161st with a Car.) Military Band Contest, ---Big Prizes. GRAND MILITARY Manoeuvres by the 161st Battalion LOOK FOR O O BIG BILLS. e00.0.4s•®•••e•e•e••e•eeasese•sefoOsie0e0980e000aasse•el• e g IS II Ciinton's 0 II M� its life • • •- .. • • Movements of the 161st Battalion Wintering Here --Huron •• County Recruiting Notes --Activities by the Huron 4.4 • Battalion • aeoee0•0e••••oo•o•••••0e••eeeee •eesee••f999(0esecee NEW SOLDIERS CLINTON. W G Jones W Rollinson GODERICI3. • G L Baxter W J Ruddock B J McLean R 1t .11'r, neh SEAFOR'rH C R Papst 1l D Chesney A,Poc'tertield RILNSALL. G Richards 314 Black I� MoLeod BRUSSELS. %V J Stiles WINGHANI I3 V Kerney T L McKinney CHANGES ON SODEIJIOI1 STAFF A change has been mule ule in the scall of the Goderich company al` the 101st. NInjor McPhail is being transferred to Clinton. Lieut. Grieves does hack to Seeforth and Capt. 1.1 0. Oamphell of Winghanr goes to Goderich to take charge of the company. Vent, R, Y, McLean, is in charge of the .Brussels company at present. Some of the Huron men have been waiting until !hay s ere really wanted. Now is the time. Thio war should be brou3;ht to a close within the next year. Colne and du your part, WING -GAM NOTES "0" Company, of the 101st there has been increased by two new recruits H. B. Corrie and .T. L. McKenney, both from Bluevale. Pte. Mundy left for Clinton to join the battalion hand, C. Mitchell and N. Nash, tivo new recruits of Wroxeter, were here being 'fitted out with nnifot'ms. ' Pte. 1, Bell, of Gerrie, made a bur Tied call on his way to Clinton, where he is training for an officer, --•®-- JOINS THE BAND. Zurich Mira d --Mr, Daniel Bennett of this village, has enlisted with the 101st and will ,juin the Military Sand at Olioton. COL, 0051BE VISr;'ED GODERICF1 Col. Uonnhe visited the Goderich khaki company on Monday and after watching waueeilVet's on the square expressed himself es highly pleased wirh the appearance and moteinent of the men. Another name, Bert Mc. Lean, was auded to the list, bringing the parade strength up to 130. 'Peeling that it. is his duty to serve his t'ountry, despite the fact that Continued on page C. Ontario Bars to Close 'September lOth REPEAL VOTE WILL BE TAKEN IN JUNE, 1919 If at Referendum Then It is De- cided to Return to Present Con" ditions, Option Places Will Still Remain "Dry." • Toronto ,• April 0.-.Prahibitioa will be effective inOntarie rifler Saturday, the 19th of September, vill remain in erect until probably the first :Mlonday in Jima, 1010, 6 sears hence, whim its continuance will depend ui nn the wishes of the eleettoi:s of the pru'eincc ex- pressed through a "cl'eeendunt, This WasIion. W. J. Dinnte air- slouneemcnt ,made in'the Legisla- ture tonight, Whell the Meuse in dosnmittcc. ,g•ot to the closing sec- tions ,01the On 01.10 Temperance Act. • Mr. I;olwell O bje.cts. The anuclunceinent that the Got artinrent had decided ho allow Been se Holders until the middle of Sep- tember to clear on their stocks, brought from N.W. Rivetl, K.C., an expression ,or rcgret that it had clot ;been thou in fit to make the extension much shm'ter, The whole act was so important and se far reaching, however, that he Wouli.1 not attempt to tear the geiod feel Ing in the matter by dividing the Hou:ie. "With the lilac given the license holders should receive this in this In the spirit the House gives it, and feel ibntthey have nee ever! ifair ti eatment. lie said -After the War. In referring to the referendum •Hon, Mr. Hanna stated that it could not fairly be taken until a consider- able time after the war. By leav- ing it until 1019 ell the sodliers would probably he back froth the front, and would have had ample time to get on the lisle. anti the :ict would have hada fair trial Then if the people wanted to re- peal it they could do so. They would he able to vote upon itLuclligenliy The minister was noteeitrin whether the terms of the referendum would be to cpn- ti min ;mold bit_01 ort, repeal it, That would be derided by the law okric ers 'Hon Mr. Hanna ';aid that a clause would be inti;o'anced repeal- ing the Ontario License Act in the Act in the Meantime :Hit started also that the Government felt that it the province went bark to the present al der of things as 0 result of the referendum them these people who have licenses 0 O should have first call in the distri- bution, of any license that might be issued The return 1 r C c lc u n to present conditions would not, he „aid, af- fect lored. opttar districts, which would egein come under the 'by- laws, Hoilett - Township CoE neil Minutes Bullet Township Council met on March 30th. in Township, lion, Lion des bolt. Members all present. Com rnuuicaliioe from Gm, 13„ re lloltzhauer drain react and on neotilo11 of Messrs Miller and Plow - eon, the Clerk was instructed to tel ephone Engineer Rblger regarding then dal C. Communication from Hydro -'Bice tris Association asking Council to take a membership therein and for an annual fee o1 of $10.00. No at' - tion taken thereon. Communication front Lieut„ -Cot. II, i3. Combs asking the Council • to petition the Hon. the Mitnster of Militia asking that n mobilization camp be _stabin;hed at Goderich, inovecl by Messrs Watt and Mc- Stiehael- that a resolution he passed and forwarded to Minister loll, Militia, Communication from J:F. Knight, Secretary of Citizens Conrmitteeiojf One 'Hundred asking fora graol at 410,00. Noettietion taken. Request for a grant to Auburn Public Lior ary, No ac.•timt thereon 1M. following aceounta 18 er0 pass ed and ordered paid. Thos, Knox Drawing steel rails to ,Mc4ittie's Bridge ........ $5,00 Roht Lawson drawing shone 822.50 Thomas little drawing tile to jIloltzlu,uer's dram $1,00 John Denholm Mullett share ,or drain .. ,$8:00 Win. Skelton al loads gravel $3,10 Wm, ,Watson and Hy. Voting gray- elling boucdary Tlliett and Morris -$6.45 Blyth Standardr' t' m P in tri, 5.50 A by-law was passed appointing Fn once -Viewers, Pountl ,Keepers and Pathmasters, ,FEN0118-VIEW15153 Lane Tyndall, d all MaI mi eDer- mOttiJohn ;Fowler. Matt Carnett Richrd Carter Henry Young John Brigham, Wrn Plunkett. POUND -KEEPERS • John Fowles'; James Vanilgtnatuad I John B. Taylor, John Collinson, Ben ianrin Riley, James Ellsley, Water Pfeffer, John Cartwright, PATI1-MAST LRS Henry Cooper, Jos. 'Moro, An- drew ,Jamieson, Jas, McGill, Alex., 15'own, James .Carter, Peter flaw,. thorns, Thos Dale, (Meal Shepherd Dale, Jos, 'Freeman, Chas Peacock, :Wm) !!Till, Humphrey Snell, Stephen Prickendeu, il.Trank Tyndall. Wm, J McBrien, James. Rands, ,Robt, Claris, Iiy, Glazier, Jas. Dale, Matt. C'arbett. Richard Brennan, Dom, Flynn, Owen Rey Holds, John Farquhar, Gvo. Far- quhar, And. Snell, Jamee. ,Mann, Wm, 'XSugghila, Wm. Britton, Geo, Dale, Rai t.. Lawson, Alex Leitch Bruce Medd, Jas. Browt•, Michael Howard Snell: li'in. Hoge. gart, .Wm Bro,wn,Austia Dulmage 7huo. Dexter, Robt, Jamieson, Jos Brown, Jno Sunderoodc, Chas. Stewart, Jas. Cartwright, .Wm. Ad- dison, Timis, Adams, Ed, Crawford, Jos, Cat ler, harry McCc'ol, Wm, Snr-,Il, Jno, Vodden, Wm, Leiper, f'reci Rogerson, Sol,; Shannon, Rich, Sanderson, Thos, Grasby, Thiols. Hamilton, Wm. Melon, Wm. Ross, [no..Brown, Jas, Woodman.. Ernest Adams, Jos, Manning, Sam, Lee, Jno. Radford, Wm. Goyim', Nelson Elill, Dan Stevens Thos, Neil,ans, Alex McEwing, Thos. Colson, And. Ilcggart Ernest Sanderson, Sam Pcllard, Jno. Ternbl[yn, Jos Gray Moses Holtzhauer, Geo. lilillon, Chas, Manning, Ja,,, Fllsiey, Wm. Archambault. W Cunningham, Jas, Nolan, Daviel Watson, Jno, Mills, ,lids, ,Donlan, Fly.. Young, Robl% Pate, .Jnu Brigham, Ben, Morritt, David Bowes,. Jus. Log,nn, nos tu,bertun Jr., Peter Walpie.r, A, Saui'ders•M,irtir' Armstrong, Arch, Robinson, Gen 'Hamilton, J'obt. NelSont Norman Ball,Thins. Mair, a' . 'Herbert Gooier; Jacob Wagner,. John .Good, Sant, COX. , Council adjourned to meet again on April, 27th at 1,30 Ji m, - e John S'ingland, Clerk, INCORPORATED 1855 •�•' :t FIIE5 MOLSONS BA.NII ' C'APITAL AND RESERVE S8,830,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT f' BANK MONEY. ORDERS ri Savings bank Department Interest Allo'e t'd at.Iliglicst Current slate (1.E• Dowdh , .Ylanill+vr,' Clinton !trout") 1110ao0; 49049G.44 0, •♦499m404.0 iG4. 00409000000994.004000.00000000 Ordered Clothing I heady -to -Wear. Clothing 1 • • k • The ever increasing ® demand for Suits at e this popular price has •• prompted us 10 offer o special values, and we s point with pride to our $ Fifteen Dollar Suds m and say Match The it Von eau ? • • • full • •• Two and 3 button models in worsted, = tweeds, etc. 1 he • tailoring, cut, and e every detail of suit makingis the best 1 • that good work- *° men could do. 1Lu— We have a pleasing ° surprise in storefor the • man that don't know about the goodness of" our ♦ • • •♦ •9 • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • e e • The orrishC'�� h i O ♦ • •4k♦•OiDA♦A}♦A'D�4N.Md.4..4M0♦4 60000604200000,i040004000•04000•0 •• Vma.+aaaadmrmaear'i^"^aer Fifteen DoIlar Suits Agent for C. P. R. Telegraph Co.' A Sgoul'e Deal for Every Map 1'0 • g Try The New Era for Job Work in I 96 ••m••m•••••oeosesseleee8880 •®®®mceeoeeeeeese eemeee•e eaecesesoessoeott•e•sees•e• Fa • • • 9 8 • • e • 9 0 • • • 0 • • 8 • O 0 a t9 0 9 0 60! • • w 4. • / qtr • 3 „tl• • • s Clean, Up �iter ovvii• • s • r' • e • 9 W 0 Q) a 51 Early Organization of Forces will Secure Effective Results. It is not too early for the health departments of our municipalities to prepare for their spring clean-up day. The snow is gone, exposing to view the accumulated refuse of the winter months. In Canada we are favored with a covering mantle of snow during several months, and, as a consequence, are in- clined to be somewhat careless of sanitary conditions. With the coming of warmer weather this neglect becomes a source of great danger and unless prompt action is taken, may give rise to serious epidemics, " The Municipal' Council and Boards of Health should initiate without de- lay plans for a general spring dean -up. Generous appropriations should be made for the purpose and a thorough organization developed for the removal of refuse. The local pride of the people should be appealed to on behalf of a clean hone—an appeal rarely made in vain. In many of our towns and cities there are organizations interested in public questions, only requiring initiative to secure effective action. The beautifying of their home town should be made an incentive for energetic effort, thus increasing their interest and enthusiasm for the place called "Home." to e tie 5 • N • •• e cw m 0 0 a tl 4, 0 • ra 8 9 • 9 9 A w e 9 • O • • • to • • • 9 e • 0 0 m 0 • e ••• • • • • • • • • • e • • 9 m • m • a a 9 0 49 e 44.9gimeveGdm +YMieegoem•®00d 9 neeesese•neeeeenoso••seeeeeeeeeeseeCi•eaoeseeeeemec"r.es.+''5 isasseeesaiseecseeestaan s e WITH TEES1i CHURCHES. • aeaneseseasisepoencseasia 4. SALVATION A1;11Ia'. Wheedler Bawling and Staff Cap!. White will conduct a special meeting in the Salvation Army Hall this Ifni day evening at S p. m. Everybody Welcome. ONTARIO T. CHORba. The Pastor, Rev. S, J. Arlin will preaeh on Sunday. Pte Aicheson, of the 10Ist Battalion will sing at the evening service. The animal meeting of the W. M. S. was hent nn Tuesday afternoon, The officers of the present year were re elected for the year beginning with the month of Mayi- Presi den t -Mrs. Oourti ce let Vice -Mrs. Steep 2nd Vice -Mrs. Rathwell Treasurer -Mrs. Holland Secretary -Mrs Beacom Corresponding Pec -Mrs, May Systematic (riving Dept -Mrs. Geo, Shipley. WESL1!iy CI UBC11 The Pastor's subject next Sunday evening -"The Delectable Mountains -Rest and Refreshments. Pte, O, Atchison sang "Crossing the Bee' last Sunday evening, The Faster Thank offering of the W. M. S. will be held in the school room tonight at S o'clock. BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev, J. K. Fu,irfuil preached morn tug and evening. At the close of the Pravermesting on Wednesday, the quarterly business Jelly Powder Specially four Easter McLa,ren's Jelly Powder - a full assortment - Raspberry Strawberry Orange Pineapple Lemon Chocolate Port Etc. 3 packages for 25c Try, the new flavor, Grape Fruit for Easter Seedisplay in our south Window The Store of Quality X. 0: NEIL1 HUB GROCER, Phone d8 THE °1' I -i Ir I 1: RATTENBURY, 'President, W. S. R HOLMES, Secretary • 9 '• Special en Page 3„ 0 6 0 0 0 G 490 a Our readers will find a the news of the Soldiers, a the Spring Fair, and the 2 o Minstrel Show on page 3 a a of this issue. Other in - m teresting news items on L a the other pages, 0 t • meeting was held and reports heard from the Treasurer, Palvonage Hoard and the Ladies Aid. Pastor will preach next Sunday. ••••••••c•••e•e•eoluasO•••• Local News OLENTON BOWLERS MAKE DONATION, The Clinton Bowlers have dnnxted 1112 to the Western Ontario Bowlers 0atriotic Fund.. EASTER RATES The G. T. It, offers special rates for Easter Single Fare is good, however only for the one day, Friday, Anvil 21- A fare and one-third is good going on the 20, 21, 22 and 23, returning on the 25th. See advt. on page 4. NEPHEWS ENLISTED, Among recent enlistments at Winsnipeg, are those lof Arnold Holmes, e'on of the late Ed. T. Holmes, and Russell Emerson, son of the lateEmersion, bn, both 'nephews 1 Cr,G 1 L u rsephe\vs of Mrs 'II. B. Chant. 1Mi'ROVEMENTS Cooper & Co have put up new awn Ings this y eur. lice kitchen of M.r. Henry's home on Princess street, has been shingled. 1'1r, John Stephenson has torn down the old shelter forshingles ofTwitchell Bros, on Victoria street, COMMITTEE MEETING TONIGHT The Celebration Committee of the Clinton Orange Lodge wilt be held to night (Thursday) to prepare plans for the corning 12th, 'When vvill the gang of middle-, mer1and war profiters be made to disgorge? • alae+eseaseneeeneeea••eesese e Patriotic Notes • eseemea000eoe•messe••eme•ee Corte to the Council chamber Fri day afternoon prepared to quilt. Two quilts will be in .frames and the Women's Patriotic Society hope that all expert minters will come $o that the quilts may be finished Friday, Loot week the following supplies were shipped to Hyman Hall -53 gray flannel shirts; 130 pairs socks, 2 scarfs; 0 hospital shirts; 3 pyjama suits and 4 wash cloths, --o-- -, The Society acknowledge with grateful thanks a, donation of five dollars from Mts. Grigg sr, You are all asked to remember that in about two weeks time a collection shall be made of rags, old rubbers and paper. Come to Clinton on May 24th, 1916 BIGGEST DAY EVER . HELD IN CLINTON (The Committee will present the 161st with a Car.) Military Band Contest, ---Big Prizes. GRAND MILITARY Manoeuvres by the 161st Battalion LOOK FOR O O BIG BILLS. e00.0.4s•®•••e•e•e••e•eeasese•sefoOsie0e0980e000aasse•el• e g IS II Ciinton's 0 II M� its life • • •- .. • • Movements of the 161st Battalion Wintering Here --Huron •• County Recruiting Notes --Activities by the Huron 4.4 • Battalion • aeoee0•0e••••oo•o•••••0e••eeeee •eesee••f999(0esecee NEW SOLDIERS CLINTON. W G Jones W Rollinson GODERICI3. • G L Baxter W J Ruddock B J McLean R 1t .11'r, neh SEAFOR'rH C R Papst 1l D Chesney A,Poc'tertield RILNSALL. G Richards 314 Black I� MoLeod BRUSSELS. %V J Stiles WINGHANI I3 V Kerney T L McKinney CHANGES ON SODEIJIOI1 STAFF A change has been mule ule in the scall of the Goderich company al` the 101st. NInjor McPhail is being transferred to Clinton. Lieut. Grieves does hack to Seeforth and Capt. 1.1 0. Oamphell of Winghanr goes to Goderich to take charge of the company. Vent, R, Y, McLean, is in charge of the .Brussels company at present. Some of the Huron men have been waiting until !hay s ere really wanted. Now is the time. Thio war should be brou3;ht to a close within the next year. Colne and du your part, WING -GAM NOTES "0" Company, of the 101st there has been increased by two new recruits H. B. Corrie and .T. L. McKenney, both from Bluevale. Pte. Mundy left for Clinton to join the battalion hand, C. Mitchell and N. Nash, tivo new recruits of Wroxeter, were here being 'fitted out with nnifot'ms. ' Pte. 1, Bell, of Gerrie, made a bur Tied call on his way to Clinton, where he is training for an officer, --•®-- JOINS THE BAND. Zurich Mira d --Mr, Daniel Bennett of this village, has enlisted with the 101st and will ,juin the Military Sand at Olioton. COL, 0051BE VISr;'ED GODERICF1 Col. Uonnhe visited the Goderich khaki company on Monday and after watching waueeilVet's on the square expressed himself es highly pleased wirh the appearance and moteinent of the men. Another name, Bert Mc. Lean, was auded to the list, bringing the parade strength up to 130. 'Peeling that it. is his duty to serve his t'ountry, despite the fact that Continued on page C. Ontario Bars to Close 'September lOth REPEAL VOTE WILL BE TAKEN IN JUNE, 1919 If at Referendum Then It is De- cided to Return to Present Con" ditions, Option Places Will Still Remain "Dry." • Toronto ,• April 0.-.Prahibitioa will be effective inOntarie rifler Saturday, the 19th of September, vill remain in erect until probably the first :Mlonday in Jima, 1010, 6 sears hence, whim its continuance will depend ui nn the wishes of the eleettoi:s of the pru'eincc ex- pressed through a "cl'eeendunt, This WasIion. W. J. Dinnte air- slouneemcnt ,made in'the Legisla- ture tonight, Whell the Meuse in dosnmittcc. ,g•ot to the closing sec- tions ,01the On 01.10 Temperance Act. • Mr. I;olwell O bje.cts. The anuclunceinent that the Got artinrent had decided ho allow Been se Holders until the middle of Sep- tember to clear on their stocks, brought from N.W. Rivetl, K.C., an expression ,or rcgret that it had clot ;been thou in fit to make the extension much shm'ter, The whole act was so important and se far reaching, however, that he Wouli.1 not attempt to tear the geiod feel Ing in the matter by dividing the Hou:ie. "With the lilac given the license holders should receive this in this In the spirit the House gives it, and feel ibntthey have nee ever! ifair ti eatment. lie said -After the War. In referring to the referendum •Hon, Mr. Hanna stated that it could not fairly be taken until a consider- able time after the war. By leav- ing it until 1019 ell the sodliers would probably he back froth the front, and would have had ample time to get on the lisle. anti the :ict would have hada fair trial Then if the people wanted to re- peal it they could do so. They would he able to vote upon itLuclligenliy The minister was noteeitrin whether the terms of the referendum would be to cpn- ti min ;mold bit_01 ort, repeal it, That would be derided by the law okric ers 'Hon Mr. Hanna ';aid that a clause would be inti;o'anced repeal- ing the Ontario License Act in the Act in the Meantime :Hit started also that the Government felt that it the province went bark to the present al der of things as 0 result of the referendum them these people who have licenses 0 O should have first call in the distri- bution, of any license that might be issued The return 1 r C c lc u n to present conditions would not, he „aid, af- fect lored. opttar districts, which would egein come under the 'by- laws, Hoilett - Township CoE neil Minutes Bullet Township Council met on March 30th. in Township, lion, Lion des bolt. Members all present. Com rnuuicaliioe from Gm, 13„ re lloltzhauer drain react and on neotilo11 of Messrs Miller and Plow - eon, the Clerk was instructed to tel ephone Engineer Rblger regarding then dal C. Communication from Hydro -'Bice tris Association asking Council to take a membership therein and for an annual fee o1 of $10.00. No at' - tion taken thereon. Communication front Lieut„ -Cot. II, i3. Combs asking the Council • to petition the Hon. the Mitnster of Militia asking that n mobilization camp be _stabin;hed at Goderich, inovecl by Messrs Watt and Mc- Stiehael- that a resolution he passed and forwarded to Minister loll, Militia, Communication from J:F. Knight, Secretary of Citizens Conrmitteeiojf One 'Hundred asking fora graol at 410,00. Noettietion taken. Request for a grant to Auburn Public Lior ary, No ac.•timt thereon 1M. following aceounta 18 er0 pass ed and ordered paid. Thos, Knox Drawing steel rails to ,Mc4ittie's Bridge ........ $5,00 Roht Lawson drawing shone 822.50 Thomas little drawing tile to jIloltzlu,uer's dram $1,00 John Denholm Mullett share ,or drain .. ,$8:00 Win. Skelton al loads gravel $3,10 Wm, ,Watson and Hy. Voting gray- elling boucdary Tlliett and Morris -$6.45 Blyth Standardr' t' m P in tri, 5.50 A by-law was passed appointing Fn once -Viewers, Pountl ,Keepers and Pathmasters, ,FEN0118-VIEW15153 Lane Tyndall, d all MaI mi eDer- mOttiJohn ;Fowler. Matt Carnett Richrd Carter Henry Young John Brigham, Wrn Plunkett. POUND -KEEPERS • John Fowles'; James Vanilgtnatuad I John B. Taylor, John Collinson, Ben ianrin Riley, James Ellsley, Water Pfeffer, John Cartwright, PATI1-MAST LRS Henry Cooper, Jos. 'Moro, An- drew ,Jamieson, Jas, McGill, Alex., 15'own, James .Carter, Peter flaw,. thorns, Thos Dale, (Meal Shepherd Dale, Jos, 'Freeman, Chas Peacock, :Wm) !!Till, Humphrey Snell, Stephen Prickendeu, il.Trank Tyndall. Wm, J McBrien, James. Rands, ,Robt, Claris, Iiy, Glazier, Jas. Dale, Matt. C'arbett. Richard Brennan, Dom, Flynn, Owen Rey Holds, John Farquhar, Gvo. Far- quhar, And. Snell, Jamee. ,Mann, Wm, 'XSugghila, Wm. Britton, Geo, Dale, Rai t.. Lawson, Alex Leitch Bruce Medd, Jas. Browt•, Michael Howard Snell: li'in. Hoge. gart, .Wm Bro,wn,Austia Dulmage 7huo. Dexter, Robt, Jamieson, Jos Brown, Jno Sunderoodc, Chas. Stewart, Jas. Cartwright, .Wm. Ad- dison, Timis, Adams, Ed, Crawford, Jos, Cat ler, harry McCc'ol, Wm, Snr-,Il, Jno, Vodden, Wm, Leiper, f'reci Rogerson, Sol,; Shannon, Rich, Sanderson, Thos, Grasby, Thiols. Hamilton, Wm. Melon, Wm. Ross, [no..Brown, Jas, Woodman.. Ernest Adams, Jos, Manning, Sam, Lee, Jno. Radford, Wm. Goyim', Nelson Elill, Dan Stevens Thos, Neil,ans, Alex McEwing, Thos. Colson, And. Ilcggart Ernest Sanderson, Sam Pcllard, Jno. Ternbl[yn, Jos Gray Moses Holtzhauer, Geo. lilillon, Chas, Manning, Ja,,, Fllsiey, Wm. Archambault. W Cunningham, Jas, Nolan, Daviel Watson, Jno, Mills, ,lids, ,Donlan, Fly.. Young, Robl% Pate, .Jnu Brigham, Ben, Morritt, David Bowes,. Jus. Log,nn, nos tu,bertun Jr., Peter Walpie.r, A, Saui'ders•M,irtir' Armstrong, Arch, Robinson, Gen 'Hamilton, J'obt. NelSont Norman Ball,Thins. Mair, a' . 'Herbert Gooier; Jacob Wagner,. John .Good, Sant, COX. , Council adjourned to meet again on April, 27th at 1,30 Ji m, - e John S'ingland, Clerk,