HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-30, Page 6PAGE sI'X. q{.us m.,w,...a llUuoax..un.. a H.*...Nwww.,m,e.....tvhu>r, wNoweg'.r..reaavRaeuaa+mw, Buy Dress Goods Now IN spite of the war, we have been successful in obtaining a complete assortment of the beautiful new shades and fabrics in iew"--DRESS GOODS The dress goods centres of Continental Europe are either destroyed or in the enemies' hands. Priestleys' famous looms, at Bradford, England, are now working overtime making cloth -for the Allied Armies. cl¢nuine aiweps has PRIESTLEYS' UN`�I,T�,E,��D,, sizaneodantflia solver 0 v5 The beautiful Spring goods that we are now showing may be the last we will be able to obtain for some time to come. WE STRONGLY ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO BUY NOW, AS THE PRICES ARE LIKELY TO ADVANCE. Priestleys' showing includes many novel and very beautiful fabrics, in the latest and most fashionable shades, as well as the more staple lines that are always popular. See them in our &mss Goods Department. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Neixt to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE. Custom, Tailoring Men's 'furnishings. Phone 103. Opposiaei ublieLibrary JOE DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work: New type and new stock of paper use placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON o 2M0Mrr¢ .MS:03= 02150E ns�mcvam.a:t.aaauu1:cv.Z.UC=OLrm0,00:=002=0 Fancy furniture Of dainty nhareeter, toy Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in cub struction and design tut ex. tremc ly well made in,every de. tail. Here, to e• the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. • The Cheapest Spot in 10iiron to bay till kiaials of 1'mei furc B.A.1:4D.i & w "tom :N S0.1�`_`°ol Furniture Dealers and Funeral. Dir odors -L'laone 104 N. Rail 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— Jr. D. Ati(innsou 180 Visit the 13ig Stock Show at Clinton, nn Thursday, April Gth, Also See the big. Military Parade in the morning And don't forget to make Johnson & Co.'s Grocery your headquarters Sonne of our Speeials for Shim Day 2 goart bottles of Choice Tomato Catsup for 25c 2 tins of Wellington Salmon for 25c, and other specials " FRUITS -Bananas, Oranges,'Ele. .dIGIIEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOHNSON & Phone 111 TRE STORE OF (@UALIT9 OU CAN secure all the newtoes Footwear o and i . shapes inr New Spring r'c,o r tHca here, We have all the new lasts and leathers put together by someof the best makers, We We sell SHOES that are the best procurable in stylish appearance, quality, , material, and workmanship—the ' best you can possibly buy for your money. A Large -Range of Women's and Men's Shoes to Sek tet from " Tit Guaranteed to he alf you dr6utd desire. .11MINEDMIZEIONaanggew. IftiM91,NEIVAIN06204.3031•11113011101401/111311RIZESAIIMMISICIIIIrM10/0412112112111!. Phone 70 Clinton 11 SAW14IiLL TO STA1'1• The J)on,erty Saw Mill is to corn 111e005 work this weak on the tog s that have heart nnrch,ased by Mr,Rimingof London. They w111 employ a dozen .or men. MINOR LOCALS Fresh :0410 syrup will s(aon be here, Lots of crows this weak. They have wintered ;a ell, The robins arrived last week. A Mot•iug Picture; show is billed' for the tcnvn it, ll tl'his Saturday 'evening. See advt. on page 5. The Ladies Hockey team were F ruppos•ed to go t(' Mit:Molt on \V•ednteadny evening. Opt the thaw postponed the game. AIINT D0'AD. The Orillia Parket prints the follow ingobituary noire: of on aunt of• Mr. E. G. Coitrtic'e of town and sister of• Mr, A. .1, Oour Lire of llalmaville,- On Monday of last week there passed • ewry Ilis. Charles Brailt5 of Atdtrea, Ahs )3r 'ley cc•,r," n d ut ht.er of the late Thos. end Mary Conrtice, of the 'in VOOhip nt Pickertmer, near he vO Inge of Dunharton, cohere she haus horn on the iii, of Dir v, 15.11, \la rob 20th. 1861, she was joined m met' ridge to Mr Oheeies Ledoey, her now sorrowing husband. On the 251h, to gether they left her home and moved by team to North O,•illia, tend scion afterwards to the farm on whieh they lived until her death, They lived happily together and brought up 'a family of four sons and three dough tors. The eldest son, Henry 1i, '2., died in 1001. The rest are all living near the ltd honnested. In 11)11 Mr. and Mrs. Bailey celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, sur rounded by children and grandchildren Since then ti ere are three great grand children, Mrs. Smiley wa.e an active member of the Methodist church, The funeral on Wednesday, March 15th was well attended, Mr. T. Swindle preached the memorial service in Abe Methodist church. his text being Jeremiah, Sib chapter, 22nd verse, and the Rev. 13;; M. Seymour, paster, con ducted the burial service. I3 r only surviving brother, Andrew J. Uourtic'e of Holmesville, was present at the funeral, Mrs. Brailey leaves nephews, neioes and wore distant vela tions scattered through Ontario, Wes ' tern Canada, the United States and ;across the seas. • THE (MINTON NEW ERA. Grand Trunk Railway system 'I ' Time Table for Clinton \ Buffalo and Uoderilb Going to Stratford 7.33 a in 3,03 p 5.15 p in Going to Goderich 11.07 p in „,. 1,36 p ur 6.45`p IL18pm, London, Huron and Bruce , Going to London. 8.05,a m 415'prn Going to Wingham ih(1(1 s in 11.40pm .aa Local Newsvie MEETING CALLED OFF Ilse ineeting of the Young Peoples Union' has been postponed until Fell on account of not being able to gee an outside speaker, UNDERWENT OPERATION Prof Bristowe, organist at WVillis church underwent on operation on Wednesday of this week. His many friends in Lown will hope for a speedy recovery. MOVED TO LONDON Mr. Fl. L. Baines and family have 'niov,ed toLondon/ ' PP.ey have been residents of (!harm for :cltiite ,a few years, We hope they cIa well an the Xeres!. city. CRUISER SA21,E The report last week in the pc - peas the ,loss of the 6u1tfs0 Crnir4er "Cumberland” nn accotuut cf landing log l:t,,olcs .ofe. tho Coast of North Carolina, is not correct '1 he Admirality on Saturday stated the boat was ,safe. On board this Coat isLieut. C G..11lin, con tori: Rev. and Mrs S.J. A11in of town. who is one of the instructors with the Canadian Cadets. CLINTON CHECII'.ER PLAYERS, Clinton has a very ,exclusive Co1110 of Soci,el:yr known as the Clint on Checket Players, Tia get even a look in one has to deuion- stral:o a high order 'of alaility as a player, Among the, Star members are linimy. the Stenemnst)n, )3111 the retired farmer chief. Adam, the Insurance 'Pedlaraand the famous Rilely. One Of their fav- orite pastimes istoget a game with a Cominercial 'traveller. who has an idea he ran put upa fairly stiff game, and tvemonstrate to him how little he really ;knows about checkers. After ,ademo nstt+a tion, Jimmy's pet remark- are "we doe's .em," and while he is play- ing the visitor. you generally hem, from the :Retired ;Farmer Chief in this way. 13y George stranger loos; out for the old mail he 11.9 et you. Riley's standard is "Boys when yct:'re ,playing the .game, Tale Tour Time." One evening last wgolc a.Knight of the grip ought n bellow Itravetl01 into Riley's shop. and a aced a;rame for his friptid that i:e alight possibly learn son:et1ung from 0110 Clinton play,ees Of cotu'se they would be delighted and the play began, but it seemed ,to bean off night Irr the 'boys; they tohk thein time aA right but were unable to -e' the demonstration ula.t.. the • tand.arcl. Si Davis was pacing the floor tr keep the dust dnwp, awl 210101', kepi' ,sctying-"We'., not playing good tlornigha1." he hetired Fat m'er Chief began to tromile In what Jimmy 0305 hp agains1, and had longings thoughts of "Dome Sweet ,[Lome,'• looks at his watch nnd•e'claimed "lay George! I should have been Biome an flour ago " Exit -fanner hastily. The boys e'ot tired or the game and asked the, visitor who he knew among the Players or the C'ount'y Ile k).ew .them alt personally On taking ;his departure he said "Good ,L'v,eeiing Gentleman and Thank You. I hale leen Champion 'o{ On tario illyseilf," Adam .had got wind of what was coming to the koys and thinking discretion 31) bo the .better part of vat it stayed a111oma Next day The put 'ip.tha bluff by burning the wires to .get the visitor hack again, knowing at the same time itwas impossible, The visitor hur.ni•d otit to Le no less than ,Jacobson, the as oted Champion. GIRLS N COUNTY 1 Do you know that the gills must take the places of the men, especially in the Business World, if Can- ada is to do her share in this' great struggle, which' is, keep an army at the front and keep BUSINESS going on at home ? Are you ready to do your share? 3111:' Because of this great, need we are planning SPECIAL, O � L �. URSE AT SPECIAL RATES. 30 If you are truly PATRIOTIC and want a chance to do your share, write us forffurther particulars. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONT. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal., ARAMMPARRIMANWMAIWYWAMMMIYARM1 ute .04 1 1 L, 0, L. , The local.lodgo v'e :getting com- mittees at work wad startaig in a b051140851100.'way for: • Cheri• big celebration on the nth of July, WJLL'MO'VE ;20 SANDWIOR{ This, '13rshop of Damn has 'ap- pointed Bev. .ai R. Westgate. of Shelbournle, and a son-in-law of Pis, Kitty of town, l;o St J ohri's parish of Sandwich.11re will eater upon his rvea' 9,117e3 tar, Bast of May, ENLISTS AT TORONTO. Al1lo(thee Clinton hero:sr'bi e t has thinned the colors of the Bing • in the „person of il0. Will. Carling, who now 1 esides in Toronto, "Ifs has jO"ined one of the city liidts1_ jc leis, i3is old Wends will be glad io her that he; 'believes in fight*, Por truth tu'.d light eaoSness. I. 0. 0.'F: TO 'ENTERTAIN. 'THE 161St .13 a\TTL. • The,Chnton .r adlre. I. 0 w ll en0bntain tl.e •I.filst Hatt'. on Monday, April,3ul 111' the Princess Theatre (tc1• 'mq'1{ins pie111150 speeches nod ;a:-rnk. lowing to the space beam limited only ac- tive Oddfelllows to take part. . JUDGE ELLIOTT IMPROVING, Lard; r 'Free Press -Judge Ect- taid Elliott. who suffe'el a 1st] oh,e of paralysis :some time ago ,els a ,e,5.ilt t f a fall: is getting elong very nicely, .although it will be some time 1e{fore he 'v:11 Le al le to leave the Ivor e, The Judge is ,a ,brother of Mrs, Car- diff, '1ho is visiting 1•e' daugh- ter, Mrs. Harry 1 to tlifi, of town. ENLIS'IS I:N ';T'IUh WEST. Mr. Will .Wisontcn, son ofSTo.nrfl Mrs, 7( ran il'iseman of town, or ct av1j0 for the last fe\v yelirs has been on the Mounted Police 0 once in the \'Neat, has loinetl the 5 tot BalttL ,at S:dm0111, 11. which is sup- posed to leave shortly for 11 e filoet. Will's olcl friends will wish Trim stand lurk in the Bata MEDEAL CONTEST TONIGHT. The Medal ,Contest in connection with the Clin1(on branch of ':he W. C. T, U. will oe held in Wsiloy church (tonight, Thursday •evening March 300h, ,at 8 o'clock. Thee will he twelve contests in song and Ielocution. and an hate; 5,a,ting ,evening i6 praomit.'ed. Admission 15 cents, INFANT SON DEAD. Lockhard Gordon Gree. only sou of ,Sergi. and Mrs Lock Oren passed away at the parental home on Satuv day at noon rat the age of 1 year and 1 month. Teo little fellow had never been extiia strong and his death was due to pneunonfa, The funeral was held un Monday afternoon, and the services at the home and grave were conducted by Rev, F. C. Harpe,. The pallbearers were -Pte, Glenn Cook, Ross Forrester, 0lu'tin O'Donnell tan.d Arlie Matheson. To the parents the heei110 11 syu.pathy goes out to them in the lues oft heir only sun, The local members of the 16131 sent a wreath, CASE POSTPONED SIX 'i'IMES. - A charge ag'ainat 'N pe :de,' of Zurich. f"or 1a11119ins• 1ielun .11.1 0i; - ally into at Ca node. 'fenre'anee Act County, also a seno,nd charge for 15'bring ,Lqur'r il'H0,2:11113' Caraad.i Temperance Act County, e:o e up for '(rich lent 9r'd r v be- lor e Polk Mag idmto •1a drews. and was acljournel fnr one tern!;. This is about the sixth adjr,urn- neat of tho'te roses and at i1(8 of them ,has Rondo;' put in ion appearance exeep1 through his lawyer. Crown Attl5rney reager is proszeuting far Inspector Tor- aanne. A THIP 'i-0 SCOTLAND. An open muefing of the Clin- ton branch of the Women's Insti- tute wits ,held Last 'I'hurad;y even- ing at the 111ime o1: Mr. and Mrs. B.13. Chant, end there was a good caned present. The chief hem on the program .11';1.3 an ad.tresi on "Bonny Scotland" by Rev, J. K. ,Fair.tull, which was listened to 'or), intently •by ,the aud,9nce. '1'h,e meeting ofencd by singing that old Souteh pie.e "Auld Lang Syne," Mrs. (Da .1 Towler was :n the chair in the ,absence of the ppcogrtosidati,t 'FOLIC wing was the - Solo, "My Ain iF,clk'• Miss WSttse Reading, Miss W.11son S`enloh, Pte. Johnson Ad:ess on Scotland. .Mr. l+airfuli Violin so7(o, Miss G. Chant Solo "Mary of Argyle," Mrs, 13. J. Oibbings Lovett. Rev. ,and Miss 1Fair1'ull. Solo 'A. Perfect Day'' Miss T;airfuil "God Save the Icing,'. On motion (of halos Kilbride and Mars. R.'1`itzsimons, a hearty Vote of thanks was passed to the speak e.t' and others \VIVO tools part in th•e entertainment, Cake, sandwiches tied coftec were served at the close of the program. A FREQUENT VISITOR HERE Monday's Toronto Globe reports the death of Mies 13. M. Hill, who was a close friend of the late Mrs. R. Mans ford. Masses Mo'n..tttcastle, Mrs. George Middleton of Gorterich township, and who 11711,9 a vaett01' here every summer for the past twenty years. The family lived here before going to St. (lather in A, Dyin dauntlessly as she had lived, Mise 11, M 13111, who passed away Sunday at her, home in Bernard avenue, has left a gap in the woman workers nt Toronto which can never he quite filled. One of the younger daughters of MICA' General Charles Pnphaan Hill of the :Indian Service, Miss 1ilili came to Canada at sixteen years of age, on the retirement; of her father' For years the clever English girl was governess lo one 00 Toronto's best known families and' later 'was head mistress of a large day school for girls in 81 Catharines. For a long time subsegnentl she -lived with the film ily of Mr. Gale John Riordan, going abroad , i >rnard vials Item ,and reonxining England tall Mr. l.Liordan's death. In more recent ye,i,rs l8lFp n' a vital mace in.:pbilanthissli s'opihasr, wbeork and social betterment, not only info route but elsewhere in Canada She was rine of the officials of the National 0ouncil nt Women, wason the Board 00 Direcoore of the Infants Home, and President of the Toronto (1'1'eve) (club, and has conducted many par:ties nn continental trips, Since war broke„ out she has devoted herself to Work in +het cennectinu, and -Miss Hill's Work Room" in the Wometi'e- Patriotic League on Sherhourne street has been 'a synonym for efficiency, promptness, and the accomplishment of so called dimevoteposee! AnglibiA"ni'g . icanSties,1111 Hill, whoved wasby tai survia sister, Mirs.•"Cowan of, Princeton. ,Thursday, 11Ia>•ch 30111, 7916.. We Sell Them Waterman's Pens—the best for men, And it's best" for women; too, Its also best for children, So it must be best for YOU. Harbutt's Peasticine in the house Will stimulate your boy's ability By showing him how pleasure can Be joined to practical utility. Often the cheapest—Always the Best h 9 Punier White Pine and Spruce Balsam LOMfOUN WHITO pl (P0996011 ,bar T." ler Int CML (005(4( What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever skid. Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it— Dispensing Chet ist THE PENSLAR DIt,1TU STORE ONOSISISZLVSSIernettlinalrnantranne00400.0.11,21000.010Einanans Co fort Abide! JAS. in the well furnished home. It makes; it a place where everybody likes to come and stay, For furniture that mca❑s comfort combined with beauty and durability. We invite attention to our splendid collection of Suites, and Separate Pieces 6nd9od Enough for a Palace }'et inked so as to he Il'fiiiiim reach of all, N Fe) �1. Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phones 2S. Night canal Snwiny Calls answered at Resi+deuec over store Sap Pans and i6,`'� Tli orl?cer Store "Live and Let Live" Buckets +' ,('s uckets i I Order your Sap Pans and Buckets now. so you will have them:ready when you want to use them. Thns0 Hawkins Plumbing and Beati5)g Agents for Reda Furnaces Hake ;he Mai" is Bitter Marmalade Oranges are in— and are now at their best. Marmalade time is here, What about your MG requirements?' We have 5 splendid supply of - Bitter and Sweet Oranges of superior' quality and flaytr As well as Fruit Lars, Lungs, Sealing Wax, and Sugar Bitter Oranges sweet Oranges and Lemons Pine Granulated Sttgar F rnit Jars and Paraffin FISFI should he more freely used because it ranges exceedingly high in point of food value. A few suggestions Halibut, Fresh Herring, Fillets Finnan Fln.ddie, (loo Fish and • Smoked Herring. E. E. Hhnnnifnrd: Shop -over Itowlaand's Ilardware PHONE 45. s 1 a' a 4. 1 4, 4•. 4• 4.. 4• 4• 4• 2 O • • • • UNLOCKED Process SLOES 11000110111031810:005;091108=A01122=171000004. A The unlocked process of making shoes is conceded by the most famous orthopedic physicians, surgeons and shoe menus the very best word in the shoe world today Made under patented methods, both in shoe process, lasts and patterns, It has the call throughout the world as the only shoe that will give the foot Perfect Exercise, Muscle Develop meat, Good Blood Circulation, Health and Life, for the reason that the shoe is built in such a manner that it gives perfect body weight balance. and'#,ntorn,s to the foot wfthoilt breaking in, in fact it is the only Unlooked'Process Shoe known to the shoe world, making it impossible for imitators to copy .I..ct T« iBEELL, LI111ITIED. Unlocked Process Shoes and Lasts follow the anatomy of the foot in every particular. Nothing is ]eL undone, and the wearer ill find that In wearing this shoe it will eliminate the cold clammy, sleepy feeling in the feet and limb", and melte the feet breathe, and live ;.again We invite all orthopedic surgeons and physicians to invest' gate this .shoo, and we guarantee to them and to the public that y ergive thein more in this shoe than we have claimed. I1' you are looking for foot liberty, wear Iiel1's ilnlocked Process Shoe FOOT LII3ERTY MEANS LIFE TO THE FOOT + 4. 4th 'HOUSE OF LETTER SHOES.14. FRED. ; JACKSON 0++++,44+++++++t++++++++, 14+.+++$ ,