HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR. 1.4444i4i+ •••••i44i44i�'INS+N4iiNiOt141iNiiiliso+4N44aNiii►iii40tiN4++++$iii4ii+�NN���. ��������N�N�f� X41404 iii�4i�4itN4iii iilfiiilfiiiN�Miii4triii p( Aa4�a41444M4N41���00421 THE „CLINTON NtF3W' ERA. Thur;idlr'ty, 'March 3Oth, 1916. , War 1 4• :•yHr♦♦••••••Hi•+4HfiN4A4414®•4N t4.•.•••4i4ii48i444i4+44N•4••••a••Na/N44N4 •a•N••••••• d Its Sidelights • The Fain us Gelman 42-Ceniimetre Mortar of Which we Bear so Maeh,About A HOWITZER' WIThrAIilGti FIRTNGANGLE MOUNTED ON -t "CATERPILLAR MAKES MONEY TALK Wonderful Invention of Englishman to Foil Counterfeiters Money tants—literally—hr England. Over there they have invented the "speaking bank note," which pro- claims out loud, in the best English, Pa correct value. Bankers advocate the immediate adoption of the speaking bank note. It would do away at once with coun- terfeits. When you suspect a ten dollar bill, instead of fingering it, 3ooking at it with a microscope" and using various other round -about meth- ods, all you have to do is to ask it to its face: "How mucic are you worth?" If the bill replies, in a etraighttor- e: rape W ward way, "Ten dollars," you can atscept it as genuine. But -1f it hest - It is agrave est-Itisaave mistake for mothers to neg- I lect their and pains and suffer in silence—this only leads to chronic sick- ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's is strengthening thousands of mothers—and will help you. Try it. Scott &-Bowne, Toronto, Ont. Herte are the detailed facts relm- tive to the fant:•ns German 42 -cen- timetre (t6.5 -inch) howitzer, u' ed to batter the forts of Verdun. Weight of gun prop•or 77 4-5 tons Weight of platform, 41 1-3 tons. Length of barrel, 1.6 11„ 3 in. Weight of she'll, 885 pounds. Length of shlea, 4 ft., 2 in. Number of parts in gun, 175. Railroad cars praeled to leans - Dort it, 12, iFoundation most be Bunk 25 ft, Liege teas shelled from a :dis- tance of 14 miles. Casualties caused by .first bot, 1,- 700. Caeual'ies caused by second hot 2,300. • Namur and Itlaubeuge held out, each 2 rt hots. Fort Speer, Huy, held out 1 shot. Puttingup gun ,takes 25-20 hours. Adjustment of range by othea' guns, lasted, 6 hours • Gun discharged frons 0 distance of 300 yards. All windows t(roken within radi- us of B5 ,miles, Each ;shod, •costs $!,613. '1'o serve .the gun it takes 200 leen. The gun crew !:,roper wear pet'- hectors over ,their mouths, eyes and care -tared lie on their etomanhs to keep from, tbeing injured by the shock of the, cltscharge The ;entire gun ewplacenaent is mined anti the, engineer in charge is Sworn Po blow up the gun if it is in any :dangerof ca,ptui0. A WORD FOR MOTHERS totes, stutters or refuses to answer, distrust El All this is to be accomplished by a little invention of A. E. Bawtree, famous electro -chemist, and the great- est counterfeit defector lite has perfected a machine for mak- ing the edges of bank notes into wavy Irregularities that correspond to sound wa\ es. Whent the notes are placed In a small phonograph, whose needle runs along these serrated edges, they talk in just the way that a phono- graph disc does. Placed in this machine, the "talking bank note" declares its true value, LARGE 1INI ISTM'I2N'1'. Up to 'the pret;e.nt date tie -•e ore re'trly 6000 mecnhec•e of tl e OdclOellotvs' Orde' pow ,nn servir e from Ontario alone. This is about twice the number the Grand Lodge officers !tads .expected :it this time and as (a, consegtteace a movement is on foot to cul: the representa- tion of delegate;( clown to one, n- etoad of three as formerly, The Grand Lodge will this 3e u: beheld at Chatham. PAINT' direct from factory saving dealer's profit Ready Mixed and House Paint, inside or Fire Resistant—Barn, Roof Iron, Priming $1.25 a gallon $ 10 gallons for want at less than wholesale.) Our Paints are guaranteed to give satisfaction. MINERAL PAINT COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. outside, Flat or 011 Finish, Quarts 45c $1.50 Gallons Why pay regular retail prices for paint when you can get what you '6.41111l FREE A post card addressed to us as below, with your name and addressoNLventheother side, will cost but one cent. Drop it in the nearest mail box,and itwillbring prompt- ly a copy of our illustrated 80 -page catalogue for 1916. With it will come also—free —a 15c, packet of Byron Pink Bvsm, Piss Tomo Tomato eaS eeig A perfectly formed tomato, the Byron Pink is uniform, large, and attractive: The flesh is firm, and theflavordelicious and full-bodied. It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper. It is an ideal tomato for ti forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might just as well send for our catalogue and get this free premium for yourself. The Catalogue tells about the other valuable premiums mhtah we give with every order. CDARCH & HUNTER Seep O,, LIMITED, LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA yJ edi -3 y� o -I 0 PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Sudden fright or emotion may cause a momentary arrest of the heart's action, or some excitement or apprehension may set up a rapid action of the heart thereby causing palpitation. Palpitation, again, is often the result of digestive disorders arising from the stomach, or may be tlic result of over indulgence of tobacco or alcoholic drinks. 'rhe only way to regulate this serious heart trouble is to use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. J. S. Nicholls, Listowell, Ont., writes: I was weak and run down, my heart would palpitate and I would take weak and dizzy spells, A friend ad- vised- me to try Nlilburn's Ileart and Nerve Pills, so I started at once to use them, and fount! that I felt much stronger, I cannot praise your medicine too highly, for it has done inc a world of good." Milhurn's Heart aur! Nerve Pills are 50c per tee, '3 .1',oxes for 81.25; at all dealers, or mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. No Control of Hydro •.ao•4•••••••••••••N•ObaN►•••••••••►i4••••••• •••••• sig N,: 0. 4ede+ , die etq » », }def _ r ,eeaea The Recent , Zeppelin Raid on Paris has Forced M. Besnard to Resign ENE BESNARD, the. French Under-Secretary for Avia- tion and Aeronautics, has - resigned. For some time there has been hostility to- ward M, Besnard for his conduct; of the office of Under Secretary for Avi- ation and Aeronautics, The cam- paign against him was! conducted by certain newspapers, which charged that he was incapable. The Govern meat v, as to have interpellated in the Chamber of Deputies Sanuary 13 on the so-called "aviation crisis," but Premier Briand urged its postpone- ment, which was agreed to, ou the ground that the matter was a trivial Criticism of the finanrei of the Tfydro-J'tlectrie C'ommiss9oti was made by James ,Chancy, Provincial Auditor, who ,drew attent'hn to "the abse,ncel of even the sem- blenc.e of Legislative control neer s the Hydro 'C r f t � v the e�pc mdlue o 1- 1 "the f rtn t • 'r and 1 e [ 1 iSSi 111 Cot 1 n 1r dlefiant disoheldie(nce of the Act creating the Commission with their powers :and duties. The work ,of the Commission has not Inters confined to matters with in the scope of their powers and dullest' be says, "hut has been of a very .extencled character, involv- ing large unauthorized expendi, tures, namely, in entering upon cemntereial transaction%, such as the purchs'e and sale of ;goods and materiel for purpotei nthea• than for tthe necessary use 'of the several systems, amounting to $145, 925;95; in the constrnct:on of works, which, under the terns of their contacts the music°pal nor- porations coneerned should have. r;enstr•tteted am'ountinc ito $863,918,- 47; for the ,electrical construction and maintenance of the London and Port .Stanley Tlailtcav—a haat ter in which the mun'dip Attica, u' - dee the provisions of the Act re- specting Hydro-lillectric ra sways, are alone Concerned and are bound to provide t1.,91 means for carrying rat the work—$2°1,723,5.1, making in all $1,564,098.06. • '•The annual statements render- ed by, the (,oma ission to the Hon- ca•able the Provincial Treasurer for the years 1.909 to 1915 inclusive, a1' ford no actual accounting inform- ation, and tall to diseloee the ex- ist'enge of a lnrgc and rapidly ttn-' oreasin3't unauthorized oxpent C- ture itt the ,'epprs 1015 to 1915, in- 0113))ve amounting for that Period to•$•l,i00,620.551' iy'WIa0�a8 Phoaphodiao, The Great English*Remalytt. Tonne and invigorated the whole nervous system,. inakee new Blood in old Veins. Cures Nerve= Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despot. Heart, Srailf Energy, ems ry. Palpitation 51fper box, the for 55„•One will please, six will rure,•rSoldbyall druggists or mailed in plan pkg. on receipt of MEDIC NE CO 701ONT0. ONT. free. Wham.) M. IIENIE 1 JSNARU, one and that M. Bernard shortly would be able to show that the ap- prehensions of the would-be interpel- lators were groundless. The crisis in the aviation office re- turned with redoubled acuteness after the Zeppelin raid on Paris a few days ago, when a German dirigible sailing low in a heavy fog dropped tons of bombs on the city and killed upwards of two -score persons. The French aeroplanes gave chase, but the Zeppelin slipped away In the mist. Paris had believed herself sate from such raids, and the general auger found its target in M. Besnard. Neil McNeil, who trove:! from Walton to Gunge sone time aro i• has sold this blacke•mith shop at the latter village and bought a besi-. ness at -Let tr ,fre to which point he has move..!, . The partnenvship existing Le- tweet W 0., Roti 'Root. ul•1mphries at Walton, has been diseohel ,the former continuing the tu,s,nese;. "Business and Shorthand Westervelt; School YMCA': LBmldiag; -, 'London, Ontario College, in Session Sept. 1st to Jule Catalogue Free'"' Ente4? any tinsel k1Y J. W. Westervelt,Principal.. - WILL WE EVER WAIK ON AIR? Canal Nearly Complete. The Marseilles -Rhone Canal, a great French engineering work that hat been under way for some time, is now nearly completed. The French Ml istt Y Of t P ubiic Works o rks has receiv- ed atele ram stating that the 41/2- mile tunnel through which the canal will flow. penetrating the Rove Mountains, is on the point of comple- tion. The work was begun six years ago and the war has not been permit- ted to interfere with tate enterprise. The width of the canal through the tunnel ,is 72 feet, and the depth of the water 1.0 feet 11 inches, permit- ting small Mediterranean steamers to enter the Rhone and even admit- ting sea traffic to go us far up the river as Lyons. The canal, which is just short of 50 miles in length, cost about $18,- 000,000. TrainOfThought Inspired Sy a Letter About "Fruit-a-tives" Steel Rings in Seamen's Caps. It has conte to the notice of the Board of Trade that steel rings are sometimes used inside officers' caps and become magnetized. Owing to their close proximity to the compass needle, when worn by an observer taking compass bearings, such rings are liable to cause considerable de- viation and render the obserro'atioo unreliable. The Board of Trade are of opinion that the use of steel rings for this purpose should be diacon- tinued, and that rings made of a non-magnetic substance Should be substituted. Care should also be taken that no articles of steel 'hat may, by becoming magnetized, deflect a compass needle are worn or carried by ships' officers when taking com- pass bearings. •••N••••••••••••••••••••• MEN ANI) EVENTS • ••.•••s•o•••••S.•w•••os•e HOW MRS, BEAN MET THE CRISIS ` Carried Safely Through Change of. Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's 1 Vegetable Compound. ' Nashville, Tenn.—"When I was going through the. Change of Life I had a tu- mor as large as a child's head. The doctor' said it was three years coming and gave me medi- cine for it until I was called away from the city for sometime. Of course I could not go to him then, so my sister-in-law told me that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound would cure it. It helped both the Change of L fe and the tumor and when I got home I dirt not need the doctor. I took the Pinkham remedies until the tumor was gone, the doctor said, and i have not felt it since. I tell every one how I was cured. If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it" —Mrs. E. H. BEAN, 525 Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- pound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old fash- ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period of her life. Try it If there is any symptom in your ease which puzzles you, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. MR. D, MCLEAN Orillia, Ont., Nov. 28th, 1914. "For over two years, I was troubled with Constipation, JJrowsxness, Lace of Appetite and Headaches. I tried several medicines, but got no results and. my Headtibhes became more severe. Ono daytl saw your sign which re -td `Fruit- s -Lives' make you feel like walking on air. This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, 1 began to feel better, andnowlfeel fine. Now I have a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I cannot say too much for `Fruit-a-tives', and recom- mend this pleasantfruit medicine to all my friends". DAN McLEAN. "FRUIT-A-TIVES' is daily proving its priceless value in relieving cases of Stomach, Liver and Kidney Trouble— General "Weakness, and Skin Diseases. 00c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 20c. At all dealers or sent postpaid. by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ' A Year's Toll Among itegislators The year 1 91 5 has been marked by the death of no fewer than forty-six members of the two Houses of Par- liament. Of these, thirty-one were peers and fifteen Commoners, and, strangely enough, in each Chamber six members have been killed on ac- tive service during the year the Earl of Seafield, and Lords Bra - bourne, De Freyne, Vernon, Keste- ven, and Petro in the Upper House, and Lord Ninian Crichton -Stuart, and Messrs, Gladstone, Cawley, Mills, Agar-Robartes, and Wa]rond iu the other. The Goi.eromeut !louse (Welekly Stare An item of $926,000 in the, public accounts for expenditures during last year on Government Rouse brings that strange construction Again to the public :attention, The whole cost, we understand, anon, far exc•ee:,ds, a million, end the charges for interest, =mien am and flunkneys twill, them :e+ss, make out Ontario kinglet one of the main burdens of the taxpayer. It is 1105 Strange that the Opposi- tion made merry ,over it. One honorable member ,would sell it, and, we suppose apply the money to the realization of the approach- ing nowt world. What Sir James Whitney !sad in Mind when h,e 'nrrfe0•took this en- terprise has pot been disclosed. He was, tete utt.ey, Largely guided by hisfeelings, utch were prob- ably - aLlv unconscicu 1Y influenced in his knighthood end by obser tt:on of the nee of .feelletliste in the gov c-rnmient se the) P.eglieh democracy He may have fheo'. hi that ,a big he mete ercastle. Would he a fortress against the democracy '.if the United Stelae. Latest 5,'ish Story.. The story of a tench which revived after being twenty -tour hours in the post is told in The Fishing Gazette. The :fish was caught at midday Sun- day, put into a basin of water at 1.0 p.m. Sunday night, taken out next morning, and packed in a dry cloth and newspaper, and posted about midday Monday to a gentleman, who received it at ten -forty-five Tuesday morning still alive. It completely recovered atter being in water an hour or two. A. "(letters! ,offrc" ienginc. Names of eminent persons connect- ed with the war will be given to a new series of main -line passenger. • engines which are being built by the London and North-Western Railway Company at Crewe. "General Joffre," "Czar of Russia," "King of the Bel- gians," and "King of Serbia have been chosen as the names of the first four to be finished. gook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable roma tint; \,.a medicine. Sold in three de. ,.reed of strength—No. 1, 51, No. 2, 53; No, 3, 35 per boa. Sold by all drugtiotd, orsent pprepiir5 on receipt of prier,, broe pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Fsraerly Wisdom) Would Not Be Without Baby's Own Tablets ENVER PASHA, leader of the Turks Party, and Turkish War Minister. (Reports havel been in circualtion that Ian atteem It was made to a,ssassina,te hint and that he was seriously wounded. At first thesc1 were absolutely de- nied by the Turkish lelgation et Athens. but the legation has now issued an announcement las foie Iowa; "We have no official rad- vicee concerning Enver Pasha... flab 's Own :Lablets are gu,u'an-, teed by a .Government analyet to be absolutely sal'elaatd fres train! in lucious dings. Once a mather has used them she would not use any- thing else fee her little nes Con cerningg them 'Mrs. George r aillen, Noelvilhe, Ont„ writes Please send ride two more. h ,e ,e of Baby's own Ta1'lets 001 inc found thein, 20 good for my baby I u naldnot be with oil them." The Tablets are s, Id by in,cdlciree deal'•r'i.'re by mail at 25 ,cents a boy from Tl'e :Or. Williams Medicine Company Eemetv.ille, On teio. Mr, Robert Bell of the Bell Shell worlds, Betforth. was . sum- mvrned to Ottawa last week along wtith•other alsoll manufacturers in Canada fpr the purpose of deals ing ways and, means 'oi getting out larger quantit',e; 'of shells a'xl producing then:, alone r apidlys Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA- !L'lae death acr•urred in Deilr;oit, ot,Thur,sday, March, 16th, 1916 of ,1iance0 Lsingwcrth, widow of the late James MaLthetvs, aged 00 1 arst. The tuner al took 'piece Piave from the residence of he:• ,'en�iri-]ate; Wm Hetferallan. of. McKill(sp Township. • MflS. MELTON'S LETTER To Tired Worn-out Mothers Jackson, Miss.—" I shall feel repaid for writing this letter if I can help, any tired, worn-out mother or housekeeper to find health and strength as I have. "I have a•family of five, sew, cook and do my housework and I became very much run-down in health. A friend asked me to try Vinol. I did, so and now I am well and strong and my, old time energy has been restored. Vinol has no superior as a tonic for worn-out, run - dowel, tired mothers or housekeepers." —Mrs. J. N. MELTON. Jackson, Miss., J. E. Bovey, Druggist Clinton, Ont. The worst slackers of all belong to the foreign -born ,p'opulation of Canadta. The enlistment is Only 0%, being 18,999 out of 278,652 of military age. CASTO R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of ■e The tisb quality of Purity Flour comes from First—The • selected wheat we use. Second—This wheat, milled to a rigid standard under the closest supervision of miller and chemist. PURITY FLOUR 724 More Bread and Better Bread 1 Patriotic Songs and music by the world's great bands are reproduced for yott with a brilliant vividness and richness of tone that you will find nowhere but in Columbia Records. Von are cordially in- vited to hear/the following re- cords, free, at any dealer iu COLUMBIA Double -Disc RECORDS Herbert Stuart -82300-85c. "We'll Never Let the Old Ping Nall" "Good Luck to the Boys of the Mlles" Scots Guards—P. 31—Sic. The Entente Cordial March (Douglas) Namur March (Richards) Latimer and Howe—P. 19—Baritone-85c. The Veteran's Song The Old Brigade Scots Guards -P. 14-85c. British Grenadiers; Cock o' the North.; Wearin' o' the Green ; God Bless the Prince of Wales; Rule Britannia Garry Owen-; Men of Harlech; Dear Little Shamrock ; Blue Belts of Scotland: Red, White and Blue; tort Save the Ring '. Prince's Orchestra Eilary Band, St. Hilda Colliery Band, Municipal Band- of Mdan. oto., and` thousands ofplendid, no. Laotians. Hoar them at any Columbia dealer's. Got complete record lint from him or write us for it. Graphophone Company Canadian Factory & Headquarters Toronto, Ont. BALL & Ar iNs0N. CLINTON 15 1t