HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-30, Page 2PAGE TWO.
!toady• c,
GovDry Goods
ll0 1
Mouse ..s
itis n
'6106111161•1166160111161111 •11111
Simple but ever so smartly trimmed with ribbons,
bows, perky rosettes; with English Berries, 1+'ruits'
Flowers and Ornaments, ih grey, blue, sand, tan
rose, pink; purple. These add the final note of style
toyour New Spring Suit or Coat.
See this Display `i High -Class Millinery
Y og
Suits of the Very Latest and
Cleverest Style
Selected because they
are typical of the new
season's most striking
styles. Finely tailored
Suits of Serge Gabar—
dines and mixtures with
richly lined coats and
skirts on the most fash-
ionable lines. Prices
range from $15 to $28
and Misses
Spring Coats
A charming and com-
prehensive assortment
presenting an infinite
variety of the season's
best styles in the new-
est fabrics and colors.
We are showing neatly
one hundred coats in
this Department.
New Spring Skirts
Splendid values showing smartly tailored models
in Ladies and Misses Skirt, including serges, gabar-
dines, french Panamas, checks and stripes, alr sizes,
Prices range from $5 up to $8,
Comparison Helps to Sell Our Goods,
'\023........ —ss,
• Compares with the Best by Actual Test 0
0 •
O A Phonograph second to none, yet at a price no tonne can •
O • afford to be without it. Its beauty of tone and clearness of •
O reproduction are marvellous. Play any sized recurd, vocal, •
s • instrumental, baud, etc. For Sale at •
rniture Fu
Jas. Dunford Store Clinton ta0
�4 a make these only from •
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
We carry in stock a line printed with the words
Choice Dairy Butter '
for immediate delivery. They are sold at the
following prices:
1000 Sheets
500 Sheets
250 Sheets
too Sheets
Wrappers specially printed from your own
copy, we can ;supply them at the following
prices -
1 M $2:25
1.75 per M
I.So per M
to M. 1,40 per M
5 M
Tato at.iliTott NSW
Tleuredtty, ,March 3Qth, 1916.
—, Sailor Predicts
0 ou living int e •1
n$ Ut ! t r 1)c t Haid
exposed to the kind,' of Weather We
have had during 'the palet F,a'o
Months, it is (toe raw to face
without dlscomf ort here, and when
ee it is radioed Wet eiothee ,acue.
frozen firgeys ;cane can guess tee
discomfort of being n so dice
present. They deer t e a better
i.'a'wald than ,thej arse likely to
get. What will ;they get. Will Can
sten eemerri:ber? '
„With love,
Your song
The Boys of the !1st
The feil:owing poem was handled'
in by 'Ml's ,Edgar-Pattis)n, whose
husband, Sergt. Pattison, is ;with
the, 71st, which will soon be on its
way to the front. -
In the month of Sieptrrntber our
imitation began
Toeecruit for men of the very test
' clan.
It was Trot very long when a big
cloud buret,
And in rolled four hundre'l for the
We learned the discipltn:e and we
learned the di•i11,
We learned Ito shoot, and to shoot
to kill
Si'e've afraid of nothing and we
never will nide
(From any old ,Ifun from the other
' side.
As soon 110 the bugle sit dawn is
hear d.
A first earl! A second 1.1),11+ But
never a tlrii d
Did our boys want, for they knew
it was lime
'Viet they ,all should le up au
• s>tar.ceing 111 line.
In the month of Novemter ewe
• we; divide,! n four,
And when we departed w e ail gave
a roar.
It was Weddstoee,Strtteo:•ct, Char.
' Ilam •,rid .Balt.
SVhe-,o the boys were (Juarter�t'd,
and they found nu Qilt.
I3nt now we 1110 up to a thousaed
' or mote,
Aid w,e all will tie back in
body once nwre.
When 1110 all get togett.er ,ar d
once more eve meet,
You will fi1:d the Seventy-first
hard to neat
Our time is near t0 go eversetts;
:?.rid' the boys of the Sc1Outy-first
no doubt will be pleased.
And when they pet there yea can
• trai55t them Sohl
They will fight e.0 they'll not let
• the old flag fall
- Conip:ex/ad b n soldier 111 Gu'
hospital at ',endues of C Conn-
' name, net Cuthalion
Or, Gandy Dies
at St, Thomas
One of Leading Ministers in the
London Nethodist Conference
St. Unmans, March 2 -L -•-Rev. Dr.
.1. R. 'lundy, 'one of the most pro-
naineut nitinlbers, of London Con-
ferctuct and who wan fir .more
Per 50 years in the active ministry
'elf that denomination, deelet here
this aftemeteen yet. the reeidence of
Inc snin alter lar) illness 0f 'some
Ifs With burn 1r. Ireland in 1339,
the scn ,of a Mvthodint meleeter,
1 tit as a, youth (emu. to this coun-
try 'end after three years spent in
teaching entered ,es .a probationer
for the New C c nnoxion elethodist
ministry in i 50 and was 0)d_irrt rl
fear years later As a probation-
cr he ervcd 'at Owen S ,nn,d, Mon-
treal 11udsay ;and Y nr k vine. In
1991,. the year 0t his oluination, le
was etaltiw;'ed ,at Lone] in 1u111 the
5U111essive plucee where he was
'afterward located w'eee Ontemee,
Dereiham, Waterford. .Cuinsville,
7.tal risen, :Exeter. B:deetowrt..lyI-
mer, Essex, .Sarnia, London (Wel
liugtora Street, Jim; Winctsor,
Stratht 'Win a m anti S Tbo -
u la k 1.1 m
a5 �((C (Grime Chime hl. It w 1s in 15.10
that he cumplelted hls lebile,e of
50 years active work in the Mctho
c(list Church, halt it was '1. yeas
later that 110 sul`er'lannuaicrl.
An Active Career. •
rkew ministers en London C.bnfe;r-
e.nc'e have ,had more illustrious or
active careers+,ehau )r Guedy,'IIe
tc. ol0 an aotit c part in (110 gr eel
union of all the Methodist bud'ee
n Cane& in 1903, and in . later
day�e had beep .s member of the
committee on c111100 of the . throe
ehterc•hee.,. the Meti odiet, Presby-
tei'i an aria Corigr'e;gan'iona•l. lie
111155 ehairmla l 49 varibris dastr9 cts
dtfr•itlg a period ,of yeaie, a mein
bee of 1;eavly tet eery *emend cons-
ferencd.of - his tole, a great-henirr
i0-its'elf; was eerlietaly of Lotdsn
Coliferehee, fn 1809 and nles.i.dent:n
1800, to examiner for 30 yeere. feted
the; e• W115 1)0 important eliurele
"oremtttce 'that• rine had net serl1ea
upon. Beth victoria 'Untv,el'sbty
and the 'Wesleyan Theolog,0ll Co,l'-
lege at Montreeta,l hard honoree hint
with She .degree of doctor oI div-
Ile wee mane -fed ie lIlI to Miss
Isabella EvSeleigh, Only daughter of
Wnl, .Eveleigh of Cote St. Leona] 4.
rear Montreal. She die t eeien1
two ..a,arel ago: 'Feil sons servdi5,
W. E Gandy, of Winds •. J, H.
Gundy acid 3.4. C)undi Of Por-
onto, and }harlas R lralnrly, of
St Themlast.
A memctlai aeivfo0 was held in
Grace •ChurchS' Thomas, on Sue -
day afternoon t,t 2.10 and fth,e, body
taken ito Exeter for interment TI e
mineral 'scrviee were held in Msin
Str.e,et Meithodtst Chinch Exeter,
on '.Monday mo:n'ing et 1030, and
there wast o, •1ar;e number of miir-
xeter s of London Confle3l erlce in
The New
Eta • 11Ir. Wm ,Cdovenle01 s co;non-
e ; rile was awardled • $201 ani costs nit
• the court ,progeodings to Goderich
(�` L,I11iT® : last weak, ' against the London
• (Free Pretss, for an artiele which ale
• panned le that paper in 'May of
lettlout,40oatatseseueo••e•N•••a••d•••• last w,c k,
Let Me Figure
On wiring your House for
Electric Lights. rices are
L h .
1; My prices
as low as is to'nsistent with
good work. All work guar-
anteed to pass inspection.
J. l
N •di ' er
Phone 131.
girths, Marriages 4t- 7,aths
SNELL-In ilullett on March 24th
to Mr, and Mrs. Howard Snell,
a slaughter..
ROBNII'1`UN•--In Walkerton on
Mat eh .11, ,to Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Roberton, a daughter,
ROBERTOlr-In. ' Walkerburn on
• March le, inLaoi daughter of Mr,
and Mrs: Jas. Roberton.
CRI:E-In dlinton on ,5nfu^d1y.
March 25th Lcekard Gordon
Crete, infant son of Sergi. and
Mrs. Lock. Crete need 1 year end
• 1 month.
RATTENBURY-In Clinton, on Sun
day. 26th, Joseph W "Batte'tbury
aged 50 years.
District News.
IlulI ett
D•L. Garfield McMichael ire; soler
his faun J1) titele'tt to M:. ei' L.
Pell.' Kir, McMichael. Will work
Welliare 11'1cM,clrnel's farm this year
Mr. leatid Snell, who has, been
visiting n these .parts for some
Have left ease week for his Koine
in f:anumee, Albcr1a, n,'sr.otnpnn'ed'
by his mother, ev1io intends visit-
ing there for some time, •
• .13esure and 110111,0 to Clint0(1 next
T)turrdny to Lila Sprir'S Show,
Councillor W. J. 3Vlil.ler has rent-,
ed the grass Dorm on the t'hi111
11 0 11110 5 8 9 01( owned by Mist Mar)•
Johnston of Clift on, This gives
the worthy councillor 250 acres ho
handle but it is pea cticallyall tine
der grass so he will be hustling
about shortly J,'eking rip enure.
Mrs. McBrien, who had •t sale of
farm stock and Jrnplements, h+as rent
ed,00ms Irom M1•, Geo, Hamilton
Mr. Wm. Marsh moved on Tuesday
t0 the house he lately bought from
Dir, ,lames Johnston
Me. Charles E. Asquith has rented
Ale. Rieke' house and will prove in
Our genial station agent, 'Mr, Pat
terser,, has taken the position of ;igen':
We -t; Moncton, and will tnove as
00011 ae 1110 place is taken here.
OTT rieenn-eeene 'rl tier rofIns df hyslGi l
�exereise tq fit themselves for �e worn
iahead. There,fnefde the cycle track;
are bodies ok young officers foaming
'fours and 0110ulitering arms, for eveey
beheduke's son, o cook's ma d r ok so
u,s 0.
.goes through every stage of the trai.a-I
Scattered throughout the grounds
sJot the palace under the trees are der-
,ens of other bodies of .r nen, each,, :be -
beg instructed in some part Of their
til ping. You pass a company listen-
tint$ to ti: Iecdivet and o"�her gtoni.l3
i�areing the proper io5•m pf saltie®;
1tLe utechai isth of the rifle; td`r$iit
ipraotJce, shooting, signalling, maroh-
(trig. Turn which way you will, and
therep on the, beautiful green slopes and
:t the ,grounds holiday-makers and
Visitors to the Metroptil1s know s0
wve» you will tweet With ibedles of blue-
unifornied yoinng Britons earriestly
working for their country,
ideal Conditions
No' men are trained under more
ideal send' tions. The Sectional build=
ings which repreeenited tdre various
Colonies in the Festival of Empire
Exhibition are transformed into aleey-
Ing quarters for the nion, while in -
aide the Palace are the various messes
Where the best of rations are served,
and where comforts in the way of
reading, writing and recreation rooms,
presided over by kindly independent
ladies, are provided,
For between two and three months
the 111011 are lcept,at the Crystal Pal-
ace, the final training taking place at
Blandford, from which place they are
drafted as reclulred. To young men of
fair intelligence and energy the Royal
Naval Division offers excellent oppor-
tunities for obtaining special knowl-
edge and securing promotion. There
are chance; for all types of Wren be-
tween the ages of eighteen and thirty-
eight. Not wily are they trained for
service in tine Royal Naval 13rigades,
but they may specialize, for instance,
as signalmen and wireless operators
for the fleet. All recruits on entry are
rated ordinary seamen, and are pro-
moted to ub:e seamen after three
months If found efficient. Britain's
supremaey lies on the seas, and the
Royal Naval Division is determined
that that subremacy shall be main-
The First Stage of Journey to Con-
stantlnople Is Two Months at
Crystal Palade
"Boole hate tor the Dardanelles."
/Ws inspiring notice catches the eye
AS you pass 112 Strand, the London
'Recruiting office of the Royal Naval
'Division. 'there, or at any of the oth-
er recruiting offices to the vnrlouri
'towns throughout the country, you
easy tape a ticket, entrain tor the Cry
lend Palace, and begin a journey full
:of interest and healthful experlenae,
'with the promise of some good sport In
Very good company at the finish, It
U a journey 'Gish has attracted many
thousands of the bent of Britain's
'y'oung men -the clerk, workman, stu-
dent, architect, accountant, the must -
:elan, actor, artist, and others.
At the Crystal Palace you may eine
6,000 of them preparing. under ideal
conditions, for the trip to the Dardan-
As happy and Jolly as sandboys,
there is no mistaking the keenness
of these lade of the Royal Naval Ai -
vision, Lord Tredegar, one of the emu-
Imanding officers at the Crystal Palace,
'relates how one young recruit came
'llerore him with the request that he
!should be sent to the Front as quick-
ly as possible, "Why,' he was asked.
;4vrisn, it's like this, sir, you see," he
t'eplted. "My four brothers have been
!killed at the Front, end I want to get
,e bit of niy own back." It ie but an-
other illustration of the spirit which
,aatuatee the men' of the Royal Naval
A Transformed Scone
The visitor to the Crystal Palacb
who thinks of. the memorable events
titiicJt have taken plane there in peace,
;time must marvel at the strangeness"
'of the scene. There on, the football
•field. Where" many a strenuous battle
Tete the cup hiss taken plane to the ac•
;oempgnlment of roars and'oheers from
leivaying crowds, may be seen lithe,
eburdy youths:climbing ropes and. on-
stacles,, running',, iumpsigg wrestling,
Iluron. County
Spring ,Flair
at Clinton on
Thurs., Apl'.6
$550 in Prizes
The 161st Huron Battalion
will mobilize in Clinton on
that day and will give a dem-
onstration during the morning
Write Secretary for Prize List
• A. J. McMurray, Secretary
J. Shanahan, eV. J. Miller.
President Treasurer'.
Local News
United Stale; subscrihees in ar-
t ears 1to'1'he New Era:u e asked to
Ice:idly square up. In aileitfon to
the price of the paper 11,', ') (1011) -
polled to pay .an extra emit .1
week for ,postage, That is why
the rale has Kaon $1,5e. Take a
couple of hundred suliscriptiolrs in
arrears it soon (idtents up.
Stratford Beemo1n,-Miss C'ourtir e
Oa Clinton, a missionary 00 fur -
tough from Javan, gave two inter-
esting addresses •q1) mission \vete;
in that oetuntry in Centeal
ledist Sunday school. She (hl.rlt e ;-
specially with work wm1,11a 31' els fn
Tokio at schools <at d an orphan-
age there.
While .returning with a sle'gh-
When the bowels become constipated
the stomach gets out of order, the liver
does not work properly, and then follows
the violent sick headaches, the sourness
of the stomach, belching of wind, heart-
burn, water brash, biliousness, and a
geheral feeling that you do not care to do
Keep your bowels regular by using
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. They will
clear away all the effete matter which
collects in the system and make you think
that "lite is worth living."
Mr. B. W. Watson, St. John, N.B.,
writes: ".I have been troubled with
constipation, for the last three years,
and during that time have tried several
remedies, all of which failed to help me.
A friend recommended Milburn's Laxa-
Liver Pills, and after using three or four
vials, I felt like a new man. I am now
still taking them, and am positively sure
that I em on the road to recovery. I
strongly recommend Milburn's I,aaa-
Liver Pills:
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 2.5e per
vialsfor 1 0 at all dot stores
vial l .0 ,
or dealers, or will be mailed on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
holt 01 Honor.'
Oat, St. church S4tnday School'
Menibets of the Rimier Class of boye
leu . b
ht n
Mine Stevens s .Y h'
and 1r W
Walker, who have enlisted for the
Willie Walker Jemee Crich
Elmer Beacom R. Newcombe
Lewis.Manning W, Littlewood
FtedThorn pans Will Britton
Chas„ Thnmpvon 'Arnold Parker
Geo, Wer Geo.1't
t),) . Lockhbawood W..Brockett ehbut
Leslie eVasnaann Cecil .Morris
Rolit, t' isher Tdni Morgan
ing. party 1i1et ;Friday morning
froln Goderich, .the load upset, and
Miss Pearl .Glazier, d,n9ghtee of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glazier, twat)
the unttar timate o1.e, IFor a While
can wasbfeared her Hpinc w+a,§ ser-
iously injured, +but last reports
'state th,a't she is doing as well as
e tjxpeeted
On Friday evening of last week the
Mitchell Hockey '(Gide carne up to
Clinton and had friendly Cance with
our•team or "fide ones,"' .After a long
delay PteScott got the players start
ed and it was not very tong before
Msggie Schoenhals scored a goal and
cattle right hack with another counter.
Towards the close of the first quarter
Stella Uonp put in the third and last
goal. The second and third quarters
went scoreless. The Miteheli girls
wsa'e not as adept 1),t the stick handl
ing as the Clinton girls and that was
'he whole secret of the game. The
following was the line up-
aJlinton Mitchell
Ruby Graelis gond Annie Cook
Mahle, Onntelon 1,4 Olive Brooks
Smyth -in r.d. hazel Thornton
Mary Brameeld rover L Bilfour
M, Schoenhals centre 0I3riek
Stella Copp 1. wink W.1; hman
S. Bawden r. wing I. McLean
Furs Wanted
1000 Muskrat pelts wanted.
Plenty of Seed Potatoes for sale,
J. STEEP & CO., Clinton
Roar for Serviec
The undersigned will ke-p for service
ae his farm. riffle and a quarter from
Clinton on London Rend, a thoronred L lay Mrs. Malcolm eleTaggart. Apply
Berkshire. Terns- *1.5o to be paid 1)t at residence.
time of service, with the privilege of
returning if necessary,
JOHN ASHTON, proprietor hior Sale
Slrraaller Coal Bills
Let us reduce your coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plying yogi 'tfirith' a coal that
lasts long, "gives 'a steady
heat and leaves only a small
amount of ash; This coal is
Tlie Coal Thad Satis"ffes
It will save you money. Give
A. J. Holioway, Clinton
*este'lirti '[l hi crSity; London
Alvdl7h�i'li I�' �iliEi:ll't' Alit'VAxen
lnctinie Uo 91bicit—ne(v $76,OOo
Another(g1)ti ailt5lttbri to tiediilte brill
11quipteiene fn A.-kie rind Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in yieve
Write for particulars to:
1J. P. BRAITHWAITli3, 10 A„ Ph.D.
• Smart Roy Wanted
'Po learn the printing htisiness at
THE NEW, ERA Office at once.
Must have a fair education. Apply at
Rags, Papers and Rubbers
The Women'e Pa triode Society hope
to make a collection" ol`these articles
the last week in April. Housecleaning
may haye arrived in some homes,
please do not destroy the above
named articles. but save for thio
collection in April.
Servant Wanted
Lots for Sale
Three tenths of an acre, situated on
east side of V otcria street next to
Doherty switch, A desirable location
for residence or business. A snap if
taken at once, Apply to
W, S. Downs, Rattenbury St. East
Six Moises for Salo;
Property of Mr. H, T. Ranee, On
account of snaking changes on the
farm, tete following 9101899 1110 offered
for sale- 1 driver five years old, 1 gen-
eral purpose mare four years old. quiet
and a good driver; 1 driver three years
old, unhr0l:0n; 1 heavy dralf mare
three years old, broken, good worker;
1 gelding two years old, not broker);
and a one year old. May he seen at
barn on London Rend. Apply to
Eggs for Hatching
Froin Hens that Lay
We are nrepared to sulkily a large
number of eggs fee hatching purposes
from the [anions Guild hred•to•liay
strain of Single Comb White Leghorn
-Sittings 50c per 1301' .qty per hundred
Our Speriel pen of S year old hens
nlated with Tom Barrow strain cock•
et•els et per 15. incubator lots a
N. W, Trewartha, Proprietor
phone d on 1 12
Fat illenk and Chickens
Taken at any time,
Highest Market Pricee
Calves for Sale
1 have made arrangements to h,.t, ile
a limited' number of calves, mostly
good Shoethornhorn grades,
Phone 14 on 106
A white brick 2 story hoose of I0
morns with good cellar; Town water;
l acre oe land with apple trees; also a
stable, Corner of Princess and Spen-
cer street. For terms et0. apply to
Mrs. E, Holtzhaaer, on premises,
Painting it Paper Ranging
Painting and Paper el taming neatly
and promptly done, Orders left at
liunnitord's Grocery Store or at fay
residence, Victoria Street,
for Flour
Now is the time to, buy your Winter
supply of 11'loer, We carx'y a full stock
of the following Mande, -
Purity Five Roses
Exeter Milverton
White Plume (pastry
And mise 1a brand of Breakfast 'Food,'
evade from choice Manitoba wheat, at
fr pounds for 251
't'o Make Your Mens Lay
1'hfs winter, we recommend, our
Lavine Meal. Beef Scrap, Oyster Shell
Bone Meal, Grit and Chaecoel.
We always carry a fall line of
Bran Law Grade Flour
Shorts Molasses Meal
Oil Cake Dairy Meal
Highest Prices 1'atid for all
Minds of Grain
W. Jeoki.ns& Son
Flour and Fed. phone 199'
Valve -in -
Chevroiei "Feernmeig'
at the Clinton Mi®tor Care Co. Show Rd$oma
Price Complete $675 F.O.B. Oshawa
Regular Equipment, Mohair Tailored Top, Enveloce and Side Curtains, Electric Horn
Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer, Electric Starting and
Lighting System, Ammeter and License Brackets.
NOTE --Owing to the, great dernand for this car. we would
suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery.
We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting System
with Bendix Driv �, same type and grade as used on, the high-priced ears.
W. J. NEDIGER, Agent. Phone I; ll, CLINTON
f.t.a a,xncci't _