HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-23, Page 6PAGE SIS,
Alkiiit.O. -• •, •... ,.w.u+„uu,.r OGNI lMIX11x r,ww,•.DinarAUMMANA...i uw4.utu.t.W. nw+v.vn,;waam.x me.,
In Brown's Tailored Clothes you get your Money's worth in holiest wear and
solid comfort, and besides=
CI ilieS
give you an air of distinction which influences others and smoothes the
pathway of .business and .social success,
We. can Make. YOU a Suit which,.
ill just Suit Y our kPersonality
We carry the largest Stock of Woolens and Tailors Trimmings
in the County,
Puit.Line! MerefF w. urni h1nn
Dry Goods and.
House Furnishings
Phone 61.
Next to Royal Bank
Custorm Tailoring
Men's Furnishings.
Phone 103.
O pposi44cPub licLibrary
aceanexamsancarsoursein WgZiMr036;141,41610ZEI..1(82214======11M32=2=31.7MEINMUZIMMEffilliMMVXMIZESIM
ra�n�rn t (t t.1 jL is m,�
Is now ready to do your work. New
:.,1,.,,,R ....
type and new stock of paper lust placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
Fancy furniture
Of dainty character, for Parlor
and Reception Room, is here for
your inspection, Light in con
design sirnotion and esign but ex.
tr'e,aely •+Oil nide in,every de.
tail. Here. to the finest creations
of the turniture makers craft,
and at prices that will temp the
wise and discriminating buyer.
The Cheapest Shot* UUt•on
to buy all kinds ofrelrniture
Furniture feebler' and Funeral !Directors -Phone 5.04
N. Bali 110 --1t3 SIili3.ENC.E O 3 — J. D. Atkinson 18p
• I tri031 m E a>:s• rm :as:v 9=3/4z1=111raexmu>
enxaestewnncoxom�m>=xwwmune,xvm4.." ,•mums.xaa-n„ s�mtt_r mea .rggrtr .,tnseeo
Every Variety of Ash for
The Lenten Season
Fish, when properly cooked, makes a most appetizing and nourishing
areal. Fish racks amongst the first as a brain food
A pound of fish is a pound of food. Try seine Halibut Steak
Cohoe Salmon. White Fish, Fresh Herring, Srilted Herring
Canned Fish, Tone Nish, Salmon, Haddic
Sardines, Kippered Herring, Etc, Etc
Phone Orders Promptly Attended To
Phone 111
NSE)\: &
T311i, STOiII: O Q ITAlLM'I.'E
OU ,CAN secure all the new toes and
shapes in New Spring Footwear here,
We have all the new lasts and heathers
put together by some of the best makers,
1 Weisel] SHOES that are the best ,procurable
in stylish appearance, quality, material, and
workmanship—the best (you can possibly buy
for your money,
�i m� and
Men's Shoes eEect, from.
Fit Guaranteed to he ail you could desire.
O t'�"r1tO IGS', .t9ar4r
Phone 70' CliAlton'
PHN CLINTON NEW Kell. Thursday, March, 83rd, 1910,
ae�rwa.>•.w.et14iwr+ •��•,noncore..u.�t�.iru„xwnrur,,.,rcr�,w: vnmc„�e�.a.,.,l.,.
Grand TrunkRa.ilway Systole'
Time Table 00:. Clinton
Buffalo and Goderich
Going to Stratford 7,35 a iuj
,03 p u:
515 p -m
Going to ('aodorich 11.07 p a,
1,35 0
0.45 p
11.IS;p to
London, Ramon and Bruce
Going to London.., 8,05 a ni
Going to Winghrim 11.00 a ut
6,40 p m
Local News
The Pa•ttiuie Club had an (Enjoy
able dance in t'he:r Club rooms.
on T'rida3 eveging and everyone
had a good, time, while .th,et music
farnishie'd by the Clinton Orel: e3-
tra war{ e -tenant: The 'khaki col-
or wast ,the big color in 'thetrooms.
On Monday mi�orning, March 13th
there passed, away one of the; few.
surviving pioneers of Ashfield in
the person of William Rogan. Ile
had reached the large of 77 = years,
and up to tvi'thin two weelosl, ago
was going ,around quite hale 841
hearty, when ,he contracted pneu-
monia and despite all than medical.
,skill and aareftd :rlursung could do
1.4e gradually grew ,wdatlter until
relieved by death, He was born in
Tipperary, Ireland, in the year
1838.. and some years later, with his
parents, brothers .and. sister, emi-
grated to Canada': In 1834 they
moved to A,shfield,, settling on the
farm which the deceased has lived
erer,sincej, He was always aihard
working man and by diligence wrap
able to make St comfortable home
for his; ,Wife and family He leaves
to mourn the lass of a aeyed a 1
and loving ,husba id and fatther, a
widow, six'. sons and'two" daoggh-,
'-W' Liam at 'name- !Par
ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER:, ter at. 11 , ; ,
: and Michael on Roams near by;;
The Belthany Class of Wesley
Church had a successful St. Pat- `Rev Father John,Clinton;'Rey.
rick's Supper in. the School room Dakota' Mrs. ther B
and Mrs. S.
last d'riday night and served sup- . Brad of nEar Ac' throy,. The
per to at large croft d, The Sell "' • funeral was) held on Werclnesdta'y
rocm was decorated in green and
big Shamrocks; and everybody ``en- morning to Kingsbridge.
joyed the( good 'supper. 1'I'e
younger girls; bad a candy booth. 01.111' TON DEiE.:.T1 D EXETER
Proceed ran to nlearly $07. .1 rete -loot iiu;•Izey match was
RECTOR'S HEALTH IMO'RO\'ES, 1 pulled off in the big Anena last
Thursday evening a ben the Exe-
Rev. J. W. 43odgins, vector Cf ' ter boys crossed sticks with the
St. Paul's Church, Stratforu ,ann' 101st. Tum first quarter was 2-1
formterly of Seaford]. who col- for Clinton dna the second quay-,
lapsed iiecelntly while ore a pas- ter the, Exeter net was. bilged
fora, call, has so improved in the ee times mote.. The last quer..
health that he will ,bei able to ter it looked like a big trunaway
return to his idul:e,3 soon, This is as it was 8-1 for a while than 1lxe-
the first ,time it 31 years that Ito ler got one goal and Clinton name
was not able to untie take his lack with 'two more, but from taut
Sunday work. Mr, 'Hardy of Bar until the end Exe.er boys run in 4
011 College and Rety. Win. Lowe, more, malting the: final scone 30-6,
of Liman, have tab en the 'se •vices The Exelter .'toys pulled off some
at St. Paul's so Oar. Rev. Hod- good combination• at times .but the
gins has been the Chaplain of , e Clinton boys put up better individ
Huron Regt, .33rd for a g.iodty nal plays• Ross O'orbes was the
lnimber of •ye•,rs and is well
refe,Piee and had quito a ,tune
keeping the' players cool. aim ,ea-
ting out the slashingg. The 101st
Bond was. In attendant.., anti play -
We take the following item' fi 0(1, . ed between guartet,s Following
Was the line-up -
Exeter Clinton
out of the Councilll'Inulesa,pub-
lishcd hyrhe St. 14Iarya Journal ;-
h,cptleettntat,lc 1 erry of the 8.11-
1811 .Ameritan Oil, Co., addressed
a few loris to the Council on he -
half of his cu.pany, Th oy .had sup
plied the town with ;,:lie gt e,} it
*mount of the oil used in tee past
two years. Oil was n nv highs •
owing to the tear and towns And
cities were makit,t e Lily contracts
Ike approved 001405(011 ng tate
streets as suggest e..i by 'the MO,1 or
011 was nota dustlayor Out
road builder. The pri'el was guar
anteed lc those tuyinti now whl'e
their was a S ving clime ,'n thu
contract protecting the purchaser
if the price dr„ p'pc1d, The ice:Idl-
eers for oil were oreneel, - The
British Anel -can was la shade high'
ler, than the next lowest. Mr.
Perry printed cut the same tend-
ers were hefo.e Hamilton and St.
manes last gvt ek ,and they con-
tra cted for the 1?ritish American
oil. Dalin-Bartlett; That the ten-
der of the British American 01'
Co., at the 911110 cents per Imperial
gallon be accepted on 'the terms
offered by the Company for .dile
year, '• -Carried,
Kidd vet McGrattten
Rivers point . Fox
A Pickard 0000r point O'Donnell
'Hoffman col' 0r Graham
10(10101' ' cee,liet Dick
C; Pickard i' wing Draper
Southcott 1 wing Carter
The goals were scored as fol-
lows. -
1st quarter. •
1 Clinton, Graham.
t Exeter.
2 Clinton,, Graham.
' 2nd quartet`,
3 Clinton, Carter_
4 Clinton, Graham.
5 Clinton, Dick.
310 quarter,
6 Clinton„Dick.
7 Clinton, ttlicic.
8 Clinton, Graham.
2 Ex.etelr.
0 Clinton, Dick.
10 Clinton, Draper,
3 Exeter.
4 Exeter. .
6 Exeter,
6 Exeter„
stmoaesta s•oe®wneengesieeme:
OVOr The . �' aCill 'o
Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Hensel),
was a visitor in town last week:
Mujor.Shaw and Mr. A. T. Cooper,
Secretary of Huron C)a. War Acini-
L try, We 1c ill Exeter last Thursday
atteluli ig Meeting of Lhe South Huron
J3taocli of the Auxiliary; .
Rev... W.H. I:J.incks, D. 1) , of Tor-
onto, who took the ennivet1,tryser-'
vices at Wesley church, while in town
was the guest •of his niece, Miss B.
Mrs. Frank Peirdue'ancl infant dap -
Water, are visiting at the Moore of the
iotruer's parents, Jas: and`Mrs. Mose,
at Walton
Dr, W. 3. JJtlloway, of Potaiboi,o,
visited his mother and brothel A. J.
Holloway for a day Si so last week,
Mr. 'Wm: Moore, of Toronto,' a
former resident at town, is visiting
Iris son, Pte. Robt. Moore and other
Miss Jessie Dodds wan called t:
pI Blyth owing to the death of her
cousin, Miss Janet Dodds on Saint day.
Tho funeral, was held on Tuesday.
Miss Mahle Duff spent the week
tinct with friends at Godovieh.
Misses Jean an OMaley and jean til Scott
expect to :leave for the West next
week. Ai is Ohidley will visit in Win.
'nipeg and Miss Scbtt will go to Swift
Current to visit Mrs. (Dr.) Ross, nee
Miss Hazel O'Neil'.
Mrs. Jas. Southcombe ' expects to'
leave this week or the beginning of
next week for PortUtiiou where she
will make her bonze with her brother.
Mrs. Archibald; of Seaforth is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Ilohnos sr„ Raglan
Mr. Cal Wilts, who is attached to
the 160th Bruer Baltl, and who is tick•
ing a liententtuts Course at (tendon,
spent the week end at the parental
home here, v
Mrs. Holloway sr,, left on Tuesday.
to visit dvtth her daughter, Mrs. 'Rowe,
at I xeter'.
Mr. Howard, who' has been teller iu
the Molson's Baru for the past few
mouths is leaving the bank.
An incident t,f the session of the.
Alberta .Legislature Monday after-
noon was the welcome hack of Icon.
A. G. Mackay, forosor leader of the
Liberals in Ontavlb, on his recovery
front his long and dangerous illness.
General cheers greeted his reappear-
The old ,bends in town will regret
to learn that Airs. Petrie of tht. North
end is tier'- ill and small hopes are
entertained for her recovery.
Miss Bate Br ss, of Regina is Visit-
ing her aunt Miss M Ross of town.
lfr. and lMfts..lolut McCaughey spent.
the week Olid at Guelph with .h. and
Mrs. Jas. Reynolds.
Col. Combe was in Toronto u0 Tues-
day ut' this week.
Mrs, Linder and son, of Hamilton,
are visiting at the 110100 of the form-
er's brother. 11 r. tV S.R. Holmes.
Mr 0tct Mfrs. A. J. Holloway wove
at Blyth OD I'nesrlav attending the
funeral of the late Miss ,nine. Dodds,
Miss Mail 1 +u l i t e l0 a was iC visitn0 (11
Londona.nd lieo.mtell this week.
Airs, 1; A. Bradshaw will be •a -b
ditto+ to her friends on Wednesday,
March 201h and afterwards the first
Thursday of each mouth
Serge. Edgar' Paltisoli, of the 71st
Bard, was 1l1 town for a few bays
this tree!; visiting his ',YIN aitl family.
Ile flat+I c per,.; to leave DOXL tack
for 111C: Old [Aug. The hest ai ht's ed'
the citizens of Utintun goes with him
for a :1!110 vol age and 1111 bad results-
10 case he gets to the liming line,
Pin., Fisher, of the Paymaster's atoll
spent. a few days at th parental hours
at Dray( rill
Mr. A. linmball, who has been
spending the \Vinle.rat \Vinghant Was
in town on 1Jonday.
Stratford 13etueoa Mas lints 'facet'
Olt trig: to t l and Miss Mahone
Twitchell 0,30 trailed to St Thomas
by the death of their sister, Mrs, Alex
Lewis. Mrs. Twitchell has been in St
Thomas with her daughter for several
Mts J, Seeley spent: .a tt:w days at
her all house at llrucolield last week.
Mrs. .i� red Turner and baby lett on
Monday morning for Toronto to visit
A few days and leaven today for her
home in Regina. Rev. Sir, Allen ac-
coinpanicd his daughter es far as
Toronto and spent a, few days there
with his son.
Mrs. Rotlawsv returned from her
visit at .Peterboro with her mother
and sister,
Speer.' Offer to the
Boys of Clinton by
The, ,arson
Manufacturing Co.
In order to encourage every -Father and Mother who has Boys' from 4 to 16.
years old, to dress them in Military Style this season, we are going to offer a special
Military Suit at a price that will be near the cost of manufacture, and which could not
be bought in the 'ordinary way within $1.25 to $2,50:
This Suit can be seen and bought through The Morrish Clothing Co., W. C. Brown, and
Plumsteel Bros,, all of whom are willing to sell them to you at prices aevel'iised below.
Boys' 2 -Piece Norfolk Military Suit made from Cotton Khaki Drill with Cap to match
Sizes 4 to 9 years $4.O0. Sizes 10 to 15 years $4.50,
See this Suit at once and place your order. Delivery about April 15th.
ise Sell
Wim,--=t•ti+c-,r ,.. -- rMitiV..
Waterman's Pens—the . best for men,
And it's best for women, too,
Its also best for children,
So. it Must be best for YOU.
Harbutt's Peasticine in the house
Will stimulate your boy's ability.
By showing him how pleasure can
Be jointed to practical utility.
Often the cheapest— ,ways the Best
...MIDEMINMEHECE212=11221118SISTE2=== =no
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Salaam
What's the use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
label. -
Beyond a doubt this is the most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever sold. Nothing else will so
readily re.ieve a cough. Try it -
Dispensing Chei list THE PENSLAR DI.UII STORE
cin! ruga, vwc, ram, rs
Furniture, Pugs & 1 hio1eu s
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going
to furnish your home, or if you only '!Sant some odd pieces.
Yon will And it to your advantage to inspect cur stock and see
the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos and Organs.
Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect
and the guarantee the bet of satisfaction
,t3 to Pq `a'
Ulldea•ttll,er and i'iuneral .IDireetor. Phone `28.
Night and Sunday Calls answered tat Residence over store
p Pais and
Order your Sap Pans and j
Buckets now u .v:] 1 have!
them ready when you want to l
use them.
Thos. Hawkins
'4iu4.w' eorrnem Store
"Live and Aged lU e"
Make the
Bitter Marmalade Oranges are in -
and are now at their best. Marmalade•
time is diene.
hlhrat rthout yuur1iltirequit•ementer
We hive a splendid supply oP
',hoer apd Sweet Ot'trges
nfsuperior quotIity a.nd flavur
As well ac Fruit J+u'. , things, Sealing
Wax, and Sngar
13itter Oranges
Sweet Oranges and Lemons
Fine Granulated Sugar
Fruit Jars and Paraffin
FISH should he more freely used
because it ranges exceedingly high in,
point of food value. A few suggestions.
Halibut, Fresh Herring, Fillets
Finnan Middle. tied ('1811 and
Smoked Herring.
Plumbing and Heating p}��1 (p �� � }j g y t�
Agents for Iliecla Furnaces E. E e a Yi fit AII f 4f O r d
Slilop-over Rotw•land's iHardsvare PRONE 45.
i•+++++•r •,i• •+++'n+'.•¢"t•+++•a•+.a•4...1.+,k+++5++a•a,444.i.e.t'i.7-i.( +5.+44 t.
The unlocked process of making shoes is conceded by the
most famous orthopedic physicians, surgeons and shoe men as
4he very beat word in the shoe world today
Made under patented methods,both in shoe process, taste
and patterns, It has the call throughout the world as the only
shoe that will give the foot Perfect Exercise, Muscle Develop
meat, Good. Mond Circulation, Health and Life, for the reason
that the shoe is built in.sueh a manner that it gives perfect body
weight balance. and conforms to thefoot without breaking in, in
fact it is the only U'aiooked Process Shoo known to the shoe
world, making it impossible for imitators to Copy
.)<. & T. ''IGIILL, unarSEID.
IIelloeked Process Shoes anal Lasts
follow the anatomy of the foot in every particular. Nothing is
left undone, and the wear''r will find that in wearing this shoe it
will eliminate the cold clammy, eleepy feeling in the feet and.
limbs, and make the feet; breathe, and live again
we invite all orthopedic surgeons and physicians to invt'sti
gate this she and we guarantee to then, and to the public that
tbcy will find w.a can give them more in this shoe than we have
claimed. 11 yon are looking for foot liberty, wear
.golf's Unlatched Process Shoe
FRiiia ION
E++.d•.i•.il„ ')4'.e'•N++h,•S.•d r.1,4•4i,.pe.ty .i,...o-i••t.5,a-«.,.,ha:.{-t•�,•.1i..}.dA ;