HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR.,
Thursday, 1Vlareh, 123rd, 1916.
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:Tor 'Enfants and Children.
1othe s Know That
�e3 to - IiRF��
Gomm C�
�,> stoua
Tbeleopri,lar)orgni it k: e 1 :
Alief Nee le -pee I 'et.;. A1,, irayS
mini; tinIhcti.nt '' 'dui
lingrhrSlenuids r '['
e JJ :1:3'a�i:Lila the
Simi?' .17'e
:0:1161 J IR 1 �
Mee Mel , t t 3 it:veer :
t?(aitmt ! . ,l.:i.l t :treat 0f,
1 utas '
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''. C s, R ever
J _ e,
t lt+d
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Exact Copy? of Terre:nee o x„•.. mew vonx CITY.
MM.:.tea" c, -EV -- -
Farina Can Serve at Home
see to it ,tllaat h;o place on r
farm is fele&L To fight .o1• the
right is Regal' we , c3a,,not 'g lore.
Every true i;utildter .n t ::matte --7
say Britisher .,lelemee vve have to s
of hyphenated Canadians wl1,o
blood tingles for ()thee nlitiot'1e.
the Ian•., of their birth- c nipa
the population, ,per senate lith`
with European ceuntrirr'i. Cnmti`a
has about three persons 1 or
square mile, eve, le the 13,i. tell. I1,1's
Lave ale. revalue:, 211; t n8aia, 12;
Germany, 2,70, A88tele, 187; Tur-
key, 1.te. Really, who we. e id
these Ligeeee bow tau elle Gov -
erne -well extee, ns t> wink our
lands and 133 the fighting t: 07
There, stipule 1e, some syste 11 for
our farm boys. They are enlist-
ing null vcan1 113 enlist m ,rr' tit in
can be spa;dd We .*.ce v )y dry
toys lerieMg their e1.1 titles to
work the farm cases wheee it is
impossible to litre help teat fath-
ers cannot manage '3711,0( '.17 t e
could sect tl .0 end r,f tear. 7,1 si
or eight mem1rs, eve v try a'i:.fle
man sho'tld 13e fro' iia 1 and his
taervice,3 placed lit U e Cron',. lint
if the earl is two nr theca years
emetics the ,young men on 'he fa m
should ho plactedi ,tl the e a: r r
the State, •which sh;uuicl t'e3ioe
11 i crty leach one would be 131(1331
useful actor^dint` 113 his awl:ten
Then then young nue`: would 1 0
satisfecd thew vee 'e theme n; their
deity, if the tutrun'it e sr/, tad
decide that di e Inrrnei t.nn SON' 3,
the cause Lotter at home, then
give him some Liken that 1 e had
leniisteel ant! was n$ -•,'etre:.
One thought nl ,re. What are We
doing with the men 1vh )tn vf,e IIe'1e
entl'usted with our m 3110.Y to spend
for wee suppliea anti who nave
proven lhelens.elleeerarilrs, root,
ing the Emptier!, 1`hey are 1311'1.'111
as any forcien spies. strike-m.rl• e's
or dynatomit,ers• 'Yet they ee. ate ,al-
go fr
COST 23e TO 61;73
Ilracehriclgo Gavotte: A Sine or
$20 was recently imposed on amen
: for sending e cheque without the
legal war -stamp It stems a sande
thing ; to kick about but. the 01
who ,;:bold put the stamp on n
cheque is tha ane •tv110 give it,
Many forget; to do it, It's a small
'wily to make •2e. Sone d'1 net
realiee the expanse they'put oth-
ers tlO. Bele is an instance in
'our busiaeee The Gazette diel
some advertising at a chaa'ge of $l.
j The bill was stent at a cost of 3e.
I In due Course a Magpie for $1 was
reefetived, The, cheque was with-
out .v-ar stamp and was peyn Olein
Gt•arenllurst. As f11e.:a 79 01377)' ((310
bank in Gravienhurst a c ieen••
emits 15C to cash. The bill n' e t e-
turned to 3b,e i'eceipteci w hieh
would cost -another 3Q slattn7>. TI ,e.
total cost of gettinnp' that $t ac.
count evonld 11e ti3c or 23 per cent.
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
,Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
if any good.
To correct catarrh you should treat its.
cause by enriching your blood with the
oil -food in Scott's Emulsion which is a
medicinal food and a building -tonic, free
front any harmful drugs. Try it. v
Scott & lowue, 'Taranto, Ont.
80000 PINK TosAro
A post card addressed tows
as below, with your name
side, will cost but one cent.
Drop it in the nearest mail
box, and itwill bring prompt-
ly a copy of our illustrated
80 -page catalogue for 1916.
With it will. come also -free
-a 15c. pa>rket of
Byron Pink
A perfectly formed tomato, the Byron Pink is uniform, large, and
attractive. The flesh is firm, and the flavor delicious and full-bodied,'
It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper. 7t is an ideal tomato for
forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might just as
well send for our catalogue and get this free premium for yourself,
The Cata(opoe.tells about /he other valuable
prem7ums which we glue with twerp order.
Sri 1
A County Improvement
their farming ,opq'ratiuns.
Farmers aIle Lleing olga:niece to
improve their mark e Ing method'
The League 19 helping the farmers
to stan8aldize tiler prechicts anu
instructing thea as to the pro1ror
methods of handling and picking.
Farmer's Credit Exchanges are bee,
ing oigarized, A group of far-
mers 'sign an '
1 "flearneees' i drt Exchange,'
esoh member &lay.ing the una.ni-
mous erelcr-lememt of the other
Members, A committee, of three is
elected'to approve annli::otions for
loansto members poky. with Power
to sign 'tate same if favorable, se-
curity offered tieing in the form of
mortgages, either cl1ttel or other
wipe. The boerovver ,presents flit
endorsee;: 31010 to any bank. The
bank has ,as its guavante,e the nn-
limited liability of ;every member
of the Exchange.
The League has organizer; the.
Hampden County 0Voluntee •see
This includes the boys and i;•u'1s
who enter all or any of the lee-'
TTartments of the volttn'eer.s. These
departments include club work,
surd; as agriculture, hortieulturle
and hone eleolionneS; play and
recn ti work, ea or. ox ., and literary work
where the youthful members milet
read at ,ease fo11r books, ore of
ecu retry life, Ipne 00 May and le -
creation, ore ,on better - living,
and t story boob.
Che League etas 801151(177 eighty
women's c ganieati0ns Wit 1111 the
county and 1111CY,e have erenteet
what is known :t9 the ']?forme C'om-
mit'tee. This brought together
the women 'of the farms elm the
WC11 Ben of tl:,et cities in a' joint ef-
fort to raise ,functeIt2Secureahome.
making adviser and ,establish n
system of district nursing through
c.ut the country, Enough money
was raised by the women and the,
League employed a woman work-
It is hard ,io c'mph'isiee, the new
county solidarity.. ;villi means
Men more than the economic gain,
This was expressed by ono far-
mer who was addressing a group
.of 1100 busin'es's neem,: '1Te, said "It
means much to me to be aide to
113111(0 $2 *or $2 where I hire oracle
($t l.oPorrel It meems much to my
wife and to my childre 1, but it
means mere ,to have y13n tii.nro'1'e
into the country as y m dict, and
to invite Inlet tI •08110 11m'e all you
diet It is 'tibiae -tenting the line of
demarcation bee vleon the limn c
and the hnsine;s man. and sbeer a-
ir,tr us together ,9ho>dder to shoal -
Laws liar tto}t Scouts
There were nine' points en
5C.011t'a Law, as fie,laws,
1. A scoure. ;,ennui- ie to 00 trust
17 he 1:eel:L1es; "Ou may ho..-
o.-103' it is sue' .thae e11'el it.,
9 A 5t0110 is 11:1'111, 'The nil'-
grtion of ley'il'y ,ernb.'ac0.3 c..o 3
try and rules 1,11 ent", employers
and scout 11:n•ettl'i'S.-
3. A scout's duty is to he meal'
'n111 10 help of leek lie 1118131 try
his heat 10 de a giod turn 'io
s'omebndy each day,
4. A SC0111 a9 a friend to all a1)71
a beotllt'r to 08 or ',cher scnul, no
Mad 1,01, to 111.11 social t:;.1333
011.1e>• 1 elon„s,
0. rt scout 79 courteous, '.Te
mutt. furlhetm'ort' 'lake no 1elv:ud
Por his courtesy; this mains -no
Itips. .
7..i scout is a friend to •tu:nlsls
Ile must 3 of ,givct pain to ally c'ea
Itui a 01(113 c 0S',at'ily.
1. . scout obey order's Ile,
must, toe render ol0•1ie:ace with-
out question; hut after carry'irt;
out an order,' lie may state reasons
for cirieetion to i t.' 8. A' scout. smiles and whistlee
under all eirrulnotattee,s,5 The
duty' 07 (ehrerfUlnt(31 is second
'unly t) that of ohediencle. •
0, A seau1 is thrifty„ He opens
a savings hank ,account,
Dee tit al'ial'
luly 2P-Ai,stt'10 /:glint Ssrh:n.
Aug 1 -Germany, again'rt Russia.
At JR, 3 -Germany aO'linst rferallee.
Aug -1- Cre,nit.ly ,it :1.331 ilei
Aug, 4-J)higbinct against Ger-
m:t ny,
Aug. 4-Germauy against Eng-
vng 0-Aest0i.1 aelinst Russet,
' tee 0- 7111311 3 a 1i 1st .A11si3'.n,
Aug. 7- M enteeeego against:
Aug. 3-Austl'la agal„st Monte-
Aug, 16 -:France against Ausirea.
.Aug. 12-Mlontenegl'3 against
A ag. 12 -England against .1:ua-
Aug.:3 Tapan ,airainst G0"naany
Aug. 25 -Austria lig'linee J nine,
Nev. 5- Eugland against Turkey.
19)5 •
May 23 -Italy tugains.t Austria,
June 3-5ai1 Marino ,a;a77150
i.rst1110 •
Aug'-J-itaiv arainst'iurkey,-
ik'i, Ir,. Serbia against .Bu:lgaria.
Oet. 11- Great 'Britain ,against,
' Bulgaria.
Oct. 10--0eian.-c against Bulgaria
Oct. 19 -Italy against 13101ga1i,a
Oct, 10-13ussiri against Bulgaria
Mal', 9 -Germany against Portu-
gal ,
County .News
WAS KILLING HIM eooesoos0000m•000a•ssoos9
A window peeper is at work
1 ,anut�'xeter.
Until He Used "Fruit-a-tivesl"
The Great KidneyRemedy
Htosiesvnan, ONT.3 Aug. 261h, 1913.
``About two years ago, I found my
health in a very bad state. fry Kidneys
were not doing their work and I was all
run down in -condition. Having seen
`Fruit -a -fives' advertised, I decided to
try them. Their action was mild, and
the result all that could be e pectecl.
My Kidneys resumed their normal
action after I had' taken upwards of a
dozen boxes and I rcgai led->nvoi t -time
vildl%ly. Today,1 am as well as ever."
33. A. KELLY.
50e. a box, 6 for $3.50, trial size 25e.
At dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa,
ee•oSeaseleese esse•oseaseese
Tewn and Country
Albert Olce, son let Chas. Once,
of Colbrne Twp., who canto home
from Toronto lase week •Hide,
went an operation for appendici-
tis in the. Gcderich 'Hospital. An-
other Oke isf l
r I1
other 9011 of and
with pneninonia.
A levy of one mill on the dollar
will be made on thiel taxable prop-
erty of Ilan township during .1116
the taxes so toile^f:ed' ito be for
the British Red; Ci oss ,Fund.
15 i9 "1-
T, Iiemphill, of IIel all, , ,e
cn181y ill with rn rita4:-. of pl' 1I ,
tn0nra and his a .edition 15 eau: rout
Tris family and friends much anll-
cty, ,
The statement hy the le.rdiri
!Hydro engineer that Exeter w. 11,0
have Hydro within a mond; and.
that work` on the `Hensel] tine
would then be starlet, what's
that c•,netrnati'In will be under
way much sooner .than was lo'okcd
for. At the last meeting of the
lionsall Council a :notion was
r:urricd offering' Mr, Pnssannre
$300 [or all of his plant I:)uts;de
the. power/ ;rouse.
The death. took piece Pridav',fol-•
towing an operation at St. Jo-
Sfpies Hospital Guelph of Mr, Chits
PI. (emery, 117 that city. Iia was
1111 nel:ea with appendicitis on 'Wed
reesdey„ He WaS well known eat
over Ontario and :the West as a
suteessftrl paving eonl:rac1or, %lie
leaves a v1'Id1,>w- ',31)81 family. He
was a native of Morris /Township
living at one time near Blyth.
Baby's (11'+n Tablets
Good as Guaranteed
Mfrs. L.7511011, Kingston, Ont„
'`ileus "111(11, using 13aby Own
'Pallets tui fine; 811eat1 as goon, as
advertise tl,. 'Ihey alae coI'e:rimy a
wenderful remedy for little ones'.
Airs. Isbell's-tesiinlnny 10 like
t.htut of thousands 'of dither mothers
0117e a mother' 11115. ,used Baby's
Own Tablets shed wi1l, use nothing
else for bee little -once• Thu Ta
lets are sold by medielre dealersor
Ly mallett 025 cel to 'a bos[tum The
Dr. Williams •Mlieclic:Me. Company,
Brockville, Ontario;
Local News
ess000 seeoraeoeseoeseseo•oho
There have been three votes taken
nn orohihitlon in Ontario during the
lust twenty two years, resulting as
Prohibition lelej,
For, agate for
1804 188.087 108,405 11.503
1809 152 337 -109 0.88 49,600
10iP2 1110,140 1174,57(9 05,211)
0.000 FACTS A.80171' CANADA
Thr public will we'eora the new issue
for 101(1 of ''1000 Fats About Canada,"
the popular and valuable cycloparliet of
Oo,ne.dien dates, compiled by frank
Yeigh of Toronto. tbewell•known weft
er and lecturer r on the Dominion. No
en to da.t 531,1 Intelligent Canadian can
afford to be without this "handy an-
nual" whidh io a revelation in concrete
form of the wonderful growth of our
conni,ry In a sinele year, despite, war
Conditions Indeed, it circulates all over
the world, and 13s such is a eplendid
a.dverti"men`The chapter of "War
Facts" is, by the w+,v, both timely rand
illmulr,athnu, Fif,y other chapters
are devoted ali,hocheticaly to every
[These of nue national life. from Agri-
cnita1re to the 'intron, while several
sketch m+ape are of high value Copies
may he h11d from newsdealera or hy
sending 25c to the Canadian Facts
Pub, (7, , 588 Boron Street, Toronto,.
MARCH 310D AND 05117.
March' Rod end Gun has an in-'
hel05.113lg number of contents 'for
lover of outdoor life!. r'onn.'0 ale
Dale contributes the leading art -
ale on "The New Sport for` the
Spring Duck Shooter.'V. Wil-
illiams Writes of •"Jules drox;• R.
J. (Fraser of '1P11e Men who Can't.
Come Back 1' Normla.n. Leat de -
seethes a 'Three Weeks' Cla ,oe
Trip in Algonquin .1'ark,'i lane; 11,
0. Perrin contributes ,tile eery of
"1.r1anchud's Tram'. the &Imre in
1113(11 sets out Ito capture ea hoer
and succeCds in landing tar ,even
more valuable and quiee nnexe eot-
ed pried There ar'ol other stories
3s good 11's these. and besides the
regarter •dopia,rtruexits devoted Guns
and Ammunition ^isle ng Nates,
The Trap, The Kennel, etc„ ,1•e
calculated to attract sportsnlnel
who are in101131 ate1' in mutters of
this kineee Rod and Gun is pub -
BO • ' . 'i Tavloe Woodstock
:g i ];
A, eniet we klieg took. place' ,at
the 4.Met1>Iodist • parsonage,_Cen-
Cen-tralia, ton Saturday afernoon -
Meech 4th, when Miss Nene. Rae
daughter of Mr. Daniel McCurdy Of
Stephen hecaat0 the bride of
Trooper Gerald A.A. Hurdo.u. of
the Otees. atls, forces ,a,t. Hamilton,
son of Mr. N.D. eiiirdon of Exeter
rte, fried. Curring„ of B. Section
N'o, 1 Field Ambulance; C.F. b'.,
Victoria) 13. C. visited ens peitents
Mr. a11d Mlrs. N. running :at Blyth
while on hia way to Moutre;al
where he will his company' end
itis expected will lab'ortly 71ave,
for Oversea.(, -
,Mrs. Smithen 'of St. AugusUse -
13adthe misfortune on Sundry io
slip and 81 a-locare J:e • shoulder',.
Robert McArthur has purchased
the handsome residence ,owned 1,•7 -
Rev. W, Doherty al'Hensail. , Mr.
McArthur has t>ld hie form and
moved to that town. 'Ile and fatm-
ilyarc at presence oecuyhing a
portion .1f TV, Snarlc;.s large le;i-
de nge
Duncan MORenvie an old resident
'of Grey Township, Was buried last
week. Belied been operatcdtupon
• was Si'11 , of age. and s1 -
lie l a , ye, gD 1S ]r
vived by his wire .and daughter.
Me. Merced of Gerrie has pur-
chased the blacksmith business at
e and moved there.
Mies MaryAyle worth, of Ford,
wieh, has txie.n engaged to teach
the junior room 01 the Gerrie pub
lio school.
After a short illness ,doe to the
infirmities of old age" there pass-
edaway at the -louse of f•1 e
tet Rcl.g
at Clinton on i+riday, an aged
resident of , lereter, Mrs. lee: es,
at the Welt age ;of 83 years. Mars
Keyes was eb 1rn in the old 001111-
.11-y- an.1 came ,to Caned]. 1110 1y
years ago. - She lived in ' Exeter
and neighboriior d for many years.
No 1111,11ie'iia110 relatives '31,71 ('0,11 C.
T110 rennins were brought to tie
bene. 'of left•, Joseph Davis, Exeter
North, and int.erlled int the Exe-
ter relnetc(ry. ,
Pte Ernest Neal ,of Galt, visiteel
et the ;home of Abe Culbert tat"
Du:ngan)u•n. On Ti' `t`ir'e d('y
oeening he was preir,ent ,l with a
verist a 9heh and an address by
the titieeas.
Ashfield township has furnisl',ed:
26 recruits for the army. Dieted-
eluded in this nanlbe e of course.,
are several lvho weee nit residing
here at the time of P11t115.1111 C.
but \h,se pareats are living l•e'c.
1'. Piorce's fl eek 'nf hens 1>r.M1r
rfs Township, 71 ill all, laid 06
egg's• which il, 5.2 2-3 ,Ise • cent. Thee}'
are White 'Fvauclotte3:
Duncan McKeuziie an calci and
well LCnowe nesklc(nt .07 the 17th
C".on., Grey; departed ties life aged
63 years, 7 1013131(19 and 20 cl tvs.
While feeling poorly at time; he
vvas only i11 for a wr'e'4 Woa'•t
rieerclay aright .heel wets opened eo. 'on
for cancer of the towels but too,
late to serve 7)113 life".
The detth of '1' 77. 11i TCay, Cele.
R. agent, of Mlohkten, formerly 'o
Walton, came as 111 greet 470)0lt on
8alurdnv1 1Tr [ewe; his little. lion
over to rail v,Orion Salui•'lav ,a1(e3r
coon to (0711 c 5e1r.e, nli"ural Work
dram a' -d it eves while they 1Cc e
waiting :.t tint stater.) foe hi;
train that he suddenly fell ole-)•
11171 0)pi 8.1.
:pun gnnnon community was
shocked rn) 3aturtkty ,horning on
1 eating of the 3udelc1 death of
Mrs. John Heat, cork. 6 lshfeel'ed,
who passe(: aevay lake e riday
maiming. ,Vtth'ugh in 111 I'e'dth
for many years 7111 s. Reed eras
rot confined to he./ he.1 until last
week and it west .bought that jest
rut hour or so Defota Jeer death
she would recoeer
Mr. LT. J. 'White, manegor of the
Canadian .duan:7) of Commerce at:
Exeter for tl.e petit year and half
1leceeved word ti'one ,h,eac( office
on Tuesday announcing his ap-
pointment as manager of. 'the
Banks Branch at Mnnctoe. 1P. 11,
For 'Infants and Children
lea Use For ever 30 Years
Always bears
the lJ aTs�il:
$irnature of " •fid
.5. bylaw relating ,tlo the sale of
cigarettes `habiting Lireeer e from
$30 to $1.0 was read and passed at
Brussels Coined.
In the casualty list pnblisheet on
Tuesday the minae of Sergi. le. L.
Allingham, formerly of the ;Starl-
deed Bank, Brussels, appears as
being wnundea
The heavy slept ,storm of Mon-
day night rais,e-tt havoc with the
McKillop 'Mu111tipel Telepho'rio
System, on the (71(83 21171,1310g out
the North Road ler1nl the See -
forth limits to Ml, .Robert Griev'e's
a clistaller• of. c: \ er a' mile 01 el•y
pole Was broken, e'en -3e of then"'
snapped 'off ,six deet from the
ground leaving Teething but a
tangled mels oe Wirel. The l:10
is a heavy one and tee/ fee eed
wind proved tee great a strum
for the poles.
Made Strong By Delicious. Vino!
Lakeport, N. H. -" Our little girl 8
years of age was in a debilitated, run-
down condition and had a stubborn
cough so she was weak and ailing all
the time. Nothing helped her until
we tried Vinol. Then her appetite
increased and she is strong and well, and
I wish other parents of weak, delicate
children would try Vinol. "-Gso. A.
This is because Vinol contains the.
tissue building, strengthening cod liver
elements and the tonic iron which a weak
and run-down system needs.
J. E. Hovey.,, Druggist
Clinton, Ont.
Now in Good Health Through Use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Say it is Household
Necessity. Doctor Called it a
All women ought to know the wonderful effects' of
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on
those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases:
Harrisburg, Penn.-" When I was single I suf-
fered a great deal from female weakness because
my work compelled me to stand all day. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for that
and was made stronger by its use: After I was
married I took the Compound again for a female
trouble and after three months I passed what the
doctor called a growth. Ile said it was a miracle
that it came away as one generally goes under
the knife to have them removed. I never want to
be without your Compound in the house." -Mrs.
FRANK KNOBL, 1642 Fulton St,, Harrisburg, Penn.
Hardly Able to Move.
Albert Lea, Minn.-" For -about a year I had sharp pains across
my back and hips and was hardly able to move around the house.
My head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, I
am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months
old and am doing my work all alone. I would not be without your
remedies in the house as there are none like them."- Mrs. F. E.
Yoslr, 611 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn,
Three Doctors Gave Her Up.
Pittsburg Penn.-" Your medicine has helped
me wonderfully. When I was a girl 18 years o1d I
was always sickly and delicate and suffered from
irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and said
I would go into consumption. I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and with the third
bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular
and I got strong and shortly after I was married.
Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am
able to work hard every day." - Mrs. CLEurwri eA
Dumltn'ING, 34 Gardner St,,Troylilll, Pittsburg, Penn.
All women are invited to write to the Lydia, E. Pinkham Medi -
eine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice, -it will be confidential.
A1NT direct from factory
saving dealer's profit
H o u s e Paint, inside or
outside, Flat or Oil
Finish, Quarts 45c $ 1.50
Gallons . ,
Why pay regular
W bretail prices for
10 gallons for li paint when you can get what you
want at less than wholesale?
Our Paints are guaranteed to give satisfaction.
'Ready Mixed and
Fire Resistant—Barn,
Roof Iron, Priming
$1.25 ag anon
4 11�
'Cello Music
All the whimsical witch-
ery haunting restless-
ness-dreaniFul exaltation
of the world's finest violin
and 'cello music caught
for 37011 with an exquisite
sense of reality in
Double -Disc
rip se your dealer play these for you:
Kathleen Parlow-A5412-$1.50
iluurureske (Dvorak) orchestra aec0mpani.
111 silt
Melodic, ('1'schnikowsky) orchestra accpm.
I'nblo Casuls--A5649-$1.50
Largo Mandel), with orchestra,
Melody in 7a (Rubinstein), with orchestra.,
Jules .Polk --A1110-•-450.
Ave Maria (Schubert) with Traumerei
Charles D'Almeirio--A1772-85c.
'White Cockade; 31' 1n'1 Reels Medley with
Hardwire -Reel 1,Prince's: Orchestra),'
Eucene'Ilsuye-37525 $1 d0
Caprice leermofe, Op. 2 (I'reis1er).
Et!O 1c,, Ysaye-3553d•-41,50
Euuparian Llttnce in G (No. 5) (Brahms).
Columbia Scalers gladly play those and any other of the
I1ousnnds of Columbia records without thous t of obrlaotioa.
Con'Nret, Record. Lest frum dealers or p,ailod 30' us. ,
Glsphophone Con'tpuny .
Canadian Factory & iloadqunrtate
Toronto., Gant.