HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-23, Page 3Thulasday, March, 123rd, 1016.
Ron can Secure a Posi-
tion it you pike a
Course with Us.
The demand upon us for train-
ed help is many time the num.
ber graduating. Students are
entering each week, You may
enter at any time. Write at once
fur our free catalogue of
Commercial, Shorthand, or
Telegraphy Department
D. A. McLachlan, Principaie
IMMA101011A,4100.1.11.0141.14...•14.01=11•01010 41•W•14.0.
A L ®se r and
E . s and gPoultry
It is expected that Great Britain
will he in the market stronger than
ever for Biggs and Poultry.
Last year there was not half enough
poultry to supply her demands,
Why not buy oncof our
thoroughly rel[iable
Prairie State Incubator
and hatch your chicks when you
pleese and as many as you wish.
Anyone without •experience can
bandie these incubators with success,
We are always in the market for
large quantitieb of
New Laid Eggs and Fat Poultry
Now is the time to weed out your
are fat hens when the price is high.
G111111 -L ialk• is & CO,,Lin Ate
Clutton Branch Phone 190
railkAJAemtiea•aam.'a•le as•&••.
See and here our finest,
New StY li'sh designs of
• Doherty Pianus and
alseciltl values
Pianos and organs rent
ed: Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
▪ variety goods.
Hume Emporium
• •
C. Hoare
et,,ar"RnnAnokANItAAtoetdeI.nOs.futnteti t,M
Maple Syrup
` l
easenl Will
Soon be Frere
Row are your Sap Pans
and 'Pails ?
Leave your order now
and have them when
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
The Grand Trunk 'Railway System
will anti
llom.eseekers' i xclirSiOns
lil1areh 7 to Oct. 31 (iaelusive)
Tickets yalid to return within two
thonthe inclusive of date of issue
Winnipeg and return.:.. $36.00
!Edmonton and return. , .. 4:3:00
Proportionate low rate to ether points
is Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Further particulars 00 appl es; -
tion to Grand Trunk Agents.
oris tlans!otd &Son, city passion -
sr and Ticket Agents,' phone l
0 Pattison, station agent
p N . ti t4 v &fs N lea
fSAltlt.S!?ER hoEEwPotl, 6O'L'ARY
lielatlttLE:; IB, HEL,B
tlonneyanee, Notary Public,
(_lommissioner, eto.
Issuer of 11Tarriage Licenses.
Huron St„ Clinton,
H. T. RryAN C E `.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire Tie
aurance Oonlnantes.;
Dtvisioli Court Office.
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone .regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
M. rf ianaeron,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Ofliee mi`Albert Stxeet,;occnpied ty
Mr. Hooper. In. Oliuton on every
Thuredtty, and on 'any day for which
appointments are made. Office hours
from 9 a.rn, to 0 p m: A good vault in
connection with thelnmoe. Office open
every week day, M r.iHooper will make
any oppointments for Mr. Cameron.
Di12 r;. W. THOM PSON
Physician, Surgeon, Etc
eternal attention given to diseasesof the
Eye, Mar, Throat. and Noes.
Eyes chatty Sluu.ned, and,: suitable 4glassee
Office and Residence.
Vero doors. 'treat of the (oiUiuereIal Mote
'Beres St.
IlltF.. G Tniti tied A:I1,iIt
1►r Bt'. Gtnx;n, L. S. n. P.. L. •R.e. el.. Edt
Dr. CIunn's officeat residence High Street
Er. J. f:. Gaudier. B.A. Dr,11.
cW1ce Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night na!l, at re,Iclenas. Satt.nhnrr St.
nr ut ho,01451
OR. J. W. d?trli•t111.
oennchonr, ore., Milne and residence on
tenbl'ry Street.,
Oa. F. Ai. AXON
arrows and. Bridge Weak a Speeinityl;'
Graduate re 0.0.n.S... Chicago, and 1'.0,D.8
Mayfield' en. Montiays. May Isere E
on. N. FOWLER,
OfMoee over O'NEIL'S store.
Spiegel oa.re taken to make dental treat
'Osnt NS Painless an ooseible.
'rHoim s GLINDPY
Live eto'k and tretterr,,t Anminn ser
1e.x etre 'cecina;, tittles nt r
NEr 15 -. ,. - r tl,.ton 'prem' I.y act anal
to, term m. alas. Formers' sola 000,
Iissou- ,"
G. D. 111 Teeseset M. D. MoTaggar
jV k1'Aip y aiirt Bra',
Ii'akftrlICHli S • •r 7• PAT[
t'.. 't t`t., x!a-P 1 57S , CLINA()'
da arts, ,•:4 tietteklat , T'io.mlrieox
Draft. ter., ed. Interest allowed e
The Bract ittlop Mutual
Fire Insurance ance eel*
Barra and isolated Town Props
teary Only Insured.
)lead shire-Seaforth, Ont
j. B. McLean, Seaforth, President
J. Connolly, Goderich Vice -Pres.
Thos L l',ys, Seaforth, Sec. -Treat;
Dire, Loi,,• -D, F. McGregor, f ,-
Cr.r orth J. Grieve,WinthropWinthro W.
Rilint 5earortit; John Benneweie,
Dublin , • J. Beans,. Beechwood ; M.
3.11 Lt, c 1, ilt t.ln; J, 13. McLean,
Seaforth. T. Connolly, Goderich:
Robert Ferris, Rarlock.'
Agents• -Ed, Rinehley, Seaforth;
W. Chesney, Egmondv-ille; J. W.
Yeo. Tottnesville; Alex. Leiteh,
Clinton ; ti. Y, Tarmuth Brodhage'
Payments made at Morrish
Co, Clinton, and Cult's grocery
store Goderich and Jas. Beide
store Bayfield.
lI Car.oad of Canada
Mute us for prices.
t rill pay you
John Hutton
Drs. GM, a& M. E.. Whitley
Flc 1emann
osteopathic Phy.
Specialists un Woments and,
Children's Diseaaee
Amite, Chromic, and Nervous
. Diem dere
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-1?attenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m,
We're ncrw selling Timothy Seed
(Govertrnent 9'tanelare.). r
We also have on hand, Alfalfa;
Aleike, ar.d Red Clover.
We al u'nys have on hand -(loose
Wheat, Peals, Barley and Feed Corn.
Highest 'Lark. t .Prices paid for Hay
incl alil Grate.
In The Spring
Now is the time U1) bring to your aid
br. Pierce's Golden Medical Diecovery
(in tablet' or liquid form). This won-
derful remedy helps to restore stomach
to -'its natural health and strength and
to secure proper flow of the digestive
juices, a good appetite and full diges-
tion of the foodyou eat. It invigor-
ates the liver, regula,fes the bowels and
purifies and enriches the blood.
Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery is absolutely free from alcohol
and injurious :dings. Its ingredients
printed on wrapper, You can be cer-
tain it is a true blood -maker, tissue -
builder, and a restorative nerve tonic
and, that it will „produce no era after-
effect. Thousands -probably many of
your neighbors -are willing to recom-
mend the "Discovery" because it has
made them ,stronger 1n body, brain,
nerve. Buy itin liquid ror tablets; or
send Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,
N. Y., ten cents for trial package.
Prince Rupert, B. C. --"I take great
pleasure in announcing to you my heart-
felt thanks forithe
benefit our boy Ar-
` thur, aged seven,
has derived from
your medicine
;I 'Golden Medical
s Discovery,' He is
a different boy al-
together after tak-
ing five bottles. Hie
tongue used to be
coated and his
4 11t11 \ ' stomach and bowels
s always out of order,
Golden Medical Discowry has but as cured him. Piehiso.
We will recommend your medicine to
whomever we can as we think there is
none better." -Mee. Cerro Maumee 836
2d ave.
Huron Co.
For year's the a,asesrecl value or
the property in Exete: leas ansn
!rnv and the :tat rate a little
high. This year the assessments
are being bo'osted, 0
Children Cry
4 bran:al of 'Huron County War
Auxiliary was recently of gauirled
for Usborne township with ti -e
following uiflcers;:Pretidetnt.
rrdd i alertngton vieev-presl,
Thos. Brock; seetr-treas„ W,
G. Medd members of executive
Ward 1-R. D: Hunter, S, J. Pym;'
Ward 2-JohnRatcliffe. John Mur-
gan; Ward 3 -John Delhridge, S.
Routley: Ward 4-A. Hunkin, W. A
Tulnoulll, A census of the town-
ship will be taken as soon as the
forms aro readya
Children Cry
Rev. Jaines Walklee passed away
at his hone to Guelph lash weed:
at the age of St ,years/. He spent
55 ,'ears 10 the Methodist\ Immix-,
try and was at one time gtation;ea
at Hensall, His wife only surviv-
ed him. two days,
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is right the
stomach and bowels aro right.
sl a lazy y E ver to
do its duty.
Cures Con.
lndigea 4""
Headache, and Diatrees after Eating.
Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price.
Genuine mita bear Signature
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelers Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
Yon will upper be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time shoi:ild
know it -and' vet 'there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to set personal -If you would
like to Mks that sort altogether--
ltogether-(DOME HERE
If you would like to bay where
nothing hut high qualities are
dealt. in' -DOME 13ERE
And even at that, t/0 portion ever
said our prices were unfair
Edison Records and
MtJeweler and t .
o reran•
U ii tr
Issuer of 19I.f,ril r, liit y>Itses
The towaway
ee said in Tacers, •.1 Sul CUu'e to
1411711'0 soul' retreat. for a little., while.
Perchance by ELI4br'tt 1. [nay arrive
at some p1110. At pr•eyeht you and 1
are in dill -amities, is It wit?"
iris. recognised Ilse voluble, jerky
speech A wild' foreboding gripped ue1'
heart until she was Iike' 10 shudder un-
der Its tierce anguish.
-Y (.'
1. epulis Stn1 Ilona vides! She
risked, Imo her. utterance WRS unnatu-
rally Cann.
"I, au111elnrii8r 118," be said, "and,
alas. 1 a111 alone. slay 1 come in? It Is
not well to shot' Ir night et this hour,
seeing that the island Is overrun with.
8ti11118red soldiers,"
The ' concluding sentence, wa8: ad-
(h,ss8d lu 4.888)' 1)iinr8z in-Portu-
gut se. Realizing'instinctively that the.
man came as a friend, she stood aside,
trembling. on the Verge of tears. 138
entered, tend the door was closed be-
hind him,
"1 tun tbe only mon who escaped,
mademoiselle. 'The utters? Well, It I8
war, and coat 10 a lottery."
•')10 you 41)8(18 that.. they have been
11111ed. all killed?" she murmured, with.
a pitiful sob,
"I-1 think so,"
"You think? Do you not know?"'
Ile sighed. Els band sought au emp-
ty cigarette case. Snell was the cor-
,'ect military air, he fancied to treat
misfortunes rather as jests. -Be frown-
ed because the case was empty, bat
Stencil at Iris.
"11 is so hard, mademoiselle, when
one speaks these tllmge m a strange
tongue. Permit me to explain that
Widen has arrived. We encnuutoi'ed a
picket and surprised it. Baring se-
cured some weapons and accouter-
ments, we hastened to the quay, where
was moored the little steamship. Un-
happily sbe was crowded with sol-
diers. They tired, and there was a
short tight. 1 was knocked down, and
what do you call it-etourdi-while
one might couut ten. 1 rose, half
blinded, and what do 1 see? The ves-
sel leaving the quay full of men en-
gaged in combat, while just beyond
the point a warship is signaling her
arrival. It was a Brazilian warship.
Mademoiselle. She showed two red
rockets, followed by 11 white one. it
was only a matter of minutes before
she met the little steamship. 1 tell
you that it was bad luck, that -a vile
blow. 1 was angry, yes. 1 stamp my
foot and say foolish things. Then f
Iris made no reply. She hid her Lac
In her hands. She could frame nt
more questions. San Benarides war
trying to tell her that Dozier and th
rest bad been overwhelmed by fate a
the very instant escape seemed to In
within reach. The Brazilian, probe
bly because of difficulties that base
him in using a foreign lauguuge,
nut make it clear that he had 6uu(
himself Sat in the dust wbeu he heart
the order to fire given by some one of
board the launch.
Then the lightning of a woman's in
tuition pierced the abyss of despair
Surely there were curious blanks T
this thrilling uurrative. As was be,
way when thoroughly aroused. 151
stood up and seized San Renavides al
most roughly by the arm. Ller dist
truugbt eyes searched bis face with
pathetic earnestness.
"Wily do you think that the launc
did not get away"?" she cried. "lt wa
dark. The moon might have been is
shadow. 1f the launch met tbe war
ship and was seen there must nay
been tiring."
"Caere mademoiselle, there wa.
much tiring," be protested.
-'At sea?"
The words came dully. She wa
stricken again even more shrewdly
The gloom was closing m 0u ner, ye
she forced herself to drag tbe taut'
from his unwilling lips.
'Yes. of course 1
could not wal
there in that open place. 1 was cora
pelled to seek shelter. 'troops wen
ruuutug from town and eitadei,
avoided them by a ,miracle. And 033
sole coneern then was your safety."
"Ob, my safety!" she wailed .broken•
ly. eaowdoes it avail me that me
friends should be slain? Why was
with nor it them? i would rarber nay
died as they died than live in the
knowledge that I was the cause of
their death."
San Benavides essayed a coufdentla,
hand on her shoulder. She shrank
from him. Be purred amiably:
"Mademoiselle is profoundly echap
py. Under such circumstances one
says things that are unmerited, is it
not? If any one is to blame it is my
wretched coun-
try, which cannot
settle its political
affairs without
bloodshed. Ah,
mademoiselle, 1
weep with you
and tender you
my most respect-
ful homage."
A deluge of
tropical rein beat
on the but 'with
a sudden fury,
Converse doe. at
once became diffi-
cult, nearly im-
possible. Iris
threw h e'I' S e l 4 "1 W0571,1) RATHER
back on the fres. nAva *111:1)"
1 of grief tie ill r p asslon b t that rivaled
the outer tempest.
The girl, 81anoe111, weeping nut of
sympaluv, Crept to kris` side and gen-
tly stroked her hair, trite her faultier.
she could may guess taut tbe leuglish
ady's trlencis rye's raptured J.'l'lutite
dead. given her 114111)811 ex porn, nee of
.ties Cielas1tlldea, had taught her what
neo5t 811,431 was given to I hose .who
defied authority, '1 be republic 01' Bra-
zil does net permit 1•[d erltlail1aIS t.0 be
executed, but 11 shows no mercy to
rebels, ,tlannela, of course, believed
that the Englishmen were belplug the
lltipri?0ned i)dm Corrla to regain pow-
How They Help
Four years ago I had suck pains in my
back that I could, not worlr. The pains ex-
teaded to myarms, sides and shoulders. I
used many kinds of medicine for over a year,
none of which did meverymuch good. I
read about Gin Pills and sent fora sample and
used them, and found the pains were leaving
me and that was feeling better. Sof bought
one box and before I used them all, the pains
were almost gone and I could keep at work.
After I had taken six: other boxes of Gin Pills,
I felt as well and strong as I did at the age of
3o.. I am a farmer, now 61 years old. 25.
A11 dmggists sell Gin Pills at. 60c. a box, of
six boxes for0l,00. Sample free if you wrlteto
°National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Dashwood Flays Host to
Soldiers of Huron Corps
Exeter and Hensall Companies
Entertained and Dined
Dashwood, March 11. --Dashwood
en fete Saturday to honor the Exeter
and Hensall companies of the 101st
(13nron County) Bet mho's, which
under command of Major W. 3. Ilea -
mail, marched Leto rhevillage 'this
More than 90 strong, the soldiers,
commanded by Msiur fNeaten and
Lieut. Bail, are the guests of the
whole district. They were escorted
into town hy fifty mounted Wren, who
rode out to greet them. 10 the village
proper the school children, under the
direction of Principal Shore welcomed
then with patriotic songs.
Speech ss and Banquet.
An address of welcome was given by
Dr Schrein"and responded to on be-
half of the soldiers by Major Hea,man.
The women at the village and district
provided the banquet dinner, whicb
was served in MDTseac's store,
Following the dinner' a concert was
given, in which addresses were deliver
ed by Rev. Selby Jefferson, line. Mr.
Gretizebach and Henry Neeh. elaa'th
Oesticker reneerad a solo, while read
ing8 were given by Mies W'urtz and
Mee, Routledge. The Crediton Band
took part in the program alert.
All atoms were closed between 11 and
2. and, in the words of the officers, the
way Dashwood entertained the sol
diet's was .wonderful, Nothing was too
gond for the boys in khaki, and uoth
ing ton much could he done for tnem,
The heartiness of the entertainment
more than gratified both ricers and
rank and the, and a warm spot for the
good people of Dashwood will alwaysin
remain the I retests of the men of the
161st who tasted of their bountiful
Cured by Toning the Blood
and tS'91'O;Ift„;9hi'fing the
It is the opinion of the beat
medical authoriticd.. ,afie” long
observation, that nervous Waves-.
e9 ape .more common and more sere
ions in the spring Shan at any
other time ,of ate yea'7, ; iter
changes in the system after
long winter months, may cause
much more trouble than the famil-
iar spring weakness from which
most pe *pilo suffer as the result.
of indoor life. in poorly ventilated
and often over heated buildin est
Olficial records prove that 111 .1 prjb
and May rleunalgia, Sl• Vitus
dance 'epilepsy and other forms of
nerve troubles are at their worst
and that then, n10i'le than any
ether time a blood making nerve -
restoring tonic isneedctt.
The netiqueloil postern ol tal:-
Pink Pille aretl e best nlccileii^.et
less, for the system really wet le
strengthening while purgatives
gallop theou€,h ,the bowels, leav-
ing you weaker. Dr. Williams
Pink Pills are thje beet meaiic'ire
for they actually mince the rich
red blood chat feeds the starc',elj
nerves, and thus cure the many
fcrins cf tiers eus disrder. They
euroalElo such other forms of
spring troubles as headaches poor
appetite, wealtness in the limbs, .as
well as remove unsightly pilnp'Igs
and. eruption,(. In fact they un.
failingly bring naw health vnsi
strength to wear., hired and de-
preissed mein; woollen and children,
Sold byalaneclieine (.reapers or by
mail at 50cenisla, box or six b»x es
5U from The Dr. Willitttns'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.,
Pte Ply Carey of Goderich, was
injured on the battle field • of
After tee bad loads f r a Irby
days last week there was al good
crowd in town on nese u'dayf
The Ontario Government i6 as -
reeving for 150.18 thigh school boys
to do tar:D work so that laborers
may be ileieased for :active sere
diO4'ot i,e8-
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
Forproepectusand terms,writethePrincipal
R.i. Warner, M.A.,D,D., St. Thoruas.Ont.
Yields To Delicious Vinol
Philadelphia, Pa.-`" Last Fall 3 was
troubled with a very severe bronchial
cold, headaches, backache, and sick to
my stomach. 1 was so bad I became
alarmed and tried several medicines,
also a doctor, but did not got any relief.
.A friend asked me to try Vinol and it
brought the relief which I craved. so
now I am enjoying perfect health."
We guarantee Vinol our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic without oil, for
chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis.
J. h. Hovey, Druggist
Clinton. Obit
Lesson XIIL—First Quarter, For
March 26, 1916.
Text of the Lesson, Rev. vii,' 9-17,
Quarterly Review -Golden Text, Rev,'
vii, 16, 17-Commentary:.Prepared by
Rev. D. M. Stearns.
LEssox 1. -The Ascending Lord, Acts
i, 1-14, Golden Text, Eph, iv, 8, "'When
He ascended on hig1 He led captivity
captive and gave gifts unto men.'
During the forty days after His reser
Lection, when Ile showed. Iilniself alive
many times to Elis disciples, He al-
ways spoke of 'the kingdom of God
which He will surely set up on earth
with Israel as a center when He shall
come again in Cis glory. Now we are
to witness to Ian by the Iloly Spirit.
Lassos/ IL -The Coming of the Holy
Spirit, Acts 11, 1-13. Golden Text, I
Cor. 111, 1e, "Know ye not that ye are
a temple of God stud that the Spirit of
God dwelleth in you?" Fie said that
when kte reached home Ele would send
the Holy Spirit, who would bring to
their remembrance all that Ile bad
ever said to thein and take of His
things and show then unto them and
show them things to come and guide
them into all truth,
LESSON ITT. -Peter's sermon at Pen-
tecost, Acts 11, 14-47. Golden Text,
Acts ii, 21, "Whosoever shall can on
,the name of the Lord shall be saved."
While we wait for the coming of the
kingdom whicb was postponed because
rejected, the Spirit has come to testify
of a risen living Christ at God's right
hand and to gather unto Him all the
"wbosoevers" who are willing to re-
ceive Elim, follow Him and suffer with
LESSON IV. -The Spirit of Lite, Rom.
viii, 12-30. Golden Text, Rom. viii, 14,
"As many as are led by the Spirit of
God these are sons of God." This is
the great Spirit chapter indorsing the
necessity of the new birth and teach-
ing that all such are children and heirs
of God and can' never be separated
from His love -that the Father, Son
and Spirit are all for us and that in
Christ all things are freely ours.
Lassos V, -The Lame Man Leaping,
Acts ill, 1-12, Golden Text, Acts iii, 0,
"Peter said, Silver and gold haye 1
none, but what I have, that give 1
thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, walk." This man, over for-
ty years of age, wbo had never walked
a step in all his life, is seen, by all
who knew him to be incurable, walk-
ing and leaping and praising God, and
Peter testified that this was the work
et the unseen living Christ.
LESSON VI. -The Boldness of Peter
and John, Acts Iv, 8-21. Golden Text,
I Cor. xvf, 13, "Watch ye, stand fast
to the faith, quit you like men, be
strong," Peter and John, after a
night in prison, being brought before
the high priest and the council to an-
swer for the beating of this man, do
not hesitate to say before the council
what they said before the people in
the temple that it was the work of
Jesus Christ, whom they crucified, who
is alive.
LEssox VI1.-Humbled IWII Exalted,
Phil, it, 1-11. Golden Text, ti Cor. vial.
D, "Though Be was rlch, yet for your
sakes Ho became moot:" Despised and
rejected of men, but chosen of God
and precious, the only Saviour, willing
to save proud Pharisees as well a8
confessed sinners if they would only
come to Wine
LESSON VIII.-Tbe Brotherhood at
Jerusalem, Acts iv, 32; v, 15, Golden
Text, I Pet, 1. 22, "Love one another
from the heart fervently." The power
of the risen Christ drew the bellerers
close to Him and to each other, at least
some of them, and for a time, but s0011
deceit and murmuringbecame
and we have stillto Walt to see a
company of believers, however few,
continuing with an . Whole
O accord. O e
hearted surrender to God ds rare.
LrssoN IL; -The seveu helpers, Acts
Vi, 1-7. Golden Text, Gal, vi, 2, "Bear
ye one another's burdens acid so fulfill
the law of Christ." That the apostles
might continuo ho prayer and the min
istry of the Word a committee of
seven spirit filled men was chosen to
attend to murmurers and to see that
no one was neglected.
Lessee X. -The death of Stephen.
Acts vii, 54; vill, 3. Golden Text, Rev.
i1, 10. "Be thou faithful unto death,
and I will give thee the crown of life."
Being filled with the Spirit produces
different results; in the ease of Peter
5,000 souls from one sermon with per-
soeutlons; in the case of Stephen not
such manifest results in soul anving
and persecuted to death, but he saw
tear en opened and issue in glory.
LESSON X1. -heroes and martyrs of
faith Heb, xi 1; xli, 2. Golden Text,
leeb. x11. 1, 2, "Let us run with pa-
tience the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jews," The end of chap-
ter x and the be innbag of chapter xti
set before us the great, need of faith
and patience; then in chapter xi we
have this great list Of those who were
notable illustrations of faith and pa-
tience, alt dying in faith and still wait.
ing for the kingdom
Lessee XII. -'Philip and the Othio-
plan, Ants yiil. 5.4a Golden Text,
Acts viii, 0,0 1. c„ "Undergtaudest thou
what thou realest?" Persecution sent
out preachers of the 'Word. and many
heard and believed. ;and there was toy
on earth and in Heaven, The Lord
WV one hungry soul tl'nly seeking. anti
by en mime and the Eloty Sy,it'it and
a willing and obedient man He brought
him light and sent Mtn on his way res.
Report all !teme or interee't to
this Office. 'Ihey will i,e appre-
ciated zrd each i@ern will 'helip to
matte the paper That much morel
interesting , We can not; get all
the news bet by y ,yotbt 'help we rain
get the, lion's ibhaljfl, and that is
what we wish to do We want all
the news ' thatis news.
W• I!4. fl 14
v fi"" I
to preserve her ' complexion. At
Ole time of year, despite the raw,
biting winds and sudden changes of
temperature, this Is an easy task if
she naee Zam-Buk.
Zam-Buk Is a :skin food, that not
only keeps the surface skin smooth
and soft, but, being of unusual pane-'
tratiag, power, reaches and feeds
the underlying tissues. It etimt%
rates the cells to healthy action,
produces vigorous circulation, which
carries away all impurities, and
thus Orestes a permanently clear
complexion. How much more watts'
eying than a temporary eomplexion
produced with the aid: of powders
and eesnoetlost
All drugginte 60e., lir dlredt trona
7 idilk Co., 'Parente.
Local News
Gl`eg,aAeoloco4 eeeeecomar8QJ5)ees9
Clinton will come under tl.e
new malt in1lal tax on a(10115 dein
to theatres .Every person at-
tendlmg the lural mist l e show
will in the near .t'uture, ha e, to
pay one cent on. .eve.'y ticket
ook'S ration Root Compound.
d safe, reliable revs eatim,
mediate, Sold in three el .
No. 2 g3; No t3, so peo. r bo,
Sold by all drejtgista, or acct
nrep1id on receipt of nr'a••,
Freo pamphlet. Addros?:
,,,, ,.7 TOTHE coon ME08P1515 00,
1 sv "° RUNTe. CNF. (Remedy tViv.,zi
Anyone wishing to leave notices
or other items of eorr(ets:pondsints
at The New Era 'after the office is
closed will find alettiet'' box in
tlye door. We ane always .thankful
for'every item of news which is
given to us. No one can get the
mews unless the panties interest
led will giveit. Besure and !sign
your name though,
Children Cry
Many are tnllcieg of going West
this ;spring The call should bee
Enlist! Young man, Enlist.
It's (only a d 'filar. bet rt means
a goad deal to '1118 NEW ElIA if
hundrull•1 are 5)001 in paying that
on their h bier prion.
IOnc cent 15 plenty to put on
c•nrrlespondganct envelopes mark-
ed printer's c'04;e Lea:e envel-
ope open. e
Hon. ''f. W, McGarry, Provincial
Treasurer, made public .recently
the na2le0 of the staff o the Royal
Ontario 'hospital fat Orpington,
Went Et,g'laud The list is ' cone-
onyplots with the eaceSettnn of the
superin(,endent, welch v.til ue all-,
uounced ludo:' The, nurses
from. Huron County at•e.-
1Vlies Ethel Anderson, Winghani,
Miss Maud Hanna. ;Wingham, 1VI!ss
Gertrude Petty Hensall These
ladies al.ulg with others will mob-
ilize molter Lieut. -Col Mellow and
leave fnrEuglard in About two
ivelel,0' tianq,
01 Woof&7s noaphoitegi
Tho Gre.t )antis! k'Retaedp.
Tones and invigorates tho whole
nervous system, makes new Bloat
in old Veins, Owes Nervous
Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, I)espon-
deney, Loss of Energy, Falp?'afioe of the
Bart, Fading Memoe'y, Priro 31 p01 bus, six
ler $5.0 Oue will please, am will eure,ga5old by alt
druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of
mice. f,S't, pn7aph:irintailtd r- a TZ 15 WOOD
MEDICINE co.,TORONTO,OHL. (Formorh9158,10
Irl Flicks says;. -Poe hold that a
late Easter het elf ens a la le
spring ; lir if net ,a Spring of con-
tinued cold, blighting winds and
weather that will ,destroy for the
most part all ,the results' of warm •
and budding and blooming arid
growing weather r thatmay go be-
fore it. As intimated for the fur[
Moon period; central on March
the 19th, the Easter perturbations
may possibly fall this year at that
time, but we adlyise our readers
not to, take too murli risk with
and other perishable 'pro -
duets late In April,
tr t.
A q
Throw off the handicap of
petty ills that make you
grouchy, listless and de-
pressed. Get at the root of
your ailments—clear your
digestive system of impur-
ities, put it in good working
order—keep it healthy with
They act promptly on the
stomach, liver and bowels, re-
moving waste matters and pu-
rifying the blood. Not habit
forming, never gripe, but leave
the organs strengthened. To
succeed in life, or work, first
have a healthy body. This fa
mourn remedy will do nsuch to
s You
tersest Sale of Anr Medicine ira the World,
Sold everywhere, In boaoo, 25 emu.