HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-23, Page 2PAGE TWO HE CLINTON NEW ORA. Thursday. "March, 123rd, 1916. DIillinery Ready tu• W ear Gartatuts : + II Phone 78 messrmeareniamemeenewarnir Spring lifillinerg ANNOUNCEMENT Ilmrsdag, Fridat', Sainrdrg March 25rd, 2', , 11 25111 1916 i Dry Goods and IlotMse Fur nisbhigs 1 anisearmosepoomemeene MISS MILLINERY IS IILIIE I The New Millinery Styles are here, There is always a great attraction for every woman in the first showing of the New String Styles, This present season will be one of particular interest. There have been great changes in styles, We cordially iuvi,tte you to come on the opening days and see one of the best displays ever shown by this store, amtam„¢r,eszaemmr Natty Spring Suits and New Spring Coats Style written all over these handsome Spri Coats. Of beautiful soft wool material, in black, navy, and black and white check with just enough color to make them attrac- tive, all sizes. Be sure and see these New Coats. aLCMsartr�m.. cAktetnes 1 When we view the display of Ladies and Misses Suits the one thing that appeals to us is tl e vat iety of novelty styles, many pretty ideas in finishing, giving exclusive- ness and individuality. A personal inspection is neces- sary to get a correct id"a of their beauty or to inform yourself regarding the New Spring Styles. tt you wish exclusiveness look early, >tawssra N•••••aaasatee p Price • e*e $ 15.25 • • • LATEST WONDER IN PHONOGRAPHS tate Military Registration Bepre:pntations are being imide. front various geaitere to thio'Do- minion Government .0 f the necese sit of taking a more e,-erget.e par t,in procuring the enlistu.ent of recruits and' this feeling' has gone ism far in 'TIuron that the War Auxiliary has tt ked'thee the Gov- ernment inetitu:e ,a system of registration, to ne followed lay. conscription, Witltnut going the eingth of the" latter and the insiti- tution of regietratian might pee - Vent cumscl•rption, ;!Mete ;s evi- dently room for hatter methods to secure Men that are still need- ed. The Military S;er\ ice Apt of Great I9ritain,h'as some s3s4e'rn and method about 'it, The n: ea aro registered and classified, Then there as e the started hien—those alio are mended at homer The others; are classified into groups, aeoording to age He e is the classificatiou; they are caliea up in (lasses, as fellow,- • 1 roei.u•••••a••sen tM Price r $15.25 1 A. N 0 P ii 0 Cultivates with the Best by Actual Test • s A Phonograph second to none, yet at a price, no home aim a afford to ee without it Ice beauty of tone and cleverness of 0 reproduction are marvellous. PLey any sized record, vocal, m inetrumenta', band, etc. Mor Sale at oFurniture Jas.•_[�unford Sere Clinton • • ga tlafi VOrate•Oi9@•t©C'OW®@000.•0e a0•••ettose ee•••••••0••t%'t 4 ra a 0 • • • • 0 • 0 0 0 a • e 0 411000000•111 BUTTE •••0.0.00• 0 • o • • oi 0 WRAPPERS •• • • • •• • • • • • • We make these only from •• • •e Genuine Vegetable Part'hme1t • 0 . e e $ We carry in stock a line printed, with the wo•ds so a Choke Dairy Butter •0 •O m a• for immediate delivery. They are sold at the a ofollowing prices: s e 1000 Sheets $22.25 • Soo Sheets 1.53 • 250 Sheets .75 , a lou Sheets• h .35 ' 0 m a W.ra ers s eciallyprinted from your own a • PP P a e copy, we can ;';supply them at the fallowing 0 • prices-- e • •1 M •$2.25 a • o •2 to 4 M.... 1.75 per M • • 1 5 vi L5o• per NI e a ioM.. 1.49perM e • • o. a • on 0 Let Me Figure On wiring your House for Electric Lights. My�prices are as low as is consistent with good work. • All work guar- anteed to pass inspection. W. J. Nediger Phone 131., Personal Notes Lt those baring relatives or Mende visiting in town or going away, ..o.1[ 55 theto se notifyof t each wee o e it in the New En eie wouldannonuc 1444444444+4,11 Year of Year of Birth, Ohms. Birth, Class 1807 1 1885 18 180(1 2 1881 14 1895 3 1888 15 1904 4 1882 10 18013 5 1881 17 1302 li 188(1 18 1891 7 1870 10 1890 s 1878 211 1889 7 1877 91 1888 10 1E76......., 22 1887 11 1875 23 18811 ..... .,. 12 A man of 18 will not be eared. upon until be is 19 years of ag;el. This Act applies to every man of military age ordinarily 1eiident in Great .Brittain pn Aug. 15th last, who was 18 or over on that date and who win be Under 41 00 March 2nd, 1916, who (nn Noveml el. Ind, 2915) was unmarried or a widower without any child dee eadelft on him, The Act apple; also to,any British subjeet who 9'11"e A ugust It•th has Jleeome or beret' top. ;1•e - comes ordinarily le talent in Great Britain, This system' need not be folljw- ed, 1 ut by (Evict ng nice from 10 to 41 years. of age unto classes' those who ate seeilrieg eeerltite would know to whoa to apply and n'nrch effort would be 0,aved, in trying to get; reen who should not enlist, while ,others Mille should enlist may be appeollle2 to as well without, response. lint's,' iegisteati,orr mean could I placed siren they belong 11 to liai,ilily. Uncler a system of Joon! legistr. time in Winnipeg from 3,(109 to 1.000 unmarried men' and childless wet - Mere were registered the first day' by a citizens cotnnietile This il- lustrates the, eerefita of regis- tration, mei wi's'e. it fc; locally done, ani if it were, !lade gene:e l throughout the whole country it could scarcely Jail to produce good results. 0 •• 0 a 0.. 0 �9tu•' The New Era ;Ml:Lrii�Ci�► N etet,iyta)fA,=.'yeliKilMape ; ^fnre'eetrotoA a reel 1eC 0 0 0 e Cannot Ship Liquors would • Lo ,prohibit the impcl•t.'s- tion of hgsiur .into local option illr'- tricirs fn p: oiefeee who hada not en acted provincial prnh bitien, 141x, W. E. 7enowles ash'ed if tl e Lill nleauat a delegta(ion of peeve], from the Dueler ion Ito tee proem-, ces, 31x:1,vherl'y said that tit d;cf nut. This Parliament ,enlcl01 the law, which mime intro 1'or, •e aP,in ce fined tl:c ,provinces could ,enact whatever metesurc of restriction or 1'rohibit,nl they wishel, This law said that jiquer meat not be :in- verted in such a Way ,d,s to ei:mip a violation ut the law lii the pro- vince in question. Tvlr, 1(167wles thought that` the, first crack ,nut of the bottle, as 1 e put it, mould be the taking of 0 case to the lu'i\'y-counter to lest, (ho validity of this law. Mr. :Doherty replied 111th there was no rhinbt 9n his mime 1101(1 t't it was within i.ht, constitutional pew- ees of the. nonunion Puliaudet.., The hill was tl en (,i1e1 Orel: ract- ing The les( of the hill shone that the burden of proof of fence maee is thrown on the 11e19un acute et ,if bringing intoxirlttieg liquor into a ptmn)ce where prohibition 1s ';1 force11e uualt l:,e 1(11 to show that the ,liutpns:e or imporovuon was 1(01 4.0 violate the p0111116...11 law. The two principal cliu'.os cif tee 1:i11 are •la £o114ws ; ' a.n3' I abed' who by himself, his ccerlc, eervent o1 agent, shall semi ship, dal,e, bring or carry into any province from any ,place outside of Canada any intoxicating Opfer. Iter mine: or intending that such 93,'.ix cnt•- ing liquor will ter shill he 1l ,e c tf- tee dealt' with in viol t1i,ro of 1:1 if law of. the ,proeth e into Which such intoxicating liquor is Sent, shipped, tnl.,en, J'rought, casted oa' imported as afoleeaid • shads he liable on summary • r, int Linn, o' to penalty for the, first of enee of not lose ehar1 81.09 o1 impv Pion num t- for a term not excee.ling Lmonths with or 11 ithout had labor, ,:"1(I for a- second often e, to a 3 01.6lly of not lass 'than $200 or imprison- ment fora ,Norm not e'11e1orliog four months, :with or wit heel: hard labor, and fol 111 third of fentic tent e �_ bs tc C f es,e , c1 ry su felt Ii n fc s, to r,,- prisenm.ent tai 0 len," unit ',o s than 6 MOrttbsh anti n ,t 1111)1e l bee, 12 months with or -without lined laier; and 011 intoxicating Villiers with respect to which any such o"- f:ense has Mean committed, and all kegs, barrels eaSel, bottle, p1, ok- ages or receptacles, of ,11313 .13:449. 111 whirl cmCh liquor is eontainea shall be forfoitcli'.; "On 111(7 prosecution for the v1 oration Tor !alis act the aecueerllear, son shell be de,einere ,to have , 35 11 or intended that isucb. intoxicating liquor twill he 'th'ereafter ar art with in violation of the law of the province into which Buell inloxieat province liquor wee sent, shippect, fa- lcon, brought, carried cr impor,tOd unless he proves that heliad good reasons for believing that the fn(-, toxicatink(, liquor smith 'only he' dealt witli;.,an a lawful matunler4" We are pleased to see Mr. William Stanley out once tiler after a'serious illness, Mr. Geo. Levis has beet) confined to the Moine with a sprained foot. Miss Ila' Hamden was a visitor at Ekeler this week, Continued l on page 6 Births,, Marriages et' J aditus J32RTHS. WHEATON—In Toronto ,m March 22nd; to :Mr. and Mrs. 0, IF, Wheaton', a sen. • WHI1'LEY—Tr, Woodstock oe Tues dsy, March 14(11 to Mr. Raul Mrs. Wm. T. Whitley, formerly of 01in ton, a daughter. ••0•••••D•®iBtetaat aurae a • • WITH TROT CPURCEIFS. • • 0 ••01)4Scotoe80.(120000e00 ONTARIO ST. CHIIRCel. The League visited the Holraesville League on tlionday evening. Evening service last Sunday night waa withdrawn on 7Cet6nnt of the anniversary service in Wesley Church The pastor will preach on Seedily. ' WEStant CEUKCEL The pastor's subject next Sunday evening will be from the series with the great dreamer and it will be "The First Battle." The 02nd anniversary of Wesley Church was fittingly ohserved on Sun• day last, when Rev. W. H. Hineks, D.D., of Toronto, preached sf both service,. Itis morning subject was "What the Church Stands for," and the characters, f John and Peter were used as examples for the church life, At the evening service the church was crowded as the Ontario Street Much withdrew their service and Rev. Mr, Arlin took part in devotional 0rrviee9 Dr, Hincks took as his soh ;fret. i'l'he Outlook—Dark or Bright" and it was a war sermon. In his closing remarks he dwelt on the question of recruiting in Quebec. The choir bed special music and Pte. Johnson of Hensel( sang "A Perfee.t Day" ,et the evening service. On Monday night the annual congre getional ten was held and a good time was spent by al . Afterwards a Short program was held ar,d reports from various departments were received. SPRING STAIVIPD '14I0N1JA'1 The sun crossed the equator at a pant not tar krona the, (position which Jupiter has occuiriea in the late a6tel1)0e11 skies iat9.4 7 711/011- day on- day afternoon, t11a This slant marl.sth,1 Ueginsing of spring.. The 1 Liter tion of an extra day February,. 29, has ,brought spring aday ea'rli'er ,than usual on the calendar. GIVE THE ,(.'NILS A WELCOME. The young lad* of the C. C, 'L, will call on you !Friday of stiffs. week anis ask you to join the u- , ron County War Auxiliar3l. Buy ru pin at lee and you will be eni'it;ti- led as a mem bee The proceeds fn,m the ,sale of these pine will go towards purchaeing band uistrrr-1 menta ler ,the 161 t river man, woman and child may be a. mem- and it is lexpected 'that 25.000 ill Huron will join, ••••011110•000000.0®0.00.0•• Local News •••••••••030•00800••etenc0• WOMEN'S 1NSTITUTLI, An open meeting of. thea Women's Institute will 1,e hlelld ;at the hi. me of Mrs. Chant ,on the evening of Morel) rh lIrrl at 5 0' lu h. Jlrv. 131r, ,Fairful will give an interesting ad- dress about Scotland, also n. hood Pr' gramme will be. give 1. Huth ladies and ;gentlemen are eordirlIly invited. Refne„ Iinlents \vi.1 1.e t`ervexl„ .admission lac:, Il uronr Cou n Y Spring Fair MAKING GOOD, Willie McDonald, wile spent the past; year nit Mrs. John Strs;chan's 'on the' farm dear Jamestown, event. to Toronto, accompanied by G. M, Elliott. Co, Secretary of the Child - 1 en's Aid, ,enlisted• with what is. designated as the '216th li,antacrl Eattalien in that city, 'Willie 'ha'(1 had a bele in Ills bonnet for months in a great fd,esire to, wear the King's neifor,ii t'nt was too short in stature to pass (mister with the local Comp;my, 'He roil cla,016 shot with a rifle and is \\ ells sat- ielied thItlie was elhle 0a don 11 e khaki. We hope he will pr,)l'e to be a g•)od ,earthen—((ierusscds Pose/ People lrho have 1: gen donating to to the Children's /93c1 shoul'i (cel proud that the good work is pro- dicing the right kind of roar at Clinton on Thurs.,. Apr.6 $550 in Prizes `estIortn Mr. J..3. SV ila.%n, town clerk, this u'r•ek received an aelcnowledgee meant from Hon. V. T. White, hon - °very tncasuver- (of the Canadian patriotic "fund of the. receipt of the,sum of $2,022 Seaferth's con- tributicne Ata reeve'sentative meeting of the eitizers,.held in the town hall` it was decided to Corea a Sp,afor'th military aid ,seci101ty the object of which will (he to: assist the local war auxiliary in any form of prlt- riatic work, but more especially to provide comforts for the soldiers of the town and vicinity. H itin- erary preeidetnt, ;eNirs. 11. S, Hays, president 'are. Jas, Watsnn, ;vice president 14Irs, Larkin ; secre- tary, Mise MCLcan,.assistant sec- retary. raps. W. 11: wiilis.,treasurel• Mrs. John IFinlayso,n,, These with a ccmtrittee of three ladies from the different church es, constitute' the exam tive. The 161st Huron Battalion wi]1 mobilize in Clinton on that day and will give a dem- onstration during the morning Write Secretary for Prize List, A, 1. NteAlnrray, Secretary .1. Shanahan, °T. J. J17ilier. President Treasurer Had ayspeptAa. Bays: HE NEARLY TURNED UP MIS TOES. Vurdock Blood Bitters CURED HIM. • Mr, 11. N, Manderson, Stettler, Alta., writest "About twenty-five years ago, in the Province of Quebee, I came pretty near turning up my toes with dyspepsia. A cousin of mine persuaded me to try Burdock Blood Bitters. Jn about two weeks I could eat anything from raw fat pork to unleavened bread. Three bottles did the job, and I have never been troubled with my stomach since. You would say that this is wonderful if you could only see what we sometimes have to live on in`this country; Bannock, half cooked beans, etc," Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for the past forty years, and cannot be excelled as a medicine for all diseases or disorders of the stomach, B.B.B, is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co , 7 ilii ted, Toronto, out. Six i11/14C8 for Sale Property of Mr. IL '1', Rance. On necoant of unsling changes on the Berm, the following horses are offered ler sale -1 driver five years old, 1 men- oral perpoee mate four years old, quiet and a good driver; 1. driver -three years old, unbroken; 1 heavy drale mare three years old, broken, gund worker; 1 gelding two years old, not broken; and a one year old. May he seen at barn on London Rond, Apply 6, GEORGE CORDELL NOTICE TO CRE»lTOIt In the Estate of Mary Murray Deceased. Roll ;Ot Honor. , Ont, St. Church Sunday School Smaller Coil Bulls Memhere nt` the 4enior Class of boye�, Let us reduce your' coal tau htt h Mt s ale e' 8 ,. V nb t\ N t. nd It g Y W I 1)]118 We can ado' Walker, who have enlisted for the 11 by sup - Willie Walker James ()rich Elmer Beacom 'S. Newcombe Lewis Manning W, Littlewood Fred Thompson Will Britton Chas; Thompson Arnold Parker Geo, Webber Geo. Tehbutt 0. P. Lockwood W. Brockett Leslie ferasmanu Cecil Morrie Roht. Fisher Tom Morgan Boar, for Service The undersigned will ke'ap for service at hie farm mile and a quarter from Clinton on London Road, n thoroflred Berkshire Terms $100 to be paid at time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary, JOHN ASHTON, proprietor Lots for Sale Three tenths of an acre, situated oa east sitle of Victoria street next to Doherty switch. A desirable loge don foie residence or business. A snap if taken at once. Apply to W, S. Downs, Ratteubury St. East NOTICE is hereby givef th''t.t all persons Ita'•1'ig cliims against the estate of Mary Murray, late of the town of Clinton, in the count, - of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd dray of Jan„ 1916, are required to ,de- liver to tlieundersigne'i executor. or his solicitor 031 or before the 35tH d'.)y of March, 6916, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and, the nature of the securities, if any, held by. them, all duly verified ..by affidavit. AND TAKE NO'1.'IC( that •fter the said last mertioned &ate, the said eseeufor will proceed to distribute 'the estate of the said deceased amongst ' . the persons entie sled there to h;irng eegarcl only to such claims as they shall have received clue notice in accordance Buy Corn Now • W. H, Perrin sells corn at 780 bushel for cash or three months time to the farmers be knows, and to others on their own statement and appeara,noe. Buy corn and feed well and get good price for corn fed cattle. W. B. PERRIN Silver Medal Contest iu Wesley Church on March 30th, at 8 o'clock. VOCAL MUSIC. Singing and Recitations. 12 CONTESTANTS, Half the proceeds go to a Chocolaty Fund for the Soldiers Smart Ido' Wanted To Learn the printing business at THE NEW ERA Office at once. Must have a fair education. Apply at once. Rags, rapers and Rubbers The Women'e Patriotic Society hope to make a collection of these articles the last week in April, Housecleaning may have arrived in some homes, please do not destroy the above named 'articles, but save for this collection in April, Money to Loan 59,500 on first class mortgage on farm property. Poi' other perticubtrs apply to NEVe: ERA. Office, Clinton, Waned. At the Ratteuhm•y House yelling girl to assist in kitchen work. Eggs tor Matchingr Prole hens that Lay 1,e are prepared to supply a large number of eggs fir hatching purposes from the famous Guild bred-treley 6(116(n of Single Oniut) White Leghorn —Sittings enc per 13 or 83 pet hundred Our Speeial pen of 2 year old hens mated with Tom Barrow strain cock- erels 11(1 per 15. Incubator lots is specialty. HOLI3LESVILLE POULTRY YARDS N, W. Trewartha, Prrom'ietm• phone 4 on 142 Eat Was and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any time. Highest Market Prices Calves .tor Sale herewith. • 'have made arrangements to h,-t,Jle Dated at Clinton this 31d clay a limited number of calves, mostly of March, 1916, good Shorthorn grades, W. RRYDONE. Clinton, Ont. W J4LARQUIS, CLINTON Solicitor for the Executor Phone 14 011 101) , George D. McTaggart. P,xmu`or. plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies It vrr:i shire you monoy. Give • ale. J. Hollowa,v, , Clinton Western. lniversity, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now 875,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Egeipment in. Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in view Write for particulars to: E. E. BRA1TIHWAITE., M A., Ph.D. President. Shorthorns for Sale Here is your chance to bay a right good 2 year old Bull from an "imp." sire and a record milking strain. Also three calves from 5 to 11 menthe old, All good feeders and in exeeilent con' dition. Come and eee then) EDWARD FL WISE, R R No 3 Clinton Phone 12 on ]tis Servant Wanted. 13y Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart, Apply at residence. Wanted, *reeds of 10 inch green hard wood for Willis'Chulch, Apply to WM, GRANT, Clinton For Sale A white brick 2 story hoose of .I0 rooms with good cellar; Town water; * acre of land with apple trees; also a stable. Corner of Princess and Spen- cer street. For terns etc. apply to Mrs. E', Holtzhaner, 00 premises. Paintin; dz Paper Han;itog Painting and Paper 13 timing neatly end promptly done, (lettere left at dunnitord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, , THOS, GRAELIS Headquarters for Flour Now is the time to buy your Winter supply of h'lour. Wecarry a full stock of the following brande,— Purity Exeter Tavistock Listowel, Five Roses Milverton London White Phlnte. (pastry 3 And also a brand of Breakfast P0011. made from choice Manitoba wheat, at 6 pounds for 251 To Make Your Hens Lay This winter, eve recommend our Lavine Meal, Beef `crap. Oyster Shell Bone Meal, Grit add Charcoal, We always carry a full line of Bran Low Grade Flour Shorts Molasses Meal Oil Cake Dairy Meal Highest Prices Paid for all Kinds of Grain W.JenkrnselSon Flour and Weed, phone 199 Valve=in Head Motor alSeeeleXiallfieliCINeareante COME AND:SEE THE CevFeIeI "four-rineoy" di. the Clinton Motor Car Co. Show Room's Powerful and Quiet Running . Price eo ut'ete $675 F.O.B. Oshawa Regular Equipment, E -ul ment Mohair Tailored Top, Envelope and Side Curtains, Electric Horn Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer, Electric Starting and Lighting System, Ammeter and License Brackets. 1. NOTE --Owing to the great demand for thitl car, we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery. We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting System with liendix Driv:, salve type and grade as used onthe high-priced cars, A COMPLETE LINE OP REPAIRS ALWAYS DEPT IN STOCK ' !..�. N.'EE GE , Agent. Phone 131, CLINTON, ersawingfaxes