HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-23, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50, No. 39
C. LINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY MARCH 23 1916 W, H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
vVVVWVVVees4vv IV VhNyO/V10eeesoe+ dW sevewe1Mve.ewe Aare W.dvVo
The i6I t is Your Home Battalion , What, will YOU do for it?
WINNVWVV.VVVWiY•00'4 QwliRrW.04,1LAMAA.NAAftilAMAAA•AAAA,4% f i' ..pot 18.9 F.Y 16 15 p e o B h
p0®Oectose0®00®eseessoelvesesszelooeoateeteoeeemie ` d g1di 1� mug q�® t IG ti hp ���P �� Mt er4!
': Clinton's Military Life -.7:. i t
That is why we advise you to use
lleiuMes' LUNG TOMO
Its the lightning cure for ,coughs and colds. Its the best,
remedy for the worst cough. It has cured'ttbers•it will.
cure you. 25c per bobble. No war tax.. Said only by
Best Quality Drug eitor,s 'rt'ILC Iltexall Store
W. S. MR.0. PEO f & Phm.B.
Capital Authorized $i 25, 000, 000
Capital paid np .... 11,560.000 ccs
Reserve and undivided pro01s 13,500,000
Total Assets • • • • 185,000,000
Z e
afck -11=1, .A.mTuJ.a i
withor id -wide Conn eetioxz
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits
General Ranking Business Transneted.
' E. TRAAI�9 IG g T
amUlt i1lll{Ull Brad j
'!�l.,It,.V VlSOY V'WV' iAW@IOIV
v vvvvvvvvo' vv
I.INCORITRAMt .1855 _ � I[]
it Ail'iiTAL AND [ 1L+'NINLVE $8,80 6,0100
, 96 Rranelles in Canada
A General Tanking Business Transacted
�c�vi>f�as Bank Depar°t
Iuternst Allot ed at etil;lle's)' t(cirrentitate
C.T. DDowding, :IInnogyr ('1il'at011 nral'u'Il
ems.: nIeftotrawm,...o.,,.aar«,arrawan,. ewi,..wr..,• .. .,�•.._.,. -.. _. amitatut44,1
. _. ..�
t'4 e41-4,404)4Qh'") 4,4 480ro444'400),'-+t 0400,00404.0004.@d'4000r0C40004
Ordered 1tcadyto•Wear
Clothing Clothing
O 0
o •O
o i.
® d
Whenever you say the word, our Tailors • e
e will get busy on your "'
, We are turning GJt
that a elan can be proud ot,
he can wear and feel that he is dressed
with taste
We have a beautiful showing of a
® New Spring Woolens
ofrom foreign and domestic •' looms.
o •
„Drop i at your etri'st convenience and we
e tvilj take pleasure in showine,youand in
e talking Spring Tailor;ng with you.
-0,ilc;&8d;"'N ori
e Agent fel• C. P. 15,'Telegra..ph Co.
• 'A Square Deal for Every Maim
• c
O.: s•BO•Aeereo• •..S40Om.e.o04a4•n444.'s' 'a •44544544000041100.4,400000000 a.
The w
• far Job ork
0 •
Dominion Temperance Bill in 0
trod ced in Commons bythe Movements of the l Hst Battalion Wintering iiere- ituron
u g e
Minister of Justice County Recruiting Notes --Activities by the : Huron
(Toronto Star)
What the Doherty Bill Does i Battalion
What is the real:effect of %tic
Deherty temperance bill in'troduc-
ed. at Ottawa, ,Nfonday.
The answer. is "nearly nothing,"
Some prohibitionist critics of tbe
Dominion Government do not hes-
itate. eo
es-itate'to .says that the Federal Cab-
hos' ]exc(.ute 1 a sici11Lu1 side
First impreszi' us of m, St rein-•
ers about the Doherty bill 'were
that it 'would ,prohibit the trans'-
portation of liquor ,'frons any T "•an
vivre into a prohibition Province
But it will d0 nr• such thing,
All ,it does attempt to prevent
is the ,mportatrr n .df liquor into a
Province wlue) 0 it will '. e `dealt
with the violation of the law of
the Province;" to quote the words
of the hill Thal, ds to lay,it
will be against tl.e1a}v in Ontario
to has e ht}uur, 55 '. 10 t •lis e^,y
stable, or to sell it in a bas•-rh;o4n;,
Therefore it will be againslt the
Dominion laws fora dealer in Moss
' 1 to s d Minor into bred real I 1 m:.ar n.
to be sold in a Jbar or be �lce,pt irl
e livery stabler, That's al the Do-
herty bill does
The Ontario Jaw will. be rfesigo-,
e.tto mak•osiliegal the sloe
quor In Ontario and its possession
in certain sl.e•afied places'. The
Doherty bill sea: prohibit importa-
tion irk) Ontario only if the im-
portation is For those pmiposee
that will be 'liege! in Ont uric•. 11
is !of same value, say temper.nce
workers, but ino.t a greet delrl .
It will ,not be against the, On-.
tario law for a man to have liquor
in his private.rcesidence for priva'e
eonsumptien$ :end the (Doherty
bili wile, not pie eat him fromim-
p'orting all he e)ants for this pur-
pose under Ontario law
'What 111e Doherty hill might
have dome woula naive I este to ,Jn'e
hibit the itcanspoiljatirn( of liquor
from one Province -no .another,
:Put it d'oesn t do that.
Incideetally it may Le mention-
ed that tiuere Is no prohibitory law
in the vv,,rld which maize:, it ;11e
gal for a mats to hn,ve liquor in his
private' r'es(idnane for his privree
(London +Fre'e, Press.)
Ottawa, M rch :.i0-1ron C, J,
Doherty, minister et ju ,fete int:re-
duced M the Reuse to -day his 1'11
to pr Medi the Importation of
roto. iclt ng. lino rs Soto any pros,
(nae diet has enac't,ed erohiortion,
in explanation cif the hill 1 c
said, that there was a general 8rgu
ment among ;thole who had ,givo',
serious thought to the. 'sub'e.'1
that the cffoetiycnas of any Pro-
hibitory law dip) ended to, hav:uge
behind it the, general consensus r.f
public- ofinaort. 11 eiecue.T to- the
Govsrurnent' that a provincial prn-
hillitory tabu Would ®have much
stronger public epin:on• 1 c'lind it
than a D itnieleni law, wit:ctitmight
be lacking ofsufficicint support in
certain 8.ectiens or the country.
Protect °•ocinces
It was cousidrred therefore that
theenly thing for thi e Parliament
to do w eS to protect su h a hrov-
1rc•c from itr,(ltt ler eince from. ant
s[d(e, t a hit would ,prevent the ef-
fcchive enforcement of its pruh:bi-
ory law;, The pee,sent bill., he add
ed, forbids th•esundirlg of entocicat
ing liquorinto any province In
Foch a way as P.) 05(8585 'violation
01.1h0law ol'that • ;province. The
hill provides ,fordo; p that:
must be given: 401• the tiolatioh of
the law slid also the pena:ities In-
toxieating ®quor as to be under-,
stood asWhatever is derive 1 .is
such by the prcvinec enacting pro-
hi lettere
17, M 1'1'acDosl lid oinked who was
1,,sp,urfille for -11.e enfmcetr„elst of
this law, NLr, t(~olrerty replied
that: it could be einforeed et this
place from which e1 was sent or
the place to which it, was sent
end the actual enforcement t was
left to tl1,e, general laws rsgaarctin•;
law enforcement
Lceal Option• Genders,
Replying to Iron. Charles Marnil
the minister said that the pity pro-
hibited transportation companies
;or any cne tel ,e from sending or
carrying liquor into the province
which rias ,enacted proleibition. 1t
Continued on page 2.
8_ r;i
Out tour Halibut Steak about
a,n inch thit;lc, wipe them with a
„dry linen, and season with salt
and cayenne,
Have >iresh lard boiling in_a
frying pan. Dip cutlets in (wge
and bread crumbs or Sour. Fry
a light brown and seryl hot•
Salmon may be fried in tbe
same manner.
Garnish with thin slices of
lemon and lettuce.
TIRO Store, lit Quality
T a (OF
c. [t� t
df i�i fY2 n
Tl1E .111.)1I (>tROClfl.`k
Phone 48
The ''pet your pal",clan adopted ctrl
over Huron Count y this week to get
recruits for the 101st Battalion result
ed on the first three days of 150 soldiers
to he. Owing to the fact that the vas•
ions recruiting niflce9 havo not sent in
all the names. we can only Peewit a
fewn hutwill .f them ut the biglist come
next week. J. 011otving ;aro tbe names
since last week up to Wednesday noon,
Frank 0. Graelis '
W. Lepl.;ngton
3, Marshall
.1. 11. Glew
W. A. Gotten .
tV, it Colbourn
S Deem
J. LT, Palle
A, MoNevin
W.1? Bridle
f B McKay
W..1, Mountain
G. L. Day
Ji. holland
• F, J. Sinunous
• 11. 1. Dick
1N J. Otterhein
N, McLeod
3,E McLeod
3 IL Orawford
W. E. Gond
0. S, Colermm
P. 0 Heilman
N. W, Johns
W. G, Walker •
Serge. Major Seeley expects to entail
his course at Montreal by the end of
the month,
—.�®-- •
Lieut A. J. Grigg is in Zurich
this Week. •
Do your "bit' and cllo 1t now.
"Britons never 511511 be slaves,"
nelver stat the old Fing
1ave you heard the call of the
—CO --
"If you cannot fight." yourself
help the enan who is"
Bev, Mr, Parnaby, B,elgnave, 11111',
resignlen as Chaplain the
161st Battalion and reauntod his
pastoral duties east Sunday.
Walkerton Council made 41 gra;nt,
of $300 to the lSuth 13ru'le Battl.
All signs indicate that the Ger-
mans will tee oe the retreat this
coming summOr. Ilurry np und
get into the 161st to be cin on.
the ,ssvdtep.''
Enlist if you dare eligible(. Why
sluuld you avait to be called on
by your neighbor?.
0, England of our fathers Ancl
.England r 1 cur 180(15,
Above the 50111 of battling 'hosts,
the thunceer of .the guns,
A Mother's voice was calling •us,
we heard it oyeese's,
The blood which thou didsei g'.vler
us is the blood we spill for
eeee esaeGoc069YiiYYnoeeO ee
The Bruce Battle last wee's: num-
bered 030 vstrong.
On St. Patrick's Day an 151100est-
ink; episode, toulc p'a 1 'n Lower
Wingham, when Jslaiol S nelairand
his company 1 ' • 'se r. tenon
,:caching Leslie h' is ,', i grocery
store, the major and his men
marched into'the .store, bought all
his fruit end tobacco. Then . ;the
the major son}.n a vote n the pdt
whether Mg G 1 is axile sh 'ulu sign
up at once or ink. Ovary hand;
was for "yea '• Itix, Gr'iscfale, amil-
ingly on the 'spot, signed up. Tl'e
161st has. seeured a model c•ou0g
}ran and tt 9ix,-footer
The demand is growing,fin• n.'1e
systematic recruiting methods Ha.
the government 0c plant o01fee
When you have offered your life
to your country it 15 time enough
t0 critize thosie who haute. In the
meantime "Sibeuce' ds Golden"
iQ talef*C201 )(00)109®1910,391)91.0
Local News
1t?Ofi33.`ea u 6T4"Yin94'S+.tGPS esla.^• atesto' co ze
The Pi" hihitaoti Bill }:rine•! the
Ontario House on Riedns;r],, •and
t I
goes into effect In Sdp em rt t and
iasis unite the war is over .
The measles elidem'c tt•i' It tvhi»h
the town has been effected for
the past tett' weeks, is appal entry
d ie ,ut
3 g
I, 0. 1.. MEETING..
The ledge meets every y :ttcl Teen
day and 411 ,Frelav or each ntonllt
until the nth of '.fide. They are
potting on Royal Arch tlegoee.9
this 1?eiduy,night and invite tis
members of the Fur,ounding lode
ges to he, preach:.
• A meeting vto organize a Young
Indies' Patriotic 'Society will i,
held in the Council Chamber d'n
,ih'iday evleining of the] week at T
o'clock sharp when •officers will be
,eI'ertcu Al) tho young })00411 e are
iltvi.ted and urged to atten,.t,
l\1'. 3. Rumble who hos heensa
rt•,idenl' of Gudorieh 1owns7;.ler
yeal'5, 1105 ,Par Gussets 1 1•f t I,1' '•
of Mrs. Jas $ourhtotnbc ante '.t 111-
talte pessesseni at owes. '11 e tout
issue of the ottivt. in the New1"srn
got Mr. itutnball to make on offer
at once ITB win le 11unp ,'e i
by his slater, lee 0001'. 01 AI 1'
11other and sister of \h's. Jas.
Ford of tow .
`RAR(, ASi1HY-1TA TE •
Mr. and Mrs. ldic,,artl (;,icier had
a harrow- escape. fl•oln 11np11y:,in -
ti, n Seedily night, icing to a tl'>••
fedi- t cats .hetting . tnse, pulp',
was hni.ling in the lis':ng .-nr,,1
adjoining the bed -moots', eforttei-
atcly 51x. Cb,'ln1 awoke and eta,:
rime. to cet out of heel and is well
eriou .h to be e.rnuntt again, hut hi);
wile cs still suffering trim the af-
fects of the .gas.
Mr. Thos.'Watts and sirs. Gos-
'nigh received vot'd '00 '`'i l•ty
that their father. Mr, W JI, Waite
'bac} pesscd ta,w'ay nt his home In
P,oltton alter lsuil�errng eel' the
g.asst fete month:. having 'undor-
oee an operation 1 ) relieve n s
Sul tering. Mr. Watts was'a ltd i-
duet of town for n number
ycura, His i fs pre dd t,tscch`t
on June•J3th of last year. The
familfamily lurch ,ig are, trace clangh-
gook, 3olt0tt; Mts.
pe1', Toronto; and Mrs. GoG e'gh,
Cllntc)s, and two sone T. Watts;
of town and Jace of r1Itutll r:Irs.
Gosleigh went 1 Holton last
week :incl was there, tyh0'1 her rt-
the:r rliecl and 'Me, -T. Watts welt
to attend the ieuriei•al.
• The disath lark plane rMoeciee
'evenng, March :•0, 111 St, Thomas,
of t reepeeCed resident tor 1110'
years, in the per of Mr'. Sliaa-
1',ebh Lewis. wife of A W.Lewla,
foreman for the' firm of Ingrans est
Davey. Limited, Mrs. Lewis wasps,
ht n 38th ;year., and lysis been ill for
e long time She leaves hiesides her
10511/1115 two ,daughters, I!vtlder))
and Jeen,-t,ine one een, Clifford ne-
at holm®. There is also euev)v.ng
11er mother, -ears A T'witoheil, nl'
Stratford, formetly ofC'lintou, and
three sisters and. three mothers.
The ,sister's are; Miss Mabel Tw•t-
che11 Str'atfot(1 'Mrs S. Stuteb,
Stratford; ilius '1, Marshall Blamli
ton. -The br ethers are, i eolpie
.. in' *'
Toronto; 1,08®x1, ofWi nr ek. aori
Edward of Dakotas. 'The J:atc Mrs,
Deeds was a mem bee of Knox
church. The funeral took place
•---r from the .family residence, S An -
portant !
The label on your paper shows
the date to which youraubscrip-
tion is paid. Look at it. . 1f it
sloes ' hot react "Jan. 17," it
We are endeavoring th make
the paper valuable to you, and
at the low subscription rate at
which it is published, it is neces-
sary that. it he paid for in ad-
vance, Re -p the Mane}° in
cir,'ullltion. Wt'• cannot pay our
accounts unless you pay yours.
Please do not disappoint us.
tritts. stt'eet, We iniesclay at 3.30 to
St. Thomas ,ee)netlery.
7, T
6 "' TEAM
• P�1ATS 9 M
'Ilse list (hockey team of (Nall
trimmed the 91iet team 5.1 ClSr-
ton in a 'nsilntal'y hockey game a,±.
Freston pas Monday -night, by a
Set 10 of 7-3. The game as an extra
fast, rite end thelfairsicced crowd
on tiptoes from start to ((111611. Ti e
game was eery dlose and Rcf-
511,e 312 Or (lel net have the 115 4(01,'
tti?,it>, of phasing ming pltyets
rho 4(011 11)' 151111,y , 11 u, 7,01"
Itdrr.--qust reeoct 7151,:3.; 1618t
0:i Stecoed pericd 7tat, 1 161st`.
'Third penott, 71st 3: I,itst 1 '^tntll
scup, 7 tat 7, 161st 3. Tho lb o a -
i:. C*alt
MaClGrattenntt1 Goal' 1Va1t:.
x P.1:efonee Alyce)
iScGouch L.l4eSeri ce Chisholm
1v1 t);Donnell stover ', Perth)).
T. Dict. Centre 0b;eeie
!t Diaper R. Wing i) lsoin
1\, Dick L. Wing 11z:rlJlaai
13•e1erie.c -1'te, Short .01 Preston.
Tuesday evening of,thiv 'week plied to the rre:(eiutati,n "were,—
the Clinton Odd/fellows held a Gco. Welbber, 0. A. Stickle-, Wil
special meeting ,gin their 1uc1(0 mer Wallis ;Murray Dii;apel' 11,nd.
,•corn and ,presgli•ied seven Of their Clord,on Hoses,.
members with .eignet rings, as a The„even members or Clinton
slight tolien .of the retpect of the 1.orl'ge No. 63 who have joined. the
;lodge to thein upon donning the i1(3lst are,— •
Lunch wag sinfvel st ,, reason-
able hour followed by adore -mei
by Thos, Jackson, H. B, Chant:, Dr.
Evans, J Taylor J. Mu hoa,ia'nc7
N 0 ; gnu Rev. Robinson. Me. W. Geo. 'Weber
Ko ore was Cilairmlan. Guy Routlev.
4 letter 5vas retie from Col.
Combo regretting ,that icer coitid-
not ” be pi•gsient at the meeting,
Pt'e. Lee, a member of Soafoalth
Lodge and ,in the Clinton company
slake a fc(w words . " The Canadli:,ln-horn enlisted is
is. less than 30%, being 73,035 out of
P.esides the above s )cake
memeng the soldier boys who 1 e- 44 inc•Ii;sieteeea the apes of 20 and.
1011 beg li'Protests
Murray Draper.
Andrie5' McGai've,
O. A. Sticicles.
Cordon 'Howes
Wilmer Wallis ,.
The Clinton lodge expects that
they will delete to get 50111.5 more
rings as some or the .memuers
have still the notion.
The Hamilton Recruiting League „a, being
understood that
which has' Leen ane of the most
in Vigorous hanada, esIcome sl
to costs n-
clusion that the priesent hapliazat•d
system of recruiting which is in
operation in Casnada cannot he
larger pursued without injury to
the industries of, the country, and 'This matter of wise selection in
and that system of "wise se se.
ec- the matter 'of recruiting Is one
tion" should he adopted without that the military .avthor.tlies of
delay, It considers that the first the country cannot afford to long -
class of inert who ,should be cared er ignonet Thg promised conh'l -
up for ,servile Is the unmarr(.ed fit ution of 500,000 men from Canada
men, who cools( bid releasc(t from for overmans service is none too
their 'occupations without further large: ,even a large number must
Jlolsel to anyo(e. It is ttherleFore be forthcoming should the war
urging the Dominion Government continue longer than is expected
to appoint a commission for :the and .the meed® of the Empire occa-
purposte of; cion+ But in securing our ,lean-
tingents it is .Seasonable to ,aisle
that some system should be' elm -
most rethat
lily tspared27sh oula can
l.en first, and that the appeal for
service should the made with
eelpal forts in alt parts or the coup
of Ir. try(. The Flamiltonians go as fare
as to advocate conecrlpti.an to the
(0) Classifying l -he industries same extent as it exists In Eng -
with a view, to the reatrietinn or land, It is doubtful if Canada Is
the ultimate elimination of such ready to approve of any such, step
as are nun-lesential to the 'tvcl- and in any veleta much ';an be
f;ue 'd the country or bite •not clone before i1 need be ,s.er.otialy
'economic factors. considered,
the foregoing is
urged f -
view to theimmedte application
of some lust and gompreelenive
system of draft whereby the nien
necessary to complete the Canadi-
an expeditionary forces may oe
readily secured.
la\ Taking et census ,of all men
its the. Dcminlon from 18 years s)(
age and upward, specifying those
married and unnlrarrj,ete.
(b) .Classifying the meal accord-
ing to 'thbir ,oet'upations or thee'
fitness or prefierencccfor certain'
(cin cl
';a 2 '� t"1A a alm LltaiS&v
By Gco. Laithwaite, Goderioh, lent ( 5ame as Jn Ger,amy today. Sha
in the Canadian Farm is no longer fed)athrough neutrals
'Victories on, lanrl cannot affect
j the silent ;Strangulation by the
{ British fleet. As a result Germany
i feels the pinch, as at hoose .as well
as in her drones she 18 running
1 shorter and sllnrier
This is. one of the s'gus of the
times. The Clld9,
i. some way off
yet, but .rho result will be iexhaus
Hort, When we see signs of vic-
tory to us .through want of sup-
plies to our ,enemies ,we, should.
give all help and work laartf to
keep sur•pliea both of food and
i body comforts for our soldiers.
1 To enlist or not to enlist is the,
question that confronts the farm-
, asst Is he ai coward wh,) does not
lenliat? His duty rests 05th him-
' s!elf'. If the feels that his country
calla him to rally to the old flag
he should do so But he should
Cent -lamed on Page 4
lone of tee beet move; la the
,Present war i; to see that the 50..8
cf toil make Moths: l'1arth prti-,
duce foot' We must t•eunelmeer
that we 01 0 courting famine t)y
taking or allowing the suns of
®•ou• '
toil to rst The:un n vie -
• g pow-
er of met ®®asci when they de-
vote themaeives ito military life
Just thin, what this means to
thel: i —
feeding Al e to+day the .®®ilio of
armies of m Miens. The farmer
has to teed them all Munger
will tante the wildest beast that
ever. roamed. Hunger and want
bate subdued r,any an au•my
e'anad,3 is en tied the g1':tinery of
the .Empire. An empty 4•reinlu'y !§
a poor support, and it is bound
to be empty if our elfecticv'e man
power is taken from our grain
fields,. The rc(sult 'toil) be e e
{ ilnprovement Noett i
Helpful Ideas for" Huron County
Fanners Derived From a Massa-
chusetts Plan—Co-operation Ap-
plied to Poultry, Crops, Market-
ing, Recreation—Can Same be
Done i -teres
To 'revive the business lite in
9 "sir
a 111
49 C ll dt
s le County 'lYl S >
I1a.mlt n
County lmproy;emelut League has
been organized with th,dse pur-
poses; 1. To help the farmers in-
troduce: the most inodelin meth-
ods of funning. 2. To organize
themfor the rurp0se of bett,e:
'business metthods Land''business
ol.ganizatian, 3 To imp-o,e 'ibe
living 001141041115 and make the
open country so attractive tjutt
neither tree farmers nor their boys
and girls would be attracted tIn
the: x31)0.1, The 'organization .and
work cf the League are described
in the Basket' (Farmer.
1)0 fern,® se ,,,drabueineh',0 than
who are giving financial nitd zee,
Potts aepp1rrt. The county appro-
. $10.000 a year toward the
ia,'pelnyes) of the Leagtde
It }fns
hrd11 1n d iseenre env two years
and has yielded returns, broth in
ir.creasc(d crops and better firm-
ing and in a new spirit ;n the
xa1 a1 communities.
The LeLgu,e, employs trail ed.
nun in a ricultnre, and berthed-
tu1 r , and p'otalt y +rralsing and ad-
s-leer!or (''.e boys and girls, .an
editor , t :t weekly nrttspnper
The County ,®Bron :Advisers, a
Ho m esettae. in g, Adviser,' n wom-
an vvh,osn object fs' to .I•,lelp '11.9
women of the .farm and a gener-
al eecreitary.
At some-
what first theslow ito fartakerers to, w the ideas,
hatn'ow ,tin
he deatnds of the far-
mers are, so great that it is utber-
ly beyond the power of the, Lea-
gue to 'menet rthem even with its
enletrgefd force.
lee suchvescalfalta ops have 511d soy en ibeeno. The
League had ,last Rear 15 demon-
stration plots •fn alfalfa, a,i1 of
which were( very successful. Silos
are being 'built in many parts o4
the c'oun r;,e
• The horticultural, advisee' is meet
ing with a large response 'to hie
efforts. The acreage of berries !n'
this county 'has actualiv been dou-
bted as a :result 01 his efforts.
Thousands o ands
of trees in
every part
o.1 the county that were neglect-
ed before are being spray,ed,prun-
;ed and fertilized) All over the
country new orchards are being
The poultry adviser, after !1
thorough survey ,ot the county,
feels thee the ogg 'output of the
Bounty can eaarly be doubled with -
cot adding 10 the number or liens,
He has ,started a campaign to
sevelop this industry by introduc-
ing J:'ei er ,stock, arlopting bclihar
methods of taking care of poultry,
letter heeding, h009;nle etc, The
League is l+ielplr.g I he farmers to in
ti ()duce modern 1)u5ine)41 n c'hes's
upon their :farms,. A system of
heels -keeping is boding dntroduce..l
as a 0155115 of belpi ng the far-
mers find ,out where thee. losing
operations are ,and assisting (.',em
an intrortuving !rosiness methods
Continued on Page 4