HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-09, Page 5'Thursday, March, 9th, 1916. 1114 OASIS'S NEW ERA. '1 PAGE FIVF Did You Eve Overslesp deollreelf in the Morning it is mighty irritating. It Amami a lose of time -and time is money these dome. A good Alarm Clock will pay or iteeif in time bayed in a tete weeke. • • We Recommend the We haee others, hut there are none 9(11 68 as good as Rig Oen $3 and fully guaranteed W. 11. littLYAR • JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE oseraaeneenseseeinee DISTRICT NE' East Wasicanosh The Young People's Oluh of S.S. No. 10, gave a very successful etineert in the McGowan school od m Friday eve ing. The autograph quilt, which, was disposed of realized about 895. ,which ineluded with the proceede of the concert, made the gum of $1`)7. Proceeds were given in aid of the Red °roes fund, Hullett Mr, Walter 'Baker of Clinton took charge of S. to No. 7 in the absence of Mrs. (Jerson who is ill with la grippe at the home of Mrs, H. Harney. Mr, and Mee, A. W. Knox and fam- ily who have been visiting their parents in Hulkitt, left for their horde at Macklin, Sask. Setilorth ' A memorial service is announced for Sunday morning in St. Thomas' (Meech for Pte. Thomas Edgar, the young Seaforth borwho was recently killed at the front; The members of the Seaforth company, 161st Battalion will attend the service, .. The sympathy of the 0mmunity is being extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sutherland in the loss of their nine. year old son, Jiminy„ wbose death occurred this morning after. an extend ed illness. The measles are prevalent among the pupils of the public school and Collegiate Institute as well as a num ber of grown ups. soitquance The funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Rhin took place on Monday efternoon to the Maitland Cemetery, Rev. Mr, Keene taking charge of the service, Deceased had been poorly all winter hut not serious till Saturday noon, eammesnim when she passed quietly away. She was over 90 years old She leaves to mourn her loss two sone. Wen. on the homestead and Joe of Ernere; three e**********40009.OfemeleimeteMee daughters. Mrs. Wm. lqcGavin, of Leadbury; MTS. elcOulleeof Constance; and Mrs. James Blark, of Killarney; besides several grandehildreo 8.80 great grandchildren. Mr. Chas. Hall spent Sundae, the guest of his parents Mr and Mrs 't legal Queries -•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0. T., Goderich-A bachelor died, leaving au estate consisting of a half- sectioe of land and tummy in the bank In the Province of Saikatchewan, and his father, mother, (mothers and sister eurvi eine. How will his estate be -divided? (2) 1 have fourteen acres of land, ou watch 1 have reeided for23 years On one aide there is a roadway which has never been opened up. Mae any ueighbor any right to cut the trees .growieg ou the roadway.? ..IIS, lc the property were situated in the Province of Ontario, the father, enother, brothers and sinters would all. -share • grimily-- thee is, each of the nrothers and sisters would take the sante share as tbe father or mother. If the propel ty were seethe:ad in the Pro- viuce of Manitoba the father would neve the prefereine, end would Inherit the whole eseate. this 1 event the law of inheritance in the Province of Saekatchewan 18 the sante as in Mani. mote ((18.8. 1009, chap. 43, section 8) • (2) Nu person lute a right to cut trees on the ruadway without the puede- teen uf the council. The control over ail road alloiranees is vested in the .eouricil of the municipality in which the roaawav 15 situated, The fact that the person owns property adjoining an unopeued road allowance does not give him any right to out trees upon that road allow:Luca, Anyone who does so can be sued for damages by the municipality, • A branch of the Huron War Aux Bliley has been formed in Stepeen wnship. The erection of a public Whiling at Exeter at an estimated, cost of 815,000 Is coneteemplaten the Department of Public Works Ottasea. • Wm. Moir of elensall, has kindly .d!onatied the three land a half acres on the W met side, of the rail way track now used ,as a play ground, to the corporation for a park and eecreeetion grounds. The Connell has,aceented the Meta entl generous gift with thanks lard, Pained it "Mho William Moir Rec- reation Parke Mr. L.J. Wilflams ,has purchased the hard ware businecs v./high ham rem conducted •byeer. L.O. Char losworth of Myth clueing the 1,a$it vumbee ot year and will take pos- newton immediabeiee The New Era. 49TH YEAR. "Ile Tale a'WILIC SBRVIC'IL" W fi. KERR t bOA, Props J. Leslie Kerr BitSineSS Manager vow Era, Owe Year in advance $1.00 •etms lira, ween not paid in ad- antes- 51.50 new Erato the United States in ad venue eLlie • .3dverlising Rates •on Application elob work priees advance on July 1st, 1913, in accordance with the Buren Co. Press Asso- ciation Rates. • Office Phone 30 Home Pbma , . . . Hall. Mr. Jas. Dale.delivered a tine horse to Mr. Ohas. Wallis on Money. The C. 1, C. intend having a Box Social on Friday. evening. Proceeds in kid of Red Cross. Mr, Wm. Britton left ou Monday for Quebec, where he goes to buy some 0068,, Brucefield There li's been a consignment of goods sent to the Red Cress of 73 pairs of socks and 10 matress covers'the money from the concert given by the Stanley Cleb and other offerings were expended for the goods. Mise Berry of Hensel, is the guest of Miss Mary Gibson. There was n dance given in Walker's Hall on Friday in aid oe the Red Cross Fund. Mr. De Wit Cosens, of London, will preach in the Presbytevian church on Sabbath next, ' On Thursday last the spirit of Mrs Nichol passed quietly away to its Maker, after a long illness borne with Christian fortitude at the home of her. daughter, Mrs. David Beaty of Stan ley. The funeral was helci on Saturday interment being in BayReld cemetery, Be,. Mr, Johnston of Varna, bar for mar pastor, conducted the services, Clarence Aikenlmad, who has been attending business college in Stratford left on Monday for Lucite, where he 6o688 position in the railway station. Hegel .Ross has retuened to his home at Swift Current after spending the winter at the home of his mother, Sirs A., Ross of our village. 0i s4er1cIj W. L. Horton, one of the most high ly respected citizens, died at his home , Monday morning after an Illness coy- 'ering meny years. Mr. Horton was iuterested in nearly :ill the local indus tries, and was, up to the time of his death, secretary treasure). and- mane I ger of the Goderich Elevator and Transit Company, director of the Du minion Roe t Machine Ciirnpeny, half owner of the Meriton Dredging Com mole and a stockholder, in the Western . Cemedit Flour Mills. He was manager of the, Huron eend Bruce Loan Corn pang until it was taken over by bhe Standard Beek and merged with the 0000ss000torsooille000•460*9456*. Toronio dr IN4ruom .‘„ 000000.06••••••••••••••00c. Hogs 9.75. Was Not Much of a Believer in Patent Medicines But PAilbenn's Heart and Nerve Pills Are Ail Right. Mrs. Wm. McElwain, Temperance Vale, N.B., writes: "1310 not much of a believer in medicines, but 6 must say Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are all right. Some years ago I was troubled with smothering spells. In the night I would waken up with my breath all gone and think I never would get it back. I was telling alriend of my trouble, and he advised Inc to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. He gave me a box, and I had only taken a few of therm when I could sleep all night without any trouble. I did not finish the box mite some years after when I felt my trouble coming back, so I took the rest of thein and they cured Inc." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have been on the market for the past twenty - five year, s. The testimony of the lusers Should be enottgh to con- vince you that what we claim tor them is true. II. and N. Pills are 50c per bee, 3 boxes for $1.25; at all druggists or dealers, mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. efilbure Co., Limited, ;Toronto, Cent. vossmwereinormaz low mommommomm OnSededifinalOgessanet moor 6' tnsine Butter 29 to 33. legge 27e. Oats '17, Wheat 1.00, ' Cattle 8.1u. Berley 60 to 69.. Sheep 9,84) • Limbs 13.00. •..Cheeee 1t1 , ' 11110.0elegOceitessOOMelltactOreallt000. Futter '27c ..to 88c. Eggs 23c to 24c, 111 .75 9,01. • W hhat 96e to 1.00, Oats Peas 1,25. • Barley 50c to 55e. Shorts 526. Bran 525, Buckwheat 60 to 65. • Hay for bailing $12 and $13, - W. B. Moulton Incumbent; Ash Wednesday March 3th, 8 p.m.--Ceininination Serviee and address. Preacher, the Incumbent. • Standard Alliance Mortage ()atop/my, of which he was a director. He Was also manager of the Union Brink when that bank opened a branch here. He was a former town treasurer, He eras i member of Huron Lodge, I. 0. 0, F., and Huron Chapter, A. F. and AM, 'which society conducted the funeral services on Wednesday from St. George's Chattel. He leaves his wife and mother, four sesters-Mrs. A. Gamble aod Mrs. CI Pete of Toronto, eili Mrsnoni Rill of Regina and Mrs. Renee at home -and one brother, Philip, teenage, of the Bank ot Moil treal at Port Hope. He was one of the leading Liberals of Huron. Fire Which broke out at 11 o'clock Monday night badly damaged the storehouse of the Goderich Planing Mill Oo. It was a large building and well filled with glass, dried lumbee and paint. The mill proper was saved The tire apparently started in ihe store house, but there bad been no fire there and the cause is unknown. The flames were extinguished at 12 80. The mem ation of the mill will not be affected. • Goderieh received the Clinton de tacbment of the 161st (Huron) Bette! ion Friday, when they tendered Lieut Col, Combe and some 150 men a roue ing reception as they entered the town headed by the Town Council about 2 o'clock 1 riday afternoon. The local company met them outeide the town limits. The detachment left Clinton about 9,o'clock and had luncheon at leohnesville and Taylor's Corner, giv ell 1)3'the 116(1188e of the township. At their arrival on the square, which was lined by eons:3700 school children, Ma yor McLean tendered the soldiers a hearty welcome. The men show no bad effects of the tramp and speak well of the trip. They were billeted among the citizens. A. full house Thursdaer and Friday greeted the minswels presented by the members of the Menesetung Canoe Clue tor the benefit of patriotic put. poem, The performance was the hest ever p616 un by the club. The work of the soloist and end men was excellent. Mr. 11. Oook aching as interlocutor. The musical part of the program was under the (Breeden a Mr. Sexemith, formerly of Strethroy.The proceede will net nearly 8200. Stanley Un Saturdiy last from Brumfield station ear load of cattle was shipped to Toronto by John McGowan, Wil liatn McEwen and G.T. Band. Another car was shipped, by Alex Thompson, John A. Moffatt, Hugh Gilmour and Miss Mary Gilmour attended the nem rimers of kiss Edith Falconer in Bay field on Tuesday. Rolmosollie A circuit banquet in connection with the Rol rnesville and Ebenezer churches woe held last Friday night in the tiohnesville church and Is said to have been one of the most successfneaffeirs in connection with the workatthis place. After a splendid banquet supper was over a list of toasts were run through with Reeve V 16. Lobb as toastmaster. Many phases of church and public life were discussed by prom insist laymen, and a musical program, in which Miss Ebbe! Snyder, of Jarvis, took a prominent place, re as greatly appreciated. Much of the credit is due to the Rev, R. J. McCormick and the Ladies' Aid Society of the church for their splendid preparations. Hallett Marriage -On Wednesday, March 1st, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams of Hallett, was the scene of a very peetty wedding when their daughter Christina May, was united in marriage to Mr. Austin A. Dexter, son of Mv. Theodore Dexter of Hal lett. The Ceremony was performed by Rev. C. 0. Kaine; pastor of the Methodist church, .Londesboro, at four o'clock, in tbe presence of about thirty relatives and' immediate friends 'Che young couple were unattended. The bride looked lovely in 0 gown of Tuscan Obampaign rink trimmed with net and buttons and wearing a bridal veil, caught with orange blossoms and carrying a bouquet of white carnations and fern. She entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her fatherand took her place under an arch of ever green hemmed with white and pink roses,from vehicle fuspended a large white bell. The 'wedding march, wits plaited by Miss Lillian, sister ofthe bride. After the ceremony and usual congratulations, the guests repaired to the dining room whereasumptuoue wedding tea was served. Thn presents were numerous and costlywhich ehowed the high esteem in which the young couple were held. The evening wee spent in singing, piano and violin music and games after which the youug oouple.left far the groones farm near Coaetance, the bride attired in a 1 rown serge suit with white silk blouse. .A. very interesting and pretty wed dog took place on Tueeclay evening of this week, at 6.80 ternat the home of M. and Mee. William Brown, when Mies Marion D. Saville because the bride of Mr. Frederick Harold IVIorrell of the same township. The marriage ceremony Was performed by ,Res' See Alliu. The youeg coupe were attend ed by Miss Edith M. )(sinister) and Mt, Stanley Farquhar. The bride entered the parlor on the arm M. her father, ae the wedding 11182011 was played by Miss Lee.. After the wed ding tea tbe young couple left for the groottee farm in this township. • Goderleh To venshiy Sir, 3. R. Sterling had a batch of chides out this week, getting 10 chicks out of a possible twelve. Mrs. Peter McDougall entertained a number of her friends lest Friday eight, Mrs. Will Ferris of Rosendale, Men. who has been visiting her mother for the pest 3 months has returned bone. George Vanderbuter is attendieg the Black Chapter iu Hamilton this sveek. A meeting will be held in the has meat of Ste James Olaurch, Middleton on Friday March 17th at 2,30 pen. of the young ladies of the south end of bledericii Township for thepurpose of orgimming a Patriotic Society. The older ladies have been working stead ily in conjimetion with the Clinton branch but the younger ladies have sleet/led to orginize. This is a time when everyone must do her eliare for her country and it is hoped there will be n large attendance at the fire ineetieg. Following is the Lenten Seevices to be conducted at St. James Church Middleton. The same program will be caevicd out at the Se , John's Chrome, Rolmesvilie, except that the hour will be at 3 p.m, in the afternoon Holy Communion will be heel the 51 s ' Met etinday in Lent, Rev. Ist Sunday In Lent March 12th, 11 a.m., subject, The First Word, "Fathei, Forgive 'I hem, for they know not what they do." irate, cher, Rev. J.A. Robinson, M.A.,13.D. 2nd Sunday in Lent March 19th, 11 a.m., eubjcct, The second' word, "Tmday Shalt Thou be with Me in Paradise." Preacher, the Incumbent. • 3rd Sunday in Lent March 26th, 11 a.m., subject, The third Word, "Woman behold thy son: son, behold thy mother!' Preacher, the Incumbent. 4th Sunday,in Lent April 2nd, 11 a.m., subject, The fourth Word, "My God 1 My God ! Why hast Thou Forsaken Me?" Preacher, the Incumbent. 5th Sunday in Lent April 9th, 11 a.m., subject, The fifth Word, Thirst," Preacher, the Incumbent. 6th Sunday in Lent April 16th, 11 a.m., subject, The sixth Word, "It is Finished." Preacher, Rev. Fe G. Rickard. Good Friday April 21st, 8 p.m., subject, The seventh Word, "Father, into Thy Hands Commend My Spirit." Preacher, the Incumbent, Easter Day April 23rd, 11 a.no, subject, "The Risen Christ." • Preacher, the Incumbent. Londesboro Stratford Preshytery will deal with the call of Roy, Me. Abery at a special meeting to 1/13 held in the first Church St. Marys on Monday March 20th. The interior of the G. T. 11. station has been redecorated with a coat of varnish. Mrs. E. Manning is now jemmying after her illness and will soon be out again Has Londesboro done its duty to warde, helping the recruiting of the 181st Bata Pte Jahr', Cartright. who, wart with the 33rd Bette has got his honorable discharge owing to ill health and has returned to his parents' home here, London Road The Belgian family have moved up to the house on the farm of Phil. Roweontee The ladies at theie sewing bee last week made 2 dozen fiennel shirts for the eoldiers, They are good sewers, League meets next Toesday evening at tbe home of idr. Geo Watts. Lt e of 8/1068 and ice now for any body who Wants it, • The thunctee b(wie) on Monday night indica es, as some say a late spring and poor crops. Mr. EL Livermore visited friends in the elaitland Block last week, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Huron. County News • • Of0111110411.110001116•1111110410111111111110620 Mr. W. H. Bender, through his solicitor, L E Daueey, of Gode- rich, has issued la writ against Mr. J. Hey, J., of Zurich, for *1000 damages, for malicious Vroseeu- tion, false arreet, fees° imprison- ment, trespa,ss ,and slander. Mr. Seloman Jaciebe ,has eold his 100 acre term pn the 15th cou,Flay to his son, Mr. Garnet jiacobe, who gets pessession April. 1st. Mr. Ja- cob° has Sinte pureheseci the 96 - acre farm 01 the estate nif the late Joseph Gesell, Sr., also on Use 15th con., and gets possession some time in April. Owing to smite disagreement, be- tween the Mein bees of the, Board of Health and the Medical llealth Officer, Blyth, is again ;without an otficial, Dr. Alliston, having tend erg his resignation. .There peeked away at hie borne in Toronto, oh Sunday .last. Jos. lecadipg. a former well known resi- &tut of Winghana, aged 78 meera. Mr. Reading was a Dative( of Eng 'sand ond isenicloy. here io.a num- ber of years, being engaged in the book ancl seationary business. He left here 80108 30 year.) deo and has since resided in Toronto. Miss Irma Rennie of Ilensailleft for Detroit on Wecluenday to train asa. nueee in the Grace :Hospital. Prior to leeving she wee pregented with a hapdsome silver purse fillea with silver coin, bee her lady frieed by whom she willebe greatly mieleed The reale of Mr. eles. Vancampe farm on the 6t41 line Morris Twp. has fallen through. Mr. Yameanap will retain his property, Mr. Oak the proposed purchaser, of ,See- forth d is trict has bough 'Mr. Mills fine farm in Hullettt, t Dunean Me.Donalo, e. highly es- teemed posit( en t of Ethel an6f faith or of Johe McDonaldof that place, deed, aged 72 yea's. Be leaves a widow apd an ault family. Barial eves made at Port Elgin in (he family plot. e Lieutenant Arthur Newell of the Seaforth Salvation Army Corp, for merly of Vernon, B. C., has en- listed in the 161st Huron Battelion, 'He has three other brethere iing the colors, Owe in the lith mereetee. Battl. ono 10 •tho 48th crseoseas Bo t , and a n other . with the eeeh British Columbia Hove. Mr. Peter Brenneemaii has sold his house and lot in Make to Mee. Caroline Oesch, widow 66 6118 Leo Joseph Oesch, lith cote, Ray. The judgemeet given in favor of the towns.bips of lesborne and Hay by Judge Doyle in the ,suit ort Da vis vsthe townships of Uslemene 88)61 nay, 11£1.8 11(301) revereea in the isearing of the appeal sitll'oronto and Mrs. Davie now gets judge- ment for 5150.00 The case 08111 31 Ise further appealed. A geiet marrSeee60 11c place in the 131161( l' of the ,Grigg Holm, eondoe, on Wednesday of last week ,of IVLe Themes Quiet:on » of Exeter, son of the late Win Quin- ton, to Misis Mabel: Thaete, daughter of Mr. ;tames 1.13 56 ,r4,Saintsbury, 7110 ceremony was performed by Rev. Ales. Wilson of IIamiletesee. ellie A J. Ford., of Exeter', :has made a deal by which ere getthe from of Mr. John ping, g London Read, Ni rth, Lapg gets Mr, 'Ford's resiclee- .Ancirew ' Street. What Are You Poing still calling for mein lei one town• ship alone them were enough young men of military age to complete the battalion. The rettecor WM/ not that there young men were disloyal, (they merely have not yet wakened up. lie 'was glad that Duren had an- ganized a War Auxiliary ,but the best work couldWt be cinee until the women and 'the meet avere working together in the; reeciletes'. The churehes nem ftmoOperating and he was pleased that Used were to a certain extent (recruiting cterttrej9. . Dr. 'Hughes opoke or Wing in Germany a few days 'before war broke out. The young Germans were eeteinethen mobiliziegs they ad:hided' Yes they 41561. Their choice was 'Go' or be shot Is that the •caoe in Canada? No, if it had been. -16'Q would leave ;had fcur regiments out pf Hueort long ago," Ile then went on to say that a country not worth fightiog The was certainly pot worth living In. Men who weint, fight should not have the oight to vote, A. hush came over the ,a11111:0)aCC W11611 he mentioned his .only ,5011, LO et, Chester M. soco, avho lies in a soldiees gram& somewhere in Belgium. 'Why," he asked, "Why should my son die %ellen one hun- &led thousand others; stay at home? 1 , ' Then hei went on to Name: of the boys at Imnie They elite not slackers. They one aelesepi The elapse fee this )'e planed upon the preachers ,and Mechem of the last half a eentury. The preachers have emphasized the* feet that we are Worms ,ard sve act accordingly, And. then earno his question "What are yon doing for God Qncl human, ity that a waren eouldn't do'd.Ile went on to spank of his theary that we are responsible 3101 only for the had' o do but also for the gc.od we might have doee. •' Be sppke of dif2e lent treasons - excuses he collect them -given by those unwilling Ito enlist, tdirst same those logo said "This in Eng - lord's %oar, not Canadae• war." "In this woe he ,ssoin "you fight not tor England hut to prOteet youv mothers and sieters lobo would he treated no bettor by the Germans than wet e the women of Belgium. And even if it' were ,Englancds :war, suppose England were the oe girter, shouldn't we holp? Eng - Wall has enabled our farmers to sell their products in European 1111(8) 060. She hae helped"pur man- ufacturers., Wouldn't we un- gratefu1 to refese to help her vows grateful to refuse to help her low?" Then these is a• class Of young mem with the excuse "T 'don't be- lieve in war, I believe en pdaceS• Do those 200,000 :splendid young Cridadians 111 .khalci not beEeve in wooed' Such Ian excise in asi in- sult to them. Sonde tnothess,(164 clare they loviel thew sone too well to have ,them go: ,and get shot, Do other mothers not love their sons? Another class deelarld that they Will defend Canada should sisal be in peril at any time. So flock of sheep would be as notch use in case of an attack as wou'd egi- ments ( f untrained mess The only place whe.e. fighting is 04 .2517 use to Canada is' shoelder to shoulder with the other Car:Wham on the battlefields of Europe, Then there are those who claim that their duty is to remain on the farm and help the Empire in that Way. Over these Dr. Regime waxeciquire eloquent. He has two schemes for solving the fano labour problem. The retired farmers can go and superintend the work which is to be done by the school boys whose school year is to he shortened to six months. No great loss to the cause of education, Dr. Hughes thinks Ills opinion of Ontario schools is no higher than his opinion of Ontario churches. His other plan is to have the women do farni work. (15 (11161108 that Can. oda eon let every young man of mill tary age, on the farms go and can still produce more than WKS produced last year. Di. Hughes hall also.scsthing things to say about the young men who couldn't leave their situation in batiks, stores or even munition factories He illustrated his points by stodge well told and to the point, He is a splendid talker and easily held. the attention of his hearers, Dr. Rutlenoe moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Hughes et the satue time reminding the seteience that the men who WW1 and kept the British Empire were the men who had listened to just such preaching its Dr. Bughes de- plored Rev. S. J. Alen seconded the vote of thahks and the meeting closed with the national anthem. 0440000001164110111.01111440000114101111 Huron Co. nowaseeseesseeeimakessele000 \Vocl4neSday or Met week Miss Jennie, daughter of IL B. end Mrs. Alcock, 6th fine, Morrie township, .was united in marriage 10 Mr. Glassier, of Myth. :.A. reception was held at lam berm ofethe bride in the evening. We wise the hap- py couple many happy ma prose per mos years', Brigadier Geeeeel Leekle, report sol as woondeio 10 Otainctees is a relative of Reeve Leekie, of Brus- sels, His brother, Col. j. E. Leckie has now been /advanced to the po- sition dof Brigadier Genera. It was with Gen. Leckie that Dr.Hero old Taylor, Godanich, ;went to the front. Miss Gertrude Deacireari; of &us sels, tool: the hie hest marks -alt Stratford N moo'. Selosoli f Or 'the te.rid, 191.1-16, There being no rued lawaeded .Gertrude • twill have to retie oe her honors.. • • Hugh McCrostie, of St. lielen'.s is recto v erin g nimly from ithe paieful iejuries which ' he recelvved re- cently While warking an the bush. The limb ort a felling time, struck him on the upper to-re/wed, en- flictieg a largo' gash and loosen- ing a pert of the scalp. 'He was enndered uneresscious Der a time, happy event .was 'celebrated, 111 ..the Roinae C'eeholie. ,CITIVIrall, of Bruseeis; by Rev teal:bee Fallen, it -being a mass sung in 001c/bred:ion of the golden wedding Df Richard and Mrs. 'Ryan, of Walton loeality A large company assembled atthe 1,o1ne or the flee old couple and a delightful time Wag iipC/Ilt, address was read 1,5(1 a purse of gold presented. SIOCK-Taiting SpeciII1I. Two Weeks of Special Prices kn Odd Lines and Broken Sizes • A few Ladies and Children's Mantles at about half price Men's Fut-collar Overcoats, rubber interlined to clear at 11.50 ,Women's Wrapperette House Dresses to clear regular price 1.25, now 79C See our clearing line of black and colored Underskirts at 98C Also Dozens of Other 'Bargains dating the Next two Weeks. rwesariew earentmenesseseasesiesinemmiewsim Wain& Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits ' Phone 25. More BusinesS rderall111,1131119111111111•1111901•2116 manalmaaaanammaisarawariaa Wesley Church Anniversary Services Sunday, March 19th. 1916 Rev, Dr, tiiks,Toronto will Preach Morningand Evening All Friends of the Church INVITEE). SPECIAL MUSIC. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Runabout Car $480 Take a little comfort:es you gh-e.speolidly if you can combine it with profit The tnisn who owns a Ford has provided a healthful enjoyment for the entire family and equipped himself wtth an economical eery/int as well. The Ford Touring Oar is 45$1, Couplet 5730, the Seden 5$03, the Town (1)81 8780. All prices are do.h Ford, Ontario, All cars completely tenielved, in eluding electric headlights. Equipment does not include speedometer. Cars now on exhibition et the Garage on Huron Street, next to Oommereial Hotel. ert. .Langford Phone No. 183 AGENT Clinton 1 Home seekers Excursions •Every Tuesday, March to October "An Rail" Every Wednesday During SeasonNavigation "Great Lakes Route" Somewhere out on the prairies where tact year Canada's Greatest Wheat Crop wee produced there is a home tvalting for you. The CANADIAN. PACIFIC will take you there, give you alt the information about the best places, and help you to success. 11 Pattie:dare from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write W. 13, Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, • •,. A