HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-09, Page 4PAC(•$ •FOUR. THE CLINTON In W'•' ERA. aro welsollaseW T.hursdsty, Meech% 9th, 1916,;, 4i++i4+++i4i44i444414ir44N4i4ir+'N++44444f+44'em0,►iifi414444i4414iN4+i1i4c•f4+444sNi,®i..NiiiiiiiaNiieaaaen++•+++++++++444++$++++4+++4++N+++++++++i++++++Nii•N.}•rill••./iii,, 4 • News #4.•44444.44-94•444•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •,4+++••++,•++4++++4++►4ili+iii••••••••••,•• iiiiii••••••liNwees}vwwsrwwvi iN4i4ie+i++iiiNiiii+Noll+iNi/IN+l+i+M4+i+44++4(4++4+Mi+++++4 i—.---"—".—"""'""' i liberal PreSS Mews, conservative � -pF DYSPEPSIA VIOLENT ATTAC k S eNeeeiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee•Nee (!Windsor Record.) • rToronto News,) An annoyance and .an expense to Lusipess men who receive many cheques could bee avoided if the authorities would insist on all bank cheques before being issued fronts the bank shout .d be stamped and sold by the (bank in books of 50 or 100 at 2 cents each. This would stop the fellow who, pie - sistt;enitly forgets to put o_1 t ,e stamp and also .the man who dcles forget, (Toronto Star) Sir George Foster :es.tinlales that after raising 5000,000 ireeru5ts there will remain in Oamade G3 per cent, of the male population oerw•cen the age9 of 19 iandi0. Thatsouncis all right. But part it (another way and it means that one roan out of every three undler forty and oveie nineteen 'throughout all Caned needs to enlist. They are not do- ing it yet except in a very fete centres• where enthusinsm is high. And if it is 'to be d(onie all over nt Canada isnalLee tfor loode ma'kemei :possible Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA (Brantford Expositor) ' If the Ontario government in-' • 'DT duces. a t(efe'-endnm oe the temperance question, as was fore casted in the speech frotn the throne it is generally undtini o ,rl that it will be ellong rthe lines o'' 'Manitoba ac -. This act m Iter pro vision for the licensing of wht:Ler- sale and retail druggises. The wholesale 'd uggist is ,ail,oWte-t to sell ten gallons at a time, fo: scientific on ire::hanida'1 puri o e05 or five gallons to a physio;an. TI e retailer miay sell plat mord than one pint to dentists for teem:nig, patients, ,and two gallons to ve'- erinaries for trelting animals. A physician is ,a newer] two quells for use as medicine In treating pa- tients, The Manitoba net d -,cr o'' prohibit importation, nor eau: 1 such prohibition be co:,ist1011.ional, The individual may import and have in possession liquor for lois household use. But the penalties for infraction are very seveoe. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? TSo colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott'sFJmulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists. ,,,Yost can get it at any drug store. Scott & iwwne, Toronto, Out. " it is suggeete d by a coriessposl'' dent of The Daily ,News that On- tario on flee oceasions,Jlas declar- ed for prohibition of the sale off liquor. But possibly only one of these, decisions can .be regarded : e' authoritative If the terms Of the Roes refierc(ndum had been fulfill- ed prohibition in en ear as the Pro vince has Powe: to prohibit would• have gone into effect. As it was the majority was 96,205. or only 13,- 000 3;000 less than ,was I:eceeutry, to es- tabli.sh prohibition, The Nevelt plebiscite and the Dominion pleb- iscite deoae(rve less conaleeration l'ecause nothing depended upon' the result. Nor are the petitions seceded by the Committee cf One Hundred, significant 'tllough they may he, decisive. Thousands of petitions and do the ye:versa of what the petitions 'dgramd. As an (expression of public (,minion petitions long ago ceased to have any great authority. Goo great strong reason in I aper of a toier- endnin, sugglested by Mr. Hearst • nd his ieolleagnes is that less then two years !,ago the Rowell liquor renosals wieref rejectea 111 a. general election. It is true Shat Mr. Howell's rn ogamm•e did not go the leength of Provincial prallibi- tien and that the isiswe was com- plicated with pcl'rtiaa!1 cone(:!era- tirns, But inview of the5Fesult of the contest it is reasonable that the Government should ask !author (ity from the people ,foo' the enac'- ment of Provincial prohibition„ not withstanding much evidence that the Province demands the more'ag gressive action against' (the liqu'o'r traffic which is now eonttenlpletetd'.. Carmen Sylra, Dead London March 3. -:Despatches re- ceived fron Bucharest ;announce the ce cath at 7.30 a.m. yesterday of Elisabeth Queen Mother of Ru - manna. known generally as Carmen Sytvtt. The fullutt,ul will take place On Sundtay, • ' The Dowager Queen ways under the le eatmient of three doct'oes a,nd about thrfeeeeeekslago returned It, Bucharest from Cu eta De Arges in Wallachia, WIMP, King Charles is buried.. A week ago she fell • ill, and infltiannr.ttion of the lungs duickiy 'developed, Early yoster- d(sy morning then seemed to be a slight improvement 'but soon the Qtreen became wicoeseiOUS and died within a few hours. King inerdeland etnd Queen Marie spent much (time with thg .Dowager Qeen ye(ste.rday all the reinisbers called ;aS:the palace•. Porn Decetnleer 29th, 18.13, aPrin cess of Weid, one of the !tiny prie- cipalities in German y, Eliza ten (;new up es a country ,girl strong and robust .a friend of the, oirlds 'ind'ia lover. of Nature. In 001 l life she exhibited a predilection for transcribing her (houghts,a d fancies into verse. • :Upon the deal of her brother of Weid, OW was token to Russia ,by an Patriotic Armen 0 s and music by the world's great bands are reproduced for you with a brilliant vividness and richness of tone tll't yeti will find .nowhere but in Columbia Records. You are cordially in- vited to hear the following re- cords, 'free, at any dealer in COLUMBIA �j Double -Disc RECORDS Herbert Stuart -82300-85c "We'll Never Let the Old Flat Fall" "Good ],ick to the Boys of the Allies" Llcota Guards --P. 31-85c. The Entente Cordial March (leoaglas) Nauru March 5] ichtirds) Latinist* t'. and lie we -P. 19--13 achene --858. The Veteran's Song The Old Brigade. Scots Guards --P. 14-85c. British Grenadiers; Cock o' the North; '.Weari o the f;reen Clod Bless tite Prince Of Wales; Ral'e Britannia r Garry Owl Alen of Harlech; Dear Little i heunrock ; ]31tie ]tells ed Seetldtitl ; Red; White and Bine; God Save the le ing. Prince's Orehedtr, Eli v'8 and,St, Hilda Colliery Band. Municipal Band of Milan, etc.., and thoosands ofthousand ardi.iidid ac. • F ct na: Meer them at any Columbia dealer s. Gat.;coaaplatn record list from him or write us fu, it, Graphophone Cosxfpa'isy Canadian Factory & Headgnerters Toronto, Ont. 11'1h . ,Pdlfi;c'tt BALL, & A FKINSON CLINTON 15 Suffered Tortures Until She Tried "Fruit -a -tires" Ss. JEAN D18 M&TBA, Jan. 27th, 1914. "After suffering for a long time with Dyspepsia, 1 have been made well by "Fruit -a -rives." I suffered so much that at last I would not dare to eat for I was afraid of dying. Five years ago,. I received samples of "Frult-a-fives" and after taking them I felt relief. Then I sent for three boxes and I kept improving until I was well. I quickly regained my lostweight-and now I eat, sleep and digest well -in a word, I am fully recovered, thanks to 'Fruit -a -dyes.' Mau. CHARI3ONNEAU. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 23c. At dealers or sent postpaidon receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, • aunt, Grand Duchess 'Helena aria spent several yc(alrs in tr'avelir tg through the various countries of Europe. She was stricken With ty- phus and while Al her partner died, She was impressed with the ;idea that she would teecone Queen 'of Rnmenaa and for this reason re- fused the band of Prince Charles of 'Hoh,en'J.oll_rn. - • Later in • 1868. Prince (envies WatI chosen ruler The Manitoba Liquor Law. With, the proposal before the egist re ',la p au i egislation ce subrnitted I:o Omar Le 1 `I t 1 •b• • tion 1 the electors by reforcendpm and the 'Manitoba Liquor Act cited es one, the principal clauses of which the. people of Ontario :will tNote, aro of more than passing interest, In brief the 'Illanitobe act pee - vides ; re -vides:; (1) Abolition of bar, stoop ;and klub licenses. (2)' . Prohibition of rho solo of liquor exec! (tin ' for medical 'ana mechanical purposes. (3)' Establishing of licenses for wholesale land retail drug stores permitting them to shell ;liquor in certain quantities, Viz ; \Vholesael stores --Ten ;gallons for mechanicee purposes, ouch as preservation of human and animal hc•dips; five gallons to physicians for medical purposes. hector of Liucolu College. Retail 010:el-Slate only Al] pie- In 1867, when Staffordshire was seription of physician for med,idad purposes, or to a dentist, or vel- ravaged by one of the worst smallpox erinary, or a mieistler of the gos- epidemic on record, Sister Dora, as pee. In quantities of one pint to den- tists for the (treatment of p e- tients, two gallons ,to veteritnarius for treatment of dumb Wa1inla Is. A physician oar e'rry two quar- ters with hint for use as medicine for patients. A dentist can give is portion to N0 ALUM MAGI HE . BAKING POWDER REAP ► LAVE.'','. Statues to Women. The proposals for a monument to Nurse Cavell recall the fact that in Groat Britain statues to women not' of Royal blood are extremely rare. There is, of course, the recent 10 - stance of the statue set up in Pall Mall, London, to Florence Nightin- gale. The only other statue that we eau recall, and which certainly was the first ever erected in honor of a woman, also, curiously enough, was that of Nurse Dorothy Pattison, sis- ter of Mark Pattison, the famous a patient, ' A minister of the gasper 011! have in his possession two gai- olns of wine for tsaeranlental pur- poses. Heavy penalties for (those 1050 obtain liquor for n8.eehanieel pur- poses and use it for drinking, ete. Act 'does not prevent the im- portation of liquor from any other presence or country by a householder or prohibit him hav- ing such liquor of his premises. It does not prevent the manufac tun+e.or deport of liquor from the province. No sale evade after 8 o'clock at night and 7 o'clock. ,on Saturday night. No liquor to be consumed on the drug premises. • Cook's Cotton Root Compound. of Rumania and he hastened to Wied to 801100nce his' ,new stlation to Elizabeth. They were married and lived happily, a most unusual and striking example of Royal fe- licity. She 'devotee! lint• life to chat ity lanton'4 her pew people and wrote several honks lana ;poems. King Charles I. dieter in Octooer, 191.4, at the age of 75 years, since. which time the Queen Mother bas been in ill health. Of :eine years she was practically biird from •t compound contract in both ,yet. RHEUMATISM A MYSTERY Unless Rooted Out of the Slstent it Groes W'orSe and Worse. • Some diseases give 511111ui i'y from another nuttack, but rheuma- tism works just the other way. Every attack of rheumatism in vites another. Worse than that it reduces the body's power ,so thin each 'attuilt is worse than theonq before, ]f any ds,a.ee needs cur ing early itis a'heurneltisul, but there aro felt: disteiases physicians find more diffilult to treat succes- fully. \Viii weather does not cause rheumatism els was ,nee thought though weather condi- tions may start the caches and pains. Rheumatism is now known to be dependent upon .the 'mood condition and medioal authorities agree thatt the blood !becomes thin with alarming rep dlty ,as iheum- atism 'dot alups. Maintaining the quality of the blood as, therefore a reasonable way of preventing dad curing rheumatism. That it wet ks out in fact is shown by ,the (Jena'•• ficial results which `rrilaow a fair use of Dr. Williams !'ink • Pees These pills aetuagly make ,n0W rich bio: d, which •drives out the rheumatic poison, land while 'the blot.d is kept 'in this ',condvti'dn. there to no danger 05 1150' trouble returning 'Mr W,1'. Pell. Palet'tnv • nked by It says'I wag {ttd . D3 trouble, which was ultimately .pr.o- nuunc:c.d theiim,ltnsn. 'Often I v -as bantcly able to crawl. ,into teed and seldim Wihle to du it full days work. In this rim anion ;I ddntor ed for 0 year. abaoltitIely geitting nobetteuf,: Thier Iconsultta 10 - ether 'doctor whose chf(ett console. ition was that unless I got rid of teeuble !,would be a.,ta'ipp e for lisle. He prescribed dieting and ] dsocteeet1 with him for at lcust :eke months, bit instead of getting re' • - lgef I became Weaker es d .lets able to -get •aroiund» Then 1 Oa; tedic,d 'to try a •loi,tor in Tororrlo and 'wines under his treatment for , about four months with no better. 1^sults. 1 gave up the doctor Don't shelter yourself behind Lau and tried outer r emtellies which rime Ned fBoot en's declaration 150510 1 (1Were82' ,gtnally fetter 55,0 t one conscription. Even Asquith and Lloyd day our store keeper sent rod a y. ilex of Da'. WilliamsPinkPets,Georgechanged their nitride on the saying, that if thley td11 Hoi'holy t111e8tiou• , me I..need not pay OOP them. 7 took 'then' 111th thole .grit lanae more and found they were bona i.ng ie le- ing mice. 0 probably used $10.nt worth .bt tore I'I deet fully cured, hut thee did cure mei 1019 were Cheap las compered with ,the other ti elattrne,ntc, Which del not se'p m(o, Tho cure wo1 'anadfe alo8Oral: ya aro oligo. olio- 5 ht1V0 not had a tvings of rh;etlm itisre since. 1'c- dtly 11101 well .Incl st,r•oug arid I believe •I owl,. ilt salt to Dr. Wier llama Pink Paine You can get tthese pilin, through arty ni d r the rieallet• •or by mail, past paid, tt 50 gents e boo or six beeee for $350 from The 'Dr Williams 7')f. drams Co.,Brockviller, . e. A safe, reliable r'epnmt/a, medicine.. Sold in three do- No. 2,83 strength-No. t3, 15 per box. ,Sold by all druggists, or Hoot prepaid on receipt of ,rice. Fres pamphlet. Address, THE COOK MEDICINE CO., 4 TOa0970. ONT. (Funedr WInfar.) No soldier's pay can be stopped or garnished for debt. Lu this connec tion the following significant notices is inserted in the last issue of the Militia Orders -"Notice is hereby given to the public that a so''dier's pay cannot he seized for debt and con sequently inerchan's who sell to sol diets on credit, do so at their own risk." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ^...�+ the a!a 1 KcsF(� Si•;natnre of /� NEW RUBBERS ISSUED Civilians noticing the new rubbers worn by the mea of the 101st Batt!. rental k that t he rubbers look very serviceable. The ruhhers are service- able but they are also heavy. and two hours drill through snow several inch es deep creates can impression with the wearers that in some manner or other lend was substituted for rubber in the process of manufacture, In Britain, the urgency of the war situation is fully realized. All the single men. ender the Lord Derby scheme of enlietruent, were calle t to the colours, Men of Huron can do their part to avoid conscription in Oanedaby volunreeeine their services immediately with:the 161st. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA An end must surely come in time to the haphazard methods of conducting recruiting. There is no neutral policy, Each community is left to its own de views. There is no system of distinc tion in picking roernite, Is there any sense in taking the skilled workers and ask.ng for greater indastriel results? la It possible to have the farmers enlist in larger numbers end expect increased agricultural production? Ilas 'the gocernmeut nn pronounce meat to make. -Windsor Record. ,,Woos/ PhoBphOdias, The threat Enplis5*Remetilt, Tones and invigoratca the whole nervone system, . makes new Blood iu old Veins, Buren Nervone Debility. Mental aria Brain Worry. Demon - donee, Lona of Energy, Palpitation. of the Failing ailing Memory: Price 51 per hoz, six I 15I , One will please nix will eurc,eiSoldby all dr oleosus or mailed in plain plcg, on receipt of 1nt., V»') p01571tef mailed tree THE WOOD INEDIC ONE CO.. TORONTO. MIL (Fesri4W5uia,) she was generally termed, worked with the utmost devotion to combat the terrible disease, and after her death in 1878 a statue was erected in her honor at Walsall at the Muni- cipal Epidemic Hospital, of which town she had been superintendent, Germany's Zeppelins. Eighty Zeppelins are now In the German service it appears from in- formation developed at Friedrichsha- fen, where the Zeppelin works are lo- cated, One of the latest type that is having a trial trip this week is LZ - 95, which, is taken here to mean that it is the ninety-fifth In the series dat- ing from the beginning of the war; • fifteen having been lost, it is said. The newest model seems consider- ably longer than previous types. It is of fish -like shape and grey tinted, by the means of aluminum powder, it is explained. The gondolas are of plated steel; each has, six machine guns in its quick -lire battery and ap- paratus for throwing bombs and air torpedoes. 1t is reported that a new, air torpedo more powerful than any previously used is about to be put into use. .Bus.iness and Shorthand Westervelt, Schoql. ty Y. M: c A bRuilding io London, Ontario College in Session Sept: ,:est to Ji y: Catalogue Feee Enter any time, +.:ii`tidl• . HONESTLY BELIEVED HE WAS GOING INTO CONSUMPTION. DR. WOOD'S Norway Pine Syrup CURED HIM. Mr. Frank E. Anthony, 69 Ellen Street, Winnipeg, Man., writes: "Having taken several bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, during the past few weeks, to relieve a chronic cough and general throat trouble, allow me to ex- press may unbounded satisfaction and thanks as to its sterling qualities. A short time ago I became suddenly subject to violent coughing fits at night, and directly after rising 51 the morning, for about an hour, and found I was gradually losing weight. All my friends cheerfully informed me that I looked as though I were going in consumption, and I honestly believed such was the case. However, after having taken several bottles of 'Dr. Wood's' I am pleased to relate that the cough has entirely dis- appeared, along with all the nasty symptoms, and I have since regained the lost weight. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup as a sure cure for all those troubled in a like manner." When you ask for "Dr. Wood's" see 'that you get what you ask for. It is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; the price, 25c and 50c. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Peers i;n she Fighting -Line. A hundred and eighty-seven mem- bers of the House of. Lords have been or are serving with His Majesty'8 Forces. Direetly and indirectly the House of Lords and its families have contributed to the .Icing's 'Forces act fewer than 994 omcers. A NOBLE WOMAN. Mrs. St. (:lair Stobart Has Done Heroic Wolk in Serbia. Silently, and suffering fearful hardships,women a band of heroic o e are fighting death and disease among our, terribly -stricken Allies — the brave Serbians. - The noble work they are doing collectively .is such that It is invidious to make distinc- tions, but: her fellow -workers them- selves would he the first to wish that every tribute should be paid to .Mrs. St. Clair Stobart, sportswoman, au- thoress, playwright, and hospital or- ganizer, who, without exaggeration, may be said to have saved the lives' of thousands of Serbian men, we 1nen, and children. Her energy and initiative are .strik- ingly illustrated by the manner in which she started in Serbia what she. described as "roadside dispensaries." "The idea," she said to the writer re- cently, on her return to Loudon,, "came to me when I noticed the ter- rible straits of the brave peasants who are the backbone of the Serbian army. 1 had a small bell tent placed at the roadside at the edge of our field hospital, and on a notice -board made from two bits of wood from an old packing -case I wrote in Serbian a notice to the effect that, if folk would bring their own bottles, medicine aad medicaladvice would be given gratis. Within a few weeks 12,000 men, wo- men, and children came to that dis- pensary for medicine and treatment, many of them wanting or being driv- en In ox -wagons fifty, sixty, and sev- enty miles, sufferingfront every con- ceivable and inconceivable complaint. "I thereupon cabled to the Serbian • Relief Fund to send tents, material, Children Cry 'dor Fletcher's The Kind You leave Always Bought, and which has been in. use for over fent y e. >' s, has her:.o the signature of and has bec a made under Itis per- t -.,>_s' sonal supervision since Its infancy. ,���� 1 u�lc r' �diGrii?/. flow no one oto deceive you in this. Alt Counterfeits, imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger rho health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. y l fat is CAST k 4 IA Castoria is a Harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare - geode, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine tlor! other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys -Worms and allays Feverishness. dor more than thirty years it has been in et nstant use f e relief of Constipation, FIatttleney, -Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food., ;riving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -mho lUothcr's Friend. GENUINE. CAST RIA ALWAYS Bears the Sig -nature of rs"Fle l Use' For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THC CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, ane personnel ler nix more sutra Dis- pensaries, and that is how we came to establish our system of roadside dispensaries, which have proved of such value." Many thrilling and startling ad- ventures have befallen Mrs. Stobart since the outbreak of war. Finding that Red Cross workers were needed at Antwerp, she organ- ised a hospital unit which was the last one to leave that beleaguered city, and after spending two or three months at .a hospital at Cherbourg, the terrible need of Serbia induced' her to change the field of her opera- tions and to go to that distressful country to see what she could do to enecoar the people who had been driven from their homes by the Huns. Mrs. Stobart confesses that she will newer forget ber experiences in Serbia. She was with the Serbian army in their terrible retreat. "For three days and three nights on one occasion,' she says, "there was no water to be had wbere we stopped, except snow, which we melted for drinking purposes. We slept at night in the snoW on the steep mountain slopes, with nothing but the clothes we were wearing. The farther we got the more exhausted became the cattle, and at length we had literally to make our way over the corpses of the dead auimals which had fallen by the wayside," Attention, men! Your services are needed NOW. b'orward, march, to the rerruittug efHee, --00-- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I3y refusing to help you tacitly sig nify that you don't give a damn for what the Germane did to Belgium, HYMN. • Hymn -"For the Men at the Front" Lord God of hosts whose mighty hand Dominion holds on sea and land, In peace and war Thy will we see Shaping the larger liberty. Nations may rise and nations fall - Thy changeless purpose rules them all. When death flies swift on wave or field Be thou a sure defence and shield ! Console and succour those that fall, And help and hearten each and all ! Oh, hear a people's prayer for those Who fearless face their country's foes. For those who weak and broken lie, In weariness and agony - Great Healer, to their beds of pain Come, touch, and make them whole again Oh, hear a people's prayers, and bless Thy servants in their hoar of stress For those who minister and heal, And spend themselves, their skill their zeal ReneW their hearts with Christ -like faith And guard them from disease and death And in Thine own good time, Lord, send Thy Peace on earth till time shall end. OVERWORKED MOTHER Finds Health In Our Tinel Collinsville, Iil.-"I suffered from a nervous break -down and terrible head- aches, and was tired all over, totally worn out and discouraged but as I had a large family I had towork despite my suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and decided to try it, and within two weeks I noticed a decided improvement, and now I am a well woman." -Mrs. ANA BECKER. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, to strengthen and build up weak, run-down, overworked mothers. J. E. Ilovey, Druggist Clinton, Ont. Costs a little more than the "other kind" of flour, but worth it in the quantity and quality of bread' you bake from-- • L ••T `�MoreBread. and Better :Brea�l`�;f A Byron Plus '101110" A perfectly formed tomato, the Byron Pink M uniform, large, and attractive. The flesh is firm, and the flavor delicious and full-bodied. It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper. It is an ideal tomato for forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might just as well send for our catalogue and get this free premium for yourself. The Catalogue tells about the other valuable premiums which tate pine with every order. DARCH Bc HUNTER SEED CO., LIMITED, LONDON, ONTARIO,, CANADA. di 17 MON s- FREE A post card addressed to us as below, with your name andaddressoNl.von the other side, will cost but one cent. Drop it in the nearest mail box,and itwill bring prompt- ly a copy of our illustrated 80 -page catalogue for 1916. With it will come also -free -a 15c. packet of Byron Pink Tomato ip ets eel GY) tj 0<) ) �� ere )a MNXBIENMA ps