HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-09, Page 3Thursday. March, 9th, ;1916. cENTNA!. aa,s riRATFORD. ON'1' you can Secure a Posi ," tion it you take a Course with Us.. The demand upon us for train- ed help is mann times ; the num- her graduating. Students are entering each week." YYouartay enter at any time. Write at once fur our free catalogue of Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy p y Department D. A. McLachlan, Piineipal I A Large Demand for Canadian Ian Eggs Poulfr y It is expected that (Treat Britain will be in the i'naeket stronger than ever for NJggs and Poultry. Last year there was not half enough' poultry to supply her demands, .Why not buy one of our thoroughly reliable Prairie State Incubator and hatch your chicks when please and as many as you wish. Anyone without experience can handle these incubators with success, We are always in the market for large quantities of New Laid Jggs and Fat Poultry Now is the time to weed out your nay fat hens when the price is high. you Ghali-I,a gibis & Co,, it1I111t8a Clinton lerancit Phone 190 YAAAAAAA, AAAAAa,ated,AAAAAAAA 4 lte 4 r • 0 t PIONS it 3 4 • See and here our finest New Stylish designs of • • Doherty Pianos and 4 gratis. .4 3 • special values in Art • (lases •• wPianos and organs rent ® ed. Choice new `Edison • • phonographs, Music & variety goods. 4 Music Emporium 4 4 C. Hoare 4 frillnnYter vvvoove vv'v Maple .Syrup Season Will Soon be Here How are 'your Sap Pans i±, rpt and Pails ? Leave your order now and have thein when b , heeded smensommissmewmassiessiansisees Byam a Suttcr Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7, • teeseedeneveoedeeedewseeeseenoweedaeseseed CRAND•.TRONA CIV ARE YOU GOING WEST? The Grand Trunk Railway System will run llolueseekcrs' Excursions EACH TUESDAY. March 7 to Oct. 3,1 (inclusive) Tickets mild to return within two. months, inclusive of date of issue Winnipeg and return:... $31f.00 /Edmonton and return. ,.. 43,00 Preportiorro,te low rate to other:polnti fn Manitoba', Saskatchewan .acid' Alberta. Further particu]are on appliear- Hon tp Grand Trunk Agents,; John Ransford &Son, city paesen gar and Ticket Agents, phone 51 A. O. Pattison t8tation agent ill➢.. 13itt$';te() l0E BA111(18"E'ER 80DICITOtt isOPBRy PUBLL0, ETC CLINTON IAIAILBS ,,13. IIAfl.11.; *, Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St,, Clinton, H. TN0E.' Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGaNT—nepresentingi Fire le suranoe Companies.. irisin Court n tt+ . Office. . Piano Tuning' Mr. Tamee'Doherty Wishes to in- formht e public ` p that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tupng,. tone regulating,and repairing. Orders left at W, Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. 'M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Couveyaneer, Etc Office on:Albert Street,:occupied' ty sir, Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and ou a.uv day for which appointments are made. Mee hours from 9 a. nl. to 6 p.m. A. good vault in connection with thefofiice: Office open every week day, Mr,ildnoper will snake any oppointinents for Mr. Cameron. MeedLaJ. DRi! r„ W. THOMPSONCl' Physician. Surgeon, Etc -?'eueotal attention given to diseasesnf the Bye, Bar, Throat, and. Nose, tyee dully xamined, and' suitable eg]asser prescribed, (Mice and Rosidenee. Two doors west or the Commercial Heb nurint at, ' PAIS. (11tH tie(Adl11Il! lir, W. Gunn, 1. n: C. P..1. . s. C. 8.. Ed! Dr. clloin's office at residence High Street Dr. J. O, Candler. E.A. Men. Office. Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla at residence, Rattenbnry St, ee at ho4oltat DR. J. W. SHAW. envettiAN. ailRt ION, aeonchrnr, etc., othce and residence on tenbory street., DR. F. B. AXON DENTIST Crown (Whine t a lr o ' a Nark a 8pcetnttya; Graduate of C.C.D.S... Chicago, and F,O,D,S Toronto. Bavneld on Mondays, May 1st to D DL 1l.'FOWLER, DENTiST. Oglees over O'NEIL'S store, Speoial care taken to make dental trete men* se nainlees as oaedible. THOMAS GUNDRY Lire stock and ernerttl Auction le" GODERICH ONT ., J 11 aceta^.)C aaleo u spot:8 t/, Uncle a!• 6 )(Inv Es,t. nffce. Clinton, timer ily alt enol o. Terms reasonable. farmers' sale ttol+ iiscanntedf r , D. McTaggart M. L. MoTaggar MM'ScTagfaaPt Bros!. DRAINERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOL' Caeneral Banking Butanemr transected ...TOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed a denoelts The MeKilitop Mutual Fire Insurallce eo. Rlirm end Isolated Town Free, erty Only Insured. Mead Office—,Seaforth, Ont J.13. McLean, Seafortth. President .1, Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec; Treas Directors—D. E. McGregor, Dee - befell; .T. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. RinDublin; J. EVaSeaforth ils,JBeecohn hwood ;VeM. h1r'Sis,ien, Clinton; J. )3. McLean, Seaforth: J. Connolly, Goderieh: Robert Perris, "Harlock. Agents—Ed. Rinc'hfey, Sear orth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W, Yeo; 4ioltnesville; Alex. Leitch. Clinton: R. 1'3. Jarmuth. Brodhagee Payments made at Morrish & Co. torClinton,dech and Cufnd�Jas. gr Beide store Bayfield. A Carload 'of Canada Portland CePe1ii Phone us for prices It will:'- pay you +'l .John Hutton LONDES,BORO Drs. Geo. & M. E. Whitley IIei'demann OsteopatJSic Yhy. Specialists in Women'e and Children's. Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Bar, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rat(nbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 pint, FORD' dl )IeLEOiD We're now selling TimothySeed (Government Standard.). We aleo have on hand, Alfalfa, Aleike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand r -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Peed Corn' tliirhest Market Prices paid for Ray anti all Grains, F011D'& l'eLEOD TER CLINTON NOW BRA PAGE THREE 5a3v HUSBAND SAVED .l or the NIS WIFE. y my Stopped 'Most' Terrible Suf. ogle feeing by Getting Her Lydia THE NEWEST REMEDY FOn Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy. bring miserrBladder any. d Wheic n the l dneyys are weak or diseased these natural filters do not cleanse the blood' sufilciently, and the poisons are carried to all parts of the body, There follow depression, aches and pains, heaviness, drowsiness irrita- bility, headaches, chilliness and riles -C matism, In some people there are sharp pains In the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes obstin- ate drove The uric aeid sometimes forms Into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects , the muscles and. joints, It oanses lumbago rbeumatism, gout or sciatica. This is the time to try Anur1 " c. 'Send nd loc. •for ural package. tie. During s rl digestion 8 t ton uric coat absorbed and into the system from moat eaten, and even 'horn some vegetables. The poor kidneys get tired and bacltache begins; This is a good time to take "Anuric " the new discovery of Hr. Pierce for Kid- ney trouble and Backache. Neglected cte kidney trouble is responsible for many deaths, and Insurance Company examin- ing4doctors always test the water of an n_pplicaet before a policy will bo issued. Have you ever set aside. a bottle of water for twenty-four hours?, A heavy sedi- ment or settling sometimes indicates kid- ney trouble, The true nature and char- acter of diseases, especiallythose kidneys and urinary ,organs,hcan often be determined by a careful chemical an- alysis and microscopical examination— this fa done by expert chemists of the Medical Staff of the Invalids' Hotel. If you wish to know your condition send a sample of_ your water to Doctor Pierces Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. and de- scribe your symptoms. It will be ex- amined without any expense to you, and Doctor Pierce or his Staff of Assisting Physicians will Inform you truthfully. meow Tur91:ty ! Read all about yourself, your system, physiology, anatomy, hygiene, simple edic: luAdviser cuthe a book of MOS paoges Send to Dr. V. Bi. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y„ 10 cents in ono -cent stamps for a cloth- bound copy. Customs prepaid. Within the Truth. Victim—Look beret Son said the home was only a stone's throw from the station. It's tally half a mtla. Agent—Well, I've seen a blast from a quarry throw stones twice that dis- tance many a time. — Boston Thal, script Cross` Fretful Babies The cross fretful baby is,a sickly baby—the well child isiatways hap- py and emi,ling. Mothers if your baby is cross land cries ea great deal something is wrong. His little stomach land bovefs ,matey he ont of o der; his teleth traaubling lam, or he may be bothered wit,. worms. The mother should immed lately give hint Baby's Own Tab - Sets, Thee. •never fail to relieve the baby Concerning them 'Mrs Ilrmald 'Burley, Gilke, N.B., writes ;—"I know pf nothing so good foreross fretful be hiesee Baby's' Own llalblets end I alp pleased to recommitted .them , 1to mothers' The 'I'nbtets pre sold, by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co„ e3rockvill,e, Ontario. Snlulers' vat.. The Canadian soldier Is paid $1.10 per day, as compared with 25 cents paid to English troops, 20 rents to Italians, 5 cents to French, 21/ae to Japanese, 1 cent to Russians, 2% cents to Austrians. 2 ec to Turkish, and 10ee cents to German soldiers. Idieekeikeetehesibealtikeeeleeteseteseefiage Const i ation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief ---Permanent Care CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail, Purely veld - able --set surely but gently on the liver, Stop alter dinner distress__ cure indi- gestion—improve the complexion—brighten the eyes, Small Pill, Small Dore, Smgll Prkc, Genuine mut bear Signature Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said so often ibat everybody by this time should know it—and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the lana Now to MA personal—If you would like to roles that sort altogether COMB' HERE 4f you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -00111E tIERh And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Edison records and SttplVie,5 We Re eOtinter Jeweler and Optician: Issuer of Marriage LLh'enses. LOUIS TRACY Author of the "Pillar of Light," "The Wings of the Morn- ing" orn- in " 'and "The e 'g CaPta11, of the Kansas." Copyright; 1909, by Edward J. Chide miseurried he was ....true•ted to say that he' bad found. the Mngllsh reedy wandering on the snore soup after day- break, about midnight there was a bright 11100n sailing overhead, and Dr Sylva gave a tow order that tney .were to form in Indian tile. Aidret-I led; the -ex - president hlulselt followed, with San Benavidrs, tante and Dozier in close proiirnity. Domingo brought up the rear. in order to prevent etraggliug acrd assist mel who might stray from the path, it was barely a 'mile to the village, convict settlement and citudei. Some 'few tights twinailig. hear the shore showed Ole exact whereabouts or the Inhabited gectioo. Auother mile a way to the right toy Fort San Anto- nio, wbich housed the train body of troops. Watch Ores burning on south point. whence earn0 the shells that dis- abled the Andromeda, revealed the preseuce ot soldiers m tbat neighbor. hood. De Sylva explaiued that a paved road ran straight from the tow. and landing place to the hamlet of Sueste and an important plantation of cocoa- nuts nod other fruit bearing trees that adjoined South point. 15 was inadvisable to strike into that road immediately. A little more to the right there was a track leading to the corral, or stockyard. !f they need- ed for the latter place the mem could obtain some stout cudgets. The con- vict peons in ebur ge of the rattle should be overpowered and noted, thus preventing them from giving an Marne and it was also possible to avoid the inhabited hillside overlook- ing the math anchorage until they were close ro the citadel. Then, crossing the fort road. they would advance boldly to the enemy's stronghold, first mak- r• Ing sure that the Menet] was still In her accustom- ed station in rhe roadstead be• neath the wails. San Benevides would answer the sentry's ques- nous, there would be a eolnbinerl rush for tbe guardroom on the right of the gate. and if they here able to roaster the guard as many of the nseellente its possible ev o h id dun ibis soldiery aortryn STILL n111) ceet5. shakos and Inca 18 1115 ARMS. aeeouter•Illents Granted success thus tar, there should not be much difficulty 111 pee'sundiug the men to charge et the• Munch that a cruise round the island was to he undertaken forthwith, Marcel would remain with them un t11 the citadel teas carried. He would tben natty beck to bring Iris across the island to an unfrequented beach known as the Porro do t:onceicao, where be would embark her on a eatnrnarao and row out to the steamer, which by that time would be lying off the nurbor out or range ot the troops who would surely be summoned from the distant fort. lu the highest spirits the little band set out resolutely !'or the cunei. Here they encountered uo ditilculty what- ever. 1•'erbaps the prevalent excite- ment had drawn its custodians to the town, since . they found no one in charge save a couple of narking dogs, white it there were people in toe cattle keepers' huts ttree gave no sign of tbeir preseuce. A few stakes were pulled up. 'J'hey even came upon a couple ot'axes and a heavy hammer. Equipped with these weapons, eked out by three revolvers owued by the Brazilians and rhe dapper captain's .word, they berried ou, quitting the road Instantly and following a cow path that wound tamer the base of a steep bill. They met their first surprise when they tried to cross the road ro the fort Quite Inexpen't,dly they wandered iuto a small ',knee etalloued Brett:, and the brat intimation of danger was given by the startling challenge; "Who goes Uiere?" It was Familiar enough to island ears, and the convict answered readily: "A friend.!" "Sereral friends, it would seem," laughed a voce. "Let us see who those friends are." "Now!" shouted De Sylcn, leepiu;t forward. There was a wild seamy. 'two or three Shots were tired. and fleeter tonin himself on the seemed gripping the throat of'n bronzed lhau whom be bad shoved backward with n Millet, for he lied no time' to awing hie stake for a blow.. He a iN Ir ware of a pair of black ryes tee! glared up at him borrlbl;y in the moonlight, of white teeth that shone under long tnns- taehens or neeneurty warlike ;einent_ A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forproepecteaaad terme,w,itetheprfee ipal 51.!.Warner, M.A..ii.D.,St. eseesa, Gat. Are your hands chapped, cracked, or sore? Haveyou"cold cracks" which open and bleed when the rkin is draw tight? have you a cold sore, frost bite, or chilblains, which at i t mea ma`s• s,It agony for 11 k Y you to ' go about your duties ? 1f so, Zam-Bolt will give you relief, and will heal the frost -damaged akin. Miss B. Strojsa, of Cast Rens- ford, N.S., writes: "M Y hands.' were so badly chapped I was un- able to put them in water, All remedies tailed to heal until -1 tried 7.am-Bu k; Perseyer,aune with this balm completely healed the sores." 'Lem -R uk hcola es,cots, the rlta.btuisen, corse rev, tr, nil ea chapped t doll sores froar bite., amu ail diseases and ll drugghale,ists Refuse aur.+ 50 box. At all dru¢¢lats and storm, tee hoz. GIVES QUICK RE iEr. but he felt the neat, sus as putty to his bands, and his fingers relaxed tbelr pressure'. He looked around. The fight was. ended almost as soon as it began. The soldiers. six in all, were oil their backs le the roadway. Two of there were dead: The Italian sailor bad been shot through the body and was twisting in his last agony. The bloodshed was bad enough, but those spots were worse. They would set the island in art uproar. The re- ports would be heard In town, citadel and fort, and the troops'would 1101' be on the qui vire. But. De Sylva was a man of resource, "Strip the prisoners!" he cried. "Take their arms and ammunition, but bind them back to back with their belts." "Butt in there. me lads," vociferated Coke, who had accounted for one of the Brazilians witb an as. "Step live- ly! Now we've got some uniforms an' guns we can rush that cittydel easy." Hozler was busy relieving his man of bis coat. When the prone warrior realized that he was not to be killed be helped the operation, but Philip was thinking more o1 Iris than of deeds of derring-do, "Why attempt to rapture the citadel at all?" be asked. "Now that we can make sufficient display, is there any reason that we should not go straight for the launch?" "1 think ft is a good suggestion," came the calm answer, "provided, that is, the tatted) is In the harbor," . A bell began to toll in the convict settlement Lights appeared in many houses scattered over the seaward slope. Cozier, never for an instant forgetting Iris, saw that Marcel still remained witb bits leader. Under these new circumstances it certainly would be a piece of fully to send back until they were sure of the launch. Happily the launch was there, moor- ed alongside a small quay. From the nearest building It was necessary to cross a low whart some fifty yards in width, and De Sylva's whispered com- mands could not restrain the eager men wben escape appeared no longer problematical, but assured. They broke and ran, an almost fatal thing, as 'it happened, since the soldiers whom Philip had seen from the rock Were still on board. One of them no- ticed the inexplicable disorder among a body of melt some of whom resem- bled his own comrades. He mid heard the tiring and was discussing it with others when rhts strange thing hap- pened. He challenged. Sett Rena vides an- swered. but pis rout, was shrill anti CONTINUED N IIIZ..1.' WEEK, SUNDAY SCIf00L, Lesson XL—First Quarter, For March 12, 1916. ' THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Heb. xi, 32, to xii, 2—Memory Verses, xii, 1, 2—Golden text, Heb. xii, 1, 2—Commentary Pre- pared by Rev: D. M. Stearns. This lesson on the heroes and mar- tyrs of faith was probably suggested to the committee by the previous les- son on the death of Stephen. If a word or phrase gives the key to a chapter or portion this is certainly the "faith" chapter of the Bible, for the word is found twenty-four times in this chap- ter, But we must look at chapter x, 38, for the reason why of this chapter, "The just shall dive by.faith,". a sen- tence quoted three times in the New Testament, the other two plates being Rom. 1, 17; Gal. iii, 11, and all three quotations of Blab. ti; 4. Before we can live by faith we meet be imed5ed by faith, made just or righteous (Rom. 1', 1), and that takes us to the first "be- lieve"'in the Bible in connection with righteousness (Gen. xv, 6), "He believed in the Lord, and Ile counted it to him for righteousness." This also is quoted just three times in the New Testament (Roth. iv, 3; Gal. Si, q; Jas. 11, 23), so these must be very important sayings,. Our first great need is righteousness, Nee hind that God requires and has provided fully in Christ and Cate be obtained only by faith (Rom, x, 3, 4). Then, being saved, we must glorify' God by a righteous life, and this also is by faith, for as we have received Christ Jesus the Lord so must we walk in ISbn (Col, 11, 6).' Faith and patience are the two essontlal things in the dal- Lv nee of the. honorer, ste8dfastly leo. twitting the Lord Jesus. impncitly fleeing Ilia word and weltin;, pane fpr Ills rennet (Deb. vi, 12, 15, Y, 3 Mt, 1.3). Faith is not what we fe see, but is a simple trust In what Gori of Love has said oil Jesus as Just, Unsaved people cannot peesi please God (Rom- viii, 8), and onl faith and obedience can saved pe please flim, By believing Gen, with Ps, xniii, n, we know how world was made. Abel believed that the only way for a sinner to approach God was by s Oce avd shedding of blood as laugh les father in Gen. in, 21. Cain di believe Go God, and therefore his r Don by God. Enoch whe fully a with (,Tod in everything and was hrg'yo bear the scoffing of the lin ly Demos iii, 3; Jude 14, 141, believed e ed l p an a roe chin" pp , ud 111 a i ad 110 obedience to God prepared ]t, Abraham did not consider hi nor Sarah nor seeming,tanpossibili butv1 was s fully persuaded h I that God able nud would do whit'Ole pronii (Rom. it, 19.21). The word" of God concerning things to come eustatned Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and the parents of Moses and Moses himself, The unseen heavenly city and the rec.. oinnen5e of the reward were verita- ble realities to Abraham and to Moses, enabling the one to glee as a stranger and a pilgrim here and the other to turn his back- upon' all the pleasures end treasures and prospect of Prefer- ment in Egypt. Daniel feared not the lions' den, nor his friends the fiery fur- nace, nor David the giant Golintb, be- cause to each the living .God was a glorious reeety. While many are mentioned by na in this list of people of God, we ea not but adore the grace which me tions Itahab among such as these a even associates her with Abraham James it, 23-25. We wonder as read of Barak and not of Deborah, bu we notice the words "and others" verse 35 and pray for grace to be w ing to be counted among the "others though not mentioned by name. T mystery of the sufferings of the sain we may not understand, but we c trust the wisdom of a God of love a wait patiently for Him to make plain. flits is our faith and patience. These all "and others" died in faith, not haling received the promises, bu having seen them afar off, were per- suaded of them and embraced them (verses 30, 39). 1 believe that the be- lievin" ones before the deluge saw more of resnrrectloa and glory in the cherubim within the garden of Eden than many believers now see. (Write L. anti K., box 210 Harrisburg, Pa for booklet on the cherubim,) Tha they without us ebould not be mad perfect seems to Inc to indi ate they, with us, are waiting for the ma Ifestation of the Sons of God in ou resurrection bodies (verse 40; Rom vitt, 10-21). In the opening verses of chapter we are told that even our blessed Lo Himself was sustained in His suffer Ings by the joy set before Him. H ever lived in the love of His Fathe and in the glory of the kingdom o which Ile was always speaking an for which He is still waiting, so Pau prays in II These. in, 5, that our he may be directed into the love of God and the patience of Christ margin) As the consider Him at the right hand of the throne of God and remelnbe His promise that when He comes to Elis own throne the overcomera aha. be with Him there (Lev, ill, 211 such love and such glory should constrain ns to lay aside all weights and beset - int; sins and lire no longer unto our- selves, but unto Dim alone, for "every one that hath this hope set on Rim pu- ritieth himself even' as lee is pure" lI John i11, 3, R. 'Ti. Whatever there may be to endure in the conflict, a thought of Elim who endured so much for as should keep us from being weary or faint. 044+•••••••••'0'+4G't'' 44,e 4A ORGANIZATION FOR FARM- 4' ► ERS. f'tl1. E. Pinkharn's Vegeta- ble Compound. serf- Denison, Texas. — "After my little t to girl was born two years ago I began suf- fering with female alae- trouble and could t7 hardly l d d 0 m ee ,1 Y gr d work. 1. Y will I was very nervous gud t but just kept drag Noah X41 ging on until tat s t gment" summer when I got h w ore I could Id u not o t td 0 m w r T m s 1 Y would of ties l have a chill every was day and hot flashe9 sed �„ �:�lr�:t?�t�rr�'` and dizzy spells and my head would al- most burst. I. got where I was almost a walking skeleton and life was a burden to me until one day my husband's step- sister told my husband if be did not do something for me I would not last long and told him to get your medicine. So he got Lydia P. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- pound for me, and after taking the first three doses I began to improve. I con- tinued its use, and I have never had any female trouble since., S feel that I owe my life to you and your remedies. They did for me whet doctors could not do and I will always` praise it wherever I go."—Mrs. G. 0. Low;ERY, 419 W.Mon- terey Street, Denison, Texas. mne 1 If you are eufering from any form of female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E. ad Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and commence the treatment without delay. in we i FARM SANITATION. 3' t 4, of le The leaders of the national 4' ,q. grange have suggested that a 4fi + •tr good subject for local organize- 414 he 1 '2' tions to study ibis winter is sap- 4r is 8' itary equipment for the farm, 4 an 1' This includes water supply, sew- sF nd s' age disposal and the accompany- •i+ it +k long problems of plumbing. No 4 +& better suggestiuu could be made. 4+ .1+ There is perhaps no single Sub- +1' t I t• ject pertaiuing to the farm home ' dr which is of more interest and + • whleh will mean more to' farnl- >& 1 •4 ars than this. Verniers have out. +t+ e grown the old methods, and a 4' le constantly increasing number in 41+ all parts of the country are look- • *3e lug up the questions relating to 4, , 4r home betterment—Orange Judd 0 ,3 Renner. that Suffered Awfully ri • FROM xii BILIOUS NEAOACNESaj , e When the liver becomes sluggish and inactive the bowels become constipated, d the tongue becomes coated, the stomach arts foul and bilious headaches are the upshot Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will stimu- . late the sluggish liver, clean the foul. coated tongue, do away with the stomach r ! gases and banish the disagreeable bilious li headaches. * There is now a movement un- 4 4. der way in the far west for a 4p 3 great national organization of 4R 41' fanners. No one will be eligible •I. 0 for membership except those i+ 8' who depend upon farming for a se tit livelihood. The object of the or- 0 d ganiaation wfli be to secure fair •A 4& laws for farmers, laws that real- de t ly are what they are represent- 4i' 3 ed to be, mad to have repealed 4H 'd' those passed simply to keep e'4 w' fer•.mera quiet, such as the de- 0 43' natured *alcohol hill thnt the 0 4. country was in such a furor +s+ '0' about a few years ago, but 4fi E+ which bas proved to be a dleap- 4 peintment to those It was expect- + t ed to benefit most Rustling 4y 43, western farmers brave thin move- 8' (t went wen under way, operating d dein a quiet manner.—New York + Sun.k 4,s 4e'+I.+a>ei.rRAi+g.t,de&,8+4p,e.41.•4'411t+'441, 4' Mrs. J. C. Kidd, Sperling, B.C., writes: I have used Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills for bilious headaches. I suffered awfully until I started to take them. They were the only thing that ever did me any good. I never have any bilious headache any snore." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills—are 25e per vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, Do Not Scare Fowls. ilii Make friends with your poultry and thus do away with frightening the fowls, and you will get better service rrolu them. Should Plan 1Vork. With the increasing scarcity of labor, planning your work is more necessary tbau ever tLis year, FEEBLE, AGED WOMAN Says Vinol Made Her Strong Grand Saline, Texas.—"I am an aged woman and for a long time was weak and feeble but Vinol restored my health and strength so that I feel almost young again and am doing all my housework. Old people who are weak and feeble should try Vinol and know its merits as I do. It is the best medicine to create strength and for chronic colds I have ever taken."—Mre.FANeue E.RooGERn. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic,is sold on our guarantee to benefit or your money will be returned- .f. E. Hovey, Druggist Clinton, Oat, The Household Remedy Y the ailments from.which almost everyone sometimes suffers—sick headache, constipation, disturbed sleep muddy complexion, lassitude, backache, depression and other results of a disordered digestive system—is They have achieved the distinction of being the most widely used medicine in the world, because millions of people have found them dependable, speedy and sure in their action on stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Compounded from vegetable products, 13eecham's Pills are free froth harmful minerals and dangerous drugs. They do not promote the physicing habit --do not irritate the bowels, Should betaken by every member of the family at the first sign of illness—so mild and effective that they are good for the aged, and for the ills of childhood, are th a Alinilloxe Prepared only by Thnmaa Beodhata, , Stolon, Lancashire, Sn5lnnd. Sold- everynliore in Guasdu clad U- S Amcrios. to boxaa, 25 uonte.