HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-09, Page 2PAGE TWO. Millinery Heady to -Wear Garments Phone 78 11111111101111111, Cooch &Co. Dry Goods and nutxs e Fur , nishings NCW Spring Sail and Cot$ We are now introducing advance styles,, in New Spring Suits for 1916. The new fashions are most elaborate in designs, thus opening up 'a wealth of style features, Only your own eyes can give you a proper idea of the wonderful changes the designs have brought about.. Our showing will be found both helpful and interesting. We have a very large range of Suits for your inspec- tion. We cordially invite you to come and see cur range before buying, Ladies and guises Spring Coats The best possible values for the money. Coats are serge and fancy mixtures, in all the new spring materi- als. We have 100 coats for your inspection. [.....MILLINERY• Our milliners are back for the spring season and are busy preparing for the Opening which will be announced later. Millinery Apprentice Wanted. tato i • Price • • $15.25 • •• LATESTWONDER IN PHONOGRAPHS the • VAN 0P 0 • � Compares with the nest by Actual 'rest • A Phonograph second to none, yet atrt price no home can • afford to be without it. Its bettnty of tone and clearness of • reproduction are marvellous. Piay any seeed record, vocal, • instrumental, baud, etc, For Sale at t • • Jas. Diu cid his Furniture C;ton •Store ��•ss • 0000G00000000000000O0o0•.0 00110.O0000000000000•600000 • . SArnAnow TIM CLINTON NSW Thursday, March, oth, 1016, ;nDlls FORTH Ea KIDNEYS What They Have D one I suffered a great many years with kidney trouble; tried several remedies, and also doctors' medicine, with no result. Two years ago i; read an ad. in anews- paper of uGIN PILLS FOR THE KID. NEYS," and sent for two boxes. They did„ me more good than all the medicine: I had ever taken. After I used the first two I sent for two more boxes, and I am satisfied, and also know, that Gin .Pills are the best kidney remedymade. I ued to have to rise three or four times in the night ; now I can sleep and don't haste to get up at all, thank. to GIN. PILLS. Am seventy-two years old. ` 24 ALEXANDER LA DUE, Watertown, N.Y. 60c. a box at all Druggists. Sample free upon request to National Drug& Chemical Co. of Canada, -nited, Toronto. Odds and Ends u e Council of th 11.00••••••••••• N Price 1 '.Z � 5 5 Brevities None the Less Interest- . ing Because of Their Condensation The billiard license of $5C was paid last month. Two insurance premiums on the town hall cost 627.40, The street account of February for snowplowing was $11 20. Electric Light account is before the Commit monthly and amounts to $137 50 for street lighting and 64.45 fur ball and supplies. ,For keys for the niehtwatchnlan's c ock cost the town $0 60. The old ones have been mislaid. Stationery from the Municipal World, St Thomas, .along; with sub- scription of one copy for year was billed for 68.35. Chief Wheatley 9Vheatley laid a fairly good month a.nd his collections aanouuted to $3.1.10, made up from etock scales $2.30: market, scales $1800 and hall rent 514. ••••••••a•••••••••a•si•••n" SCHOOL REPORTS'° • t• •• ••••••••••• ••••• s. S No. 9 Hallett Based on gen,eeal proficiency and names IVOin order of •merit. IV -Carl ,Wanner, 797, , Luella, :Robinson 793 (De,no Raithby 793j. ManileWagner, Wa g n Eu' 744, Hector Mins Lead, eC orMinsLrod, E30, 'Lieu :Wagner,693, Nel- son 1 attersl/u ate, Archie Ronin-' son, 592, Melbourne Cox, 505. . 111 -Robert McLeod, ee3. Clar- ence Daer, 592, Harvey 'Prang, 573, JI -Ruby Carter, tee r ussei Got d, 763. Pt. II -Harold Longema.o, .5608, Annie !MacLeod, .1930, Roy 'Dae. 1944, Torii Cunningham, 14.20, Louis.' Wagner, 1020. , Sr. Pr. -Lloyd Raithby. 12118, Marguerite Weagrner, 19.23,..; Muriel Golfer, 591, Jr. Pr. -Irene Govi,e", 266, Jean M! prose, 265, Ern on:dr-25. Average 22. K. 15. Brown,- Teacher No. 10 East Wlaw no h The following is the uepori of S.S. No. 10 Last W.atvanosh, for the month of ihebru a y; -- Sr. IV. -Ella nuar Hilliard Mr. - Gowan. Jr. IV. -Luella Wilson, Dorothy Hovel d. John Parker, J5dna 191c - Gowan. Sr, III. -Waiter Patterson. • Jr. 111. -•Clara McGowan, r,'in- lay McGowan, May Parker. Sr. II. -Idea, lYlereowan. Pt. I1.-Larl Cald w•r:11. Pr. -Ella Caldwell, IU nest Par- ker. Superintendent Shobbrook of the Cemetery repo,ts Sale of lot $6; rare of lots in perpetuity $45: work $15.75. The keys for the night watchman's clock will be placed rignt away and he will start and carry the "ticker." •neelsoseseemeos0sSO•sesse • • Patriotic Notes • • Tomorrow afternoon, Friday March 10th, the Womenc' Patriotic Society, will he vet V pleased to have everyone see their work. fr is the afternoon, when the work of the past month is packed and made repay for sh'pping, 0 During the past month the following r donations in money have been received The Society beg to acknowledge these • with their sincere anti grateful thanks a S. S. No. 9, Goderich Twp, Miss e Jennie 121015 teacher $55.(10 O Girls Club W 11118 churchII 14.'25 • Wesley Church, Ladies Aid 26.00 Woman s Asso. Willis church 10.00 • Mrs. Nye, Moorhead, Minn, U,S. 1000 • and Ctunr the Public School $12 for. • which the School reeeived 121 golden • home. • • 0 • 0 • 0 • • • .1111111.1. uTTER......... • • • • 0 • • 0 e • • • • •• • • • O • • • • We carry in stock a line printed with the words • • m Choice Dairy Butter • • 0 for immediate delivery. They are sola at the fol lowing prices: e e 1000 Sheets $2.25' • 500 Sheets I.5O, °• 25o Sheets .75 fou Sheets ' .35 • • Wrappers specially printed from; your own copy, we can :;supply them at the fallowing We make these only from Genuine Vegetable Parchment • prices—' • 1.lM •• • • • • • • • • • • • A•110000E00••Nn•A•••000.0•ora06srst s+> Wde $2.25 2 to 4 M 1.7.5 per M 5 M I.So per'M toM 1.4oper NI The New Era • • • • • 0 • C 0 m a • • 0 m a 0 0 0Pimples are not a serious trouble, but • they are very unsightly. Pimples are caused wholly by bad • blood, and to get rid of them it is neces- •` Bary to purify the blood of all its im- purities. Burdock Blood Bitters has made many remarkable cures; the pimples have all qdisappeared, and a \bright, clean, tom- • plexiou left behind. p' Mr. Lennox D. Cooke, Indian Path, e N.S., writes: "I am writing you a few • • lines to tell you what Burdock Blood 0 Slitters has done for me. Last winter my Page was covered with pimples. I tried • different kinds of medicine, and all ea seemed to fail. I was one day to a 0 friend's house, and there they advised me • to use B.B.B., so I purchased two bottles, • and before I had them taken I found I 0 was getting better. I got two more, • and when they were finished I was completely cured. I find it is a great blood purifier, and I recommend it to all." Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for the past forty years, and is ®! mnnuf ctutred Culp by Phe^,, Milburn. �9.R1R•fdm'+•g19�°''" . ; C,o , Limited 7 oroi to Out _..... ' De not forget the Golden Year: 1Dirlh'., llarr;ages dt • it hs E,M. Phillips. Tca.eher --o No. 11 Ct:d•nich Tp. The following is the ,:ILv!aorl 01' S. S. No. 11 for iltebrnary. Sr. IV. -Elsie Ferguson, ;Verna Elliott, Ruby !Jllurcb:II, 1'c.arl Churchill. Jr. IV.—Richard Welch, tF maria r owl. al. Sr. IIT. -Glen ,Ferguson, Clifford Castle, Frank Welch, 'Howard Cnr- rile„ J.r. IL-Tcddy Welch, Trick, Oliver ,lierguson, Currie. Primer --Melvin Elliott, Dorothy Wctich. Erma Diehl, Teacher. --o--• No. 12 Goderich and 'Bullet BIRTHS. Al URDOCH-In Stanley on Feb. 24th to Air. and Mrs, John Murdoch a rl a.n ghter. WOODS- In Belied -Ma, nn March'Ist, o Rev and Mrs. IT 1. Woods a son. SONDERCOCK-In Stanley on Feb, 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, Neil Sunder sock, a dait,htrr, MARRIAGES Md00RF.LL- SAVILLE - Ou March 7th at the home of the bride in the township of llnllett by. Rev. 6, J. Allen, Miss Marion L $:wills, laugh ter of Mn and Mrs, William Brown to Freder•ich FJ.arold Morrell ut the same township. DEXTER -ADAMS -On Wednesday March let, at the hi ere of the bride in the township of Hulett, by Rev. a. C. Keine, Miss (hristettii, AMEty Adams. daughter of Slr. :tnd Mrs. Henry Adams, to Austin A. uex er of the same township. DEATHS NI.CHOL-1n Stanley on March 2nd, et the home of her 1100 inlaw, :David Beatty, Mts. Nichol aged 77 years. His Face Was Covered With Pimples. )Gln'e,t .Laura Pim fnll-wing is the report of S. S. No. 12 Gddt'rich and Hullett for the month of'Felmunry. Sr. IV. -John TOwlleh^.11d, Mcr- vyo I•'aequhlar. Jr. IV. -Mary (Wright, Bessie Lindlsay. Sr. Ili.--Hild t il'orbes, Nel.tioi Br--acom, Jean Farquhar. Jr. ILT •-DduttIns 'Rollaway. II. -Walter Ir'orhes. Ma'1 el Wright Norman Wright., Robert Johnslon, Eddie. Johnston. ' refine-Russc.lt 0k't'is, Elva Smith, Ray Mico . F„ (Tolland teacher. e e u tv-1't N .' Let Me, Figure On wiring your House for R Electric 1 his R� rices are e Lights. YP as low as is consistent with good work. All work guar- anteed to pass inspection. J. Nediger W Q� a Phone 131. that story and the roof were dei etre' ed and the lower' portion of the building badly d1tnagedt..The less is well covered by insurance. -Mr. Ward esldiecl in town fore, time and also fa,rm�ed in Goderlch township. He moved,to Walker' ton a year or so ago. 'IVIOV1NGS. Mr. 'R. -E. Manning moved his du. usehrild effects to' a his 7rew henna; a;; on 'Huron Street. Mr. Wm Coats ,las moved into the cr ttage On Ontarieo 03treet lately vacated by Mr. James Do- herty. Mrs.' Edgar P�attis,on has rented the frame house on Retch Miry street, which was occupied by Mr. Coats. A BIG •NICTIT POR THE INMATILS. • Rolf, of Honor. . l Ont. 5t. Church Sun(Iax School Members of the Senior` Class et boys taught by Miss Stevens and Mr. W. Walker, who have enlisted for the ar Willie, Walker James Crich J1lSaer Beacons 8. Newcombe t ewes Manning W. Littlewood tried Thompson Will Britton Chas. Thompson Arnold Parker Geo ,Webber Geo, lehhptt (J.?. Lockwood W. Brackett, • Leslie ,Nastnann Cecil Morris Reiff. Fisher Tom Morgan Warning: To those who have' been circulating false statements about me had better quit. A. reward is offered to anyone who can prove who started these statements. ED. YUNGBLUT, Londesboro Buy Corn Now • W. 11, Perrin sells corn Ett78c bushel the for cash 'm three months .time to farmers. he knows, and to others on their owu statement and appearance. Buy corn and feed well and get good price for corn fed cattle. W. H. PERRIN The .inmates of the 'Huron :Co. House pt Reiruge had a big treat ox: Tuesday evening of this .Week - .when a Wad of 21 young peiople; Headed by tli�ae youthful fellow, Ten .Tackson, spent on ''evening with tine 11 . Mr. Jackson got 5 funny reels arrd jrael Manager Man -A• ning.show them out at the 'Horace and every one euioyel them. Can- dies wet e riven to the women and tobacco t; Lhe men. Seven al chor- ines wee sung by the visitors. ••••••••0at710•••••••• 0. • • WITTITEMF CHURCHES. • a • ONTARIO S'1'. CHURCH. Next Sn slay evening several mem bens of the 161st Battalion will in brief addresses Lerl "Why we Enlisted " Mrs. Turner will sing "The Ring Seeds You." WESLEY CJIURC11. Last Suudity morning Rev. Dr. Rut ledge took as hie subject "What Prayer Can D i." At the evening ser vice 20 of the Clinton eoldiere lead in the service of song. They sang "0 Canada" and Corporal Thompson and Pies. Wilkin and 'Thompson sang "Nailed to the Cross." Dr, Rutledge's subject was s rmidi-nation of the Great Dreamer; "At the Cross • Strip pin; fur the Fight." Tui W, M. S. hold their Rubber Social tonight and Mise Grey, a return ed Missionary, will give an illustrated address. Next Sunday the pastor's suhject at night will he "Tire House Beauti tut." Rev. Dr. llincks, of Toronto will preach anniversary sermons in Ibis church on Sunday, March 19th °The annual supper will be held on the following evening. BAPTIST CIIUiICH. The pastor occupied his own pulpit last Sunday. One new member re ceived the right hand of fellowship at the close of the service. The pastor will preach next Sunday morning and evening. ••00600•••0•0000e00eo•••0• Wanted. At the It ittenhury House young girl to arslat in kitchen work: e Local News •••*•••••••••••••••••••u•• C. C. I, OPENTAD, , The Clinton 'Collegiate opened again on Tuesday after two weeks vacation on account of the Meas lesis,. For Sate Six tenni cottage on•Vurtoria street, south MGT, R, track, in good shape and good cellar. ()intern under cover; town water, all kinds of fruit trees; about an acre of land and well drained rt.lso small barn. Will be sold cheap and terms easy. Apply to Mies Washington, Rettenbury street. Threshing Outfit for Sale by Auction. 1 ondeshoro Thresher Company will sell on March ]8th. by public auction at the Londesboro Temperance House at 2 o'clock- their threshing outfit consisting of ] George White 20 h.p. Traction engine: rear cut Separator, tanks pelts and all complete. This machine is in first class running Cider, senar+tor being almost new. Perms-- $200.00 down or in ten dove balance on Feb. 1st, 1917, with satisfactory eecur ity. outfit may he seen atLondesboro at env time. Sale without reserve. J. C. Adams, Secretary. HOUSE O1 'REFUG1, The House of llefu;e, Commit e met in Clinton on Tuesday eti o.- terd to the weeteir's Ltrsh.e 11. Pt•counts were Reseed land con- tracts left for oupplies. A CHINCP THOSE 001N 01 W)h1ST.' Homescel els' Excursions C f` 11, Hoznlesctekeris' Excursions to Wie /- tern Canada at low fares via Cir:,- dia.n Pucilic catch 7 uelsday March 7th. to, October stet inlusi'e. Par- tk ulars fr olat 55 y C ua t.diae Pacific ific Agent, or W. 11. 'Howard, District Pastlsngeu Agent, Toronto. PJ_.SLIAM,ENT I9UIlDINtx :FIRE AND WI'N T4113; SPORTS. nee March 'tepivail event film 0E the O ofd Motel' Conarauay will ie, shown at the picture Theatre oe0 Pliday land Saturday of this 1vc•eli. The (drat part will' be the burning of the Parliament beadings alt Ottawiai and the second trait is the carious winter sports taantada, FORMER: CLINTON RESIDENT LOSES DY IFIBM. Tire, thought to have been caus- ed by detective electric wiring, breaking out alt 4 o'elo.ck Tuesday morning, badly damaiged the Wel- Ver er liousie at Walkerton; ton; which is owned, by J. Wahl The blase broke out in thee! !third story anti NOTICE TO CREDITORS ut the Estate of glary Murray Deceased. NOTICE is hereby give, that all persons having ehtims agitinst the estate of Mary Murrey, late of the town of /Clinton, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about ,the 22nd (ley of Jean., 1916, are required to de- liver to'fheundersigned executor or his solicitor on or beford the 25th 'clay of March, 1010, a full statement of thein claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by. them, all duly verified by affidavit. A'N1) TA.1(l5 NO'.l'ILP that efter the o -said last mentioned date, tho said eae.utor will proceed to d:stribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons enti-. Lied there to hating regard only to such claims as they shall have received duo nolico in accordance herewith. Dated at Clinton this 31d clay of March, 1916, W. J3RYDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor , George :I.), McTaggart. Exetu`.or. Auction Sale of Live Stoeik Mr. Walter Mair has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at lot 28, con. 4. Hullett, (Base Liee l} miles from Clinton) on Friday, March 17th. at 130 sharp, the following -1 cow due to calve in March, 1 cow due Jnly, 1 cow due 10 May, Polled Angus now with calf at foot, 3 fresh cows in calf, 1 freets cow, 1 farrow cow, 4 steers rising 2 years, 3. heifers rising 2 years, 2 heifers 16 months old. 2 steers IO' months old, 2 fat calves, 5 calves one sear old, 5 young calves, 9 pigs, 1 mare 8 years old in foal/ 1 colt rising 1 year. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash, over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing ate proved joint notes, a discount cf 3 per cent oil for cash on coedit amounts. Pigs cash, W. 14Iuir, proprietor, T, laundry, auctioneer. Eggs for Hatching From Hens that lay We are or•epared to supply a large number of eggs far hatching purposes from the famous Guild bred -trebly strain of Single Comb White Leghorn -Sittings 50c per 13 or $3 per hundred Our Special pen of 2 year old hens mated with Tom Barrow strain cock- erels $1 per 15. Incubator lots a specialty. HOLMESVILLEPOULTRY YARDS N. W. Trewartha• Proprietor phone 4 on 142 Servant Wanted By Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart. Apply at residence. Farrar tor Sale Smaller Coal Bills Let lis reduce E your 000i1 can VJe do 'lt by ,. sup- plying you with 'a Coal that lasts long, gives' a steady heat and leaves only a; small amount of ash. This coal is LE,HIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE ' The.Coal That Satisfies It will save you money. Give 1 a' tris' •' A. J. Holloway, Clinton Western ,university. London • ANOTIiIEB GREAT ADVANCE Incoiuc Doubled -Now l$75,000 0— Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in view Write for particulars to: E. E. BRA1THWAITE, M A., Ph.D. President. Shorthorns for Sale Here is your chance Lo buy a right good 2 year old Boll from an "imp." stye and a record milking strain. Also three calves from 5 to 11 months old. All good feeders and in excellent con, dition. Come and see them EDWARD H. WISE, RRNo3Clinton Phone 12 on 155 Farm for Sale 120 AURES -1n Goderich township, in the county of Huron, lot 25 on the 114th concession, south east half of lot 8U, Maitland concession. Good farm house, hank baro, sheep pen, pig pen, and drive shed. Never failing well with pipes to Karn and house, also water in five different fields the year round. Easy terms, Apply to WM. It7TJNN (NGS. Holmesville, Ont. Phone 14 on 100, Clinton 100 ACRES of very nhoice land within easy distance to Londesboro, Seaforth;Blyth and Clinton, on the 11thconcessio,t of Hullett. Rich clay loam, free from stone and very fertile, in a high state of cultivation. About eight acres of valuable hard wood. Comfortable brick house on a stone foundation with cement cellar. Wind mill with water flowing through pipe into kitchen. Soft water cement cis. tern. Large hunk Karn, good stanling and our buildings, also silo, Altogether a desirable farm, For further par'tieu- htrs apply to ROBERT REID, Loudeshoro R.R. No.• 1 McKillop rural phone 15 on 170 Fat liens and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any time. Highest Market. Prices Calves tor Sale For Sale A white brick 2 story house of I0 rooms with good cellar; Town water; acre of laud with apple trees; also a stable. Corner of Princess and Spen- cer street. For terms etc. apply to Mrs.'' 1:. Iloltzhauer, on premises. Painting & Paper Hanging Painting and Paper H tnging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at Nunniturd's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GRAELIS Headquarters for Flour Now is the time to buy your Winter supply of (flour. We carry a full stock of the following brands, - Purity Exeter Tavistock Listowel Five Roses Milverton London White Plume (pastry And also a brand of Breakfast ]food, made from choice Manitoba wheat, at 6 pounds for 25c To Make Vour Hens Lay This winter, we recommend, our Laving Meal. Beef Scrap, Oyeter Shell Bone Meal, •Grit flair] Choreoid. We always earry a full line of 1 have made arrangements to handle Bran Low Grade ;'lour a limited number of calves, mostly Shorts Molasses Meal good Shorthorn grades, Oil' Cake Dairy Meal W. MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14 on 100 Wanted. �j a �y 30 cords of 10 inch green hard wood J sLA C� D I f for Willis Church. Apply to WM. GRANT, ton Flour and ]Weed. phone 199 Highest Prices Paid l'or alt Kinds of Crain Valve=in= 11 ead Motor COME AND SEE TthE CevroIeI �Four-lYinely" at the Clinton Motor Car Co: Show R,00ma Powerful and Quiet Running Price eomvlete $675 F.O.B. Oshawa Regular Equipment., menta Mohair Tailored Top, Envelope and Side Curtains, Electric Horn 9 Clear Vision Ventilating Wind 'Shield, Speedometer, Electric Starting and Lighting System, Ammeter and License, Brackets. NOTE—Owing to the great demand• for this car. we woltId suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery. We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit ,'';'Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting System with Bendix Driv„ same type and grade as used ort the high-priced cars. A COMPLETE LINE OF REPAIRS ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK FDI�IE�', E,{ Agent, Phone 31 CLINTON Phone F •��• �• Nrnt f