HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-09, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50,, No. 37 Asaannoweamomemin.monommorammarmarsomr... ....1“1/110110911, 41•4••••••=11 W.,H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers CLINTON ONTARIO 7,Hy SDAY, IVIA RG'hl' 9" 1916 Do you Approve of German an• lltur? If not, 14 -hist with the Brat el4441V V VN V1 4 V VWWW40, VwVi 4AAAAri'NAAOCAAAAOAAAAAAA.0.nnAA TRIED AND TRUE That is whyadvise u we you to use Hea,nM1S ':LNG Togs Its the lightning cure for coughs and colds. Its the best remedy for the gvorst cough: It has cured others it will cure you. 25c per bottle., No war tax, Sold only by Kest Quality sore The It ,'- E Y a Drng tCsa11 Store Phm.B. VVVWVVVV4AAVWVVVVVVVWWV vVVVVVv'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVvy/ CCbi4VVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVV4I4 AA/1AAAAAAMAAAAAF,•:AAAAlAAAAA e Royal Bapk OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 i Capital paid op 11,500.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets .. 185.000,000 3S5300'13 FIALTtici1.fns with World-wide Cona> ee our Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits i General Banking Business Transacted. te te R. E. BUNNING, Manager, Udall Branch WWVVVVWVVVVWIIVk/WWWV�VVVVVVVVNVVVWrVVV1sa�VWWV INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,8110,0310 96 Eraunches in Canada A General Banking Business 'frau acted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK MONEY•OkDERS Savings Bank Department Interes d. BlIe>', rd at iff,'Itent current Rae C.IE, D6evdil2, $1an9,rcr C' lt(ril trr�l'l, EI - v voiosKsv3o..0.0. • •40•••4•••a4 44.004040 0404444•40440•0•944•4 s . - I i 4 4 4 • • } t• b 4 fi 4' 4 4 4 • • • e • • • • d • • 0s • 4 . 4 4 4 4 •4 4 4 4 4 4 •4 s• 4 4 e • • • • 4•• • • • • • 0 • • •• • •0 • • • • • O • •1 • •v e s 4 •• • • • • • • 41. • • • • 04044.4040444.1(0C4,14.11.444 4.44441 44'4?4444444444.1,4t4•44vsa4•a. 4 C a�e,is>��e�rs•oda aaer�rms. . ... Ordered Clothing ltCad '•to.W ca ' � L - Clothing Whenever you say the word, our Tailors will get busy on your SPRING GARMENTS • 11414111211114111101014141041111111.01:111111000424 .411101 We are turning Gat CLOTHES that a man can be .Froud of CLOTHES he can wear and feel that he is dressed with taste We have a beautiful showing of New Spring Woolens from foreign and domestic looms. Drop is at your earliest convenience and we will take pleasure in showing:you and in talking Spring Tailoring with you. 10011.15=101010=1. oBOnifirgii1B0010114:02,F0141Or4411 • Z • Z • • • 1 The Morrish Cho ;h ® , t X1,9 f�a♦ 1' ii ' Agent for 13.'}1'. lt, Telegraph Co. i A gglaAe Deaf far Every 31,an Try she New Era for Job Work in Over The Teacups. 0 008006000000O00000,OOt6Ostsoto Do - lames ones L. Hughes while in town was the guest of Lieut. do1.'Combe, Miss \Iayfr'id .Arlin is visiting her, brother, Mr, A, F,, Arlin at Toronto. Mi'.,lob Cooper, who has beeuvisit- ing his 'tsou at Bloomfield, rammed hone on Wednesday everting of last' :Lieut. Knox Male is taking a eondi'se in ma.ihinc gnu work at Loudon at Lbs MilitarySchoot. Mrs, E. Eoilaway is away at'Peter. bore, Visiting her menet, Mass. John Brickeuden and het sister, Moe. 0, B. Adair. Mpg. It Mona, ofMilverton, has v been 51 c u i Iher clan lilt t A'h' •. S S, Cooper.Ung g s Seegt• Edgily Pattison, of. the7lst I3aLt1. stationed al 1 alt i5 spending a few okays with his wife ;Ind reality in tenet. - • Rev, W. L. Rutledge D. D. is ie Toronto this week attending the Tempeettece rally. Air. Thos. Watts is spending a few days with his father at Bolton. • • Mrs. 11J, Marls o1 Stratford, is visiting fiends in Clinton l'urafew clays. • A'Ir. Ross :Forbes, Mtn iras' been Witching e1 ICC lir cry, Tarry Sound District returned to 011, Lon and will don the ,chaki, Mrs, R; J, Southcombe returned to toirn last week to spend a couple of vv e di, With her sister anti hiother and °thea friends, '1i1s Southcombe is ulfn ing her home for silt and advt. may be read in this issue. She expects to return to 'Port Union in a few weeks. Mrs. J. A. Ford entertained a few of her laity friends on Monday 74 &>', Major Ohas, McPhail of the ]61st Blatt. who is in ebarge itl Goderieh was at )leadquerteis c111 Tuesday. IVliss 1). Cantelon entertained a goodly number of her friends her home last Thursday evening, 1lI4ss ,Enema Pluuisteel was hostess to a innnber of her lady friends last Thursday and Friday afternoons. Mos. '4V. II, Kilhrnle entertained tow of her lady :friends Oil Satla'cuty afternoon. Mitchell Reeoidee—Mr. D. A. Foe - rester, of Clinton soor,t the V.eek'•ud in town with his brother, Mo. Win.. 1''c irr'eSter. MS, and Airs. \Vni. Jackson left this W5511. for 'I+'torula wore they will ,juin 1\4 0. alai Mrs. A111 t ':P Oitlwa„uul \los. (I, ( 111111571 nt l'oren(n w110 are spending a month or so down south. Mr. Flynn, Jnoioe at the Royal Bunk is back to his dillies allot the siege e t u>e;tslrr. M. ]Cobert Sweet was (101111 tied to the house tic a1e10 day with the In grippe. A'Ir. George Alums l.11Vi next IVOA 301his 11 1111 t tin the \\est' a1`1:e1. 1.11711/0111,, tl t. past l inouLh of so with his brothel and eist >s in town. Major Sind lir, of \Yiughaur, was al i1tarlquaitews on Tuesday. Dr. J. G. Gunn, of Ailsa Craig, and Et nephew of 1)r. Gunn of (initial, .has offered his services for overseas and has been ac+r'ept.ed, He leaves this in nith tut England. Capt. Il elgens, of Seafnrth, was at Heatlqunrters on Wednesday. 'Mos. Foal =Tlu'ne - and baby leave next week l''ur• their hone 1n Regina after opt nd,ng the past Cabe months with him parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Allis, Warden Livingston, of Huron Co, atteeded the meeting .or the House of Refuge Cenimittee hides on Tuesday. • Air. and Mrs. Perry Plnmsteel enter Mined scone of their friends onTues. dry evening, ltev. 1>1. 0. Powell was in Toronto this Week ut the big Temperance gathering, Cunninghame, of BelgraveWas in fowl) on Tuesday, Mr, A T. Cooper rook in the big Prohibition •can>paigu at Toronto this week. Mr. Cooper is eft urmeh for Hln0ii Camey Judge Hoff was in town Tuesday, Miss Crandall and Mss Stewart.,' milliners at Couch's store, are back tei work. Mi1:s Do11y Monet of Toronto was visiting ,at the' parental home for ti few days. Dr: Holmes, 00. Treasurer, was in totivmon Tuesday. Ma's, W. R. Counter entertained her lady friends on 'Saturday night. Marmalade ORANGES We pay special attention to all fruits' in season. Now is the 111110100 101a4rniu tads or Bitter Oranges These are first class quality and only 25c ycr,dozen Also California Navel' Oranges (:Crape Fruit and Bananas The Store of Quality” O'NEIL THE FiU,B GROCER Phone QS • ae•f>iesoa0®•roetaese eesseee 4 0■■ CIitons • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hilar Life Movements of the 161st Sattailon toteringHere--Duron County, Recruiting Notes :hetivities by the Huron . • Battalion 0 otaesoesemeeeeemse0®ti•Oo00. 0 eeseeboa•eseeeessos•eseee Lieut, lrerguson of \Vinghan was at the lot division. The,. 1m'ort can- neadquiteters'un Taped ay, ' didhtes :a11 belong to the 33rd --•0 -- JOegt, Lieut, ,1. H. :Best Dr. Hughes addressed the Clinton' Lieut. 'II. Campbell. so:doers• at theto.vu hall on Tuesday Lieut, '3 S M1'Dninald morning. Seigt, A. G. McIntyre, ' —eo--- Lieut, 'Ii. C. McLean Lieut. C. AIac p le so n.The)tOfficers s mid are, .going' Set t G.W.Schaefer make h g)uah fomnlenruite 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 • to finish up this month Young mai got ready to sign tin. Tile soldiers are drilling over in the pack now, The -- The 10Ist needs 400 ,nen to fill up the Battalion. ,I7ow 1,.bout YOI1? --IMF-- Whet are You Being that a worm couldn't do?• -Or, U iglies made that pointed remark on \(fotidtty night, --©0-- Revised version; "I didn't raise my by to he slaoker.. There's a place in the foist that yon can fill. 11 yoo don't enlist it will remain empty. Ne person inn fill YOUR place, or discharge YOUR duty. .Y00 .,— JIB'S BRITISH TO THE GORE, Burd Sergi. S. D. Grant, of the Rilst Batts: who is a South African veteran and who has been a member of the British Army for over 28 years and has already served in the present war having been, gassed au Bill 60 and invalided home, has passed the Medical 13oai'd and is now qualified to go to the front again when the IGlst goes over, British` blood will tell. A GOOD BUNCH Lieut, McLean and his four Ser gearits made a good showing for size 1 on Saturday last here. prior to their leaving for Montreal t u' bayonet drill and physical instruction. Our own soldier Sergt.•Al» jor Seeley doesn't take a hack seat iron) ady of thein. The Clinton Co , of the 101st has a 'a>:' 1 h1'neh of singers but up -to date hove only been elle to scene up a ni>ux) player -of Mal et? the '•player- p!aaos" ace not !nrluded. The soldier h tts got a good blench. ing on their tramp to and from (•lode' ritul, Tan wad 1i. becoming shade, --00-- ,„ JOINS PERTH 13,0"T Ot:u T day t C alter' lanae, Iczo. born in Clinton, 1800, married teamster, who has bele• residing at Stratford joined the Perth Bat- talion, sv Sl;11VICI3IS. The officers and nen will afte'n i service at St. 3'oseplvs Church, Olin ton un Sunday morning, --00-- The Clinton s':ldlets are fi,e:ng inoculated 'this week awl will get a second dose 10 days from novo, --00-- Recruiting Office at Bayfield. A recruitingoffice has been opened •tt Blyfield and we mope to see good' results from that centre. HURON 0-- IlIORON SOLDIERS SUCSSS(^UL. Div=isional orders from, London announce the successful ca'ndidrites at the course of musketry; held in • r Lieut T'. 0 Town ].teat, W. B. \lrilsen ---00-- MORE MEV ENLISTING, IFoilowing are the mea who have enlisted 10 Huron CUn11ty' ;with the 161st Bata. 01o513 last vv e,ek. CL l:eN7ro\ 'A. L. Fisher. EEL. M, Whitmore, W. W. Richards J. S. Silepck. WROYEPEIB. T. Mleahen, 17AYiFI'EL0. .4.:l). 1VCacdenalcf. r' FILNSALL W. C. Stone. T. 0. 'Pester. t BRUSSELS. Al J'. Slemnos. J. McCallum. .1 C. Williamson, E. Garton. W, Ballantyne. GOrERIC1L O. W. L yrniiurner, EXETER. S. W. Sims. Cl iPE,rd R E. Sotethe tt, R. H. Passmore. W. E. Jeffery, A, E. Brolkenshine. J3L 3 PT1. A. W. Jarman, • 0. 0, Lawson. SEAFORTI3 in. C G Taylor R. Smith, WINO II:' D1 J S. Thompson. J. R. Jefferson, EASTER SUNDAY ON APRIL 23 Easter Sunday will fall at an ex- eeptionally late d1tel for the yen. 1911Il will be Sued,tsA April, 23. Since the year 119'. Eater Surd,y has fallen wt a later data than for this year only twice. in :1l;19, when it fell cal April 24, and 10 •16514, it fell on April 25. During fl per- iod of I tb years 'Bader Sunday fell on April 2'end in the years 1818tend 19)5, In recent Lintes lias'ter Sunday ' rr;- pres,ents, a dray of pluming told ,preening by devotees 'of style— the day when i the 11'07115.11 of 11iv- ilization wear for the first tine the newest and Ifa!t01t creations of milliner h.nd modiste, Pro- testant Church do'oteea. 'observe Raster Sunday as commemorative of the Resurrection of Christ. It ;answers to the Jewish P'ass'over:, iustitilted to commemorate tl e Providential escape of tlneillabrews in Egypt when the avenging hard of God passed 0^cr'gbe homes of the Egyptians and stew their first born. The horses of the Jews be- ing nlarktel with blood of the pas - chat lamb, they were pase,ed over. Most nations call it that. Origin- ally the term Foster indicaltiett the day of feasting in Inonor• 0t the Goddess• of Spring (Eclstre) .Meld fn April, Easter Sunday is set ludo dtt.ys rafter Gaocf (Priddy, this' year cn April 21st. The Sweet tittle Mang Dedicated to the Stay -at -Home Rangers, By Oliver Wendel Holmes. Now, while our; soldiers are fighting our battles Each at his nost;to ,do all that he can, Down among rebels and contraband chattels, What are you doing thy sweet little man? All the brave boys under canvas are sleeping, ' Ail of them pressing to starch with the van, Far from the Borne where their sweethearts are weeping; , What are you waiting for, sweet little man? You ;with the terrible warlike moustaches, Fit, for a colonel or chief of the clan, You with the, waist made for sword belts and sashes, Where are yotir shoulder straps sweet little man? Bring him the buttonless garment of women! Cover nus face lest it freckle and tan; b>hister the Apron -string Guards on the yommon, 3 bat is the corps for the sweet little Maidl Give. him for escort a, file of young misses, Each of them armed with a deadly rattan, They shall defend' him from laughter and hisses, Aimed Ily low boys (1) at the sweet little man. All the fair Maidenso about him shall cluster,,, Phickthe white feathers from ['pullet and fan, Make t}inl a plume like a turkey -wing duster,— 'lehat is the crest for the sweet little man! O1 ba the Ap ori:acting Guards are the fellows! CrilliTg'•ctclt:daysince our trouhles beggan,- 13aiidle your walking sticltSI Shoulder mnbrellasl" That is'the style for the west little man ' ' "• c., When ,the brown soldiers come backfrom:the borders," Plow will' he look while his features they scan? How will he feel when he gets marching ocd'ers, ' Stgnei1I9by 111"5)adyiove? sweet little man, Now thn ,,atfish ho Nine cheers for, the,Staytat,home Raogerrl 1310the` r 'horn w} g e end '•beat the, 15tg span 133rst in. lfOlield;that rs farthest fr{otn•elunget, Takeyottr•white'feather-panne, sweet•.,ittle•insn;ltl, "What Are You Doing for God and Humanity?" Asked *Dr: Hughes of the Young Men, Urging Them to Ask Thatuestio of Q u Themselves, "What are you doing fou God ane! humn.ui:y that a .worm eonldu't do?" This was the rather startliug question hurled at the young unenlisted -men of Huron by Dr. j, L. Hughes at the recruiting meeting hold' in Wesley church on Moodily evening. G1 spite of the inclemone,y of the weather there was a fairly good at- tendance. The local detalehmentof the ]that: Erna the School of instruction attended eel in t r holy oily and illall 1 the pews on one side. 'In the choir loft were about forty boys in khaki whose singing won great applause. The choiL'nan was Rev. J. 1C. Fair full, president of the Clinton branch of, the \V u' Auxiliary, undo., whose auspices' the meeting w•ns he.11. 011 the platform with 111111 we0e Dr. 3, L. Hughes, Cel. Combe, Major Shaw, Dt'. Rutledge, Rev. 5. J• Alliu, Mr. Cleo. L M Taggart and M1 W. J3rydoue, The first speaker Etas 0e1. Combe conunente(l on an editorial which ap- peared in the Toronto Star some days ago and which claimed Quit recruiting in Moon was ata stand still. Col, Combe spoke of the march or the Clinton men to. Goder'ich last week and of the enthusiastic reception re- ceived there. Asa result of the visit the offieersIn charge at Goderieh have guaranteed that given twooffie110, whorl they named, ahoy would have Inc whole company enlisted in Code - rich In a few weeks. Miss Neoliu told, Miss MacBride, the two nosing sisters who had been advertised Sed LO speak were tuff able to tic pescnt so that the only other socaleer• was Dr. J. L. Hughes, brother of the Minister of Militia and a, Ulan Iust as prominent in educational circles as his brother is in military ones 111, )Iughes began by clectairing that he did not believe in calling young men cowards because they refused to enlist. Instead he seemed_ to liken them to wormS. Ho had been told in Toronto that Huron was the deadest county in Ontario. He was rnaliliecl to believe that to be the case. The I61,st was Continued on Page 5 Taking an Officers' Course at London The largest class of candidates that has ever attended a local infantry school of instruction has made application for the Royal School of Infantry which opened in the London Armories on Mon- day. MEN FROM HURON. Following are those from Huron County who are taking the Officers Course;— C. B. Clark, 161.st J. M. Dunsmor'e, 161st R. A. Cluff, 161st F. I3. Doty, 33rd D. E. Hoboes, 33rd A. H. Jane, 33rd W. Proudfoot, 33rd R. E. Page, 33rd I), R. Reid, 33rd S. Scott, 33rd R. M. Sinclair, 161st J. Swarts, 161st. P. C. Town, 33rd A Ca CO Mt Boy Writes Fro; Beigimil The following letter was rece:v •d Mrs. Caldwell from her C by W. A 11 U t son Wes. who is tchl-knawn in Clinton as he is an ,old C.01. boy, Belgium, Jan, 31st, 18)11 Dear D '41 other— a . Have just finished supite' in the front line, The Germans gave us rather ,a hot time at Daybreak :1 couple of mornings ago, They sent over bombs and rifle-grenat'et galore, aceompanird by numerous shells ; we Ivo. e certainly kept hopping around until mar (artil- lery opened up after pivot ]oaf an hours time and i8ilenee-t the. 'enemy by pouring in a perfe:.t hail of shells in his tr'enc'h, 01d 'Fritz has been real nasty this lest f'ew days and, '00 htuve to i.e, con- stantly on the alert for surprise or gas attacks. Gas however ._ nothing to be fearcd •if it mann I e eletle01:ed in time for !everyone to d,on his respirator. A heavy fog !long over the lines alt duty yesterday ,and :quite a number of us spent some time searching Ne-lt s�DEnd> W ' s covered iwco Getman list • aing- posts from which We obtained' three bombs each. A 1isLe.nibg- post is a 111111 111771.1T5 ,trench mot- Irng straight 0111 fromn the main trench and is sort of au advanced position used fon the sole purpose of gi' log the alarm in thle eYeiht of an enemy night wLiicic. They cannot be used by clay, tits the listener ie almost bound .to be I d,iseovct'ed and besides it is not really nlocus_ya1'y to use them in 1 day'4ight• • The fog lifted ,quote a bit ,all til t 01tat •u lex.- dust a of a sudden ,.s at n 7 posed a largo party of the enemy fixing their w150 ;and we taeuornt cd, I think, for the most. of them We have not 'boon given our rest yet, but a very snaiall number have been given leave,, S expect we will all have lect,ve before 'March. Hoping you are 1111 in. boat of health, I retntain ' With dove Wes, Bender Wants $51100 Damages : Libel Goderic:h, March 0. -•As the re-,- sult of an article ,published by A. T. Cooper of Clinton, in 'hhe Lon tit') >Free 'Press ane, The London Advertiser 011, ,tho 2n:11 day of 'February, 14116, !n which ft • was stated that William l3ond'r, r> ] otelman of Zbrich, was rit11 11, w out on bail an a ,,ehaz'ge of per - Jury, it 'being claimed ,that Bond- er had given false teeit.imony fn cases in which he was Moe d,:- fiendarlt. and that a pe,'jury charge had be in ,prefe'reu against him and L9natt ,he is out on ;i:e..,vy ■ ■ r Tw BigRecruiting 9 bail. A1r Hendee has 'brought an action for libel in the Supremo Court of Ontario ta:gainst Cooper, claiming 55,000 damages, as' Ben- dt,r claims tbrvt the whole article is untrue and libelous vino that there never was td charge of per- jury preferred against shim, and he is not now on bail on ,5 pc;r- jury cltai•ge and lte( h115 Iheyea' cl.arged with having committed perjury in any ease against bine. The case is 5101ed for the 'Buroa P.ssiies, ,Mr. L. E. Danccy of this town, ie acting for. ;NIC. Bender.' Meetings n at Zurich Zurich. March 3 ,— >Enihudraim ran high .al two big recruiting and patriotic meetings ,helld .here y'eeterdtiy afternoon and )eveeing. Crowds came fo'oan many imilel around. At a intoe ing held in the rpep in the 01'ternloon, the ,],alai Taal, baud and platoons of st,-1..oers from '110>04 li ;alta P'e'Qtr pagrici- pated in a big p<t,rade, he school' c aldl: en of th;e; town were als)i present in , large numbers,.The speakers wero',Mr. W. Merrier, 111; 1P., for South liuron, and Gapt. Danoey, of Lotadon. 1 The evening meeting ,was hold in the town hall, ,vhidh only 'ac- cotucd,ated about onq,half (be crovtd which sought admittance. Strong ad1res:tes were delivered by Capt Dancey arid Capt, J, L. Caulin, of '1011131'0 i ),Rev, lMr, Brown, AIC. Merger 'and Rev, Mr, 3Iibbort o;. W ngham, Solos were snug by Mfr. Pipe ,of Landon and Music 1vas fueiafake:el ,by the baud. ,The megting; rlo.lt'id 4wvth "God Save the 1Ciiig„'• which the, Zui' It 1 people gang with liemarkably en- thusia,.tic fervor, 1