HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-02, Page 6fta� ?1l' PAGE SIB. Mr. Kerr took charge of our Men's Tailoring Department. Mr Kerr is no stranger to us, he having had charge of our tailor shop in Woodstock for the past seven years, and by him or under his supervision the finest garments in that city were produced. We hope the residents of Clinton and surrounding country will soon make his acquaintance and. test his ability and skill in pro- ducing Men's Clothing. Saturday morningat 9 o'clock we will put on sale a few hundred yards. of New Spring Dress Goods -new, that's the point -in fact they are not unpack- ed, but will be ready foi sale at the before mentioned time and date. arch 16th Thursday, the 16th day of March, a Representative of one of the largest and most exclusive manufacturers of Ladies Coats and Suits will demonstrate their new Spring and Summer Styles at our store. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal. Bank MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring • Men's Furnishings. Phone 103, Opp psi'{°Pub t ieLi beery esecsassaseenessis ms 0 U R JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON 11 Fancy furniture MONSTER DEMONSTRATION, A monster demonstration to cel- ebrate the marvellous success of . the petition signing campaign will be held in Tunento Tuesday and Wednesday, Marek 7th and Eth. It is expected that there will be over 25000 in the parade • and tach County will have their owe delegation. All eitire'as interested • may secure tickets which will he sold at single fare phis 25c on March 7th and 9th, good, to return up to March lOth. Two or three ' hundred are wanted from •riuron County, let all go ;who van. DECLINOES T73.I JO13 GF CHAPLAIN, Exeter Advocate, -Last Wedres- day's Lindon Advertiser repeated the statement 'parte fiVC! 111 ltI1 ago that Rev. D. W. Collins, of Exeter, had been appointed ehin- i:tin of the 70th eiversc••'s B ete:hi 1 This is only a previs`ounl 'appoi-'t- meet apparently, like all otl e- no- pointmenis of chaplains recently made, the idea being that ithey join the babtalir.ns when about to ail oversea'(, lire. Collins went down to London on Friday, 'to make enquiry and was informed by headquarters that this appoin'•- munt would only lleeoate of e" tive when the regiment was about to go oversees. As this appointment has been delnye•t six m eiths and , may be further delnye't sr•ven'al 1 months Mr. Collins has flefinilely declined the offe A WORD TO MOTHERS Of dainty character, tor Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light fn gun etruction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers emit, and at prices that will temp the wise and discrimmatiug buyer, The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kinds ofForaeitnre 13A.T.JIL, & OE Iia N SO1.`W Furniture healers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110—II,IISIBiLNCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 180 Our Specials for this leek Is something that reduces the coat of living - Molasses Snaps a lbs for 23e Peach tilled Oakes 2 She tor,, , .23c Fruit Biscuits 2 lbs tor 25c Pineapple filled Oakes 2 lbs for 25c and other lines at same and different prices Now is the pancake season, and dont forget Pancake Day will soon be with us, so have a package of Old Virginia Pancake Flour ready, This Pancake Flour is a product of three well known cereals -Corn. Rice and Wheat, is self rising and is in correct proportions and ready for instant use 15c per package ,aIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND. EGGS. JOHNSON �t✓s Phone 111 THE STORE OF ff@EALITY JOMICEORIIIMMOOMOIr For tired, aching, painful feet, breaking down arch or flat foot, .use our Foot'Ezer',. i rchaProp Theywill give you comfort and ease, We carry a full stock of Special Absorb() Pads which will take thepressure and give tmmediate relief to corns, bunions and callouses "Absorbo Pads" cure' cratinuent p dS Uy absorption It will be a pleasure to show you these Special Aids to Comfort. 14•S' ,.ellAPMAN• Phone 70 Clinton' The average Canadian mother does net like war, and she ndtut'- dly rebels at thought, that in this twentieth, centi,'•y she ire gaited upon to permit her box to risk his life in a ccnfttct which she thinks is uns'peekably /loser lc. Put her deste,nation of war does root get rid of the fa.et HMS: war in all its horrors is upon us', that is OUR war• and Mal: unless Canadians help to fight anti con- quer. the Germans in Flanders and Ncrth'ern France we may hove the tread of the invaders on one •cryo soil. Nor need it be forgot- ten that the war is not of Bri- tain's seeking, but has been foi:eed upon her by the desire of Ger- many to nom'nate the world, U,. - der Such circumstance;, every Canadian mother must fe/l 'that Canada 'must do her part to save the 'British Empire from the dan- ger which throat ens it, end else to Ireesnrve the British. flag and British instlituticn•s for Our own country. In such a war, w1a't mother has a right to hold back 'HER son while the Sons. Of ether mothers are being sent? SUNDAY RECRUITING SERVICE. Seaforth News, -The 'meeting' held in St. Thomas ehnrch at •the elose of the evening gees'.ce was taell attended‘ Rev. Mo. iFairfull. pastor •ef the Baptist Church Clin- ton, gave an earnest, forceful ad- dress in the rota nest of recruiting in which he vividly portrayed scenes and conditions in, the 010 at present randthe' insistentcall for men, He said' that ie his native village in Scotland with a population of 1,000 these wasn't 'a man of fighting age left, and that t you ronldn't raise a battalion in Scotland from Lands End to John O'Groats house, for every man of fighting age was either at the front or preparing to go Ile re- marked ' that there wasn't 10 man ten among .iii his ,connections ther5 that wasn't either dead or wound- pd, 'He told of women and chi/d- ress, refuge1es frcm Antwerp in his native town who had teen ho' - riblyy__ maltnea'ted and mutilated by the Huns, Canada, he said needed 1 men and he believed ghat they would' be foa•thconning, He didn't believe there was a yellow 5treak in h t,51da, Ire wars sure that Canada was a chip off the old l.lock and would rise 'to the (mes- e/on. The shortage is munitions not in men 'Mr. Slairfull is a most hrfeetive• speaker, who hag seen life under varying eannitions hating served both in the Batiste inmy and navy ane later acting in the Capacity of nam P Y manager of ere one of of the largest: shell factories in England ,tor sixteen years, ° Ile ia,us-, agaea t dese re to hake at c0 au active part in the war and Wuld have: been at the front 18 months ago had he not been ,past military age and physically unfit, man CLINTON NHW Grand Trunk Railway'$ytltesei Time Tahfe for Clinton 1 Buffalo and uoderich Going •to Seratford .. , , 7,313 a to e0;3pw ., 5,15pm Going' to Goderich 11.07 p m 1,:35 p iia 6,45 p .,11.28pin London, Huron and Bruce Going to London ._ 8.05 a m •t15pm Going to Wingharn 11.00 a re ,,.... -8,46 p m V 'Local ici1mmilt la�mpt .t^+r1("1N't'tf'3' COMING MARCH 6TIf, Mise, Glenn of the Clones/That/es Hair Oasis/on Store will be in C'lin teal at the ILaltteebury lIouse on Mer.day, March 6th all clay. See adv't ,on (another page, THE BEAUTIFUL. In keeping with his policy of a a ariety n the Negathicr the weath- erman showed Itis temper on Sat- in day fast andd't'vtlii1peci intri'a "rimgh ,uecic.F,i. „Jtist the 501ne it made the sleighing better.. MOVING TO WINDSOR The howlers will regret (030nrn that ROY, D. W. Collins, of Exeter who is a bowler and 0.°gooc( fel- 1(',w to M.1001 on the green'• has ae reptrd the Rectorship of t1 - Church of the Asecnsio c at Wir:d.• S011 and(t=ill leave next week, FIRE AT LAUNDRY. Phe fr•anie huildinx ricer' Scrral- r 010 britches shop occupied by Charlie Lee, a Chinaman, was (emit t0 he on fir eiStriclay morn-• ing at'11.15rr,m. and the alarm was rung. Some d•u1m',ge was dot eat the rear of the' Ituild•:ng, How the fire started is'a mystery. LIBERAL MEETING NEXT THURSDAY The Liberal Club will hold i special meeting next Thursdt,',y (svelning when itis expected that Mr. Thomas McMillan, Jibera2 can- didate for Centre Huron, will be hese to give an adtdiles The Of- ficers of the club' hope that' every Liberal in the town will melte it a point to be present 0s Mr. McM1I1 an always has something of bit - crest 'to gibe in his addseeeps. MINOR LOCALS. Suing will 50011 be herr. There was:a butler famine 111 town on Satutd'ay. Liberal Club meeting 1:e.ct Th urs day evening, I: Strong powers of resistance ate it{ eeir111 thrwc, t'Inys to W111'11 off 1llnesi5 during these rapid rind extr'm ' changes in en!.peeature, The government is preaching about being "easeful" and ad'o ing tee people to he "very economical" Why not practice that a little hit more in the expenditure o£ public fends? Report all itcilns of interest to thin •office. They will be ap'ter- iated „attd oath item will help to make the pa. der that much more int greeting, We van not get 'all the the news but by your help we can get the lion's share d, thee iv what we wish to dn. Wo want all the ne,vs that's news. DEATH OP DR CH1] LOTTE ROS,, ' I.ast week we (1000111(1 hc, 11)0 dtealh of the daughter, of the late Jos. Whitehead, in the ,person 0. Dr. Charlotte Ross, who heel pass- ed away in Winnipeg on Monday of last tied., Lara today we can give 0 much more forth ndlies to the deeeas'ed. Dr: Charlotte Ros4. was born in Yorkshire, Engle/1d, on ,Illy 15, in 1543, adaughter of the late Joseph Whit ehead, tvr11,- known railw'uy eontl'actor, ard,:lor s. me years a member of the Cana- dt'an House of Commons, Site was bre nght to Caned v as ti child, and grew up in Clinton, Ont'., where site was married In 1301, From Clinton her husband remove(1 to M1.ntreal, where he was for some years engaged asa wholesale ler chant. During these years Dr, Ross was for four ,years a stud •nt of med cine at the famous Women's Medical College of 'Phila'delphia, Ret eyeing to Montreal she prac- tierd medicine for spree ,years being the first woman to eng'a.go in the profession in that metropol is of Ca mad ,, In this undet'takirg she enjoyed the nontinuecl sym- pathy and support of the late Sir Hales Il'ingston, one of the. most d stin guished physicians whom Caned r. has proclueed, In 1373 '11r. ;Ross cam0 west to baste part with Joseph Whitehead in the perform- ance ,of-mportla•nt contracts with the construction of the C P. R. in which for some years engaged. 1,ater he bought the timber limiis cn the W liitenionth Yzveer ard Dr. Riess joined him and spelt e thi d of a century. In this long peri'cd`she was the only physician in a large d:strii t trhere for many ♦e.era many hut dreds :of men were I rgaggedi During these y,rwrs she cb:cl ail the the work ofra onerta Practice dealing with hundreds of eases of'arcidset of every kind 011 railtva:y andl.5, the wood, tie and timber camps • Her 1tu:shanet died 19.12, when she removed from White incuth to Winnipeg, where she has since lived in retirement She was a 100111an et extraordinary activ- ity and powers of en'dcttanee and heeds atlh at her present age is attributed to excessive labors in the pionee.r d'ty: of that province She is survived by six children as fellows; Mrs, Belle M Woods of Kansas City Missouri; Mrs. Hope Rcss, of 114Lenore street Winni- peg, Hales 10. Ross, general mana- ger of the Ross -Saskatoon Lumber Cr enemy of Waldo, B.C.; Joseph W. Ross, secret iry streatsuner of nnlpany, Mrs. Wm.'H, 3301011, of Moosomin Sask.; andMrs. A, Paget, 'of Whftemouth, 'Tier 'older brother, Charles Whiteheia'd 01 D andon, snrvivee her, and her vs -tenger brother William! Whitet- head died in Winnipeg in 1913. The ftnreral was hold on Wednesday of 3astweek. After a short service al the house ou thekird w taken y was en to Knox ellrr en dewwere a ubhe service was s Knox The interment was made at the Brookside 00010(ery weret aer husband, one son rand • one c4acghtel. arebatied, Mr. W, D. '+air 'of'town isla nephaw of the •detilisett. Thersd'ay, March 2nd, 7.116,' oottoeeemete eetteiss+oaa re sego over The Teacups, emese0000.60009e0e000e006 r Mr. Wood of Thedford, is visiting his daughter, Sirs. E. E. Ilunniford, Stratford' Beacon -Bandmaster S. D. Grant of the. lfilst Huron Battalion, Clinton, is spending a few days at his home on Ash street.' Mr. C. • R; Libby, of Lowell, Mass., spent the week end the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Libby, Ratten- bury street. Pte. Rex •Cluff of the 161st Battl, left this week for London to take his course for a lieutenants commission. Mr. Frank McCaughey was a visitor in St Marys last week. Mrs, Edgar Pattison spent a few days at Galt with her husband, Sergt. Patti- son, of the 71st, which 1:3att1. is to go to England very shortly. t Miss Eleanor McKenzie spent last Friday in Seaforth the guest of friends. Rev. J. E. Ford, of Goderich, was call- ing on friends in town on Thursday last. Judge Elliott, of London, who was stricken with paralysis last 'week is a brother of Mrs. 'Cardiff, who is living here with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Bartli ff. Master Bobby Schrink, is spending a few week with his mother at (Kincardine as the C. C. I. is closed.. Miss Mary Levy, w115 a visitor in Seaforth on Friday last, Mr. Wilfrid Stevenson, lately with the Sherlock -Manning Co, of London, has accepted the position of mechanical superintendent forthe Mendelssohn Piano Co. of Toronto, at a splendid salary. Before leaving London his late employers gave him a cheque for 8100. Ole is a son of Mr. Duncan Stevenson, formerly of Clinton, but now of Toronto, rMich.rs. E. E. 1-lunniford and her cousin Miss S. Rook spent Wednesday in Code. Capt. and Mrs. C. G. Vanstone have taken rooms with Mrs, Thos, Jackson sr,, Ontario street. Mr. Mowat Chowen and bride, of Owen Sound, spent a few days with the former's father and brother in town. Mr Chowen has been appointed statlee agent at Whitechurch, Aliss Stella Rook, of Arkona, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. E. E. Hunni- ford. Lieut. Earl O'Neil returned on Satur day after taking a special course in machine gun work. Mr. Holland of Montreal, is the guest of Air. Whitmore this week. Mr. W. T. O'Neil has been confined to the house during the past week. A4r. O'Neil overexerted himself while getting his ice supply in, Mr. 1'. D. herr, of Woodstock, who is now in charge of the tailoring department of Brown's stare, has moved to town with his wife and young daughter, and have taken up their residence in the Monte lately vacated by Mr, C. W. Robb, on Ontario sweet. Mr. Angus McLeod who was operated on at London `a couple of weeks ago re turned to his home here on Saturday eeeuu'g. He is progressing very favor ably which his many friends will be glad to Isere. era'Die00fauAstllQt3mQ6IZESeniniee CeMent Local News Tri :IVIIL CLUB. The incenhees of the 'I •nv 1('1 1, are ask cd ea note: the 011 )1130' 1,f d'ste for the next Club messing which will '1c• in Mrs, lirselsi r'' home March 1tth, in piece of March 41h. PUT:L'L.IC SCHOOL PROMC'T:ON EXAMS, The Huron Puhifc Soh 011 Preter- tion Examinaitio ml will be held oe Ap il. 13,1.1, aid 11th, 1916 Papers for Second, Third and Junior :F'curth classes are Nein;' }trepan d and will be sent tb the teachers r.rr'- ering them about April 5th, Tech era areroqueslcd to send at rnee to their 1 'Elie Sehnr I In- spector the num her of papers re- quired for each elites. MARRIED 1N OWf1N' SO -tri.:,, A quiet wed haus, was solemnized at one o'clock on Sethi 110, after- noon at church '5 , n, Owen Soiled, '35,13) '1111:1 04 :111111r14 Bryson, noir.. ief Mrs, L. Jones, 597 Loth Street West 60 .ami' fl e brda_ of Mr. Oiiaer Mmet Chow - en. of the 0:1,11, staff, 111 that 100011 <a;d 5011 o1 Mr. J (1.,Ch03011, of Clinton, The young eon pl. .left on the two o'clock train for Tbroneo' and E1001 rn points and .agent a few drays in r linton,:going on teem .11 03'3 to 4V ,itl,clvn :h, n>he^e Mr. Chowen (las been 'appointed, agent.' The groom's malty friercU& in town offer hearty eongna•tuls- tions fora long and happy life. GOiDERICII TO WELCOME CLINTON COMPANY, 161ST The ladies of the Goderieh War Auxiliary have' ,road;: arrange- ments to welcome the men of ti:e Clinton Company of the 1615twhen they march to Goderich, on tFrii- da"y of this. •weex The 11011 will be•.entertained to luncheon • aald Simper at Knox Church basement and will bebillel'cd and ,as vs lmeakfast at virions 'homes in the the tawn. They tivill maroh back on Saturdrtd, DR. IIUGFIIIS CONON° Iat'01der toacr,ommncfatte 'the large. number 01peaplc }vise will Want to hath• Da J. L. Hughes, of Toronto.. -rhe f iablic meeting will he held in,WeA Y Me6j1,5,list Church And it is requesseo 1:Ivait the ehild6 ren will net eels Wd1111SSiot1 apo thus give a grouter (9 ember of adullei the privilege of attending ala•, 'I3tt hes has r inde i''luel repu ration s;a Lecturer' and this is 'his first appearance for many Tears before a Clinton 1tld3enee, Being a Mother of G"en Sana. Hughes, be rs lit •elose teach with military matt tees.. ai dlhla address lot, tree war will he ,cry Jnstruettee. "rhe two •nc ernect Nursing •Sisters of Sear. forth Misses • Neulin 'and McBride ry llaliso be it .1311011(1,131(15 unci. Miss Neelin will iv0 'atm .of ' her rnl''e:leating addu ^sees., • A,Ith'aki la' res ( 30 Chores:. o oz 40 voices will • iw'so help in the program, Admission' •Eras••-Lverybody. Welcome Ascom gra dption for 900 peopl, •fe being providd'e,d, 'Chair taken at 8.00 •by Rev J K al5airful. t'hel:,04ella;I' man of the - Wiar atuxiiiilSy, 1 We Sell Them Waterman's Pens -the best for men, And it's bust for women, too, Its also best for children, So it must be best for YOU. Harbutt's Peasticine in the house Will stimulate )'our boy's ability By showing him how pleasure can Be joined to practical utility. The W. D Fair eo. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best P s Pensiar White Pine and Spruce Balsam (COVN What's the use experimenting M111.,71 at Pi..ip,, ' White Pinewith land? Sprucee tBalsam now h's, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing &se will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it- tid s e .LI0V-M Disponsing Chemist THE PENSLIIt DRUG STORE Furniture, Rugs & t inoleurns We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Yon will find it to your advantage to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line of biotins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and the guarantee the best of satisfaction fi 0 f ', �''•FC Ussdertaker and Funeral Director. ('hone •28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over sto riatenzacaseatmezameir c Sap Pans and The eorner Store "Line and Let Live" Reay feat=produ'Cing Foods Now Buckets Order your Sap Pans and Buckets now so you will have them ready when you want to use thein. Tho .11awkins Plumbing and Heating Cold weather is again with us. Every household ,viii now require foods that. will keep the body warn, and healthy. Following, area l'ew lines we suggest to every buyer of fend for the home- Sonp, in packet and tins Meat Extracts,. Bovril or Oxo, Hot Porridge, Vheatlets, W.heat Flakes and Roiled Oats riot Pan Oakes and Syrup Pork and Beans, a steaming plate of perk and beans for dinner or supper• makes an ideal meal Maeorcni or Spaghetti Bacon or Sausages for breakfast there is nothing poem Agents for Ueda Furnaces E. E. Hunni f ord Slop -over Itowland's Hardware err PHONE 45. 64.4.4'Dh'k3 +o+444.4. ed•++'F++++ +i4v* 1'+i8 F+++++4.P++++++*+.+ Children's, I Nature -Shaped 'Shoes somossawassomommossoss Take good care of the • Children's Feet. The growing feet of children need the most careful shoe -fitting to insure that they will be normal. +H Vona 1sp 1 Our Childrens Shoe Department is splendidly, qualified to give you this type of shoe service. care We fit the children's feet with careful l u pains-, taking study and care. 'sVe 11800 Nature Shaped Shoes made from such good leathers as Gun Metal Calf, Patent Oalf and Vici, Some styles with cloth tops, low fiat heels, medfum or high cut, 75c, 1.00, 1.35 up to 2.00 according to sizes ' Try us out on the Children's Shoe proposition—that's the only test mitreivoraccirm#sge- F R D. JPieKSON, HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES..