HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR,
Thur[ illy, aileron 2nd, 1816.
SN4ti4N4iNititNtii44NtiNNtti4ti44Nittti4i4NtttittN.iiNii4Nti44NiN4tNiit.- .
riLiNit44NN4N1NNNtNi•ttN•••••••ttt•Oti• ••••••••••••••••••••N14Nit titt444i4N}ttt•ttyt ••••••Nutri _ v.diAt4N9�Ntt*i�tNttrt/lt►ititititt�fiti NitNi,
N ear
• •
The Huron Batt.
The men it khaki. ,are making
their sacrifices fore the old men and
women. Eligibles must look out
for t)zems,elvea3,
Better men than you have made.
greater sacrifices to take ;their
place in the ranks, If your British
freedom means anything to you get
into khaki and tight fora,
Every Canadian moth.r may
troth)nlly say "1 d)un't raise riy
hey to be a soldier" Netter din
;She raise. hint to be a coward.
In the rnaftee ,of er,l is•tn a 1t it
is a case of 11011' OL' never ,with
Incst Huron yourg roen. If they
do not enlist not thee,
are never likely to
•i• v r-
so until conscription forces 'them
• to do the right thing.
The young m who d eln:00 to
go to the front unless he can, go
ae fin officer h -,aa more prom:-
flesh than patriotism in :)i8 make-
— ••--
Cnnscription Was !or 1 ••tg
thrughl In be an nethir l :b)e
,., .
thing so fa, as Great ,
ret, li .ala
°Leconted. the Labor in e gists )n-
tea'ests iii l:.0 tieular laking
itonng ground against it. ,Des-
pite tilts fart, a decr('e Its" ju'tt
1 e'•n issued consetepting every
single man ce the ro.ite t Kn`red
Kingdom. History in the mailer
may yet repe tt. itself 1n Canada,
No room in Canada for any Citi-
zens who are ;too proud to fight.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 301 Years
Always bears
the ��,�,�._��.�
Signature of uleaFioa;
The following particulars of the
financial obligations of the Prov
of the Do
3040)1 e have been collected
rare, and'are behe'te:1 to be ap-
proximately accurate.
Gross Provincial debts direct -
Prince Edward Island....$ 818,000
Nova Scolia.
Oa tat io
Saskat cbewan '
British Colombia
25 817,000
44 (4)0,000
21 (157,001)
1neirect liabilities, railway guru•aa-
tees, etc. •
New Brunswick 4 171,004)
Q•rebec 1,2811,00
Ontario 0,600,000
Manitoba 23,221.00
Raseatchewan ,.,, 36,00,00+
Alberta, ,.•. 42,50 ,000 1
British Oolvmbia SC,332,00()
Grossimuuicipal Itahilities;
Prince Edward Island • $ 900 MO
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Al Berta 0(4,000,4(0
Britibh Columbia 81,000,00
These lirrllait os lm''unting to
marc than a billion dollars, were
l'ar'gely incurred during tee pasta
15 years . In that parted The mo:,
icipalit'.ies of Ontario„ for example
mule than tie ble :i their Ilatillties
Expenditure on such a scae„ it is
said, wag macho nedeasary by the
rapid growth of urban nopularttnn
II, woe a be quite as accurate to
raythat the growth of url:nato pop
elation was made neee3e 11 y by
municipat exp,enditu'0. It as el ,o.
Laid that these 11abilat:e3 were i,r;-
eurrec fen• works which contribute,.
to the comfort and happiness et'
tree peop'e. r The question ie,
whether the ability of the peat tele
My has been exceeded, Adding a,
Dominion debt peeeenfly to reach'
scourer billion, Hitt has not 41-
ready, With'le0 millions of 001-
li'Ay' guarta'nteea passes khat: sum,
most optimistic •willbe diapisect at
least tosympathise With 111 o
task of productive industry,
4 010,00))
900 Mamie have •enliate,d so far
in the pre sent war from Canada
The Ontario Leg'islaltul, ol,u•. e I
f,rr business at Toronto on J nes-
We are alw,03s phased t.opub_
fish any news items that inlay tie
of interest to (ea readers, If you
('lave visitors, or are goblet away
yourself or,aey event chat of the
ordinary fakes place, let us' know,
We will appreciate it.
Don't Forget -
that when constipation, biliousness or
indigestion is neglected, it may cause
a serious illness. • Act upon the first
symptom -keep your digestive organs
in good order by the timely useof•
•.Largest Ssle of Any Medicine 3,, ehe.World.
Sold everywhere, In bones, 25 cent,
Don't complain about pains in your back
when the remedy lies right to hand. Gib, rills
stop backaches, and they do it in as easy
natural way by going right to the root of the
e nDi�lls
Gin Pills act on the kidneys and the
bladder. They soothe and heal the inflamed
organs, 'which are causing the suffering.
Neglect .your kidneys and swollen hands and
feet, whets and ankles, are likely to follow.
A dose of Gia Pills in time save. a world of
You will realize their value when you read
what Airs. J. P. T. Wedge, of eummerdide,
P.E.1. writes:
"Gin Pills are the greatest of antid-
ney remedies and a medicine which is at
present doing nm a world of good. They
are worth their weight 0 gold to any
Get GIN PILLS today at your dealer's.
50,, n box, or 6 boxes for 12.00. Trial treat-
ment FREE if you write 13
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto
of the Hyphenated.
My country, 'tis cif thee,
Land of neutrailty,
Of thee 1sillg;
1 would thy laws n'verridts
I would thy course decide;
I would he satisfies
To rue the .tvirsg.
My fester country, 'thee
To which I came, to flee
The lu•my's wrll
Be not surprises 'if 1
Thy neutral laws defy
,1I:d seek. to show sky-hug1t
Thy arms-)piltpta
My kaiser, '116 to thee
1 owe all o -ali(y
1 t
To thee Isin*..
May ,.la, land I•.13 'w (he (.1.9:11t
Of thy all -,conquering might
7 hint 10 rhe ea: 111 by right,
And everything.
Lite -
Children Cry
•••e••••••••e•••••••MMee•••e•oe••••o�•eoM�Me•eres THE JQY n r
The Iailat r P} Prayer—
The latest Ultinia;tum
l�6eral Press Views Conserdative ----
AN D IIICI! CJ, Van den BrGsek, 8ormerly
e•••••••••••••enede i•t t>i•••••••N•e••lledenM•fle•••tedd • Restored To Health Br .,Fruit•aatitaa"
(Ingersoll Chronicle( I (Tononto Mail and Empire.) The Famous Fruit Medicine aggressive policy of recon Government x enditure' on
sti'uctton absolutxely 'fres 'of railways in Canada, amount to
"IKaieeriism•' seethe to be jibe "ton $648,0OO,000, This huge sum is less
ice that s necessary 00 the case of staggering, now that we lase thielc:
�u rlffi, Ont., betone tho confidence ing in terms of hundreds of mill-
et the public will be regained, Fey- ions 401' war putporbe
lin business interests stave uf1-
dcuhtedl.,stiffened , rnlatcrially-o-`
through the prominonoe it has (Stratford ''nettr:die
received tecause of ,Pro -German There 15 114 heats fou' much moral
sentiment, and 115 in most cases ;zing on the result of the Pc el 6ye-
there is room for regie` hecacio [lection on Thur day. The deal: -
le t -the innocent suffer with ;rhe guilty era s' went bo the polls to express
--o-- their opinion as to whether 31 »tali
who had acee;ptect war profile was
Ontitleci to represent them in
Peter bo o i:'earrtit e t(
We have had in Canada commit- the Legislature. The •:expecl-
' 0)0rle galore, but wl.e.l there have ed happened air lee rl 't1 -e
been •reports what gena purpose people in nouneertitin vette said
have they served •Px( e,rt to occupy tlitey were opposed to the idea.
space in p1 o to holes, ex:e'pt those There was no pcht o;ll cmrat
commissions that have re eared to the contest, the Liberal prate
ercokeriness an waste and unright- saidllefon0 theeeetton, and the
et as profiteering in the fn, ):sh- result has no political belarin'r, The
ing of war munitions end other less of a seat is the price the Gov -
war supplies.
(Brantford Ex pnsil :,;
The return o[ b'Ir Lowe, the Lib- o"al jul'Y Mr, tCalbs J1a; b len t e 1•
eral cand.dtate is 001 a party tri- led generously indeed. Ile knu eve
onrph. It is a declgra3)031 of the now where he stands, anclls' the.
people that they will not stand e!e{'tars
a ver0ic
for rofite r°nrand graft in eon -
the wholeCountry 'thatanything
rection with war ronit•a.eie, and in the netture of getting -rich on
, lie result is a Del rte to the pub- war contracts will not be tolerated
lie spirit of the electors. That is the 011e lesson of the b) e-
. election. It is the matte, of little
r•orsequence that W T. Lowe in-
stead "f T RA:oallis felts in tient
(Toronto World ' -
The C'onser'vatives of Peel save,:)
the Conservative party teem the
Howe , by George Eel, Jnocincial Conservative machine, They also
tllr•asurer, refused to whitewash Mr. Saks
though Richard Blain. 'AL lee gen-
Fiv'nsly supplied brush, !pad and
The New Era le in re"eipt Arta wash, out of his etoek. Anil they
letter from Mr. 4..'. A. Wareneli,n, spoke as patriots on tthe great
of Toronto, chairman of the axe- issue of the day, namely, that men
eutive of the. Commilt' e of One ought to serve the State( in time o'
Hundred, who promoted 'the pet;-• war and in,a. matter of war ser-
ticns for a dry 0nitario, enclosing viae without prolit and withonl'
an 1013)0. report on the Signa- plfacrment, It is equally credit
tunes obtained, which erive it 'n title to the Liberals, that they of
the main alreescy been pu'hlis.hed, fermi to allow any 6Comeerv0t''ive
He thanks The New .Ern and the ether than Mr, learns to have the
press generally for assistance tr b( at by acclamation, So Mr, Vallis
the movement which. has to et brought Roe himself and his ad-
PrcC'eeuted entirely ineepend- visors. •The farmers of Peel know
ent of politics and expreetee tl'e ahoree deal when they res it, Mr,
hope that the committee will hat e Perlis.sidestepped all the good ad
the enpport of maftitud'ev .of e - visethat o t v
vrn him,
hut the
ple who have not htre.t.( untc.w ters of Peel took it
with them. `
ell. i
followed it up,
lernment pays 401' (3-03311 tetoaxieing
the candidature of iv)r' Rallis, who
was given the opportunity of put
ting his conduct before t L•e elect-,
The estimated reven•111 for Sas-
katchewan for the 0010hlg fiscal'
year is 46,8'6,' 2 and estimated 'ex
perlditcu'c'. $0,329,470 letting ;1 de-
ficit of $1.933,148 according to the
estimated 0i' ought down it, the.
lbe Soldier's Beetle
Among the many regimental pa-
pers which have come into being der- Rest and a Tonle Is the Proper Treatment Distinguished
lag the war, one of the cleverest is
called the 'Pow -Wow ,•' The follow- Medical Authority Says
Ing lines in its last issue, , signed l
"Raza," describe how death often
comes to our soldiers:
Not in the shlning armor of the Past
Upon some charger, with a tilted
To fall beside the road of high
For some fair maiden's honor over-
Nor yetwhen shrilly blows the sum-
moning blast,
Plunging upon the crest of some
Where all the p)onles of English
Knighthood dance,
To win a grave upon the Geld at last.
Not thus to die] But in the cold half-
When the damp twist divides
(he day
and night,
To stagger suddenly, stung, stupid,
And, while the: light conies lifelessly
and grey,
To lie all blooded in they cermet clay
With stiffened limbs and the sad,
dead fern drawn:
' itughes Answ'ers'Ifahn's Critics,
Major-General Sir Sam 1lughea
has made a statement in regard to
comments which have appeared in
certain newspapers to the effect that
the chief officer of the Intelligence
Drench of the Militia ' Department
overseas is a German; and that his
brother may be fighting in the Ger-
man army, 'lCaetaln Hahn, the offi-
cer referred to," said Gen, Hughes,
"comes from Stratford, Ont. He is
in the trenches, where he has already
wen the D.S.O. There never was a
better. boy.' Capt. 'Hahn is one of the
hundreds of German-Canadiaus who
are fighting under the British flag
for liberty.' Up to the present time
,38 Canadians of German origin have
been killed at the front. It would be
better If some of those who are al-
ways criticizing Germans would fol-
low their example and go to the front
themselves. This is not a war of
race, but a war for liberty," 3m con-
Freak Bomb Spares Boy,
One of the missiles hurled by the
Zeppelin during the raid fell upon, an
isolated house occupied by a single,
family. The building was bisected,
one end being demolished and its oc-
cupants hurled far out into an open
lot and killed. The other end of the
house Was elft off sharply, and a bed-
room on the second floor was left in-
tact with its 'occupants 1 u i
n nlured.
The floor was carried away under the
bead of the bed, leaving the bed bal-
anced on the jagged edge of tbe.
ruins, with a nine-year-old boy in it
Theo is It form of 1110 0>theeet danger of elapse'until -your blood
that follows la grippe, footers is hilt up.
call it ''post-gr'lppal" nuunasllie i 7'h1 treatn)ent, says 1i e distfr.-
guished physician quoted an() 00, s'
One of the foremost. medical tui- test and 0 [Dupe, Dt. C1V(II''a•m8
thoritles of New i'Ol'k city in a ;Pink ,Pills, a nen-alchotie .,,on'",
lecture in the international dirties, are particul.'trly triter' fur fu'J.eno
teed; tit, the blood and ,.rater:rtneuing
"Broadly spealcing, every v:etim the nerves after an .a'ttara1.• r,
of la grippe will suffer 'froth post- nrippi+, °'Ilio rich rod broad exp I;
grippal neurasthenia also. Lower- the lingering germs from the s}'t-
ing of nervous tone with iuereas- tem anti trilnsfolms 104Mpc11 e'I:
cd ir•rability is the most: striking grippe victims int y (:hterfol, 0t, 1 -
effect of the diveese hinge,ir o: thy, ha})py men and women,
mind and body, diaturbed, fitful fl' you have had la grippe do not
bleep and vague pains in the lead wait for a retells[ or for the mu -
and :elsewhere, The treit Lin ent ta0thenia that so often 4oilowe
calls fat' rest tom ,a tonic." grippe, but gets e box of 'Dr W'1-
-If you have had la grippe read hates Ptak 1•f.lis m)a' Item th .
these symptoms again , :Earn your e
6 nearest' l t }t slcu'e and legit) LI e
of mind and body, diskau'bc(f, fiP- treatmo:r•t at once,
tui sleep and vague pains in the You can get Dr. Williams' Pink '
head and elsewhere." If ,you have Ville from any medicin t ci,ealeri r
any or alt of them it means That by mai'
uv cents a box
you are still 'silfferieg fano the e - oft 'six, boxes for $2;50 front The
tents 04 1a i;ripoe anti that.' you Dr. Wililam's Meidieine Co. Brock -
will not tie well aim 1. ee frond Ville, Ont,
etrittsn Lite tivards.
England's fainoes fire ;rearms, now
mgarded as the oldest cavalry rum
,nand In the world, were ergtrilized
Oat after the restoration, ';'hep were.
recruited from the old cavaliers tubo
foilght foe Prince Charles Stuart. end
to 1661 they were termed into three
troops, then known las the King's Own
tbe Duke of York's and The ))tike of
Albemarle's. At that rime Ir was al 1
sways demanded that 0110 Mum sbernld
be raised in Scotland' In honor of the'
house of Stuart. It Avis the duty of
the Life guards to ptoleef the seven
elgn.and the royal,tamlls.--?,,v„nit.at
'Julitlie Caesar could pliay any-
; thing hitt pinochle.
CJtlnr, of ,Shehi revert lino
' to stand up. in astir 't -,oar. •
Nero never tried 311 blow out
1,1he gas -•Cincinnati Illgvieer
Oliver Creme ell net e: 1': .de in u) '
Jean O'Are neWer redOtt 1.1e„-
rear seat of w• nlutoreycle,
(.1eeted:e 1 11001 1 . wore ra 11700)
The nervous system is the alarm system
of the human body.
In perfect health we hardly realise that
we have a network of nerves,. bat when
health is.ebbing, when strength le declin-
ing, the same nervous system gives the
alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful
sleep, irritability and Melees corrected,
leads straight'to a breakdown.
To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul-
sion Is exactly what you should take; its
rich nutriment gets into the blood gad
rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while
the Whole system responds to its refresh-
ing tonic force. Free front harmful drugs.
• Scott.& Eowue, Toronto. Ont,
*am smwsime..0111111miMm
Retains flavor and freshness
in bread and pastry
liochon, P,Q. March 2nd,1915.
, "I have received the most wonderful
benefit from taking 'Fruit-a-tives', I
suffered for years from Rheumatism
and change of life, and I took every
remedy obtainable, without any good
results. I heard. of 'Fruit-a-tives' and
gave it a trial and it was the only
medicine that really did Me good. Now
I am entirely well; the' Rheumatism
has disappeared and the terrible pains
in my body are all gone. I am exceed-
ingly grateful to 'Fruit-a-tives' for such
relief, and I hope that others who
suffer from such distressing diseases
will 'try 'Froit-a'ti'ves' and get well".
The marvellous work that 'Frurit-a-
tfves' is doing, in overcoming disease
and healing the sick, is winning the
admiration of thousands and thousands.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At all dealers, or sent postpaid by
Fruit•a-ttves Limited, Ottawa.
The Call for Recruits
It's time to cullet,
We need men anti then wore
It is true that a soft word turn-
eth away wrath, but it rover yet
and never will stop a bullet,
Ohl .You men of Huron! Ave-
rage the murderous se's of that
German Haieer•
can be 2t soldier,
whether dressed in khaki or not.
Let thte lIttlei 'ones be r ecruiting
cffic•et•s, to shame able men into
Let us all do one duty like 0nen,
1f Gerinagy wins -away with the
lil.erty and responsiibhhty we have
fought for: away with christi'anity
The foundation of the }war is the
fight between laristocraey and
democracy. Are you goingto lot
autocracy ;and tyranny win?
What a couutev and ernpire to
tight ter.
Men of Huron', Get in on a
man's job. t
The mothers Who hold their sone
back are the first to give them a
black eyio,
Don't make the fatal mistake of
merliog• bade y'ur son If he wants
to go,
Young ]man! You are needed by
yc'nr' flag and King.
There is not a boy in the whole
Dominion who can truthitt'ly say
that he is not needed.
Let us judge 110 man. Let every
man be a judge unto himself.
Don't let tear keep yeti back,
boys. The man who has' 9 nervous
fear is Ltlways the bests ,Id er,
A thousand times better it 1s for
a young man to (Luse his, situation
and retain hie nlan.110lod than to
k tte his manhood and keep his
p03(411on. . .
.lFaith 1 Hope! Chatty! Patriotism!
The greatest of Ihefe is patriotism.
Canadiaun soil doesn't raise slack
ere, shirkers, and cowards, "Prove
That you are Canadians,''•
Are wegoing to give our lives to
keep our beautiful country,intaet'(
Are you going to lett .the call of
your brothers 10 the tre'lcltea, avho
have been fighting to^,you, go un -
heed ol?
Cook's Cottons Root Compound.
A taife„re54&de repnutlim
media tie. Sold in three de.
s2 f strength -No. 1, 21-
f3; No. 3, f5 per box
Sold by all deamb te. er sem
prepaid ou receipt of priuo,
Free pamphlet. Address;
T 10105111, 011. (Neale 11.bsr.)
Huron Co.
-Air ',folio ..Goya leo rented 141r.
I,T.:I,rvin is phos. in McK11Lop ,for
p)sture. an1 10 nils 13,o' he 8 h'o'e
r'e•ntee tte home place, and 11Ir.
Aai'iu Boyd also gets ;hastu ,
lands; Mr. lrv'ih0 hes 1-t 300 ac. e'
•end 1'eser%et a f oltioll of lord for
his Own wee 130 nut!1 as the build-
ings tutu oreitardet.
Mr. John Broderick of Anr't•e,w
4t .Teeter pus act aWSa'c' on Moe -
day, at the ,age of 74 Nears. 7
months and 27 days,. toll )wing ;an
llh:tose of • several menthe. Tru:
deceased was fern in the tonm-
3hip of Dumfries, county of,-Wat-
crhoo, Ont„ and pt theage of 20
Mane to Hay township settling'
on tine 9th doncessito11, with his
la mtents Three years 1 fuer /10
11 as 0arriee to Ma-reta:ret Hedging
and Por nearly, 51 y saes •th'oy 11a1 e
shared the irleasine3b ire ,SOPCO-Wil
of lrf,e. together. On the 'J7li) rf
eitehroart, 1915, t” e : ors 111'31 41
their golden tie Beta', Per J..
year8'l4L Bron, ick torn ht • ehn'l
m C^oditoti and Stanley a8'0 --
wards taking up •fie mill •which he
fo11owrn untit ab rat •six wan.;
ago, when t11ty moved to Bate-.
consul of. Belgium at Galveston,
now a iiesident of E1 Paso,.
hands in' the following parody,
which came to lain' in a .printed
sheet with nothing to show who
Its author is or where it, was rust
published The heading of . the
printed copy is "The Kaiser's
Prayer -7 he Let( st Ultimatum:'
Partisans of the allies will enjoy
Gott. Gott, dear Gott, fatten -
tions please
"lour bardner Vilholm's laere,
Und has a word for two to stiy
llnd(o your biivate ear;;
So durn away cell udders now
Und listen yell to me, '
Ear vat I say 001003113 me much
Idleinsell and Shermany.
You know, clear Gott, I vas your
Und from mein hour 1f birth,
I quietly let You rule de H,etfen
Vile 1 rules o'er de earth ;
Und ven I tolcit mein soldiers
Of bygone battle days,
I 'gladly split de glory
Und gave You half de praise.
In emery way 1 tried to brove
Mein heart to you Ives true, ,
Und ;only claimtd mein Honest
In great deeds vat ve do.
You could not.haf nn hof. a betterfriend'
In sky or land or sea,
Dan Kaiser Nino lin, Number Two,
De Lord of Shertnany.
So vat I say, dear Gott, is dis,
Dat ve ehouldf, still be friendts,
Und you shouldt help to send mein
foes t
To meet deur bitter emits.
If you, dear Gott, will ells m0, do
I'll nothing ask amain ;
Und you and I '.ill hardners be
;For evermore -Amen.
But listen, Gott. it must be quick,
Your help to me you send.
Or else I hal to stop attlack,
Und only bfay defend.
So four and twenty hours J gif
To make mein allies run,
Und pet me safe into mein blace-
De middle 'of de stun.
II YOU do dis, I'll do my hart,
I'll tell de vorld de fart,
But if You don't den I must tisk
It is a hostile act,
Den war at wince. I will declare
Und in mein anger rise,
Unci send mein Zeppelin ships to
A fight up 111 de skins,
Dia ultimatum t itna' tum Hutu, dear Gott,
Is von, of many Inure.
Mein mind is settled up 10 clean
De whole world off the fluor.
Bccanse you vas olein bardner, Gott,
An extra silence is giflen;
So help at ounce or elite 111 be
De Emporer 04 'Helton,
The tsea Horse.
The male sea horse has a little pouch
in its ventral surface, into w'hicb Sn
same manner it places the eggs of its
mats When they are hatched and be-
come too numerous and Inrge to con-
trol the sea horse presses the pouch
against a stone and gently urges them
to take their departure. At this .time
they are very small, but they grow
rapidly and are preyed upon by myr-
iads of fishes.
Sudden fright or emotion may cause a
momentary arrest of the heart's action,
or some excitement or apprehension may
set up a rapid action of the heart thereby
causing palpitation.
Palpitation, again, is often the result
of digestive disorders arising from the
stomach, or may be the result of over
indulgence of tobacco or alcoholic drinks.
The only way to regulate this seriotm
heart trouble is to use Milburn's' Heart
and Nerve Pills. '
Mrs. J. 8. Nicholls, Listowellr Ont.,
writes: I was weak and •rwt down, any
heart would palpitate and I would take
weak and diary spells. A friend ad-
vised me td try Mithunt's Heart and
Nerve Pills, so I started 'at once to use
them, and found that I fait wench
stronger. I cannot praise,yonr medkiae.
too -highly, for it lute done ane a world of
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50e per box, 3 bores for $1.25; at all
dealers, or mailed direct by The T.
Milburn Co:, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Urges 16eononly in Suicide.
The following melancholy tale is
transmitted by the Amsterdam 'orre-
apendent of the London _Expres,,
A man recently committed suicide
in Boitsfort, a small village near
Brussels, by shooting himself.
The German military authorities
promptly levieda fine of 1250
(about 5,1,250) on the village be-
cause the suicide had firearms in his
The burgomaster of Boitsfort has
placarded the village with warnings
to intending; suicides begging them
to do so by hanging or drowning,
Mae the village will eo bankrnot.
Bu'siness and
Westervelt School
11.6ndon, Ontario,
College in Session Sept. 1st to,Tn
Catalogue Free EnteisAanytiinhy
J: W. Westervelt, Principal
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
ble Compound Helped Hes
West Denby, N. Y. -"I have had
nervous trouble all my life until d took
itmm, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound for nerves
and for female tree -
blas and it straight-
ened me out in good
shape. I work nearly
all the time, as we
live on a farm and I
have four girls. I do
all my sewing and
other work with•
their help, so it
shows that I stand it real well. I took
the Compound when my ten year old
daughter came and it helped me a lot.
I have also had my oldest girl • take it
and it did her lots of good. I keep it in
the house all the time and recommend
Danby, N. Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil-
ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen-
sations all point to
eran e-ments
which may be overcome by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigorator of the female organism.'
Women everywhere' bear willing testi•
moray to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
The Soldier's ileeatogue
Written by a Caned::ul .who
went to the Ircint ;with the
Queen's 'Unit ersity Engineering
Corps and is now en officer in ,a
Scottish regiment.
The 1st Commandmeet is -Thou
shalt challenge all persons ap-
proaching thee,
The 2nd Conlnandm;nt 114-113u
shalt not send any engraving, or
any likc11e80 of any airship in tb,e
ecavens above Or fairly postcard of
the earth beneath pr, any drawing
of any submarine in the waters
order the earth. for .I, the Cen-
sor, am :9 jealous loug ,Ce19or, visiting
the iniquities of the offendtire
with thijee months C. B„ but
showing )mercy unto thousands
by letting their letters go lr.ee;
who keep my ccmn'ar:dments.
Tho 31d Commandment is -Thou
shalt not use profane ;language,
unless under extraordinary t:lr-
cumslances, such as ,seeing your
comrade shot o1' getting petrol in
your tea. ,
The 4th Comnendment
member the the soldiers' week. con-
sists ot, Seven days. Six daya
shalt thou labor and do all thy
work and on the seventh do ail
thy odd jobs. .
The 5th Commandment is -Hon -
0* thy Ding and thy country.
Kielep thy rifle well oiled, '1hoot
straight, 8o that thy days may 00
long upon the land which the
enemy givetll thee.
The fth Commandment ,s-7shou
shalt not kill -time ,
The 7th Commandment is -Thou
shalt not adultenafte thy mess tin
by using it as a shoving jug.
The 8th Commandment is -Thou
shalt not steal thy neighoor's kit,
The 9th Commandment is -Thou
shalt (not bear f.alse witness
against thy comrade, but pre -
Reeve discreet silence ,as to bite)
goings out and corninie.
The 10th CommardmeoVis-Thou
shalt bot covet ;thy sergeant's
post, nor thy corporal's, nor thy
staff -major's, but by dint of per-
sleverancc, rise to the high pos!-
lion of a field marshal.
The 1142 Comn•andm'nt is -Thou
shalt love thy comrades of what-
ever race or color they [:e but
thou shalt hate the Germans as
thou (lost hate HELL.
Tirol &stored Ir. Hartia'* etresefik
Wapakoneta, Ohio. -"I am a farmer
by occupation, and the grippe left roe
with a bad cough end in a necvouf,weak,
run -clown condition, and I could not
seem to get anything t0 do me say geed'
until I took Vinol-which built me
and my Bough and nervousness are '
gone, and I can truly say Vied is idi
that is claimed for it' -JAmns Ata irnf.
Vino! is a constitutional remedy for
all weak, nervous and run-down coali-
tions of men, women and children and
for chronie coughs, table end bronchitis.
J. E. Hovey, Druggist
Clinton, Ont.
Nwe Era and :Daily Globe .43,86,
AP3 ,,. •a end Da.lj 91313) and
Empires ..-,., -.... ...., 3.85.
New Era and Weekly Mail
and Empire 1.65,
31,:,31d Da Iv 1t'o,Id...e 3,35
New Era and Daily News..-,-. 2;85.
New ltira and 'Daily Star 2,85
New Die and fain ly Ilea;d
and Weekly Star 1.85•
SOW Era and Weekly Witness 1,85.
New Bra and Northern Mos-
sooger 1.60
New Era and Canad'ati Farm 1.85
New Bra and Farmer's. Sun1.85
View 'L+'ra and !Daly Free
(?rase, morning 3,35
SCAN, Eta and Daily Free
Press, evening -.. 2,85
New Era and Weekly Free
Press 1,95
New Ern and Morning Lon-
don Advertiser ....
Naw Era and Daly Advertiser 2,85
low Era and" Weekly Adver-
tiser - 1;60
iew Era and Felm and Dairy 1.85
hat, Era and Farmer's Advo-.
voeate; ... 2.35