HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-02, Page 3Thursday, Marsh 2nd, 1916,
You co a Secure :a Posi-
titin it you take a
Course it lilt Us.
The demand upon us for train
ed help is 'many times the num-
ber gyaduatin,g. RtugP
nto are
entering each
week. You may
enter,abaoy time: Write et once
for our free catalogue of
Cammereiel, Shorthand;. or
Telegraphy Department'.'
D.A. iticLaeltlun, Priueipali
A L•ar
ge •Dem•a•nd
for (ranadian
E sa
Poul r
It is expected that Great Britain
will he in the market striinger than
ever for O+ggs and Poultry,
Last year there was not half enough'
poultry to supply, her demands.
Why not buy one of our
thoroughly reliable
Prairie State Incubator
and hatch youe chicks when you
please and as many as you. wish,.
Anyone without experience can
handle these incubators with success.
We are always in the market for
Targe quantities of
New Laid Eggs and Eat Poultry
Now is 'the time" to weed out your
imp fat hens when +the price 3s high.
. Ggtio-11atlois $t Go., Limited
Clinton Branch • Phone 19O
A.AAAAAAA^Aake Ar,4a AayA AAAA de
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
special values in Art
Pianos and organs rent
ed. Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Music Emporium
C. Hoare
Maple Syrup'
1 Season Will ,
Soona Heise
flow• aai'e Yoiir Sap" Panes
and Palls ?
'' Leave pine order HOW
and have diem wltc n;
B .:".,.
11� & Sutter
Sanitary plumbers
Phone 7.
.,.,. TEM,
The Grand Trunk Iteilway System
will run
lonieseehcrs' Extnrsiolrs
March'7 to Oct. 31 (inclusive)
Tickets valid to valuta: within two
months inclusive of date of issue
Winnipeg and return.... 1$36.00
Bdneenton and return.... 43.00
Proportionate low rate to,ntber points
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Further, partitulare on appliaa-
Hon to Granit Trunk Agents.
Sohn itanetorei ez Son, city passen-
ger end Ticket Agents, phone be
R.O. Pattison: station agent
W ie tt le t Mr t a iii
fi/l31 IO, PIT()
OIU*RL,BS : D. ill at,e
Oonneyeeme, Notary Public,-.'
Cornet issioner,' etc,
Issuer"of Marriage Licenses,
Huron Ste ,Qlinton,
Notary Public, Couveyancereel
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire In
surance Companies..
Division Court . Office.
Piano Tutting
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine piano ;tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing..
Orders left at W, Dohertyle phone
51, will receive prompt attention.
M. G. Cameron. K.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Mee on:Albert Street,;oecupied by
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are Made. Cffice hours
from 9 a, m. to 0 p m. A•good vault in
connection with thelnffce, Office open
every week day, Mr4Hooper will make
any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron.
Pbystoiail. Burgeon. Ste
- seesiat attentice given to diseases of,IheA'
Aye. Ear. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes dully ambled, and. suitable (glasses
Office and Residence,
Two daore west or the Commercial nets
(Aaron St.
VMS. Linn ere /,A Ali))11
or. W. Dunn, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. B.. Bait
Dr, Cunn'e office at residence High Street;✓.
• Dr. J. n- Bundler. B.A. SElt,
Moe -Ontario Street, Clinton,
Night call( • at residence. Rattenhnry 8t,
or at hermits!
coonehenr. oto,, office and residence on
Dolton, street..
Crown and Bridge Work a Bpeelalsy.
Graduate o1 0.O.D.S... Chicago, and f.0.D.8
aayeeld en Mondays. Mav lot MD
Omaea over O'NEiL'E store,
Specialmire taken to make aerial ;tees
intuit as rainless as possible.
Live otoek and general Auction le,
k ar r,.rnis anal.1 x anenaan„ Ua Cee e U e
Isms 544A or'tine, Minton wt.m'try selene
tn. term9 reasonable. teenier.'.,anle rota.
Gi. D. McTaggart , M. U. MoTaggar
Meragaaart Bro9e
4:,vaeu,nt Banking Buatneeer
= transacted
Drafts leaned.. Interest allowed a
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Perm and Isolated Town Drops
arty Only insured.
.Head Office—SSenforth, Ont
3. B. McLean, Seaforth, President
J. Connolly, Goderich Vice -Pres,
Thos.E. Lays, Seaforth, See.-Treas
Directors—D. 3r. McGregor, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, 'Winthrop; W,
Rinn, Seaforth; .Tohn Benneweis,
Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood; M.
etetwen, Clinton ;.3. B. McLean,
Seaforth 3. Connolly, Goderich:
Robert Ferris, Harlock.
Agents --Ed. 'Hinckley, Seaforth ;
W. Chesney, Eggmondvilte; J. W.
Yeo. Bolmesville; 'Alex. Leitch.
Clinton : R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagee
Payments made at Morrish dt
Co. Clinton, and' Curit's grocery
store Goderich and( Jas. Beide
store Bayfielld.
A Carload of Canada
Prt�a Cement.
o n�
Mime usfor prices
It wall pay you
John Hutton
Drs. Geo.. ' M. E. Whitley,
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Woments acid
C'hildrem's Dieeaaea`
Acute, Chronic, and Nert7oue.
Eye, Bar, Nose, and Throat.
Offiee-Rattenbuiy Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p.m,
We're now selling Timoehy Seed
(Government Stands';; ). ,
We also Have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand —Goose.
Wheat,: Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
iiigb.eat Market Prices paid for Hay
end, all Grains.
Many Nurses in Canada and /glee
where Say the Same.
Chatham, Ont,—"Being a nurse I
have had occasion to use Dr. Pierre's
Favorite 'Prescrip..
tion quite a lot. I
always recommend
it to my- patients
and it ,has been a
wonderful help to
many of them. I
never knew'. of a
cage where itfailed.
I have a patient
who is using it
now and she is
doing fine since tak-
ing it. I have
taken it myself and got the very best re-
sults. I consider it the beat medicine
there is to -day for women who are ailin
—Mus, Enna MoonE, 80 Degge St.,
Chatham, Ont. e
Accompanied by pain here and there—
extreme nervousness-e-sleeplessness—may-
be, faint slide, chills; or spasms -all are
si al
e of pair
dt ear for a o
ga 9 woman. She may
be growing from girlhood into womanhood
—passing from womanhood to mother-
hood -or later suffering during middle
life, which 1'eaVes so many wrecks of
women. At any or all of these periods
of a woman's life she should take a tonic
and nervine prescribed for just such castes
by a physician of vast experience in the
diseases from' which women suffer,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has
successfully treated more cases in the past
50 years than any other known' remedy.
It can now be had in sugar-coated tablet
form as well as in the liquid. Sold by
medicine dealers or trial box by mail on
receipt of 50 cents in stamps. Dr.
Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the
Local News
anisesaee eseeeeeeleeeeellseOrtt
Marc). .
C`ouncil meets en Esnuday.
De. J. L. Hughes, of Toronto,
will oe here to address n Patriotic
meeting on Tuesday reel-.
Spring will soon he here.
Liberal Club meeting next Thurs
day evening. g
Strong powers of resistance are
r4gnired thew• teays to ward ,off
dinette during these mold and
extr m, chan;:'es iii enip.t-rature,
Children Cry
Special .single fare. for the round
trip hat, been permitted to the.Oemtnit.
tee of One Hundred for. the big
demonstration at Toronto, when tbe
petition will be presented to.,the Gov -
ailment, on March Sth. Tickets will
likely he good ening on the 7th and
returningon the 9th, but mere deftrite
word will be announced later, All
that e.tn go from Huron, either' Wren
or women are asked to join the depu
taction. The Committee of One Hun-
dred 18;11 meet on the afternoon of the
7th and there will lima, big mass
meeting the sante evening,
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is right the
stomach and bowels are right
pel a lazy liver to
do its duty.
• Cures Con-
Headache, and Distress after Eating.
Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price..
Genuine, must hear Signature
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jeweler yr. Far better .to pay a fair
price and know exactly, what you
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry—for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical
That has been said sn often that
everybody :by this time should
know it—and yet there isno;
scarcity of, cheap jewelryin the
land .
Now to getperaonal—If you
like to miss chat sott alwould
If yen would liko to buy where
nothing but bigb qualities are
dealt in—COMD HERE,
And even at that, uo pornon Ever
said our prices were unfair
Edison Records and
Jeweler' and optician,
y I Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Author of the "Pillar of Light,"
"The Wings of the Morn-
orning" and "The Captaii, of the
Copyright 1909, bv.Edward ' J. Clods
In tbe course of centuries a channel
has been cut right across the 200 yards
o1 land. Owing to the same cause
the summer rains have excavated a
ravine through the crater up above,
and a similar passage exists sere, only
it happens to run parallel to the line
of the cliff. It extends a good deal be•
yond iia apparent outlet and is de-
fended by a dangerous reet, Marcel
once landed on a rock during a very
calm day and saw the opening. Re
investigated It. luckily for me -luckily,
In fact, for all of us."
Thus the minutes sped until a dim
shape emerged from tbe opposite black-
ness. It came unheard, growtug from
nothing into something with ghostly
subtlety. Iris, a prey to many emo-
tions, managed to stifle the exclama-
tion of alarm that rose unbidden. But
Hazier read ber distress in a hardly
audible sob.
It is our friend Marcel," be wbls-
pered. "So Domingo bas made good
his landing. Be brave! The sea Is
quite calm, Tbis`man` has been to the
island and back In leas than a quartet
of an hour."
The catamaran swung round and
grated on the shingle. Marcel was In
a burry.
"Are you ready?" asked De Sylva,
bending toward Iris.
"Yes," she said.
"Then you had better kneel behind
Marcel and steady yourself by placing
your bands on his . shoulders. kes,
that is it Do not change your posi-
tion until you are ashore. Now, you
Mr. Hinter."
Marcel murmured something.
"Ah, good)" cried De Sylva softly.
"Domingo, too, has secured a cata-
maran. He le bringing 1t at once In
order to save time."
A second spectral figure Vemerged
from the gloom. Without waiting nor
further instructions Marcel ewuug 1119
paddle, and the one craft passed the
other in tbe center ot the poot. tris
felt. Bozier's bands an her waist Re
obeyed orders and uttered no Bound,
but the action told her that she migat,
trust him implicitly. When the nar-
row cleft was traversed and, she saw
the open sea on tier Hght tbere was
ample need for some such .assurance.;
of guardlansbip. -
Viewed from the cliff the swell ,that
,broke on the half sebmerged reef was ;
of slight volume. but it presented a
very different 'and most disconcerting
aspect wben..seen in profile. ltseemed
to be an almost impossible feat for any
man to propel three, narrow., planks,.
top beery with a human freight, across
a wide channel through which such a
Asa Was relining. Indeed, Hosier him,
'self, sailor as he was. felt mere tbau,
dnubtfte an to, the. fate of their a „
But hiatktel pittldled ahead with uta leire
ging energy once he was e,ear ot the
tortyopRepassage• and.,betoraine cata-
maran had traveled many yards, even
lrie' was tibia to nnderstnnd that, the
ontlytng ridge
Of reeks both prot'eted"
tbeir prnsent'trnrk end'created'muni
ot,tlle" gppsrent turmall.
At hiMt the raft, rqr; It was lltttp eise,
sharply out between two neje
bew,Iders Hwy thigh, well here mitre?
rigad,tbe mlphty p11e M Granasprere lt•
seq. ';Muted .and sngitler they wery
aad,aet like a ,gateway to an .abode ot;
giants. Beyond there r W&a a animater
of swift moving water, with a silver
mist on tbe .surface, though, from a
height of a few feet it would have been
easy to dietlbgulBb the toki.Contours
ot Fernando 'Noronba itself.
Memel held men weenie, hand even
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
For prospectus and ternm,wtite tate Principal
R, r. werner,M.A.,D.D,,SA Thoaaaa,Ona
Gained 111 Poende By Taking Vinol
Norfolk, Va.-"I suffered from ner-
vousness, had no.app etite and was very
thin. Nothing I took seemed to help pie
until one days friend told me eboutVinol.
I have now taken ;six bottles,tnd have
gained fifteen pounds: have'a' geed ap-
petite.and can eat anything. "—MATTIE
DENNING, Norfolk, Va.
Vino! is tedelicioute cod `liver and iron
tonic without MI, a.constitutional remedy
which creates
w an appetite,sidadlgestion
and' makes pure healthy blood. , Try.it
On our guarantee.
J. E. Hovey, Druggist'
Clinton, Ont.
while he brought the catamaran
ashore on the shingle so gently that
not a pebble was disturbed., Be rose,
a gaunt scarecrow. stepped off and
drew the shallow croft somewhat far.
tiler up the sloping peach: Then he
helped Iris to ber feet and indicated
tbat Ube was to come witb Ulm, At
ouc'e she shrank away in terror,
Though to some sense prepared for
this parting, she telt It now as the
cruelest blow that fortune :had ,deals
her during a day crowded with ails
fortune: In all iikelhood those two.
would never meet again. She needed
no telling: as to the risk he would soon
be called on to Lace, and her anguish
was made the more bitter by the neces-
sity that they 'should go from. each
other's presence without a spoken
Nevertheless- she forced herself to
extend a band in farewell. Her eyes
were blinded with tears. She knew
that Hazier drew her nearer. With
the daring of one who may well east
the world's convention to the winds be
gathered her t0 his heart and ,kissed
ber. Then ebe uttered a little sob of
happiness and sorrow and fainted.
It was not until she was lying help-
less In his embrace, with her head
plllowed on his breast and an arm
thrown limply across bis shoulder,
that Philip understood what had hap-
pened. He loved Dec', and elle, the
promised wife of another man, had_
tacitly admitted that she returned his
love. Stumbling through the gloom he
carried her Until the Brazilian lett him
and went on alone toward a wretched
A dog barked. Marcel whistled soft-
ly, and the animal began to whimper.
The Brazilian vanished. Hozier sWl
held Iris in his arms. His heart was
beating tnmultuousty. His throat ached
with the labor of his lungs. His
straining earn caught rustlings among
the grass and roots, but otberwtse a
solemn peace brooded over the scene.
Then Marcel came and aroused him
from the stupor that bad seated on
Lin, and together they entered tbe
novel, where a dark skinned woman
and a comely girt uttered words o1
sympatbetie sound wben Iris was laid
on 'a low trestleand dozier took a
farewell 11155 from ber unheeding lips.
' Two weary emirs elapsed before tbe
tittle army of the Grand pere rock was
reunited onthe sbore of Cotton 'Tree
bay. 'Then there was a further de-
lay while their indefatigable scouts
brought milk and water, souse coarse
bread and u gond supply ot fruit from
the but. It was part ot their scheme
that they should give their friend's
habitation a wide hers n It their mans
Settled On Her Lungs
Causing Great Pain.
Norway Pine Syrup.
Miss D. M. Pickering, St.,Catharh*ea,
Ont., writes: "Having derived great
benefit from Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup, I though) I would write andtell
you of my experience. When I first came
out,fronl England I contracted a severe
cold,, owing to the change of climate.
It settled on my lungs, and caused me a
great deal of pain, I tried every remedy
I could think of, but got no relief. My
father, who had heard a great deal about
the good' qualities of Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, advised me to try it. I- did
so, and, I am 'pleased to say, found im
mediate relief. I only tookone bottle
and it cured me completely. My mother
had a severe cold also, and Dr, Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup cured her, so we
never fail to keep a bottle of it in the
See that none of those so-called "pine
syrups" are handed: out tp you when you
go to your druggist or dealer and ask ter
"Dr. Wood's." Itis put up in a yellow
wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark;
price, 25c and 50e.
Manufactured only by The T.''
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Austria Uses Wooden "Shoes.
Wooden shoes are becoming n ing pope-
lar in many parts ot Austria, and,
while unaccustomed to this kind of
footwear, the people, says the
Iteichspoat of Neuhammer, "walk in
them perfectly, and the children run
and jump in them as though' It were
a real pleasure.
' The high price of leather has
brought about this change, and
many factories in the villages of Fttr-
atenhut and Ausselgeiield are turn-
,Ing out large quantities. of wooden
oboes. The shoes are made from
beecbwood and pine, and can be had
at at, low a price as 20 cents. Tbey
are said to be very warm.
veteran of 1.874 Again Fighting
Corporal Sarrugue, aged seventy -
nix, and a veteran of the Franco-'
Prucsian war, is to -day fighting In
the ranks for France. Forty-five
years ago he won the Legion of.
Honor medal; to -day he wears the
war cross, recently bestowed uppn
him for gallantry.
Lesson X; First Quarter, For
March 5, 1916,
Text of the Lesson, Acts vii, 54, to viii,
3—Memory Verses, 69, 60—Golden
Text, Rev. ii, 10-CommontaryPre-.
pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
Stephen seems to have remained"
lent before his accusers' until the hig
priest asked, -Are these things so
Then, beginning with the appeuring'
the God of glory to Abraham. he Iran
the History 0t larnel down, to the tip
of Solomon and , the building 'of' tip!
(Maple, passing' from that to Him wh
spoke of Himself as the Temple, whlc
Ile said if they destroyed He won
raise it up the "third day (verges 51-5
i3 19,
216. He
lay in the fulfillment of the promise
Abraham, the sufferings and deliv
ance of Joseph, the people's refusal 0
Moses, but God's choice of him as d
liverer, and then accused them of con
summating all the iniquity of the
fathers by murdering the ,lust On
who had been promised to Abraha
and Moses and foreshadowed in isaa
and Joseph and Moses and Solomon
Although Joseph and Moses were re
fused for a time, Goll used them wbe
the time came, and so He will use th
rejected, crucified and risen Christ a
the appointed time. As truly as Joseph
came to the place of power and Moses
delivered Israel, so surely shall Jesus
Christ come to the throne of David and
be king over a redeemed Israel when
the fullness of time shall have come.
As usual, the accusation of being the
murderers of their Messiah eut them
to the heart (chapter v, 83) and made
Wein angry . enough to kill Stephen.
which they succeeded in doing. As
they gnashed on him with their teeth
(verse 54) he. was seemingly' oblivious
to 1t all, for be saw Jesus in r glory. The
expression "gnashing of teetb" was
used just seven different times by our
Lord concerning the torment of the
lost and always concerning those wbo
were professedly religions, but not
really His (Matt viii, 12; xiit 42, 50;
axil, 13; xxlv, 51; xxv, 80; Luke xiii, 28),
Stephen was filled with the Spirit to
Serve tables, to work miracles, to bear
testimony, and now in bis great hour
of need to see Jesus Christ in glory and
die triumphantly ivi. 3, 5. 8, 10; vii, 55,
001. 'Tp be filled with and controlled by
the Holy Spirit is our great and su-
preme need for every occasion and all
manner of service, for Only thus shall
we look up steadfastly and see the
glory of God and Jesus at His right
hand, something which we need to do
in order to be steadfast in service and
ready to live or die. This upward look
and steadfast beholding of Jeans at
the right hand of the rather, always
so necessary, were never more needful
than pow in these awful days of the
European conflict, and this very morn -
leg *May 8, 19113), as the papers an-
nounce the sinking of the Lusitania
yesterday by torpedoes near Queens-
town, with the loss of perhaps 1,000
lives, we surely do need to look up
steadfastly. With tbe earth so full of
unrest and the rage of the devil, the
destroyer and murderer, so manifest,
there can be no peace of mind unless
we see heaven opeued and the Son of
Man on the right hand of God and
hear Him say, "Be still and know that
t am God; I will be exalted in the
earth," and remember that Ile alone
eau make wars to cease on earth (Ps.
xlv), 9.11), Stephen's discourse began
with "tbe God of glory" and ended
With "the glory of God" (verses 2, 55),
and we must see the God of glory and
rejoice in the hope of the glory of God
if 'we would be patient. in tribulation
sand run with patience the race set be-
fore us atom. v, 14; Heb, xil, 141. I
am always helped and enabled to look
up `better by a study of the passages
where heaven is opened and we' see
visions of God, for there is 00 rest. of
soul in things that are seen, but only in
the unseen and eternal '(Gen. xxviil,
12-15; Beek. f, 1, 20-28; Mgtt. iii, 16, 17:
John 1, 51; Acts vil, 56; x, 11; Rev. iv,
I. 2; :ix, 11.10). Itis restful to remem-
ber that there is eine on the throne who
is always quiet and unmoved and can
doo as He pleases and bus all ;lower,
and no thought of Ris..cau be hindered
(lass: vi, 1; Ps. caxxv, 6; Job x1l1, 2,
He hastoldus not to he.afraid to he
killed. for to the believer to die is gain,
to depart is to be with Christ, which Is
very far better; to be absent from the
body Is to be present with the Lord
(Matt, x, 28; II Cor. v, 8; Phil. 1, 21.23),
Our Golden Text does not tell us that
we will' be saved if we coutiune faith-
ful t11! we •die,. . but that as; bollerers.
saved and kept by His faithfulness,
we must expect the hatred of the devil,
and if we are faithful, even though we
die for it, we will receive.a crowu of
lit which hi h s b
c i the special reward for
patient endurance. See alas Jas, 1, 12.
Stephen's testimony as to what he
saw led these servants of the devil to
stop .their ears et whet they consider-
ed his blasphemy, rnsh upon him, cast
him int of . the e elty and stone ham to.
death, Then he saw indeed tbat whish
be bad. seen a few moments before
from �bie mortal body. and be was foie
ever with his Lord. far beyond the
reach of all hie enemtee. Efis last
words are memornhle. '•laird .twos.
receive my spirit," and Lord. lar. not
this Mu to their charge" (re1'ses 119-110et
They remind us of tests of aha seven..
sayings of Christ .on the ernes. Bis re.
corded in I.nl:e. exi11, ;14. 4e. .Seal was
consenting uti10 Isis deniti and kcoat Ole
raiment air ahem eau, -dew hint, and he
naesr triraut it' irli..;,b; R•1,1, 1, exit, 2fb.
or -
;Mors Theursoaine,
The Great F,nglieh4?i.ltemedr.
Tones end invigorates the whole
nervousayeton , moires new Blood
in old `sins Cures it -amour
Debility Mental and. Bram Worry, Despon-
dency, `Loss of Aimee. Palpitation tf dile
Heart, Fatting Memory. Price 51 per box, iia
for Sfigg Ono will please, do will oure,*Sold by alt
drugelios or mailed in .plain pkg. on receipt of
,price. Now pamphlet 'nettled flee:, THE weep
MEDICINE 00,. 808(1)10. our. troonett Moths.)
M„ y,p OR orlro,OHp,R,f5,
Moat of the Belgians 'gi a Roman
Belgium is about one-eighth of
the ciao of Gieait Britain, ,
Liege was the chief manufactur-
ing city of Belgium.
Belgians arenmon•gst the cleaver -
est laeemake.•s in the world.
Over 1400,000 destitute Belgians
gc daily the bread, line to be kept
A sov'er'eign will take a passim, -
ger more miles on a Belgian rail-
way than on any other railwey in
the world.
Namur which formed an import-
ant link in'the tehain of Belgioaln
defences hadton)y .35,o, o0 .inhhabiL•
ants. t,
There are large ,tracts of Be1-
gium where one cannot walk ten
miles in any 'direction without
crossing the sceue of a famous bak
tie ora" seige.
The anile of tbe road in Belgium
is just the opposite of that; obeerv-
!rel. Britain; on meeting anoth
iettvlehie1e you keep ,to the right,
thence of the left.
Children Cry
Manitoba's Programme
01 Reform
The Manitoba Legislature as in
r•easion, andthe programme of the
Goviernment has been announced,
and it is almost 'enough to take
away the breelth of a staid citizen
of Ontario. As our readers know
already there is to be a refrendum
upon provincial prohibition, and
what was known es the Hugh J hn
Macdonald Act will be submitted to
the people for their verdict. But
this as only one ;stem in the pro-
gramme, The Coldweli 'amend•
menta are to be thrown out, and
compulsory education is to be es-
tablished, wean no bilingual
schools. Wk are glad to note in
this connection that t he re-
port of the Minister of 'Education
shows that out of a tool school
population of 110.928 no fess than
100,983, are enrolled in tits public
hchno's of the province, Ana the
attendance is 81.1 per cent. of the
enrolment. This is a goad deal
better than we had been led to ex-
pect from statements of those
who claimed to know the facts.
But in addition toledtaoatio'nel re-
form the Government pt opos%s a
to the Legislature a law granting
the suffrage to women, another
radical step. And, to crown, all,
it is proposed that the province
adopt the principleof the initiat-
ive and
nitiat-ive''and referendum; which is the
very latest move to matte the Gov
ernment completely responsive to
the Will of the citizen. rt seems
probable thane!). these 'radical
changes wil'soon become law with
our nearest westernneighbor. In
Ontario We bane some hopes of
securing provincial prohibition, tat
woman suffrage and initiative and
referendum seem a long way off'
An Excellent Remedy
For The Children
Mrs Laura J,aokson, Brantford,
Out, writes ; "I have founa Baby's
Own Tablets such an ex••ellent rem
;edy for ail dran that have no'
hesitation in recommending them
to all mothers. Thousand of
mothers say the same thing eon.
acrning t1Ne Tabletift. Once a
mother has used them ;she would
use nothingelse. They are for
sale at ell druggistsor by mail at
25 conte a box from The Dr, Wil-
lianas' Medicine Co" Breekv ll:e, out.
While' cutting lee one day last
week at Crediton Wm. Qhs-ie'ehee
fell fn but fortunately was pullets
out not much err rse for the ex-
peris(nce, The river ;was nine
feet deep.
Mr, (Peorg,e Arrests -mg of Use
1 orne the tater part of lest weer
lest two hordes by heath, The
cause of death'wee' c:e:ebro spinal
nteniegttis. dee wars : a slaluaol�'e
animal, while the °thee wee an
old beast. Another was .on ,the
verge of death but it is now slow-
ly '1eovering,