HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-02, Page 2°-i PAGE TWO._, rap MINTON NEW (3,'hut•ed'ay, iilareh and, 1916. 11 Millinery Iteudy,Y,. to-i'1'ei1.r" Garments Plioile 78 Dry Goods and IIoud e Fur nishings After our. big Mid -Winter ` Sale We have several hundred Remnants to clear out at less than half pfrice. Remnants of Dress Goods, black Remnants of Silk ' Remnants of Delaine Remnants of Curtain Goods, Remnants', of'Cottons Remnants of 1 able 'Linen Remnants of Toweling Remnants of Wrapperettes Remnants ;of Shirting • Remnants of `Galatea and colored Dozens of other Remnants will also be on Display. All 'Remnants on Display on Dr ses..Goods Counter Cl 13e Sure and be on Hand early Saturday Morning Big Rath Towel Special for Saturday. L., Y )5 nwri��sw Five dozen Bath Towels, linen shade, nice soft towel, length 4o inches by 2r inches, ver s ecial each 2c,„ s....00sSSsss1 _ ._.�__. 0 ••••O••s000w 9. 0 Price,;' �P,t Price 4 • e 1. __ Yg r. z - ,1.$15.25 4-_ $15.25 • • LATEST i1'o ' ER IN PHONOGRAPHS the • • , • eCompat es 'with the Best by Actual Test • • • •A Phonograph second to none, yet at a price no .home can e • afford to he without it. Re beanty of tone and clearness of • • reproduction are marvellous. Play any sized record, vocal,• • • inetrumentai, hand, etc. For Sale at •• • 0 i Rureiiture •, • C' C 0:� DLtC1fOrCj Store • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r•MIN=POO=M • •- 100••e•••• �lr� i • • • •• • 0 • 0 • • i • • a • R •••••••••• • • • A' 0 w • • 0 • r• • i•O '0 ,0 0 o. 0 0 • • 0 0 0 • e • 8 printed from your , olwnthem at the g. a' .0 0 0 e We make these only from. Genuine Vegetable i'arcliment We carry ins stock a line printed with the words 'Choice Dairy "B -utter for immediate delivery. They are sold 'at'tle following prices: • • 1000 Sheets• i2;25 (.• ; 500. Sheets c.5.) s zso Sheets •75 •� loo Sheets ' .35 0 • Wrappers specially ,p • copy, we can ,-,supply prices --- T M$1.25 a,to4M I.'TS;perM 5 ,,M I.5o.per M ro M... ........ ...... ..................................3.40 per M A w The New Era • 0 • •• • .• 0 • • 0 0 • • 0 0 heir-CoLJ. A. Copper hadq uite made up him mind to eo to the Croat with ,the troops from ,Ffaidimand, and had settled down to an energetic recruiting campaign -for Col Baxter ,,when the War Lord ,slargedcashinghag eye about- for the, successful More !battalions were to be raised. Leader's were needed. ,That, is why a tglegram t9ldr. Capt, Ceoper, one ,morning in lacgnrc .terms, that ;he was a Ikea -tenant ;colonel, just for the accepting. Now, if there is one thing which Col. C000er cannot be accused. of -and it is. an admit fable thing, in a soldier -it is lack of de-. .cision, Ire knew right away that he ,,would be a; lieutenant;xyodonel, and that he could raise a battalion. And thht is .his record as a.. soldier, without any family instinct to urge him on unless you lcount his father -in law, Co1, James Massie Of the fi. C. A., hingston, A Successful Journalist. Before he became an active military man, Col. Cdoper had an interesting; career in:•the: field of jeuiinalism, . That. was the business around which he based his fads. The idea of being a journalist came to hint while be was still an under graduate of the U . vemit ••-of Toronto. Even though he stepped directly into the. editorship of one cf the McLean trade publications, he did so with the idea of some clay occupying a bigger and more national field. During the year he re mined with MeLean's Colonel Cooper was editor of three trade journals. Next he was editor of the Canadian Magazine, and it was his experience there which enabled him to turn his energies,towarcls the organization of the Canadian Gourier which he has managed ever since. That was his business, but it is the fact that he always had a generous store of side -energy which promises to carry him through his military career with honors. For example, he put in one or two years of his spare time as a student at law, and was for seven years the active secretary of the Canadian Press Association. Always recognized as a strong organi- zer, some proof of this was furnished in his work as one of the leaders in forming the Toronto branch of the Canadian Club, of which society he was the first president. Two years ago Col. Cooper was instrumental in the.organivation of the Municipal Improvement Association For several years he served on the Exhi. bition Board, and in the municipal field he will be best remembered as an alder - manic candidate in Ward Two. Since the war began his side•energy has taken on a patriotic tinge, ar he has given up much of his'bnia to lecturing on the war and showing lantern screens, all in the aid of recruiting. Active and Aggressive, These are sidelights thrown on the man, merely to dhow that his energy is so developed.that he.eould not be held down by the duties of a regular business, and it is such a man whose brain promises to be indispensable on the battle line. Those who know Col. Cooper best declare he has always been a fighter; he is active and aggressive not only in ahe military sense but in everything which he takes up. He has a great head for detail; and in his enthssiasms he,is strong, particul- arly when it comes down to a time like this when it is a case of battle for the right. Yet, despite his reputation as a lighter, there is back of it all, a real geni. ality of character, a deep sympathy with human nature, which cannot fail to in- spire .the respect and admiration of his men, and which will make of him a good soldier under whom to serve in the cause of the Empire. 0 • 0 • s e IINTON' 1 • rtilC0.0aseeser emotioseersoetwo 31s0•••Is.•ON Local News 0•000600ae (100.000 eO0666000 ANN,1l1.il1iA1.F SB(hVf.N1S `1'l Sl ii'i Cif f111Cif The Rev DI'. 21) n r t! '" wr't known minister *of Trinity Church Toronto will preach 1nn'Vers.1 ,. S4'0017705 far 11' 514y Chnrah i,,3 Su+, cbr;v, 'March 19111. MINOR LOCALS. Marc:;. Council moots en Monday. Va• Lime d 1,rar, Tilur.'d.ry, 3larch ?; 30. Dr. f. L. Hughes, of 'Doranto, will oe here to address aPa,Uloae meeting oriM.irday night in We ley Church, 7iouitc,cn members of 111-1+. On- taiir LegislaLuln., have dollingIttn.. khaki. t 3100011 ciatorul like ad latl.0. WAR AUXILIARY M1 (T]NC The Clinton War Auxrliiry met on Lhtusdila avenin„ last: ..to drs- Oss chi •r,nrnon ll,of • Lille Ii ecru ti 11-2 Tic aR}ht. pckefol One 11 too emnll 1'11 F c lttiv' habit, t ire ("alone!. ()knee to nollt t ad int stare newt do W, T. O'N e lti geo er t Store; - as the 1ucld.ng will lie suitable fora recruiting office: prlt'ur felt the .eoldleirsttin 1N,a11 :and batt 31,30105 Wheal )off duly, ibr matter of Home. 0ria tat s was ,. )gain hien ht no ting word 15 e7pl etr'rl shortly frons Uttawh, that' Will gitc. n11'the 110c.7s..7n^v d.d:1i1 la the work of organising. 11. was stolid thin Tna linghes «'ii;ull Ge ho(e on Mend iv inn', 'March fth ❑T:d tbe.m'k,eting will Ie r'ec'to all.. DON'T (FORGET' 'PRE WAR !TAX: The f ilo a to affix n war stamp' to a;ch(gu'c is a More prions neat - tet than nii n }' people ijuppeiso A man in, Vir'pnle'`Nasi up br,(ore the police magistimuto for omitting t:o- affie at-stamp,I':a, cheque,foi 13, winch he had Issued, '`' Oouglt'1•,is cc)uneol Stated ila.a,1 the nmiasion, was ice1d464,1he Irian was fined,. $10 and Costs. BLSTII SOLDIERS IIFRB, 711( j11ith soldiers unite! the -ef 1r a of Lieut. 'PnVnlc Scott, are riled in'tewn on -IPrid t,yr afterno 131 ai,9nt 330' p.m, aiidi were r ••eeil'ed by Lieut;-rCW. Comhe, with Bar,d'. asci Soldiers '9f Clinton, Company at the juncture ,nf.the Tiaselire ara .Blyth reads, The, csolr1iers r,e turned to the n'rthern burg on the evening twain. Leat.' Se ott.s bringing his mee on in great shape. TWo NEW BA'1TriRIES. • Two ttew battri'ics of • aa'tillolty tole l.now n aS 'theirstciand berli batteries are t1 he Organized and i+ecruitrd in this di risaM at once blip haeteric5 to haleuelph es. their hroadfluor lers Ties an- ni t net neat was -mad s l!v (•iph. Cameron of Lor d;;m who is ilet;ng nffiver command ung 'On'1 pi' the 1 allel ies, Major E. N. Lewis,of (} d'rich will command 'ore or: the 1eateries. Anaoi:g the officers. are Veit, 'I .I . 91arphy, of Ms1nnvo.e METRO ROLOII'ICAL tun'ORT 10R FEBRUARY 101Gt- The highest maximum fempei'e- ttirc for the mt,nth Was 31° 'on lsl. The lowest minimum tempe ran ire was 19' 3,e1, 1'. eek O on 1'lth 'l'he highest range was 28'/, on ':7.87. Tile olwte.t range Was t' on 30. The Means were m,aximuin'23,76' min- imum 10.38°, range 13,3 ° , The rainfall was 0.0(1 and the r 1,)W1.11 was 20.5 inches. .'1'.e,age d pth 0' snow on ground on 29th. was 8 and{rs. Sturmts occurred on the 7111,. 2(ith. at d 271h. Sleighing frnm Ste to e,,d bf 0)011111, CL1NTUN WOLLD 'HA V.E S;JME FINE ONES, A paper recently Ipubiishlci die lollewing item that Col. Cunioe siu•u'a l cL• into; -ail POrts of battalions and regiments are 1:cing organ iecd-sttide .ita, cloyl.< cit 11 servants e.c. Now., frim what class of inr'n cuicld a fir c tctly of men be recruited 1hail the Implements ripenfs Association'? They are lalmost 111 crgtmt atrue tare, ^ani talk any language, are of high intelligence dialfov,any 11)31 they w;ouldlnot hill. in fair corn - at, they %maul simply capture aim and talk hum to clean. - SOLDIERS GUEST OF ST. PAUL'S A,Y,P.A, St. Paul's A.Y.I'.A. rand the tribes of the congregation 'cisternUin,ed, the Clinton dt;lachine•et of tho 161 s 00 Friday evening lest. The 311000) d ))9 i'' the evening were arnanged by Mr. C.D, 3ouc11 anti consisted of a guessing contest an informal prcg;ram unit hunch At intervals aurin g the Bening Yhelpns Orchestra played and was much enjoy( d by a11. 'Pictures Ncpic3enttrig 'o'(1 Engl'ish 1•rc- trrhs had,bcen pint e,t In cOnspi^ i10'is place ibent' the ivlllls at, d; each person w 15 ga en 0 11°110 )1 1, d ea d to record their answers. 'e. programme was given by Bev, W. 3lourtun, 11L.s. La Penitiere, 9Lr, Town90ei,d and Miis Cluff• A.ftera vote of thanks to the lard e, 111(0 the A,i`,1' i„ 110 d 1)0.01 passe,f by tlin so CZ,rrs 11 e eni )0ya iev .h" Yf • leg was hrou„hi 10 1'lnse lin sing- ing We Will 'Never Let The 013' !Ping Pall' t11.31 'The National :1n1 - them."' When the Back .Becomes Lame IT ISA SIGNIVF KIDNEY TNOU LE Doan's Kidney Pills cure the aching back by curing ,the aching kidneys be- neath -for it is really the kidneys aching and'not the back. Doan's Kidney Pills are a special kidney and bladder medicine for the cure of all kidney troubles, Mrs. Louisa Goxisbaw, 683 Manning Ave., Toronto Ont., writes: "I take great pleasure in Writing you, stating the benefit I have received by using Doan's Sidney Pills. About three,years ago I was terribly afflieted with lame: back, and was so bad I could not even'sweep the floor. I was adyised to try your pills, aind'before'I had used one box thdre was a,great improvement; and my back was much 'better. ' However, I kept on taking them until . my back' qas completely cured I , highly recommend 'Doan's' for,lame.harrlc!' Mates, , dney 'Pills are the , on pill for 'the kidneys. See that our , e.. mark the "Maple Leaf ' appears on the wrapper. Doan's' Kidney Pills are Sic per bus, 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbtlrn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oaf When ordering direct specify 'I)or.F Let Me Figure On wiring,, : your House for Electric -Lights. 'MY 'prices Fare as low as is consistent with 'good work.. All work guar=, 'anteed to pass inspe"ctio''n. VV•...J..Nedi er Phone 131. (' L1 N'F,)' (30lIG' AN l- MAR(!IEPS TO J'A' FTET (3. The Clinton 'Company of the telt vela,]) d' at noon! & tidilyfrem a 831 mile 1Oule Ina eat to Mayfield' n- r1 return, In^king trim ,anti f »sh Tbcy repos t tinting .a splen el d their„- When they We '0 half way Over ir3 (1a; fluid 1:131)1 frinnds at Dlid.daeton's ('hu ali ti,',1071 them to a well p.teparcd ,hn ehaen 'r d the school schot,e'c. ,;,c'cBtnd the 111'. with ehre.s: r annexa .t rd• (.Chiles, and to the g e.1i•al rorrar, \V 73 0fon)Polt for his thoughtful pre- paeatinn Ibe 'unys bestowed their hearty thanks. AL ltayfierd 13'e• 1c'nrd the places -for husineis dr,- ° ated, and banners • ucrus4 'the streets ,lnd.t:he "whole ci'rIntry side Out to meet them. A1 tor goinn tl rough some drills p,ln 1111tar y9 m61011011:i they were ainspii.Aly ('111& tallied in, tate t1)1,'re' hone^F and spent ,u social ,time ,1(1 ing ti e r ening, ill the tOW7.1 11,.11 whe e ,•ar fin -pro rapt li;yiaitig}ya,m w•:la inn • ort 11 a o'rliicls 383' d:,y morning th^v alb t 77 On their 3011(3 (51,733))' nr d-rach3rl Clinton ahead rte sr h( cI icitf tinge, • •'BH 1 COrk Now Roll 01 Horror, Oi►t St.'Cliitech'Si ridily"School taMeamxn e 'b cia� t hClass ,n, ioL . nt b`o v sby Mies, Stevens;Sand VIr; lV,Waiker,'who have titillated for the war Willie Walker ,11 nice ge•aeom 'Lewis'1fl:tithing Fred Thompson Uhae, Thompson (deo, Webber O/F. Lockwood , Lgslie 'Wasmann Robt. Fisher J ir'ties'Orich 9 Newconmbe VV" LA -660:5'6d Will Britton Amrrold. Parker .;Geo, 7,'ehbutt W Brockett Cecil Morris Foie"111oi1gan The, Piasrure eubjecppnex(:,EMORy, Farm for Sale evening will be "At the 'Or"osis-8tbip' ping for the fight;" , Anniversary services on March 19th, 1120 AURBS 1a Goderdgh township, in the county oflinron, _lot 25 on the 14th concession; south oast half of lot 80 Maitland concession Good farm •...••0.••.(0.0.0•..00.•0•• The "Won Batt I • •' 00010.0)0•00.0.0•• 'A. B. Oasenlore L Toms EXETER, A. ');, Willis S. West I. D. Taylor W..5. Ilivers W. L. Kydd E. C. Harvey 1. N. Willis W. j. Mallett lV H. Farness 0. Dameron A. F1. Gambrill .1. W. Nunn GODERICII. N. R. Robinson A, Christie J. B. Swartz A. H. McDonald W. L Johnstone A. H. Jane WINGHAM. 11.O, Salter J. 13. Cloultes R. McGuire 8, F Ferguson R. .).Paths A. R. Tasker U. 13ekish 1. L. Tasker St. (1. Crawford T. W. Penrose J3L Y P3. O. G. Ciampbell. L McAli. McElroy. 1, 11, Lawson. R Icing. Per rin'sells'corn at 78e buebelt for cash or three months time to the farmers he knows, and to others on Iheir own statement and appearance. Taub corn.and, ..feed wellW.an3 L.d'PERRI Jgot good - price. for corn fed cattle. •0••+ 0•64Oe•••s•6400 4 ". WITH TFfU CIIVfiCMII,S. • i• ONTARIO, ST CEiU'RCH. "Wbar, Canada owes to lieitain," This will be the Pastor's .subject tin ylmd,ay evening'next. ,As younpeople wre.prevented from the going lick() Rolmeevillerel.:: e last Mon day evening, they are invited to go on Mondavevening of next week, •06 Friday night last 'the Choir of the dhurch honored the. Pastor's birth' day which '017100 on Sunday, by resenting him will'. Frederick ',slaers hook on the .Was and a hognet of- carnations. The ladies of the ,choir also provided a,' splendid llliieh to which the pastor and his fam ily Were invited. WESJiE l 1311911 tC.fJ , The hove in khaki of the 101st Batt?' will have charge of the musical service in Wesley church, Sunday evening. The annual'sleigh ride and supper of WVesley Sunday School Was held on llueedab'„ef this week, The, Laiiaes, Aid' meets at the home of Hits, Wesley Walker today. Tao W, M, 19, annotinc ' that en Thursday evening,• March -Oth. they; will hold' a Rubber Social in the school room on which occasion Miss Gray +'ern^d" Missionary will give an crated addrads. , •N •e,.nx Y 1-e 'i'i�,, ,�. g i r i•i.�-(' _ •, HENSALL P. L 1{ettimore, L,: R. Davidson J. A. 11i1derhorant. WROXEPE'R. J. (1 Underwood, F. 19;. Musgrove. J. G. Simmons. J. L. Jackson. SEAFORTH '0. MCN,aruara, W.f. Matthews. 3. L.Bullard. R. G. Fraser lipase, bank' barn sheep pen, pigpen, and drive stied. •Never' failing well with pipes to learn and 'house, 'also water in five different fields the year round. Easy terms. Apply to W ,M [INNINGS. Holinesville, Odt. Phone 11 on 160, Clinton ' liggs tar Ilail'hing From Rens that Lay We are prepared to supply a large number of eggs far hatching purposes from the famous Guild, bred-to•lay strain of Single Comb White Leghorn -Sittings 50e per 13 or 68 per hundred Our Special pen of '2 year old hens mated with Tom Barrow strain cock- erels $1 per 15. Incubator lots a specialty. HOLMESVILLE POULTRY YARDS N: W. Trewartha. Proprietor phone 4 ou 142 Servant Wanted By Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart. Apply ' at residence, Atteli'on Sale of 3a Cows and I'unll$ Cattie b1r;.W.,11. Lolb has instructed the un3ersi'gned t`3 31e11 hy-public nucticm, lot 17, ' eon, 16; Goderich township, better known as the Nesbitt farm, on Thursday, March 0th, the following - *cows and Young cattle, fresh mirk ers, springers and farrow cows, also gond heifers fit for'heef ring. Terme - ('months credit on approved joint iaotes, or a discount of taper cent per annum. W, 10. Lohb, proprietor, T. Gundry, auctioneer, Auction Sale of Live°Stoci Mr, Walter Mair has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at lot 28, eon. 4. Flnllett, (Baee Line 14 miles from Clinton) on Friday, ;March 17th, at 1 30 abort), the following -1 cow due to calve in March, 1 cow due .1111y, 1 cow dile in May, Polled Angus now with calf at: Foot, :afresh cows in calf, Afresh .cow, 1 farrow row, 4 steers rise :ears heifers rising 2 ere rising 2y years, a Ing years, 2 heifers 00 )months old, 2 steers 131 months old. 2 fat calves, 5 calves one veru' old, 5 young calves, 9 pigs, 1 mare 8 years old in focal, 1 colt rising 1 year. Terms -All sums of 810 and under, cash, over that amount 10 'months credit tvin.be given on furnishing ap proved joint notes, a discount of 3 per cent o for cash on credit amounts. off t Pigs clash, W. Mair, proprietor, T, Hendry, auctioneer, Lost At the G. T, R station, Clinton,' on Tuesday evening, Feb. 15tH, at the late train, a yellow and white collie dog answering t6 the dame of "Rex Will anyone haying information con- cerning the above dog piease'leav'e word"at•the recruiting -office, dr notify Miss Mabel Doty, Godericb, Anyone found' detaining this dog will be prosecuted For Sale Barred rock cockerels, Connie of rose gamh White Wyandotte cock erels, Also three pullets. EDWARD O. NICKLE Farm for Sale 100' AURES of very choice . land within' easy distance to Londeshoro,. Seaforth Blyth an(l Clinton on, the 11th conecisemci of lInllett I3tal clay loam,'free from shine find bery'fe'i'tile, in a high state of cultivation. About eight acres of valuable hard wood. 'Comfortable brick house on a stone foundation with cement cellar. Wind mill with water flowing through pipe into kitchen.. Soft water cement cis. tern, Loge bank barn, good stabling and out buildings, also silo. Altogether a desirable farm. For further particu- lars apply to IOOB1.RT RED>, Londeshoro R.R. No, 1 McKillop rural phone 15 on 170 For Sale Several well bred Collie Pups for sale, Phone 11' on 136, Clinton, A, 1;, MATHESON Fat liens and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any time. Highest Market Prices Calves for Sale 1 have made arrangements to handle a limited number of calves, mostly good Shorthorn grades. • W. MARQrillfi,OL'LNTON Phone 14 on 166 Wanted. Smaller 'Coal' Bilis Let .us reduce • your Coal hills. We"Can do It by sup- plying you With a coal that lasts long, gives a steady theht aLld'UAles4Urfly'd•t rmll amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGH VALLEY ANTh RAC1TE The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money. Give 10 a trial. Holloway, Clinton We0,43r11''Uiiiiveriitty London ANOTIIIB GREAT ADVANCE Inconce'i)oibled-Now 575,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to: E. E. BRAITIHWAITE, ltl A., Ph.D. President. Shorthorns for Sale Here is your chance to buy a right good 2 year old Bell from an "imp,•' sire and a record milking strain, Also three calves . from 5 to 11 months old. All good feeders and in excellent con• dition. Come and see them EDWARD 13. WISE, R R No 3 Clinton Phone 12 on 105 Farmers o1 "iIurun .We sell:' corn and 'd,its'for Cash, but tc farmers we know to he goof, three months time if desired, Bought 'four oars, cheialil Pe m,Idt will OA me 4q a bushel more. ',Brian and sjiorts. Buy now. Come to the house and see me W. H. PERRIN For Sale Awhite brick 2 story house of 10 rooms with good cellar; Town Water; 4 acre of land with apple trees: also a stable. Corner of Princess and 'Spen- cer street. For terms etc. apply to Holtzhauer, on premises. Painting to Paper Hanging, Painting and Paper 13 singing neatly :and promptly done, Orders left at tiunnitord's Grocery Store or at my "resfd'eiice;'Victoria'S,tj'eet, THOS, CrRAEL1S Headquarters • for Flour Now is the time to buy your Winter snppiy of Flour. We carry a full stock of the following brands,- Purity Five Roses Exeter Milverton Tavistock • London Listowel White Plutne (pastry And also a brand of Breakfast Food, made from choice Manitoba wheat, at G pounds for 25c To Make Pour Hens Lay This Winter, we recommend our Laving Meal, Beef Scrap, Oyster Shell Bone Deal, Grit a.,d Charcoal. We always carry a hill line of Bran Low Grade Flour Shorts Molasses Meal Oil Cake Dairy Meal Highest, Prices Paid for all Binds of Gain 30 (sends of 16 inch green hard wood W. J e nk o ns& S o1'n for Willis Church. Apply to Will. GRANT,Cliton Flour i id`li'eed. phone 09 Vati�emin-' Head Motor COME AND SEE THE ca GN@VI'iltl "1011t-NIll¢IU" at the Clinton Motor Car to. 'Show Rooms Powerful and Quiet Running Price Ce.®n nlete $675 F.O0B.' Oshawa R.e t.iar'Equipment, Mohair Tailored Top; •• Envt;lOpe and Side Curtains, Electric Horn ,g Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer, Electric Starting and Lighting System, Ammeter and License Brackets. rNIOT.E'—O'Wing to the great demand for this car. 'we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery. We use the Stewart Speedometer, Two -unit '`Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting System with Bendix.Driv, same type and grade as used on the high-priced cars.' A COMP LE1"E LINE: OF' REPAIRS°ALWAYS KEPTIN;: STI? • W. J. NEDRIiLR, Agent, Phone I3I., CLINTON ,r.,„a:, 1