HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-03-02, Page 17. 4 Established 1565, Vol. 50, No. 36 CLINT CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY - MARCH 1916 Do you Approve of ���-n��.�� Kultur? If not, �4n1st with the TOrst W. H. Kerr & Son, Editor's and Publishers vvvwwwweIVVVWwwwwvwvw e).0° J. A. Cooper TRtIED AND TRUE AIw ys a fi hter Thee is why we advise you to use HOLM) S' LUNG Tome Its the lightning cure for coughs and colds. Its the hest reneedy for the worst cough. It has cured others it will cure you: 25c per bottle. No war tax. Sold only by Rest Quality )Drug Storrs The Iftexall Store W. S. , ; O [MMS Phm,1B, wwnivvvv 'v uuu UuuvAfvvvvvbevllV4 AmovNV1 WV wvwvwww'wvvvvvw VWvvvannowtoo it wnnAAnneunrvwnn 1 1 T1le RoYal Bank OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital paid i'p ,,,,^,..... 11,560,000 Reserve rve andundivided profits1 3 ,5OU U @0 Total Assets • ... 185,000,000 'w'i>G`dt�Vcr�t•I,d-^ems idle Conn colt iolntN Interest Allowed on Savings Iloposits General Banking Business Transacted. R. E, IYIANNING, Kamm, C1intca Branch S ww,vwwvwvvwvvwWvveaw�p �d�we,w�towv� i i INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK • CAPITAL AND illEs1i:ICN + $8,811i6,0110 96 Branches lit Canada 4 General Dunking Easiness Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS Sevin js Bank Department hate res tmum cd at Ile ie rt fnrrent➢tate ,C.E. Dowding', glan3i cr Clinton BrnrlCil !t,•••••ota•*•• •6•e44r•d'•ea;', 4 000 00400.040400040446.04144 z1 Ordered • • • • • 4, 0 • • • • e • • 4 • A • • • • 4, • 6 • • . •• • o• • • • 4 • • • ••• • New Spring Woolens. Clothing 1tea.dyto-War Clothing 1 L Cs Whenever you say the word, our Tailors will get busy on your SPRING GARMENTS We are turning c.at. CLOTHES that a man can beoud t Fr o CLOTHES he can wear and feel that he is dressed with taste We have a beautiful showing of e' • 0 •• 9 9 • 9 • • 4 e • a • .444a440.0400.64+04. 040000. R•w0.43.•so.•saNwNs••••*Apwe from •foreign and domestic looms. Drop in at your earliest convenience and we will take pleasure in showing,yu'iu and in talking Spring Tailoring with you. Tile iriOr l Clothing f'o . Agent for C. ii'. Ht, elcgratph, Uci. �l Slittare Deal for Every Nan 4• 4 4. 4 r 4' 4- fi 4' 4' 4' 4' a $ . 1 • 1 1 • S 0 Ill 4 "r The New r for Job grk • iii. W >' Head of 198th Battalion a Man Who Has Always Had a Hobby Soldiering His Pet. 20 YEARS OF SERVICE Has Been a Successful Journalist —Organizirg Ability One of His Strong Points, (Toronto Star) If you find a man who loves a con- troversy, and who will see it through to. the end, then you have discovered a soldier. lDoubtlesa that is the qualifica- tion of which Sir Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, was thinking when he chose Lieut. -Col. John A. Cooper to head the 195th Battalion, whose or anizati n is already under full swing at the battalion headquarters on University avenue. In this crisis of recruiting, when strong men must: be chosen to lead battalions, men who possess a natural bent for organiza- tion and who may be relied upon to think out new wrinkles for getting soldiers, Canada's \Var Lord cannot ars toedto make 'mistakes. Ile hasn't, done it this time, if a successful journalistic career may be accepted as any criterion of the merits of a man. The recruit of to -day }e a reasoning man. The time is long gone since the hot -head and the first -emotionalist enlist- ed. Those left are the workers, men Lt,•Col, J. A, Cooper an Old Clintonian who must make sacrifices to go to the front; and when they.dotake the final plunge they want to be shown that the man who takes them into battle knows his busness. Lieut.ut. Col, Cooperer does. As a matter of fact, he has made a study of soldering for years. That is because. he has always been known among his friends as a man with a number of hobbies. And the pet hobby of his hobbies was soldiering. While friends were golfing Col, Cooper, then a captain was soldiering, and though acquaintances laughed at him for his dabbling in the military, he kept it up, Began Twenty Years Ago. It is twenty-six years since he enlisted as a private in the Queen's Own Rifles, He was then a student at Varsity, and "K Co." was still a University company. He rose to be color -sergeant of his com- pany, and in 1590 was given a commis- sion of lieutenant, When he decided to retire to private life in 1911, he was transferred to the reserve of officers with the rank of captain, Then came the call to . -arms. Captain Cooper's name remained on the list of reserve officers, and when Loaerogg Gen. e eaten that there Logic was a vacancy for him, Capt. Cooper founda place for himself with the 114th Battalion of •Haldimand County, He Co,itinued on page 2. Our Own 1 OUR OWN. line is a good one throughout all the list. ' Some of thelia you know are good,, because you have tried' them, Iiow about "Our Orin" Baking Peeeder special value at 15c blend Sterling Tea only 3(3o per excellent tioh'Pee only 45c per Ib The Store of Quality W, T. 0 ' EI L THE '•BUB GROCER ,Phone 48 toadesboro Presbyterians Call Rea, Mr. Abrey, of Granton Rev. Hall Woods Moderator For Next Term -Next Meeting in Clinton on May 9th. The Presbytery of !Huron he'd a regular meeting in Willa Church Clinton on Tuesday, 'eb, 29th. The following were present -14'. 11Ie Fartane, Me:leratoa' 'Dr, Fletche•, and Messrs. COarswell, John - tithe, Larkin, Barnet'. Turner, Carricro Richardson, Laing, Sharp and the Clerk' ministers one Messrs. Sparrow, Inglis, Strang, Urquhart, Melville, (h'some 1. Poll, Wilson, I1ata:irk, %)•alar ni d Young, Elders.: 7:r Wo d w e, �T A Woodl as ale ,ttrt i1 . Yar'el- ator fors the ensuing six months The Haire Mission Report was t e- ceived and grants were rec- onam;endo(1 for the coigregatinns of Grand Bend ana Corbett, Lee- horn and Union. Mr. 'lei r)irr, a berms M el:h :to of Bat -i'n's Cht'ti eh Hulled ai 0 Londdsboro pronetitea a vall free) these congregations in iacme of Rev.. Mr. .A brey of Granton, sign- ed by 1 kluge number of members pro m isi ng a stiprttd of $1.000 1 0 annum, with neo (7f manse ar a 4 •)sleeks holiday. Comets a.,ne ,9 !rem the congregate no, Me,s.srs. Hamilton, Ro'd Melville.1'131 aim Set ht wore pr cele le: a: a were heard on behalf of the salt. The tall ewes sostainea and °reforestto he forwarded to the Pestiyle,y of Stratford to be issued. 1,14 early li. pensible. Mr. Turner WaS 111'rp0:n1- 'd tut represent al 1 t the 1 my - tory 1 { te of Hoven before the Presby- tery of Stratford! Prot isiun,tl a)- rang ern eel's were made for the deletion if the call woe aolepteu, The Conference Com m11:lea re- ported that eft ' the next Continued on Page 5 Scandrett's on Carpet for Liquor Cases he Toronto ()lobe on SFr:day lest Made the folrowing import, which refers to a'liquor ease that is well known to 'tiurenitrs, "It would be a mockery for tee Loa: d to keep on their office .aeei simply wink at a case •of this kind, because it concerns is man who is socially and otherwise a goad el:i- een T1 lonke to 11.0 one of tl e worst cases since the inception of the boat d•. It looks a direct efe- fiancee, This toss the ,etteren,e of Mr, J D. Fla voile, Chairmen of the Ontario I.ieonse Board, when J. \V: Srand.'e.tt. Lond ,n, was chargea shipping liquor into 'Huron Ceente• which is under the Canada tem- perance 'act.. Iu L'usu,.e:s Te'cli,ty-eight Years. Mr. James 'Meyerson, K. C., on behalf of Mr. Scar.deett, stated his client had been in business in the city of Lc'ndem for tive'tty-eight veers, and up tial receedi I e 1) 0 novice- brJen brought tit task, 11:, Seance att. head (nen ill for some tittle, al.d if he head ).eon in the sir re this would never have baleen place, Be .h,ad • paid the pre 1 y imposed by the law. Employee Was Not Infoemed. Mr. Ayearst pointed not that in 1.'ecemte- tl.rre had been given.a Orr mien that there would he 110 m0)1eshipping ill Huron, re ;Tern- ary 0110 rf the employees swore he had neo'oe been told about this Mr. Ayeerst ester if that were so why didn't the other roan, who had 3rcc'a in SeaRcl.i+tt's employ - meet for seventeen years tell him, Continued on Page 5 Prohibition to be Etiolated to People? The Toronto Mail and Empire ntdLonC OlTree Pte:a both met) pieces Of the Cona etvatine Goveru ment published the following re Pert on Monday morning, which no doubt will give a good idea }t• [ the Idca"st Goaerntnent ietcncla ding with the Prohibition gees - tic u, Toronto, ITieb. 20. -Although of- ficial confirmation is locking t i5 understood that o the Government at this session of the Le,gislaturo will bring down edva'need tempera tore legislation, Since •last session 'the Govern- ment has been giving eegrewt deal of thought to the whole question concurrent with the investigation carried on by the Ontario license 'real d. A Referendum. The rest'ofthis consideration, it is stated has teen to convince Premier Hoare( •and his colleagues that'dm sentiment vlhe t proles -me .( 11 f r is such as to warrant the salmis• sig0 of the matter to 11 e poeple. Various kind of provincial legis- lation host e, it 11 s lid, b_cn n n: e crnsid_t alio n, rturleg them the act neeently pa.ised its Manitoba. An It cl('eation of Aefi'n Cominee f One ne art tvhictl points to racti',n is the d relay 111 anowinciag, its de- cisione in regard to licenses for the coming year. 10 was expected 'het the anrvannc:metnts wou'c be aside by the beginning of Tee,ru- ary, hut the board has been wait- ing until the Government made known its policy, MANITOBA'S LAW. The Rlanitoese temperance 1: gis- lati0n prohibits the sale 03liquor except by retail or whoieslie druggists. No clrinking can be carried on in dreg stores, Huron County Summary The fella f w ng Summary of the results of the circulation of the petitions asking for Provincial Prohibition will be of interest to our readers: . Municipality Names on Votes polled Voters 191413se 1914 Petition Supple. mentary Petition TOWNS 1 Godericli 1,9,40 990 408 877 2 Clinton 567 459 1301 518 3 sWingham 63(1 513 419 004 4 Seaforth . 527 422 ' 230 421 VILLAGES 5 Bayfield 144113 88 114 (3 Brussels 243 )97 124 310 7 Blyth .......... ... 200 774 110 220. 8 :Ese.ter 473 408 820 498 9 Hensel] . 210 105 ' • 104 208, 10 Wroxeter 102 86 58 111 TOWNSHIPS 11 Ashfield 800 651 478 554 12 Colborne 467 341 _ 308 400 13 • Grey .... ...... 818 600 588 728 14 Groderich' 002 447. 387 457 15 Howiek . . . , 985 817' . 654 792 16 Hay . ..... 780 641 280 338 17 11ullett 748 544 455: 572 18 McKillop 5'42 484 313 4011 10 Morris'' 606 578 3(37 466' 20 Stanley ' 523 433 338 4111' 21 :Stephen 9'5 789 527 , 682 22 Tnckeismith 611 480, 389 509 23 Teen berry..........528 447 295 353 24 Usbcrne 6170 517 457 503 25 blast Weweeosh 458 406 352 407 21.1 West Wawanoeh ' 507 • 431 343 403 Total 15132 72' 7 8830 11094 i Prom the ab( ve, figures ft will he noticed that 72 1.5 per cent of the 011,0313 r of volas polled at the last proi^incial•election leave sign, e11 the eaves p1 tltiren, and 1429 more have signed the petition than voted for the Ci,ueda Temperance Act on January 20, 1914, the yote at that time heiug 741,5 for 4807 against. ees0000® ewes°sole•*isooGoewioes►essoesosroo;empse s • • Cflnton's MOftary El s e o • •• ••. s 2 'y 000410'eo611scssss•44ssemo•litP oseessoaseoeso•Ymeoosoes • ■• • r Movements of the 161st Battalion Wintering 'Here --Huron• County Recruiting Notes --Activities b . the Huron g y Battalion GILTS HIS PROMOTION Sergt Seeley has got bis promotion to the ek of Oomp:tee Seret. 1)15j07 of (rhe iCS1st Battalion, tleere is no more -popular officer here with the men than Sergt Seeley SPECIAL COURSE A special course is etart'ng in Mon- treal next week and one oflieer and tour N.O O.'s are leaving tor inetruc- tion in physical treilling and bayonet fighting Those going from the 101st •bre- Lieut. ILL. 111e1s' aan o1iVin h• g a ro .'4ergt, Msjor Seeley of Clinton, Serge, Tames of rae.li Gn e'' • •' r r d , 5e t,t. Burchill of Brussels and Serge, Nash of Wroxeter THIRD BROTHER El!LfSTS Bert Freinlin is the third brother to join the ltitst at Oliutou, Honor to the boys who put call' of King first Guards are on duty every night at Headquarters now Your opinion of yourself will leap skyward 50 per cent when you caul look at youreeif in the King's uniform, Capt; Allen has a splendid outfit for you at the headquarters. Give hire a call lend look it over, WHO WOULDN'T JOIN reaforth News -The Fire Brigade hevopresented Lieut. "Dot" Reid With O10 in gold. 131'nceBattl, is now up to 925 of all ranks. (:+ Huron County going 10 lag behind, AS OTHERS SEE THEM. Seaford) News. -The Clinton Com panes of the 101st Boron „Battalion marched dowu to eeaforth They were joined a few miles out of town by lbs Seaferth Company and the Battalion Bend. They are a fine look lug lot of men. The lemon Battalion will be something for the County to he proud of when the ranks are Brought up to required standard • BIG LIST THIS WEEK Recruits poured into the various offices this week and the Battalion got a good boost, Following are the new receuits since last Thursday- ' CLINTON. A, Le F3'enilin L. McGarry L, Cudmore A. J. Ingram He N. Brandon Continuva on page S. Gig Class Here for the N. C. I's, Course There is e big class here •ittending the course 01 instruction for N. C. O,'s for the 101st Battl. The clans is nudes' the direction of Adjt. Vanstone, as silted by Asst. Adjt, McPherson, Sergt. Major McGarry, Serge. R. le falann, and , Serge, Geo Scharer Those attending are-, CLINTON' P:L3T VAT'III4 S.17 }3ruwn L G. Crest J. D. Crick N 13 :either:gill rd. Urnpeer W. P Mannings 1e. Pingianci L.C. Weetuan 'tLirleenhe E.Smull 1) Huleell ILL, Moore Feloss (1.d. Se'.vcll se. S. Scott Quo leer li:aate:'s Stores PRIVATES D. Fin dr 11.0. Wilkin W. C'. V. anis t WRO )i.ET; L'Rr PRIVATES A. II. Shropsh all Tr•"eph Belly W. Cern wail l'. D. Car r WINGHAI\I Sia'ttPLANTS • 12. C. Mane George Schafer ' t, PR:Iv'ATES A.M. eeoehes L 13. Drninl0t:dr II. Guest James McCallum ''r. 12annlrl ( IT. Dye - R. Hoffman 3.1% Galbraith F Helps Sturdy I.0. Cameron J. Holmes Cox Coulets Bleeps SE,\FORTII Serge J', Gillespie . Corp. William McKinley PRIVATES R. E. Cook Geo. Duncan John Lether'anci EXETER Corporal el. W. Pfaff PRIVATES T.H. 13iosett GODPII,IOH. Sergeant 11, G. James Privates, W. E. Peachy f, Woodley E. Freres 13. H, Bell A, J. 1Ieli'ord G. ,Iardinc t1. W, Martin A. B, Kitten ,1. Kdlough . C. Anderson 1T. R. Robinson, 1;1LNSALL. Privates. S McArthur R. Dougall • 1. Johnston W. T. J. Sherritt nhnst 0 R, Angell. BRUSSELS Owing to an ep'demic of mumps tiss��ls -so lel ers willnotre, the P � v 11 port for 10 days. .But the follow- ing at•e on the. list To come: - Corp P. W. Burchell Corp R.A. Black Privates L. Rivers l', T. McDonald, P. Guest lilL. C. Reis fS'Ben0y SniThueder - Rw 14,A. Mustarld -Porte . PRIVATES3L-I4aetie -Burtonnr n Woods TH C'rutvfnici FV. R C71ark GUM & Perth Press Metat Stratford Interesting addressee on "Co- operation and theta'dtvisaoilrty of increasing 11)11 717110 of weekly papers front $l to $1.50'per year 1101'0 presented by Mr. A 11. Alla- way, 00116111111 manger of the Can- adian Prose, esaciation of Toronto, and MrR. P Sayles edit or of the Port. Bigin T inter, respec the meeting f thePerth tive7,y at 1 c ne tg n •aodBeran Cour lies District Press A.5S•oeititton 111 the bolded room of the city 'gait Str'atforrl last Pei- day morning. About twent.e mem hers 'of the organization was pees Pitt and favors eaofital,le 50s530i1 resulted.• • hollowing the address of, • Mr, Sayles a general discussion regard of increasing the ing thenecessity price of the weekly paper en- sued and,cootie:led until ehe001501 Veg. adeet:rned for luncheon, The 0onvention'was•glad jedeed to welcome Mo. W.M. O 13eiree of the Strati•ord Ileiacon, ft, Past :Nee idcnt of the Canadian Press Asso- ciation iaindtwho bus 'been laid elle duty for' the past year. He ma.do is short add'res's ;to the meet leg. Mayor 33luned.tle was also .pres- ent •attd(ga,ve •.short address of wiielconi.e, 'i'ho visiting publis'herA end shut err were geeets•o(the local .pub- 31817ee1'e and printers - tai luneheton at the teueea's Hoed tat 12.30 and, et 2,30 the husi •ese, 8584430.0 'wee -nes lamed, At the election• of offieerti for the ensuing tern only Ono alternation was made inthe Ipoisonnei , of f9ie slate. Mr, J L, Ke.rr Of,• the ,t Clinton New Ben, eucee005 oe a nteniser of the executive Mr. Lolnae Redly, formerly of the St. Marys Journal, but who is now in - charge'of the Wialloert10 ;Tele- scope. The officers areas eollows Hon. Pres. -Mr. W. R. Davis • of. Mitchell Ademean. Pees.-Ivir. H,B. Elliott, Wingham Tt mc.s 'See. Mr, A. Abraham, Stratford, Exlecutive-Messrs. 3. W. Van - atter, Goderich Sear ; C. . , Blotch - fee d, Listowel Banner atria Me, ,J. L. 'herr, Clinton New Tara. The afternoon was spent on the question of the 81.50 weekly, It was decided to ask ell the pun- 03110113 ttn- 03 101 a to co-.o•perate ' fano put the weeklies up to the $1.50 on the let .of Joly 1910, So many of • the printers were absent it will leave to be found out if (they .will co- operate 'as the mtovenaent je start- ing all overt? Canoe a. The meeting adjourned to meet again in Stratford on Today, June Ind 'to make call 110)331 arrangements Those present were 4.-17,1 \7Vinehatn Tames; W. Schmsdt Sti'atk ford; Alex Abraham, Shadedest, A: E. Taylor, Strettford, W, 24. O'Icu ne,, Ii, \'V, O'Beirne and W A. Ewart, The feaesoal, Stratford.; ]11. 1410 Beth, efileert'on Sun ; Tyr. Stow art:, St. Mears Argus ; kI, 1). Dara, 'Mitchell Advocaate; 4. Cr. Smith, Wingbant Advance; S•outhcott, Exeter Times ; Mt•, Wil- loughby, Seaforth News ; J, L. Kerr Clinton New Era. A. E. Roy Sales, Poet Elgin Times ; K. McLean, Sear fleeth Expositor r A: R. .Alloway, Canadian Press Association, Tor - ,Onto,