The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-24, Page 6PAGE SIX. passisissamaissis We request payment of all overdue accounts on or before Ezell t 1916, if any old accounts remain unpaid, or payment of same not arranged for, after the above mentioned date, we will have no other alternative than to employ such means as we deem necessary to collect payment. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Ndxt to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's ,Furnishings. Phone 103. Opposite Public Librar eimesseasametze ansa ® LiD JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready type and new stock of paper just placed to do your work. New Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON • w�,•�a4o>�met�ae�eeratsa'�� Fang Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for yo'tr inspection. Light in con structiou and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de• tail. Here are the 'linen, creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and. discriminating buyer, The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kinds ot'Furniture BAT -IL & OW' Furniture Dealers and Funeral IP rectors-Pliono 104 N. 3llall 110—IIIISSIIDENCI. PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 180 Ninmsarasireavocurnarassnommansusesessarturias IS PAYMASTER FOR 99TH I3ATTL, ' Major J. C. Tolmie is the pay- master of. the 99th Essex Datta. Mr, Tobnie is well-known in these parts las he has camped for years at Bayfield. The its member of the Ontario House for ,Windsor. and was the popular Prei byt'hc- lana minister lat :Windsor f tr years. DIED AT GODHIRICH , 11Irs. 'Fothieringhaua, widow of the late Wm. Po1leeringha'n3, died at the !acme of her son-stn-1.a,w. • Mr. I1lalcolin :MacKay, Albert street, (i'oderieh, on Wednesday, in her .eighty-first year. The s y interment was Made 111 ' Iia:rd's cemetery on Saturday, the re- mains being taken Lu Clinton oy the 2,35 p.m. G.T.R. train SISTER MARRIJID Thomas Cosens, Trowbr;dee, an- nounces the ngegament of his daughter 11Iiss Minnie Mae to Rev. A. C. Tiffin, of London, 'formerly cf Trowbridge, the marriage Ito take place en 'February 37111, The bride to be is a ,sister to Rev. T. Wesley Cosine's, London, a former pastor of Clinton Ontario St, Church, The New Era throws mi edited 11 dapper 'alter MC, and Mrs Tiffin, , JIXCURSION TO TORONTO. I Special single fare for the round trip hes peen premised to the Commit- tee of One Hundred tot the, big ciemonsteeti0n et 'Toronto, when the petition will be presented to the Gov- ueuineut, on Maven Stb, 'Pickets will likely he good going on the, 7th and retnening on the 1118, but more detlr ate word will he announced later. All that can go from Huron, either mea or omen are :raked to join the alepu- tation. The Committee of One Hun- dred Will meet on the etteinoon of the 718 and there: will be. a big rues meeting the same evening, PROV, PROHIBITION CONVENTION Provincial Prohibition Convene. Han will he held fn iVlassey Rail, Toronto, on iVfareh 211 31. A great piogracn,of laddt•esses enusie mov- ing pictures, ac, as being arras - ed for. Single fare tickets will be issued on all the 1;ailroads, on the certificate plana Every tem- perance ;organization enl- pe ance;orglanization and . chprch ee is urged to appoint delegattes,'s'o that a'greait gathering snag con- vene and help lee'ep the Prohibi- tion banner ,:lying. DON'T 'BREAK THROUGH R2.N14S OP SOLDIERS Possibly thiotigh lack of knotvled ge on the'qucaticn, some .persons may sometime run or'dfive.'- be - fascia 'the companies .ol'sold'e.st while on the march, rather than wait until' the ttoops have passe4 The military regulations calif fora certain space btween the uniteaind the officers. This is for a purpose but certainly not as an opening through which persons may run at will. Apart from its bad appeal•' ance , lit is contrary '10 regutations and it is (to'br.hoped • totat'tle though'tfulne'ss will be exercised by civilians 'inilespert to it. TO OUR CON't737BUTOi1eS. The publisher of The New Era wialaes :ta call Abe attention bf. eonteibuters, correspondents and othersto the nesteseity of sever-: ing in such matter as they may have fee:,, publication 'las early ' In the,. week as' poasabler,. It some. - tiles .happens that 0 Berson with 11 lengthy article delays sending it in •for . two, ,cr' three days after , it eoullld ` ani ve.aheen;sent in, The;,e a v.^'z is� a s,. las a meantt 1 am tt of matter yto g w �. bleb unavoidably 1 does i a ]y o not reach ma until Thursday (the day e,a , print),, and df other matter which , could come in earlier as delayer( also, our composing room his more than it can ieapole, fie a Lit atitrg either night work for oer staff ur disappointment' for roma ton tribntt'ir '4bo"'taits 'to bee some item in nn lit which he sept ' in. The, New fire ;fns to p+; sg Cies- da and iadl m tt'f� rntt�iidea 'for ; h t- i Pu as fon silo sidr be in, trig h&lid.. NOT' LA"1'171t THAN W11oNF1SDA's ; but evelaW luld alik cote riibtatili's • to mend in 'all a'tti,rel'eg' AS EARLY AS 'POSSIBLE instead of as late Our Specials for this Week Is something that reduces the cost of living - Molasses Snaps 3 lbs for 25e Peach filled Oakee 2 lbs tor ....25c Fruit Biscuits 2 lbs for 25c Pineapple filled Cakes 2115 for 26o and other lines at same acid different prices Now is the pancake season, and dont forget .Pancake Day will soon be with us, so have a package of Old 'Virginia Pancake Flour ready,. This Pancake Flour is a product of three well known cereals --porn. Rice and Wheat, is self rising and is in correct proportions and ready for lestant use 15c per package .HIGHEST PRICES (FOR BUTTER AND. EGGS. JOHNSON ° O. Phone 111 'TICE STOII)F 010 QIJALITV IOW 1.210618•02WIES1=8/HAIENIN FOOT ROUB LES wed For tired, aching, painful feet, breaking down arch or flat foot, use our Foot#Ezer.,, Aireh=Prop. Theygive will g e you comfort and ease. We carry a full stock. of Special ' Absorbo Pads which will take theres pressure and give trlrmediate relief to corns, bunions and callouses Ab,, �®i!i1 Pads" cureP p �rmai11e11t1v lug abgorPtcon It, will he a, pleasure to show you these.. Special Aids to Comfort. :4214AFMAN 4 . Phone 70Clinton ao,. e .^..,P liammalimanne TPA O1.INTON NEW M.Rk T)tureclay, (1 ebr ,ley 24th, 1916,, arreavaminqhMal as posaible.. L Grand Trunkltailway System Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and teodericit Going to Stratford 7.33 a to 3,03 p 5,15 p in Going to loderich 11.07 p m i1,35;p w 6.45 p 0, 11,28 p Loudon, Huron and, Brace Going to London.,. .... 8,05 a m 415pm Going to Wingham .,11.,00 am 6.40pna i�i�y`il�>akl�l�l�alS��ir►lrl°ld� Local News INVITED 'I0 ELY`1'S7 Rev.J. 14IcCormick,;B„ tu , A. is roiitpleR. ting 0is faurth year at 'Rolmlesvlle has (been invited ls' the officials hoard of Blyth Meth- ydist Church 'to become their pas- tor in July next. Mr. McCormick has iaceeptr.d, subject'- to the Consent of: the, stationing °omit - tee. RUNS BAKERY AT BL YTH. Blyth Standard -Mr. J. H. Mar- •shal has leased the oven and bak- ing utensils, en Me. J. MFC. Dodds. stere and turned out. :his first batch of bread on 'Friday. 14i'ead and lrastry will be supplied . the public either, at' Mr. Dedd•s store or Mr. Marshall will deliver to the house. Mr. Matshialll is a brother, in-law of Mr. Conner of town. BUY YOT?R STAMPS. Notice has been ieceived by the patrons of the rural routes that pennies are not to' Le taken 'by ocuriers fur postage., and that no less than. 25c worth of stamps are to 1,e sold to patrons ;at one time. This will prove e blessing to the rural courier, las they fortne-ly teak off a mitt 'to shake hands with the little- capper regardless of the mercury's depth at Ithe time. GOOD WORI% Last Friday evening Principal Bcuek showed the Editor of the New Era some work that was done Ly the pupils. One sheet was the ordinary writing of a girl and it was exc`ecllent, while 'the map drawing and shading of other pu- pils were well done indeed. The Principal, +takes a great pride in Gte work of his pupils and the Pupils must: indeed feel the influ- ence. HURON COUNTY IIAS FETTER SHOWING By not looping very closely into the item se nl a ul by the Red Cros s (Fund Crass IuncCommittee it was shown that 1100011 Coenly etood high among the other Coun- ties that gave ):o the Red Cross IFur1d, tt.ediscr,v.ercd a ntfstaIte after t1Uo paper was out , The Counties that head Huron have ono or mote cities' 111 their boundaries which gave con- siderable. Huron County can can bust of no cities and there' - fore deserves email' for the stic win g she nada 011 Tra- falgar Day, Clinton 927. I'Lia'r ABOVE SEA LEVEL. Amending to a tabic of altitudes published by the Commission t.f Ccnservetiou, Gedcrieh (i.T,11. station is 732 feet pboyo se's level; Goderieh wharf;' 187 feet 51301 e sea let el. Going inland the! land rises as Clinton station is 921 feet above sea level .a.nd, Seaforth 1,003 feet Mitchell 1,132 feet. The 'highest point 00 the Buffalo ;and Go e ich braneh of the (?,'1',R, hs Le:wear) Mit elle)! and Sebring vale, ,a point 1,213 feet above sea level. The highest point on the London and Wingham branch is a short d.s- tt,nce north of Blyth, evhcr. 'the attitude is 1,122 feet. Myth itself is 1,078.0 ft. Wingham Junction ''s 1,078 ft. Hyde i aric is 873.0 its. above seta level The mean len el of Lake liuron for the years ibIl to 1.800, is 591 ft, above the sea, ;af'""1It r.v 1 The Show, bilk are printed for the Coming Huron (10, Spring Stock Show' to be 'held in Clinton on Thursday. April 9th, 19.1.0. Measles are en the go at pres- ent. , Get your job printing done at the Neiv Era office." San' logs are corning in every day to Rum ball's' 1VIili at the Piliiu factory, TheGazette De Lansanna r•e- pct ts. that two of tho'lairgcst bo,lik,i in South Germany niay have guile thwith tit total bilities'bf $t25,000,000,' Thousands of dePosftors • the 2a er ' sa y s were ruined, Is this thebeginn- ing tgr U i ,n-• ing of thee end? Parents pre urg�ed to send their ehildt•en to school regularly. L•- gegula r ' attendance ' 18 W, great handicap to both teacher . rand scholar, . SHADE piing BUTCHERY. Por years the people 'of this n(eighborhtend have permitted themselves to be vi timezed by ell sots of specious clalms regard- ing the rights, Of tele:ipllone erd telegraph lin einem building ton - tractors and others to destroy or mutilate shade trees, As a matter of Ontario law, ' no ether' than a specially deputed municipal 0l - fleet has the "fight", to •rcniore or trim' a shade tree. Linemen, ec•ntractors, etc., have` no author- ity Whatever, in each matters, ' end cannot legally remove any 0911 of a tree `Withhnt" t'he PP' ermiss_en of the owner or' the 'p 1iinicippalify.' N'n hve' tret unless" within 'thirty' feet other iia' of of ltree's ,.. Y be ' Yomove'tl ti itlteut 'the eon4''ent of the owner of the propeety.ii'front of which the tree .danAny ny peisron ae- �f gying or najut rug ' (even 1]e ng a !gorse to.)' a street" .tree't In hallo, to w( line not to, exceed $`a5 and t oats or in,prts' nr'nent oc 03.915 tban'thinty' dr$ls hail' of tfe Fane to a teaane t. anioitttxent, It is alta ian offence ,und'r Sec.- trop 3OOb of he r ,MMel L 1' rm r at Ccde f.o destr o ; OL aaea e 4 tree 1 ala peak t pleasure ground, ox garden, or iii any yand trill""+cent!ro;;to,or,ilcL lhingrrtljy ,; FO a dWlelltng use,. n. , luribg.; it to a extent exceeding five (,•Varve 600043300116e0e6®0o0••o••••0® o >; r ip .. P iiia is 010 O �. The .Ladies of unity 'Club intend holding it sale of h'inneinacle eiloking in the 00111 031.1 c haT her o t Sat rd n r u tY." Feb,,'2 teh, _Oth tr ucn .,' u U The Women's Pittriotie Soeiety feel assured that heag urse Neelin epeai, on after Sunday dantatumanNy of Mir women and the wcitien of the country distriCts, will b'e aexibiie to •knit. We endeavor in our shipinente to send as perfect work as'posei ble and in view of this we thii k it advisable to publish the dirgr tions for soak knit Ong sent,, to us by the canadda War Contibgent A'3soi,latien'and 'the Red tress, and eonaidered by thein a very setisftletoty seekmost iniliottant in sock making for soldiers is to have e smooth round toe. This is the size most in. demand'. Variations in sizes can he obtained for the asking 'at Hyman Hall. Oast on 88 stitches 1118 (2 platin,. 2 purl) and 4:.' niches.. Knit plain for 74 inches (12 ii,ches Fri all).' 'Heel -Knit plain 31 stitches onto 1 needle. Tura; slip -1, purl across to end of tow; turn, slip 1, knit across to end of row; turn, slip 1, purl across to end of row: repeat (always slipping the first stitch) till you have 81 reeve in all. N P,- ('Chis makes a square 34 ty 84 stitches in plain knitting for the back of the heel.) With the inside of the heel toward you, purl 10 stitches, purl 2 together, purl 1. Turn, knit 6 stitches, slip 1, knit 1, pull slipped stitches over, knit 1, turn, put•l 7 stitches, purl 2 together, purl 1. Tutu, knit 8 stitehee, slip 1. knit 1, pull siipp ed stitch over, knit 1, turn, purl 9 stitches, purl two together, purl 1. Turn, knit hi stitches, slip ], knit 1, pull slipped stitch over, knit 1, turn, purl 11 stitches, purl two together, kpurl 3. Turn, knit 13 stitches, clip 1, nit 1, poll slipped stitch over, knit 1, torn, purl 13 stitches, purl 2 together, purl 3. mourn, keit 14 stitches, slip 1, knit 1, pull slipped stitch over, knit 1, turn, purl 15 stitches, purl 2 toget her, pari 1, .Tura, knit 16 stitches, slip 1, knit 1, pull slipped stitch over, keit 1, turn, purl 17 stitches, purl 2 together•, purl 1, ton, knit 18 stitches, slip 1, knit 1, pill slipped stitch over, knit t, pick up and knit 13 stitches down the side of the heel piece. Knit the 84 stitches of the front needle (into one needle) pick up and knit the. L8 stitches of the other Fide of the heel piece. Divide the heel stitches on to the 2 side needles and knit right around again to the centre heel. Ji irst needle knit to within 3 stitches• of the front end of aide needle, knit, 2 together, kutt .1. Front needle, plain, 3rti needle knit 1, elip 1, knit 1, pull slipped stitch over, knit plain to end of needle. This reducing is to be done every other row, tail there are 68 stitehee on the needles. (Front needle 84, aide needle 17 each). knit plain till the foot (from the the hark of the heel) measucesea less than the full length required, viz; 0 inches for 11 and half inch suck Tn dem`eese fur toe -Begin at the front needle, knit 1, slip 1, ;;nit I, pull slipped stitch o'.er, kutt.p l.tiu to with in 3 I•titeile.8 r, the endof ,5 needle, L e tl d , knit 2 together, knit 1, Secuntt needle knit 1, slip 1. knit 1, Lull etipl'ed stitch over, knit plain to end of needle. Third needle, knit plain to witbiu 8 inches of the end, knit 2 toelether, kit 1, knit 3 p:.uu. r0 'ads, then de• cr.-ace as before, knit ancthec 3 plain rounds. then decreaee as be€lie, ; knit krinin 1, rounds then degrease 1.1,11 efore, nit another pilau 2 rounds then 00 cruise ns t'efoi0, knit 3 plain row then decrease again, knit another plain row then decrease as before, knit another plain inn then decrease as before. Now deo:ease t s above in each of the arc 3 rote;, wbirh lean as you with 21. stat cure, 1 stake of toe -Divide the 24 stitches on 2 needles, I2 :,cuss fru'a abet 12 aeras, hack. Thread a darning needle or wool needle, begin on isnot needle, put darning needle in as if to kid tepid! wool through and take off stitch, put wool needle in nextstitch as if to purl, pull wool through, but leave stitch on, being particularly careful each Lino to keep the darning 005010 under the knitting needle in passing from front to hark needle aura Villa versa, and thus avoid 0 ridge, Go to hack needle put darning needle in as if to purl (in Hist stitch). pull wool through and take stitch off, put needle in next stitch es if to knit, pull wool through, but leave stitch on, Now corns to remit needle, put wool in liras stitch, (the one previously pulled) and is peat, EARLY CHICKS, Tom Watts this 'week got out hil4 first brood of spring chicks^ and had 17 out of 19. Pretty fair sua- succoeo few a start. OFFICERS. CLUB ROOMS. The officers of the 161st ',Batt], have had'elub rents fitted npot'er the Telephone Office, which of starve are not 'pelted to the gen- level el public. NEAT POULTRY SHOW HERE. , The next Huron •County Poultry Sliow will be held to Milton. next year; This was doeided of Gode- rieh on Firday i fight. Tile C1n- toii dir etot•s will start Said lay plans fur the show right away. FOR BAYONET PRACTICE. . ' 'Headquarters received the'dum- eny guns with the attachment of, a rubber nail that 'works on a spring at the end Of the muzzle, ;which the soldiers will osh, in the' practice of the bayonet charge, ' C. C. I. CLOSET). Monday ,afternoon the C. 0; I. clespd for the next ..two weeks' on account of the Measles, Last Weeds several •classes were badly delalet- led,' and were geltting wor':e, Jeence 0110 new o,uer, MRS.' (DR) ROSS 'DEAD. ; The Ltd fricmis'ata tot !,trillre- gree to hear,of the .death (Da'.)' C: W. Ross Iii Winniipeg, which occurred on M, ontlay pI this week.. The funeral ear: lee1;d on 'O/1,edneeday. T e deceased was a of late os h•'�'•- d"atx l to o iJ W ate d h'ead'. 1s nn other word has Fonio from Winnipeg except re telegrp,ipy allw powselcparticulars will .he given next' . 11FET1NOS IN irdsZEf3T OI+,1,O,lST BATTAL.ION. Capt, W. E. "5iindeon'ef'Guelph, member of the 113ed Ove010aa 'Bata, address meetings its 3Iens•til, Grand Bend and (lent' rh'lia ori Wed nesday'. Thnrsdtay'and Friday "of this week in the interest of the '1Gl'et, Corp. Wyatt of Toronto a returned soldier, will ll .also speak of hie experi 'Alice ab'lh°filoht,' Lodfd'Speakers and singers will also take part. 1 e Sell The Waterrnan's Pens—the best for men, And it's best for women, too, Its also best for children, So it must be best for YOU. Harbutt's Peasticine in the house Will stimulate your boy's ability By showing him how pleasure can Be joined to practical utility. The We Fair f �• Often the cheapest --Always the Best LIse.stwrsar711261101111111 tomacoveseamarsromersomorernuors, 18100811218111110111 Fenster White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily .yrre.ieveacoug.�h...-/9+Try it--- Eyf- Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLA1i DRUG STORE (MrellialtaannadellieraatnEenia Furniture, Rugs & i. inoleums We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your home, or if you only want serve odd pieces. You ail] find it to your advantage to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line of a V'olins Pinaaos and ala,iiisus. a Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of ss.tisfeetlon lindertalter and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Catllg =Swore(' at Residence over store fBLIGLMOTaaitiMaPs13 ^mna-•,m:r„ r Sip ;, „art.s and; Buckets • Order SapPans and, your Buckets now so you will have them ready when you want to use them. Thos. lawkihs I'lumibing and Keating Agents for Ilecla Furnaces Shop -over (lowland's Hardware The Corner Store "Live and Let Live'' teat=produciQ Foods Now Oold weather is again with ns. Eve household will now require foods 11 will keep the body widen tuna heal(' Following are a few lines we'suga to every buyer of food for the bo Soup, in pacltet and tins Meat l:,xtrttots, Bovril or Oro, Hot Porridge, Vheatlete, W• Flakes and Rolled Oats Ilot Pan Oakes and Syrup Pork and Beans, a, steaming plat pork and beans for 'dinner or sal ' makes an ideal meal Maooroni or Spaghetti Bacon or Sausages for breakfast there is nothings E. E. Grana PRONE, 45.. ; 01 8 7 a• i -i. F9,.t„II•.p•d++,1'•F.f'•F3••D•'i•+b141••N. tint +. +4.1,'F•D+4•'@'a•,E•q•,u,.t.•dr i•tt. Children's. _ Nattiie;'Slitaped Sloe k. Take good care of the Children's Feet. .The growing feet of children need the most. careful shoe -fitting to insure that they will be normal. Our,Childrens Shoe Department is splendidly qualified to give you this type of shoe service. .We fit the, children's feet with, careful pains- taking study and care. We have Nature Shaped Shoes made from eueh,good leathers as Gran Metal C,slf, Patent Calf and Vici, Some st styles w1tr cloth tops, low fat heels medium m or high cut. Vie, 1.00, 1.35 u8 to 2.00 according to size Try us out on the Children's Shoe proposition—that's the oiiry test " i,4 •, e S ioN HOUS8 OF BETTER SHOES P+++++44444.44+44 114++4•d' 1Mi 4