The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-24, Page 5• Nb
Thurtday, iFebruary 24th, 1916.
. _..__
` '�
Did YouEver
} i,.a i
ra' a
i__/I 'T~RICT l�T
.Tttekeremitocc p tUuyold Pothering
ham farm, •occlt ted b her Bou+ Dau
Bald. She was ill but Fur a week and
despite all the Care given her, she���-Tagg
+ visa
Yourself in the Morning
Those burning, smarting, ting
The farmers here are taking advan
ra a of the Alei pin and are actin,
e g gettingwho
their teaming mem.
]London IEoad
Miss ltoae Iyivermore eptint a few
daps fila week at .the home of Mr,'ti,
Adams and other friende.
passed quietly away to her Saviour on
Thursday. ' The funeral took place on
Saturday Co the fatally plot in Baird',.
cemetery. She was a woman of
beautiful qualities, i•ospeated' by all
'koew iter, She .WAS for many
Two Weeks of Special Prices in t
g y i It
means a lose of tbne-and time
is mane these days.
9 y
zerna and skin rashes, atop very
quickly if you apply Zam-Buk,
The soothing, uerbal essences of
Mr. V. Terrybeyry IS visiting tela
Wood bees are now the order of the.
Mies.11va Nott is vision hertiunt,
Mes rs, Gordon Livermore and
Wilbur No t spent a few da
p back in
She leaves., of a
family 5 tau t
a ydaughters, Mee. Youugeben
f Blanchard; Mrs McI{ay of elf
• A good Alarm'Olock will pay
forkaoalf in time bayed in a few
tli is wonderful balm, bathe and cool
the burning skin, kill the disease
germs, end the pain, and produce a
dello rtful feeling of relief, At the
Mr. John 1. Crich recently delivered
James Archibald
a Rood team to Mr .has
of Seaforth, and has purchased an
other team.
Morris fownsh'ip huntingbut did not
Miss Rose Livermore left 00 Wed
neadaq for Toronto after spending the
past •fourteen keeping house
11IvA. Henry Monteith, of 1`ueke ip, an l
sirs. lofts
0 n, Goderich Township, and
Miss' ranaty of London:and twiesons
Dougald at home and Thoinas of the
West, All were present at the funeral
A few Ladies and Children's Mantles at about' half rice
We Recownsend the
same time the process of -healln6
Inc heTuesdrwp
goes on, and very quickly the skin
• disease is ended.
Sometimes baby has rashes which
causes itching, and give rise to hours
'of worry and trouble to the mother.
Intended tl?or Last 'Week
A veru pretty wedding took place
at the Oiiwet Church, Cita Grace, Ave.
Toronto, on Feb. flip at -7 o'clock,
evening Miss Sybil
Courtice, returned Missionary from
: Japan, gave an excellent address to
the London Road League, which was
Both pleasing and instructive; The
League Mrs.
CroderlCh Township
The ladies of Middleton,. church will
who are'unch today to the Met .soldiers
who marching to Bayfield today.
The Box Soda and concert at Tip
Men's Fin -collar, Overcoats, rubber interlined
CO Gear. at • 11050
1 .
wOfnen'S Wna . erette • HO'
PP USe Dresses to Clear
�, :, -
��' � ��
For all akin diseases and for
Piles.. Druggists and stores every
where, 505. ))oz,. See full name.
r t
when Kathleen, y+mngest daughter
of Mr. and Me"e. Thos. Stinson, of
Varna:, became the bride of . l)lrneet'
W R. Izzard, youngest son of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph leveed of Godarieh
Township The, bride wore it pretty
gown of white silk erepe•de•chene;
presented Gee. Hanley at
the close of the address with a hymn
book as a prize for attending League
48 ti•mes, out of the G2 meeti•ngs, A
short address was read, Cake and
coffee was served at the meeting.
perary school No. fl, last Friday- even
in despite bad weather was a e
Rev Dir M -o urease
mitten waschairmanofthe
evening and the program Cussed off in
was good iven t Over the was
Cross Fuand
nd. nd.
regular price 1.25, now n
�f {�O�
4 7
Ce our Clearing Iil1E of black and COl'Ored' Q
CLS, at n�
1 '
S1 t t�Pa, v,,. 2 r ," '.ry. ...
+ . ra`it=^ !, '' t �}:1' '-:s
trimmed with lace and pearls and one
ried •iL shower' ho uet of white roses
and liiv of the Valley. She' was at
tended by Miss. 5tivaon, who
Blyth "
Mrs. Elizabeth Laithwaite, relict of
Arthur Woodman, formerlyEl1ioCC.
programconsisted of readings ny
Miss Middleton, Rev. alt, Moulton,
Geo Elliott and - a Solo h Wilson.
Much static is due Miss ONE
Also DOLC119. col 49t'11er iia a
ipoA4QS li'11L1Qb
1 KK
6 U i� --y
Wavm'.anoslt foI-the nest two earn
l'as enlisted. for his Ring' Iand Conn
wore a pretty dressef pale pink, silk
crepe de chane and carried a b:Iquetof
of Loyte
ndesboro, died at the residence:
of Mr. and Mrs. R. Adams, Blyth. Mrs
the teacher in getting un the program
and making the other arrangements,
the Next two Weeks.
f� ay
I try on 'lite dal•, Feb. 8th. Mr.
Harney i.l Blyth cont-
pink roses, Mr, Alpert Iseard acted
as Groomsman. After J%he ceremony
been failing tor some
time and quietly passed awry at inid
• Holme■elile •
We have olbers, but there
none quite a4 good as
Big Ben $i3 Each
and fully guaranteed
!henry will
moues his duties as Dir. 13arr's
Mr. Gen Wright of UJe 7th con-
c4es9ion of U,s,bo- e, met vv}th an
aecident while scoping a belt. He
was d.iag'n into the :belt and
thrown about twenty feat and was
a ieception was givdn the bride and
Groom. in the basement of the (hutch
'by •the congregation, woen a number
of toasts were drank. The happy
eciupleJottonthelate train for Mao
•treat, where tbey Will make their to
tare home, the bride wearing travail
mg euitof dark bine broadcloth.
• night, Feb. 20th. Owing to
the illness of hath Mr, and Mrs. it the service was held' in SG,
Andrew's 's Obnrcn cat he 9 past one,
eon sda4, Feb. 3rd, and proceeded
to ihe'Union Oemeterp: She Ielavee to
: leeuro her loss three sisters, Mrs.
Adams, of Blyth; Mrs, Rogeraon. of
Old friends were indeed glad (.o
shake hands with Prof. If, C. Elford
of Ottawa lastSeteeday and Sunday,
The Poultry meeting on Saturdayti
eveningougbtto proclaim more pouf
try in this section,
Leat Sunday afternoon the Anglican
church was cro.welec[ to the
eelr ''
�� m .r �•
. ,
Small Profits Phone 26, More Business
Ladly shatren up. .
B, 0,; ttnd Mrs. J�Jrnest, of
doors when the officers; .taniismaramm""man9' an + +vaMeaan•ranmanaen3
Nebraska; also one brother, Jas, 0,
soldiers and band of 'Jae 181st station
iQ r �%A
00 a Ca �lL � H t1�
daughte o,f Hiwirshew
asuti Masf'QT
I awtcshaw, Lortnerl} at Exeter,
\teas recelztI , married •in then city
to Mr, William R. Lousy of Tor-
•ontm Themarriagewas perform-
ed in the Cron on Memorial church
by Rev
Ish, whit
Mn.'Pitns, We1sU, white falling tracts
fn lei. F. ticvton's bosh a few miles
to the east, was hit by a large ,falling
limb which inflicted such dee cats on
his thigh that over a dozen stitches
had to he put iu to draw tagether the.
LaDiltciswanite cIWY (}Ba da mud tau }I
y daughter
Betty, of. Chicago, ica.go, were called 'hrnue
owing- to the illness of her parents,
lilt, and Mrs, R. Adams, also her aunt,
Mrs. Woodman;
r,, Clinton -- -� �__ ......,.,,�
ode lay. IS iatl Divine service: To le• s two o
The Rector; Bev. rile Moulton took as {n by font
his subject. 'The Soldier Lipo rind tntm A Jud soon he had to hustle
Christian Life" based unon the words 1AQr a regular store.
found in'Liad Timothy Land 3. "Thou Up on the square
therefore endure hardness es a good noel's the people pass, ,
soldier of Jesus Christ. The men gave He gobbled up e .corner
baskets almost came/Med ;by lhez
longcapes, Two Be/Med lbs n
Helmets and flags, sand one l n
g 'small
Canada( were very much ad
mired. Skating lasted until ter
o'clock the Clinton Ratio Band
1R. W.-N•orwoua. R
Benjamin Itaerclren, one of the
deep ;wounds
glias MaryBuchanan
7.onite sboro
good aten'tion and the singing was That was all ]]late glass.
excellent. Miss Proctor Re fixed the
eery kindly furnishing ntuajn
pioneer residents of cavalier
nty, N. D,, passed (away at his
co• uHay township
nurse and who has been most, actively
mimed of late in the exhibition gen
hospital in
The Londesdm•o branch of the Wom
ene institute will hold their regular
presided sit up windows
6115 organ. With the best he had,
And told them! about it
There were so many excellenteos•
fumes that the judges had. veal
difficulty in making "their decgisior.
HuronCounty ��[[pp
County Nem
1Nr. Al ex Dickson, eon'of Mr. ,A
ekson, el tllop who came
wn Flom Saskatoon, where lee
sheen tertian past two years in
r implement husiness, to spend
rein pn Thurs-
day, January 2',. following a raise
months illness of cancer. At first
hof es were entertajnea for iiia
recovery bat later he b; Ban to fa:]
gradually and for several months
prior to bis death had leen nazi-
lined to his home. Deceased was
born in Play, township ;Ontario, on
March 16, nim Leing 56 ye;trs of
eta .at the time ,cL his death. Ho
moved from Ontario to Hamilton,
North Dakota in 168 L, '1.684 -
eral work Toronto is home
for at•est and is visiting her parents
Mr, end Mrs: Alex Buchanan of this
Hensall scion! trustees are i}ndiug
it harder each year to get a good sup
ply of Beewoad and are thinking of
trytiig-ne of •the la' 11 recommend•
ed coal heating systems in one of the
Mrs. J, Caldwell slipped t the floor
and fractured her arm at the wrist
meeting on Thursday. March 2nd, at
the home of ?ars. Barry Little for the
convenience of those wishing to go a
conveyance will call at Mr. John Cart
wlighta sharp a 2 o'cloe:lt.
A Leap year box social will be held
by the man in OarGrvrighta hall on
Tuesday, Fehrunry, 20th. Loch man
ie asked to bring a box and the women
will do the bu,
ying, A good program
is being prtpared.
A pie social will he held under the
auspices of the 1Vomepe Institute in
In a Half page ad.
• "
latish Bondsman Regrets Tie soon had 'era comitz;, '
And he never; never quit
, Find he eouldu't cut down
• On )tis ad ,one Jit,
Bargain: gender Arrested And he 1, opt things humping
• In the town ever since,
- — And everybody calls hint
Captured at Chilton After Order The Merchant Prince.
For he hnewr the way to get 'em.
by Goderieh Court to Arrest Him Was .to advertise.
Some so it's ludo
The prizes were filially awarded
as follows. -
Miss Oani4cta J'eaa, Sim poo
Britannia Phonate Ore
Indian Costume girl Gentsude Towle
Red Riding Hood ,,.,Blossnna Powell
iJ airy bl. rtie 9wee
R d Cross Nurse.,,. Mary Ar gen
Jnhoey°amuck,.,•,.-Charlie Baine
Chink Uhiuuman Kenneth Rork
Otown• Joseph
p Cather
Best Say Skater Meritt Nudge]
irisamas !alt his name hare, has
.echascd the McAllister hard,
re business lin Sarnia and
tees Cosiness i n nen ray,
une in
tame Co Cavalier county, taking's
lemesteed fouP land a half mile
ucrthvvast of Langdon. Later re
toughtrthw a aortic in Langdon.
'township. F
Mrs. Robert Clerk end Mr'e. D.
Tudor visited the latera parents Mr.
Cartwrights hall on Friday March 17th
An excellent programme is being pre
But that's all. bunt-
Interesting developments arose on Why, he was doing Uueiness
Weduesdav out of a charge preferred When the times were punk.
against 17. Bender of Zurich, of bring' people have to urchesie
p r'
es aB I
MMiichestaeliO'Shea r .. ..Douglas,
Irish Molly 0 Marya
2nd Celia
2a Hamilton
Donald McTavish
$26.00 has been donated by Mores
v Council to the Rad Gross at
six mite's: north. 'of Os tabrook,
u hich has sitien been the home
and Mra. William Stanley of Clinton
on Thursdayy
Mi•, Jas, Clark and Mr, Win, Clark
ing liquor into a Uan»,da 'Temperance
>' Anti the geezer was wise-
Act County, Mr. Bender, who was a
hotelman in Zurich was until now
-Kenneth Roberto
John Bull Jack BawdH
Tramp (Amite Cook
general regret: is expressedsePeter
demise of. Pte. Archie C.
son of Mr, and Mrs. iF. C.
right of J r, and tvr locality
g y
etch sad event book plane last
onday kit Military hospital
sronto. t theased had come
om I{ylevece Sask. end was a
ember of the Ammunition Col-
mu Canadian Field Artillery.
of family,
Brussels Council has decided to
stone ,nto le anrosdire eci tli!s _ of fir
ter, i that t]te permanent this
intprovtment can be proceeded
With in the springg,
Mrs, E. Dlas•nu vvlia ha been vis-
;ng her gz'andmet')tar Mrs J. , .13,
Caviar .and other relatives • it
Blyth left for her home at Mani-
tow, Man.,
of Internee- visited their sister Mrs.
Paptueau of t3W'atbroy for n
few deys,
Don't forget the W. M. Society Re-
ceptinn to be held in the Methodist
Church an Match 2 at2 ,.'clock, Mies
lgtffssi oar Courtice,of turned
y p Alsorecite-
clone and other speeches, Te will be
served at the close,
Mr, and hits. Allem Glazier, of Ciin
A cablegram oP the death from neo
monis of Miss Fann Hatehison in Nin
v g
landhas been received by lova[ friende,
Ga 1 was an' well known
last fog'
F'nj land to spend the winter. The
news came as a shook to her'manyz
friends here. She was the daughte
of the lata Slimuel Hutchison, former
owner of the Hutchison Ogilvie Mill
in Company:
g pan Two sisters and Owe
' nut
el ban a charge of ••y, •sebeing ww••*CIPOO ie••••oAmra•••••ll
claimed that be had given false testi
many in previous cases in which he
had (leen the defendant. lie lost theNews
Local V rY S
ease and was leveed to pay heavy tines
but the perjury charge was preferred ail•O•••til�••••R8•••di••Q•••
•j •atone watt arse eod vi heavy bail
tl.e charge of violation of the LIBERAL MEETINCr.F
Canada. Bender ranee Act was laid,
1Vlr. Sauter kept Yairlp well out of Mr. Thomas McMillan, Libtttraa
the way of the officers, so that it was Candidate for South Huron. has
A Dandy Lei blue Morrish
Fancy Costume, girl -Bessie MorrisU
Panay Costume, boy,,,, Willie Cooper
Sailor Boy Edgar Wille
Sailor (9ir! Margaret Ores
Gipsy Girl ,..,,, Pteanoi• that 3g•Rart
Pennant sop Ethoi Bolick
Best makeup on ice Ambrose t Taylor
Belgian Stewart :Caylor
An old Winghamite, in the per
!1 of Elli'A'bt, who was et
e time RobertEditor' of the Tunes has
'en appointed Treasurer of the
oil t1[andy=,
Chief Parimer. of 1 ensall, ]las
been instructed -to enforce the
C'urfeit• . bylawwithout fear or fa-
ton visited her sister tilts. T. Pollard
one day 1aet week,
]lir, ,Tae, Clark of Kilarne is visit
ing his brothers William and Robert
brothers survive, William.of Winni
peg and Alexander, surgeon of the G.
1, P.. Burial will probably be made
Huron Lodge 11'0, 82, I, 0. O, F.,
hard to serve the summons. Hi h Jtindly consented to address the
Constable. Whitesides, however, gat Liberal Club on Thursda9 evening
Ilensall, on Tuesday,mat Mr, Bander March 765, Mat'k down the deice
and attempted to rve the Liberals and show1pprecia-
The New Era.
mediae Order of lloresters,
Rev, Dr Ramsay of Toroa,to, an
Clark and other friends.
sented two more members who have
Bender refused them and when they tiu>z or Mr, McMilleis ever
were placed on his shoulder, shook vvilLngg to come sip aid
There is some agitation on foot
reorganize the brines band in
Exeter old boy has thrr a spats, and
they me all in • ltn•Form to fight
Lor their country, ,
There died. in Belgrave Tuesday
enlisted with engraved wrist watches, -Cham
Uapt, Hayden, who is with the Den
tel Corps at St. 'ipomea and Pte Ernie
off and maria his escape. the Olub, r
Later Bender took the train ter SCHOGI. CARN1'VTAL ;
Hooper of Exeter was sac -Evangelical
setae at the Ottaiwa Winter Vain
cantly, He secured efight prizes
t of eleven for his eggs and also
The Trustees of Evan
churcli a' Crediton: the E invited
Bioko 1 S to
p7 aahp eiig of Naaperville, Ili.,
to [teary ie..-
mons on the 5th of March
John Scandrett, aged 07 years, He
was born just outside of London, Re
moved to Belgrave 33 ax 34 years ago
taking up the hotel husiness, Some
with the Field Battery at
Guelph. This makes 22 members ofrr=-
Huron Lodge who are serving their
Goderich to 0005016 a lawyer and
• a It was a gnome success, Every-
by lteaulitul concide'g o :the colas] bcdy ls knew that it wontd bi, • tom
who last' agtteed to r go •Itis •badl'' the time that Jr1r, Bouc:k imide his
in the perjury charge on first announcement in ruury,
�v fir' ➢� Herr is mess Props
J. Leslie Business Manager
e svveepstaI;es,
Mr. and ]Vies. John Jarrett„
veais later he retired to private life.
atterllrsd t
rite all the •kiddie nave been living in
Che 100 acre farm, situated at
tat is known act Wagner's Corner
udepi'e'd by I4Ir. John B. iVleyer
downed by his father 1VJv, J. Mey
has leen. Jpurchlaler7l by Mr,
cob G tnaekenbush, son -In-law of
a E. Schroeder, Of town. The
rchase pric eis $5,500 and Donee
01 will be �'glven about the first
March. Mr, John, ]vleyer, in-
ods to purchase a Farm in
tar Nortli, received 'the sad news
09 tllc eathltof Sh their
rre dcS e(st augh
, e uin,
Man, Sho leaves to mourn ter
fuss t husband and ,six sons 'and
two daughters,
Mr Victor Sanders of I'elxeaan-
utshenr., formerly
g , ,y of 1 xeier, has
loined the colors in that -town, bet.
ing a member of the 157th ]3att1,
The deceased was wall known in
Huron, He was a Conservative and
en Anglican.
A targe number were present at the
meeting of St. Pauls A Y P.A. on
Monday night and enjoyed a s leudid
program, the'main feature of which
was a very interest ngaddress by Rev.
J. B. IIotheringham, rector of St,
George's church, Gorlerich, and vice
president of the Huron County War
Auxiliary, who spoke on the success
After a lingering illness Mrs. James
S'eith passed away at ber home on
Ord street last Thursday evening.
Mrs, Sleith was a slate, of Mr, ,Tohn
G. Grieve of McRitlo Her husband
diol 15 years ago.
Death has removed one of the old
est residents of Tuckiwernith in the
person of Mr. James Taylor, who died
at the home of his son, Mr. John Tay.
for. the
same train. The latter made
the trip to antrounoe to the court a state of joyful Anticipation.
The great topic of cnnve)eation
that he would no longer be bonds- for the last week at s,:Jh.00l ane i
man out of school has .been the proper
'costume for lined Riding 71ood or
Following this, an order was '
MichaM Shea, tiVednennei even-
given Chief postlethvvaite at Gcde in the galleries of the rink \vera
rich to arrest ear, Bender bn a tilled with apeclatora. On the
ice were almost two hundred pub
eharge of attempting to abscond lie, school children and a number
while out 011 hail. The quarry of the pupils of tine ; : C.. 1'. . who
New Era, One Year In advance $1.00
gem, Era, emelt not paid in ad-
'ance`" $1.60
pew para, to the n'
'United States
in advance $1•bD
AdvertisingRateson Application,
a. quiet wedding was solemnized
the home of Mr,carnd Mrs. John
cods, Gaderieh Ton mite, on
n 26t1t when tiler daughter, Eva
n, 2th when their daughter Eva
became the bride of Alex Spark
perforated the ceremony
, or destroying a horse wit -hoer.
first securing veterinary eerutl-.
g a
mate that the ,animai was sue1'mr+ng
the l of onto Humane Socio` was
of Germany n the mariner in which
abe has carried out her great organiaa
Besides this address vocal solos
were rendered by iitessve Weir Elliott
W. [i. Willis, Ser t Major R, Mann
s • j
and Mies Alice Mann and a chorus by
a class of •girls and recitaaiona b Miss
at rage of 84 years. Deceased
Sane from Ireland 60 years ago, • and
has resided in the Township of Tuck-
etsmath for 40 years haven removed
there from Hibbert. About g 16 era
ago he retired from the farm endr{esday
went to live in Exeter.
made his escape to Clinton and had accepted Mr, .Bouck;'s invite-
was captured here by Chief Wheat tion to' come and sin in
ley, '.He was taken back by Chief The costumes vt•eic very the Pur„
z eatletitwafte •to Goderich Wed- Revere l small fairies ettreet•ed
much attention with 'their white
Jus{ what chargtes• will be pre- dresses anal large win
r g gat GreeP,
'against him, if en ad- was a very'popular colour as
dittos to the chose
Job work rises advt.nae on July
P e
fat, 1013, in acaordtcnca with
the Huron Co. Press Assa-
elation Ratse-
,e young couple will nes:de at
oveletted by court to they the
D. Mitchell and Miss M, Fleury. -
one of per ur is of the ehulden
perjury, y, to come in
not known. Irish
1. R, •
Ir. R, B, F`ergtes
e. Winer $25 had sued for 9'69
it was the firstcase of the
Stanley costume. The Red (Ridinir
y s ;Hoods were very With their
n, formerly of
signal IMa' :tied )osileen RS chief
reported ]I1 On l;a{'la.
Mra, A'hert Dlozrell few
pretty Office Phone 30 House Phone 05
Mr, Hugh McKenzie left on Tuesday "'p� . _.... -... _. .._..
to visit re at}nes at
Police 1tand has en
ted forovarsras sers'i a ltivc
3tr. Ferguson's sons have ell-
lily enlisted, This is s1 remark--
le 'word for one family ulc(Alex,
:Mare certainly nolo„ then duty
r Ring and Country.
the Presbyterian summer school
C.odet i.chl will this year be ]held
! wek July 3d to 10th.
M;, Smith, B. A, ,C.It•,
Ie,b r t son, of ,Frank Smith of
Duiges sun, Fraaway k mith Wedno9
9 ]Feb, 0th, Pact Golden Cal„ whith
Hach Dyspepsia ■
Burdock Blood -'Bitters
a ant a
f irtoth her Friend Id,s,
We. Ball is spending a few weeks
with her daughters Mrs, ,tofu Gib.
Barm Sold. -Mr. Garfield M01111th
ae1, of the second concession, last
week disposed of his farm to Mr. John
L Bell of Stratford, his
the consideration
fn the neighhorof $7,(1610.
Bell as made a good purchase, Mr.
McMichael intends to rent a farm for
a while if he can get one to suit him.
before buying again.
Mr. Tames McCartney and wife of
tine' a, �O
Tuxi'ord, Slask., are visttiogrelatives "
soil acquaintances in this district at `-^'� .•etA•kro••!
present. They are tbe guests of Mr. TI Board of Education oL In- .
Thomeoa. 11 -
ersoll has given Mr, ,JosepJ-
Mise Lizzie or has been vthe tall>er, formerly of Blyth another
ing in Clinton•n and tiealortN for the ler $100.00 increase in salary, mak
Peat weak' in the salary0, Last
Mr. Lorne Pepper is this week visit Mr.Stalker hd 135 students year i
ing iia siser, Mre, John 19. Pepper.Ierbrt entrance epyaminatin( ,and all•
Mr, Robt, Baird who has been visit w
log in Detroit for the past two weeks passed and 22 took honors, Old •
returned ou Tuesday. p friends here will extend con- •
Mr. Neil McGregor is still off work gnatubations, Y
he had gone for the bean-
6 •of his health, t*o n the a
In 3ais health, emInkt}ch
Last Sunday evening while sitting'
in his home, 8th, line of Morris town
with his hand on account of blood' Rj v. Ede �Lndersnn Jas taken •
oieonin g at •
reasoning charge eF the Methodist pulpitig •
B,elgrave twills thepastor w e make these only from
1 first gone in search of health
Smith was horn in Goderich rL0
Its .aiu
go, studied at Taranto I]ni-
say and gcaidua0,cl as B. A. '
i C. E.
Ir. lirmhie Wella is s end:n * a
v days at his ]dome in Bil tit
or to vin everscas Witt tau
,fnr•errn -i• s. y
pleedidg1epoxp'ts were present-
for the past Veas; by the tit-
ent of the Brussels !Melville
isbyterian Church, The natal
cunt raised for all purposei'was
117, lining 4;8,•117 for the beildig
d aur( $!,600 for the t, ai
d The communion reit seovvas
ods !at 451: 10 new members lee-
added during the past year,
f1'• William peen, "roe ma.l0
tier for rural' ;route •No, 3 East •
Mr. II, N. Manderson, Stettier, Alia.,
`r4hoit twenty-five years ago,
the Province of Quebec, I came pretty
near turning up my toes with dyspepsia.
A cousin of mine persuaded me to try
Burdnd•1r Blood enters, In 85056 inn
nooks I could eat anything from raw fat
rktounlesvenedbsead. 'mtreebottles
d the"job, and I have never been
troubled with in •stomach
y since You
<wou�ld only 1Y -see ay that tins is s is sonderful 19 you
to live on in this country; Bannock, half
cooked beans, etc.
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on
the market for the past fortyyears, sad
cannot excelled as a medicine for all
diseases be disorders of the stomach'.
B.E.B. is manufactured only by The
T. Milburn•Co., Limited;'Toronto, Ont,
ship singing a hymn, Thomas Bernard
an old and well known resident took
a weak spell and although he rallied
another followed a little whoa after
and be passed away peacefully, aged
79 ears, 3 months and 7 days. Ha
y y
had been to'BrusselB on Saturday and
was about as uaual en bunday,partak
R of his supper with the family, The
fudrerrUi took place Wednesday after
noon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. 1).
Wren conducting the Service, Mr,
Bernard •was born near 'Incite, Ire
.land and came to Canada when 22,
He laved at Kingston for three Coate,
hen West to Hallett township (tad
to ea d to 8th line, Morris, locating .
on the farm upon which he died, De
ceased was married in 1888 to Miss
Isabella Angus,who died 6 years after
leaving one son, William, who resides
in Morris. In 1875 Mr. Bernard was
awned in marriage to Miss Sarah Led
yerwood ansitwo children were 'born, 'Toronto.e
Rev. Mt•. Parnaby will act asity •
Arncefeld p • •
lain of the 161st. A a
The friends in Brucetietd and Gunner Russ all R. Oke,31',. Di- 0 r Vegetable w
vicinity of manyay. Walter Muir, 'a form vision Ammunition Corp.,ub- •. Centime Ve het.�bt Parchment �,
er mpnister of Union church .Bruce. Slection C, has enlisted Corp.,.
field now of ltdingburgh, Sconand (teas service and expects to leave : We carr in stock a line printed with the words �+
will be pleased to learn that his son on or about February 11th, is • Y
(inertia who was seriousl wounded' the eldest eon o€ Private Frank •
at the Dardanelles, is recovering and Oke fiormerly an old ;Exeter fiat', • •ill
hopes aaon'to be ready for aatiVe ser tv'ho Js at present, at. llra!lnsihatt, •• Choice �Q]'� �' �!"er ••
vice, He was taeen home to Scot-: England with the 58th Battalion. • "q•
land and is in a hospital in Edin- Mrs. Francis Klein, en old and ••
but • •i 0
yh'highly saeemy d resident �P rf for immediate delivery, 7. hHy are sold at the
Pte John Aikenbead and Pte. Scat oath who passed peacefully ,a•- 1a (li v •
iwngiy of London, spent the week .way onilnebruaey, 9th et the. resi- • O OWmb prices: •
end at Mr. Wm. Afkenhead'shome. dencoof her son, Thomas Klein, e•
,, A hard time dance was held in The deceased was a native' eat Bel- ,�. •
! 1000 Sheets 2.25
Walker's hall on,Tuesday evening, gium was married there piety -two • •
Wim,, Taylor shipped hogs from our years ago, Slte camp twelve years • 500 Sheets i.50 •
station this week the price being $080, later with .her husband to Canada •0
per c.wt. Some one will payclearly s'.. "t ® 25O Sheets .75 0
v and settled 4n Hamburg, pv hey •
for this pork. theyremainedYoe two years. They 200 Sheets �g a
Mr, A, T. Scott has returned from afterward moved to the 065 cancel •.0
__......._:_..z.,,,, ... ....sion,
1VIc1<f11op, 'where they liven • •
i �a
ahce igwot
Fi, 9 0on
17ae1 at„home.,g Thecisst'owcstiiof his
and uutiae wa:s a Conservative in politics
[La was lauaed the honest, kind sdist trioustputn n
Mrs. Barnard
b]•isa Marion Munro who has been until twlenty lfive years ago when • Wrappers specially printed fromyour OWtl w
very 111 is alomvlyreaoverrng, . s pP P y «
51>', DeWitt Oosons of London they retired
peSteecleceased D],ei• • copy, we can supply them at the fDllowing •
preached io the Presbyterian church' •sixteen yvears .ag'b e, prices-^- •
Sabbath morning. He tock los his •
a' �� QY 3
ftt +fi
v? $
r amen
? i"
p, 1 [n
and fatuity have the
svnipathy of the community in their
unlooked for bereavement.
text "Hie name shall be called Jesus" 0 ' ••
1: H spoJce of the goodness" of stir AN ADVEttTiSING'•`.POElei1' L l� 2.25' 00
Saviour, and why all should follow
utter `LO to 33.
,, •
lotto] 27c to 28c.
Eggs 23c to 295.
Miss May Wallis of the Wast spent
tUis weak with her cousin, Mrs, Darg
+rite weak ..
h•er daughter, Rrd Carter is the Mrs. reed Shobro �et t oil t
Rim. In the eveningRev, tVlr TherL was an aid eezer, 2 t0 ¢ All 1.75 per M e
• 5 i�!l 1.50 per.*
Johnston,luhnston of Varna preached on the And lye had a Jot of sense - w tt,,{
weeds of stir Sabbath School lessen ..,IIs started up a business �' 1 O ltll 1.40 per M. t
Why •hath Satan fide. t thine heart to On a dollar' ,a:ncl eighty cents.•0
be against Gad," Se spoke el the 7lie Holl tr was far steel. 0 •
useless attempt to try to deceive food, Loa'
• 26c.
acs 50,
attle 8x26.
Wftoat 1.05,
Oats 925-te see,
Barley ,,tic' to 55c.' •
Shorts $26,
day and Thursday b,af athispent Wednesh
her sister,. Mrs, John Crich, of fucker
r1 nd eighty. an ad. •
and oi`:tche great power a few oarnesi; Brought hon, three lonely dollars0•
41aristians were in the world. It was , Ina day, li., daid!
a few earnest words fully spoken; ' ' y
One of %lie's noble women, Iles. W. V, n .1Lr, bought more goods
Atld a little more �apaee.
@i��®' 0
vitt 6'C:1C
vSs1C tra Cm3
hoof, 9.00,
13;00: .
i t.a e 10
seee'e,4 t'. t._
Bran $25.
Paris isio0 t0 1,09„ '
$ $heads
'Buckwheat 60 to 65,:
- _-,
e let'tfrlteadS,, b,Il -
Order anti
and envois es from Tho
New Era,
dept ISettm6 Glre h me of her daughter •• And he'playoei ilia' system;
Y With a Sni•tte• on has eerie. . , .
1VIre, Malcolm McKay of f oderich.r
She was for many years ,l melee
• �i�iirilTa;y%� •0
tLeg ,pyo i 1U
®••1.0.000' 4t ht•p,� oscoestAb�CdEp1AE9emC4Ceaeaseva'