The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-24, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
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'l ursday, 'February 24th, 1916.
For Infants and Children.
iiietners Know That
-.-bum asto is
Nn 1a
'hePropiellaryryarl ren1MnliciscAct.
AVegetat)s r'resvatuvi lurAr-
eunllaiina lhulutl ,ill,tnul,,
linflheSlornsas ni'61wel,cf
bears the
P ioleeDi .fi.!.,,!rai•N�b3 w�:tt
hese 1111(1 i2511L01:ttlllsratiter
Opittia,51orilltitle aartR:uerrl.
i?r.,ry' ,afo1,LDi•filli 2 11]'tom
linnpktb Bred'
40.flint F.
It P;IIc9otts-
,arrm rnIE
L171nrduau! a'sdirr
t 'f frrd-
r'n r mor.
prier at eel -telly lerrr'tstis
Iron SourStomach bran ise,
trees and10530rSLUR
DcSmilc a of
'tart ci i tun C MPA3r
r's4 �t
's•'r.1t, � .
,r r..
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy or Wrapner,
a s•Osonsesess•s•eetoeeessee eeeoes••e•esomomoO•erseeder*
Echoes From the Firing line•
• ••••.•s•ss••.ss••s.•••es.•..•e•.•.•aJ.•...•.•.••...•• •
What Will Happen on February 29?
This month, tit:8 being leap year
will contain the adrlitionae may
which is thus ,far so lacking an
historical or military events. Per-
haps something notable for that
day may be .ln, store In recent
glenerations the principal military
occurrtienee Chart took place on a
29th 'of 'February was in 1884, with
with 'tire deflect of the retitle 00
El Teb, ir. flgypt, by Graham—a
victory which reversed the rebel
ttrriymph over Baker and the Egyp-
tians an the 4th of that month.
A' Card From the °iron Doke.
The Christmas card (from H. M. S
Iron Duke had on the cover the
Admiral's flag with the ►words,
"Christmas, 1915, and New Year,
1916," in the corner, ,while within
are, on the left-hand side, the
White 17nsi n with the inscription:
God rest you merry gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,''
and on the right hand side, a res
production of J, P.•t's pic-
ture of the only meeting bettn'een
Wellington and Nelson.
Two men (one black) went into
the restaurant,a,nd said: "We vaunt
Turkey without Greece," The man
said, "You can't ,Roumania 'ere be-
causewe don't Wan tanegro • nn d I
won't Serbia." So they said ",
the Bosphorus," So the boss can e
and said.., Giullipoii ,now or 1'11
Bussla oast. So they went 1'Iun-
A recent war census of males In
Australia shows that of the .1421,-
162 recorded between 18 and 60
years of age 63.31 per cent have
hem clawed asphysically fit,"
31,06 per cent as "doubtful' and
only 5.60 per cent as "unfit." •
Business. and
• Shorthand
Westervelt School
Y,'M:C.A. ,Building,
London, Ontario
College in Session Sept. Ist.to174:Juyk
Catalogue Free. . Enter any tissue,.
J. W. Westervelt, Psiaeipal
wig any
160 pages of valuable building information -52
useful p=lans—complete details on how to make
improvements on the farm that are fire -proof,
weather-proof, time -proof and economical —
besides scores of other interesting facts.
It's the standard authority onfarm building construction.
It has saved thousands of dollars for more than 75,000
Canadian farmers and will save money for you, If you
haven't a copy,' send in the coupon NOW. The book is free.
Canada Cement
Company Limited,
oe'EMEPdT Street' and No
.MAIL if0"Ail'
Gotiemon: Picasc acrid me a fren'ontiy of ' "WLnt'rhe i'armnr Cnn 1)o With Conornte".
Name •
The New Taxation
Sir Thomas White estimates the
profits above the `fair ainnual re
turn in Normal limes which are
being rasped by various corporizt
tions and corrapanies •n' (,',anadn at
$100,000,000 to $120,000,00) per an-
num. Jae propose; (to take for
public purposes,$25,000,600 to' $30,
000,090 of these profits.
The taxation on profits .wail cov-
er the period hem August 4, 1914.
when thie war began, .to August 3,
1917, when it is ,hhpect the war
will have ended.
"Upon ndiv`.dual9 firers, part-
nerehips and us•,c4ation:s' the tax
is ono -fourth of all profits above
ten per Pent per annum Wen kiwi'
capital ertaplDyed is over $90,000.
Upon all incorporated companies
—such as banks. naitovays, trust
companies and commercial and
industrial corporations• -the flax is
one fourth of all profits above
seven per cent per annum or the
capital stock. The minimum capi-
tal liinitaUon doles net .apply to
cOmpnnres which have war orders.
Non -Cape -Wien eompan'res
pay pro fatal on the 'profits made
from the Canadian end of their
Insurance companies are Ie-
quired 3'0 invest in Dominion
hoods and debentures, 'thus tak-
ing a part of the next domest'c
war loan. They escape the tax on
The machinery for collecting 11e
taxes and assessing profits is left
kintirely in the hands of ti e 'F'r
nance Minister.
Only''two tariff changes are
made. The duty on apples is in-
creased by 50 cents per barrel --a
protective measure for the Brit -i
ish Columbia growers—a:)1 :llun:in
ating and lubricating oils are made
dutiable at half 0 cent; per gall*in.
The increased, duty on oils :s es-
timated at $300,000 per annum
To guard the 'Baby against colds
nothing cantoqual Baby's Owe
Tablets. The. Tablets are tic mild
laxative that will keep the Letle
ones stomach anti bowels work-
ing regularly. It is.a recognized
fact that whet e, the stomach arc'
bowels ale in good ;order that
colda will not .exist that the
health of the little ones will he
nd and he will thrive . and no
happy and goof:-ntttured, The
Tahllets are sold by medicine de i1
ere or hy mail at 25 emits ,d bos
The Williams Medicine C'r,., Brock-
ville, Ontario.
Local News
The Newr Zealand governnre'nt
has eecon:mc+ndetl that Neper cent
extra duty be levied on all Ger-
man goods after The war.
Hon. T W. Crothers, minister of
labor, has given notice of an Vii-
mendment to the act which was
Passed two or three years ago to
prevent the manufacture of mat-
ches 'with white , , phosphe,-
cus. The amendment is 03 erten t
the sale of white ,phosphoriis,mat-
ches to six months longer and the
use to '12 months longest, The
manufacture was prohibited after
The funeral of John Grafton o.
Wroxeter, who died last Thursday
at the age of 105 years and six
months was held on Sunday. He
P u ,1�IAN was well known, having beers in
{r( was w e l known s fat years; r'ew
o1 the usual signs 01 old age
i were noticeable, he being etra.ghtt
i and sturdy, able to read without
t epeetaeles and up'to ,a 'few years
Fruit -a -tires" 1s the Standby
in This Ontario Home
SCOTLAND, Ont., Aug. 251b,. 1918.
"Iffy wifewasarartyrta Constipation.
We tried everything on the calendar
without satisfaction, and spent large
sums of money, until we happened on
`lfruit•a-tives'. We have used it in theyears,family for about two yes, and we
would not use anything else as lenges
we can get "Fruit-a-tives."
"FRUIT-A-TIVES" is made from
fruit jufees and tonics—is mild in
action—and pleasant in taste.
50e. a box, 6 for $2,50, trial size 25o.
At dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit -n -rives Limited, Ottawa.
January 1915, and.Ilie sale after
January 1916. There is •a consider-
able ,quantity, of the manufactured
article on hand, mid as It is in
the manufacture of the matches
that the chief injuries are sus-
tained, the minietert feels that the
owners of the unsold matches
should not late allowed to sustain
s,erinUs lasses, -
Brakeman Ed. Dibb, of the G. R.
R., who resides at 440 King street,
London, was so painfully injured
at Goderich recently that he w 11
he laid nu for over a month. Ise
was throning a switch, when the
bar jumped back rand struck Mm
heavily on the leg. No hones are
broken, but the muscles are torn
and bruised,
Huron Co:
Gunner Russell 12. Oke, 310 Di-
vision A:Danriu:liana Corp., Sub -
Section C , has enlisted for over-
seas service and •e,xpects to leave
on or about February 11th, is
the eldest eon of, Private Frank
Oke formerly an old Easter boy,
Who is at present at, Bratmshott,
England with the 58th Battalion.
Mrs. Francis lilein, en eta and
highly esteemed resident of
Seafortlr who passed peacefully ,a-
way onrllebruary, 9th at tho resi-
dence of her son, Thomas Klein,
The deceased was a native of Bel-
gium was married there sixty-two
years ago, She came twelvevelarn
later with her husband to Canada
and settled in 'Hamburg, ,where
they remained fur two years. They
afterward moved to the 9th comes
sign, McKillop, where they lived
until twmutya-tfivo years ago when
they retired toSeatftor•th. Mrs.
It:leln's husband predeceased her
sixteen years ago.
The annual report of the ]lav
Telephone system showed (that
$1618,23 was on hand to the credit
of the system at the end of 1915,
but salaries due up to the end of
the year reduced this o,aJ'am e
to $1926.25
Then you realize the utter weakness
that robs ambition, destroys appetite,
and snakes work a burden.
To restorethat strength andstaminathat
is so esseutial, nothing has ever equaled
or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be-
cause its strength -sustaining nourish-
ment invigorates the blood to distribute
energy throughout the body while its toad*
value sharpens the appetite and restores
health in a natural, permanent way.',
If you arc run down, tired, nervous,
overworked or lack strength, get Scott's
Emulsion to-day:'At any drug store.
Scott dt Oowne, Toronto. Out.
:oseeee•O.0.0••iae000.•••••• •••••.•O•••s•••e•.•••••.Otr
• O
•Press Views Conservative
• •
vie.deaf+s•o••••••••••••••••••••••00•00•40••••••••0eses •
(Toronto Star) (Toronto Telegram)
The country will approve of Some of the bilingual rg:taitors
the extension of ,Partrau'ent for seem to think that as long'; s one of
a year which means October, 10117 the official languages of Ontario is
It will approye also of the con- :Frenelr it does not matter wt,ev.hes
dition mentioned by Sir Wilfrid' the ufrie:al language of the empire
Laurier, that there shall le no becomes GClman
general election until that t_nre.
(Brantfoiid. Expositor)
1 Tho Kingston Standard)
result of closing the bars in '•Let us for once and all have dere
S Theetreoulan is thg t ba sei with this silly talk of infringen•eo'c
Satea'ed. In that ng el E of personal liberty and priv'atelife
willabe • icor na0 p, complete 10 teeause forsooth many people feel
e p that Prohibition, is to -day one of
prohibitor was 1101 enacted the burning issues es the rnom-
h.ut aid license were :wiklidrawn ent and •that divorced as it now
and the• liquor trade taken 010' is from politica, which tinha.. p 1
by the government. Liquor ie was not the case in the last Pro-.
Pro -
sold in only a few stores under 'vincial election, , the electors
government control and that un- should be given an opnor•tun]ty to
der very strict regulations. The pass fairly end honestly upon it.
J'ublle Slervice Monthly oi. Sas-
katchewan, issued by the provin
ciai government, shows that d unit
omens has decreased 'very mater-
ially under the new law. 2'te 8'he extra day in IPetruas'y, not
leap y
of outy meslyear,ar, bet isthe ,
cases of drunkenness tefose mag cause of a calendar different front
shows the number
ictra'tes in July, August and Sep- any sine,:' the Continental year of
tamper, 101.5 and the 0ani0 months 1-
in 1914,;— years ago, It is r10
cliffereht front' any That will fol-
low for twenty-eight years we
1944 will have begun. This fs a
hap year. beginning on Saturday,
containing flity-throe Saturclniys
and fifty-three Sundays, such 'as
own—Moose Jaw
Sas* meson
Prince Albert
Swift Ouament
North Battleford
Wev burn
Estevan +++++++
1914 1015
Oases. O46es.
204 74
240 rib
180 64
61 119
?6 S
Gc nil
35 15
15 nil
1:9 11
4 nil
no person under forty years of
age ever knew, before, and such as
possibly very, few will see again
repeated, which will take place ill
the rnilienial year, A. D. 2000—'
eighty-four years hence,
i ago,. always ready for his annual
hunting expeditnm: rfn, Ontario
milds. An adult family surv:v es.
The main estimates tabled sai
the House of Commons on 'Tun -s
day include $4,090 for Goderich
harbor Iniprov'leOnents. •
j$I0,050 is still du,e for taxes at.
When the liver becomes sluggish it is
an indication that the bowels are riot
working properly, and if they do notmove
regularly many complications are liable
to set in.
Constipation, sick headache, bilious
headache, jaundice, heartburn, water
brash, catarrh of the stomach, etc., all
came from a disordered liver.
Milburn's .I,axa-Liver Pills stimulate
the sluggish liver, clean the coated tongue,
sweeten the obnoxious breath, clean away
all waste and poisonous matter from the
system, and prevent as well as care all
complaints arising from a liver which has
become inactive.
Mrs. John V. Tauten, Bimetal. Ont.,
writes: I take great pleasure in writing
you eoacerning the great value I bave
received by using your Milburn's I,axa-
Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my
liver got bad, I would have severe head-
aches, but after using a couple of vials,
I am not bothered with them any more."
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a
vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Duchess to Marry
who according to report:; will Pe
he married soon. Court otticials
ofLuxemhcrgg favour an Austtiam
Archduke. The Duchess for pc-
titienl•reasons cannot marry a
german P11000, oranV of the
Bourbon Princes, and the Princes
of smaller neutral states ,are toe
young or are Protestants.
Prom the time of the treaty of
Vienna in 1818 down to 1886 the
Grand Duchy of Luxemburg was a
member 0. the. Germanic Cou:eder•
ation. By'the treaty of Medan in
1857, it was declsrdd 'to ee 4t neu-
tral State yard its integrity and in-
depelrndienoe', were guarantee -I by
tlrr great Powers. Th,i• •'sha:u[ do
famine" of 1907. while pi ov:ding sue
cession in the lemale line or the,
house of Nassau, is s!a'tt else to in-
timate that no succeed ng Grand
Duchess shall marry a Proteetanl•. .
ora d'eeoenciant of the rillthroned
IlnurboneOrleanists, or Bonap'art-
fists of Trance o^ e m tuber of any
sof the reigning houses oaf Ger-
Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide.
wsseighteen whin she succeed-
ed her father in 1912,
Among the members of the (rouse
of= Haps >urg-Lorraine who ni;g?rt
tee considered eligible candidates
for her hand are the Archduke Mnx
imilli,an, younger brother of the
A-uetrian-heir-prei3umptive, born in
18 5 ; the Archdukes Leon and
William, born respectively in 1893
and 1895. sons of the Arehduke Carl
Stephan, grar.dneph,ew, of the
Emperor, and the Archduke stainer
Karl, born in 1856, eon 01 the Arch
duke Leopold Saivatot,. who is
also agnandnophew, of. the .'Emp-
eror. •
Work and • Worry Leaves
Iicr eL Vil'linI 01 litany
1)istreissiH„ Ailments.
Beery woman's health is pecul-
iarly dependent upon the ecndi-
tion of her blood. How many worn
en suffer with headache. pain 'n the
hack, p000i• .appetite, weak d'ges-
tien, a coiastantfeeling of wears
nese, palpitation of the heart, short
11058 of breath pallor and .n011000
Hess, 16 you have any of these
symptons 'you should begin to-
day build)`vp your blood with
Dr, Williams Pink Pi11e', Under'
their use the`nervous energy of
the body is restored as the blood
becomes red andpure and the en
tire tsystetn is strengthened to
meet every demand: upon it..
They nourish evrey part of tl'e
body giving brightness to the eye'
and color to the elmeks,,nd1:t;s.
Mrs. las. S.' (Thain cis, Oak wocd,
Ontario,, says 1' d bade tv'r t
lien long ago to tell whet De.
Williams Pink Pals dict for site, but
I suppose it 11 brutes 30'e than -'
,.(ever, In June 1913. Thad to go
to anhospitlad for an op era t 1t1 :0r
female weakness, f was in the hos
How to Feel Well During Middle
Life ToId by Three Women Who
Learned from Experience.
The Change of Life is a most critical period of a
woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites i
disease and pain, Women everywhere should remember
that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will
so successfully carry women through this trying period as
Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound, made from
native roots and herbs. Read these letters:—
Philadelphia Pa.—"I started the Change of Life
five years ago. ' 11 always hada headache and back-
ackache with bearing down pains and I would have
heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and
nervous feelings, After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound I feel hke a new person and
am m better health and no more troubled with
the aches and pains I had before I took your won-
derful remedy. I recommend it to my friends for I
cannot praise it enough."—Mrs. Rumania GRAM-
MAR, 759 N. Ringgold St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Beverly, Mass.—"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's,
Vegetable Compound, for nervousness and dyspepsia when I was
- going through the Change of Life. I found it very helpful and I
have always spoken of it to other women who suffer as I did and
have had them try it and they also have received
good results from it."—Mrs. Greenest A. Dtrxsaio,
17 Ilotmdy St., ,Beverly, Mass.
Erie, Pa. —"I was in poor health when the
Change of Life started with me and I took Lydia
+, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, or I think I
should not have got over it as easy as I did. Even
now if I do not feel good I take the Compound
and it restores me in a short time. I will praise
your remedies to every woman for it may help
them as it has me."—Mrs. E. MEWLING, 931 East
24th St,, Erie, Pa.
No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman's
suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia. -
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received
and answered by women only and held in strict confidence.
pital fora month , before I was
able to get home. Three weeks eft
Pr this !started forsa trip to the
Pacific cc,st, NI the hope that my
health would further improve, 08
the! stopped to visit a a iso ot•
in Southern Alberta 11)00 011 a.rr'v
11 g at her blare tafbsr ', 85 mile
drive, Iavas completely done out.
I found my sister i11 her baby
having, been born the week 1. a-
fore. As there was no .one to help
Iliad to take care of the child and
do.the household :work and in the
thnee 'weeks that passed before
my sister took charge I was con
pietely worn, out and k501110 near-
ly ill. However, 1 stetted on my
vvesttyard iiia and dee eked to
stop off at Banff.. where I remain
ed a week, but it did not seem to
!help me, and I resumed my, joure
'07, On the train. I tool, sick
and could bot exit, and as I was
alone my condition was pitiable.
;Finally the potter wired lheao to
North Bend for a doctor to see,
me. Tho doctor wanted me to
leave the tntaun and go to) a hos-
Leave the tlyrain and go to a hos-
my journey to Vancouver. The
ni',e1iicine the doctor gave me did
not help me. And then ayoung
man who had the opposite berth
asked use if I world try De. Wile
Hams Pink Pills and gave a roux he
had. I used theselaind the porter
got me tWo more hoses ,.aid hy the
time Ir,eached myourney's end 1;
was feeling some better, I stay
red two months' on' the ,coast, acrd
continuled taking Dr: ,Williams
Pink Pills alt that time. I had
gained in wleight hind appearance,
and when started for home I
felt beater than t had for years,
Now Ialwaalys keep Dr. Williams
Pink Pills in the house, and bath
my husband alto my young daugh-
ter have b,,.en ,benefited by
their use. I bless .the day that
young man' oda the' train gave me
his box of pills, othlerwise I might ,
never have tried them, and would
have stria! been an invalid,
Ylsonffrom eauany gen'At ad;cDr. Willi
inedoams'le'0r Pinitoy 1
mail, post pard. pat 50 cents a box i
oat etre boxes Sir .$,2.50 from The
Dr. William's Medicine Co. Brock -
title, Ont
!Alters' 'received. rtcentiy from
boys at the front in ib'lande.'s state
that a number of the Wren lhrave
been suffering Prem rat bites and
some of the the easels were of
such a serious nature 'thutt the
victims has to he t emoved to
dressing stations.
To Run -Down Nervous Women...,.,,,;
Louisville, Ky.—" I was a nervous
wreck, and in a weak, run-down con-
dition when a friend asked me to try
Vinol. 5 did so, and as a resultI have
gained in health and strength. I think '- 'y-
Vinol is the best medicine in the world ,at
for a nervous, weak, run-down system 'y.
and for elderly people." -Mrs. W. C. .,st
CLAYTON, Louisville, Ky. 1.0-..
Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron
tonic without oil, guaranteed to over-
come all run-down, weak, devitalized.
conditions and for chronic coughs, colda 1 rat.
lend bronchitis.
J. E. Hovey, Druggist
Clinton, Ont.
Nwe Era add ,Daily' Globe .:,$3.86..
11 tn0 Da Iv Stasi and •.ter..
Emipirer .................3.85 t
New Era and Weekly Mall
and Empire ... 1,65
ra Cud fie iv World 3.35,'
New Era and Daily Novae._ 2,85,1 d
New Era and Daily Star2.85,
Ivew Bra and Herald
and Weekly Star 1,8t�,
New Era and Weekly Witness 181
New 19:a and Northern Mes '
senger .... ,:, ........ i 6);,144 •
New Bra and Canad au Farm 181•
New Era and Farmers Sun... 1,81
New Era and ID0'13' Free f.
Press. morning 3.3'
Novy Bea and Daily Frei
1'i•,rss, evening
New Era and s
Morning Lon- ... 2,8li
New Era and Weekly Free •
Press 1.84
don Advertiser ,,, .. 3.8h8
New Era and Da ly Advertiser 2:85
sew Lara and Weekly Adver- i
lew Era and Palm and Dairy islet:
dew Nara and Farmer's Advo- c:,
zffmacsomegs,MMEZZ, a
Eat more Bread and. Better
Few of us eat
enough of the
-.Staff of Life "
Make your
Bread from
i'fFs.,v'oe, die ,rstry,4` i iT r" t