The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-24, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50, No. 35
W, H, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
Do you Approve of German Kultur? If not, Enlist with the :Gist
WVwvWvwvmOVVVyWVVvvVVWYAAAM ' veAAAIeA,'0 11-11_.
Its the lightning cure for coughs and colds. Its the beet..
remedy for the worst cough. It has cured others it will
cure you: 25c per laottle.. No war tax. Sold only by
Bost 1)!nailty Drag Store The lCexald storeW. S. MR).. CD IJ�,� Phm;B,
vIWV.d vvvoovvvv Nvvyvvw vv wvwvvvvwvvvwWVVVWWero,
That is why we advise you to use
Hlt'illl'iiNS'' LUNG T; aTie
PIe Royal
Capital, Authorized' - $25,000,000
Capital paid op . 11.,160.000
R aro
e and 11udi �i(ed 1
Reserve v I milts 3 00
is OQD 0
t 5
Total 1111
�issefs ...:.... 186,000,000
..§l3() y .A.N-10'8.31.x+.°. 1111
with Worlld-wideCiorti'Tteetio]l:lltt(
Interest Allowed cu Savings Deposits
General Banking Business Transacted.
R. E.IAIINIi Gi liaaagar, Ciiatca Brat
Z•••• . •.>.., 11111 ...... ... 6.116.
CAPITAL AND RIDA'dlv4 E $8,84lt,0oo
96 Branches in Canada ,
4 General Bunking Business Transacted
Fav14ieis ITnk DeP artlrne t
Interest Allow cd at ?Highest Current, Hate
C.E. Dowding, 41aaa;>;ee'r ('lil>Idon thew h
b b**4, f,•da•••••. e••••••'o••04
• iamse�svt
Bead3to 1' .
• •
Wbenyou say t he word, .our Tailors
will get busy on your
from foreign) and domestic looms.
• ••4'4•••04NAewN••••••=••* .***;•4rtdgew•W mse•4,**** 5i7M•.f,****
We are turning Gat
that -a man can be proud of
he can wear and feel that he is dressed
with taste •
Wehavea beautiful showing
NeW S'pring Woolens
Drop in at your earliest convenience and we
will take pleasure in showing .you and in
talking Spring Tailoring with you.
The •11 a 'Y
thin , C
Agora, for C. P. E. Telegraph Co.
A is ;quare Deal tor Evert' Man
o anosibeeftemagoemit0000smeoe
l'-) • %I' Iugnton's
r' 1111.
8 Movements of -the 161st Battalion Wintering Here --Huron I
1. O
Comic . Recruiting Notes --Activities h the Iiuron`
Battalion O
e O
egoasonteaatait aa®eec®O4®Oa'w assesaaaaeosesiacaoo0esiao
;itry die ems
Lieut. Dudley 'Holmes of Narang
hemis in charge of the recruiting
of the 101st at Wroxetter.
The work of organising' ,Huron
County by the War Auxiliary is
rrpi'diy being finish d. Gtee .txvolk
will be done by this body.
Brussels has assured the platoon
52 men asked for ,ani'.i( are now out
to reach the round hundred,
The following r sheers o: the 16L,st
are taking tach zinced ectur•se, of
military instruction at Lor tc,n-
Lieut. H. Camp bell
6 b
Lieut. P. C. Town.
Brussels Post-•Sergt, R. M. Sin
clair was called to headquarters
et Clinton on Tuesday and may
be attached to that' Company.
-- 00--
Prov. 21Iajar• W. J, Tfefaman
Prov. Major N. T. Sinclair
Huron expects every son' of hers
to do his duty by King an;d
1111 --DO--
Snappy weather like we are get-
, ting just now ought to put some
snap into the, recruiting campaign
Attention. men Your (services
aro needed NOW. Forward, march
to the recruiting office. •
Try The New Ery 1916
#or Job Work in
Your neighbor is wondering wide
stmt of stuff you are made oaf.
Show him by getting into khaki.
By reefusing to join the colors
you signify your apeintval of Ger-
man militarism anI (the Belgian
Belgium laid - dawn her life for
civilized world' Will you do your
part to see that her sacrifice will
not be in vain?
It was a mere chance o I `
that Belgian mothers land daugh-
ters Were exposed to German bar-
barism instead of your ptvn loved
'Huron County is calling titer
young men to fill the ranks o
the 161st Battalion,
Side-track those petty
whihave been keeping
you from
doing what your better sell tells
ycuto do. no lest Battalion,
need you this week..
In 1heestimntion of your friends
you will rise 50 per cent when you
get into khaki. Your own self-
respect will be incaleased an hundi-
reds -fond]
Your pals miss you in their mill
tary sports. Get on your uniform
and fight for victory.
- -s
If 700 7o0'ue afraidyou cannot pass
the medical examination drop in et
hcadqunrtere and get lamedinal ce-
tificate, asserting your unfitness
for military service,'. ,
•1111 -..wee
The Mini stet., of Militia' made an
emphatic delivmtance on the, ques
tion' of saltines -A private is ill
much entitled to a .ea',lute from an
officer as , is anofficer
entitled to Ono , from a
private'• he sacd "Why' I salutle,
scores of them every day Com-
plaints come from different parts
of the country abouts; few young
tombs who is •
pets ,t in caliug mien
dawn for not saluting 'therm when
they thtemselives have not ,sialutect
We are eliminating a fete of these
young gents from the service.
Our M n
OUR OWN line lea good one.
througbont tell the fist.
Some of these you know are
goofs, because you have tried
thein. How about
"Our Own" Baking Powder
special value at 15c
bleed SterlingTea
only 80o per lb
excellent Coffee
ocly 45e per lb
The Store'of sal ty
T} -TE .1:D.UB GROCEit
Phone ;8
The offieara, Band and men .of
Clinton left'this morning for Bay-
field whaile• they will spend the
day in aid of Recruiting. They
return on G riday. The women of
14liddleton Church will serve lunch
on the marsh out ito-1d.ry.
Arrangements have been "com-
pleted d wherebya 1
school of in-
structtons is to be started here on
Monday next. It is expected ithat
there tvil'l be about sixty non-com
mtsstncd office
a it
z attendance,
The school will be in cheesed of
Capt. Vanstone and be will be es-
sitticd by Slrrgts. Seeley, Grant,
Schaefer and others. Col: Comb,
has askied the town •council for
u of the e n '
ou 1 chamber
Zrothis purpbee.
Guelph MereureeAnother ad-
vantage ie joining the sofd;ers.
You don't have to brother creas-
ing your. trousers
Stria!ot•d 1Bancon,-Mr, Joseph
M Densmore, of this City. who
has been attending the S. N. Se
leaves for Clinton Tuesday morn-
ing the 22nd, phone he has enlist-
ed with, the iflsr 'Hurons. Ole will
'take up tate officers' triune in
London, commencing March 6.
The 500 mark was leached on Satin
day for the Huron Battalion,
Following are the names of the new
recruits this week-
R. P. Metier
K. Ourrie
J, 01, Dunsmore
H. L Bates
G. E, J3u'retnian
G. E. B rtes
T N. Oluff
W. D. Wight,
L, li,' Eted'tan
• Jobnsto-
4V 1). 1Y1r,Idaught
f{. M. Lake
3: A. Hudson
.5. 0. McLaren
cL rn
1i 150 Neetands
le W. Munn
H .L Morrow
G. J. G. Hunter
A. elpeahen
A, I3. Shropshall
A. Casemore
L. Burling
E. C. Bentley
In. Britain the urgency of the
War situation is fully reatizekt All
the single men,, under the Lore
Derby scheme of enlistment, were
called to the calors. Men of Clin
ton can do th,eii( part to avoid con
scription in Caioadiai by.volunHeea•-
ing their services immediately wth
the 161st,
Your honest reason may seem to
you a strong and important opt
Others who have gone before you
have Wade much greater sacrifices
and itis up; toseethat these
sacrifices are not made in vain.
If you decide nunt,ediately, to get
into khaki your chances of promo
tion in the Hbron Battl, should be
particularly bright., 'Hundreds of
ethers are also nenv at the mili-
tary age.
Military rill A Sactess.
The militer
v ,y ball given by the ofTi
cera and men of the 101st Huron
Battalion nn Tuesday evening wee,
the guests report, the most enjoyaahle
dance Clinton has had for her long time
The town hall was decorated an it a vas
never decorated befmi'e. Streamers of
red, white and blue hunting were
draped from the chandelier to the
wails, • The windows were shader',
with blue and decorated' with'' flags.'
At one side was a fire place with a
rets shaded light giving the comfort
able appearance of a grate fire. On
the stage was a tent and rifles stacked.
The 'foAlights tvere &hacled and each
one bore a letter spelling outthe weed'
Hurons, The 3111015 wasfuhwished by
the Clinton Orchestra, and was even
Netter than:nasal. Besides the"ordi
nery'daneesethee. were two- "S toren
Dances where the nein fling 'etiects
were managed by<Mr, :Ottd ITrnk:
Supper+was served in the no5i0513
ahaseher where small table i were set
manta-inel 5311,dau,rated. Caterer Ie. t
lits` had eon: plete ehm...0 nt 'r'heiSuli>,rr'
though membors of the Bettalios
acteci•as waaitme,
SOS -n
Laucang 16 k pt np until haifipast
three; and d rr �fir,
it'Ghe..mtnly peraen.'11ot
igladtwltenrthe last inumber Faroe war
r.tthe t'sentry who' kept faithful watch
Over The Te eepe9 b
see0e*Oe®0eemiee®OceO es Oa! 641 er
Sergt R. li Sinclair spent a,few
days with ' his wife and family at
Pte Fred Ford was laid up With the
grippe for a.fow dtcys.
Miss NorunaYanstonc of lVingltani,,
was the guest of 0liss ,Tule Bartliti
this week,
Pte. Lloyd Wilkin was on the sick
list oris week
]miss McDonell, nf'Exeter, is spend-
ing •105110 w"eats with her sister, Mi:s.
Bawd n.
Nits. L. I1. Dickson, of Exeter, was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bawden,
on Monclay.
Deputy Reeve Laithwaite, of Code -
rich, was in Lown on -Wednesday.
Me. Angus McLeod, went to London,
last week: and was operated 00 fou
throat trouble last Thursday. The
last word received stated he was do-
ing aswell n as meld $ be etipeuted
Mrs. A 1 i
. Cnllyerand little: Misses
Mary and Phyllis of London are visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and liars, Jas.
Miss R. l' ie
holy of tratf "
1 Y S a> d, spent
Sunday with Clinton friends,
Pte. 1Villitun 'Cools, who is con
neetecl with the Perth regiment, was
in town over Sunday.
Mt. Wesley Aeweornbe of Fort Wil
litaul spent a tew days in town with
his tallier and Sister. He leeks as it
that Northern city agreed with hire.
Lieut. Charlie McPherson spent the
week end With his mother at Lode
Miss Ball of Ailsa Craig, was call-
ing on old friends in town last week.
Miss Ethel Bissett of Exeter visited
the Misses Bowden Must week.
Miss McLean and Miss Deacon of
\Trip„ ham, were visitors in town lest
1416 Higgins 01: Toronto, spent the
Week end at Wei—gene of Mrs.• Wm.
Graham, and sang a solo in good voiee
at the Presbyterian church.
Bliss Gladys Bissett of Exeter was
the guest of Miss • Hattie Holloway
this week.
M1s. 0. Fr, Vanstene, spent a day
OP . so with hoe Husband, Capt. Van
stone of the 101st, and attended the
military ball on Tuescley.
An old. Clinton boy in the person of
5[r. W, Prondfoot of Turolito, was
calling on old friends in town on Mon-
day. Ui'. Piondfoot is to sear of as
former respected resident of this town
lir. thos. Prnudfi"il rural left Clinton
about 25 years sago.
Miss Lily Kingston left for London
on Thursday morning of this week
irftee spending the past month or so
with her itnnb, Mrs, Jos. Townsend,
Mr. Fred(:. Elford of Oltawr, was
A large audience, composed en-
tirely of women, filled the Town
Hall oh Sunday afbernoon when
Nursing Sister, Edith Neon)), gave
in account of the work of the
nurses in the present war,
'Miss Nchelin was accompanied by
another nurse, (Miss ittaelli•idr,
Beetle ladies have been inner eel
haine but hope to, return :to Eng-
land durigg the earlypart of
Mtay, Now they are "doing their
bit' for King and Country fay
spealtieg at recruiting meetings
through Western Ontario. ,
The meeting was in charge of
the Wonten3s Patriotic: 'Soe]ety.
TIM President, Mfrs. A llin„ occu-
pied the chair. On the platform
members of theex ca
e • -
tives and theIt n v Durres. , The
latter easily distinguished by their
trim blue uniforms,
There was no prrliminarea, 114rs.
Allin very briefly introduced Mss
Neelin, saying that it was best to
devote all 'the time to her talk.
Miss Nrelin is tall, reit and ra-
ther frail looking. She spoke
slowly, quietly and in very simple
language but with the earnests e(s
that only true knowledge of the
situation can give.
She began by speaking of her
dismay when. last December, sifter
her eram]natlon by the Med. eal
Beard, 'tire. Colonel informea her
that she was too ill to continue
the work and must go home. At
first she rebelled but the ans-
wer came that she was a soldier
now and., as a soldier, must obey
t't dors.
Before she went to Englord she
had considered herself proud to
be a Ceciidian, "Now" she enicf SOI
am doubly soar' She spoke of whiit
the Canadians have done already
and of what they will do. :People
must not imagine as some do im-
]n muei(ion factories and on•larms,
Our grandmother's helped on the
farms; Are we so much weaker
than th(ey? The English women
aro already doing men's .hurls.
Thousands of college women last
year took off the English harvests
and the Canadian 'women can do •
as much as their English sisters,
The third, duty of the Canadian
women is to piny, "More ;things
are wrought by prayer 'than Lhie
world dreams of." At ,this time it
is to be hoped that prayer will.
rise continually for 'the nation and
for the boys at the front, In Eng-
land each church has its (Honour
Roll and kit all hours the efturch
is open for any who wish to come
for a quiet hour ,of prayer, It is
tom'It t
t a might
t ibl>
. be
followled in Canada, •
Mee. Fairfull and Mrs, &Munro
moved and seconded drod
thanks to
Nm'sfng Sister Neelin
and the meeting closed with the
singing 'el the National Anthem.
Huron Keeps Vi illi
amend Fir Poultry
Prof. Elford Points Out That
Courty Poultry Breeders
Are Progressive
One of the best meetings in the in-
terests or the fanner was held in the
Council chamber on Saturday afternoon
when three add•esseq were delivered that
dutshone any Fanners' Institute meet-
ings by 85 per cent. The addresses were
fresh, to the -point, and were listened to
intently by the audience present.
Reeve W. H. Lobb, of (ooderieh Town-
ship, was the chairman, and without any
chairmen's speech, introduced an old
Goderich Township boy, Prof, Fred ,C -
Elford, as an old boy that has made good.
Prof, Elford, was sorry that he could
not say Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentle-
men -for there were no lashes present-
egine thee thea is not one war. for the ladies were better poultry men
She described the itiarie plight than Che ordinary man, was the way the
p ' P'F t't H 'I 1 h FI
pf the Belgian women. Would the distal) was getting Sbetter 1r sults front
Germans treat the Cans diihn we- the poultry department of i:he farm than
men differently? Th , C,ormai,., any other district in Canada. The ree-
hute the Canadians bitterly fr:. son given was that the farmers and their
wives understood it better and had kept
cause the first 0011aiugeno-- C'a0- abreast of the tunes in adopting modern
oat t ada's undisciplined mob" -thwart- methods to produce the poultry,
reuewhi 1 fen xlshi is it
r omen u P Y
n I n
Saturday. llis old friends were glad ed the German plans for a Spring At the present time Canada could
to welcome lour ana]n, dispose of twice as much poultry if it
drive. Two battalions of Caned:- could be produced and England is anxious
Mr. E. N. Lewis H.P. was, in retell
on Friday.
lin G, 111, Elliott of (ioderieh, Oliil•
dren Aid wend; for Huron County
nee in town last week.
SeafnrthJ\ewe 10rs Gall, 0linton
is visiting her sister,
Min. Isaac
Mode -
%Vhn. Lane, On Clerk of ILaron, left
nn,Satuteday on a, visit to his sore at
Vancouver, where Mrs Lane hos
been visiting for some t)enclo. Lane
expects to 'be gone until April.
Mr. A 11. Wilford, of Winghanh's.
best. hoo.ter's was in town cu Salem.
dayattending the farmer's .meeting.
Clinton has room for to 1001110 of men
like Mr. Wilford to keep things hum.
'Sirs. John ;Hawkins and master
William are visiting for ra few weeks
111 Haiwilt,,1.
Miss Mabel E. Oanteton, hiss
Smith and Miss Bawden are attend-
ing the Millinery openings this week
in Toronto.
Mr. Gorcl.on McCartney, Who is
working at Gvielph, is spending a few
days at his home ie town.
Stanley Township +
iissionary `Dies. in China
Death came somewhat suddenly last
Tuesday, at Nankin. China, to Dr.
James Butchart, who was for about
two years up to. the time of his:d'ecease
a' member of the Dictate, of Nankin
(lheistian University, For over twenty
live years his life has been devoted to
medical work in China. Dr, Butchart
was a Caned eau. horn. in Stanley town
ship, netar. Clinton Ont:. receiving his
education in Termite and for:aewhile
a teachers ' Atter 15 hr1lluatlt medical
course in New York City, in which he
was a•gold medalst. Dr, Bntchar't
was shortly associated in Nankin,
China, with Or. W. E. Macklin (anoth
er Canadian) nudes the auspices of the
Foreign Clem:daan Missionary Society
of the Disciples of Clhrist. About 1804
he began rhe creation of a medical in
seitution' in «LueChow' Fu,, near- the
ancestral home of 151• Hong Chang,
After much opposition he won:success
for: his plans.- At' one time, his: fate
'WAS apparently hanging upon the sue
cess or, failure of:a critical operation
.upon a native. A'e a surgeon and eye
specialist Dr,Butebart became famous
in 'a: disbricr, of: hundreds of square
miles, The. rmmoor of • treatments
given in the hospital auhich, he, litter
.esteedished was beyond, precedent.
Such overwork (often the fate of a
medical miseicmalv) undermined, his
health It is said that, his elan and
'success in the Arent hospital he es
Withal -met at iii Ohesw,Ru ,brought
faire to, huns,.lt ,and-Jueere to, the
name Canadian 11e 4s survived by a
wire Hod four children, heeldes several
brothers and sisters; •resident fir, Qtr
ari;, and the United States,,Mr, J.
Putehart of Stanley is a brother.
.odorr h
G e o ea8 10 000 no
count three years,t
y, r co only rates
and the only way erte pay, is to
,collect 'what is• owing or to bor-
row the money. ,
ens h'ldt at hay four cfivisivns of to secure from us a greater quantity of
0•, rmarp! , for throe days and two sbiortagerod e e avenracig othe 103) creofaeraru
nights. It was a bitter cep for shouhi liavo not less than 100 hens, or
Germans to drink and they long twice as many as they now have, and
tor ret'engo. when that quantity is kept properly, the
Miss Ner.'lin the ]-
a sp l +e of her
work in Moore Batt'aeke 'ilospital
at Srrorncliffe, She spoke intheme
Of highest L'R' -Clinton p _lac a4 a Clintna boy producing better fowl and eggs as well as
Caporal. Emerson Mitchell, who having good butter put on the market:
wer'ked with her in her ward. She Mr, J. 1. Brown of Gunn Lang -
described him as tall and hand- lois wholesale produce house of
Montreal spoke at some length on
e»eme, a magnificent specimen of "Poultry prodttetiou from .the 15313 -
manhood, . She spoke of his lotclass staof a ndpoins t," ,Explaining the
and poultry wanted
thoughtfulness, of the many ways by the bettger class of node. FIs
is which he contrived to make said "If the farmers or producers
things easier for her, and of his 11111 delitte:r regularlyy fresh tion-'
pielif�ect unse$fiahnueee in all his. istunlimtsd tatndntheoyi-eor1ehetn
] c a tli
week, Iter remarks callrct forth while." Where the trouble is most
loud applause for all of th,o Clinton farmers tet the male bird run he
boys who have donned the khaki,
Sew have left behind more friends
than that, same Corporal Emerson all that is 00ce'4501y. Instead they
]Llitc:luetl• should feed different 'food at dif-
Mise Neelin spoke of some or Senen.t seasons and to ,different
breeds of fowl, thus doubling the
her friends who left in 1.uguet to egg productions Tho farrier who
go with, No. 3 Stationery 'Hodipital . lust simply gathers the eggs which
to the Island of Lemnos, a dreary. Providence sends him, brings them
Leland he the Aeg;; ,not far to town and they are candled and
found fertile a't the produce h+ouse,
From Gallipoli, She told of their' theiiefore. not worth what the
ciifficuitids In landln,g, 0f the fresh ilons,tertile egg is.
rent or interest of the investment of the
farm cs.n he easily met.
Mr. A. 10. Silverwood, of London
spoke on the side of the Produce man and
showed what the faster could do by
round with the flocks, throne the
fowl !at noon, •a shovel .full of
course grain from the granary and
gather the eggs, thinking that is
weeks of semi, -:starvation when all
supply boats were torpedoed by
Austrian' submarines, of the hero-
ism of the nurses who tended their
patients ,when, they 1hemsel5'e
were stricken with disease, and
Mr. Brown also spolce on the table
quality of the Kapons and an expert from
Kansas will be here the last of July to
demonstrate on the.cockerels and fuller
particulars will be given later.
Mr. Trewartha spoke a few words on
the oultry, side.
The meeting closed by singing the
of the tragic deaths of the Ma- National Anthem
tron, 'lire. Jaggard and ilTuning
Sister Munro.
After thus. describing !the work
of the women at.the front . 1V1iss
IVbeelin spoke of the duty of the
0000060®e0®012C OOGree09000e
O 0.
women at bolus. They must first '
of all be willing to give :their men,
their sons, husbands and ,brothers."6f®""®o"1"°"449ta4)StW000t
it Will take •every man berer'e the, . Your'opinion of yourself tvi11 just
war is brought to 0 ;successful
cic.s(e. One woman, has on more
right to withold her ts•on than an-
other woman has to keep hers. It
is Canada's wear and Canada's sons
Innat go.
Then the women must work.The
•Canadlan wotnenl have done a
great deal and Mise. Neelin egoke
i•n,highest terms of tho; ; „ d'i.eld The 'heat'yfighting el the past
'Comforts Asso•hiation. ' 'Thy wo- flew weeks on the western front
lyleap skyward 50 per cent when
yet -150e yourself in the Ring's un.i
form. The Anima Battalion will
outfit you in a jiffy.
A geco,rd of your attitude to-
ward ell:liniment is being kept by
rtrilituy headquarters. Don't let
„your name, ggo down on reera'd ,at-
inon'g the shirkers, ,
men have been knitting and -sew-
ing. They have given of their sub
stance but they have not given
when to do so they lead to do
without comforts,' The ,Canadian
will make the need for.paen, scall
inure urgent. ;70.01 cant. :coil
nlence too soon to prepare :you:r-
You will feel entirety out of it
w w he ui is
om n n Si ods i t l
nt v azo cl at 1
en st n e v 1
u e eni re b,t
no o h
.of time and rniolnely ]Vlore ,than r�er their eepeiteneas at ihefronb
a year from or two hence Cosve
Ithat, the women must ; •prepar;.e' alcng Niall your friends with the
themselves to take me0'5 ,place's 'Huron But'taliont,