HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-02-17, Page 9M'° Nc2• Mourn. ti 4 , isaneetwaserreessa THE CLINTON NEW ERA, We request payment of all overdue accounts on or if any old accounts remain unpaid, or payment of Same not arranged for, after the. above nientioneci; date, we ' will have no other alternative than to employ such means as we deem necessary to. y ° collect payment. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and •House Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank a MEN'S STORE. •Ciistore Tailoring Men %Furnishings. Phone 103. Opposite Public Librar 0UR� JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON ao. Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Rohm, is here for your inspection, Light in can stroction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de- tail. dare are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft:, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cieapo6t Spot in Moron to buy aill:intls ofForniture .13 ., ....1. ! Ric ..A.r.rICIISTSOIV Furniture Dealers and Funeral IDirectors-rhone 104 N. Ball 110-I1ES1DENCE I'IlONEES- J. D. Atkinson 180 xwsawcn.aa DO YOU ? Ever think you wanted something that you world relish for a meal, and could not just think what it was you wanted How about prunes -We have some select goods, that are put up by the well known "Snnkist1e people whose goods have a quality all their own, 2 lbs for 2Sc Soave ether suggestions are Catsup, H P. Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Mixed or Sweet Pickles, Olives, etc. In canned goods we carry a full line Hu Peas Coe], Tomatoes, Tuna Fish. Salmon, Heinz Spaghette, Campbells or Clarks Soups and other seasonable goods. Our Orange•prices are right, from 10e per dozen up. 3IGBEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND; EGGS. JOHNSON tee. Phone 111 T1iE STORE 04 QUALITY M15vemoe► FOOT ROU I LES ]i'or tired, aching, painful feet, breaking down arch or flat foot, use our Il ootoEzet° .lrcha.Prop They will give you comfort and ease. We carry a full stock of Special Absorbo Pads which will taketh - pressure e t e sure and give tmmediate . . relief to corns, e boutons and callouses "lbbsorbo Pads" cure permanently by absorption ,It will be a pleasure to show you these Special Aids s Comfort. ec al f'i ds to p, 14. S. ellAPMAN Phone 70 Clinton An Uxbridge dealer has been Lined $5 and costs for selling as pure maple sugar, an article found to be adulterated. ICE DROP NOW This is god ice making weather term if it continues a few days longer the ice harvest will he commenced. Those who are going to put in a supply of ice have heen afraid that the "crop" was going to be it failure this winter on account of so ninch mild weather. Once cutting l:egins every available tern will he used to have supplies put in as soon as possible. ' • TO BE LTS'.00WEL RECTOR l.he. 1tev, \V, ll, Dunbar, who was until recently rector of Tbnrnetlale, Intl h en appointed rooter of Listowel in rnccession to the Rev. H. 111. L1lug ford who was i.tqlor Hy aponinfed rec for of Perlin. The Res. pili, Dunbar will take up hes new duties in the near frMnre, RP o. Mr. lhtnher was a form er Rentor of the Middleton, Holmes vine, Suu eerhill churches and went from here to Rervie, LARGE STAFF OF OlIICliRS', COL. COOPER OUT TO SECURE Toronto Mews.- Arrangements are being made by I ieut.-Ool John • A. Cooper, 0. C. !Midi 01 mem,. Battalion, for the opening of set•- coral physical features in cornier- ' tion with the establishment of hey Lattalion. Lleutetnetnts Gunn ,and 'Heywood here been detailed to 'pen a canteen 011 the lower floor of the headquarters at 164 University avenue, while Lieut. R. Laidlaw. battalion clua,'te1'mttster is opening the quartermaster stores at 157 Kin„ street west. The un fcrles and other equipin ent were 3eieg roceived to -day for the 1,200 even who will make up the unit. Incid'entall'y, Lieut. Laitlltrw Is the manager of the Argonaut 'Hockey Club, which has been prominent in sport circles this winter, _� special call has preen issued byColerial Ocopee for experienced non -cum niiesio.ners, bandsmen, buglers and pioneers, Efforts are being made to raise a staff of one hupdreu nc(necommissioned officers, ane these will be %organized :alto a class. The orderly room of the battalion is open every day from 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m and officers aro en duty eoaattnucusly to i'ot'0ive necruits. The battalion's phone is Adelaide 2837. One .of the officers of the new juni0 is L:,eutic'Jnanit :Frank McEachren. who has etern- cd from' 'Ra,glatnu after attending military duties there, Thursday, :February, 11th, 1916. .. b- j7, •rn ��r , d r1 , j itr ('r,,� _ :. . .,.� P•: J w ,"',r + . { ,�,.:,ti; kA*L ik*Ai 4kiaitA4e/cAAIIMAAALI Aceee l4'dteeeli?tdA'AAAA 'Ae a ,.w ! �e � «aucsm '-av a w�+� .a�mwasmro�wapj ifl.t"p ,,r • r ,t .. .. 1, fir .,i ,,. vr.* 's , ,r, i• et; a :j...i� ' fir:• .r v,7irfy4,' Yr`77r7*9v'Lit vyv ,v,vvy+, ,v0'el7O,yvvW i �V4lMEN'S INbR I:l'U AL .s wliThe r,� roar ineettng art Clic ii shiner atclul'ee will beheld (4i Recrtiiong Meetings.; iihe home of Mrs:, Beacotn Ontario:• St4 car, Thursday deb. • 24th Mrs. Chant -Will give a paper on elec- t dbe.steis' 11"11 Belgral e, ,l'hurs_, tricrty, 'There. will a1s.o. oe1 an day, ;Erb. 17th;,;• iexehange orf •patterns-anci there1I'orestes' Hall, Bluevkle, Thnrs will be good., music. day, T'eb 171'11: FOR,! AD7J'S ,ONLY . _ Methodist •Cl.1nreh, y ,,;eatf eld,. 1 v1 L :. - • day'iPeb• 18t1i, In the' toeyT, ball Sunday afte - I1leet'ings• wilt open ail 7 0 p,m, coon at $ 4a theme is to be At each of„,lie nicer hags n , %titre" meetin'R';for •the ;won en.of" Ci`nton, 'ed soidiet 'will tell e£ hle expel d i•'s 'surrounding cr;unti >, t«'o at 1he.efacnt.,.A e under of good. local speakers, i),elud;ng Revs. J:; W. Hibbert anci D. Perrie, Wince h iii • Chaplain Pain .by *of the: 161st and Rei'.' J 1<. Paitfull; of Clinton, and others will assist tate' the Meeting%. 'L'he meal branch, of the War Auxiliary w 11 supply'' a progrsni of nuaic for each meeting 10vearvoody . tW lcolee. These -meetings are under the aut:- pices of the Huron Comity 'War Auxiliary. W.Br 'done, Peeeldeet;. A. T. (.nnper, Secretary, WAR AUXILIARYM There% will be a meeting of the Clinton War Auxiliary Cin '' (the Council Chamber on Friday :even- ing at 8 o'clock. All members re- queste,d to be 'present,. . 33RD BATTL. .TO GO , TFIE, WOMAN AND. THE NEWSPAPER 'MAN, Every now and then it becomes necessaryi 'w= ray o nono prepare seine material to bo put into int ed form, says the Christian Scten^" Monitor. Club nietubors are asked to arrange for printed programs occasionally a contribution is sent to a weonnan's magazine, or a no- tit e of some. local event is sent •to the newspaper. A notice comes in to the newspaper offices written on both sides of email -sized ,note- ,palter 'rise cncseri at the,. end or curling 'conn$ ;the• ede. of 'the sl set, St `hi,ust' be" I'r'ewritten, if used, and is turned Over 'to a type writer lore that '1+nrpose Often it gees to the •waste basket. The T,Enmansh'ii) is frequently illegible. end names axe eerelessly spelled There are a few rules • frhich every ameteur reporter, eonti'inn- utcr or program maker should' re- member. The f'a•s i t and foremost is, write Only ec i one side of the sheet. The, next in imwttance ,is legibility, and One cannot posse- b13' hie too • careful about clean, clear, init-'w,ittein 1 acs well sep- arated to ellow for ne0cseaery edit ing. Proper na1005 511on1d bo ren- dered in printing rathee: thee heript, for nothii;g SO irks a per- son as Lo have his name mispell, 41 Wards capable of !heir misreee should be written with extra rare, and •i painters rule thee w 11 ut helpful i:; to d -sting% sh• the small letters. "n' and e.+u,' so often writ- ten exactly alike, by drawing it horizontal erne ever an "n" and under a «u' ,if possll)ie all mater- ial for; the printer should betype-. written = I£ not, it shouldbeen,- mtetakauly clean, on single numbered streets, ironerlyy para- graphed, punctuated and epelle,d. an the u o 3, meeee who have' , returnee ep- cantly from tb.e front are to s7eak and it is the Nish of the Woolen r PathiotieeBetriety:that •eget. y wom- an om-an of etre'town ,and country ue-- tend the, meeting WHAT NAME SHALL 13E GIVEN ;THE, : 161ST ' With • the approved... ,'of. Lime Col H. B. Conthe a pare of ten ddhars has been 'offered b.1 Mag- istrate llag-i trate Krl1eY, -60 Goderich, for a name thea: Will be most acrepl,uble , fee 1Burorrs neW' battalion Aly the is at liberty to comp e -e for the •prize and your isuggestions may he trade by placing.' them in an en've-i ipelltrn mark en ilio Outside of tete 'envelope "Price Contest", and either give the en- velope to the Local Secretary of your War Auxiliary or mail dere''' to the County Secretary Mr. _1.r.;Cooper, of Clieto:n-Contest is open till Ma ch 1st.. DEATH OP • FORMER CLINTONIAN. The death occurred in Montreal on Monday, of Mildred Di e-1ny wife of Frank McCollam, of Lair - don. Eng. Deceased was the 'third daughter pf Mrs.d3. D. Vanttassel. of Toronto, formerly of ;CI:rntoti, and with hen husbnad had 'teen Being in Montt'eal for about a year, where Mr. McCollam is en- gaged in' . the manvftir_ture of chemicals for one of the Allies. She leaves one child. Thb remains were ,brought .to Toronto for in- terment, the' funeral n taking place from ,the home of her brother- in-law, Mr, R. W. Mitchell, mana- ger •Canadian Express. BUSINESS METHODS BEiNG At'PLIEI) TO WATERWORKS The Public Utilities Cornmission have notified the Town Council that all public fountains and connections will he cln(nged for In future. The, Council -passed hylews for the Coin• tuissiod"to go by, and encu department should pnylits way. The annual inter- est and dehentnres are changed to the Waterworks Department by the town council and the town council in return should hay for all rely ices. By apply• ing business methods it will not he long befure the town will be able to receive e. tidy sum Iron, this depart• ons. Thos. watts of Jsl for col k incur, The 0omme,sion , 1 intend to g' enforce rection 19 of the Waterworks •%rel and let aced rile for hen )'Leek bylaws end the citizens are asked to Y,'yndotte and 'w o spec:al , ieabenta assist, Sectiin 10reads ;IR follows.- Lor best cock and Poi:diem! for eThrtt no person being an occupant, English Red Caps. Mr, Wei. Car • tenant or inmate of any house, hnild_ ter of Constance hied a clean up ing or other Mace supplied with water for 13an1'ae!ns 1"1111 'Haan wigs, 'Jiro !ruin the W;eterwu,ke Sy tem, shall - • nnual meetingio close r p .:loo lend, sell or dispoi a1 the water theta, bur•ineas will o held o11 1''ric,ay of, or give awes, or permit the stere :01 enint..ofc this 101' at God rl,ul to he taken, or carrieay, oruse or rican'1 l 11 iutu0 is gong to 'rc apply it to the use or benefit of abets. r1 .IIh ej ;t C'rile "ilei\v hetet; to khe "Flub' o,:e mole Among• the 11: Canadian Ba (tale lams 00 go ove15ecas ,shortly we 'nctice that the 331d under com- mand- of Col, Wil' ones among the • Lumber. There tuee many Clinton boys in this company lend we hope thein a eMfie jour1cy. LIBERAL CLUB, A pleasant evening wase spent at the Liberal Club • oil Thursday trening last when 117eesns ferry and Flannery, of London, along with Mr.. Thomas McMillan 'and others made short speache>, Lutach was s•erced at the close of the meeting. • QUIET W1lDDING A very col:et wedding took place at ,lie Ontario St. Church far5on- e000ge, on Wednesday of this week, when Pere. S. J. Alpin tied the natrimnnial bow be_ twee' Miss Ilia May, daughter of 1Ir. and Mrs. Amos Townsend, or Tucloenszuith and Mr. iFrank 1:. Walters, of (he sane township. AT TIE BUIWN POULTRY SIIOW A0 Godoric•li last we>k at The anetial Boron Poultry Show, 'Ilett llo:'ey made 7 entries and .took 7 prizes, among theta being- first 1n•fze, Lwire; Lerond, t'•cei a third and two fourtlis, He ,got let for cock and 1st 2nd aril •ith for eetieerel, 2nd, 3.d ane 441.1 for pen, all tirds are barred •noels cockerel mating, 3 first for mei:- of to any. other than his own use or he petit, or shall increase the supply of water beyond that agreed with the Gamete tion , or we -meanly neglect 0r improperly waste the water," Itis hoped that this year will see all the stores offices and Houses connect- ed. Who •,vuuld be without a matinee. Um when it costs only '(00 a month. and Ends of Council Brevities None the Less Interest- ' ing Because or' Their Condensation The street pay sheets for the month of January was $6.8:3. The hall rent for January was $25,00 but many free meetings were also held. Reeve Ford took the Mayor's chair twice during the `evening owing to Mayor Thompson being called out. The G. R R. stock scales brought.,in $8 70 while those at the market square had $10 45. Street lighting cost the town 16137.50 for January and the account of light ing for hall 6(1,15. A grant of .$50 was made to the Spring Show,. J. W. Shobbrook, Superintendent of the cemetery, reported the following money i- Sale of lots 522.00) Perpetteity 25,00 Work •• 30,33 With the School Board members and Inspeetoi,.Superintendent Chant and A.T. Cooper of the Utilities Com mission,' Me. Libby of the Clinton Knitting Co , and Chief ' Wheatley, the Count,( had alar e audience on Friday Generally the New Era scribe is the only citizen with the Oonstitble to.ltee;p'law and order deur ing the.valipua nteetings. The School matter was referred to the Coiiikil in Oommit :tee as a whole with Councillor Wiltse as chairman. Las year the Su erintendent f the LastD o t retnetery got :82110 (8 salary this year he gets $525 and hires his own help and the :elouncil expects 10 be money in pocket, Figures given for extra work, not including many other charges on the cemetery account THE POOR'QL'ALl'1'Y Of PAPER You'likely have remedied 011e POOP quality 01 d hided 11)) 041'- 0,11:0 ul the daily 151011s in .leis and almost all ether newspapers for some weeks past. This neter- lot•ation is said Lo be 111(0 of the incidents of the war in Euroee, It is said that certlain (lyes need in the making of the white: pap- er arc no longer procurable. Ger- many appearsto 111(.1'0 had quite 1 menOpoly of clyo production Col, creel papers too such as are gen tonally used for bills and posters 111 1(0 gonolrup :the ,and two cents per pound recently because of the advance in blue g, nen gaud red tete( ing dyes. ley the time the War 15 eve' the Gorman niesnufacL- w^ers. will !'end that tl.ey- w.11 have lost much of the valuable stye industry, A traveller last week stated to the, New Era thee cer- tain hypes of paper were still ing at at the usual price $2.60 l:er cram, int that the ,sante paper 11) Scarlet color was $i3O) per ream. The price of ink pias now started nn the upward climb, news print 11>hich was sold nn contract .last tumm'cr, the lowest being $'..0 per 100 lbs, is now us high as $',25 at some mills while others are selling shout $310 and 80.15. This 1s going to be a serious queae1ion the printers and it means one or of two things in• 1 case in price or a reduction In pages, for a paper le) sell at $100 01137)ule anytune+, acs' some subsrrbeis think) wed print 8, 10 or 12 pages would soon ;put the Editor out of business, MINOR LOCALS. The war is still climbing. Since' England has been ;at war' 56'3 days have past. The ice man is worrying over the thaw? ' Theme have been.only three <7an ual'3's 'stole the year 1.51(1With ;as high urban tc 1peretur o es'that of the month• of ,January this year., Listen, M. Retdtir, please. Have you renewed your New Era sub- scription ? Take a glance at •the, label's date, • Young man '1 11 you are sinogle; and of military, age, have you any good g reason you can :advance tor not ei ri5t310g? Good 'crowcis are at `the' big rink thes,d ,IigJsLe enjoying the Cana-, dials pastime, ; The rates for auto licenses thle year are $10, $tr $25 ,and $30 T11ete ivi11 be no flniitiiifon elec- Won n60thin- one year, have you 1e�r.wed y0u0 subserip tion to The New Era. • 10 ,,root paper comes to yon- in 1 Wrappe.• each week the date .la- bel 1,111 be foua.d on the wrupger, The re 04of the A. 0. LT. VJ, will not he raised Sleighs and. cutters are initiating 101'L 07 28 7 rn 1911 $ 04,13 ag .:.. 'rovJncial' 1?ariiament has • teen. 14113 . >. ' ' ,li`o10, called' for Twesday eT'i.bruaay 29th. 1914 .72035 AreCanadvans Byrn ,est false'se 1511$ 102:00 eui. ty? ' g e11 -'''T 1.4 Wa erman's Pens -=the best for men, xr And it's best for. women,.:too , Its also best for children. So it must be :best for YOU. Harbutt's Pebsticine in the house :Will stimulate ) our boy's ability P By showing sh wihim how pleasure can Be joined to practical, utility. The Wer a err o. Often the Cheapest--ptIways the Best W/110 5351 srwrriesa5 451104111•1111.11111.111001•111.161M hosier White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam, is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily reaieve a cough. 17.Try it - V r�ls IIV V ala" Dispensing Chemist THE 1?ENSLAR DRUG STORE .Furniture, Rugs & i. inoleums We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a gond line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is• up to date, in every respect and we guarantee the hest of satisfaction j 1.1 Undertaker and 3tuteral ,Director. Phone 28. Night and Sind.;*, capes autswered at Residence over store Sap Pans and, 0o6 filer More Buckets "Live and Let Live" Buy Heat=prodiucing ` Foods Now Cold weather is again with us. Every - Order your Sap Pans and l household will now require foods that will now SO you will have! Following are a few lines we suggestll keep the body warm and healthy.. 1 to every buyer of food for the home - n I Soup, in packet and tins them:ready when you want to, use them. Thos.lawkins Plumbing and Heating Agents for Hecht Furnaces Shop -over Row'land's Hardware Meat extracts, Bovril or Oxo, Hot Porridge, 'Vbeatlets, Wheat Flakes and Rolled Oats Hot Pan Oakes and Syrup ' Pork and Beans, a steaming plate of Bork and beans for dinner or supper - makes an ideal meal Maooroni or Spaghetti Bacon or Sausages for breakfast there is nothing Meer,. E. E. lunniford� PRONE 45. 4++ +,l'+*+0+,i„i,4,4' e 4 11++.i.,by.+i• dt+f+ a g+++ .4.,Q"04,44.444'+4.++4 II Children's Nature=Shaped :Shoes • .111 esnomismonsa Take good care of the Children's Feet. The growing feet of children need the most careful shoe -fitting to insure that they will be normal. Our Childrens Slice Department is splendidly d : P qualified to give ,you this type of shoe service. We fit the children's" feet with careful pains- taking study and care. lt' - 'We have Native Shaped Shoes made from such good g leathers as Gun Metal Calf, Patent Oaif and Vici, (t`+i'•>' Some styles with etotlt tops, low fiat heels, medium p01" - or high cut. mal r'"'" 75e,, 1.0(), 1.35 no to 2.00 according to size .:,. Try us mut on the Children's Shoe mrtr now s proposition-that's the onlytest 4 4 't1' 4. *mcworemismtimissantrwaramniaressossiaincor 37. t +tai ' FRED. . 'N; HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES ' 2. ..0+++++.1.1.++++. 7.i1++ +*3 14++44++/.4444440.414+44•11.4