HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-02-17, Page 6Thursday, drebrttaree ;tlr; 1916;' i,nc• ilitar.Boys . We have Three Specia's all useful', and 'state i well• u iti �lncrit iii^'t -'' P herr re- spect`i e•class. Military Wrist Watches from $6 up' 161stBattalion Signet Rings..' Be sure ;,and 'see ;these"r— they are heavy 10k gold, rings, selling for $5, Wareemoies 'Ileal Fountain Pens Safety styles—can be carried in kit bags with- out leaking, from 2,50 up a W. 11. IIEELYAR JEWELER and OPTIUTAN EYES TESTED FREE • oaf :tied thee; sons sua vine "Winnipeg, a'eb li=S A 'MeGaty, e the Winnipeg grain luau fatally in- ) need in Las Angeles )iSt Tuesday carried lie insulins of $115000 in Winnipeg agnnceee; $50,000 having !been takenoat only twee weeks ago The remains will be taken, to Goderich for int,erm,eait. • 4» Personal.,' NO 03 s '.tri 0 these twin rein:pre. or iend ^'visiting in' ttiYif or'- 'eoi'ng'! rawav' notify us of Ehe lentaeae s week, wQ • would aunoanae it in -the Naw Fin.►, M• rs, Will Phimeeeei;gave ii surprise party ou Monday eerenrug, ,and enter= tallied a number of friends. The oc- casion beieg another biethcittv;of her good loan , Mr. Thomas tIason, while loading cattle at the G T. 11, stock yards last Friday 5 morning, stYered a slight strokeand ncl was removed to his home. A phone message i:his morning to The New Era stated that Mr, Mason put a good night and was tieing as well as could be expected. Mrs. Marsh and Master Norman of Detroit: are here visiting the for•nier's (parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis, Mrs Cuilmore of Kippen •spent a' few days with her ester, ids. George Davis. Miss Olive Berland of lornuto at. tended the Bradshaw -Davis wedding. Mrs A. F Bennett and Miss Gretta Bennett of Field L.C., were guests of the foumer s sister, Mrs. Bawdeu, last week. Mr. 0.T. Reil of the G.T.R. freight sheds is on the sick list. Major 1VIcPhail and Lieuts. Sturdy and McLean of Goderich were at head quarters on Tuesday evening. . Lieut. Earl ONei. left for. London to take at short coarse on machine gun work. Lieut Percy Tow') wee here..nver the week mid. He is at present in Loudon tatting out a captain's Cotn- 111i.5e1011. Mr. anti Mrs Whitmore returned nn Tuesday from Their holiday trip to 5.JLr Mega, idaMeets Flor. 9 Former Head of Western Canada Flour Mills Company is Killed Gederich, iFee. 10 —\Word was re elei ed• harly this morning by R.J. Megan', of the death in Caafot:nia or Ins brother, S. A. Megitw aform MARRIAGES 'r erlyave'11-1:gown catize In of this WALTERS-T'OWNSEND-•On Feb, town, but latterly of Winnipeg. As 10. by Rev. S. 1. A11in, at Ontario et no full particulars hiive been St, P tieonage, Miss Illy May daught reeseieed but it le unclerstcod that er of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tovvnseed li(e was hurt in an automobile ,tic of Tuckorsmith to Frank E. Waiters crdent and died lion ,the oueets a of the same Township. few hours later. . • HUN KING—LYON -In Londeshoro The d'edeaset'1 was born in Ireland at the home of the brides mother, in the forties and carne 10 Can- I by Rev_ CC. Keine, on Wednesday asdn rutile a, boy. Later he rnoYed " nut West, when lie: eantened this grilling. business,. Births, Marriages & M3tSlis. j3IRTBS. HOLMES-,ln Edmonton, on Feb, 12, to Mr. and' Mrs. Walter G. :Holmes, formerly, of 0 inton, a daughter, (TCie.therine Louise) DOH ERTY•-In Clinton, on 3anuay 13th to Mr. and Mrs. ,lances Doherty a son, (RobertDepew) In 1876 he was made assistant manager oerthe, A, W, Ogilvie Fl::ur Mills Odnipany, and later was manager of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, In 1962 he and the '14ch1v 117illing Co , G. ...yen, to Mr, William L• Rankine„ son of Mr. turd Mrs.. Rua dell llnnking, of Hallett. BRADSHe1W—DAVIS—at the home of the brides parents in Clinton. on Wednesday Feb. 17th, by the Rev, W. L, Rutledge D D. Resisted' by Req J, J. Algin, Bertha, daughter of Mr et .131andon, merged ancf nought and ndds rs'vo George ge Davislito Ur George the Ogilvie Hutchinson mills here end a little later the new Co. was fr rased known as the Western• Can da li`lour Mills Company, of Which ^•s••.•e••••!0••�•••••s•814 •company the deceased was elect- « `• ed president, y ar, St. The co}pang lies„ at present mills Naron. in doderGoderich,,Brandon, Calg Count News J Banii'ace and Winnipeg, with head` office at Toronto. About a month • 11, •.ago the deceased retired from the Gh••••••eJi•.•©e00•61116•••9• lri'ad of the concern and was on The ;postotlicee at A nibor his first holiday to California when Laurier wore cicsed h order aiof th;eaccident happened. the Post Office Department oil He was W.e91 keown in the grain. January 31st. All residents south weed, being the president of the and East if Ambele v herpfter will Winnipeg Grain Stock Exchange be served by Luckuow Route 3, .and was regarded iasthe highest and those to the north area west authority on the erop situation ty Kincer'dineRouto i.• All served in the West. +. by Laurier will go on Luel:now Besides a widow, two daughters, Reute 3 lgel+esseseseaessiciessooaseckse rn•®o••••i4•soe•e•esi sesotsco isgp u c Clinton's MiIitarv' Life •• • MOYeffientS of the 161st Battalion Wintering Here --Huron •• County Recruiting •Notes --Activities by the .Ht • • Battalion• • • ves00000••••••••a••• _ • GOING. TIP, CLINTON. ,L E McGrabton GO1) . DRICH. 'W J Taman k W Pry W Gendrod II:111 Elliott W 0 Goodwin 1'l A Werner 3 K .M Farr J N Newell l 0 Ward +,hLGuest 13 L: lsssrd ,13LYTII. 81 Richardson W Li Recto) ,L]. '17 T7iiby W Co wan J' Cox BELGRA VE. J G Anderson J L Tasker 0 1t Clark A U Neely W Smith BRUSSELS. .1 A Tbibidean G S Lowry J111 Ballantyne W'el Buchanan A-E McLeod EL Reis EIENSALL. W3'Pr Park W 'b Troyer WDRONEME'R.. f1•M;:Leod ,leJEritrain J W CRrtbr .119 Musgrove .08F TO SEAFORTH The 1010, soldiers beaded by the Bugle Band marched to Seaforth rat 8 3(1 Ibis, morning, (Thursday), The Bras sBraud went down Wednesday night to take pat t in a recruiting meet ing. SEAFORTH essa1P&3uessesesese000dbe0@••• i8firt,ciss 9Wt;t® 9.9s0o•reec•-•c•®e• •▪ INTIM • • :•g. 1 • • CHAIM a •••••••• t••••0001505'30•300•00000•000606196•086000111•001116 Hoge 9.86. Butter SG to 33. Eggs 35 Oats 43 Wheat 3.10.. Cattle 8,00, Sheep Lambs. 11,7e. 'Cheese 19 Harley( 58 to 60 Futter 27e to 28c. Eggs 26e. to 17c, ]Jogs 9.60, Wheat $1:05 to $1.08. Oats 10 to 42e, Barley Sec to Ile. Shorts 26e. Bran/ 26c. Peas' ,$1.50 to $1.60, '' "heat 60'10 65. I 1 ^tliieg $12 and $13., Di t.i.lN'f ON NEW Ila is'.; ,, Mullett Mr. Joseph Carter has purchased a young Shorthorn Durham, boll from Mr. Elder of Bernell which will be a good addition, to his stock,, ionatance• • Mies Edwin Britton. Miss Stella Olt,rlt, Miss Margtelet Love spent a few days with theuests of the letters ;parents, Mr, and Mrs,';,Love ofWer Mies V era Onlcolough is spending a couple of weeke the guest, of her Grandmother M19.1.1111011 of Brussels.. Mr: Chas; hail of Hensall, spent Sunday the guest of his parents M.•, and Mrs, F. Hall, • Mr. Henry Colcnlough spent a few days the guest of Mr. Wm. Fear aud other friends. The WinthropW Ladies are giving iving a playin the Foresters Hell this Wed nesday evening In the interest. of, the Red Cross Society, Myles Our brave soldier boys are taking there usual rounds, but their numbers are considerably lessened on eccount of la grippe.' Hope they will all be out again soon. Mr, Howard Adams of Minneapoles arrived horse on Thursday hist for a short visit and was 'surprised to find his mother sick in bed. Me. Alen Elder, our town clerk, is one of the favored ones of the grippe; The ninny Mende of Itjrs, A, Wood man, formerly of Londeshoro, will be sorry toehear that she hits been 01 for winne time, and seems to he gradually iling Mr. Marshall has moved his baking business to the west side of the street and is now prepared to do his best for the puhlic Mrs 13,..Adams bee been confined to her bed for a week' with the grippe Anbnrn Master Elwin Raithby spent, pert ot the week visiting friends in Goderich end »le° cal ed on his uncle, Mr. Roti. Rnberton of Clinton.. Mr. Nelson. Robison is one of the latest to enlist among our boys. Others are considering the matter. Pbes. Sturdy, Nivens, Symington, Adams and M t3sh spent Sunday with Mende in the vulage. There was a good attendance at the Annual Convention of the Auburn Sunday Scnool Association, Local speakers with with Mr. Ed Otter, of Toronto, with the Auburn tiuion cheir furnished the program. Auburn- entertained the Blyth soldiers on Tuesday fen dinner. They were well received as they marched pest the school the children turned out to meet them and sang "Onward Christian Soldiers" Ar; they ttpprotich ed the village they were met by re presentee:ves carrying the flag and escorted them to the OL;'enge'Iial, • u London Road - Le'aiugue meets next Tuesday night at Mr, Win, Falconer's, It will hem Literary meeting, Mies May Adams of Hiillett, visited her friend Mise Rose' Livermore over S•fnday. Messrs, Fred Nott and John Mc Knight spent a few days last week around Blyth buying horses. 1Braeefield Dr, Rodgers, who bad an attack of la grippe has recovered, Mrs: A. T. Scott has gone to iz Tor onto hospital for an optnation which was performed last week. Her bus ;send and sisters, Mrs Ytltoweies and Mrs. Smith of Chicago accompanied her. Her many friends trust she may soon recover end return to her home. The sleighing in our vicinity is good many ere taking advantage of it in getting,out logs, wood etc. The annual meetingof the Presby- terian church was helon Tuesday, Messrs. Earl and Clarence Keiser have gone to Windsor where they have positions as book keepers, We wish them all success. Messrs. Thos. 'eraser and Alex iVlustard gave addresses at the big RecreiIing meeting in Bityfield last week, Bayfield The ice is now at a fair thickness and the fishermen are busy at the harvest although it was much doubted for a time whether it would come anything this winter. • at the recent practice of the G•rards the highest score was made ny Mal maim Thomas at 164, second Reeve A. Frwin and Capt. 3'hoinson tied at 156, third ileo. Mr 13.ickertat 154, the re reminder was close enough to be called reneurkahle good shooting, We are again obliged to speak of, the death at t of one olden tP ion ser s who died on Friday teat in the' person of Mrs. Michael Miller at the age of 01 years, her husband having preceeded her by two years. Her first husband whose name was Absence died -many years ago leaving a large family, most of whom attended the funeraland all of whom were of German decent. The ceremony' was performed by the Rev, Mt McFarlane, Londeshoro A quiet but pretty wedding took place et the borne of Mrs. G, Lyon on Wednesday, Feb. the 16th, when her only daughter, Roselle became th horde dal V(Winiapn T.,.;IOrcltin. _seen, r)f Mi. gild Mrsi^,1tumell' 7fudkia f• Liullett. The bride' who was given away by her uncle, Mr. Wm Lyon, entered 'the parlor to the suraiiie,of Lohengrins wedding march played by her cousin, Miss Edna Lyon, The Merle looked charming- in a gown of silk crepe de diene trimmed with satin and ;lace, The ceremony was performed by their pastor, Rev. Mr. Kahle. The groom's gift to the bride ,'as a pearl sunburst and to the pianist a pearl set crescent. After congratulations they 9,11 sat down to a :anew tions wedding dinner. The bridal couple left on the afternoon teen for a.,bort trip 10 MOcnt arorest, the bride travelling in a navy suit with silk blouse to match. 1 After their return n theytake e n their Uerx an the s lion. h con. of Hallett grooms eitNew .Erlailoit.s with their _friends in offering congratula tions. Mrs. Baine entertained the young people of two of the organized classes on Friday evening last Me. Wereey Crawford le visiting ret Niagara F'alls and London. Miss Nel•lie'1Vlanning spent a few days in Clinton with her aunt, Mrs, Mogi; ridgy., );very housewife should eonseli carteluilly the.Clinton 3nea;c1ients ads in the New Era, There:are.al- ways many things worthwhile. East Wawanosh, The "Young People's Club" nf'S. 5, No.10,'Iltet Wawanosh will give a concert in the• IvlGowltn school on Friday evening, Feb, 25th, commenc ing at eight o'clock. The programme will Consist of ->vocal and instrumental music, il.play.:entitled "His Model Wifee' 1i; shadowgrwph tableaux, dia 'logues, etc Tee selling' of an auto graph quilt will'he one of theirthereet ing features of the programe, Ad mission 25 cents and 10 cents, Total proceeds to go iii, aid, of Red Cross Stanley Mr. Colin ,Fraeer`'of,Re ion visited his brother, Mr. Thos. Fraser, and old aquaintanees on . Wednesday„of last week, : Messrs, Hugh Gilnlou', I R''Meet Baird and Gen. Baud„ sr., lett. on Wednesday of last week to visit dives and friends in Detroit ,end viciui t3'Mr. 3amee Gilmour of Caron, Sask., whe is borne visiting his mother in 'l.'urnberry is visiting relatives and friends in this.distriot Ibis week., Statistics for rowuship of, Stanley for 1015 Area of the township 433,12e acres, amount of tumbles property, $1,057281. The following sums were levied on this rate, County purposes 84501 70, Township ;. tax $5871.85, Big Drain No, 11, $028.37, No, 5 528.4,30, Telephone, 52804.38, Statute labor, $5,00, Deg tax, $230.00, • War 'tax, 02,152 00. General School' tax 53252 43, etpecial $3005,03,. SeparateSchool tax 0476.01, Separate Sole.ol debenture 8155,49. Total taxes 023,073.49 Num bee at telephones in towns.pip, 2955. Huron People were Liberal eoI In Trafalgar Day Contributions —What Huron Gave, Ontario's centrihution toihe British Red Cross Fund .amounted to 01,488,- 108; or 57 143 cents pert ” CtLpitrt Ot a population of 2580,32). The city of. London's per capita contributions was 51,27 and Toronto's 1 51. Cities which contributed approximately $1.00 per capita were, Berlin. Sarnia, Stratford and Windsor. Counties, including cities therein, which have given over fifty cents per capita were; Brant, Essex, Grenville, Huron, Lincoln, Mid- lesex, Nipissing, Norfolk, Northumher. land, Ontario, Oxford, Perth, Rainy River, Waterloo, Wellington, York. Comities, including any cities situated therein, which conerrbuted approxi• mutely fifty cents per canite, were: Bete*, Latnbton, Parry Sound, Sud bury, Teo)iskarning, .Wentworth, In it bilin book recently issued by Hon,. T. W, McGarry, Provincial Sec retai;y, the contributions to the Red Cress Fund in Ontario no Trafalgar Day are given, making, up to January 18, 1916,.101,492.00200 or the 849 muni cipalaise appealed to, '775 reeponded, Wile amount; u MunifraoipaillVoluntauronace;ry Total Schools '800 00 800 00 Townships • Ashfield OCilborne Goderich Grey Ray 1lowick Collett Mc'Klllop Morris Stanley 1105 10^1165 10 500 00 500. 00 1(100 00 118 2')'.1108 30 1400 00 87.00'1487 00 600 (10 245 5" 745'57 500 00 771 49 1271 40 768 12 768 12 5011 00 181 00 08106 200.00 7 00 7225 00 1580 00 1580 00 Stephen 1327 00 1651'47 2478 47 Tuckeisnlith ..20013 OD 1009 130 3000 30 Turnberry 500 00 12 50 519 5(1 Ushorne 1385 30;1685 80, Wawanosh E 030 (IU 030 On Wawanosh W.. 830 05 850 C5 Villages Bayfield .... 215 00 215 00 Blyth 001 (10 1)01 (10 Brussels 5(1)•00 815 2-1-1315 24 Exeter 1020 00 1020 011 13 ensall 1011 35.1011 35 Wroxeter 311.93 311 00 Clinton 40 28 951 72 10(10 00 Goderich ....,10130 OU 2535,18 8535 18 Seaforth .... 8001 76 31)04 70 Winghant 2000 00 .1100 00 6100 00 512025.28 27853 4)1 30378 60 The total givings by Counties Huron stands seventh, Carleton. Essex, .1214 dlesesex, Waterloo, Wentworth and York coming 10 the order carred ahead. 60.0900 s•4•••••••AT•esess. .al�Car� News KILN UN 10181 ENTERTAINED BY THE OOVLNANP B.O. Thirty stalwart Presbyterians of the 161st Battl, in town were given a ,most cordial welcome at the 81. Valentine's Social of the Covenant Bible Class of Willis church last Monday;evening and the lecture room of the church was well tilled with the happy gathering, The officers and teachers of the School were also among the guests of the evening. Lieut. J R. Marrs was ii, charge of the detach inene of the '161st. Genuine regret was expressed that the necessary absenceof the hand of the Battalion prevented;, .son , ;.from enjoying tbeKe ;