HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-02-17, Page 5Th'ur'sday, S+ebrual•3?i"' lith.; -•191G:
1ilitary',Bo •s
Military �
We have Three Specia's
all useful , and stand well•
,•. ul t,.
up -
in merit their re-
Miitary Wrist Watches
from $6 up°r
161st'. Battalion Signet
.,ig. ,
Rings '
Sure and see these
they are havy l Ok gold,
rings, selila:g for $5.
Waterman s
Ilea! Fountain Peps
, Safety styles --can be
carried in kit bags with-
out leaking, from 2,5o up
W. 11. 1I [LYAR
CoA, Megaw, Meets
Births Marrla es cU .d MOS
Death • Accident>' �, �
a in .
I and thee; eons sw viva,,
'Wit: gip eg, Vele 11-S A 'M'eCaiw,
the Winnipeg grain man ftaftallyin-
Weed. in Los Angeles ,lnat• Tuosday
carried lite insurance 'oe,$I1q,000in
Winnipeg. agoneacls, 850,000 having
,been tek::n one onl y tWet weeks ago
I'h!eremain, will e;e.taken' to
God Mech. . for int ermae it,
Persona/ Mot, s
4,1P those'bevin rata'ivea ee rte de
-•'vieieing'it, 60a'n or" ggol'ng' awn'
notify ua of the (act.+eaop475;11172.!
weep, we
w ould annennoe 0 0, the New Ern.
Mrs,, \;1ti11 Plumsteel gave a sui•pdse.
patty on Monday evening, And elites.
tained a number of fieends. The, tic.
rasion being another bin-theav, of leer
good plan.
Mr; Thomas .Mason, while loading
cattle at the 0 T. 1e, stock yards la t
Friday morning, suffered a slight
stroke and was removed to his,hotne.
A phone message this nothing to The
New lira stated that Mr, Mason put in
a good night and was doing 'as well a8
could be expected.
Mee. Marsh and Muster Norman of
Detroit are here visiting the fornter's
parents, isle. and Mrs, Geo. Davis,"
Mus. Cudmore of Kippen 'spent a
few days with her sister, Mrs. (3oor'ge
Miss OliVe Harland of Pordnto at•
tended the Bradshaw -Davis Wedding.
Mrs, A. E. Bennett and Miss Gretta
Bennett ut Field I1 C., were guests of
the fornier's sister, ells.' Bawden, last.
Mr. Cele. Hell of the (3.. ,R. freight'
sheds is on rho sick list,
Major McPhail and Lients. Sturdy
and McLean of Goderich were itt head.
quartets on Tuesday evening:
Lieut, .Earl O'Nei, left foe Louc"loti.
to take ,a short course ee machine
gun Work.
Lieut. Percy Town was here over
the week enol. He is et present in
' London taring but a captain's coin.
air sioll.
Mr. and Mrs Whitmore retneeed
on Tuesday from then' holiday trip to
Former Head of Western Canada
Flour Mills Company is Killed
, Crederich, Yee. 10 -Word was re-
eved early this morning by R.J.
Mega w, of the death in Caefor.nid
of his hroiher, S, A. Megaw a forth
brly w'e11 known, eitize In of this
town; butlaitterly of Winnipeg, As
yet no full particulars bav0 been
received, hut it is understood that
lee was hurt in an autonnabile ,ae
ardent and died from 'the weeds a
few hours later. ,
The dedeaaed Was barn jn Ireland
in the forties and came to Can-
ada while a, boy Later 1m moved
out Wrest, when he entered
thin, milling. busines t,
In 1876 he was made aesistasn t
manager of the . A. W.Ogilvie
incur Mills Ckintje"luny, end later
was manager of the Lake of the
Woods 'Milling Company, In
1902 3m and the Kelly Milling Co.
of Brendan, merged and bought
the Ogilvie Hutchinson mills here
and a little later the new Co. was
fc rmnd_known as the Western• Can
eda Flour Milis Onrnpany, of Which
company the deceased 31'a8 elect-
ed prelsident.
The companyhas-„at present mills
in Goderich, Brandon, Calgary, St.
13r'niface and:Winnipeg, with head”
office at Toronto. About a month
•ago the deceased retiree from the
head of the co ncern and was on
his first holiday to California when
the accident happen ed.
He was well known in the grain
7h erld, being the ppresident of the
4Vfnnip.eg Grain Stock Exchange
a.nd was regal'ded :es the ,iighost
authority on ;the ern) situation
in the West. �•
Besides a widow, two daughters,
110LMES-.in Edmonton, on Feb, 12,
to Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Holmes,
formerly. of 0 intone a daughter,.
(lentherine Louise)
DOHERTY-In Clinton, on January
13th to Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty
a son, (Robert Depen)
10, by Rev. S. J. Atha, at Ontario
St, Paieontige, Miss lila May daught
er of Mr. and Mee. Amos Townsend
of Tuckersmith to Frank E. \\'alters.
of the sante Township.
BUNKING -LYON -.In Londeshoro
at the homeofthe brides mother,
hy Rev, 0.0, Keine, on Wednesday
Feb. 10th, Roselli, only daughter of
Mrs, G. Lyon, to Mr. William L.
Hunkine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Run
dell l•Iunking, of Mullett. '
of the brides parents in Clinton, on
Wednesday Feb. 17th, .by the Rev.
w. L. Rutledge D D. assisted by Rev
J. J. Allis, Bertha, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. George Davis to Mr George
Bradshaw, all of Clinton,
0 •
Huron County News
The postoffices at Amiserly and
Laurier wore closed hy order or
the Post Office Department on
January 3.1st. All residents ,south
and East G Ami;erly $era'(ter will
be served by Luckteow Route 3,
and those to the north anti west
ky fifnc� d;ne Route ).-..A)1 screed
by Laurier will go on Lucknow
,Route 3
oesseses0000seaeces eesssee* esoo peoso•00000000sos00000
le es
eti m."41 C I Int011 S mu tary the -
1 Movements of the 161st :Battalion Wintering Here—Huron --H r •
County Recruiting Notes --Activities by the Huron Itt
e+®®osoos000••••••••••••t••• •••••••o••••••••••i•••••••
I, le McGratt0n
W J Taman
k' \V .Fry''
W Gendrod
ALM Etlfott
W 0 Goodwin`
el A tVarner
J Js M Firer
,A U Ward ' W J Park
WINGHAM„re;,....: i'
\\? Troyer ,
'L Crueet ' W.PDXEME'g,
H !i. lsssrd
0 •McLeod
.PJBrROA n .
J W Darter
J 19 Musgrove
The 101st soldiers headed by the
Bugle Band marched to Seaforth tut
8.80 this, morning, (Thursday), The
Bores Band went down Wednesday
night to take pont in a recruiting meet
C li, Clark
A C Neely
W smith
J A Thibidettu
G S Lowry
J M Ballantyne
W M Buchanan
A L CdcLeod
E L Reis
,14L VAR
Al Richardson
\\r J anebo
Ji V Fieby
W Uowau
0.T Cox
J (0 Anderson
J L Tacker.
'W0000 100 00060(�(;i®•o0000 iso r oo
,o aD • ocnke r•�•rk•e••�®ntarac�,•rmt$••Ow
.0 Sit
pry• of
id (.
x ). •r7 �a+lY��
oil •
u9 0
000000000000 00:340000000eveteO••eeo•0tr®• •
Bogs 9.85. 'Mutter. 27c to 2,8e.
Buttes 30 to 33, 1,g•gs 26e to 27e,
Eggs 36 Bogs 9.00,
Wheat $;1,05 t, $1,08,
Crate 43
Wheat J. Oats .in to 12e.
10 • Barley 50c to 55e.
Catille. 8,00 Shorts 26e.
SheeO�x 5.00 Bran 25e.
Lambe 11,75.
Cheege 19, 7.- 0.6$t
Barley( ''heat150 too 65.
y( b8 to 60; 1. 1 ilii+„ $122
and' $13,,
Ilnllett East ' W awanosh
Joseph Carter lets
Mr. J p r li purchased
young Shorthor'n Durham: hull from
Mr. Elder of Hensall which will be a
good addition to hie. stock.,;
, Miss ledwin Britton, Mies Stella
010k, Mies Ma('gctvet Love spent a
"few days. with the guests of the -letters
.parents, Mr, and Mrs;: Love of. War.
Mies V eta Onlcolough le ,spending a
couple of weeks the guest of her
Grandmother Mre, Thue'I of Bourse's.,
Mk: Chas, Hall of Hensall, spent.
Sunday the guest of his parents Me,
and 'Mrs.55 Hall.
• Mr, Henry Oolcnlough spent a few
days theguest of Mr. Wm. Fear and
other friends.
The Winthrop Ladies are giving e
play in the Foresters Hall this Wed
nesday eventing In the interest. of: the
Red Cross Society,
Oar brave scidier 'hogs are taking
there usual rounds, but their numbers
are considerably lessened on ecc0uut
of 1a grippe. Hope they will 5111 be
out again soon.
Mr. Howard Adams of Minneapoles
arrived home on T:hursdey,lest for
short visit and was surprised to find
his mother sick in bed.
Mr: Alex Elder, one town clerk, is
one of the favored ones of the grippe,
The many friends of Mrs. A, Wood
man, forfnierly or Londeshoro, will be
sorry to'hear that she has heeu i11 for
some time, and seems to be gradually
Ole. Marshall has moved his baking
business to the west side of the street
and is now prepared to do his best for
the public
Mrs It, Adams has beencimfined to
her bed for a week with the grippe
• Auburn
Master Elwin Raithhy spent, part of
the week vieiting friends in Goderich
end 5150 cap ed on his uncle, Mr. Robt
Rnherton of Clinton..
Me, Nelson Robison is one of the
latest to enlist among our boys.
Others are considering the matter.
Ptes, Sturdy. Nivens, Symington,
Adams and Marsh spent Sunday with
friends fu the village,
There was a good attendance at the
Annual Convention of the Auburn
Sunday Scnojl Association, ` Local
speakers with with Mc. Ed Ottet, of
Toronto, with the Auburn union
choir furnished the program.
Auburn. e ad
t le the
soldieta on Tuesday for dinner. They
were well received 'as they inarehed
past the school the children turned
out to meet them and sang "Onward
Christian Soldiers" As they Approach
ed the village they were men by re
presenhtt'ves carrying the flag and
escorted diem to the Orange'Hale
London Road
Leaugue meets next Tuesday night
at Mr, Win, Falconer's, It will bee
Literary meeting.
Mies May Adtrms of Hallett, visited
ber friend Miss Rose' Livermore over
Messrs, Fred Nott and John Mc
Knight spent a few days last week
amend' Blyth buying bops, s•
Brumfield '
Dr. Rodgers, who had an attack of
la grippe hair recovered. •
Mrs; A. T. Scott bas gone to a Tor
onto hospital for an operation 'which
was performed last sleek. Her bus
hind and Meters, Mrs Yellowtees and
Mrs. Smith of Chicago accompanied
her. Her many friends trust she may
soon recover and return -to her home.
The sleighing in our vicinity is good
many are taking advantage of it in
getting,out loge, wood etc.
The annual meeting of the Presby-
terian church was held on Tuesday,
Messrs. Berl and Clarence Kaiser
have gone to Windsor where they
have positions ae book keepers. We
wish them all success,
Meyers. Thos, Fraser and Alex
i('Ilistat'd gave addresses, at the big
Recruiting meeting in Bayfield last
The ice is now et a fair thickness
and the fishermen are busy at the
hetrveet although it was much doubted
for. a time whether it would come
anything this winter. •
/et the recent practice of the Gaards
the highest score was wade by Mal
corm Thomas at 104, second, Reeve A.
Erwin and Capt. Thomson tied et 150,.
third Rev, Mfr Rickert at 15.1, thin re
mafnder was close enough to be called
remarkable good shooting,
We are again obliged to speak of
the death of one oldest pioneers who
died on Friday est in the• person of
Mrs: Michael Miller nit the age of 01
year's, bet' husband having pteceeded
herby two,eeats. Her: fleet .husband
whose name was Abrenoe died many
years ago leaving a large family, most
of whom attended the funeral and all
of whore were of German decent, The
ceremony wee performed by the Rev,
Mt'. McFarlane,
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the home of Mrs. 0. Lyon on
Wednesday, Feb. the 10th, when her
only daughter,Roselle became
t�ha tt„r;ide, jrit W3lliamt L,,.Hnnkinl s'an,
Allen add'Mrs lie nifefl i4sinktna "ot
Hullett, The bride, who was given
away by her uncle, bur. Wm Lyon,
entered the parlor to the straius„ot
Lo.bengrins wedding march played by
her cousin, Miss Edna Lyou. The
bride looked charming in a gown of
silk" crepe de cliene trimmed with
satin and laze.. Theceremony was
performed by their pastor, Rev, Mfr.
Maine. The grooms gift to the beide
.vas a pearl aunt:met. and to the
pianist a pearl set crescent, After
congratulations they al) sat down rn le
smupteens wedding dinner, 'Ilia
bride) couple left on the afternoon
(rein t'orashort trip t'0 Mount Forest,
the bride travelling in a navy snit
with silk blouse to ,match. Alter
their return they take up their Abode
on the groom:: farut on the 13th con.
of Mullett. The New Bea juins with
their. friends in °leering oocgee.tula
Aire. Laine entertained the young
people of two of the organized classes
on Friday evening lest
Mr; Wes'ey Crawford ie visiting at
Niagara Palls and London.
Miss Nellie Manning`spent a few
days in Olinton with her aunt, Mrs.
Every housewife should consult
carlefu.11y the Clinton inertchante
Ode : in the New Era. There are., ,al
ways many things 'worth wide.
The "Young People's Club" of S. S.
No, 10, East Wawanosh will, give a
concert in the McGowan sebool on
Friday evening, Feb. 25th, commenc
ting ateight o'clock. The programme
will eousiet of vocal and instrumental
muaie a play ..entitled "His Model
Witte,' a ehadowgraph, tableaux, dia
rogues, etc. The selling' of, an auto
graph quilt will, be ongof the; jgbereet
Mg features �; t as u f the programa, Ad
nnssion 25 cents and 10 cents. 'Total•
proceeds to go in aid of Red. Cross
Mr. Colin Feaeer'of.Regina vistaed
his brother, Mr.''Thes, Fraser, and old
aqueintances on W.ednesdeyr of last
Messrs, High Gilmour,, Robert
Baird and Geo. $gird, sit,, left on
Wednesday e f last week tovisit rela
tines and friends in Detroit end vicirri
Mr. James Gilmour of Caron, Seek.,
who is home visiting his mother in
Turnherry is visiting relatives and
friends in this,cfistrict this week..
Statistics for rowuship of, Stanley
for 1015 Area of the township- 438;121
acres, amount of taxablee property,
$1,957,281. The following sums were
levied on this rate, •county purposes
%450179. Towneh'p; tax '$5871.85, Big
Drain No. 11, $028,37, No. 5 "$284.30,
Telephone, $2804.38, Statute labor,
$5,00, Dog tax, $230,00,' War tax,
162,152 90, General School tax 43252 48,
Special $8005.03, Separate School tax.
$470,01, Separate Schcni 'dehenture'
$155,49, Total taxes 523,073,49 Num
ber ut telephones in townspip, 225.
Huron People were Liberal
be al
in Trafalgar Day Contributions
—What Huron Gave.'
Ontario's oentrihution to the British
Red Cross Fund amounted to "$1,438
108; nr 57 1.3 cents pert capita or a
population of 4539,321. The city of
London's per capita contributions was
11,27 and Toronto's 1 5i. Oities which
contributed approximately $1,00 per
capita, were, Berlin, Sarnia, Stratford
and Windsor. ` Counties, intending
cities therein, which have given over
fifty cents per capita were; Brant,
llssex, Grenville, Huron, Lincoln, Mid.
lesex, Nipissing, Norfolk, Northutnher
land, Ontario, Oxford, Perth, .Rainy
River, Waterloo, Wellington, York:
Oouutiee, including any titres situated
therein, which contributed approxi•
mately fifty cents per capita,' were:
Bruce, Lunbton, Parry Sound, Sud
bury, Tecriiskaining, .WentworLb.
In a blue book recentlyiseued by
Hon. T. W. McGarry, Provincial Sec
retaiy, the contributions to the Red
()roes Fund in OnterJo on Trafalgar
Day are given, snaking. up to .Tannery
18, 1910, $1,492,993.09 Of the 810 muni
clpi111ties appealed to, 775 responded,
The amounts from Huron are:
Municipal Voluntary Total
Schools 300 00 300 00
Townsbips '
Ashrieid 1105 10.1106 10
Oultnorne 500 (10 , 500 (l0
Gaderieb 10111) 00 108 31 1108.30
Grey 140(1 00 87(10'1487 00
Hocyviok 500 00 245 57 .'745-57
500 00 771 40 1271 40
3lluilett 70812 70812
McKillop 500 00 181 00 681 00
141orrue 250 00 7 00 725 00
Stanley 1580 00 5580 00
Stephen 1827 00 1151 47 2478 47
Tuckersmith „20110 00 1009 30 8009 30
Turnberry 500 00 , 12 50 512 50
Ushorne..... . 1385 3(i 1S85 30.
Wawanosh E........680 (10 030 00
Wawanosb W.. ... 850 05 850 C5
Bayfield,..... 215 1)0 215 00
Blyth 001 00 })01 l')0
J3russels 500.00 815 24.:1315 24
Exeter 1020 001920 00
Hensall 1011 Be 101:1 35
•Wroxeter.,,,,,. 311,9J 31190
Clinton 40 28 931 7(3 1000 00
Goderteh 101)0 00 2535.18,8585 18
Sseefortlt.,.,. , +. 3904 7(1 3004 70
W,Ingham.. , 1000 00 4 400 00 0 100 00
812025,28 27333'.y1. 80378 00
The total givings by Counties: Enron
stands seventh, Carleton. Essex, Mid
dlesesex, Waterloo, Wentworth anis
York coming in the order named
Local News
BY 156110 OOV1ON.AN'J B,U,
Thirty stalwart Presbyterians; of
the 101st Battl. in town were given a
most cordial welcome at the Se.
Valentine's Social of the Covenant
Bible Class of Willie church last
Monday;eveuing and the lecture room
of the church -was web filled with the
happy gathering, The officers and
teachers of the School were isiso among
the gueste of the evening. Lieut. J K.
Marrs was le, charge of the detach
merit of the 161st. Genuine regret
was expressed that the necessary
absence of the band of the Battalion
pde;eee ted „,some ,_u.from enjoying
elitsevetien +;7 The Oovenant Siete
(llass hat 1 men in khaki today,
and 9 of these are with the 10est, The
program of the everting included.
selections by the orchestra under Mr,_
Phelan'e skilful leadership, with 111165
Bentley as pianist, scans by Mess
Blew Farquhar, Lula Howe. Hattie
Greig, and Mrs, Elliott, 'instrumental
piano selections by, Mrs. Wnt, Gann,
and readings by Misele. Chidley and
Mr. Harper. Lance corporal F.'Thntup
eon upheld the honor of the regiment
in several solos sungg, in good voice.
Rev. F. U. Heiner, the hon. president
of the class,. was chairman, and:wel
Darned the guests of the evening. A
puzzle contest 'centering 10 the names
of a:embers or Willis Church' provided
e good contest of wits and then the
ladyes etc vide
t d refreshments of en
a nn Lk
7 di stand tasty character. The
circle wue'foreiel and "Auld Lung
,Syne" :red "`rhe NationalA.nthern,"
heartily sung, brought th'e social W a
0 Dee.
,Toho England has solo his 50
Gere grass /farm on the Babylon
Line, Tay, to Albert Brown, of
Stephen, fey $1,500;00.
The hydro 'Exeter:
30 mishie
the work at The high:,
tension like ee. complcee tie!
far as Ciao dcboNee 'and an other
month 8bould:see 11he •work.conn-
' PAGE .IFI l? /
Hensall'Raires, $11,310,
Only $1,000 was Aimed at—Far-
mers Near by Assist Materially
Hensall Feb, 15.-Hensall yesterday
raised a total of. $1,370 by voluntary
i subscriptions to f a patriotic fend to
assist in takings reofthe wives ,arid
families of toe e enlisting for overseas.
eervice Bete Onfy $I,000 was aimed
at aniesubscri tions were only solicit
ed from residents rif Hensel', hut' a
number of Manners from the itdjoi_ping;
eowpehins of {lay, Tuckersmith, Stan
ley and'Usbnrne also contributed gen
erously,h Alexander Murdock,' clerk
of the Town Council, presided at the
patriotic .meeting held in the town hall
in:the afternoon and attended by niore
then 000 people, while many were un
able to gain admittanpe"to the creed:
ed.hall. In the evening an excellent
cnnoert program was provided by to
cal talent. The TOlet Battalion band
from Clinton, contrihnted, plenty of
good music both afternoon and even
ing and 30 or more members of the
bettalign from Exeter marched up to
meet their Hensall and Clinton com.
rades.and were entertained ata lunch
eon by the ladies of the town:
Six new recrui„s for the 101st Bat
Whole were secured, in addition to 'the
largesnnecription to the patriotic fund
Hensall. the date 31 men have enlisted from
• WITH TEM CHURCHES.0000000000000000001110
Rev. 8, J. AIIin, the pastor, will
preach on Sunday morning on the
question. "Does God llorsa:ke Mee or
Nations," Evening topic, "Some Other
P, cinema in the Light of the \Var and
Current Events."
The missionary services on Sunday
last were well attended and quite sec'
cessful. The addressee of. Rev, D.
Rogers and William Gibson were up
todeteendsion. made a favorable impres•
A large number attended the St.
Valentrue entertainment in the school
room on Monday night, The address
on the "Gospel of Good. Health and
Oheer," by Rev, D. Rogers was enjoy
ed by all. young and cid. The vonng
women served refreshments of coffee,
cake, etc„ after the lecture. It was a
pleasant evening for everybody,
Next Sunday Rev, A. T. Crutcher,
B.A., of West China will address both
servieee It will tie mieeicnary Sunday
The Quarterly Board held: iheir
regular meeting on Tuesday.
The League meeting was in charge
of the Missionary Department, and
Miss Sybil Courtiee,, who $pentsgme
years in Japan. gave tin address on the
"Customs of Japan," Fonr young
ladies. Misses merle ;Moore, Clara
Twitchell, Irene Wilkin .and Vera
Gould, in Japanese costume, had a tea
party and used Chopsticks.
The Se, V dentine's Tea of the Girls
Club, on 11 •ndity afternoon, at Mrs.
S. Johnston',, • cine, was very success
full, The .ria, • friends of the club
seldom miss an opportunity to assist
in its work or to partake of its hos
The Sacrament service hist, Sunday
morning was another largeattendance
of the members of the cbn,cn, about
24,0 being present. The service was
roost helpful.
Next Sunday Rev. DN. Meliae, Ph.'
D.,. of Mitchell, wilt preach at both
services. Mr. Harper will he Inc en
elverreary preacher at Knox Church,
13:,55 1'IS l+ CHURCH.
The pastor, Rev. I. K. 5' drfull, will
exchange pulpits with Rev. le. Larkin
of the .ieafoeth 1's esbyterian ehrrrch
on Sunday next.
ososoes000000mboo•(AiA' 00000•
legal Queries
G. 0 !'.ay field, -(1) A was op
pointed an,. collector end gave a
bend as security to tha corpora-
tion for mo;nev collected. Aft,elr
making his collect+ons lie return-
ed his roll, which was accepted by
the Connell, and he was paid his
salary. Is he entitled to have the
hind canceled or given u1i to h;in?
(21 if it legal ,for an cagricultuisel
society. to make a don tion to a
1 in
eleal patriotic fond?
Ane -)1( The Connell have a right
to retain. The bond, Something
naay hereafter be discoverer which
may melee a resort to the bond
y There onG the bonds-
b nds-
f G
risen cannot legally a'equire that,
the bond shall 'be canceled, Shew-
felt v. Kincardine, 9 U. W. N.237
and 370. ,(2) Except in so far as the
society le restricted by ,a'tatute or
otherwise from the appree.alion of
use of the funds, under its c-ontrol
there ,can, by no objection to
using the funds for other than ag-
ricultural purposes. The 'pr obabil-
ity, is that toe society has. no au-
thority to use the funds for the
purpose mentioned and .will have
to apply to the Legislature for
inermiasion to do so or for a eon -
Urination of the
act if the money
has alread7' beep' missp.propriatexi•,
R. S; 0., cap, '45, section •
CSD„ Kincal'dime.-I have' pain
the inteeeet upon a mortgage,(
1 ut still may not be able to pay
the principal when it. fallsudue.
(t) If the mortgtgee refuses Ito
pxtend•the thne or to renew the
mortgage can he sell the proper-
ty by auction to the highest bid
dee? (2) 1f it doesn't sell :toe
snlficient to pay the amount and
tests can 1 be held personally lf-
atte for 'the deficiency?
Ans.-(1) ,•urn applieatian would•
have to bo made by the mortga-
gee to ti. judge of the Supreme
01 ort, or to a local judge of the
Supreme Count sit U
ng Cha
lers for leave to counn3nco . an
action, :But the judge has an ab-
solute diecletior, to refuse (to
grate: leave, if it ;is shown that
the mortgagor is unable immedi-
ately to make the payment or
pay mcnts'demanded, "by reason
of r'ucumelances attribuPsjlle dir-
ectly or indtroelly to the. :,prese(nt
war," if the mortgagee take pro
headings ander the power or sate
contiitned in the mot+tgage, the
mortgagor may apply •l.o the ental
fon ,10 . ineencton The Mortga-
gors' and Purchasers. 7lolief Act,
Ontario Staltutics, :1410, 1.ections.2
and 5, (1) If the mortgagee gets
SioCIt-ToItkiq $pcciiis
Two Weeks of Special Prices sin
Odd Lines and Broken Sizes
A few
sand Children's
Mantles'`at about halfp rice
Men's Fui -collar Overcoats, rubber interlined`
to clear at
Women's Wrapperette House Dresses to clear
regular price 1,25, now C
See our clearing line
of black _ and colored'
Underskirts at9 8C
Also Dozens of Other Bargains dining
the Next two Weeks. .
Piumsteel Ri •ash' •
Shall Profits Phone 25. More Bttsiness
permission to pros od with ;the
sale, or if no application is made
to the court or a judge for an %n
junction ,restraining proceedings
and the property is sold, the marl
gager will remain personally li-
able for any deficiency if the sale
does not realize sufficient to pay
the principle, interests and costs,
A;H.L; x,ucknow.-A sold a
horse to B. opo.: whish 13. made
a deposit of $1, promising to take
the horse away trefore (Ta,nuary
18th, Before that date A. ashen
A to keep the horse for a longer
time without fixing any date. The
horse is still in . A's possession.
Can he sell it to scone other per-
son ? (21 Can A compel B. to pay
for the keep of the horse?
Ans,-(1) A shenld notify B. that
he will consider the contract (aa
canceled if the price as not paid
on or before a certain date, giv-
ing a l'easona.blo time. 12) ,If A
does not wish to mince), the con-
tract at preselnt he can .notify 13
that he will charge bite for the
keep pf the horse. That should
have have been mentioned when
A consented to keep the horse
after the 15th ,n1 January. Both
parties are to blame for not fixing
a definite date When the price was
to be paid and what compensation
A should receive for beeping the
horse beyond the 15th January.
The Approaching visit of
Professor Pember
of the old reliable
British Hair Goads house
of Toronto
at the Hotel Normandie, on
Wednesday, February r'd
is of supreme importance to every person that is anxious to
possess beautiful hair
Professor Pember will Display the leading styles
in all Lines of Hair Goods.
FOR. LADIES—Transformations, Waves, Bans, Pom-
padours, Switches, Etc, g
FOR, GENTLEMEN --The Pember Ventilated Toupee
or,Wig has a reputation that is world wide. Hair and scalp
treatments. If you have trouble of any kind with the hair or
scalp, see Professor Pember, Consultation free. Call and
secure one of our "Pangel of Beauties" free,
Our prices are moderate. Our goods the best.
Remember the Date, Wednesday, February 23rd.
B [3 T T BR--•�:
• •
i , •
We make these only from
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
We carry in stock a line printed with the words
C e, ay itiutter
for immediate Y
delivery. The are sold at the
following prices:
O 0
a 1000 Sheets $2,25
• 1 500 Sheets .5.5o
• 250 Sheets .75
0• too Sheets .35
Wrapspecially printed from your own• copy, we can ,supply them at the following
rB rices---- g
m a.op
o 1 i�I $2,.25.
2' to 4pers M 1.75 Per M ,
5 M I.5o per M
• T7 1.
• �` i..i l@iTt t@T
erre. "'ror'. ,tcai4tt/2n
Qoomr,'^•1DrAt'io0e^J®Ql(i:'M06•sgcieeti000.uv.-t uanp.:.n00110wwdrF9ceasteecro
0 '