The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-17, Page 3o . Thursday, February, 170; 1916. THE CLINTON NEW ERA PAtB'THREE t..+++N+++++.N..+,.' ,.Nil+N++N+i,+•+•+++++••rY40ire******N+N++•1A•++i+N++++++►++i•+`•+0 .'+.Nif•N1.N o •4IN••••••••••••••••m•oiN War I ♦NN�iN'►1i.a4►0♦0N�0.�NN♦0N0T • •. n News Ar Sideii fits 1140••.•+N++J+i++N+NN+1•••• ♦NNNN.N'N01+i+0••11++t+NN4+++N+00►NeNeOtlOiN+ot•0`0o0s �0�0Nso0i00o0o,� .vi40•4••00•004•00•N•o,O4t►0•0+0100++00•+0.0++0+00+0N••••••Nt+NNN• CRANK INVENTORS BUSY Would-be inventors of new -devices to wipe out whole armies at astroke, sink powerful dreadnoughts, reduce, big Zeppelins to powdered form; guns that will carry great distances, fade away howitzers, etc., are haunting the offices of London patent agents day and night. The war has ,caused' in- ventors' ingenuity 'to run, riot, 1-Iere are a few inventions from the clever, brains of engiueers and others: New gun that w!l1 bag a 'Zeppelin at any height, With an ingenious range -finder, A gun that canflro a rc Xenia niers beyond the range of the b:gecs"-'germ now ,used by ('ermany. Projectiles that carry ell 1i ,ds o' acids and chemicals that put s'yidier. into their death sleep if they take a sniff. One inventor with long hair and green eyes would like to finance a company to melee a projeeti e that carries tons of snug. Oa explosion regiments are thrown into v.oisnt fits of sneezing and taken prisoners be- fore they can recover. 'Aeroplanes that can be perforated with bullets and still navigate. - Mines .of allshapes and sizes, guaranteed to annihilate whole cities and make a fleet of battleships good material for the scrap heap. HON. A. E KEMP, M.P. Chairman of the War Purchase Com- mission for Canada, Emery housewife should consult carefully the Clinton merchants ads in the New Era. There are ,al- ways many things worth whale. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief ---Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely veget- able—net surely butgently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress— curcindi- gestion— improve ndi-gestion—improve the complexion—brighten the eyes. Small Piil, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine must bear Signature , moomovororrinwropprory PERSONALS. Well-known Worrlen. Chatham, Ont,—" I was sick fur about four years. Got very weak, could not eat tq amount to „ anything. I got %' very thin and had no strength at all: I I wasvery much' discouraged at times—thought I was never going' to get better. I r, could not walk a block without feel- ing all ' tired -out. I1. �i1i�tiViA I took different medicines but did not get the help.I needed. A friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Fax. orite Prescription. I began , to take it with the 'Pleasant Pellets' and by the Lime I had taken two bottles I was well on the road to recovery, and in six I was entirely well. My appetite came back and I gained in flesh. Now I am as strong and healthy: as any one could wish to be. I owe it all to Dr. Pieree'e med- icates and I am glad of the opportunity to give testimony in their favor; they have done wonders for me."—MISS THELMA PARSEE, 141 E. King St. , Chatham, Ont.—"I have taken Dr. Pierces medicine with good results. 1 was weak and run down lost my appetite and got very thin. I took 'Favorite Prescription' and 'Pleasant Pellets' and 1 these two medicines built me up in a very short apace of time eo that I felt as well as ever. I found them to be all that is recommended of thein; they are good."— Mns.,WM. Weans, Cor. Taylor.& Grand Ave., E., Chatham, Ont. Every woman who has backache, head- ache, low spirits, sleepless nights, owes it to herself to speedily overcome the trouble before a breakdown causes prostration. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a non-alcoholic remedy that any ailing woman can safely take because it is pre- pared from roots and herbs with pure glycerine, containing tonic properties. SOLDIERS' PETS, f To the list of pets kept by soldiers on the bats emit d must be addel the late Anthem r\:dings flog eanimy, the little Irish terri r who was the great tennis -player's leeeparable coin par ion, Wilding was b. mad alive in his dug -nut tier ugh a ,hurl burst ng In the trenchi he.,--. im was 0.1 uuty, and' Sammy want, whining about the trench loolca g for his raster long ea' for the tragedy had oc_urred. The dog will be we.l looked after. A emery wale renoued from a de- serted house by sore solders, who carried it off to the trerr'h s and then took ::o end of trouble finding it the seed it liked. Similarly, the "Grena- diers' Cat,' Bulger:an 'Bel, wh ch , went through :he Crimea in a soldier's knapsack, was picked up in an en- campment In Billgar a by a man of No, 1 Company; while the three-legged poodle which, for some years, wa, a familiar spectacle at Chelsea .Bar- raoks was captured by hb.e Guards in Um Battle of Vlttor:a and adopted be themas thair mg menial mascot, go- ing with them through tile whole cam- paign. 1 It might not be out of p:ace to men- tion the pig which the blue -jackets rescued from the German. eru,ser Dresden, which they dstro cd. About two hous after tete Dresden had sunk the pig was seen swimming near the ship, and one of the chip's convene dived overboard and saved it, it y,ai at onee, adopted as the sit p s Let, raid a•cardlioatd "iron cress" was p 08.11.- ed 8.11:ed to it for swimming so long w.,ha,t cutting its threat, as p'gs are us.a ly supposed to do with their horn -cover- ed feet while swimming. Other rets of soldiers were Valiant Bob, who :held the record for serv,ce with the Coors and was the na•-eat of the R.oyai Berkshire Reg meat; Billie, the bi' niled bulldo; of the 2nrl Royal Irish tellies, who went alt cu^'h the Boer \Var; Sandy, the t rater of the Royal Eng -nears, whe tock p,.rt in the Battle of ink.rman; Bence, ,lit mastiff who fought in the Bat•le of Kandahar; and Pincher, a sntali smoothed -hair terrier, who ear in ac- tion at the Battle 'of Waterloo. Canadian -Trained Flight Lieutenant w'('" "r' • IN:EOLFCT /1,J WiNit V1' a ICH is a delicate piece r• rnncirne'iv. it calla fat citral inn than 111.055 atih h,rtrrv, int ,uu.^t tie-cicane4 rtit oiled Oi9aeinu2.l'le to kcee. "-ez'te,,t lillt8. • .a dt"l r iirnper csre s Waltham lV.tcli will knxp pert,ct time '01 a litettnte.. It wilt pw w+u , ,vet! to let us clean yum watd • micro 12 or id months.. Edison Records and Suppiles Lieut. Smith was the first Canadian - trained flight sub -lieutenant to grad- uate into . the Royal Flying Corps, He was granted a commission in the Imperial Army, after baring passed the required tests at Toronto, after three menthe' schooling. Will youplensu phone( or mail us the names of visitors atyour .home or other items cf news. We will ee much obliged for all items of real news that may •beforweieded i;o us, e counter 1 Jeweler and Optician:; :issuer ot Marriage Licenses I OWE MY HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Washington Park, Ill.— "X am the another of four children and have sa- cfered 'with female trouble, backache, nervous spells and the blues. My chil- dren's loud talking and romping would make me so. nervous I could just tear everything to pieces and I would ache all over and feel so sick that I would n o t want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia E,. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re- stored Inc to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth- ful looks. My friends say 'Why do you look so young and well?' 1 owe it all to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." —MTS. ROBT. STOPIEL, Moore Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let- ters written by women made well by Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have any symptom about which ry AJOR-ateNERAL V. ZUhimeLL, Italian Minister for War Hot Shot For Shirkers "Slinking in a corner, trying in vain to conceal the fact that they have never served, never fought, and never shed a drop ' of blood, or, parhars, a drop of perspiration, they will be Hapless, miserable and disdained;"— Lord Rosebery on Shirkers, The Swiss reckon that their cupola. fort on the St. Gothard, manned by 200 artilerymen, could easily hold the pass against an army of fifty thousand. Ant heaps stake .serviceable ovens, and are very often used on active ser- vice. After the insides have been scooped out litre can be applied, as in an ordinary oven. LOST FIVE RIFLES you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, German Bullet Went Down Muzzle of London Soldier's Gun While home on leave, Cecil Bourke, of tha London Rifle Brigade; gave the following account of doings in the vi- cinity of Ypres: "For my own part I was lucky. My coat was riddled with holes by the grazing of bullets, and I was buried for half an hour by the collapse of a traverse of our trenches, before being. rescued by Sergt. (now Second Lieut. Wimb:e and Lance -Corporal Pace. On another occasion, the men immediately on my right and left were shot down, and while I was speaking to one of our most popular officers, Lieut. Price, who joined us from Canada, he was whet through the heat:. I have had five rifles smashed by bullets, a German bullet once going right down the muz- zle of one, whilst two of my rifles were cut clean in two. "At one stage a gap was left in slur lines which we were called upon to fill, and for ,nine days and nights we held our position, After six days' rent we were again up 1n the firing line at Ypres. On our left and right a tem- porary em'porary tactical retreat took pace. Nae were in the centre, and one of tem sergeants said: 'Retreat Le 1' We stood our ground, and after re n- forcements had come up we won the engagements. As to the Gerinans, you can take it from me, they are splendid soldiers. The Saxo: s and Bavarians, however, do not seem any- thing like so lceen 011 fighting adfnst us as do the Prussians,” Bees Fought British In the bosh fighting in East Afreca the Germans and their black troops placed hives of bees, partially stupe- fied by smoke, under lids on each sada of narrow tracks along which our troops must advance. Wires or cords lifted the lids when touched by tha advancing troops, and swarms of in- furiated bees, recovered from their temporary stupor, were let loose ca . the attackers. The failure of the at- tack at certain points .as said to have been due ,s much to this onslaught of the "little people" as to the German rifles and machine. guns, many men being so horribly stung on the face or hands as to be temporarily blinded or rendered incapable of holding their 1 weapons. Over 100 stings are said to have been extracted from one of the men of the Loyal North Lancashires, A Christian college -home, , I healthful situaticfiu. For prospectu s and torms,write the Princlnal R.I. Warner, M:A.,D.D„ St. Thomas, Ont. 1 Kitchener's Sly Aid At an early stage of Italy's fight for. possession Of Tripoli—a campaign In 1 which Egypt, as more or lase a vassal of Turkey, was keenly interested— Lord Kitchenee nterested— Lord-Kitchener was approached by certain notable men who proposed that Egypt should send several rega ments to the aid of the Turks, in ac- cordance with the Turoo•Egyptian Treaty which England was known to uphold. Kitchener said that he would have no objection should the Sultan make .the request, but that in order to preserve unruffled quiet are would be obliged to replace the present troops by an equal number of British regi- ments, at which the proposal was has- tily withdrawn. • Flag Funerals Britain is probably the only country that has ever allowed historical regi- mental flags to go in the pawnshop or auction -room. As an instance, the let Battalion Gloncester-Regiment to 1886 recovered from a pawnbroker at York four flags which the regiment had borne from 1795 to 1810 through tem Egyptian and Peninsular campaigns Another flag which for three years had proudly waved over the gallant 39th Foot during the .great siege of Gibraltar, was actually tome] covering the sofa cushions of a tradesman s emitting -room, " , To prevent old colors meeting sinma lar fates many of themhave leen cre. matedwith great ceremony, 'and the ashes carefully preserved in a box, Others have been buried with lull mili- tary honors, among the latter being sets belonging to the Kings Own Scot- tish Borderers, and the and Battalion Worcester- Regiment. Medals and decorations are not con- sidered as comprised in the estate of a deceased soldier, as far asregards the claims of creditors.A Chinese father :has the supremo right of life and death over his chit,.' dramand is not amenable to any law do this respect. 'Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. 1'O CARE FOR SOLDIERS. Provinces Will unite to Help Those Who Are Disabled. The Governments of the. Provinces of the Dominion are not going to be tardy in looking after the needs of returning soldiers. A conference of. the Provincial Premiers was held in Ottawa on Monday and Tuesday of this week with the Dominion Cabinet Ministers, with the object of devising an efficient plan to help those who come back from the front 1n a dis- abled condition, as well as providing a place for them to be housed where they are without homes, Premier Hearst stated in Toronto that it was the intention of the Government to appoint a commission to go into the whole matter. A first step will be -to ascertain the facilities provided by the public institutions for taking care of disabled soldiers. In this connec- tion the new hospital at Whitby will likely be used. Then such matters as unemployment, training the mea for new wot•k and eolonizatidn will be dealt with in the proper order, But in the meantime it is not the inten- tion of the Government to allow any of the returning heroes to want for attention, In this splendid work sl e there is sure to he municipal co-op- eration where it can be effective and practicable. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Relieve The Kidneys and Bladder Like Ordinary Medicines Do The Bowels. When the kidneys get out of order the back is sure to become affected, and dull pains, sharp pains, quick twinges all point to the tact that the kidneys need attention. Plasters and liniments will not cure the kidneys, for they canuot get to the seat of the trouble, but Doan's Kidney Pills do, and cure the kidneys quickly and permanently. Mrs, Lizzie Melanson, Plympton, N.S., writes: `I am sending this testimonial telling you what a wonderful cure Doan's Kidney Pills 'made for me. For years I had suffered so with my kidneys I could hardly do my housework. I used several kinds of pills, but none of them seemed to be doing me any good. At last I was advised to try a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. When I incl taken the first box I found relief. I have used five boxes, and to -day I feel like a new woman. I cannot recommend them too highly." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c. per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify "Doan'!." ON HISTOItaC GROUND. Russian Successes In Persia Are on Biblical 'Territory. The field of„Russian operations in Persia — operations that recently. have been in the nature of victories' —lies to the south and south-west of the Caspian Sea, which ,flows. into Northern Persia and gives that part of the ancient country an extensive coastline. About one hundred miles south of this coast is the city of'Teh- eran, a city with a population of about 28.0,000 souls or eonrething like halt the size of Montreal. Due south about two hundred miles is the city of Ispahan to which the Russians are pressing. When it is occupied the Turkish forces that under German leaders have been trying to bring Persia into the war against the Al- lies, will be pretty well beateu, and the danger nullified of an attack upon the British in Mesopotamia from the east; for this district in which the Russians are operating is about east of the Valley of the Tigris in Mesopotamia fn which a British force is hard pressed by Turks and Arabs. Russian victories in. the Tell• eran district of Persia will help the British in Mesopotamia. Teheran is ten degrees farther south than Montreal. It stands in the centre of a dreary "waste at an altitude of 3,800 feet, which is about four times as high as the top of Myunt Royal. This altitude and lat- itude give it a climate of great ex - 1 tremes. In summer the heat is most severe, and European residents flee I to the slopes of the adjacent mown- . tains I It is a walled city, the walls being eleven miles in extent, but there are ' great gaps in them, and they afford Ino defence against modern guns of t I even field calibre. I it is a true eastern city with nem j row, dirty streets. It is a bustling place, but the bustle' is not pictures- que. West of Teheran is the city of Ha- madan, known in Biblical times as Shushan end associated with the story of Esther. In fact the show place of Hamadan is tate tomb of Queen Esther and her uac'e, -elude- cat. It is hold in high veneration by Persians, Turks,. and Jews, who re- I sort to it on pilgrimages. The Jews are its custodians. The tomb consists of an outer and an inner chamber, surmounted by a dome about fifty Poet in height, The outer chamber is entered by a very low door and the shrine itself by one still lower through which one is obliged to creep. The inner chamber is vaulted. Under the dome, which is lighted with the smoky clay lamps used by the poor, are tho two tombs, each covered with a carved wooden ark, and each lighted by an ever -burning lamp. There is nothing in the shrine but a Hebrew Old Testament and a quantity of pieces of paper inscribed with Hebrew characters, which are affixed by pilgrims to the woodwork. MINOR LOCALS. Look at the Label. What is the iceman going to do? No single man will be employes by the Ontario Government as fire ranger this year, unless he can present a certificate showing aha` he has Coffered his service and been rejected. Big Land Purchase Scheme. One of the results 06h t ewar ac- cording to reliable information, will be the adoption by the Government of a big scheme of land purchase for Britain such as has been so success- ful1n Ireland. i Confronted with the twofold prob- lem of providing employment for dis- charged soldiers, both during and after the war, and the desirability, I and domonatr'tted by experiences in the war, of materially increasing home-grown food supplies, the dome Office the Board of Trade and the Board of Agriculture entered into ar,,. nm o „rr the Admiralty and the outcome was the appointment by the Board of Agriculture of a special committee, presided over by Sir Harry C. Ver ney, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture. The report of the committee, which will shortly be published, is said to recommend extensive State acquisitions of land by aompulsoi'Y purchase for the establishment of a large scale of colonies of small hold- ers, and the development of co-opera- tive buying and marketing and of agricultural credit banks, together with •a provision for a large State grant to put the proposals into oper- ation. Naturally the scheme will re- quire Parliamentary sanction, The 'Midget Private. The smallest British soldier is said to be Private John Waring, of the I lith King's Own 'Royal Lancasters. He stands only Oft. 71n„ and made I twelve unsuccessful attempts to en- list, On his tenth failure the King sent him a card and 10s. Mrs. Hewlett, a Mascot. Mrs, Maurice Hewlett, the wife of the famous novelist, is regarded as a mascqt where flying is concerned, for although she has made scorns of. aeroplane flights both as passenger and pilot, she hae never met with the slightest, mishap. The high cuality of Purity Flour comes from First—The selected wheat we use. Second—This wheat, milled to a tigis.I standardunder the closest supervision of p, ill r and chemist. m e 721 More :Bread and Better Bread nat �,, •�?i MEL S THE FRENCH SPIRIT BREATHES VICTORY Hon. T. W. McGarry Has Proven Himself a Great Treas. urer For Ontario Stirring Tale of Heroic End of Father and Son—Humble Parisians Proud ,to Serve Soldiers The following stories by a .British correspondent in France' illustrates the spirit in which the French .people of all classes subordinate every thought of self to stern duty and passionate devotion to their country's cause: HE masterful McGarry!" That was the quasi compliment, written, it. may be, in a spirit of Tito Germans were making one of criticism, yet in a word. their great ,efforts.,A company of it told the genius and method of the French troops resistd, Their bay present Provincial Treasurer of On- onets were red. There had been a tario, says H. E.. Willmott in an ar- great deal of killing. The men fought tiele in The Canadian Courier. Hon. tenaciously, for the trench must not Thomas William McGarry is master - be given up. . ful. That is the first thing that The commandant arrived, and gave strikes you about the man. When orders that the trench had to be held the reconstruction of the Ontario to the death. One ot the sub-lieuten- Ministry was imminent after the ants was his own son who had just death of Sir ,'am,.s Whitney, there been promoted. Tho French company were no two opinions offered but that did not retire, and the Germans were McGarry would be given a place in mowed down. the new Cabinet. His acceptance de - The son did not return and the cone- pended upon whether he would be mandant proceeded to the trench. willing to detach himself from hia When the wounded were being brought law practice at Renfrew, to the rear after the fight a young Many stories have been told about man advanced towards the first-line Tom McGarry, but perhaps the 'one poste. At the turning of the road an that is best illustrative of the man ambulance barred the way: in the is connected with his first case in ambulance, was an officer. His face Renfrew, a good many years age was covered with. a piece Of tent cloth. now. McGarry was defending .'x The young man raised the cloth and hotel -keeper charged with selling ai- beheld his father. 'The commandant quor to an Indian. The evidence had gone to be. near his son 1n the seemed conclusive, and the prosecu- light, and had met death. time apparently was assured of a "Father!" he exclaimed. Withoutconviction. The ease closed for the another word he pulled himself to. prosecution andMcGarry asked that gather, and resumed his place in the it be noted by. the. Court. Then, trench. IIe did not look liken young n a era, . man now, but lied the same grave loom i • of the commandant who had spoken ;i • of his missing son in the morning. ' That evexuin 11u was laid bes-de his 11 father. The sub -lieutenant had died ' , - like the commandant—a hero, * 4, * 4' e e l At the famous corner of Rue de La Paix and Place de 1'Opera, just outside the Cafe de la Paix, an old man Rel- ishes the shoes of passers by. On the lamp post auove his head he has plac- ed a sign saying: "Vlve la France! Viva la Belgique, Angleterre lateeic et Italie! Soldiers, French, Fugues or Belgian may have their shoes pol- ished tree of charge." The other day two wounded English soldiers passed. They looked at their shoes and decided to have a shine, and when they had had it, they asked "Combieut" (How much) and lie -d out a franc piece. Tho old man shook his head and pointed to itis sign. The two Tommies did not unuerstand until an Engllsli speaking person got up from one of the tables in front of the cafe and offered to act as interpreter. He told the old man that the soldiers would like to pay, but the old bootblack smiled and said: "Please tell these young men that it is an honor for me to be permitted to shine their shoes." The Tummies looked at each other, shook the old man's band and finally forced a package of :English tobacco on him. * * 6, , • * Three taxis full of wounded soldiers were standing outside 1 g a small res- taurant on one of the boulevards. On the sidewalk a middle aged woman, evidently of the working class, was standing between two soldiers, also wounded, trying to hail a passing taxi. A driver of one of the old-fashioned horse nacre s noticed het', got down from his seat and taking On his hat to the woman said: "Will Madame permit me the pleasure of orlering my carriage to your friends the sol- diers. 1 have two sons in the trenches myself, auu it would pease them if 1 took them comraues where they want to go." His offer was gratefully accepted and he drove orf proudly, knowing that everyone of 111s comrades in the line envied him. A COt MAND ERsSR P AISE i A Speech From the Grateful Heart of Sir John French - , Sir John French, in a speech to the 80th infantry Brigade after the second battle of Ypres, said; "The 80th Bri- gade have had a Very bard time, and 1 want; to tell you how lunch 1 appre- ciate what you have done. You Held on to your trenches in the most mag- nificent niatuter under a more severe artillery bombardment than has ever been known, end in doing so you have been of the greatest assistance to ' operations which the British army was carrying oat at the time. Meu who have nterely to lie down and wait may be incifned to the belief that they are undergoing war rather than making war; but I want to tell you that by doing what you did you were really making war or what gill be known in the future as a great battle—the second battle of Ypres. 'By holding on to your trenches you prevented the Germans from at- taining an object which it was .neces- sary for them to attain. They want- ed to take Ypres, and to be able to tell the whole world that they had taken Ypres, and if they had done so Oils would have done us a let of Harm. You prevented them from taking Ypres by your tenacity, and besides that you drove off German forces attacking you, and so considerably helped the Allied advance from the south at Arras. '1'o remain in the trenches under a heavy artillery bombardment, to keep your heads and your discipline, and to be able to use your rifles at the end of it, requires far higher qualities of per- sonal bravery than actively to attack the enemy when everybody is on the move and conscious of doing some. thing. "I see before me famous old regi- ments whose- battle honors show that they have upheld the Ilritirh bmnire in all parts of the world in many fam- ous battles, but f 1011 you that the bat- tle you have just fought will rank higher than any that your regiments have to show on your colors." Coiners are punished in:Turkey by having their naiads cut off. HON. E. W. McGAIIRY. without offering a particle of evi- dence, he astounded the bench by asking for etthe immediate dismissal of the caseit'P "On what ground?" asked the, Court. "On the ground that no evidence has been submitted to this Court to show that the man who purchased. h li Indian. t e In thenor absencewasan of a pollee magis- trate, the court was made up of twa justices of the peace. Each looked to the other; the opposing lawyer spur- t -'ed some protest; the court ad- journed to consider tate point raised. It ended in McGarry being sustained, the case was dismissed, Tem McGarry is a young man in politics. Only in his forty-fourth year, he hies made his stark in the public affairs cf the Province. He is perhaps the best known lawyer be- tween Ottawa and Cochrane, cone- mencing the practice of law in the town of Rentrew, of which he is now solicitor. For many years he served on the Board of Education. Ile was first' elected to the Legislature in 1905. In 1907 he was made a Kingle Counsel. After the Federal election of 1911, when an arrangement was made to give Mr. McGarry an accla- mation. if Hon. G. P. Graham could find a seat for the House of Com- mons in South Renfrew, he kept to his undertaking in the face of the objections of certain influential fac- tions in the Conservative party, and. was supported by public sentiment at large for the course he adopted. From the time Mr. McGarry en- tered the Legislature he was a con- spicuous figure on the Public Ac- counts Committee. It was either his skill at cross-examination or an Irish aptitude to "start something" that made Mr. McGarry thoroughly at home on this committee. Ilia place was usually near the head of. the table, near the chairman, and little tbat took place passed his observa- tion. At other times, in the House —on the budget debates or discuss- ing the report of the Committee, bis keen instinct led the discussion out of the chaos of party controversy. A man with a forceful' personality, Mr, McGarry strikes a stranger as be- ing alert. and resourceful. Neitbor time nor energy he spares to reach an end desired. Such qualities as these he bas brought to the admin- istration of the Treasury of Ontario. The problems and needs or the Pro- vince multiply almost from clay to clay, The services rendered by the State are becoming mare compleic. The King's Government must go on. and to that end the Provincial Treas- urer must apply himself. The first budget brought down by Tar. McGarry will be liiata•ic because it bad for its outstanding feature -the "mill on the dollar" war tax. It NSA a daring proposal, it was the conception of a strong man, but 11 Showed that the Government was alive to the necessities of the situa- tion and was prepared •to deal with it. In the light with the .Canadian life ,:isnrance companies over the Pay- ment of the provincial tax, Mr, MC - Garry again showed his determina- tion and resource. The companies: 1- dined to pay the tax (1 her tent. on premium income) on the •rrounrl tbet it would come out of time policy hal d.ors and, I:herefore, was n iml!rect tux. "Very vtell," replied the Provincial Treasurer. "tinder bo Jlri1' h North k u,.7ricn Act We may levy a direct tax.