The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-10, Page 5''rithre sday February,, 10tn 1916
We have Three Specia's
all useful and stand well,
up in ,merit . iii their re-
spective class.
Military 'Wrist Watches
from $6 up
161st Battalion Signet
Be sure and see these—
they are heavy 10k gold
rings, selling for $5
ideal FouutaLn Pens
Safety styles -can 'be
carried in kit bags with -
cut leaking; from 2,5o up
Local News
Mitchell Advotatel-On Thurs-
day evening taste h death occur-
red of Hannah Garry, relict iof
.the late /Frederick rWasmanu.
The lady was le her 82nd •ye;ar
and was ill but a short time. De-
ceased lived 117 91itc1ra11 for a
,great many years, her bone being
on the outskirt of the town 1n
the North Ward. Since the death
of her husband,. some years ago,
she made her home with her thil-
,alren and at the time of her death
was living with nee daughter, Mrs,
Jahn Elligserl. A family of •.tour
elms and four daughters survive -
Mrs, .t;,oba late, ib'ullarton; Mrs.
-Geo. Rat,. endIlia. John Elligsen,
:Mitchell; Mrs, John. iEinknleler,
ttamilton; John, of Clinton; Hen-
ry, of Stratford; Louis. of Mon -
tart; Charles,, of Brucefiehd,
Twenty -gale • grandchillren also
survive the deceased, One sis-
ter resides in t Hamilton, and • n
brother at Sauli. Ste 'Marie, The
funeral took place on'' Sunday.
Service was held in Grate Luther
an church and interment taking
.place in , Woodland nenletery,
i4fueli kindness and sympathy was
shown by friends during; the aged
lady's itlir,ess and demise, ;for
which the family tfeel very grate-
On Moiida,y, the 24th ult., Mr,
and Mrs. A. .D. Cameron, an ri\ e
of Gode
rich, celebrated naiad the 50th r � 's-
ry of their marriage. On aim
re:entail day 50 years ago, a sleigh
load axone from the bride's home
in Peru, 'Halton, Co., to George-
town, adistances' of about 14 miles
where they were, married ny
tate Rev, Jos, TJunewOrth, of that
pence. The groomsman Wits Mr.
Lrltn Me, of Toronto ,brother
of the bride, and the brioesrnaid
was Catharine Cameron, sister of
the groom row Mee. 'laugh lvfe-
:Denaid or St. 'Helens. The great -
or part .of their married He was
•n,bcut in Huron Co., Jiving for a
number c.f. ', years about 2 miles
eolith of Luckeow later` in 'St.
7-T.e1e'ns, l''.notn there ,moved do
(Jt detach 19 years ago. Mr. Cam-
eron is Deputy -Sheriff of Huron
Cto„ hiving occupied this position
for a number of years. UL the
nee/ling party b0 years ago, only
ane, 'Mrs. Henry iRich!nond of
1'.lyllr, sister .of the bred was pe e -
:sent on ( both occasions. Mr. lmd
Mrs. (arreion are still active and
ave wish them ninny years to come
of happy wedded life. The New
Era joins with their many friends
in ,o tiering congratulations.
The Officers and ,of the
mot tl
1611et Batll will hold a m11'ita, y
Boll in th.e, town andl here on
Tuesday eveuiug Feb. 22nd. Pha-
(,en's six piece orchestra will sup-
ply the music.
The C. C. 1. h. Id a skating Par'.
on Trimd15 otclung and role '-
wards 0 Lrnelf and program was
given, An eine yahie time was/
spent by all,
Thursday di eyeing; Mrs. Helm es,
Raglan •street, Meowed word 'that.
her br ether,' Mr: 00. A. McCaw, was:
killed in an automobile accede -Meat
Los Angeles •on Wednesday nfgh'I,
He is an old Clinteniae and the
the body. will proioahty be brought
to'Goderich Pot. interment. Mr. R.
J. 'McGaw, of U-oderieh, is a bro-
ther of deceare,,
Last Friday evening before a
fair" crowd of hockey °bugs'` the..
Iroquois 1lochey team •of Cicds-
rich defeated our soldier boys of
the lilst Ilatt1 by a score of 8-4.
'Cenditt on gold in this game i s
the soldiers etarten out 101.
first cllcartee arid encored three
goal$ to none. 'Me sec.ind eluant
er was are goal to the model, of
fee derich\bol: it was !the' last quar-
ter that the rvisitors starter!
to "dig in" and scored four goals
to the soldiers one, but Martie
O'Donnell came witthie an ace of
(icing it up just as the g'amo was
called Mr, 'Harry Belcher,
Gt deer h, was referee incl gave
sued satisfaction. Folio win g thus
the line up,- ,
Gc derich Olinto a
McDonald goal McGmate n
Smith p ^'' O'Donnell
Proudfout c point Fax
Pridnam rover Graham
Snazel euarttre Dick
McArthur r wing �ttair
MCDor;yid 1 wing Draper
Big Recruiting Meeting
Canada,. Col, ;Cooper dwelt for
sometime on recruiting incidents
that had come wider' his notice in
Hand ,mand.Conm.y, and also the
nerd of the work of the women,
The Col., then took tip some mat-
ters that he has advocated 'Tor
some years -•
1. To haute a boy seout patrol -
to -Leach the young toys„respect
for t:berr eup,•rlors, ete. •
e. To Frush up the local cadet
corps and erted the .good work me
-Australian Cadets .are doing, The
1: eye in Australia from 122o 1.4
spend about Wieners in thu yesr at
the auntie schools ie physical ex-
ercises, alittle elementary ruarch
ing drill, miniature title shoot
ing swimming and first aid, The
homer rndete from 11 to 18 years
of age spur:d their schedule got
whole -day, half -clay rand night
drills rn the Weeder. where they
live and the gaining. inc''ardes
what the juniors have hes.des tee
handling or arms, musketry, guard
ono t1 aerie,. tactical training as a
cc mpany in ,elemen tar y fre' d
work, and also elementary batta-
lion drll,l, ,From 14 to 28 they tie
stere a member of the Citizen
f'o'ras and each year must under:
go a 16 deg training it was this
way that Australia could send
more then o',,061, men at the first
call of the motherland. The call
would soon 110011 11t1te;3 Col. Coop
er for women in Crwttd.t to bake
the placers ,
u the
m1 .1
L c
farms , in the stores rind factories
Be hoped to h r
see ec. t h
c 198111 Battalion
of which he willconuu.rada Aral the
Met on the e ata to .Berlin Toe
Col. thanked the nifi,:ers read
members 01 the 4u:ciliary for giv
ing him the privilege of eon,ing
back to the old town to speak.
Pte. Charlie Thompson gave a
'oto entitled "On (Ills Majesi:y's
See vier •'
Lileut,-Col. Combe, spoke or the
LEY d of then Lor the 161st Battalion
It would be only 5 of the popu-
lation when the ;ranks }vete flared
and the vela was urg+ni:,
Sergi, Gently, W11( was re: 5t home
from the front after being ''°gass-
i d'' made a pleat form e rote arlu
got one to volunteer in the , I er-
eon ,of Mt. Will S1o01a1 of town.
Cin motion of Revs ,Rrrlledgeanl
Harper a hearty vote al thanes;
'was passed to the singer, and
speaker) anu Col Cooper replied
on their behalf,
The meeting closed by s,ngi.,g
the National Anthem.
The Approaching visit of
Professor Pember
of the old reiiable
British flair Goods House
of Toronto
at the Hotel Normandie, on
Wednesday, February 23rd
s of supreme importance to every person that is anxious to
possess beautiful hair
Professor Peniber will Display the leading stlies
in all Lines of :hair Goods.
FOR LADIES—Transfornnations,Waves, Bangs, Pom-
padours, Switches, Etc,
-6,,FOR GEN TLEMi N --The Pember Ventilated Toupee
or,Wig has a reputation that is world wide. Hair and scalp
treatments. If you have trouble of any kind • with the hair or
scalp, see Professor "Pember, ,Consultatibn free, Call and
secure one of our "Panne! of Beauties';' free,
Our prices are moderate. Our goods the best.
Itt't1l9111berthe Date, Wednesday, February 23rd.
Stanley break a bone in his thumb "oi
Mr, Jobn'Iiallyday and Mrs. Ii ll,eid day'
from the West and Mrs, Hugh Me•'
Diarmid from aeafortti were visiting ' (S,oderich Township
we tkhe home of Mr. Thus. Baird last The Presbyterians of Bethany
Miss Charlott•
e Johnston of London
church intend holding it social of the
is visiting at the borne of Mr. Thos,:
Campbell at present. Last Saturday
while going to the cellar she slipped
and fell, accidently breaking her arm
Mr. Thomas Camphell is ill at pre.
sent with inflammation of she lungs.
Mr. Neil McGregor is off work at
present with blood poisoning in his
Mr. Jae. ,,,Watson of Seaforth was i
caller in. our village ooe day last week.
The Women's Missionary Society
met on Friday afternoon and packed a
large hoer of clothing and bale and sent
it to Toronto to the Deeconese home.
Mr, George Stanley, of Leman,
preached in the interest of the Mission
Cry Society, on Sunday afternoon. He
was listened to very attentively. Hie
text being " W bat owes thou."
Mr. Will Moore spent it few days in
Toronto with the guest of his parents.
The recuiting meeting held bete on
Thursday evening was not as well
attended bad it seen favorable weeth
er Rev. Mr. AIlin and Fairfulf of
Clinton and Oaptain Wyatt of Boron
to.were the speakers of the evening,
Miss Pailful, rendered very patriotic
Quarter'y meeting will he held on
Sunday afternoon at the usual hour,
Mrs. ,loeeph Ynuneblut and two
children are spending a few weeks
with her aunt Mrs. Maines here.
Mrs. W. Weymouth Jr, of London
spent a few days with her mother Mrs.
John Sunaercock,
Mies 1Ceatha Weymouth spent this
week with her brother, Wm, Way -
mouth of Loudon.
Miss Flossie Phillips and Olive
Badgley, of Belleville are visiting at
the home of their uncle, 81i'. John
Mrs, George Lyon, of Londeshoro,
announces the engagement of her
only daughter, Roselle, to William
L. Bunking of Hullett, the wedding
to take place this month.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Wm. Weymouth on Wed-
nesday when his youngest daughter,
Miss Rose was united in marriage to
Mr, Anderson of the West, Rev. Mr.
Reid of Litcknow, was the officiating
School reports on another column.
The roads are not in a very good
state. .
.11ev. Hall Woods expecte to preach
on Sabbath next after an absence of 5
weeks, Mr. Oosens, of London took
charge of the pulpit during Mr. Woods
James Moody has sold his farm on
the London Road a mile from our vil-
lage to Mr. Boyce, near Blake for
7,000. It is a good farm well located.
He gets possession soon. Mr. Moody
expects to move into our village has
Mg rented the house owned by the
Diehl brothers,
James Hill, of Stratford. son of Geo
Hill, of Tuckersmith, formerly of our
village has lately enlisted. This is the
second son of Mr. Hill who has given
themeelvee for their country. Gunk er
Lyle Hill hire been in the fighting line
for some time in France.
Malcolm Fraser, son of Thomas
Fraser, of Ste,nley, who lately lett for
the war zone, is now at Bramshot,
England, expecting soon to go to
France. Pr 3eed Fraser ee , .
r another [her
now training in Moosejaw, with he
Cameron et nn
s both boys o s will
no doubt do their "bit" in the awful
Mr, -John Mustard shipped several
cars of lumher to Stratford.
Messrs. Campbell and Robinson
near Moosej,tw, fs renewing old an
c(urtintances ,n our midst.
Berl Kaiser has taken a position as
book keeper in Windsor, •
Me. and Mrs Beret, of the west were
last week the guest of their sister, Mrs
Bough ofTuokersmith.
On Saturday least the two nionth old
son of Mr. Armstrong near our village
was buried at Maitlandbank cemetery,
Rev. Mr. Larkin of Seaforth, officiated
The sorrowirg parents have the sym
pal hv of the community.
There was a small meeting for
recruiting on Monday night owing to
the inclement weather,
Chosen Friends Organized -A new
council of Chosen' Friends was organ
evil in Bayfield on Fridayevening
last, Vele 4th', by Organier W. R.
Vautassel with a list of 32 charter
members. The Officers elected are as
Ohtef Councillor - Daniel Shearer,
Manager of Sterling Bank.
• Peet Councillor -Thos. E, Harrison
Vice Councillor -George Caswell
Prelate -Miss Maud McGregor .
Marshall -Kenneth Currie
Warden - Mrs. S, M, Blair
Recording Secretary -Mrs. Thomas
E. Harrison,
Treasurer -Milton McLaughlin '
Guard -Harry Darrah
Sentry Edgar R,, Weston
Trustees ]high .R. Melly ,Harr•y
Darrah and -Edger ';/Weeton. •
The new Cannon will meet every week
till Spring. The regular meetings
will he on the first and third Friday's
of each month. "Organizer Vantassel
will .remain in Bayfield for a time in
the interest of the new Council.
0 a £am 1 mre
Che li10neser, Morrire towonshipWv,, basGabeenn
sold to Lewis Jewitt, a neighbor, The
former is among the rioneer residents
and will now take a well earned Beet,
probably removing to Bluevsle,
Ethel Methodists purpose removing
their church to ;a more, suitable site
and putting a basement under it. The
money neceseary,is being subscribed in
shares of $5 each, There le no limit as
to the number of shares,
Mise Gladys McQuarrie has resigned
her school and gone to her home as
eompany for her widowed mother.
• The council gave ,fgeehydro 'electric
bylaw. Its third readIpg Monday night.
The patribtic'colnrnittee is preparing
for the whirlwind campaign of the
afternoon, of the 14th. All the people
for miles rtrohnd are invited to visit
this village onf that'daye The baud of
the 101st will furnish music,
LLeue. ening fled the K,sfu fortune t
of Mr. Stewart McDougall on
Wednesday evening Feb. -10,h. Sup
per will he served from 7 to 9 after
which a' good programme." will be
After a short illness of about three
weeks, Susan Acheson, relict of the
late Robert Ford, passed away at her
home on Monday at the age of 79
years and 0 months. Deceased was
born in Ireland and at the age of . four
years s
end they settled onithe
to Dan
ada'farm on
the Huron Road at what is still°known
as Acheson creek. In 1859 she miso
ried Henry Ford and they moved up
a few farms to the place she has re
sided ever since, To them were : bore
three sops, Reeve Jae, Ford of Qlinton
William It of Vancouver, B. C., and
Fred on the homestead and two daugh
fere, Mrs. Rutledge on the Huron
Road and Emily deceased. Her bus
band pre deceased her about 18 years
ago, Mrs. Ford is survived by one
brother, Edward Acheson, of Gode
rich The hate Mrs, Ford was brought
up in the Methodist faith but after
ger marriage attended the church of
Englund, Mrs. Ford was alway a
good neighbor and friend and greatly
beloved by all who knew here, The
funeral will take place today and the
services will conducted by Rev. Mr,
Moulton assisted by Rey. Mr.
McCormick and interment' will Le
held at the Goderrch cemetery,
Loudon !Read
People were sorry on Sunday morn
ing so hear of the death of Mrs Wiltse
sr. who for many years lived on the
Road and will long be remembered as
a good friend and neighbor
The Loudon Road League gave 818
to the Red Oross Society, which was
part of the proceeds of the box social.
Last week Mrs Stephenson sr. cele
braced her 80th birthday and her
friends tropes that she may celebrate
20 more.
Last week while Mr. Joe Shipley
was hauling wood from the hush to
his borne and driving a team of colts,
the end hoard slipped cut and the
wood and Mr, Shipley fell on the ton
gue of the wagon. ft was 0 mirarle
that Mr, Shipley was not killed. The
team ran away and damaged the wag
017 and harness,
The League will bold a, social even
ing at the borne of Mr. WVm, 5tanbury
Mt, Perry Plumsteel is changing
homes with hie brother Roy, Perry
is going to town 00(1 Roy is corning to
the farm.
A. very enthhsi•tstic recruiting meet
ing was held in the town halt on
Thursday evening last under the man
agement of Lieut Grigg of r)linton.
Some patriotic songs were rendered
by the Rev. Mr. McFarlane which
WKS followed by will composed
speeches delivered in succession by
Mr. Mustard Mr. T. Fraser of Bruce
field Dr. Woods and' Lieut Grigg,
Two recruits were enlisted for over
seas as a result of the meeting.
Last Friday Robert Watson, was
called to his home on high at the age
of 72 years, He was a native of Rose
dale Yorkshire, England. The funer
al took place from his late residence on
Monday and interment was made at
the Bayfield cemetery,
Mrs, F, R. Swarts, proprietress of
B rti
b Exchange
a e Motel is
dead. She was the widow of Egerton
Ryersou ou Swarts
who died
,Apil •24 Mrs. Swans
had been enjoying
good health until about three weeks
ago, when she was suddenly taken i11
and removed to the General Hospital.
After about one week's treatment at
that institution she rallied and was
removed back to the hotel. She was
able to be around the house until
Wednesday night, when she took a re
lapse and was compelled to. take her
Fed. Her maiden name was Charlotte
Reek She leaves two sons, Clarence.
manager of the British Exchange Ho
tel here, and Jack, who is a corporal
with the 71st Battalion at Galt. The
funeral was held on Monday afternoon
to Maitland cemetery,
Local News
"Cover up inch cough and
sneeze' If you don't you'll spread
All Liberals are requested to
athend the Liberal Club tonight
(Tliursdayl• when two speakers,
Messrs George 1r. Perry and E.
W. Flannery, of the London Lit-
eral Club will address the meeting.
There- will also ;bo other address-
es from local speakers, A lunch
wilt ire served at the close of the
meeting. .411 Liberals in the sur-
rounding, townships are invitee, to
At Pigeon, Michigan, on Jan. 81st,,.
there occurred the death of Mr. John
Foster, who, was horn in .Stanley'
Township slaty seven years ago. He
spent several years at the Woollen
Miff trade in Clinton, Zurich and Bay-
field. Thirty years ago he moved,=to
Michigan and otter farming for some
time he settled in Pigeon. Bis wife, a
Miss Zeller, of Zurich, predeceased
bon rive years agog The surviving
newhers of their family are. --two
daughters, one son, four grandchildren
and one great grandchild. He is also
survived by four sisters, Mrs. Wm,
Lord, Clinton; Mrs, Potts, Gr,t;id Rap-
ids; Mrs, 13,. Diehl and Miss Anna
Foster of Stanley Township„and three
brotbera, Charles un the old home-
stead; W. 3., of Bayfield; and Robert,
of Stiathclair, Manitoba,
The Grand Trrm,k Railway has
ncev supplti:d' .111 its agents in
Canada Temperance Act counties
with c&Speeiaa iPorni 88,0 which is
a;declara,tiore•that everyone must
1.e -who -has liquor sent in to
his addr.eaa.:;=This affidavit must
be. :trade before, a notary public or
justice of the peace, and all ship -
menta will be h11d until,. such forms
are properly filled up. The Grand
apparently t1
nizts t1at
it to jointly reu Onsublu
with the
shipper and the consignee for lf-'
quur b'ougltt is for 'other than
p,ersona'l use and is not ,tad.rng
any chances.
• �
. •
• e•r11H•• •0••.•100,•••••••••
S.S. No. 11 riod'erich Tp.
The following is the :report 'of
S.S. No, , 11 for January. Names
are in order of merit.
Sr. 4 -Elsie Fei'5u1on,,1luby Char
chill, Pearl Churchill, Verna E1='
Jr. 4-ltieharc1 Welch 'Francis
Sr. 3 -Glen (Ferguson, II'owaa'
-Currie, Clifford Castle, Frank
Sr, 2-i liner La Beau,
Jr. 2 -Eimer. Trick, Laura Currie
equal. Oliver Ferguson. Stanley
Hanna, Teddy Welch equal; Ar --
11)00 Le Beau, Alfred Lt' Rem
*P.borer-•Melvin Elliott, Dorothy
Welch, Maxim 'Le Bean. ,
Erma Diehl, Teacher
S.S No, 10 last Wawanosh
The following 19 01,1 report of
S.S. No. 10, Bast Wawanoslr, :for
the month of January, based no
attence and general pro -
Sr. i--'Ifilliard McGowan, Ella
Jr. i -Luella Wilson, ;Dotiothy
He ward, Edna McGowan, John
Cr, 8 -Walter Patterson.
jr, 3 --snide; McGowan, Clara 0•00•0•000
McGowan May Parker, i•••••••••
Sr. 2nd --Ida MrCrowan.• •
?t.2 -Earl Caldwell. , •
Pr. -•Elle; Caldwell, Ernest Par-
ker- •
Trencher er g0
, E,1tI Phillips, • •
Our annual January Sale commences Saturday
January 8th,
Odd lines and broken sizes of good seasonable
goods to be cleared at big'price '
The balance of our Ladies and
Children's Coats and Furs at
About Half Price.
Don't Miss this
Chance to
Save Money.
Plumsteel e
Su►all Profits Phone 25„ More Business
S.S. No 1.1 Stanley • •
The f,llow-ieg is the January ' •
report for S.S. ^l0 1.1 Stanley. • .. •
Name, a1.0 in order of merit. • •
,Fifth -Laurier FIyde, Anna Fish-
Sr 4-5 H. 7hompson, Darold
Rathwell, Margaret Cooper.
Jr. 4 -Ella Fisher, Verner, 1VIc-
Clymont and Grace Cooper equal.
Norma IH'ood.
Jr. 3 -Willie Harvey, 'Wilfreed
R5,9.e Erna 1lyde.
Sr. Second -Luella Foster, Wel-
ter Workman, Clarence 'Harvey.
Jr, 2--Dorsiva (Feaster. 1Lluyu
Workman, Waiteee Ross.
Part 2 -cordon P1arv, y, Olive An
Berson, Mary eleriam.
Part 1 --Edgar lirostk,r, Jean Mc
Tielr2i(' Elva Andens on.
The oest spellers in the monthly
spelling, matches were; -
V-A .nna Fisher.
Sr. I4-- Sydnelr Thompson
Jr. )V -Elly ;Fisher.
J r. III-Nelfrid Ross
So. TI -Walter Workman
Jr. II -Wallace Ross
We make these only from
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
We carry in stock a line printed with the words
Choice Dairy Butter
k for immediate delivery. They are sold at the
following prices:
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• i
•' ' 1000 Sheetsg5
Soo Sheets 1.50
250 Sheets .75
• i ov Sheets .35
Wrappers specially printed from your own
U.S,S. No,12 Godbrieli Twp, = copy, we can supply them at the followin
The fclloivin 6 � is the + • g
a r i..iait or prices—
, iv o, 14 uoricr•iclt and I uliett for •
the month of January --No, on Poll I Sr
19, average attendance 13. 9901)011 ' •
is based .on daily marks and 3'0.551 + •
dasiee. •
• Sr. IV -John Townsend, Mervyn I A
Jr, IV-Bessie!Lindsay, Mary , •
Wright. •
Sr, HI -Hilda Forbes, Nellie Ileac I s
em, Jean Farquhar.
Jr. III-DouglaIT
s ailownv.
II -Mabel Wright. Norman '•
Wright. Eddie Johnson, Wailer •
tForbes Robert Johnson, •
I -Russell Jervis. •
Pri -, v
)a a 't
I Smith, Ray a a +•
Ma. mi I
E. Holland, P, Ocher 1 e••••••••••••••••••••••••®eaaro•e,rm•s••••••••••••••••••
1M $2.25
2to4M 1.75per M
5 M I.5o per M
10 M• 1.4o per 34
19 1 5—A Record Year
IN every particular the business of the London Life
insurance Company reached high-water mark in
1915. In new business written, in gain in business,
in force, in gain in income, in gain in assets, ' and in
surplus earnings the year's operations show. themost,
favorable results yet attained.
TICK following comparative statement
speaks for itself :
imuraaca in Forcer 314,189,613
la.urencel..a.d,' .,..t,,:,,..,,;8,011,227
Total'... ....,2,927.055
Policy Ramming 2,667,513
Premium and. Interest Income754,307
Rate of Earned 6.57%
1911 1913
320,237,984 $37,118,375
7,369,183 8,528,139
3,589,797 4,645,695
3,278,616 4,226,152
309,185. 1,295,840
6.66% 6.81%
034,320,327 `
11,060,5I1 '
Notwithstanding the strain of the war conditions, of which this
Company has borne its fall share, the favorable results exper-
ienced in recent years has made it possible to introduce a still
further increase in the scale of profits apportionable to Partici-
pating Policies. ' The new scale comes into effect in 1916.,;
Actual Results exceed Estimates by mare
than one-third to the
London 'Life Insurance Co.
Head Office, London, Canada -
Geo. D.��.oberton
� General :