HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-02-03, Page 8,PAGE EIGHT. esseeweeemeiooweeeweeemiemseeseeeeoeiscoaseimao THIS CLINTCiN' NEW ERA. PTTT SP S CIAL NOT1CL Ve request payment of all .overdue before accounts on 'or - A eest, 19169 if any cid accounts remain unpaid, or payment of same not arranged for, after the above mentioned elate, we will have no, other alternative than to en3ploy such means as we deem necessary to collect payment. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Ndxt to Royal Bank sacaanv^scnc3as MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's rPurnishings. Phone 103. Opposite Public Librar laaatmaziamsizasatate 0 U JOB DEPARTMENT IS now ready v to do your work. New 0 type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON 53M1111=961.,.scm.r •., ZIWZIssGMW6am11042s®ter Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design, but ex- tremely well made in,eve•y de. tail. Isere are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Karon to buy all kinds ofFurniturc Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— .1. D. Atkinson 150 •aananintanarranameassucassansaseemmEnnarameasnecaamissumacramacannwanwsmamorm DO YOU? Ever think you wanted something that you would relish tor n meal, and could not just think what it was you wanted ? How about prurnes -We hove some select goods. that are put up by the well known "Sunkist" people whose goods have a quality all their own, 2 lhs for 25c Some other suggestions are Catsup, H P. Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Mixed or Sweet Pickles, Olives, etc. In canned goods we carry a full line in Pests Corn, Tomatoes, Tuna S'isb. Salmon, Heinz Spaghette, Campbells or Clarks Soups and other seasonable goods. Our Orange prices are right, from 16c per dozen up. .HIGIHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND, EGGS. JOHNSON NSC N Phone 111 71'Illi STORE OF (EUALITV irruar S �ecials For the next week we will make a thorough •clean-uo of odd sizes and lines of Women's Shoes, which we feel satisfied you will consider bargains of the rarest kind. They are in lace boots only, and the regular • prices range from $2,5o to $4..00 100 pairs Women's Kid Lace Boots, sizes only 2k,, 3; 33, 4, 5, 6, 7, regular prices 2,50 to 4 00, sale price f� o 3 • e PM N Phone 70 r Clinton HAS ANEW RUN, Mr. McViat',•who has been mail Clerk on tho b. H. & 33. has beep tllautsfcrit,d �to another run out of n oth e London land his old position is be- ing Darken by Mr, McLeod, of Wood stock. RECEPTION AND 'PRESiLNTATION From the Ford\vich Record 'of. Jana 13th we take the following ittm which refers to a preaenit5l- tion to P10. Austin Martin, 'son of M.s. Jum.s M Martin, who has be en: making his Home with Mr, Winter in Howiel.;— On. Monday ;eventing of lies+t week a "Reception" w;ta 1e'i' e•1 at the, home of %9', and Mrs. Jo n T, Wintery in ltoernor of I'•es. Stephen Rif chart and Austin Mai - tin of the 04111 BtrtLlallion, (sta- tioned at. Oehuwa end Prenti'ord• respectively, The recr tt;on r outs were brilliant with the rvialtioleil ro'o s and the fon'oa Seek d splay ed from evelysicle. The guests numbering fully were i eeei'red t,y Miss Agnes Brown, anti Mr. Percy Aahton .representing "Miss Can- ada" and 1"Jack Canuek,'• The pleasing fdatio e of ' the even'ng \t as the prgsentation of wr'st e etches to the 'V3oy s" Mr. A- lan 'Frits was tate efficient chair- man. Geo. Ashton, jr, read t]te following address, Harold :Hole; math Jack Winterr m:tkng the pre- sentation ;- DEAR ST'EPHON• AND AUSTIN-- 1 We are glad to have this opppot tunity to meet wish you age nYeti tery suddenly took your depart- ure from us and enlist! d'for Over seas Service for our Country. At. that time we had no oppo 'unity of giving expression to cur lee- Ings ie year behalf, but we wish to assure you that eon have been the subWert of conveisoLim' m.0 y times' as we have dine:.) in comfo t around the family table, We a e deeply rinpte=sed with the loyal stand you have taken for .ling nil Empire by reasons of the Na- tional call to defend wo:!ld welt- liberty eltliberty and freedom Calntd,lan boys ,have been nobly respond -ng and. you ;are included in the num- bele We sorrow because you al e linked with Jaeger common 10 the Littlefield ; nevertheless we honor Voll because you desire to do "your bit" foe home and cone - try, We realize now more than ever+ the peril to wh ch our Coun- try has been exposed 'Pierce 1'i ,1111 leg is prevaleht sn every port of Europe and extends even into Asia and the conflict Moes not si em to Dose in intensity, Wa lc Uw not how 50011 you may he culled to takei your pdares in the t e - ches to contest the gronnu which is being torn 'b)- 'shot ane shell, We hope you Will not lee called upon to do service in actwal en- gagement but should it be that your 'services are required you will be brave as true, Canadians, And now es you lure about to Tee turn to your• Regiment, we desire to convey to you and ask you 'to accept these wrist watch ea ds token of otir regiu'd .for you not fort their intrinsic value, ttut Al an expression of nue ap',pree:wtiotr of -your. worth. We think olE you as "Our :Boys," " ,Our Asseeiates' We will be interested ie your Regiment and Jllattalio;a. The:'a you Will be found upholding honor liberty, fre.edont and right, Out' prayer; is that voe may be spared to return, ia'gain. We in- tereede, a gracious 'Heivenly Father' fn your -behalf Sigryed Harold Doig , William Barr Jack Winter Albert Johnston. Rev. Wallace Johnston of Shel- low Lake, gave a short talk on our duty in Defeite., of: the Em- pire the very e.xisteeoe of which has 'been threatened and coin- mrnded the hays for the ,crave stand taken in enlisting. Mr. Johnston also gravely impressed the solemn responsibility rcating on those who Hie not. permQitn 1 to go ,td 'the front towards E;Te brave ones who are. fighting for Right and Liberty, Various forms of entertainment 'were then enjoy ed, including many piano select - Bons kindly contributed by Mr, Perev Ashton, Buffet refreshment . were served and tlre boys extend -- ed individual expression of many best wishes A4L11 %1AAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtaA .L yo A Local News., e 41 la rtylee'VeyoVVVVVYVVOvvevverifv‘io•VeloroVirOOTTY1OloOTV'evritl")!: I� OtherLV� hecto i CARD OP THANKS, p Mr, John Dalment4ano. finely sial r i take this opeortunity to th[n,k their neighbors and 6 rieb dsi for tare 'friday et this week: 'Mr, \\riliiani kindness' shown them during, the Ja6ks<ilt, rtl the Jackson Nhanniactitr- sickness ,and death of, wife and Mg, Q0,. passes another milestone his mother: ' 11169 i.renth, Many happy morns. l hi r 'an old world JOINS AT GO!D7 RICIJ J. TE, Cook, of Clinton, bat more familiarly known as "Pinky has enlisted gat Godesieh wise the 16 at Etattl. ' Ttersda!y, !February 93rd, 1916, And it is getting older; , This is cold world And it rc getting colder- Savewisher such folk to 500 1.1'0 j` paler it younger, Aa tIl lby'quur friendly faith PRIVATE S aLII lel Stop el.e it warmer; 1Of Household furniture .at the ac tl Lcrru , to you sari to the world resid,erice of ilio late Mrs. W.liltu•- Mny yeti have all of it tied is ;;coal Tial, Ratlenbiiry street, every af- for yaiu. tree^noon from 2 to 5. C11RD UP THANKS, 'A GOUL) SHOW, Marks with his Pipers Bend IttidlebnYrany gave a geed show In the .bun cin Tuesday. night. The specialties' between the acts were away above the average, PIGEON CAME' HUMS Lentbecemher Mr, John Irvine of town, sold a bunch of pigeons to the St. Thomes 'Ono Club fur their an • nual tournament and last week, a black one arrived home fern, his trip to the I ailroad City. Ibis is some thllalg 4to31uatial as the pigeons -have had ha'1lanning. HOLE Elf FRIDAY NJGBT The family oaf the late Mr. J. Cordell wish to thank the malty friends lead neighbors who helped s them in their time of ne:n aro who gave their heartfelt symPal- 1thy through the decease of their ` f'athei•. ..'rhe.Best hockey maLah of the sea ,snn'wirl be'- played here 011 Friday night of this week •when the `•1ro gncis"ot'Iadderich will play the 161st hotkev team of 0,11N0e. This no doubt 08;11 he a List game as the vrsi tore are the best teach in the co, town. The 16let. Band will be in attendance. LOST ONLY. CHILD, o The many old friends o4 bar. Percy 'Holmes. of St. Catharines, -formerly.od Clinton, will symp.l- thine with him in the loss of of ly child a bright and promis- ing girl of six summers, who decd from brain fever at the home of her;, grandmother, on Sunday last. Mr.,' 'Holmes is City Passer -er A gasirt for the St. Catharines Street Railway, but makes his home at iFonthill, and the esteem in which he is held was shown by thelarge number, from that piece who at- tended', the funerud. on 0Iondny, land:iilao by the, beautiful fiend' offetrin s from different sources. Mrs, R. B. Chant, of town, oleo ,attendled 'fhe funeral DEATH OF MRS. MILNL- The news of the death ref blas. Milne, which , oneurried in ri,derieb ox'Saturcley of last week, came as "a great Jibrick to her many frieeds AhQut 'two wefeks ago Mrs. 111.111a watt calcul to 0Ondrerich owing to the illt:ess of her friendlire. Goldthorpe, wilt.rias mifferin from pneumonia, Before the end of the week Mrs, Goldthorpe lt2'd passed away and Mos. Milne hen self had contracted the disease. Fon some clays it was hoped that with her splendid constitution she would recover but death came on Slatuoday morning. Mrs, Mime's maiden game was'Harriet Thomas, She was born in Centreville, lPetnt- Sy,l0aria, and taught school for some years before coming to Can- ada. She was twice married, her first husband being Mr. 'Peter Mec Laren, and her second, Mr, Chas. Milne, For nearly forty years she has a•esided in Clinton Where her many ,deeds of kindness and char- ity leen for her many friends. Mrs Milne. ludas a member of Willtis Church land was a faithful attend- ant at all services. She was a eery active worker in the Women's ,Association of the church Mr iesiate1 Una .0110 brother survive. the hlLter, i1t, Thomas and one of tie 1r'.lets;' Mrs, BerU:im came aver from Centreville for the funeral which took place on Mandav• from the Goldthorpe tear denee in Goderi h. 'Phe service was conducted hy R,v. F. 0. Harper of Willis Ohntch a5sistecl by Rev, Jas. Ho milt on of (liderich. Tne following f'lends form Clinton paid their list u spcct9', by wending the. funeral: - Mr. .Inii`Mrs, T.Jackeon. plisses Ward end Slone, lairs. J. Elliott, Mr. A, lanes and Dir W. 33rypone, The 200 !acre farm of the late Laehlin 'McNeil, lith Con:, of Grey township has been. purchesect by J. bI✓.Knight, who is now fainting 450'iaeres, having 101 acres rented. ' We Sell Them LIBERAL MEETING The Clinton Lifeeua0: Club will lrolcl ,a special meeting next Thurs dray, Feb. 10th. when. Mr. Geo. E. Derry land L. W. S tannery, of the I', London! Liberal Club will come up tend address the Club, .A11 Ciller- 1 sails in. Clinton and surrounding townships are invited to this meet ing. The two speakers are much inte,ested in the clue work ,ar:a, ea doubt will have scmetlr ng' good to tell those tvho attend. MRS.'DkYMENT'S 'MINERAL llle lnnerel of the late Mrs. .Dae meet bud to be postponed from Fri day until Monday of this week on 110 countul'the non ar1ivat from the west of ells') Ol.efa Daymeut. the service was conducted at St. P.eul's Church by the. Elector, It -v. Mr. Robinson, The pialibearets wets: --Adam Foster. )ioderieh, .las. hauler, Loudon, Jos. Copy, and lees Duherty of Olsten, Chas, J•lt6regur-and Frank Hall, Con stance ''HO I CALLED Mi 1 t,st Sunday evening the spirit of John Cordell tw05 relied home to his Maker at the ripe age of 70 years. D\ ceased buffered a stroke on Moseley last and a secencr one on Tuesday and sank very rap- idly tatter that at the home of his Mee, C iF. Bell. The late ilir•. Cor- dell WAS born in Waleshy, Englard and for 56 years rlesicleat in the "Mine that his father and grand- father were born in, 1.1 years ago h: moved oto 1.,angwoi11l Jct., where he lived for 11 leers, c •rat- ing out to Canada 3 years ago. Ire is survived hy a family of 7 clril- dren. Mrs. C. Te. Bell ;Ina fiieo. Cordell, of town, Mrs. Noutch, of Stratford, and Alfred of lc,ontokn, and two sons, William 11tl'd• Ste.. phenson in 'Plerkshire,.and one 1.on, John, near Shefiielid_Rngland 'lIe is la.so survived by two fare-, tiers land two sisters in England. The funeral_ was held on Tuesday .16icrno in and were eordnctecfby Rev, 4, K. •Fuirrull of tate Baptist c.!,urcli r Who 19991beare.s wel'r.- W..6. 1 alslry, W.' Rutledge, Af Stewart, 1). Prior, A. Nc•iiantls a: ti II. Pent $711)11(0r. r aosasisne saoscase seseesaesa `^ Pabloc Notes ti 0 00000s0000eiseeoopoos00000 In nrdcr that alto inch May her lighten• for those in charge of the Knitting Deptu+tutent of the. Women's Patriotic Seeley, we request aur kuiLteya to apply for their supply :of wool, 1111 fats its possible, at the council rhaaiiber Friday afternoon from two Ui fivo o'clock. Fey the convenience of many who may not be able to come lo'tl'te council chamber, and through the kindness of Mr. Friar, socks will be received and looked sifter for us in his store, whore we. also place a supply of our wool, which will be given out to the knitters, who cannot find it poss- ible to Dunne to the coen1ll chamber. The Executive venaind all our wrir.k- eys that tomorrow, Feb, .4th our Society pack mid .ship field comforts and hospital supplies. Clinton Spring Fair Annual Meeting. ANNUAL SHOW WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, APRII.6Ttl THE SECRET' A R Y MR /1.. J. McMiJRRASP, the ot.lig- ing, !Secretary of ?the Clinton Spring Show. There was agoodaenta i ll 71 ere 1a rept o t 1 of directors lad earners at the annual meeting of Huron County Steck 'how held in the Couneil Cliainber ;ao Saturday, January' 29, The minutes of test rree:ing were rc.aal- and ap ,:rot cd. ' The Tr easur- er's ,reperle showing a. hallance' on hand of '$25,96. _Waterman's Pens—the best for men, And it's best for women, too, Its also best for children, So it must be best for YOU. Harbutt's Peasticine in the house Will stimulate ) our boy's ability By showing him how .pleasure can Be joined to practical utility. The W. - m Fair eo. Often the cheapest—always the Best pP00 COMM/ WHITE PI Sf feilLS la, Penslar White Pine an Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each sc nic er) `label Wt)i1Bei Ari Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily - redeye a cough. Try it— I0J .. E ., I O V .ETY Dispen4Ilig11011ist TILE rrNSlar DRUG' STORE spa A ,lettet• of resignation of the 1,elasulc rt MI 1. 'Tyndall, was Iced and acoepted. A vote 06' thanks was tendered the retiring officer for his valued services dura ing. the lvaet; 110) yiears. The officers for•the en,u;ng year wore elected as follows..* John Shanahan, President. George Hours Vice President. A. J. McMurray, Secretary., Wit Miller, lrehsurt r. Dr. J. 1V: Shaw, Auditor. Alt the old Directors were re- aPllo111ted It ,was eeeidod to )idea 91 e Spring Vail. as usual, on the. fist Thursr- daay 10 the month, chis being April, 6th. The (ideation r•f ...holding ' the annual banquet was brought 'for- ward for consideration. It was finally decided to discontinue the banquet for this year, there being so many cientand'a for mono;y, After la general diseussi'on i'ee gardin ' the gotti ,and a eltare od the society the meeting adjourned. Furniture, Rugs & 1 in®ieumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your home, oe if you only 00 ant some odd pieces, '• You will find it to ,your advantage to inepect our stook and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Biolins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Depat'tmena: is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction NFO, D ,•" Undertaker and Femoral Director. Phone 25. Night and Sunday Calls answered at; Residence over store 0 Sap Parts and, Buckets Order your .Sap Pans ands Buckets now so have youIave ill w them ready when you want to use them. i Thum llawkins Th ,i Corner Store "Live and Leg Lite" Buy Heat -producing Foods Now Cold weather is again with us. Every- household veryhousehold will now require foods that. will keep the body warns and healthy. Following area fee, lines we suggest 60 every buyer of fnnd tar the home- ' Soup, in p aoket and tins Meat Extracts, Bovril or Oxo, IJot Porridge. Wheatlets, Wheat. Flakes and Rolled Cots Hot Pan Oakes and Syrup Pork and Beans, a steaming plate of pork and heave for dinner or supper makes an ideal meal Macaroni or Spaghetti Bacon or Sausages for breakfast there is nothing nicer, Plumbing and Beating 1 rrryryss�pg'' gp„aT. Agents for Heel' Furnaces E. E. 11 �d ®'ltltl® Shop -over Rowland's Hardware • PII ONi11 45. 4.4.4•4.+4•44.4+ 4.++++++4444,44.4.1. ,-. 044.414.1.n•4.44"0"••1”" .. TI4IS IS 0' 1. A t • • YOUR SHOE STORE If you care for the best of shoes and the limit' of Shoe Service and Satisfaction that your shoe money can secure, make this your shoe store. COME HERE For Men's, Women's, Boys, Misses and Children's Shoes that rank above the.grade of "just shoes." COME HERE Nor the Newest Models and the latest and best Style Features, shown by the country's best and most uoted shoe manufacturers. COME! HERE For perfect shoe fitting by fitters that know bow to pro- vide the exact size, width'and model to lit the foot as it shoeld be fitted. COME HERE For the hest Mens Siioes at $8.50, 4 00 o,t 0,00 For the best Womens Shoes at O2.50, 8.00 or 4.00 For the best School Shoes For the best Children's Shoes, in any style, at any price Makethis your Store & come here for Shoes 0120111111111111.11,1101,11111110111111:: 31kattairS FRED. J (K 1 HOUSE: OF BETTER, SHOES 4 + 4.1 st• 4. 4 6++++++44+44+4+ ++++4444 4i444+4144444444