The Clinton New Era, 1916-02-03, Page 7Thursday, V ebruary 3rd,1916. /CENryT�R�AA�LL STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Business Colle;,re Our ,graduates secure good positions and meet with success. In two days recently we received 14 applications we cannot; meet. Some calls offering from $45 per month to 81400 Per annum re mains unfilled, ' Write for free catalogue at once. it will interest you. D. A111ScLachlan, Principal CLINTON NEW ERA New Laid Eggs WANTED We very anxious to purchase 5300 dozens of strictly new laid eggs each week: .We will pay top market price for these if guaranteed not over seven days old. to be cl0an and even. sized,. Stale or dirty eggs paid for at ten cents less per dozen than new laids. It will pay you to take the best of pare of your layers, and keep, their nest clean. FAT I -I is N S Now is the time to sell your fat bens while the price is high, Get our prices before you sell elsewhere. INCUBATORS Everybody is corning .to the con- clusion that it is the early pullets that ,.lay the winter eggs. Now is your op- portunity to buy the best kind of In ' eubator-Prairie State -and be sure of early chickens. Enquire for prices Gloll-Langlois & Co,, Limitea Clinton Branch Phone 190 4 i ea • Plana i 4 C See and here our finest E New Stylish designs of E Doherty Pianos and 1' 4 i Organs, special values in Art Cases a . ry Pianos and organs rent �' e3. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. 4 MUSIC EIuporiaul r • a, Ca Hoare wnrwirvvwvvww vvwwvvttwwv 1 Skates Sharpened while you wit at the old stand ' Z MatlIEWIMIRIE Byam St Sutter ; Sanitary Plnnlbers, Phone .7. tireeteseteterVitertemereereereeteserteseele , t ak t� . W INTER 111ESOP.TS. Spacial Round Trip iear'es.' Lang Lime -Stopovers. Asheville' acid rot Springs, N:C„ Charleston, S C as C sal le. P.; Hot Springs Ark.;P ree dLick Spring, Id; Jail sontlle and all Merida Points 'Havana, Cuba, and New Orleans, La. Via New York and ROI (or steam er according to destuiation,) 0r'wia ipuffalo, ,Letroit, 'or C'hi_ago., EERMUDA ;and WIOIST INDIES. OTHER E M.Th. RESORTS. Mount Clemens. Mich.; (Battle Creek, Mich.; St, Catharines, Well, Cot.; Prestob Springs, Ont. Further particulars oa applied - tion Grand Trunk Agcuts. John Ransford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. O. Pattison. station agent By LOUIS TRACY Author of the "Pillar of Light," "The Wings of the Morn- ing" and "The Captaih of the Kansas." Copyright. 1909, 10 Edward J. Clod; layer of soft scoria imbedded in the mass of basalt. 'Their guide was stand- ing oa the. skyline of the deft, some forty feet above them: "Tell the others to make haste," be said. This is the end of your jour "Who is be?" Iris asked, being rather breathless now after a steep climb. "I don't know, said Rosier.. "Dow absurd!" she gasped. "1-1 think .I'm dreaming. Why -have we-- come e-come bere?" It was bot as a furnace in this nar- row ravine. " Each upward step de- manded au etfort. She would have slipped and hurt herself many times were It not for Bozier's firm grasp, nor did she realize the sheer exhaus- tion that forced blm to seek support from the neighboring wall with his disengaged hand. The man in front, however, was alive to their dangerous "rAanos ars, Nor:sunlit." plight. Be said something in bis own language, for his English :bad the pre- cise staccato accent ot the well edu- cated foreigner, and another man ap- peared. The sight ot toe uewcomer startled tris more than any other eveut tbnt had happened since the Androm- eda reached the: end of ber Inst voyage. Be wore the uniform of those dread. fin beings whom she had seen on tbe island. Sbe shrieked. Healer 'fancied she had sprained an ankle, but before she could utter any sort of explanation tile apparition in uniform was by her side and murmuring words that were evi- dently meant to be reassaritrg, Seeing that he was not understood. be broke into halting French. He was a handsome• youngster, evi- dently an officer, and his eyes dwelt ou the girl's face with no tack of ani- mation as be ted her into a cave which seemed to bave been excavated from the inner side of a small crater. "You can rest here in absolute safe- ty, madame," be said. "Permit me to arrange a seat. Then 1 shall bring you some wine." iris flung oft the hand wblcb held her arm so persuasively, "Please do not attend to me. There are wounded men wbo need attention far more than i," she said, speaking in English, since it never entered her mind that the Portuguese officer had been addressing ber in French. De was puereed more by her action than her words, but Rnzier, who had followed close behind. explained in sen- tences built oe the 011endortli n plan that mademoi`elle was disturbed, ma- demoiselle required rest mademoiselle hardly understood 1Itet which bad inr- rived, et voila tout. "Mademoiselle without doubt is the daughter of m,Insiper the (detain'?" "No." said Hosier ratuer curtly. turn- ing to ascertain how iris call disposed 'of herself )tr the interior of the car, ern, it was his first experience.o8 South American rl111(1}', peso toward women, or, to 08111.1, (1)W)Ird ('nl11111 Wb() al's 01.1118 and 1,((111 and ilo seemed to taint not I he le (01 (1111 liras event of au' Mem crammed wee melt cels that nuc man mimed (8 t'ntli'a '1!' '1818 begin an a.'hive flirtatidfl under such circumstances. I3e sst" that Iris wits sealed on a camp stool, tier lace was buried lu her hands. A wealth of brown hair was tumbledshoul- ders: the roisrant showers of spray had loosened her tresses, and the un- avoidable rigors of the passage from ship to ledge bad shaken out every hairpin. The tam-o'-sbanter cap she was wearing, early in the day had dis- appeared at some unknown stage of the adventure. Her attitude bespoke a mood of overwhelming dejection. Like the remainder of her companions 'I she was drenched to the skin. Their trials were far from ended when their feet 'rested oft the .'olid rock. There was every indication that their rescuers were refugees tike them - 'selves. The scanty resources visible AFTER THE GRIPPE 'Pinot Restored Her Strength Canton, Mise. - ' I am 75 years old and became very weak and feeble from the effects of La Grippe, but yinol'has done me a world of good. It has cured my cough, built up my strength so I feel active and well again." -Mrs. Llzzi BALDWIN,'Canton, Miss. , Vino!, our delicious cod liver and iron .tonic without oil,aids digestion, en- riches the blood gnd creates strength. Unequalled' for chronic coughs, colds, or bronchitis. Your money buck if it f ails. J. E. 'Hovey, Druggist Clinton, Ont, In me cave, rue trireme aLIXrecy yr rue elderly Portuguese to avoid observa- tion from the chief island or the group, the very nature of the apperent)y bum- cessible crag in which he and his as- sociates were hiding -each and all of these things sponte volumes., Hazier did not attempt to disturb the girl untilthe dapper officer ipr'oduced a goatskin and poured a small quanti- ty ofwine into a tin cup. With a cu- rious eagerness he anticipated the oth- er's obvious intent, "Pardon me, monsieur,"he said, seiz- ing the vessel,and his direct Anglo- Saxon manner quite robbed his French of its politeness. Then his vocabulary (broke down, and be added more suave- ly in :Engilsh: "i will persuade her to drink -a little, She is rather bysterical, you know." The Portuguese nodded as tbougb he understood. lrls looked up when }te- eter brought her the cup. "Is there no water?" she asked plain- tively. "We have no water, mademoiselle," the officer said: Then' he glanced at the group of bedraggled sailors. "And very little wine," be added. "Be quick; please," put to the elderly Portuguese with a tinge of impatience. "We have no second cup, and tbere are wounded men" - "Give it to them," said Iris, lifting her face again tor an instant. "I do not need it. 1 have told you that once already. 1 suppose you think d should not be here." - "1 am sure our friend did not mean that," said Hozler, looking squarely into those singularly bright eyes. lie caught and held them. "i did not mean that'the lady should be left to die, if that is the Interpre- tation put on my remark," came the quiet answer. "Bnt it was au act of the utmost folly to bring a delicate girl on such an errand. 1 cannot imag- ine what your captain was thinking of when be agreed to it." "Woes that, mister?" demanded Coke. Now that his fit of rage had passed the bulky skipper of the An- dromeda was red faced and imper- turbable as usual. The manifold perils - be had passed througb sbowed'no more lasting eteeet on him tbau a shower of sleet on the thick bide of the animal be so closely resembled. "Are you the enplane?" said the otber. ' "Yes, sir. An' t'd ,tike to 'ear w'y my ship or 'er present trip wasn't tit for enny young teddy, let alone" - "That Is a matter for you te deter mine. 1 snppnre you t.nmv best now In roman your own business. my only concern is with the nutrome of your rashness, \c uy dial you deliber- ately eacrllide .your chip 112 that 0(410- nery" "Wot are you a-drivin' at, mister?" • Coke growled, "Do you deny. them that yon acted like a madman; Do ,you say that you did not know quite well the risk you eau in bringing your vestal to the is- land in broad dayligbt?" Then Coke found bis breath. '1Riski" be roared. "Risk in steam - in' to an anchorage an' sendiu' a boat ashore for water? There seems to be a lot of mad folk loose ,just naw on Fernando Noronha, but I'm not one of 'em, an' that's as much as I can say for envy of you-damme if it ain't." "Who are you, then? Who sent you here?" I'm Captain James Coke of the British ship Andromeda -that's '00 1 am --an' I was sent 'ere, or lenstways to the river Plate, by David Verity & Co. Of Liverpool." It must not be forgotten that Coke 'shared with his employer a certain un - classical freedom in tbe pronunciation of the ship's name. The long "e" ap- parently puzzled the other man. "Andromeda)" be muttered. "Spell it!" "My godfather, this it an asylum for sure," grunted Coke, in a spasm of fu- rious mirth. "A -n -d -r -o -m -a -d -a, now you've got it."' Yon are unlucky, Captain Coke, most unluelty," the other said.' "I re- itesestelfilieleheiedhleibeblatahhteiblred Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out catharticn and. purgatives. They are brutal -harsh -unnecessary. Try CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable.: Act gently on the liver,, eliminate hilc,and: soothe thedeh• cattn mbrana of the bowel Care C- etymaetrrnr ., B alms: ncss, Sicd Headache and Indigestion, am millions km. Small Pill,' Small Dose, Small Price Gewiiiiie must hen Signature CARTERS 1ITTLE VER PILLS. . 6,00 07 014()))", olil(llll,t', (0 all-.., 16 seems, was shared by the authorities of Fetrnnedo do- Noronha. You have bonde'ud into an nest of helmets, and mea result you have heen badly stung.' Let me explain matters, I am Dom Corr'ht Antonio de St!va, ex -president of the republic Of Brazil. There is at this moment a detertoined movement on foot on the mainland to replace mo iu power, and with that'ohject in view efforts are being tn.tde to secure nay Scale from the rin(tn settlement 1 escape c i s tt ;meat n which my enemies have imprisoned' 1)0. I and two faithful followers are here in hiding. My friend Capitate, Salvador de San Benavtdes," and he bowed with much dignity toward the enifoi•med officer, "came here two days ago in tt felucca,to warn me that a steamer would lie to about a mile south of the Island tonight. The steam- er's name Is Andros-y•itela. Itis rath- er like the oriole of your unhappy ves•' sen -so mach alike. ehat'the Andromeda has been suuk by mistake. That is alt,, Coke, listening tp this explanation with the virtuous wrath of a knave who discovers tbat he has been wrong- fully suspected, bristled 18080 with indignation. "Oh, that's ell,, is it?" be cried sa rcastienily. "No, sit'; it ain't. all, nor 'rtrt', nor quarter. Let me tell you that uu r1•imse0 1)10a l (1 on Uawd'S earth can blow a Brit- ish ship off the 'igh seas al1' then do the 'dandn' • Master act. with 'is 'and on 'is Part; an' say it was just a Jam- in' mistake, A11, says yen? Don't "FO 001051ATE you believe !t, CAO IILOt400 A 01sarr- There's a lot Ian snip 000 THE inure to come '1008 SEAS." yet, take my tip -a devil of a lot or I'm the biggest Innate: within a ten mile circle of w'ere I'm stannin', which is givin'long odds to auy other crank an the whole creation." And Coke was right, thougb he lit- tle guessed then why he was so thor- oughly justified In assuming that he and the other survivors of the Androm- eda had not yet gone through half or quarter or more than a mere e0rtain raising prelude to the strange human drama in winch they were destined to be the chief actors. CHAPTER VII, BETWEEN VIE BRAZILIAN 08710 AND, TRE DEEP ATLANTiC. TEIISILE was an awkward pause. Coke, reseal though he was and corpulent withal, was no Falstaff. Rather did be sug- gest the present day atavism of some robber baron of the middle ages whose hectoring speech bubbled forth from a stout heart, But the ragged ex -president heeded him not. Atter a moment of placid scrutiny of bis enraged counte- nance by those bright, watchful eyes Coke might have been Itoncxlstent so fur as recoguition of his outburst was apparent during the sonorous discus- sion that ensued between Dom ()orrba Antonio de Syh•a and the Senor Cap- luroo Sulvndor de San*genii vldes. The latter, 1t is betrayed ex- citetnent. At first be favored tris with a' deprecatingly admiring ;dative. as one who would sly, "D •dr lady. tic - rept a'y profound regret and respect- ful homage." But that phase meekly pnssed. His leader was not a man to waste' words, and the gallant cap- tain's expressive .fuse soon showed that he had grasped the essential facts. They did not please hire. 1n fact, he was distinctly cowed, almost. stunned, by his Companion's revela- tions, [t fell to De Syiva to explain mat- ters to lee unexpected guests. "illy friend agrees with me that it is only fair that the exaet position should be revealed to you," be said, "The situation is not so simple as you seem .to Imagine. The loss of your ship cannot be dealt with here. It raises issnes of iuteruntiouat law which can only be settled by courts and gov- ernments. You know, 1 suppose, that nothing will be done until n complaint Is lodged by a British minister, and that binges upon the very doubtful tact that you will ever agate see your own country:" The ex -president certainly had the knack of expressing himself clearly, Those concluding words rang lite a knell, They even gulled (Netts back from the slumber ot unconsciousness, 1)e Sylva coutiuned speaking lu the. same balanced tone: 'Int nappens by idle chance that toy enemies have beeoitle yours, The men who destroyed yorir ship thought they were injuring lee. 1 have just pointed out to Capitnno de tine Betel rides the precise outcome of this attack. 118111 a few ,moments ago we steered the de- lusion That the 6(0(858 on Ferieu(10 do Not'onha believed eve were' now on our way to a Brazilian port. We ware mistaken. More than that, we know now that they have obtained news-- probe ews-probe my through a traitor to our muse —of tee Andrus-y-hlelais voyage. They were prepared fur her coming. They had made arrangements to receive ber 8101081 art 11)0 pence derided on by oar fruralls in Brazil. It •is.more than likely that I.ne Adros-y-Mem 4s (100' lying nutter the guns of some coast fortress. stare the Uresenee Or troops and cannon oil this side of the island is aiprel•prlellt'ed." "I done see wot 1 'as to do. dta all R with -'-C ,.er- me," UI111'ted out coke drt mluedry. -No, it would not concern yen in the least it.yo0'wer'e sate s[ sea. lint 58101' (1111 life ?leve" '••ore"n1e1'tl you CONTINTIED NEXT WEEK. .tom ° yiL'il tilg. St;-"?ty A Christian college -home, health(ul. situation. or prospectus andterme,write the principal R.I. Warner, Il4,A.,D.D., St. Thomas, Ont. 03 yfealth fir W�men P.LQID SEVEN For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine —Here is More Proof. To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking down,, the three following letters ought to bring hope: -- North Crandon, Wis. -"When I was 16 years old 1 got married and at 18 years I gave birth to twins and it lei:( me with very poor health. I could not walk across the floor without having to sit down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and he told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would have to have an operation. This frightened me so much that I did not know what to do. Raving heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I thought I` would give it a trial and it made me as well as ever. 1 cannot say enough in favor of the Piukham remedies." -Mrs. Maims ABU on, North Crandon, Wis. Testimony from Oklahoma. Lawton Okla, -" When I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I seemed to be good for nothing. I tired easily and had headaches much of the time and was irreowlar. I took it again before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount of good ,tt that time. I never fail to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much for me." -Mrs. A. L. MoOAsLAxn, 609 Have St., Lawton, Okla. From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbury, Mass. -i11 was suffering from inflam- mation and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble was caused by a displacement. My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache, and sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi- eine; then I was asked to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has cured me and I am pleased to be in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it"- Mrs. B. M. Osaoov, 1 Ilaynes Palk, Roxbury, Mass. If you want special advice write to Lydia 1F. Pinitham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will; be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. S U DAY SCHOOL Lesson VI.—First Quarter, For Feb. 6, 1916. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tho Lesson, Acts iv, 8.21, Memory Verses, 12, 13 -Golden Text, 1 Cora xvi, 13 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns.. The high priest and his kindred, with the rulers and elders and scribes, be- ing gathered together at Jerusalem, Peter and Jobe, being brought from prison, were placed before them and WEAL "By what power or by wbat name (rare ye done this?" (verses 5-7,) Here was provided a great opportunity to testify again to the risen Cbrlst, and the witnesses were all ready. Whether they had much or little sleep in the prison that night we may not know, but we may be quite sure that tb"o • hrl rntnnulninn with 13)rn tar t@soarata whom they were still on earth. And now Peter, being specially tilled with the Spirit, is again the messenger of the risen Christ. The Lord Jesus had told them while L•Te was still with them that when they should be brought before rulers forllis sake it would be given them by the Spirit what to say (Math. .z, 16-20), and this was one of many fulfillments Of that assurance. See with what boldness Peter tells this gathering of earth's great ones that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom they crucified, God bad raised from the dead and that Ile, the risen living Christ had made the lame man whole (verse 10). This was the same doctrine they had been put iu prison for the previous evening, but for this they stood fearlessly and could not say otherwise, The reference to the rejected stone takes us back to Ps. cavil', 22; Isa. xxviii, 16, and to our Lord's reference to it in Blatt, xzi, 42. But the stone takes us farther, back to Gen. xlix, 24, and onward to the king- dom (Dan. 13, 34, 85, 4.5). We cannot but think of I Pet. ii, 4-8, where he makes each full reference to the stone and the stones, with what utter dis- regard of their earthly greatness he snarl to thaw. "Von handers Can nev. N.1511.6.% )l' 3 0 vkj5' ..a This Bra,o, helped 'me improve my Farr .earrra. It is the most valuable book own and it cost Ilse nothing. It has saved me time, labor are: itemey and I've got better looks i s, Imre de_", ble ai.ei more serviceable b81t:trii 3 t2 C l 1 ever had before. The first cos'1of concrete farm Improvements is 8810 the Inst cost. There's no after expense- for paint or repairs—nodanger front 1lre rot or rus —co ?raniu_ et hthe any kind, Besides Y t e lower insurance late, Y If you haven't a copy of What the Farmer Dail do 1 her rr ,r i Coaorntc' sand for s,nr. Coda >, s e with , Y than 150 pages nt vntnabra Witting iofro n. atioo, 53 rrr Nod 311nstrnted by disgrmns and ph ln)+aebs, lyad dn.:,:ns of otbur interesting farm facto. A cony will hesent m yon: free of charge, - immr-dmrcly noon res pt ei. coupon below. CANADA CEMENT COMPANY L1Nf€ TEO, Herald nig-Montreal. ti CUT OUT AND G. 1% rtu# ltoc eeee CANADA skeeter cowAlly alt 1TND Venda anuli ns, OONTIWAL 1 l It,._i r olatiern n ?tense s d 3.60'(1 ire; 000y of A '• whatllie b s.,.,e,Cal, 0" With Oe,.00em", , • 4cM1 Name street and No n ilii F City Prov lEalEaRErZar...1.7tVaraltiir'' '7'`v er bo saved except 1u that ;tone which you despiser' ("Verses 1I, 12.) gotet could they help marveling at their boldness? But was it not a little strange that they should attribute it to Jesus, who had been crucified? (verse 13). Beholding the healed man and knowing that Peter and John had no power to do this, they must have been in. a measure convinced that there was some tl'uth in their testi- mony concerning the risen Christ But it mus not b spread read farther and t e p , the name of Jesus must not be men- tioned (verses 14118), :.Pulled with the Spirit, they had no fear of what man might do to them (Ps. zxvii, 1), their only standard was what was right in the sight of Cod, and wbat they had seen and heard they could not help telling even 1f they died for it (verses 19, 20). The messenger of God must never consider the faces of people nor whether his message is acceptable to them or not. But his motto must be, "Not pleasing men; but God, 'who trleth our, hearts," rememberingthat if we live to please men we' are not servants of Christ (ler. i, 8, 17; Beek. II, 6; ill, 9; I Thess. it, 4; Gal. 1, 10). With tbreatenings from these men of power and importance from a hu- man standpoint, they were set free and went to the t•ompany of believers, who bad no doubt beeu praying for them, 'and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said. With one accord the believers turned to God and told Him all, but did not ask to be de- livered from further persecution, rath- er that they (night speak the truth boldly regardless of consequences. and that healings and signs and wonders might be wrought in the name of Je- sus Christ. There are men in promi- nent pulpits today who seem not to know what the Scriptures teach con- cerning this ,present age and the com- ing and kingdom of our Lord. There are others who, if they know these things, do not seem ready to tell them for fear tbey might give offense to some important (?) people, and there ave still others 'who once dill seem to know, but now for some reason are no longer valiant for the truth. Note how these believer's relied upon the living God, believed His word, quoted from Ps. ii and xtaiii, and. like Jere- miah, considered nothing too bard for Him who created heaven and earth (Jer xxxii, 17). • The words of Ps. ii, which have bad many n fulfillment and a notable one in the days of Herod anti Pilate, trill have their last and complete fulfillment in the days before us, when under the anti -Christ the kings of the earth and their armies shall make war with the Lamb, but tbe Lamb shall overcome, and the two great leaders shall be sent alive to the lake of fire (Rev. xvi(, 12-14; six, 19, 20). Every true child • of God should rejoice to be on the winning side, and, though the present conflict may be severe and the enemy be permitted for a time to have seem- ing victory, let 0s continue to shout, "The Lamb shall overcome!" See 3n terse 31 how beaveu heard and an- swered nswered their cry; the place -was shaken; they were all tilled with the Holy Spirit and spate the word of God with boldness. if we were as whole heartedly for God as they were we would know more of 1115 .power. In verse 33 we learn that their one topic was the great fact of a risen liv- ing Christ, the same Jesus whose eyes are erer looking to end Elis faithful followers (11 Chron. xvi, 9). A Memorable Shot. The naval gunner who fired the first shot in the Dardanelles is get- ting a badge from the Admiralty to commemorate the. event. ao 5000141 he ('(:t milk cannot be in and in fat by tba food. a 00•s+0atoeteeettioes eama y;e eteOoe WiflerScs iol a Opens January 4th in all adepartments of the OEN- m o 7.11 aL BUSINESS COL- o O L3CaiE, YonIre and Gerrard • ® Stieets, 1Coronto: Our u O Catalogue explains our eu- 0 C+ eriority in IEq ui nient, • Mair, Methods and Results e • t ou are, invited to write s • for it if interested in the ® kind of school work which o brings best success. Ad et (9 dress W. 11. SHA'IT, Presi- • e dent. e e • eneeeeoeseeneosteeeseseeese Grand Trunk Railway Systema Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North . Passenger London, depart 8,80 am 4,40 pm 0enl:ralia 9.83 5.4,', Eoetoi .. 9.44 5,54 1-lensail 9.155 11,05 Kippen•, 10.01 0.11 B rumfield 10.09 0.19 Clinton Mud 0.35. Lendesboro 11.18 0,52 Blytb 11.27 700 I3elgrevc• 11.40 1.13 Wingham, Arrive... 13.51 7,35 South Passenge Wingham, depart.. 43,85;m 3.30 p I3eigrave e d50 8.44 Blyth 7,04 3.66 Londeeboro'7.18 4,8811 Clinton 8,10 Brucefield 827 4.39 Kipper.,' 8.35 4.47 Ilens2.i1 8.41 4,52 Exeter 5,54 5.05 Centralia nt ra 0;04: 5,.75 London, arrive 10,00 0,10 Buffalo and Ooderich Wee` Passenger am pm ppmm Strartford.... ....10.00 12.810 5,'25 10.25 Mitchell 10.22 12,55 5.55 10.41 Soafortb 10.45 1.20 6.18 11.19 Clinton 11.07' .135 6.40 11,2 I3oiuiesritle,11,10 1,43 6.46 11.3 Croderich 11--95 2.1.0 7.0e I T)lo.st Peasenget 0 m ppara pee C,.deeioh 7.05 2.36 4552 )a,„am egt le,. '7.22 2,62 5,110 Glia ten....... . 7,32 1103 II e,10. 9eatorth - 7.51 3:21 ; 5.85 Mitchel] 8.10 3,44 559 Stratfora 8 40 (1.45 ;6.20 1 t