HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-02-03, Page 4PAG E POT.111, 1.••••••••••., amonommumstyamtrum. DUH OLINTON NEW NNE. Thffinory Ready. to,,Wear Garments Phone 78 Cotieh Co. Dry G0041S and Rouse Fur nishings Big Mid=Winter Sale Continued Two Weeks Longer weeisewas~awramese eseweree-- •eer=esatateawra On account of the very disagreeable weather, we have decidea tn centinne. the Mid Vinter Sale two weeks longer fin the benefit of thole who could not take advantage of' the Big Berga:ns. ave are making still deeper cuts in many Imes. This Sate Ends Feb. tath, 1916 ladies Cloth Skirts 1.05-1 dozen only Ladies Cloth Skirts, sizes 22, 23 and 94 only, values up to 4.00, sale price 1.00 Ladies Law a waists 75e -1 dee Lawn and Tailored Waists, Eames 34, 30 ;aid 35, values up to 2-50, sale priee 75e Soiled Waists 25e -1 cl/.zen soiled, Waists, 31, 30 and 38, values up to 150, sale price 25c Ladies and, Misses Coats 85. - We do not Want to carry o.vei One Winter Coat. •• •We have about 20 mite left, •ali good styles, new this emeson, valnea free.) 10.0,1 Lo 15.00, - Feb sale price 5 00 ' Ladies Fins 25 per cent oil' -- Your choice of any Fur or Fur Hoed Coat in store 25 pee sent off regular price Ladies Suits Half Priee-Yenr choice of any Suit in store at halt regular price Childrens Coats 1.98 -About 15 Ohildren's Coals. mime' of good cloth, slew steles, sizes 1 to 12 years aloes up to 0,00 for 1 08 . Odd Fors 1.00-1 dozou piecing Of odd Fin' Buffs, values up to 7.00, sale price Curtain Net 14c - 50 veeide gond sarong Curtain Net, reg 25c and Me for Me yard Wrapperette 121e- 550 yet de good NV rapperettes, suitable for kimonas and dressing sacques, reg 203 sale price 12ac Ladies Cloth and Silk Dress4 Half Price 1 dozen only Cloth and Silk Dressee. sizes 34. 80and38, values up to 12./ 0, sale Half Price Ladies Collars 19c-2 doe. soilecl Collars, values up to 503 for 19.3 Black Underskirts 1.09-1 dos Ladies Black Moi"e liederekirts, gular 1.00. for 1.09 Embroideries Hoff Price.. 200 yards gond Embroideries, all widths, half price Laces 7e Yard -550 yards Lacee, 4 and 0 inches wide, vegeta-10c . • 12c. 15c and 200, sale price 7c yard House Dresses 75c-2 dozan Lsdies House Dreeses, rood washing sizes 01 and 30 ouiy, reg 1,25 andl 50. sale price 75c Other Goods Reduced. Be sure and come to this sale during next 2 weeks Buy Goods now and Save Money 110192110.101.4 411111110•11061mml•MNIMMIM•1•1,,,, .........4.14161411M1211.1111.Maamormelb osessesumsesessoseeseersib ' • Huron County News • • 0••••••000000011•04•••••••• Dashwood WiJt vote on hy..ro on Feb. 14th. The congregation of Knox el wa) Bluevale is planning for an interesting event in the near future. For some time the mat.. loos organizations of the church have been making a spetilin effort to pay off the -balance of, the church debt. This result bias now been izeicomplished and on rehru- eery 15tb, the occasion evil. be oe:e boated by an Oyster Supper al. which themortgage will be Mum Local News wkiwrmwomikwatt HAIR GOODS Durenwend's of Toronto, Canada's foretnost hale goods designers and manuteetures wed display and, demon straw a sample stock of ladies centiliter hair goods and gentlemen's toupees and wigs at the Ritttenbury House, Clinton. .A free demonstration of any style is available to anyone inter ested on Feb, the lOch. CAPT. DOWDING BEST MAN. Huron County Council oleo Wi ote,-a king the c. -op tion at the. county oteilueoe. • in. ol- poeing,. the Bill. On the other ehlend 5letter front ClitirleS" . G. ailraser, president of the • • Ontario. Educational' •easseetion, wrote - testing la!geinst the letter sent out • by Mayoe Aunt Of Sate.orth• • un thn which. e actioof -several count aw iee which 'e opposing' the alt1 was.taken. With-aefelienpete•111.0 Arnent's letter he wrifee: •"Tleis letter: was eo.ifinecuratveinafitateei• tent . sot ;entail:, in, spirit eeet.' Vol misi•eact• those to --wbeip..,A WeCie sent, The yeryereets,:alpade„,,-„aWel &'" given' Boogied, to e been stated ip such Way .ae,to con' vey absoluaoly' false imp, eieions, and were evidently calculated, to mislead theepurpose tong see Mere ia-hatity .dectsion antagonistic to the • bill: COMO Of letters giv tog, the jaction •• of the bounty of Waterloo which...gave the eeliude- 'Con 'Oahe inissaaenneerits 1.3 e eta)) 01 the 'Devlin e, one giving tl)e opinion of White head of the Ottawa Nortnal. Sehoel .and his staff in f a'voring the 13111 weve enetoeed. These were' sent to the Education Committee,. The p resident 'of the Ontario Coed Reads Asseniation wrote not Hying the council of meeting of the aesociation in Toronto, Feb. 23, 23 and '21. and asking - the . appoint- ment off clielegalee. Sent to mead and Bridge Commit 1.0e. Grant's we,re asked for the Chialeen's Aid Society one the Na- ti/Jima Senitorium Association, Pcnice Mavistrate S. T. Andrews of Clinton ;asked for a grant to coy CO' office expenses on ;account • of the additional 001103' he was put to );y baying Be Friel& Exeter Benseen, seen, Stanley, Hay, Stephen a).0 Usborne added to his jurisdiction. The county or Thaqtings sought co -.o in having -the Health Officers could be dismissed by the municipality without the perm's-, sdon +of the Provincial Board of This as sent to the special 0010mitt ere. • Or. Nieholson was eieappointed t' ustee or the Goderich ( elegiate }toe: d, Mr. Manning of th• Clinton Collegiate, Dr. litirreWs, Of the See forth Collegiate, and R. aranstone of the Wingleam Collegiate, . Porterfieadand 1'l;'. ere:hymn were eippointed auditors. J. Leckie ,and W. Lane we a;0" poin ted to the board of Audit nt. Crimina.1 Justice accounts. A 10011011 to grant $1,00,1 to Gado rich,' Clinton etre! gham hos- pitals 111 1110 same divis'on as be- fore was sent to Committee. Also aanotion to grant 52.5 t)1q peeve libraries in the count,y and one i or a similar grant to Clinten.,Seatorth and Rensall soring shows. The etanding committees for tl,e year 000 04 folnews; Executive committee -J. Leo' a' J. W, Tay7oe Stewart Ashfield 10, H(n 'Hi (nog ,T, C. Laithwalte. Special committee -la. A. Ere •-• ingtonel N. Campbell. A. trehli, Joe .1),altnn, 1' Doig ;Finance committee -Con Bade. T. K. Poach S, Bissett D, Dewia.a, 51 .4 emstrong. Edueation committee -Dr. Milne, 'F. Mitchell, J. W. Steuart. F. W. SMaklICOMbr; j .51 Go vcnloek Road and B mmoritit 13110)1Shartr,:cd, W, 11,1,01. b D. 11, 5111003, 11 CHM). • County propeety-C. A. Ne'en 131 Neela,J. 13rown, J. A. Ike Love, Rouse Refugee -J A Freed Dr. Milne, J. Love, J. M Go ventoele, Wee d in's com mitt ee --,T, V, Leith- aite, J. N. Campbell, W: IL tolei, J. A, Stewart:, F. A. Eller; n gam), The 10ed1 and bridge con. I 111;s - :donee reported that a 11011110:' of bridges reouired flooring. 'Pt e Brussels hridge regith 0! flooring also the sidewalk or the beidge 10 quived a 11(1.0 floor. The 0.0.naillia- sioner asked whether it 50118 the r county othe town of Brussels whieh was responsible - far e flooring of the s•cleNvalla A eine- ber of small Midges reauired to erected letter the freshets. A motion by '1'.K. -Powell cad S. Mi,che 1 eats that the 000 ym eu) ell idoreate ten Tee cent of ',their salaries and all ofkcials of OW county ten per eget: of their 011111ms to the Patriotic" Society foe 1016, aot. This ws soI o the 51303111 cum mittee. On Tueedeei ening, tho mem bees of the council were entevbeen- ed lat the British Exehanp e to supper by County Clerk Lal e 8County Temeuree Holnie On ,TlicerseLiy 1)1010)115'a del 0 gr - ton from the 'Huron Comity We- A.uxillarY consisting of President Erydone, Rev, J. 13, Fotherin.t, C. A. Reid '0. M. E:liott and ,/, 10 MeClinton, waitc d on the comma to :Ask 1,0r a groat t0 tha fords to aid• 'recruiting, and a motion moved' by C. A. Nairn and 3.• A.. Stewart (8eatorth), to mase a. gnant of 52i000, was sent to the executive cOmmiltee. The executiere coMmittee recom- mended no apallela ana r e. fogrant to the National Sanitarium 10 plica tion for a i$-,(19 grth ant • to e Children's Aid Society, that 1)'e a- 01101101 he granted; re ;none)) cif Messrs, j Laithwalte "118 A. 11, halt a grant of COO each be Mail rete9"thIceefkfil.0 10 hM t, odnittlf111 etieljPijilq"lPiltv*,1? Sc,aforth and Wing,hatn, that' the game 130 made; re motion f 111;.si LelithWaite and T-y'or er grant of $10 be made to lair flowereiaround rhe court heuse, that se ambe made,. Re tenders 'foe county prinfzng foe 10111 fowl: tenders were 171100i1'.' Ed ;and the committee recommen -- ed the acceptance of the of the Ooderich Signal as being the lowest, 'Re motion of Messrs 51,111101and La•ithwatte asking for a grant of 5tee0 to the throe hospitals in the county, Goclerien, t aad Winghiala, to be apportionled 1310 mime as last year, that the sum Of $700 be vented to 'be aistributect on :came barite' as last year, Re motion of W. If ',Loeb rand d: aeleing a gran t of $ iD Cli.n tOn' .Sedorth and Hensel:I. spring shows, that 525 he g anted to A g- rieultmeall. shows in good standing only ; laud: these societies which hold 813.011)5 shows only. That • the usual grant of $21 each • he Made to the public libraries in the 000013". the usual grant be made to matt lannation and filth foem schools That ,thelineal grant be''made to A military weddieg Was solemnized at Quebec on Saturday last when lilies I ed. • Rine Hunter of Brussels was mar»ed 'MISS Edith Neelin daughter of I to Capt. James Moore, Medical Officee 'Mr rand Mrs. IF, 0. lartiolin 01 Si'- I of the '33rd Battl. LI-. Col, Wit on forth who has been 110050 at gave the bride aeva,y, and Capt. the front for the pee! year; or Dowding attended the groom (Rev) more has been grented sick le.eve Cepa Peacock performed the cere incl sailed on ;Friday last by the mo)y. Capt. Moore is e cousin of Metagama for her home here. Rey. Mr. McCormick of Hohnesville. fiNIONIII,M111•2•11111111111Mr CANADIANS ! ATTENTION ! We appeal to you to take up at once your share of the burden, not only because by so doing you will be defending your own inter- ests, but because your action will preserve the vital interests of the Empire. MARK TIME I Are you 5 feet, 2 inches or over? Did you say yes? We want 1000 fellows like you for tlit,e„,,A VoicsiOs!,1):Alk want YOU'N 4 Pay from date of enlistment. Uniform issued immediately. Goof Fellows, Good Food, Good Quarters FORWARD! There' are thousands of your kith and kin CA [...LING YOU. At no time in tilt., history of our nation has it been faced with a crisis ot such gravity as the one which now exists. HALT! Are you doing,- your shire ? IF NO 1', WHY NOT ? Enlist To=day With the' 16ist "Hurons" YOUR 1-10ME:!BATTALION. Let Me Figure On wiring your House for Electric Lights, My prices are, as low as is consistent with good wbrIc. All work guar- anteed to pass inspection. • W. J. Nediger Phone 131. eue. 1,11 A.grieullurate Sonietic;s jealaaan" , fairs 10 1516 1)31. Thal' the usual vent of 5141 lie made 'to iFarmer's Institutes Cinci ,510 to ,Women's institutes in the county for 1016 Re motion of Messrs. Harding and Laithwaite that the county in- sure the lives of those who enlist- ecil in the ,tfilst Huron battalion to the iarnount of, 51000 each, that no (action I'm taken. That no grant be made to the Huron 'Poultry Association. tin Conned this \vete altered and a 56 gnant wan made. That the ellen (1( 55 a month be allowed to S. J. Andrews, police magistrate et Clinton for ,tearleo expenses, ,also that W. E. Kelley. 110'0:Rowed 'the same emount, Re motion"of C. A. Nairn and j. A. Stewart that the sum of $2000 he panted to the Huron War A ux iliary for the purpose of stimulat- ing recruiting in tare 161.st battat ion'that the Same be granted, and !'10,tt accounts of expendil ivies of this grant be eertified. to by the president and treosore.r of the War Auxiliary Boirci an 1 this War don of the connty before being paid by the county treaeurer, pa e- mwits to be made 011011t 11!5'. the warden and treasurer' having the right 10 stop payment at any time of accounts which they ;11 1104.t7o,„ri sitter are fornecessary 11111)1 mate espensma oseeeeepeeefieemeeeouinte•se 0 • The Huron, Bettl • ,.00.606300111110111011100011111011111110, PAN: DAI The Paymaster, rileaor M.D. Me - Taggart has been on his trip over county paying the soldiers at the earione recruiting stati ins. "HURRAH"' 110.0 GREY CO 1 Grey County Connell voted $7, 410 tut pecm itte suppliementairy equipmeut for the 1.47t1i Battalion (C/a neelian Greys). It is nol the want: of eouragr that keeps laen, (1 0411 en'ilting, nut the failure 10 appreciate the eariousnes.s of the situation. The responsibility for victory or deaeat rests with thiem who have not yet responded to 'the Join now ,as 1 wunteers in de- fence of your cemrtry and all that it sltends for. Nouos The DA "-eow's the HOUR We don't like lei loee you, ant we think you ought to go. There's a uniform to fit you. Don't let youti friend fill ft. Doti the khaki and help 100 1 11" the traditions of Glorious aid Be A MAN anti enlist, Shakespearh, "This life is 1011, stage and- a1 ery man intuit play a parte Up to last week over 100 men had enlisted/ in the Beurie 13a 1! 130)1, Huron will have to hurry. Exeter eoldicrs paredea ehurch service heladed by Mark 13ros. Pipe Rand on 51111(1.1y. 161ST DOCTORS. lirosselm-Dr. Thom als 3,11e11%10. Whighain-Dr.. J. P P. Kennedy, Thursday, trenrulvy 3 d, 1910, ea, h -Dr. 3, Burrows. Godericli-Capt A, Ca 'Hunter A, M. c, Wroxet ; • Exeter -Dr dram) Peek. Blythe -Dr. W. J. Milne. These M. D '8 are all ender Ma- jor l)r. NEW CHAPLAIN. Rev. 'Henry eit, Parnarly., Met ha - diet yOttustai: 401gralleiiiitS 1 er.liT, .appOintea Chavlual for the 161st 44t0"..,;, The new fahaplainawees in '' Oven on Wednpsday calling at, Flaadotearters 4.14 . .51/ "(IONE' TO gEANC4.1). • " Worer has been received here to the ,effect that Capts, W. N. Mea Queen, 00'13001000101d, arid ' Fingland, of Auburn, have gone from England to France with the 3rdi /end 71:11 Brigades, 'respectively These .voung Mon awe known to many in Clinton. ANOTHEIR BIG LIST, Recruiting still goes on with good results and after the many, meetings that are, to ba held it is hoped they will snail leave e- nough recruits. Those who 0.5ve enlisted since lost week ale.- CLINTON. Albert Carter. 0., W. 301108. 'Fred Gigolos. Chas. Thom pe , (2. A. Nediger: 0, A. /Vie:Laughlin. L. 3. Wasinao. Olean k Ping lan cl, Percival GliddIon, Harry Simon's Pereivisl George. 'Marry 81,11008. 'Herbert 'llifcleuzie. W. P. 'Monologs, from Toronto. OOTSIITRICH. 3. C. Craig, A.. R. Bates. Ja 'H. Rates./ C. Hamilton, L. W. j Allin. A. J. Brindley A. B. Kitton. Cr. M. Merman. 13 Marsh. W. R. Poacher:v. R. D. Reynolds J. Youngblut. 1'. A. Xillough, Kennedy. C. J. Cox. D. A. White. .1. Woodley. T: :Adams. S. R. Murphy. C. A. NiVenS. WINGHA.M.. A. P. Knetehel, O K calor) aie• le A. J. A. Price. di'. DD. Sturdy. A.. u. norm, W, 10. Tonkin. T. 11. Yebstlalce, C. A. Campbell. 13RUSSEr,s. 5. W. Snelling W. 131 Snelling. SE AFORTH J. H. Tamien. ' T. M. Mc:Conley. B. 0. Muir, , J. GilleSpic. IIKETER. J. LOing. B. R. Matthews, G. C. Culbert, W, 11:10115011, GENSIALL, W. J. Shaddick DDellovie. W. Legal). , BLYTH. W. E Cowaa. 0. H. Coultee. W. J. Cole. a A. R. R. Spafford. aa. W. Biggins.. G. WROXEMER, W. J Hail. transferred Births, Muti:4es th:Dr3aths IttRT118. LINDSAY -In Goderich Township on Jan. '2710, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. D. M. L•indslay, a deughter. , DP,ATIIS MiLNE-In Goderich 111 Feiday, Jan. lOtil, Harriett Thomas, liet ot the late Chas, Milne, of Clinton. , Roll ttl lionor. ORGEt; Cbuivh Sunday School Members of the genie'. Claes nt taught by Mise Stevens,and Mr, IV, Walker, who have enlisted for the war ;- Willie Walker James Crick Blume Beacom. Se Newcombe Lewis Manning Watittlewood Ft ed 'Thompson VV ill Britton ehas.'Thn41144PAIN4MtP0 P4rket. Geo. WPii 'f!",;(..,`1, A ,,,...gehbute•-&•. Loc Brocketeaga . Leslie Nap aline ,,Morris aaa, RObt. Mabee eliiMorgan Aar: a ea...a a a, "AV , a. IIVIT.rar..{ eCanligaga 'of tb ',has pta 'ehasedaqta'alia. A. rictee Grocery stock and, will npen4int a Grocery business in the Com- mereial. Choir Leader Wanted " Choir Leader or 'Presentor wanted for lat. Andrew's Church, 11310111. Ap- plicatious received np to Foh, Iflth JNO. STOTHP'ItS.' SecaTreas, Aucti,In Sale Auction sale of the household effects of the late MVP. CriehoWill take place at her late residenee. Huron Street, on Saturday. Feta 5th, at 2 o'clock, Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. Azolictii 11) CREDITORS In the Estate of Catherine Moffatt Deceased. NOTICE is hereby give; 11151 111) persons having claims against the estate of Catharine Moffatt, late of the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased, who died 60 or about the 111.11 day of Jlari., 1016, are required to, de- liver to the undersigned :Ca - cantors, on 01' before the 1st day of March, 1910, a Rill statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and ;the nature of the securities, if any, acid' by them, all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAXIS $0311231 that e f ter the said last mertioned the ' said Oxecittors will proceed to efstribute the estate of the said deceueed amongst the persons enti- tled there to having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice in accordance herewith. Dated at Clinton this 3id day of IFeb... 191I1. W. 13R YDONE. Clinton, 0nt, John T, lelotaatt. laippen STAR LAUNDRY We wish to inform the public OW we have botight Moore's Laundry, neaten Soruton's butcher atop, where we will carry on a First -Class nand Laundry and solicits a trial 013 work which Will be executed by hand without the use of acids, lime of other chernicals to destroy the clothes. Compare one price with what yin] have been paying Here are a few : -Working shirts 7c, flannel shirts 7c, undershirts 5c, under drawers 5e, sox per pair 4e, linen coats .10c, 'pants 15c, blouses 10c, sheets 5e, shirts 10c, Ladies collars and cuffs done the best in town. Collars 2e, Shirts ironed so they will not huvt tbe neck, vests 100 Stand-up callers ironed without be- ing broken in the wing. Goode not called for in (5) days will be sold to pay charees Goode called for and delivered. Purely C. 0: D. Charlie Lee, t'roprietor Wanted, 30 eords of 16.inch green hard wood for WilIis Church. Apply to WM. GRANT, Clinton Reliable Man Wanted Wanted -A reliable man with Some inisinesS experience with farmers, to represent ns in Clinton and Huron County. A. permanent position for the right men. 13.ignest commissions paid. Territory reserved, New specialties for season 19101 • STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto. Ont. COME AND SEE THE Ckevrelel "fouraNilleig" at the Clinton Motor Car Co. Show Rooms rm.:rn VIC . 11030)31', Head Motor "Wk t461. "i• , ' tWil,tra nAtel k s :%1'VsA.fait_rl 11'2;1'. 1414' tad TrOtabAllt and Quiet Running Price Complete $675 F.O.B. Oshawa Regular Equipment Mohair Tailored Top, Envelope and Side Curtains, Electric Horn Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer, Electric Starting and Lighting System, Ammeter and License Brackets. NOTE—Owing to the great demand for this car: we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery, We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting System with Bendix Drivz, same type and grade as used on the high-priced cars, A COMPLETE LINE OF REPAIRS ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK w. J. NEDIGER, Agent. Phone ;134 CLINTON 1 Smaller Coal Bills .• Let Us reduce ,your coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves -only a &mil amount of ash. This cool is LEHIgil VALI. ANTHRACITE The Coal That Skis, It 1 ri1.1 save you moneClar y. e a Z4. J. Holloway, Clinton Western University, London ANOTHEB GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled—Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Alas and Medicine Greatly incrensed Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to: 16.16. BRA1T13WA M A., Ph.D. Peesident. TC nders Wanted Tenders will he reeeived l,v the Ooancil of the Township of Hullett up to two p m, on Thursday, the 8rd Feb. 191a, for the erection of a steel bridge over the Walkerburn Creek, about 5 miles north of Londeshoro, said Madge to he GO' feet long and 10 feet roadway with cenient, flooring. And also for the building of cement abutments te simport the said bridge The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted JAMES CAMPBELL Clerk Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the mein bees of the McKillop L11131,al FireInsurance Company, will be held in the, town hall, Seafortb, on Fele 4th, 1910, at a o'clock pan. The business will be -to receive the amount statement and auditors report, the election of three directors and other business which might be for the henefit of the 00111- pany; The retiring directore are John Bennewies, M.P.P., James Evans and John 0, Grieve, who are eligible for re election, J. B. McLean, Thos, E Hays, President Secretary Shorthorns for Sale Here is your chance to buy a right gond 2 year old Bull from an "imp." sire and A record milking etvain, Also three calves from 5 to 11 months old. All good feeders 14,nd in extellent con- dition. Come and APO them EDWABD 13, WISE,. R R No 3 Clinton Phone 12 on 165 Logs Wanted Highest prices paid for all kinds of good logs delivered at Doherty's mill, Clinton. For particulars apply at Ford & McLeod, F, G. RUMBALL For 'Sale ••••••••••• A. white brick 2 story hoose of 00 rooms with gond cellar; Town water; acre of land with apple trees; also a stable. Corner of Princess and Spen- cer street. For terms eta. apply to Mrs, El. Holtzhauer, 00 premises. Painting it Paper Banging Painting and Paper II iting neatly and promptly done, Orde:re left 111 Huneaurd's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GRAELIS 0000,1510866100111SOMM166000n • • winter session • • • tit • • Opens Januaryf3rd in all depart. •• a Ments of Shaw's Business ,0 • Schools, Toronto, Our Catalogue • explains our eaperiority in Equip • 12 went, Staff, Methods and Re. • 5 sults, You ere invited to write it • for 1(1 1) interested in the kind of • echnol work which brings beet 0 • snecess. Address • 0 • W. R. Shaw, President Yon gees:etted•Geee,rev:rselZi:::::00.0 • 0 • Headquarters for Flour • • o Emit is.tbb,thUtd{fo'lkiylkiiikVihogu,' sapplt00 Flour. We e/laiY'S, full 'stock' of the following brands,- PeCtitcY lr Tavistock Listowel Five Rages Milverton London WhitePlume (pastry And Alen a brand nt Breakfast Food', made from choice Manitoba wheat, at (5pounds for 25c To Make Your liens Lay This winter we recommend olio Laving Meal, Beef Scrap, Oyster Shell Bone Meal, Grit and Charcoal. We always carry a full line of Bran Shorts Oil Cake Low Grade Flour Molasses Leleal Dairy Mead Highest Prices Paid for all Kinds of Grain Wienkinsit8on Flour and F eed. phone 199