HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-01-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT., • '
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Netxt to Royal Bank
This Way of
Buying Underwear
Is Easy and Safe
Just do two simple things, First -Look
for our name on the store before you
enter. Second -Ask usto show you a
garment with "Stanfield'silUnshrinkable
on its label.
You will then be sure of endurinz UndPr-
wear quality, produced with old-fashioned
care, by well paid Canadians, in a sunlit
Custom Tailoring
Men's !Furnishings.
Phone 103.
Opposite Public Librar
Is now ready to do your work. New
type and new stock of paper just placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
swimminnesawasciassenousisea smerseassommesicsarate
Fancy furniture
Of dainty eharacter, for Parlor
and Reception Room„ is here for I
your inspection, Light in con
struction and design tut ex•
trernely well made in,every de-
tail. Here are the finest creations
of the furniture makers craft,
and at prices that will temp the
wise and discriminating buyer.
The Cheapest Spot in Huron
0 boy fall:bads of Furniture
BA.I.111.1 AerTMIWISOl'er
Furnitare-DealerS and Funeral DireetOrs-PhOne 104
?i. Ball 110 -RESIDENCE PHONES- .1. D. Atkinson 180
Ever think you wanted something that you would relish tor a meal, and
could not:just think what it was you wanted ?
How about prunes --We have some select goods, that are put up by the
well known "Sunkist" people whose goods have a quality all their
own, 2 lbs for 25c
Some other suggestions are Catsup, el P. Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce,
Mixed or Sweet Pickles, Olives, etc. T.n canned goods we carry a full
line in Peas Coin, Tomatoes, Tuna Fish. Salmon, Heinz Spaghette,
Oampbells or Clarks Soups and other seasonable goods.
Our Orange prices are right, from 16c per dozen up.
Our 6th semi-annual, Clearing Sale has to date
proved an unequalled success -Thanks to our many
patrons and friends. Below you will 'find a number of
new lines of shoes as well as rubbers placed on our
bargain list for your consideration,
60 prs womens patent kid
button or laced boots,
to 7, reg 2 50 tO 3.50,
sale price 1.98'
60 pairs misses kid boots
button or lace, all sizes
reg $2, sale price 1.48
30 prs boys high top lace
boots, sizes from 1 to
5i regular price 3 50
sale price 2.118
3o prs mens calf blucher
sizes 6 to 9,, reg $2 to
3.50, sale price2.48
Do Not Forget ihe Rubber Goods on Sale
14. S. ellAPIVIAN
Phone 70 Clinton
The annual meeting of the Crn
ton Spring Show will be held ,on
LSaturday !afternoon, January
29th at 2 o'clock all the direc-
tors we urged to be pi escsit and
all others intetres.ted in the show
• are in vittld to attend.
For many years one of the class-
es in Willis Church consisted of
five boys, Earl O'Neil, Stewart
Scott, Ed. MacDona1d, Byard 'Hill
George McTaggart. Today eve„!.. -
one of these boys is in khaki. Has
any other class in Huron County
such a record?
Scar d 'ett Tiros., of Lendon,
wholesale grocer' ard river Ceal
ers, were charged With !ICS' Illy
shipping, liquo•,Into :ivogi Coun y
and a 3 eprelsentative of. the 1 rm
app,aied beim e. Polite Magistrate
And 'ews Saturday morning lard
was fined $50 and costs. Crown
.A.ttorney Seeger prose mt.( d fer
Impecttir Torrance.
The Union, Banquet for the men
of Wesley, Ontario' Street, and
Tuyner's churches will be 1. hell 111
Ontario Street church nex Tte -
day, dfebrunry ,2nd. Rev C. E.
Manning of the Central Miws,nory
Department of Toronto will give
an address 0 addition to local
speakers. Music will. be suppEel
by male voices. The W. M. S. or
the churches are -uniting to supply
the banquet and a most enjoyalie
evening is expected.
The annual wrst! mg of V1'is
Presbyterian Church, was he'd last
Thum day night, with W. ,131‘ dune,
B. A., chairman of the boat d of
tinstees, pres1cIng, and Geo, D.
McTaggart, secreta, y. There was
a got d attendlance and report,'
(from all departments were 1 e y
encouraging. This is the, seccaid
year that Rev, Prank C. Harper. B,
1)., has bcen the •minister of this
church, having formerly been in
Chalmer's Church, Lor don. The
membership has been increased dor
ing the year by 27 and de contri-
bution to misrlians was $70 mo: e
than any previous year. As ate -
:alit of the eve y-anember-canvass
the envelope oilletrings were $300
more than any previous 3 e,ar,
Messrs, John Torrance, John Mc-
EWen, W. Collyer, arel A. Innis
were °lotted to the board of trus-
tees. It was unanimous'y decided
to give the minister $100 addition-
al sally for the coming year.
Since coming to Clinton Mr.11ar-,
per has been very active in anl
gocd work, and his name has been
mentioned in connection with the
appointment of a, chaplain for the
161st (Huron) 'Regiment now being
formed, The congregational
curers statement ishowed inereastd
reeeips„ increased experditurcs and
larger talance on hand than last
'Year. Revenue raced in 1915 $3783;
expenditures $3155, and balance on
hand $626, The envelorc contribu-
tions were $1443, the large9t yet in
the history el Willis Church apart
from legacies. Highest teore was'
in 1909-41178. In 19-11 it was $ 070.
The Women's Association ;raised
$251 in 1015, an increase of. $1b3
over preceding year anti they ex-
pendsd 193 on church and manse
hnprovements, also reducing th,e
church debt by $100. The W. M. S.
gave $135 to Alissloos in the Pres-
byterial Society. The Girls! Club
hed a good year, raised $100, no.
increase of $52, and gave 11:00
to Missions and Benevolent pm -
poses, an increaseof $.0, The J».
Girls' Club in this Tirst year
, .its Hee: y gave $ 9 to
missions. The Sunday Scheel in-
creased it (average latfend nice
from 105 in 1914 to 122 in 1910 and
raised $226, The Set1:0r d junior
Schools gave ,a tota6, of $.L to Ms
Mons, of which Willis 13, S. contrib
110d $.9, Stanley S. S. $ '4, and the
Covenant B. 0. $42. The Covenant
B. 0, increased its menatership
from 57 to 101 in 1015. Total raised
by all 'organizations $4062. Total
Balance on hand $743. Total for
alt Miss'ons and Benevolences $10 0
The membership was him eased by
-27 new members, 15 'by profession,
: The membership 710w is '276. Num
ft her of families 132.
Local News
Yi7cAr*Tiyrre.rivitry V**V *V** v V lr
'Etere'George Jewitt. i Blyth,
bap ,vekleived an invitation teem
Ont„ to became their
pastor for the next term and has
accepted, eubject to the decision
of London Ccalerepee next June
The e'evere,nd ,gentlerian is cure-
pletingii9 6th year eit,
. Mr, Joel Doyle son of H s Honor
jedge DOyle, is now manage,. "of
the Bitior trd Clinton 11trcti
branch of the Union Beek at Tor
otito. Me. Deyie ,has feces on 'the,
Berlin staff of the Bank the past
Iwo yeites and former'y was leiter
of the Goderich branch. s -Free
motion has been we 1 .earntd and
is pleasing to "Joe'ei. boat cl
frieed 1 C1 10600.
Winter has not lost its grippe.
Has the 1916 January thaw .enlist
ed for the duration of the war?
• We hope the, Council won't 4on
in the .chortis "Well never let the.
Tax Rate( fall."
• Do you think its going to snow?
The penalty for ciefacing 05
removing iefeetious disease n'o-
eards is $,.00 When
necessary theseare pot up by offi-
cials of the Bo -a d ot Health. They
can only bel removed legally by
an officer of the board,
t Last Vrirlaty evening Mr. and Mrs
Wesley. Welke., gave over their
heautiful home On High Street to
the Young Ladies' Datriotic
ety fors a patriotic 500 party. Over
one hundred guests were preseet,
showing that the peop'e nt CIM -
ton are not at all averse to Com -
lining patriotism with tnlea,ure.
The prizes were won by • NIT. Bre--
done and Wilbur Ford. E-ur:ng the
evening it .was decided to raffle a
centre piece whiCh had been do-
nated by Miss Rance, The ;holder
of the lucky ticket teng a mem...-.
Ler of the Y. L P. S.. tee centre
piece•Vvas afterwards preeentect Lo
the hostess. Besides furnishing a
delightful evenings entertainment
the -500 party was a great snieeis
financiallly, the proceeds amount -
to seventy five dollars, This will.
go to' the Recruiting rFunci.
The canvass tor signatures 10
the petitions of the CommiItee or
One 'Hurd vd began het e on Mon
day and wil1. be completela this
week. Iho 'Work seems to re
systematically in hand, and the
canvass promises to he thorough
Three -petitions are circu'atcd
--one on 0(11110 paper be.ng,
signc d to heft,' the m!mes of vnt-‘
ers only. The 050111511 1)016111 0011
will be placed upon bloc paper,
as k will also all petitioners who
are young awn cetwr en the age
o.f 17 find 21 yoars, The- 1.01it'ons
when conaplquel, 011 11 pat Ls
the province, ill he pi e-,ent,,e1
to the .Onlario Govcrout,z11..
a dequicftlf; •for; lirst fo•:• 111' at- -
of the sale o"in-
toxicating liquor ; SCTOI'd 6-11 If
the 11 et roqueet, that a ileSh -
cite be, taken. the maortly or
01(1(51 shall d termine the issu.
In the pahny Buys or 11' 7110
industry in this' locaLty the Ca.'
ada Salt Association was an organ
watton composed of str.Ing com-
mercial men such un S. Platt. Coe e
rich: Ransford Bros.. Clinton : Dray
Young and is Seale rth
WIugh:a,1i arid blyth; Dr, Coleman,
St aforth ; and S. Rightmeyer, Kin-
cardine Those were the days
when the salt ir dudtry figure 1
more largely rias a fairly prefitah e
1 usiness than it dee3 tod.ay. The
death of Mr. :Frank Sperling, at
Winghamslast week.4 (the last.
*.ivor of Gray, Young and Sper-
ling) leaves Mr. John Ran S rd,
this town 'as sole ,survivoe of this
interesting group of big 110.
While Me. Ransford is tilt so
30ung as he used to le no o
will charge him with. :any lack of
vitality, either physically or
.and we thief: it may be a
long clay before they can. In this
connection it May .be rcentioned
that our geniall town
L. Macpherson, We/ for some titre
bock -keeper for the Canada Salt
Asso0iati011. •
Lucknow Sontinel.-Ms. John
,Toynt has mrd s ian important
change in his big ash illmmin4,8s
with:n the 'past we:dc. Un to the
present e'l ashes gathered (and he
been inn ding ,a bout 7E% of the
ashes • collected in Canada) had
5010 shirn:d 00 1110 Eastoi'nIElatce
to be used as fertilizer. Hereafter
it will all go to •St. - ;Catharine.
Ont„ where a large -pettash plant
is heing, put in operation; ard lbe
ashes inskied !of being used as. 'e -
tilizer will be used in the reeking
ofpotadli, Some idea of the m:-
ter,siveriess of the business 01533 00
5155 51 when it is stAted thialt :for
years -Kg. „Topa has 11151 about ose
hui,ered teams at work re lectin.„.„.:
'ashoe througheint the whble..,00
Old Ontar1o, Ho he rontiiactcd to
siapPly- the factory at St. Cathar-
ineswith'pet less than 10,000 tons
of ,ashesNkearly, lard as much more
asise CariOttaria in. This breaks Off
the 'trade with the Unit ea States
completely.. -The concern at 51'.
Catharines known as the Cheet-
ientrefinerlea, Ltd. The buisrieles.
is Iltd into existence ky :cut Vai,r
off -the suplay 00 Potash Itorn
inariy, where it is fourd in g•rele
9,MintitIes in mineral form. ra'..ab.
is'en essential factor in the 'mak-
ing of explesiv ard 'since the/
outbreak of war there hes 'be
trail pEd:ins dot01il:1u for it. One
of the elf et • eatisfacri tans M!,
Joyet ,hee in making the change
in l,i business iS that 1 e.'erf.ter
• Whilelke'•war lastshewill be help
ing Ant en the, munition ptoh'ern
115 tbe,pOtash mr de in the St.
Catharines, , plant OV1I go Ino eT,L‘
Plesiv0 for the Allies while: the.
• war lasts: In this connection wet
mny that Mr. Weelety, Joynt,
whO has ;MA to'd out his shoe 6011
noSsi Will horetafter be, engaged.n
organizing and. managing the ash collecting
GL1.5 TO GET it',
The New Era w &eon' ,eve' Y
item of MAWS. If you have y -
thing to roeoril fu y wit it'ug
up the New Ere, at a y tlm
Co0s'd:41- y.ittsrl'f fortunate 'I
evey member in the laMly hasn't
grippe. Melo le ale lch di 01 it
150 VOUI Weed s' -of Toreniti, C 1.111
&Os fOrell.6OS6 Ilir-g00.61S deagrIETS
and manufacturers will displayand
,elemonStrate a sample stock of
1.1 dies' jUaity htepeegoods and
gentlemen's toupt 51 and wigs at
the Ilattenbtuy Ileuse, Clinton. A
free demonstratiop lief any sty e is
available to anyone :interested co
Fe:Military, the 101h.
The address in 'VA of the coli-
surnntive; wIlleh was to have been
hed in Clinton last Thursdr y even
153 west tint hack a sight to allow
a show company to have th..r q
nights. Ass a consequence 115
33>01 hrd practically ro crowd ad
money collected -would not reach
Do you', evor stop to think what
town, any rov, 11, itives ite 05:•: -
Papers ?Do y.1.1 rrintise how mi, -11
Of y :lir town s past e;rowl'i 11 d
Presentprwpnre y is due e
uuceasing edt traty and ad‘
of its local papers? A gocd
way te-1 bring home to 301)115 0
what you, at d your Inline; owe
t0 your local gaper, or p.aperi, is
go. figure to y. urself what you,.
town wou'd be withoub them. This
is one tilingwhich some 11tn, a -
parently integgent and thong 11'-
101 in other inatteire, er iS 100)33
nemer d
Luck -now Ser Una .We -it y
Jcyat has -so d eut his trot end-
shoa busine-se to S. 'Pathw- 11 & Cr.
who gets possession on Fe eruary
.7111. Mr, J.oyat has lied a. good
leisiness. with a go' d and fill
sto•lt always on hand and we have
no d.:ubt 1 al under the new
agemeint the store will te kept
up• to' its past hgi s 51111.-xe
Elsewhere in this paper w 11 f e
font d advertisement of a e'ca -
ing sal) vt,li!cli Ole Joynt l'1"1
until the builitet,s.changes, hands
Mr, Hathwel was 11 former .shue
merchant in C reit on. -
The Clinton Public School Boa d
at the inauguration meeting ep-
point( d committees fde the con--
ing year es fo'lowsi Chah m•n, Dr
J. S. Evans ; 900101( 33 treasurer, 16
E. 110elee• •..115 sala,ry
man of finance, W. H. fielyete; no
perty, S. Kemp, Dr. Ruth cI
was reappeintcd 00 the. Co lega. e
Deetilute Boiled and tsr
to the public librai hoodt
The board has in view r'tra-
(is to the t oel to1p ov'd
te sanitary conelitons. rie-
rtens, lighting, healeing ard
he attontini ,1 'o
timatid to cost about .$1.5,000.
Ni.,enxntoly"uc!. d y is the rret of
M: 8. MeHa'dy SM:th (5000 1151
her top' 10 155 t era to 1 m ny
atleactioee an the, progeatit
• Only 'Sone more days in. ;TIT y
Great weather -p 1325 fro e t one
clay, thee a thaw end autoca aye
P115 winter seem";lilcly to shew
fifty-seven vatee'.100 0' 0 0 .th or.
We ve never far c',08 mtVis
but the. y're Forr ernes ye. 33 hal dy
in zero weather.
Is your subseeiption paid
Huron County council ;mete in
Ged.irich tiles weak..
Orillia Packet ;--Mr, :D. Can' el -
on, of Clin'o 1, who was in Or Ilia
lately, save the act:on, of the 0 -
minion Goverwment ornmand-
eering fitted 1 ninon busheie or
wheat, stiffened the maeket
the Northwest, and gave anneh
Sa1i51fletiOn 10 grain -g owers 511'
1151133 Mr; r.'arite.o Item es that
it will take of year 10 c rn p y
prairie province of the pi e ',out
seasons E..urp'us of grain, ‘th'cli
not onlyheats all records, hut -
almost VA; 5051eon, prr 11 !:1
considering the population oI the
North-iWeet, The coital of it,
Cantelon 5571,is hardly likely
to he es pereereeagain within a
geneeation. Mr. Canteton's ecei,
a farmer, not In ai large wry,
near Edmonfonhas role, 1.8i 0
bushel,. of wheat, at Bre.. and Dee.
and has besides much other g"air.
The pubie utilities comp i 51011
has completed the neport for the
year and in both wa'er-wo.ks ana
1 yelro Ile results a. e sat is fia oi y.
A Iihough wale. woiks was only in-
rstalled in 1909 alreaely there a e
E09.service9 connected ani 31 of
these we:•e ,kidCec.1 during 195, and
when it is rementieti el neat there
nee only 550 heuses 10 town it
shows the loyalty of the citizens
to the system and also 1.110, -the
1:ownIS greatest need has teen
met. The amount rec'ivecl for
water rates was $5,808.25, which
includes $2,240 hy„fro rental that
the town Dmyi the depqrrreent.
The total ,anicunt of wa er pumr-
ed was 19.35.909 galonz IgIte
• Grand Trunk Railway now t!,.kes
all the -waten nreierl 1100 from
the 60W0 system which nets the
town about t$400 per year. The
hydro elre1ric department for the
fi:II:,tiine 111 the history of, :the
systena, has a. exw plais o0
There were on jartua•y 1, 60!
domestic eorommors, with a l'otal
i evenue or $0,856 whl 11 inc u 01
$1,630,40 collected from the i own
for street lighting. The inlereist
• and .fixed charges ,anointed to
$2,013,.1-5, and $1,1.81,85 was 111551
aside for sinking furd , ,iresevve.
r.fhe disrotaraging, kaiute of the
' '
plent. Which 11 so'on 10 00 idle 1.5
still considered am awe!: cf $13,-
456, and 'the town stands to 'ere
heavily when this is disposed
Thursday, January 27th, 1916.
, To Cover a Whole Year
vV e want every day in the new year to be a happy
one for you -the kind, of happiness that comes with
gobd health, good cheer and good business. 1he kind
you have when you sleep soundly, waken gladly, look-
ing torwaid to a day of good thing's, and in the evening
• being able to look back dt a day tbat has put you a day
ahead. That is What is in our Mind when we pen these
three words to you HAPPY' NEW YEAR.
1916. HELPS
Gist of the Lesson
Peloubet's Notes
Tarbell's Guide
Arnold's Onintrientary
Office and Pocket Diaries
The W. D. Fair leo.
Often the eheapcst-Always the Best
ITIC ems
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam
What's .the use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
Beyond a doubt this is the most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever sold. Nothing else will so
readily redeye a cough. Try
Dispensing Chei list THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE
agammam mmogram
Furniture, Rugs & 1 inoleumb
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if vou are going
to furnish your home, or if you only scant soma odd pieces.
You will lid it to your advantage to inspect cur stock and see
the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos and organs.
011. Undertaking Department is up 60 515,65 in every respect
aud Ove guarahlee the best of satisfaction
undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28.
Hight and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
1 The eorner Store
Sap Pans and' "Live and Let Live"
Buy Fish Now
Healthful, Ecbrionuleal.
Order your ...ap Pans and henenciat foods, At this 5011500 of the
Fish is one of the finest and most
year it can he procured in specially
Buckets now so you will have, line ''.condition; at exceedingly reason -
111110 prices,
you want to Our stock. is all selected fish and we
offer you a large variety,
Fresh Halibut
I Lake Superior Herring
I Smocked Finnan Haddie
and Fillets
Salted Codfish
and Trout
Order some today, Phcne 45
A large assortment of Worcester-
shire Satins, relishes catsup, etc., at
all prices.
them ready when
use them.
Thos. llawkins
Plumbing, and Heating
Agents for Hecht Furnaces
Shop- over Rom land's Hardware
E. Hunniford
414+44+44 +4.44 44++++ 44++++4.-1. 4.++++4•4•44.44 dereelaller+ +4+444'
If you care for the best of shoes and the limit
of Shoe Service and Satisfaction that your shoe
money can secure, make this your shoe store.
For Men's, Women's, Boys, Misses and,Ohittiren's Shoes
that rank above the grade of "just shoes,"
5.01 the Newest Models and the latest and best Style
Features, shown by the country's best and most noted
shoe manufacturers.
For perfect shoe fitting by fitters that know how to pro-
vide the exact size, width and model to fit the foot as it
should befitted.
For the best Mens Shoes at $3.52, 400 oa 0,00
For the best Womens Shoes at 92.50, 5,00 or 4,00
For the best School Shoes
For the best Children's Shoes, in any style, at any price
Make this your Store & come here for Shoes
. -
. , I •
. 1
. I