HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-01-27, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50, No. 3
W. H. Kerr & . Son, Editors and Publishers
The 'Cast 'Hurons' Are Calling For Meds. Do YOU Hear the Ca11?
vyvvvvvvvvvvvvv,0000 0,0v^ AAIIMMAA AAA e• •64800ao14e••*dais••e•e4o•ee•e•••ee••e•o•s••.•••41•t 110.0 a �aoot)000••e®••00000e000•t s: ■ ,■
e , eve I1 w� ivinston Gre Warden
:m C9 Antn s Militarylife• Patriotic H ��tes [Grey]
v ,
That !s why we advise you to use
, its the lightning cure for'.coagbs rind colds, Its the best
remedy for the worst cough. It has cured ethers it will
cure you 25o per bottle. No war tax. Sold only by
Rest Quality Drug Stora The Rexall Store
.VT. S. M , .�30 LTi1 + 1 Phm. B,
TPe RoYal BaPli I
Capital Authorized ;525,000,000 e
tapital paid up 11,560.000,
Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000
'notal Assets' ... .. , 185.000,000
LIS C 1 13 El. A. IN d✓ 1 L 1E: Pe
With World-wide onnect on i
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits
General 13anking Business Transacted.
R. E, IYIAENING Moonier, "'
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96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business 'Transacted
Savings Bank Department
interestAlloned at Alfelrcit Current (tate
C.E. ii(laydill„t', :tl:lulla'a'r 4'ti¢3ton Brunch
•>M••&w›•••43d.+ •4. •44O•m•,9d O4p64••%•••0•••0••P•®'!••A••
; Ft
Ends MondayJailm
We want to make the last Three Nays Record
Breakers and are offering special cut prices. Space
: will not permit a complete list. We quote only a few
• of the many bargains to be obtained here.
• `
510 C0 to 12 00, sale price 56 00
1800 to 1500. sale price - "•• 890
'18 00 to 25 90, sale price 14 00
ig0;t s' Overcoats
54 50, sale price 5 2 25
6 00 Reefers, sale price 3 90
• 10 only odd lines, eizes 28 to 33 regular
• 5 00 to 7 50, sale price . 2 50
• len's Winter Caps
• 500, sale price 35
•75e. sale price 40
• 1 00, sale price 60
Hen's. Heavy Mitts and Gloves
• 60e, sale price „ ,..,,..,, 35e
75, sale price 49
• 1 00, sale price 69
1 , ; Boys' Suits
• 8 only Boys all wool, Rawson Tweed
• •
6 50, your choice for. 1
• 350 to 5 00, sale price 1 50
• ▪ -
Men a
11Ler-s Negligee
o Shin 29c
Mens Sults s at Big Bargains
Mens Raincoats at Big Bargains
•. vii i •. !sramMINS
• • if you want to Save Money—Get • � Busy
Only Three Days More.
� e.
• misimamorsenteassaaeresesessisrmaamassenraer
.. .
• The i!(tr Il 1 o
: Agent for C. PMC. Telegraph' Co.
Square 19e
• tor Every q �Man
•TIAe Store of
,,,,,,,...4.64,...••••............, OANr�•A••K•!O•••O•■r•A•••t♦' l' iCgtatly
_ - - W ' T o A
Y-, S.
•mMof the ifiia
t Battalion Wintering Rare -Moron
County el u t n .Notes --Activities by
the Ruron
Battalion . •
fres•e 00•e •••••espeiietaoe
1... -Col.• Coinbi ard fires. Pltotnp
son, Wallis and Wilkin iotteedecl n
iecrurting meeting at. Exeter lest
Fr::dsy eight.
e •e•0•d•0.0••0e•0.0•••••••0
Some of the r eciuits of the 16 s:
have been .getting e little "gray'',
by overstaying' leave, not repot,-
ing on duty, etc, and ttiey hag,
bc•c(n brought to task by the head
O)'ficers and see.tericn has f eel
meted out to them,
Lieut. A. J. Grigg hes diniirt]
the King's uniform and ;s non'-at-
tea:ding to his regular clubes at
Capt. Allen, Quar•tea'rr,aster and
his staff are Duey knefnrg tl'e
rwpplies Shoving to the varices
units around the Coun'y
Have you! talked to' him, • girls?
,What did he' say?
Kitchener's appeal; "1 re'yconf!-
dant'y on the 'rural population of
all grades to perf .ria its share of
the national duty int this crisis
in our history,''
The happiest' faces you meet' on
the streets •tcday are the boys in
uniform. •
Wear the khaki ,as d the un'form
If you; cannot go yourself, try to
get a iOcruit. Don't 'chock !
Can't you( hear the bugle calling
Never let it be sad ,you wui.e
Recruiting in Canada/ is 1e! s 'n
-proportion than any other Darts
of the Empire.
Recruiting has been fairly Mask
this week for the "Timone" and
with the oti mes who are enlisted
icings the, force up to 33tnvitl:oet
officers Following. are the new;
recruits for this week,-
J. M. Mugfore,
T ' •Feemtin,
E Snell•.
D. M. Balktvill.
C. Anderson,
A. '11. Townsend.
A. C. D. McGregor,
A. Mayhew
D, Gwyn.
13. Letson,
G. P. O'Brien.
R. 0, A. Ireland.
W. J. Adair.
J. 0. T. Manuel.
W, J. Percy
W. White.
G. G. Rintoul,
R. IF. G. Cameron
G. C. Champion,
H. Champion.
R. A. Champion,
J. R. McLaughlin.
S. Rutledge. '
13. Snider.
F. N. Thuell.
J. C. Thuell.
A. W. I>enllisOn.
1V, R. Sholdiee!`
OG. A. Hooper
I. H. J. Wilkinson.
--0•-- Continued on Page 4
the young mrnhoc d of this c u) ,-
ty has' Becht scarcely Louth, d y.:,,
-•-or2--- p��pl9
e e tP181S
m e: o an Murray
� , Y e p-evr nt
scription by en:fsting now.
Is it not better, to go nr 1'nlrly
at 71 r
. b t daythan i1n byf0
02 at 12
ceets-- a day? Which bal. it be?
Very 50:.0 a girl will alma' tneed
an armed escort it she ,ve•Ing ou,
with a healthy youth in civilian
--- Life and and fortune at e out urcer-
iain th'ngs; the only thing that ren
dares in re..tl• manhood runt real
If this is the fendst count, y in
the wor:d to live in, would St not
Se worth dying for?
Only eleven ele'v"en of the original tat -
talion of the Princess Pats ,as e
now at the front. "When 'she 1
their glory fade?'•
WARNING TO 010,10,
Young women: who are about to
marry overseas. men show d sae to
it that they are to get separation
allowance] before they get rn,ar-
rit'd. Tho m'lvtaiy litw anlaicei it
Imperative that sod'.:ess must an-
t;ouneo their lidentirns of marri-
age at the time of the!r cnl•stmc nt
and they must marry within 21
days after' en'istment in order that
their t"vives rear o file govern-
ment -separation allowance.. et
course theme ate some spcc:ai ex-
eeptions which ncc'essitate a lost
of. red tape sand which can DO he' -
ter arranged. prior to the wedding
The so'diers are advised to get
the consent of commanding o'f'
cm's prion "to the wedd'n,;, so that
they may get the allowance.
Green Pea with mint sauce
P)tit Pols per pkg •viii:., .10c
Jan, 5 l pails, assorted, per
Pail 50c
Tuna Fish per tin 20c
New park Shrimps per tin18c
Ocean Wave Baking Powder
per Lin..,.., 25c
Rosehud' Beets extra fine for
salads, per tie .,,,15c
Fresh Lettuce and
Try The New r
for' Job Work inPhone48
Answers the CII
On Saturday evening of last
week, after an Mr 03S of 0 very
few days, Mrs, William Murray
passed to "Ooe Lang Home!, le
her death, Clinton has lost itseid-
est resident aro. ore of its most
honored pioneers. Dlrs. Murray
whose maiden name was Mary Mac
Taggart, was born in 1821, at Mac-
hrahanish, near Camp helton'n, Ar-
gylleshire, Scotland. When isle
was ten years of,age the resells'
came out to Camara ard Giettied
near Woodstock Then at the care
age of eighteens" title was married
and twelve years afterwards she
and her husband 7mme to Clinton'
--Rattenbury's Corners, it was then
called. The silage consisted of an
inn and three houses
In the early history , of our
town. Ml's. Murray was a prorcin-
ent figure. She was a teacher in
the first Sunday -School organ-
ized in Clinton. This Sunday
School was .non-de'nominationail
Later Mr.and ti
tad Mrs, Murray we••e
among those members of the Pres
byterian Church who banded to
gether to form a congregation here
Mrs. Murray was for years the
only one remaining sof those who
signed the call 'to Dr, 'MacDonald
the first pastor of Willis 'Church
For some time her advancing years,.
prevented her from attending the
services but she alwarys pre-
served her great interest in ' ,and
ep love for, the church of which
she waste/ charter ancmher.
Had Mrs. Murray lived until the
29th of March she would have com-
pleted her 94th y ear. In spite ` of
this great rage she was in poses-
sion of all her, futilities. She was a
great Mader and took an intelli-
gent interest in all the gstesttonsof
the slay.
The fur,et•aL took place on Tues-
day afternoon, Rev. Dr. Stewart,
and Rev, F.'0, 'Stamper, conducting
the ret vice. The rail -'bearers
were Messrs. W D. 'Frau•, ' . Coats,
D,'MacCorvie land Jas Scott. TI•e
relatives .and friends Imam a dist-
111150 ,.tt- l'
e t c r
n in weren.,�
c .es and
nephews of the decease I. Among
'Ell them we •q Mrs. A. ,Gunn and two
sons; Mrs. 'Ai aliay and two sons
of Toronto
Mrs. /Pair ar and Mrs.
Campbell, of Detroit Messrs Mal
colm and John Douglas, J.Smith ;,
A. MacTaegart and Miss MacTag-
gart, of Woodstock. 0e30015.
The Womens' Saatr•iotic Soder'y
ask all who liege been sewing or
knitting for than 'to kied'y send
in the finished work that thcyrev
have, as the Society hope to pack,,
at:d ship`tPrid,ay, Feb, 4th.
The extensive regi'st a i we reel
to keep )n ntirci; and ,to came to
the work mcseting5 he'd in .t1 e
Council Chamber, every tr'dty af-
• e
Over The Teacu.p,
Mr, a,nI ills. Thomas Stinson, of
Varna, an0nnuoe the engagement of
their daug htlr,• I athleeu, to air.Ernest W. 1•L Izzard, of Montreal, it,,
of Dir. steel Mrs. Joseph lzzard, of
Goderich Township, the .wedding to
take place ea, l•y in ht bruiky.
Major Sinclair, of 1Winghant, teas a
caller at Headquarters nu Saturday
last and also attended the memorial
service of the. late Major Sales,
Miss A. Wallace isserionsly 111 with
bronchitis at the house of her sister,
Ales al6Garva,
Rev. 11. G, Powell was at Stortford
on Monday . attending the meeting of
the Perth County Temperance work-
Mies Edna Wise is visiting her eon,
sin Miss Grace Wise at Carlow,
Miss Broder, of Moreisburg, is the
guest of her sisters in town.
Misses Kathleen turd Helen Gemse,
otof l,ouclon, are visiting old friends it
Kiss Bennett, of Toronto, whose
home is in Blyth, was a visitor hr
town for a few days.
Lieut. Edgar Torrance spent the
week end in town,
Reeve .Ford is attending County
Council this week at Goderich,
DIr. Wm. Coats, of Goderi,:h was in
town on Tuesday attending the fun-
eral of the late Mee, Murray.
Mr. 0. 0. 1+e,•guson oi' London, was
a caller in town 011 Wednesday.
Airs, D. 13, Kennedy is under the
doctor's care with la grippe.
Mr, Fred Foster is laitl ulr with an
al tack of the grippe.
Dir. Orttveiu, of i'4ensall was in Lown
on Melds y.
Lieut A. I Grigg -was to London
this week attending ilse funeral of Iris
mother-in-law, the late Mrs, Smellie,
Mr. E. N. Lewis DI P, of West
Linnen was shaking hands with our
citizens on 1londay manning,
Mr. Il P, Manning, Manager 01 the
Royal Bank is able to get down to
his duties alley a bout with 335'.
Itis. A. Bime of Stratford is visit:
g friends in Clinton.
M Oliver Johnson of Goderich was
in town on Monday,
Mrs. Milne, who weld; up to Code -
rich on account of • the ier10119 illness
of the late. Mrs, Goldthorpe, is sick in
the Om town with la guppe,
Dor. Cr. McDonald of the tine:now
Sentinel stall!, gave the New Era a
cell on Saturday.
Mr. Peter Scott; of Belgrave was a•,
caller at Headquarters on Wednesday.
111r. IIavey ]3artlift is laid up with
the grippe.
Mrs. Cunningham of Toronto is
visiting with friends in town.
Miss Agnes Chiclley left on Satur-
day for Toronto where she will spend
some time there,
Mrs. Fair and Dors. Campbell of
Detroit are guests of Mrs. W. D. Fair.
Me. Rex Cleft, of Stratford, spent
the week end in town.
Miss 13. Stone who has spent the last
month with her cousin, Miss A. Stone
of the School Of Commerce, leaves
this week for her 1,one in Chatham,
Mrs, T. Jackson sperm a few days he
London last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Toronto
are visiting old friends in and around
Mrs, 1W, L, Diehl, of Paisley, was
called to Clinton on account of hes.
mother, Mrs. Me•Gatva, being confined
to her bed with pneumonia, At
present the patient is doing as well as
could be expected.
'Mr. T. "Chin" Shepherd, of Witt
nipeg arrived home on Friday last
and will spend his vacation here with
his mother.
Mito,hell Advocate -Dr. and Mrs, 0
13; Burritt left en the afternoon train
on Tuesday for Day tuna, Florida,
where they /Intend to Spend a few
weeks among lire flowers and orange
groves of that warns climate, -The Dr
le a well-known bowler and has play-
ed here many times.
114x, Charles Smith, editor. of a Port
Arthur paper, who has been selected'
as Liberal. candidate for the redera1
House, 18 an old 01'intoniatn, having
carried on what was known as a stock
Another Clintoniae, who has been e
residentefToronto for some time, has
made good and received deserved pro-
motion. Mr, Geo. Cook, son of 115,.
Arthur Cock Clinton. who has been
us the linen department of the Robt
Simpson store, has been advaneeel to,
the position of buyer for this 'depart-
M, A. T,'M wish has been off duty
with an at of luntbagm.
At the first meeting of Huron Blanshart township. Perth Co., end
County Council for 1916, which cion has resided An. Grey Township for
thepast 44
versed, in Goderich Tee: ray after- years. He is a termer
by occupation, a
o p U4rY, marrimd'land has
daughter, Warden Livingstonwf'l
make a good officer, The New
Bra congratulates him' on his pre-
ferment and wish him a yeas mask
had ed. by success,
municipal affairs,,having sat et
the Township Beare Inc 16 years, We appeal to yc•u men to take up
10 of which. ho has bee', e'ectetl at once youri share of the i. us dm,
Reeve, and fai the Co. Council lossPct °113'. because by dying 80 You
Proven Himself alert, eate'arl landcupanl of the chair was born in ww:11 be defending your own inter
este,. but a'so be r. e u' e. yens �a;!tio'i
always industrious, The new 0c- will oantd.r,
'eservd the vital interests of
noont"of this week, R. W.Living-
ston, Reeve of Gtey township, waselected Warden for this year. 'His
apponent was Reeve Tay:or, of
Pieter. Warden Livingston ` lies
tad considerable exPecierree in
Board of Trade . Favors Prohibition
.4.0 -a special meeting of the Clie
toe 'Board of Trade last Friday
evening which was 5a'.1t d ley the
Pres:dent, Mr. John Ransfoid, to
clisms& the question of Cede rat
prohibition the following reio'u-
tion moved by Mayor 7:ho:rpron
and seconc ea by Ald=_rm.•rn Shep-
pard, was' eal'r(ecl;
"That in response tor the appeal
which has come to -us from the
committee of repieteeSatt'C husi-
neseMen, we hereby- place .our-
selves on regard, fo'' 'eearo ario
i ard patriotic reasons, as being in
favor of a Federal prohiteltion act
relating to the Pettier traf±le, which
will have efftect during the war
ard the reconstruction period of
three years thereafter, .ard also-
that the question of this repeal
of such a law be submitted to the
poeple before. its passing out of
Copies of the resolution have
been sent to Premier Bor d n, the,
Is oder of the Opposition, also the
members of 'Huron.
Huron Co. Council Meets in Goderich
The January session of Alarms
Co; Council opined Tueeday,a'te'-
noori, all of the members, 31 in all
being* and answered to the Rol
Cali, Minutes of last meeting 1erd
and passed. Reeve .Root. W. Liv-
ingston, of Grey township, was
chosen Warden awl w,as escorted
to the chair by ex -Warden Gov-
eniock. A brief address was given
by the occupant of the chair, who
expressed his tunnies -and .'asked
that in this war year economy con
nistent with efficiency be mac
e& /Following Striking Committee
was elected.-5,ee''ee 1Shartrc'r-c1,
Govenlock, Mut''ay, Elliott and
ft Y, Mclean Heade A Prominent Editor
Seafo.tS beit one of its olc'e;1
..n.1 fo:ensost eitirens in the d a h
or M. 1:. McLean, ed:tor ard p:o-
prietor of the '7Luro.r :Expoai`.o •,
t.- ,
c r: � �i . rc
a Brod morning, as the
Y g
result of heart-ila.ilu e. IIs had
attended to business • as urua1last
Tu:'slay. 31. M, L' an; was Co n 73
yea: s ago in Dumfries,. Waterloo
County, settled in r'eafortlr When
guile a young
n,an, filled all mun-
icipal positions, from school 0505
tee to mayor, nnrl for forty years
had been a ' gs'd•ng 1'erson,ali'y
in public affair's throughout the
Huron dist/:et. He was duce'e:l
at .4y: and learned the pr:nrtiee
trade in Paris, Ont. -
•His gifts ,as a writer, wait his
knowledge of moral and political
issues ma de h:m a powerha'
agent in the .molding and exposi-
tion of opinion, With his 'Voice
and with his pen Ire •vas influe :-
tial in affairs of church ard state.
Hs ably rep;esented South Hur-
on first in the rt'oviuc:ai Legis-
lature . n
darierwc wards 'fortv r
parliamentary terms at Ottawa
'Ito was a Liner^al in pol't'cs, and
a man of stt•ong ird:r.dould1Y,
irdepenrlent, alert: and outspoken
He approached publte issues with
wholesome democratic insight
that gave weight •ard 111 01051 to
his wo' d c,
He will be specially, mi'scd by
the meml:e:s of reaforth Presby-
tericn Church where he was a pil-
lar, having been an elder for
many years, (also ehairman, of the
boar d of managers Nor a for;;
term and holding this office at
the time of his death,
A' w do's' five SODii ard one
daughter 11'tis:r Sarah Belle,
Continued on Page 5
h mh Nail Sketches of
T o h s the New Council
The thumb nail 'sketches or the
men who will c m o e thenew
0 1 o
town Council for 1916 will prove.
of Intel est to the readers of the
New Era;
Mayor -Dr. C. W. Thornpsen, 31.
D., takes the chief chair that is
offer ed by the ratepay'rs by ,aa;-
elantation. The Doctor's municip-
al life in Clinton commenced ,3n
1912, when 1 e"became a Council-
lor ard wits in charge of the fin-
ances, He then took the job of
Commissioner on the Public Utili-
ties Commission 385 191.1. Ile
srgnrd a year 0voor and now comes
up as Mayo for 39:6 with. a pretty
got d Idea 'what is befo' a the Conn
ell ard.a Council that shoudWO: it
harmoniously together.
peeve -James A, To d, is now
starting., iris 17th year in the
Council, he eer't*cd as, a Coun-
cillor from1 1897 to 1909 when he
dropped out for a year and them
came back in 1902 land sat contin-
uiously up to 1910 50500. Ise was
defeated, fior the Re(evesbip fy
Mr,Smyth 1912 sa,w him 'hack pia
the Council Sial 1915 he . beeamet
Reeve and was elects lr
R byac 1 m=
ation this year again.
Mr. Harrison Wiltse stands next
4n service on the Council Eo1 d
TRAVEL CLL'J3i having :9' years to his, credit nosy,
SIe served as CO 11
TheTraveleine Lor•,. in 1.8.18
C1b will meet in Mts.
Hovey /s home Seturd4ay evening, agfoain enye theand did not ell un it t ] op
Jan, 29th. Roll call at; enght ar,d from that Ce•n to 1907' he was
, 1. a con(neiilior. Inn 1998 at d 1909 he
l was Mayor of the town,
setter 5 years •ebc)0nce 1'e c+ante
back in 191.1 led headed the poll
1 this year ,again,
1 W, J. Paisley takes this d place,
in set•vlee, but his p'erfcds havle
Ibeen far SiPtaut generals,: 'Elis
first year 1n the Council was 1906
I then 1919 and 13 and 14. He now
comes back again in 1916.
Mr, C, J Weirs Is row comtnenc
f mg his• fourth year on the Beard.
He sat int the 'liable, away back rein
1904 and ad not get Nagle plgailn
until- 1911 .and Inast
ra there to a giver
n ,
Both Councillors Harry iFitzs?r-
mons and J,' P. Sheppard, com-
menced their work on the Coml.;
ail 13oa.d ,in 1914 and th:a Year are
commencing their ,third year.
Councillor Hawkins is the bay
'member of the Council. having
beep elected on his fiirslt attempt
to the Boat 6.
The Council this year ought to
be a very gond 'one as rail •
members have, had a good 501i
nese' elcpriyfe3uce, and all but one
has t
eat the art t7 e B as
o d favr,a
Y rs
and kite t ts
the Ssoutrne wonk
pretty, veil ":Economy''' should'
be the watchwo: d rn Capitan let-
ters 'during the year 1910 as the
taxes az:dhigh cost of living ,are •
bow trdto g ofP
The Newr
1'; a hopes that 1913
Council will have a eucces�sful year
and we.will,do all in our power to
help, '