The Clinton New Era, 1916-01-20, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50. No 30 c°LINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUA Y 2u I`9I6 rhe I(3ist `Hurons' W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Pubiishers re Calling mor ' Me,n. Dc YOU Hear the Ca11? wvvvVVvoinoveivilvvVvvvvvvvVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAexAANweikektokey TRIED 'AND TRUE That is why we advise you to use HOLIES' LUNG TONIO Its the lightning cure for coughs and colds. Its the best remedyfor:the worst cough. It has cured others it will cure you•. 25c.per bottle. No war tax. Sold only by Rest Quality Drug Stora The: Reeeall Store �7CT. B. 1,. E10 LI/NAMS Phnl.B, wvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvve W W v vvvvvvvvvvWvvvWvvvvvvvW WWWW/'WWWVVVVY.W.WVAll asftMMMNA/rMMA1LAeao7. 'De fihe Royao BaRk OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital paid up ................ 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,600,000 Total �Asssets p .... 1185,000,000R00,000 3 0 ll 1-1 ..tX 1� fill. a with Work?! -wide Corti) 0/10* '3, Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business 'l'ransticted, R. E,• MANNING, ?hiller, Clinton Branch WVV VVVWVVV VVWWVMV +VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVNVW�FVt+ a I' • INCORPORATED 1855 ..... TIlE MOLSONS BA.N t ■ e.ANTAL AND 1.111sEILVE $8,81►u,1100 96 Urattehee in Canada A General lBank.in; Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY O14DERS Savings Bank Department Interest Allem cd al iiiplles-I Current Rate ;,7,;,, CIE DOWding, Banazer Clinton Branch i_N••a►w••.9P ••••••••c•♦• O•te•Ca••••••0044• 400.00•••4.• 4 • • 6 • • ♦ • 4 4 • 4. 4e O 4 r } Ordered Reiadyto-Wear. s Clothing Clothing e 4 1.• • i 4 4 a 1 4 4. 4 a • a IFire F. I 4 t • s • o a 0 s a 0' e i • 0 b 0 Our. Z • • 4. • ••• • • • •. • e See. L,• ♦ arge Bills I• • • Particulars fog Still in Full Swing s 4 • •"' ♦1 TheMorrish d' o ��h � ®���� t,,. • , Agent for U. P. P. Telegraph Co. A t$quare Deal for Every Man • , • !••wMw•••w♦••••••Ciw••},••«. nom. 1 1 upper Hand or Germans Pte, Wm, Mannings of Winnipeg '. Says Sig Change in Attitude • of the Huns, The following ,etter appeared in the Winnipeg /Free Press recently apd was written by Pte Will 'Man tit,g, at nephew of lklrs, C. J. ellftd.11eton, Fluror Road t- "I reality believe.the ea envy is bee 'coining diseouraged. Their tactics 'tire' remarkably changed in the :last four montlhs. They seemed More timid, do less firing and snip ing, and are completely, outclassed in artillery duels', So runs a paragraph in rine of a series of informative letters 'writ tet; byh'te. Win Manning, a broth ler of Mrs. B, R Holyer, o( 304 John son avenue, .Elmwood from the front Pte. Manning is a graduate of Queen's University, Kingston, -i,ud lief ore. writing his last examin ation he went to the Peace River country, where ho taught school fora time. He enlisted in the 43rd 'but was 'transferred to'the 16th battalion. 'The following\ excerpts from a •number of his letters are enlight cming with regard 'to trench life. One of them contains a description of an attack by the 7th :Canadian , battery- "The attery"The last place iwe'n'ere in we )tad an exceptionally ,fine dugout warm and watertight. It bad afire place in one end and we kept h. roaring fire going all the time. We can usually manage to get tots of firewood 6y raiding the flarm )louses that have been wrecked ay •shell fire, and sometimes we are lucky enough to get hold of a hag "of coal from lith cook kitchen. "This part of the line, has been Pretty quiet lately. We get shell ed pretty regularity every day, but nobody seems to get hurt A lot of German shells do not explde, in 'fart, lately only 'about 50 per cent have eeploded. "An aeroplane came down in our lines a few days ago. The cheery- er was killed but the pilot escaped almost ttninujre6. lie teas• only about is and spoke goof Englisi. Everyone was out for souvenirs, and acouplc afthe boy; got hit, I am Sending you a piece of ' the wing in a .separate envelope. Another, Letter "We are out again for a few day' for which, we are Duly thankful us it has tamed ever since. we carne out. We have been, very fortunate as regards the weather. "A m glad ..you got my letter writ ten by the moonlight in the trench , I.,, That was the hottest corner we have been in, us the lines were only 20 or 30 yards apart and there there was la rexchange of hnml•s. We came Oft -well, only 2 or•3 wounded and none killed. The Germans (were not so fortunate The battalion that relieved us lost 'two platoons blown up by a mine two days ,after we left. "One of our boys was asleep in a dugout when a bomb Ict on top and exploded. The sentry rusheo up to know if he weee hurt, and found him peacefully (cleaning though the woof was in ruins, Got ting up and collecting his belong- ings, hecrawle'd into another dug.- Out ug-Out and in fife minutes was peace- fully snoring. "After We left those trenches •we were billeted ir, a barn about a mile from, the firing line. A few days after we left there the Ger- mans shelled it and there' were 19 casualties. 'You see we are lucky 'We 'fere heavily `.bombarded Continued on Page 5 :O,een as jic.,warh n) nt sauce; ; Petr' Pols per eke i06 JAM, 5 l pails, assorted•, per Tuna Fish per tin 20e. New pack Shrimps per tixiBe Ocean Wave Baking Powder . per tiC 250 Rosebud aBeets extra fine for • • tela')°, per tie , lire Fresh Lettuce and Celery _ t The Storeof Quality THE BuB't.;raoc I Phone 40 Major Sale, Goderich Killed in Action: boder tt h,3 tn. 10 Mfrs. Charlie. If. Sale r r eeiiieli:wni rl ' lilt •ifternn. in that her. husband, i1Lt; ii' 'Charles'Iii, Selo commending "B" Canr p.an v. of this 10th Battalion. hid been tvt•nnrl"d in the I ea and die'i in" t he ambulance on the w. v. to the base hospital. Maj `rr Sale had justhems heck to the trenches about three we, ks from previous in fee. He was 38 yeriie of agt'. Ma,l rr ti ite was Mira in Lender Township, a son of the lisle Edward Sale, He attended for, London Coils giate Institute f,n•a cu 'plc of years and later stoihed deo Li try, Ice tine in Gorier ich to pr retfate his profession. He is suaviv,-d by his widow. who was ;a miss C unman anti two children, e ha. of sea•en and w';wt of four. ratrietic Subscribers STOPI LOOK! LiSTEN! Now that money ie recoiled for re- rrnurny pup'c", ,ilii. Pat -mimic Seviery finds itself tilmeat. entirely 'leper Sent o•, its w'etkly and nrnntiriy u'ent rem tiara, As every little counts ,will those who have a•or vet-cornicene• ennui` etc and those who have tot r•r hehintl in iheir contrihu'ions m.h. ;an ' il'u• r to helu along the gond week this Society is duicg. Envelopes rem be had from Airs, li.ivey rn' Mrs. Brydone. We would also like all sub Aerinrra se pot leeir names nn their enve opes'rm. ane next month as there sr•e some burr[ hers without us.uies and ve wuu4) ti4e to nave out. list in perfect order, O 4 otrlotic Notes o e cissas sizes souse•eoveueoceeee• In the Council Chamber Friday afternoon the women of the Pat- riotic society hope to have work, for many willing hand;, Several machines are to be in use, and it is hoped that the members will be ready for work on Friday at two o'clock. At the meeting ou Friday, Jan. 14, Mrs. Allin told of the gather- ing she attendee( in London, and of the pleasure it ' gave her to hear of the Red Cross worts as It was told by Mrs, Plumtre and Col. Noel Marshall. Mrs. Plumtre urg- ed the workers preeeut not to slacken in their noble and praise- worthy work, Col. Marshall al the close of his talk answered many olaeetione. among 'them were -"Ate socks ever sold to the soldiers•by the Red Cross?" -Answer, "Never. nothing is ever sold by the Red Cross. "Could we get the leg's oi• the socks back and refoot them?" Answer, "No, but the ones that are fit for refooting are looked after, and the women of Belgium and France 'do this kindly for the Re i Cross. (, The Treasure,; of the W. P. S. is pleased to .announce the the Bel- gian Fund reached the amount de- sired -one hundred dollars -and the Society extend their grateful thanks to all contributors. , Statement of moneys received for the Belgian Fund. - Jan. 7th. 'proceeds from execu tive' tea .. . $33.43 Jan 14th, Rev. Mr, N0wcom.be 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robb ...... 2.00 Mr. H. Beacom 1,00 Mrs. Geo, ,Crooks .. ., 1.06 Ontario St. Church 50.00 (,Total of smaller donations 3.57 11 $101.00 British Artillery the Best The following tetter was receiv- ed by Tile. W. R. Counter Dial 'week from Pte. E. Huller, who is. somewhere in France. • Dear Friend, -I am going to.drop you a few lines today 'thanking n g you for the tobacco you isent. We got it: on the 24th ;tad suttee ate enjoying a good smoke, tis it is so much different from the F:en r ch stuff weg,tl over e here, and it was r good of yen to think of us in that way.:, Well I guess' the ooys will noon all he, ,ealiste'd' around Olin-,, ton, wont) they? . I thin): old- Glir.= tonis doing, Pretty well in . that line. Well. everyt'hin'g' 0'00 going fine out here so far. Things were ri pretty' quiet on our front Christ- Inas day,' but outside., of that the day was spent 'the same as usual: We have a dot of hera'ay shell dire nearly ;every ,day., {but •our` artillery generally puts over fpurAle. one se 'Fritz dont+(start !anything', very often It rains, there' pretty near every a day ,and 'it. •hasf'rotr been very cold yeti L!gnese it is quite 'like atnter in Cli.1 d P,iP el 1 I neuet close, We •;are alt fare rat yet. Remember nate to'} ail wlui"pnt In for thearcel. r , r ): ,Yours Truly, Or Macdonald heard Is Fine Address In Aid.of Reorui'tin„ 6f the 161st Bath , the Prooeeds above Expenses will be $131.75 The Town '!fail was filled to its.. limit last Friday night by people who grasped ;the rare oppor:unily of bearing Dr. J. A. MacDonald, p robably one of 'the three best public speakers in Canada: 'Mayor Thompson occupied the chair and with him on the platform were the local senior officer's of the 161st. After) a solo had been pleasingly given by 'Mrs. Turner of Regina, Dr. Thompson introduced the speaker of the evening. In beginning'Dr. MacDonald stat ed that he had been advertised to give here the speech' he made in St. Marys 'the previous night, and he had been advertised to give in St. Marys, the tifpeech he was to give here However he would keep. faith with the local newspap- ers. and somewhere in the course of the vening 'woul'd touch on "Can- ada 'among 'the ' Nations." Titles were Dike texts, could be made, to fit any sermon, but the, ad, dress this 'evening might be. en- titled North An'erida's Interna- tional Experiment, North America consists of three parts -the United ;States, Mexico and Canada, 'He spoke first of of the great republic which occu- pies the central part, the United Stades with its great free people, its (Declaration of Independence and its Liberty Bell. But he claim ed that. that Liberty Bell struck a note that. bed been •soundecllong before 1776. It Was the voice of the Anglo-Saxon democracy, . It was heard at Runnymede. it spoke `from the lips of Pym and Hampden long before Washington's time, it set free three million slaves --and only recently it took away the veto power pi the House of Lords, "It proclaims 'that any people that are fit to be free, must be given Freedom's iunfettered Chance." eeaeeee®eweSeseeem®eeseemereeeeeeISeseeseeeseseee•ee • • :-aCflntons hits-�. - - ®.... ■ ■ - Movements f the 'hist Battalion Whit fug Sere -Nu oo . . o e Count Recrulthi tiotee--Ac )vibes h the Buren • 9 9 Y • Battalion Y ectioso eoeaye•seeseoee'sestie Ile a MANi and enlist. --ate-- We would like to see you in a ttulifof'm, • - sir -- Shall ye share in the day of tri- umph, the peace that dtawns afar? Get busy 'boys. There's a hard w.nter coaling. A do:lat-ten a d. y looks pretty good. All clothes' tour d. Enlist now and tour Europe. Don't get the idea that the farm will not ne work.d without you. Let those who are unable to pass the medical examination do your work, -015-- The man who says he, , would rather be a living cowed than a dead hero leaves no doubt in the, public's mind to which class he belongs. --e•-- Daddy, what di d you do in the •grea't war? Ukt. .1, A, iMACDON.a,D. The men who struck that role were the' men whose sons ,'Le'd. sons' sonst are to -dig standing for liberty in the trenches on the battle fronts of Europe. Then be showed that a liber'y bell does not necessarily mean liberty. Mexico, too, has its Pb - arty bell and its declaration tof independence, but a, brief study of conditions shows 'that there is no liberty there. The third great nation in t the trinity is Canada. She has no d.- claration of 'indspenden'le, no liberty bell, bet she has grown, up !, from colonial 'dependence to self- government notby revolution,'l,ut Jay evolution.' This:"devee meet •' :,h;1p ''1)r MaCtlonaid' ndbrsia,` to Catn-'' ado a contribution to the higher i Politics of the world, Washing- ton - ton and his colleagues were never truer to , their 73rtitish trad tions Olen when ith,ebr demander the right to govern .thefnselves. They saw 'no way. • but by sepai'etion' from the' mother country. Can- ada was absolutely the first col- ony in any empire. to attain self- government except by separation from the mother country. , Many statesmen said, 'it win's impossible,. but the answer may be found hi the gnagter t:onil1'oii, :('to, . lie • followed buy ;another ' quarter mrliion,^:of our. braveet ,and best, now fighting ti the Empire s , at le igh ngtr E pie b t e. 'When Canada stood for raeift government and won, it ";wrthont' losing her place id he u mlpi a she „Y„ .;Cor tv ued ori P igti„ --Se-- Ever'hody shirks but father, But the(•r bels used to war; He scraps all day with mother, Though goodness knows what for And now, at this here; writing, He'll do thq best he can; 'For if anyone's used to alighting, It's our old man. --ee-- The young Canadian manhood is not responding to- 'the call as it should.• Burns; "Wha will be a traitor knave? Why will be a traitor grave? Wha so • base as be a slave? Let him turn and flee," Dot ;you wish Canadian women and children to be treated as the Belgians were ? Do you kno,tvl what happened to the women and childae:r of leel- glum and what the Germans are inflicting on those of Serbia? --eW-- It is your duty to yourself as a. true C'anadia'n, your duty to your home and family, to enlist. ..--d•-- Remember, the Germans would's.. 'destroy the Canadian homes as' roitlil'ess{Ly as they have, destroy- ed Belgian homes. --ea-- We must, fight the foe or be hie slaves, , - an-- Burins; "Let us 'do or dee," • eeess9efeeseseeeemsesro,see the 101st.'Huron {Battalion, the heladquarters of t which are in Clinton. Sergt. Grant hvas lin Stratford Saturdlay looking f;or men for, (the band, which will com- prise some seventeen pieces, and will be pleased tel . receive) any eorrespoisdence from those willing to, join. He reported for )duty;, in Clinton on' Monday his family continuing to fireside in' Strat- ford, - -We-- The war's duration depends on the Allies' man -power. At no time i- n' ' the history of our nation has it been faced with a crisis of such gravity as the one which now exists. 00 -- Mexican bandits robbed and kill- ed at least 15 Americans. Emery - body's doing it now. Make baster and fill up the gaps in the 161st. This is as much; YOUR war as any one else. --ee-- 'Honestly, boys, when you isete the 161st marching along, )don't you feel sorry you're not in line also? r --•e-- SEl,'GT. GRANT BANDMASTER t OF 161ST. Sergt, S. B. ,Grant, recently re- turned from 'overseas service, has been offgred and has {accepted the position' of bandmaster with JUDGE BARRON, o" S.antford, r;ho speaks Sunday even'ng et a Rem tilting meeting at Sit. Paul's church, --Se-- WENT TO SE A.FOl'tTli The Senior Officers and the 161st !land attended a. Recruiting meeting at Seaforth un 'Wednesday night of thin week. ,Tung,' Barren, bf Strat fold was the speaker. --e9-- 12 ON SICK LLelvIt. There ar'e 13 colliers of the. Clinton Company tinder the Doctor's care at present, UP NORTH Lt. Col. Cmniie is up at W'e'oxeter and other Northern polite toady, --9e=- Following are Lite new re,xutts this w eek: - (;LIN 7'ON. Gait, Haller Normae &Biles ktuss ebu•dster N. G. McDougall, GOPERICH. It Al Sperling (sl„zier 0 R Robeets P A Lash brook W C duazel I. Weiss F H Doty WIN-GUA'M. F L Oartuth L B Drummond F Johnson b'. C, Orchard J it Holmes T Pieter SFAI"OR't`H C F Neeley C A Hodges EXETER, W G Stewart B M Williams HENSALL F A. Davidson -(4 Washington ,BL Y'T'H. W S Rath R F \Nod J F iirons F Orawforsi War Auxiliary formed in Huron County Heron County decided to form a war auxiliigry at a well represented ung.uu + iof citt'zens of all classes and � rum almost ell themunicipalities of the county. which wits held in r the t onsell • Cham iliierhergtTegedky aftatridun with „pr. 'Holmes cif Giidei ice in the ttli'iair and Lieut. A J Grigg nttr g btcrrtar . Grat Winde.ver of Tot to to gave a lucid address andtold of this stu cess dl the euxiliar ies in his district and the ` meeting wee' unanimous deciding to form what will he known aA the 'Itiur: on County War Auxiliary. ._ e The aim is to have every men, wom an and child in the county either a member of this auxiliary or an enlist i ed man, `Ibis' auxiliary will have Idea to tea with the sssietaoce to be given the bettaliaris to be fouled in Huron and will be to medium (through which the tenet careful con sideration is to be given to the needs of the boys from Huron as W(311 ',110 .all aunty interests. Capt Windsyer is, ye this organization was not only � tar the time of the war, bot for mriny years rafter the tear, iri order to deal with matters that need corisrderetitn . ;a .Lists re to -hs to elated shuwiu;, The standing of eyery lit and ri'iwit of tnili Cary age, and the local adnxlliar,•-,ti ,r'aoh municipality will assist in se my Mg recr,tite as •fast its possible. ....The s,,eaaker referred to the.;itot that up to the present the women had been doing most of the patriotic work and thought th time had come when the men must do their bit . in whichever ichever way they can, even though as in many eases, it means a saerifiice of btI rpt : a interest. Rut the call' is ur gent'•ths orishhls'hereskirlitis'time of sacrifice on h 'art of all, the n C SOME Ub 1 HL,SPk7AhT,R• Among those wbo''spoke d,unieg the afternoon were:-Nlr, Reid, 'Sea forth; G. 1hI,.Elliott, Goderich•, L, Kennedy, Wareham; Rev. Mr, Smith, Beneath 3'. Raneford, Teckersoritht Mr. Hill, Hallett; Thee, Nlcditlan, Hallett; Mr, McKinley, Stituley;Mae 'Dorranee, Me Kiliop; and Mr. Archibald, Tucker smith. OFFICERS CHOSEN At the conclusion of bis address a hearty voleof thanks was tendered to Capra. Wmdeyer. The following ad cera were:XH.onary president, Dr. W. 3. lil. Elotines,, of Goderich; ,president, W. Brydone, of Clinton; viee-president Rev.. J.' .Fotheringham, of Gliederich; Peter Scott of: .T )grave;, J; Reid• of Sbeforth. 11ev.; diel. Smith, ' df Bets sell; secrettary treasurer, , D. L. Mac Phet'son of Olint Q n ,_..r. -"t • to i Mu ii ;i; itty rtipreeRntatrvas-:Code rich, 0. A, Itpita, F. 1Z. Hodge s; Olin. ton; ti D MeTsggert),A. peper; Continued' on Page' a u it