HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-01-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. tt t .ttt 1,1/44% •,,lett( I•1',1 7 wut.eii, IN spite of the, war, We have beer#`isucces'sful in obtaining a complete assortment of the beautiful nwiles and fabrics in ,t • /''DRESSC'O.ODS The dress goods centres of Continental Europe are either destroyed or in the enemies' hands. Priestleys' famous looms, at Bradford, England, are now working' overtime making cloth for the Allied Armies. The beautiful Spring goods that . we are now showing may be the last we will be able to obtain for some time to come. WE STRONGLY ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO BUY NOW, AS THE PRICES ARE LIKELY TO ADVANCE. Priestleys' showing includes many novel and very beautiful fabrics, in the latest and most fashionable shades, as well as the more staple lines that are always popular. See them in our L s Goods Department. . WOMAN'; STORE rW Dry Goods and R_ouse urnis..inge Phone 67. • Neat to Royal Bank fhr.',I cgnum¢ always}las PRIESTLEYS' LIMITED -si MEN'S STORE. Customs Tailoring li-len's illtu'nishings. Phone 103. J Opposite, Public Librar IMEIMIIIMMIEMNIMIMI O type and new stock of paper just placed JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON ....--...'...e saaasa u mtwax t Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The cheapest SpoorHuron o buy all -(rinds of Furniture tPl�".,GI.INfi01l NEW' ERA, 444AAAA*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi41**AAAAAA441.444nAAA®Ae4A1 fe Nee . " 0r ' o to • ►, rry rrrrl*17&!Y►rrrrr71gv1 rrr,tiIrrrry*Trir'vv®rverallvattb Z1 �fP�EiIII"'ol A IN LD' C°gIOIL ; t` I1 I( TN W INN TPi3G The Ontario SC chunclr • Choir Weird was received dhere • (this • 'WOO entertained at th;e home of woelti that Mr. Dave Gardner, of rq,rr palydIV,Ir s,'}xen Weir to an oys- Wi)pipeg; son of. Mrs. Gardner of `tft ,` loiter on; Tuesday night. town;. was operated on for appen-. dicitis and was . eriously ill., 0 RESIGNED FROM S. 5. Postmaster' Scott, who has been tho'effieient Superintendent of the Willis Presbyterian Sunday School foie the past. (34 years has resigned I. The officerswere sorry to have to aecepk-the resignation.Mr. ;Chas. Lindsay, has been appointed to the posttouo of SuperStatendent, DIED IN NSW YORK. tr NO REDUCTION IN LIGHT COST PROM HYDRO Clinton 'was nett Ifortun,a'te in ge&ting into class Phar.ba'd thee; 'iightrng rate reduced by the Hydro Commission the same rate as Nast year will still be in force,. "Dee powers rate in Clin- tonylxgs been 'reduced; -+first ;0 hoer s '! 3 second 150 hest s 3.1., In all, eases the( Mate for ponsump- oven 100 hours 'has been nude LI. A SPLENDID ADDRESS l' Tho'sl'i who ,attended ,the Liberal meeting or( Thursday evening last Were well repaid for coming out for the( address delivered by Mr. Who. Prondfoot, MEPs for Centre Huron was (well worth lieteming • too. "Be made, la strong patriot;lq app'cia' for 9•ceruits dor the, Huron Batltl. And besides this appeal he sketched thee ewe cloy of the" Liberal party from 1833 up to the present time. 'Eel also dwelt for a short time ion the Monroe. Doctrine in, relation to,' ,Cana'da The Club will hold a special meet- ing, on' Friday afternoon of this week at 3 pen. and fall Liberals are invited. `HURON COUNTY WAR 'IUXILIARY. A meeting 'will be held 'v Clin- ton On Time dry, January 18th nt 1 o'clock .in the Council Chamber pdrposo of organizing a 'County 9'uxtliaty" composed of represen- tative mon from each municipality The objects aimed rei rare -To en- list the active sympathy of every citiztior(co in that will, sl ing an iz st th o rniilatitain collecting funds for the 'Red Cross' 'Belgian Relief' 'Patriotic' land oth- efund:= of a' smaller mature, also to stimulate recruiting 'for the Huron. Battalions. The meeting will be addressed by Captain Wird'syee of Toronto, and tethers. STILL CLINidING • This is the 520th day that, the British Empire has tiem at war with Ger- many _MINO'R LOCALS This month runs on into 6 weeks Somct of us are still writing it "1915'' • Parliament :aft Ottawa opened this week: SURPRISE PARTY The young people (of Clinton spent a pleasant evening 'at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. A. ,t,'Hollo way, when they ,had al surprise party for -Mr. Dodds IHollloway, who is visiting at the parental home. Cards and dancing (were on the program and ,at, a suitable horn' lunch was served. MCLEOD -TIPL tuDY WEDDING A very quiet wedding• took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Tiplady Ontario. Street on Wed- eaday afternoon when; their only child, Constance Evelyn, was near- ririd to Rev. Donald 'MacLeod 'ly the Rev. S. J. Allis, After the cere- mony the happy couple left on 3 o'clock train for Buffalo and New York, later they will take Pp jI housekeeping in Montreal where the `"'room is pastor of Rosemount Presbyterian church. The New York Dispatch, of an. 1st, res orfs the 'death ofMrs. J. J3, GottschalL a sister' of Mr; Clues. Helyar of town --Mrs. J. 1131 Gott-, sehalle e7 years old, ' died ,aft 11 o'clock)• yestet day mornings At. the fainly residence. 311 West' King str+ee'r • Death was due .o•,al com- plication- of diseases, after( n sick-' nese of 2. weeks. Mrs. Gottschala was born in Clinton, Can. She li,aves here husband, Bete Gottschall, one brother, Charles Fielyar, of Clinton, Can,, land two sisters Miss T. C. IlHelyer and Mrs. Hanmie Smith, of Torontio. Tune - services ;'will he Neild Monday evening(_at 7,30 o'clock. The body will: • be taken re N3nvei'•jrerun Berks county, next Tueday morn- ing where further (services will be held and burial Suede. MINOR! LOCALS. Have you had the grippe yet?, The sidewalks have team very slippery. Who said Huron County was dry? Its both wet and slippery these days, The slippery and ice coated rails on the G, T. R tracks have. been causing) the trains to be tate. Many; an undignified and often painful fall has been sustained on the icy 'walks the past few weeks. The Temperance workers of cen- tre Huron will, hold a meeting nest Tuesday in 'Wesley Church, to take the{ question of a. dry Ontario by Judy 101.6 Mrs. H. D. Alexander, mother -+in law of Bishop Stringer of the Yu- kon and of De. )Waters, missionary in Cnetral India, died at her home Kincardine. MRS. PUGH'S MOTHER DEAD. Last Friday's London( Advertis- er, contained rho 'following obitu- ary, notice which (refers; to the deatle of Mrs. C. H. Pugh's moth-; en' at London The late 1lVlrs. Bernell( hint visited, ;here on Mary occasions' while Mrs. Pugh lived beret prior to. removing tel Sarnia; The press r e - ports is,•The death, tof Mrs. Lath- ering13 trued, wife .of the' late d"re'detick batned, occurred Thur day, meaning at thr family resi- dence: esi- d is ewsori g13 ri years of9nge Raid, bean ill fon the past ta'n -t'ei:lcs, and Sunday she 'i-na•s stricken "by nn attlark of paralysis, from which she felled to rally. Mrs.:liarned is survived by two sons, Francis and John and these e,aailghIors, Mrs. lidsall of this city; Mrs. Pugh, of Sarnia lard T<r'_th,'rine at home. The funeral will lie held Saturday trout her dale residence, 2 o'clock. Toe services wli be ecnductecl by Rev Dean Devise:1nd intermen3 will be made let Wood i laid cenurieii-y. f Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors-Phone:10A i'ffi1 N. Rall 110 --RESIDENCE DRONES— .1.111. Atkinson 180 WHIM fu,Furniture ry (1I j7 pp pS ymritaM raaemaa�nuvrsr nsnr z "°r'a�rarm°oaat o1 [5 D1 ���19 1 You A P ! We itrejust commencing a New Year which we hope will be a prosper - one one for you and yours. One resolution we should alt make is to have porridge every morning for breakfast As a breakfast food it is unequalled for its warming powers and for health, We carry in stock the well known brands, Robinhood, and Quaker Oats, etc., which are put up in sanitary packages at 25e. Also a good line of bulls oat meal. Other Breakfast Foods that, are very nourishing end invigorating are, Roman Ideal, Flaked Wheat, Grape Nuts, f+trheatlets, etc. .EIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. NS Phonic ill N 8e ea THE STORE OF QUALITY JANUARY SHOE SALE Our 6th semi-annual Clearing Sale has to date proved an unequalled success—Thanks to our many patrons and friends. Below you will find a number of new lines of shoes as well as rubbers placed on our bargain list for your consideration, CO prs worsens patent kid button or laced boots, z?� to 7, reg 2 50 to 3.,50 sale: price 1.98 60 pairs misses kid boots button or lace, all sizes reg $2. sale price 1.48 30 prs boys high top lace boots, sizes from 1 to 5z., regular "price 3 50 sale price...... ...- 2.48 3o prs mens calf blucher sizes 6 to 9, reg $2 to 3.50, sale price,.... 2.48 Do Not Forget the Rubber Goods on Sale Igo ' SO eil' "Ilion() 70 MAN Clinton. Clinton, Ont„ Jan., 11th Although 'Huron County( is free from the iegalired licluod trafff,c our eltizensi Intend to do their bit in connection( wth any, move- ment that tries to widen'iDry, Terri tory." They, are therefore falling inline with the citizen's Commtit- tees of 100 and will endeavour to secure animmense petition tasking for Provincial Prohibition or the' submission of a hitt which will give such a me'asur c after "having- been submitted to the ilcople on a major it t basis. J tut following are tam Clinton commie -ides '>- St. Georges War'd;• - C. H. Holland. Captain; W. H. Heilyar, A, Catitolon, D. McEwen, A. Hooper. St. Andreiw's Ward 1, - 5v 161ST WILL PLAY HOCKEY. Ori 'Friday evening of lust week the l o'dier boys tsf the l0.tst or-' ga,nizcd for the hoe( ey eeaeon C,rptati Agin, was fin the chair ar.d Mr, A. J, Grigg^• eves secretary,. The following officer- were !eel. - 'Hon. President -Col. Combo. Hon. vice Pres .-?+Tabs' McTaggart Presidet,t-Maroc Shaw Vice; President- .Lietit, O'heil, Secretary -A. J Grigg. iseesurtrr-Capt. A11hn. J.W. Moore, Captain,; •R'. Manning B. Tiplady Thos, Watts, Ed. 'Hall. St, John's Ward;-' J.W. -Irwin, Captain! Geo. Davis, Jas. MoMath, Jas, 11,101er. A,3, Tyn- dall. St- James Ward; - Thos Managh rn, W.G. Smyth Jas, Walkinshaiw, W. Doherty, Captain; T. B. East, C.J,-Wallis is chairman' of Clin- ton. ♦M4+444+444�++44+4ov► : • . Patriotic Notes HERR DrJ.A. McDonald Committee 'to make arrange- menth with rink and get uniforms etc. -Lieut., Mahe Sergt. Graham and Pte. Draper. Pies.. Counter and Dick have ':t'arge of the. sub- scription list to be circulated a-, moth" the officers and men. It was deckled to have the( Isw ca,.e.rs black with khaki trimmings end 161st on the front of then.. During the even- ing Col. Combe r<e:d e12a1oi Slaw oes a • aad a to the ;erruit ay rooms 4th and had an few w,irdr to say about, tire hockey team. Pherel is g prospects of having a good, team here to uphold the' (honor of the 161st on the ice this winter. CLI l RESIDENT PASSES AWAY. Death :tune, (rut' not uneyiee-'te td y, tc Catdr:u•iae Copel.iud wid- oW' t'f the late David IdoGlat, on Tiler day evening last /et the home of bene 'daughter, Mrs. Margaret, Pickett, of Albert St. The dem ceased was n native of. Ching- cc.osey, township but 'came what her, parents (o Stanley ' township where quite a child. On her mar- riaget to her late' Qsusb,a,nd she went to hie in Tuckersmith where they farmcd for dome years. It is about( forty, years' since they became residents of Clinton, thole - ever, ,and thirty, four -since thepassing of her husband. She swat a Methodist in, religion being e member of Wesley church end for many, years until hge began (%o creep along, was tan tnterestt d church worker. She was 41 woman of- much independence of char - hen 'deatanh runtiesidednirs aY1 er be own home on High St. A few hours after coining to the home of her daughter' she was stricken with paralysis, and failed, to rally. The family, remaining lare;-Mrs. J. Johnston, of Varna; Mrs,W Pick eta, of Clinton: Jac! Moffatt, of. Nippon', and S.A; Moffat of Lon- don. The funeral takes (place this • fternoon from Mrs. 'Picketts resi- dence, 'tq esidence,'te' Clinton cemetery. 'Her gra gratulsons will get ;asst pall bearers, Deceased vas in' h'er eit,•hay.:ui,ntlt, year. Thur'tday, 'January 13th, .1:916. THREE WORDS • To Cover a eo e "a We want every day in the neVty year to'`be'a'happy one for you—the kind ; of happiness ,that comes ;With good health,. good cheer and good business. 'I he kind waken gladly, you have whenyou sleep soundly, w g y, � look- ing forward to a day of good things, and in the evening being able to look" back 4 a day that'has put you a.day..', ahead. • That is what is in our mind when we pen these three words to you HAPPY NEW YEAR., mmm®m etemisesastraseesenereesrea 1916 HELP Gist of the Lesson Peloubet's Notes Tarbela's Guide Arnold's Commentary Office and Pocket Diaries Fair eo. Often the cheapest—Always the Best in the Town t a 1, Viliiiforl FRI DA1' • , •' te+4+4+++++++444'+4+444'4++4* The tea given by the J7xecntive'( f the Women's Patriotic Society last Fri+al wee wellitttended Capt, Allen of the 1131st BattI. spoke to the gather; tog for a short 'time, presenting in a pleasing and interesting manner the, dlflieulrles that are met with in ate °roiling and expressing a hope that our Society wonld assist in this work The President on behalf of the Society . assured Capt. Allen of our hearty co operation. An effort is being made to have our P lgutn Fund reach, the sum of One hundred dollars Tonicuruw F idle,, Jtn kith our. Society bare their rig uler, meeting and hope, for a good ateeudanee. At the request of the lexeentive, Mrs,' Alam is attending meet lege in Londe,: this week. She will. visit J)yrnan Hall 1 and see the worts and hear different. I speakers tell of the needs and the best way to go about supplying these needs I Mrs. Ailin hopes to he bask for our meeting Friday and to he able to tell I us many. interesting (hires which will R assist Us in our work' for 1010, iljlsi'ria;gi'S t'i )Ci -a 118 Subject m?ar. renslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it— Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE Furniture, Rugs & linoleum- We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will and it to your advantage to inspect cum stork and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satistaetton UNFzeUndertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 25.. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store Canada Rmoajthe Mations ]reserve Setts' 50c Admission 25c Under the auspices of Clin- ton Board of Trade. All pro- ceeds given to recruiting 161st Regiment, MARRIAGES. McLEOD•-TIPLAI)Y-Iu Clinton on Wednesday afternoon, 1 ten 12, Mss Evelyn, only t f Mr. and Mrs. 'Ralph liTiplady, lies marrieds by to i,ho, Rev. Donald MacLeod, of Montreal. , f • FISC Fresh Halibut Fresh Salmon Finnan Haddie Ciscoes F'illetts and Oysters The Store of Quality W. T. O'NEIL THE BUB GROCER Phone 4S ns !! 1 Thi corner S o>re EA' a1''t.Sl I "Livei• f, and Let )Lll�ue Buckets Order your Sap Pans and' Buckets now so you will have them ready when you want to use them. Thos0 Jiawkil `s • Plumbing, and Heating Agents for Hecht Furnaces Buy Fish Now Healthful, Ect,roolnical Pleasing. Fish is one of the finest and mo beneficial foods. At this season of th year it can he procured in special► fine condition; at exceedingly reason able Micas, Our stock is all selected fish and w offer you a large variety. . Fresh Halibut Lake Superior herring Smocked finnan Haddie and Fillers Salted Codfish and Trout Order some today, Phone ;lo - A large assortment of Worcester shire Sauces, relishes catsup, etc„ a all prices. E. E. liunniford Shop -over Rowland's Hardware PHONE 46. +.1.4.4.÷4.441.4.4.4. +4. + + 44 °1.41+++4•+++++•1'+'4'+'➢"r"N.E'4'1"'i'&+4 Hou se cleanin' SALE. OM During the present month we shall make deep —very deep cuts on all hall and Winter Shoes, and do everything we possibly can to close out every shoe we have on hand. Our Loss—Your Opportunity There is no investment that can be made that. will pay such a handsome dividend as a shoe invest- ment made here right now. A list of prices will give you but.a faint idea of our offering's. Come in .and see for, yourself. You know the sort of shoes we sell—Our reputation was established long ago. Savellrioney by buying your shoes RIGHT NOW HOUSE OP BETTER SHOES .444,+++,144-P+++4444 04.+4+ k.. ... , -