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The Clinton New Era, 1916-01-13, Page 4
PAC411 POUR meniasssiarisi Every Price a Bargain Price �r�vnaavmrn-+:�ue�..,m. arsessimainnammateuniummemiitits Sale Starts Saturday, Jan. 15th rat) CLIN7'ON atnw 13114.4. 'rh.utsday, January,13th. 1910., '7 "79=11^Adria-Grr.C, =:,'1ffrlaC,wkL M -w What We Advertise i.s so 25 to 50 per cent. Discount off ali Goods. Advertised TEltIVIS—CASH. Sale Ends Saturday, Jan. 29th We wish to impress upon the people of Clinton and surrounding country that we will not carry over this season's stock to next season. It must be got rid. of We have made the prices so low as to be absolutely sure that we will accom- plish our object during the Janua/y Sale. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN." The few prices following give you an idea what to expect, when you come to this store Dollars, al Is:1Irs ti eckon You to ;his Store. Ladies I,,aa14'►1 and Voile Waistb 9971 ' We have about two dozen ladies white lawn and voile Waists. slight ly'sr fled, this season's styles. value up to 85, sale price 99c Ladies Crettan and B a,ch Net Waists 1 29 One doz only, ladies cream and black Net Waists, silk lined, all sizes, reg $4, sale price 1.29 .Ladies Lavin Waists 594.• 2 Dozen ladies odd Waits s'ightly soiled, value up to $2 sale price S92 Bra:0(1;101u , tlnderskirty 1,419 Five dozen ladies black moire Underskirts, bought specially for this sale, wouli he good value at 1,75, sale price 1,09 Scotch Cing hams 11e 600 yards good washing Ging- hams, checks and str;pes. reg 15c and 18c, sale price 11c. He►utie; Itressi•,3 'yip Five doz ladies House Dresses good washing Print, size 34' and 36 only, 1.25 and i.5©;�`sale price 79c, Your choice of any Fur or Fur -lined eoat at 25 per cent Discount. Bargains for Everybody.. 1 'COW e L+ttliiey Clolh S'tirts L1'.) \,Ve have too many Ladies Cloth Skirts. We do not want to carry ' the,e o.,er to next sea •on, they are - made of extra good cl ith, siz• s 23, 24, 25 and 26 waist ba;id. This is a genuine bargain, 1,49 Ovid Par, 1 49 Two dozen odd pieces of Furs including Marmot, ()pposum, Gaat, so'd as high as $7. a piece, sale prt_e 1 4c) Ladies Chilli and Sill: Dresses Halt Price Ladies Cloth and Silk Dresses black and colors, sizes 34, 36 and 38, at exactly Half Price Ladies Toques 49e Two doz Ladies Toq-1es, combs= nation of colors, regular 85c, sale price 49c - %White Vesting 14c yd loo yards White Vesting,;; neat patterns, good wearing cloth, ,'reg 25c and 35c, sale price .1441 yd .Embroidery..and Lae'.es ballprice Soo yd of Embroidery and 1 ces all widths, at ,exactl'y' Hall eP lee fin.; I ,;,111,1 annex Cloth 1.119.. 43 yards Mantle Clbth, ;suitable for children':; coats, 72 inches.wide, navy and black, and 'red'aiid'b1ack check, reg $1,75, sale price 1,09 • WropAcretie 13a ycl 100 yards Wrapperette, suitable ladies kimonas or dressing sacques reg 2oc and 25c, sale price lac yd We .put on sale every Coat in our store, including black and co.lors, at exactly half off regular price. About 40 coats to :choose from., Come early' Saturday for best choicer Umbrellas 97c 2 dozen only Ladies and Gents Umbrellas, good top strong handle, reg 1.5o and 1.75 sale price 97c le 11 saner Srotell-iltadras 39c yd 100 yards Scotch - Madras `guar- anteed fast colors suitable .tit- din- ing room, living room,. or bedroom, reg, 6oc and 7oc, sale price 39c yd Scrims 24c yd 75 yards colored Scrim, 40 inch wide, reg 502 yd, sale price 242 yd Worsted hose tic 5dozen pair Worsted Hose, all sizes, special for Jan. sale, 25c pair itai.incoats 3.99 - 2 dozen only Ladies Raincoats, fawn and dray, all sizes 34 to 40, reg $6 and $6 5o sale price $3.99 Lave Curtains 1.29' 3 doz. pair -Nottingham lace cur- tains 3,4 yards long, good patterns, reg $2, sale price 1.29 Ladies N ackwear. 19e, '. We put on sale 3 dozen Ladies Collars, slightly soiled. These' will be on display in show case, values up to 75c, sale price nye Elanele!tte Blanket 1.59 . 14 pair all white Flannelette' Blankets, large size, reg 1.85, sale price 1..59' Diess'Good Special 0e oo yards dress goods, colored, •.. ,;checks, 35 inches wide, reg 6o6.yd°. saleprice 36c .000 Corsets Malt price 15 pair odd corsets to clear out at half price Flannellette Embroidery ^ coo yds, Flannelette Ernbroideiy, pink, blue and cream, reg io and 12.2 yd, sale price 6c Millinery 1.00 Your choice of any trimmed hat for $1, only 6 to choose from Ures• Trimming sic yd zoo yds dress trimming, all col- ors, narrow width, reg loc, 15c and 252 yd, sale price 5c Odd Raincoats 1.50 Only 4 odd styles in Raincoats reg $5 and 866, s ile price 1.50 Collar Supports 5 dozen celluloid collar supports, black and white, 4 cards 5c Children's Coats Fifteen Children's Coats to clear —good wearing cloth,' sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10 years, values up to $7, sale price 2 99 Use 1411Si Wfl �# Remember Dale 1 and Come Early