HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-01-13, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Thursday, January 13th, 1916.
,P4 ti' he, r
t S s
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These Three Women Tell How They
Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of
Surgical Operations.
Hospitals Are great and, necessary institutions, but they
should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills
, peculiar to their "'sex. Manyletters on file in the Pinkhaln
Laboratoryat Lynn, Mass- rove that a great number of
women aftr they have been prove
to submit to an
operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All
sick women should read thein.
Marinette, Wis.—"I went to the doctor and
he told me I must have an operation for a female
trouble, and I hated to have it clone as I had been
married only a short time. I would have terrible
pains and my hands and feet were cold all the
time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and was cured, and I feel better in every
way. I'give you permission to publish my ,name
because I am so thankful that 1 feel well again."
—Mrs. ram BEHNIcn, Marinette, Wis.
Detroit, Mich.—"When I first took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was so rwi down
with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor
said I would have to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk
without help so when. I read about the Vegetable Compound and what
it had done for others I thought I would try it. I got a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Lyclia E.
Pinkhatn's Sanative Wash and used them according to directions.
They helped me and today I am able to do all my work and lam well."
—Mrs. THOS. DWYER, 989 Milwaukee Ave., East, Detroit, Mich.
Bellevue, Pa.—" I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible
bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried'several doctors and
they all told me the same story, that I never could get well without
an operation and I just dreaded the thought of that I also tried a
good many other medicines that were recommended to me and none
of them helped me until a friend advised me to give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The first bottle helped, I kept
taking it and now I don't know what it is to be sick any more and I
am picking up inweight.I am20 years old and weigh 145
It will be the greatest leasure
to me if I can have the oppor-
tunity to recommend it to any other suffering woman."—Miss InElcm
Faoamorcza, 1928 ManhattanSt., North Side, Bellevue, Pa.
If you would like special advice write toLydia E. Pinkhain
Ned. Co. (confidential),Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence.
Local Option R.esults
Amhenst •Island
Carle(ton' Place
Bidduiph Township
London Township
Oil Springs •
Port Perry
Chapleate Township
Fitzroy' Township
Matheson, Township
Chapman Township
Bangor Township
Fort wilaiatn
Niagara distils
N iagera-on-'the-lake
Owen' Sound
Nortle Gower
Monteagle Township
Port Arthur
W oo'dstocle
• Bdigeviilte•
Parry, Sound
Meteriekvilee •
Louth Township'
North Cayuga Township.
Marlboro Township •
Mc'iliurrich Township
Can be be foughtwitfi Baby's
Own Tablets -the little pieat(ant
tasting Tablet that never fails to
regulate the stomach laved bowels
and drive our all minor illls of
irttle ones. ;Concerning theta
Mrs, H. Hower Eastburg,
say, a -"I have' foto; 'healthy child-
ren thanks to the hese of Baby's
Own `ratlets. I have (beer using
the rt nets for the past eight years
and thinks them the best medi-
cine in the world, for little ones''
The Tablets a -e eoldf by medicine
deniers or^ by nail :at 25 cents a
hox from Clte eDr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
*pranging the Needle Uun.
The eiessians kept the secret of the
needle gun for thirty years, and then
sprang it on the Austrian army at Se-
dowa with demoralizing effect Tracked,
the effect of the Prussian qufoll firing
at that battle was more moral than
material, for the needle gun was of
shorter range than the breech loading
rifle thea in use in other armies. Still,
the sudden revelation of the secret In
the war with Austria had a good deal
to do with winning the victory. Tile
needle gun had been completed as an
invention In 1836., The Prussians
stocked their arsenals with its serving
it out gradually and trainin;• a nucleus
of rnen in its use, and yet kept the
world in ignorance for years that they
had an entirely new arm, -Manchester
Goat •dlan.
Do colds settle on your chest or in your
bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or
are you subject to throat troubles?
Such troubles should have immediate.
treatment with the rare curative powers
of Scott's Emulsion to guard against
consumption which so easily follows.
Scott's Emulsion contains purecodliver
till which peculiarly strengthens the res-
piratory tract and improfes the quality of
the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and
heals the tender membranea of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed by the best special-
ists, ,,,,You can get it at any drag store,
Scott &'Bogue, Toronto, Oat.
is sow being prepared, and ndditione and ahaotees
f ell t should be reported to our Local Manq/er
at once.
Have poke a telephone 7 Those who have
will tell you'Nat, it isthe mostpreotous of • onde n
Why not order to -day and have your
name in the new directory?
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
. Personals; Local, • Dlstrlct,, Count Military
lee tsetteeeee•eleoecoeseeoee9s)O shiest •ceseeeesonstoeiampeee'ee tpwe,owtlats'e4SR')cdlespe®eciae'e l
All the news that appears order
this heading was all prepared last
week, tbtt.owing�
to getting out
g g
contract; job Work it was utterly,
impossible to get this matter into
type and we had to pulblish tour
paper with some interesting ,items
left "over. -e0 ditors.
neoesose Il'emeoeteaseo•m0000m
Quer The Teacu &t,
Mr, We Jackson, of Brantford
spent( a few days' with 'hie father
and brother in town,
Mr. George Trdwhi , Ktneat
dine, was calling on iord friends
in town end they evere indeed
glad to gee hint.
Dr. and Mrs. Kay and Miss Bel-,
nice'' left on Monday for their
home in Lapeer, Mich.. after visit -
leg with Mr, John •Gib'bin'gs and
other, friends:
ReIv Phalle Townsend, of Ot-''
tawa;. spent a few days in town
With old friends,
Mr. Sidney Jat kaon accompanied
by, hie deughter Mist Margaret
came' down Vote Lethbridge to visit
at his father's home for a ,short,
Mr. Thornton Must'aindl and son
Charlie, of Toronto, were visitors.
with Mi'. and Mrs. 11 McDonald
for a few 'days.
Mrs. IT. Steep of Toronto, is
visiting her father, Mr, John Jack-
son, Rattsenbury street, .
Lieruti Percy Town, paid a visit
to Divisional Headquarters tat
London( this week.
Mr. Harold and Mies 'Lois:
Holmes entertained their young
friends on Wednesday evening.
Mr. I. p. ,Fulton and family of
Hensel). have moved Into she
house on the eorne'r of Raglan
and Ratttenbuty streets. formerly
occupied oy Mr. Pugh, Mr. Fulton.
is here in the interest' of the Int-
termatidnai Esrvestin • Co. or Can
ada. limited. We welcome Mr, and
Mrs. Fulton to town.
Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Hen-
sall, was a visitor in hown past
Pte. C. Crich was ,a recent vis-
itor in London with( bis son.
ISD's. Thompson, Albert' 'Street,
spent New Year's with her dnught
ere at Blyth.
Mies ,Annus flartliff, :nurse -fn
training' at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don stent the Week end at the
parental home.
Mrs and Mrs- Lorne Welsh, of
Chatham, were holiday 'visitore at
the former's parental home. Mr.
Welsh was confined 'to tris bed
while here with fia gtrippo.
MISR Stewart,Mars street, Was
a visitor ti'Ith Blyth friefids over
the week end .
Mrs, Adam MoKeneie land two
daughters' spent New Year's with
the 1ormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Croaks at Brussels:
Master Kenneth Roberton spent
New Year's with Londeaboro and
P.nburn friends.
shine , by "guessing the correct,
member of • s
hot in al ar. Leave
it to Ra
( if he cant a 'n
Ray get l on
some of that eaay stuff,
The' 16Ist Battl, Will attend ser-
vice next Sunday morning al Will-
is eburele,
Cook's Cotton Root Coli poiiiri .
,rsetfe, reliable rey e,e t i r,,.
meddcine. Sold in t r e o
gRr�een of strengtl Nn 1 ,L
No. 2 83; No,3 vu ,t l�,
Sold by all druggists or la t'
prep+,d t1 on receipt of t,r
Pros pamphlet.
TICE COOK Irmolo r E co ,
'r TORONTO.OM1. (Forta,ily Wiet or.)
On Tuesday of this 'week a spec
lal meeting of the ,Tiu:•an Pres-
bytery was held in Willis church
R M leolm McArthur of Kin-
cardine, representing the Maitland
Presbytery, presented the call
to Rev, Mr. Reid of tLondesboro,
while Messrs. T. and Wm. Mair re-
presenting' Londesborough Church
and Messrs: 'Hamilton, 'Reid and
Watt of Knox Church,, 'Hulaet't,
oppost(d the call to their pastor,
Mr. Reid accepted the tall .and
the Londesboro and Hullett church
es Will he 'declared' vacant on Sun
day, Jan. 23rd. The eatery is $1,-
1;000 ;with frefe Manse .and lair
weeks holidays. Among the cler-
SEpresent were; Rev. A. Mac-
farlane,. moderator, Bayfield; Bev.
Mr. Turner, Blyth; ;flee. Mr. Laing
Auburn ; Rev. Mr. (Richardson,
leippen ; Rev. J. 'Hamilton, Gode-
rich, and Rev, crank Harper of
Eeeeteestetee et Bf,I:o•'sseseetetnetc?69l ,rises
Te vn and Ceount'ry
settee000t ootosacettOe'I aoskosee
The pulpit of the Presbyterian
church will be' declared ,vacant
on Sunday Jan, 23rd.
There were many( old boys and
girls hone for the holidays.
A little e•
t o exeft m ti s e
i e n twa h
t�h]le the returns were ,coming
itt JEve:tyhody (seems satisfied
with the results.,
Mr. A Brogden of San Francis-
co, Cal, is visiting his, par
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Brogrlon.
On' Tuesday evening (the Y
Man's Organized Class 'of
Methodist S.S. met at the ho
their teacher, Mrs, IW, Lyon, t
ect', new officers ,for the year.
ter the businiess ,was over 1t s
hour was spent ;after which 1
was eci'i c d. The folloetiug i
the officers elect;r%l;
President, N. c3arrett.
S9ei'etary, Thos. Moon'
Treasurer, Will Bruutoley
Teacher, Mrs, W, Lyon.
Assistants, Ed Grayt and
n cf s-
me of
o Af
'W.. el.
The Election on Monday 'was a
veiny one sided one as far as the
Reeveship was ooncet!ne'd. M.
Armstrong defeated Jno. Barr by
365 vote's. There are two new
Councillors and twcf tor last year.
Following; is the vote 'polled by
divisf on s ;
Mrs. Cecil Cooper and two' shit- Reeve
siren spent New Year's in Strat-
Children Ory
f1iRf^Rrt4A�Ftetafl2.O W'T+Ae1e+:+3ti/PSGPde
Local News
The sincere sympnthvr goes out;
mg to the loss of their nine-month 1,13511e
oi'd son, after('a short illness. The
death took plane on 'Monday
morning( and the 'funeral, which
was private was one!"d on Tuesday
aft, {noon, interment taking place
at the( Clinton Cernetery,
to Mr, and Mrs h
. Jo n Hattl.rns ow
Armstrong 80 ea 18 it 44 ie el- 401
' Barr..... .... 12 23 0 10 (S 16 Li - 110 NE WASGOING INTO
stationed at Quebee and loamy in
Clinton. rereive'd them from the
various officers who 91d Clin-
ton Boys, well as from
some of
the soldier's
U01111)t'iiti'14r1° 1i11 fel ;heron
Municipal Elections
'1 ho following to the a es•ult of
the munic:pal elections in ther:oun
ty of Hawn, where( the d en Mon
day last;
WROX Pl R,-E3eeve, C.Pels ;Conn
eillors David roe, Douglas, Pope
and 'Lark is.
ATac ITiLD-Reeve and Coun-
cillors alt elected( 'by acelamtation
T1te. Reeve is (Merles, Stewart,
Councillors by •acclamation. Don-
ald Murray is Reeve,
BBUSSF,LS-Peeve' Leckie; Coun
eillors-J. Hewitt, 1), Walker.
Robt. Thonrpsoe, F, Buechel lace])
GREY -^reeve, Robert Living-
stone, Deputy Reeve, John Brown;
Councillors *moms last ye,ar;
.BLYTH-Reeve Dr..Milne, accla-
mation ;
ccla-mations Councillgrs, J. Carter N.
A. Taylor, Jae .Cott, H Homey.
EFNS.ALL-Reeve, ,:lmallacombe,
Nominations for councillors on
January,' lOth.
STANLEY-Recve.,Da:id Dewar:
Coitticilloi's, J. T Keyes. .I. hood,
G.13. Hanley, and one to be elected
TUCKEBSMITT3-Reeve, Ii. Crich
Councillors, James Cameron R.
Doig; Thos. Coleman, Jas. A. Bell,
Fiuelet't-Reeere, Matthew Arm-
strong; Counsellors, Jas, Watt,
Chas, 'Howson, Wm. Miller, Tilos.
Me Fifehael.
McJILLOP-Boeve, 3, M. Goven
lock: Councillors, Geo. 'Hearn, P.
McQuaid, John Dodds and D.
BAleFIELD--Reeve, A.E, Ir-
win, Councillors; E. G. Merner, C.
Parker, Geo. Copeland, and' W. R.
Jetwett. ,
MORRIS -Reeve, Shortred; Coun
eillors; Breton,' Lnfdiawl 'Johnston
and Fraser.
Camp bell ^ Councillors R. G. 'Vic -
Gowan, Irwin, W tu Currie,R.
n R
W, SI. Lobb, Councillors, 0. Ginn,
G. Falconer, B. Lindsay. G. 'Rolland
T. Rolland,
W INGHAM-Mayor, J. W. Mc-'
Ribbon • reeve S. Mitchell, Coun-
cillors, L B`nkleyy W. 8 Gurney,
A. Tipling W. Dilater, G. Spotton,
W. Patterson, School Trustees --W,
Field, S. Bennett, 13.'Holdes
1i; hintonl, R. Allen
GQ.D.EiR1CH-Mayor, Rol
Lean, reeve, C. A Nairn a
tion„ deputy reeve, el',
waitei; Council, Thor Wallace,B.C. Mannings, A, I. Pall
S. Wilson, .3. J. Moder,
,t. Me-
C. Laith-
vE. R
ridge, J.
SEAFOR'PR-Mayor; 1•I, Stewart,
acclamation; reeve John, A. Stew-
art, Councillors, J. J. Cliff, GeoeF,
Cardno. E. T. McIntosh, .W. S. Gold
ing, Dr. Grieve,. and Chas. Ater
TiTRNJIJ.RI4 5r. -•Reeve, T.K. Pow-
ell,- Councilolrs, J. Moffatt, W.
Adair, :r.. Wheeler, W. Bolt.
Hosvaan '36 111 14 07 20 61 814 • 1397'
McMichael til St' 3r, .1, 3n 83 41 312
Watt .•42811t e 184, le 2'15 11i�
piths;' 16 14 43 41 t3 'i 4 e90
N ihtins .. ;l ib 211 .,S) L:; •I, 3,i 2Si3
Mr. and Mrs. J F. Gibb:ngs of
Kindersley, Seek. are 'visiting the
.former s parents, Mr, sand iMrs,
Robert! Gibtings, They will pro-
bobly. stay tlu+ iVrntet
Iota 'Che thitty f!vn acres of
timber land which Mr, ,Frani. Ket-
tle receynliy sofd 'to Ame'nt Bros
of Seaforth for $31.550 the saw-
millere have already ,a gang of
men at work 'though„
have two yea; s to clear outthe
Children Cry
�✓�i.tP"�yo RIA
The new officers ifor the ensu-
ing term of the 'Canadian Order
of 'Foresters, in Clinton are; -
Chief. Ranger, J A. Sutter
Vice Chief, Garnet! Cornish •
'Fin.-iSecretary, W. 8. R. 'Holmes
Ree. -Secretary, J. P. Sheppard.
Chaplain, I. Dodd
S. W. Geo. W. Cook.
3. W.,• ,13letclier Young. ,
S. B., 'H. 'Folland
J, B., J. Neilans
Auditors, Dr. .Y. Se Evans, A, 3.
Trststees, J. A. Sutter, .1. Dodd,
W. PinImstoee
1Wod is Behead Ati'17foi
Tee F7,•vrzt English',Xcrnedv.
% Tones and inv,goratentic.whole
nt rvous system, makem,sew Blood
;n old Veins, (Cures -.Nelsons
IJebilitrl.112eaial and Brain Worrft. Devt,one
dumb, Lams of I;ner016 Patgtila.tion of the
Heart, Ivo WIT Meenor7,. Price 3t pot bol, six
loo Sb. Ono will Ocoee, six will , uro,lgSold by all.
drev,5 , e or moiled io plain pkg. on receipt of
pprrc t'r,rr,innit.7,let ennitea?IVO .THE WOOD
HMERIC IN6C c0..to20830. on, (Former, aeee,.i
The freezer -up on Wed •noda ay
bee left the sidewalks tied roads
in a very slippery' cond•tion.
The Clinton Knitting Ce. rare
making arrangements •I0 instal
the Hydro power to run their ma-
Stir. Cree lost one of his horses
this week. It will he a seetoue
tae -ie as it was One of the team
Arthur' Clarkson ri'n'd fens y
have moved to the Rouse recenf-
ly vacated by Mr. iioltzhauer on
Spencer street, •
Bay Rumball, now incharge of
the Bel] Telephone -Office at Gode
rich, won a Singel( Hewing roar.
Deereeo seeoeoe000toc000ecoce
'� ,Batti
The Horst*
• 1'r
nrtee000eO ne0ecootte•tteoPeeetto
l:feut: Cot, Combe , accompanied
by the 161st Mate Quartette;were
at Hensel]. on Wednesday even-
ing attending a Recruiting meet-
ing. Judge Barron, toe 'Stratford,
was the principal speaker of the
i 1ening.,
Last Thursday evening . ?Lieut.-
Lieut;Col, Combo, C., C. of the 161st .Hur
on Battalion attended '•a "smoker”
at Wingham which was held by tilt
izens of •that town, ;to discuss
Matters regarding the welfare of
the 16ist,
On Monday evening of this week
a recruiting minting was, held at
Bruesiols, and Leeut, Col. Combe,
Major M. • McTaggart and
Major' Shaw, who is.als,o. Brussels
Ley, attended the meeting on bet -
half of, the new Betel. .Brussels'
has done well en far 'withett,ting
nem( recruits aitel ebe me,etiing, nn
Monday, night will DO t;iaubt help
get a lot more.
A neatly engraved greeting card
bee been sent out by the officer
of the 33'°d Battl, which is nolo
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
For P rasp ectu a endter me,write the Principal
R.I„Warnor, M.q„D,D •, St. Thomas, Oat.
Til ®N.
DR. W 0D'S
Norway Nue Syrup
curia) HEM.
Mr. ,Frank E. Anthony, 69 Ellen
Street, Winnipeg, Man., writes: "Having
taken several ' bottles of Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, during the past few
weeks, to relieve a chronic cough and
general throat trouble, allow me to: ex-
press my unbounded satisfaction and
thanks as to its sterling qualities. A
short time ago I became suddenly subject
to violent coughing fits at :night, and
directly after rising in the morning, for
about an hour, and found I was gradually
losing weight. All my friends cheerfully.
informed me that I looked as though
I were going in conetmption, and 'I
honestly believed such was the case.
.however, after having taken several
bottles of 'Dr. Wood's' I am pleased to
relate that the cough has entirely dis-
appeared, along with all the nasty
symptoms, and have since repined the
lost weight. I have no hesitation in
recommending Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup as a sure cure for all those troubled
in a like manner.”
Whenyou ask for "Dr. Wood's" see
that you get what you ask for. It is
put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trade mare; the .price, 25e and
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co,, Limited, Toronto, Out
German spies.
German spies tire :W. id to b, espe-
dal`1y active at present in Roland,
according to art'' les 10 the A ',stet -
darn Tee:greaf. The paps says that
the system centres to , he 'Hague rind
is ureter the d'rect control of toe Ger-
man Minister to the Netncrlands, 1,s'
pntpose being to get ucilitiry and
n.,,a, information, influen e tits
Bitten press, and watch the laic,;
miles of Belgians now tieing it Rol-
land in order to learn 'along what
roads Belgians inal i to c cape
balk to their nuts amis. eone 31
the '•ies, the . p,44 terstne, are.
Capt. Dr. J 119. Moore, of Lis-
towel, formerly of Brussels,
ed sometime sometime ago for OVet'Aeas ser-
ice, was in tett w on W dnes',day.
He has been promoted So th,e va-
cancy caused by the ' tdeaith of
Major 13ecker in the 331'd Battalion
and; will joint' the force, :rib once pat
Quebec so as to erose the Atlan-
tic with them on a, nearby, date.
Vomen Know
that they cannot afford to be
ill. They must keep themselves
in the best, of health at all
times. Most of all, the digest-
ive systeln must be kept in
order. Knowing
the importance of this, many
women have derived help from
These safe, sure, vegetable pillso
quickly right the conditions,
that cause 'headache, IanguoY,
constipation and biliousness.:
They are free' from habit-form-
ing drugs. They do not irri-
tate or weaken the bowels.
Women find that relieving the
small ills promptly, prevents
the development of big ones.
They depend on Beecham's
Pills to tone, strengthen and
Keep Them Well
Directions wilt Every Hoz of Special Value to women
Sold Everywhere, In bores, 25 gun.
A quiet buthappy wedding took
place atthe Rectory, Gorrie on
Thursday, morning Dee. lard when
Misd Anna, only' daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W.A. Ifrwin was unitedin
marriage to Serge. R. P. Woodcock
formerly of Gorrie but now of
E elleville..
Shorthorns for Sale
Here is your chance to hey a right
gond 2 year old Bull from an "imp."
sire and a record milking strain. Alsn
three capes from 6 to 11 months old.
All feeders and in excellent con
dition. Come and son them
It It No 3 Clinton
Phone 12 on 155
Incubator Wanted
The Now Era is requested to receive
tenders for the purchase of e. large In
cubai or a Prairie State or Cyprus.
State cepacityand time in uee
Logs Wanted
Highest prides paid for all kinds of
good logs delivered at Doherty's mill,
Clinton. For particulars apply at
Ford St McLeod,
ie. G. RUy1BALL
For Sale
-A white brick 2 story house of TO
rooms with good cellar; To'vn 'water;
} acre of land with apple trees; also a
stable. Comae. of Princess and Seen -
one street. hot terms etc. apply to
Mrs. 1P. Floltzhauer, on premises.
Reliable Mau Wanted
Wanted -A reliable man with some
busitress experience with farmers, to
represent us in Huron Comity, A per
manent position for the right man,
Highest commissions paid. Territot'v
reserved, New spei'ialties for season
Toronto, Ont.
Painting ft Paper llautr,inp
Painting and Peper;IUttnging neatly
and promptly done, Orders left at
Hunnrl:old's Grocery ,Store or at my
residence, Victoria T;OR GRAELIS
• • �7 �� 4� SessIo61
• OpensgJanuary'3rd in an depart- 9
•clients of Shaw's Business •
• Schools, Toronto, Our Oatsiogue
• explains our superiority in Equip •
i tient, Staff, Methods and Re•
w suits. You are invited to write
e for it if interested in the kind of es
• school work which brings best d0
g suuoess, Address
a • W. II. Shaw. President a
0 Yonge and Gerrard Sts, Toronto A
• ' •
)tank. WA] CHl
A."1•Cl:d is a delicate piece
+ ,-f t'riachU3ory. it calls for
s e,ilcfltion than most
•.r..4-hmery, but must be cleaner'
oiled occaairinalls to kc4
int 1001:, 13333'. M'
Co, 1,rnper .case it Waltham
p 1t'cacti will keep perfect .ume
''Asya lifetime. It will pay env
reel to let us cleanyour wawa!
.'very 12 or rel months..
Edison Records and
W.R. eounter
Jeweler and Optician:
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Vfe , di 4.6.11 J rtr l;
PUBLio, 30110
etil RLESs sa° WILE
Conneyanoe, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of M'arriage:Licenses,
Huron St., Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyercer,°I
LNfi)t3�4� r"
entrance Companies,'
IYlvisioll Cour��r--0'
l 179ut110 rlii1161
3lr James Dohertty wishes to in' --
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone-
61, will receive 'nrompt attention.
11U. G ()ameron..Ii.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Eto-
Offiee on:Albert Street, occupied ty
Mr. Hooper. In Olioton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made. Once boors
from 9 a.m. to 0 p m. A,good vault in
connection with the office. Ctlice open
every week day, MI . Hooper will make
any oppointments for Mr. Cameron.
68ii( c:. QK. '` HOMPSON
Physiolan,. Burgeon. Eta
enoeinl attention given toAitoonen of theta::
Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes dully i,omined, end. suitable tgfaesoe
Office and Residenne.
Two doors wear of the Comarorelal ,dote
Blum' 85.
BIS, tit /41% ;il, e1 (it ,t 1;Illi
tar, W, (:inn, 11.7t. C. P., 14. H. 0.8.. Cil
Dr, O eon's office at residence High Street =
IAr. J. C, C: m iler. B.A. 31,11,
Othoe-Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight cane at residence. Rattenburr St.
.pr at hospital
PD l . al. ifV. SHAW.
moo obenr, ole., office and resrdenos on
tenhtrry tercet.,
DR. F. 11. AXON
r, Crown and ltrldge Worlt a Speelart9.:
Graduate of C.C,D.S„t Chieleo, and 1,0.0,0•
RuyOeld. ou llendars. May 150 to n
Offices over O'NEIL'e shore.
Special care taken to make dental trek'•
meet ee-nainaee9 an oossible.
Live stork and general Auction see
ax a stout sales a apomalt), Osdeea et r a.
Yaw ERA oecs, Oliutoa prt,o.rtiy aht eneo
to. Terme reaeonahle. Farmers sale note.
G. D. McTaggart M. 1.). MoTaggarW
McTa^(4gt rt Bros., 'M
&etterel Eaelflop Eueaineso
t enneeeted
Drafts issued. Interest allowed n
The MCiCIHICBQD .i&flli$Q19"f( t•r,
Fire insuuralice !e Qde'
Perm and Isolated Town Peeve.
erty only Insured.
Head Oliice-Seaforth, Ont
J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President.-..
J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres,
Thos. E. Says, Seaforth, Sec,-Treas
Directors -D. F. McGregor, sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rinne Seaforth; John Ben eon, eis,.
Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood ; M..
Mc Ewen, t ,inton ; .1, 13. McLean,
Seaforth; T. Connolly, Goderich:
Robert Ferris, 'liarlock,
Agents --Ed. llinchley, Seaforth;,
W. Chesney, Egmondville; 3, W.
Yeo, 'Holmesville ; Alex. Leitch.
Clinton; R. 8. Jarmuth. Brodhagnn
'Payments made at Morrish &'
Co. Clinton, and Cul't's grocery -
store Goderich andl,Jas, Beide
store Bayfield.
A Cartoad of Canada
P0r1I4®d CQ:ment
Phone us for prices,
It will pay you.
John Hutton
Drs. Geo, tt M. E. Whitley,
Osteopathic Play.
Specialists in Women's and
' Children's Diseases-
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat:,
Office-.Rattpnbury 'Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.,
We're now estiing Timothy Seed.
(Goovern mens Set ondtrra .).
e aJ h n h nd, Alfalfa,
Absike, and Red: Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and meed Cora
Highest Market Prices paid "tor Hay
and tall Grains.