HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-01-13, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50, No 29
W. H: Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
The "01st `Hurons' Are Calling For Men. Do YOU Hear the Call?
WvwwvWvvWWvwwwwwoav,r AAAAAnnnnvkAAAAAAAAAA An Old T ckerS Ith
• Menx andvernts + at
«•a1h9+flq®ompioc •
speomo9+STit ( oesoope eOis000sivemOsevieceeiose seoe o onset tYYYeieeopemisom000e;D•i oeme®000mpos
;E � ®,
.ego teroec oeoeos•®®eoemoogoso eDocomoagaieossocam®soceei rtetoocc000 ooemeoecoeosc,
on motion of-Wiltse• ;and Wallis Starding Corend lttee
the report was 'adopted nna,nirn- Street Cor mttiec- (Fitzsimons,
'nerd 'Paisley, Wiltse,
ousts. 1 Beeper ty Couuniftee--Sheppard :.
That is why we advise you to use
LCs the lightning cure for coughs and colds. lts the best
remedy for the worst cough. It has cured others it will
cure you 25c per bottle, No war, tax. Sold only by
(test Quality Drug Store The Itcx:ill Store
727.s. Phrn.B,
/Tile oil aka
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital ppaid op 11,560.0(10
Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000
Assets . , •p.. ......... 185 000,000
zr })i
withWorld-wide Con -nee t.ions:
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits
General Banking Business Transected.
R' E, MANNING, Mallaicr, Cllatal Branch
ti APNTAL AND ItEztEiiVE $8,8110,090
96 ISrancheS in Canada
A General Banking Bos ness Transacted
Savings Bank Department
Itrteres1 aAllo'ed 81 niglic-1 Cntreut. Rate R
(.L+: Iltlll'd imr, Bnuourer e.Itil'R5lin Brooch
Hoy Honored!
Robert J, Densmore, Now of St.
Thoriias, is made hostrllaster
in that City
• The London t` tits ,Advertiser
n ekes the following reference to
the appoinenent of Mt. Rob,ertJ.
Dunsmore, editor: of St. Thomas
Times and an old Tuckersmithboy
and also ea son inllaw bf Council-
lor W. J. Paisley, -
St. Thomas, Jan. 1.0. -The ia'n-
nouneemena made in afternoond'.e
patches from Ottawa to the effect
that Robert J. Dunsh,nre, bf the St,
Thomas Times editorial staff has
beery appointed postmaster 'ret St.
Thomas, to succeed the late post-
master, W. H. Digrare, 'wias receiv-
ed in the catty with great surprise
Mr. Dunsmore's name never hav-
ing been mentioned ns an appli-
cant for the vacancy.
The new pnstniastei', came to St.
Thomas twenty years ago, and has
bete, connected with, the Times
newspaper ever since.
"Bob" as he as lest known, is n
genial good fellow, end amen of
more tnar( ordinary lttee'ary at-
tainmenle For some fifteen years
he has contributed a pnget to the i
Saturday issue of the Times under
the pen name of "The Onlooker'-.
In these columns he has been the I
direct 'eans of promulgating
many progressive movements for 1
the welfare of the citizens and the
advancement of the city. His writ
lugs have always been sympathetic
towards the workingman.
His; columns have 'also been the
medium for many (patriotic funds 1
of er funds for deserving ca- 1
sex. Mr. Densmore is a Britisher
true and tried, and while he roam-
ed all over lJniteclr States when a
young lad plying his trade as a
printer, he always held up Loth
hands' for Camila and the British
Empire. The appointment will
undoubtedly meet with the approv
at of the citizens,
Mr. Densmore was born near
Clinton, Ontario
Ottawa, ,Lan. 16. -Notifying R,, .7
Densmore of the St. Thomas Times
of Ms appointment to the vacant
postmasliershrp there, Hon. T. W.
Crothcrs,, in a letter' to 1VIr. Duns -
more says • "When in St. Thomas a
few days ago a scanned pretty ful-
ly'. and carefully) :the situation re-
`peeting the vacant postm,astership
there, and, although (neither your -
sells nor any on your behalf has
Continued on Page 6
MAJOR RANCE. a Clinton boy
who is second in command of the
33rd Bette at present at Quebec
Enlist to -day
Th.c 161st "Hurons" are ealling
for men. Do you hear the call?
Come along, boys, and fill up the
ranks of the 161st,
Go where duty calls, !lads, and
help sustain the boys at the front,
Horace, Greeley's advice revis-
ed; "Enlist, young ''man, enlist."
Council' met at 1.1 o'clock with
Mayor Thompson in chair With
Roeve Void and•Councilloi's Witse,
Hawkins, Paisley, Sheppard,
pretsent , All taking ' the oath of.
Councillor (Fitzsimons was ab-
sent owing to .being la'd'- op with
la grippe.
Minutes of the last meeting of
Council was read and confirmed
The striking Committee was
the appointed consisting .of Reeve.
go, di and Councillors Wits:. and
Willis after which Connell 'd -
Wit se, 'Ford,
Hire S' Water Committee --Pais-
Pat' ii ' Ic,y, •Ford, Fitzsimons..'
riotic Subscribers t`emeleiy Commititoe-Wallis,
SIShetopaid, Wilton.
T P! LOOK!'LISTEN! Charity Committee --Sheppard,
rkitzsimone Hawkins.
Pont C'ommitttr,e-'Haww1 ins,Pais-
Nniv that mm,ey is required for re l4'y, S'hnppatd.
ern.'! in};'. purposes. the Pact ,iot ie -ivy-laws Cou,uiitVne•-Paisley,
5nr,iery finds �1toolf almost, entirely lalrul.lis, Lord
jouined' until 8 &'clock in the riepe•nd,•nr. on itsrvcclily\and monthly Fin;mcc (:omiccittee-Wiiitsa,
et'ening. c+,nte•thudons, As every little 00111x,16 got d, Sheppard.
t Evening Session will those who he.ve rot yet rnrnmene Court of I Revision Committee--
All members were ed two contribute and those who have ' Tho'npsou Willie, Paisley, Shop-
.present' NI n behind in theft cnntti'miens
paid, Hawkins.
Committee -
except Councillor (Fitzsimons re -Ice e" effort to h"Ir, aImtg rhe gond Speciale Committee --'Ford, Haw -
The mayor then made his uraug- cvmit this Snc,iety is doi, Y 1 u001 )0' I ]tins, Fitzsimons,
uriri4 speech for the Council and u, be h:ol Fromplis 1iav0ym pare, 'I The first named in ;earn corn -
else was present. • cnh, rs 00 put tl eir minces on their
Ther report of the 5tuking Com- 01100 .,1)e, fur tee neer 100011 as t C'ofnmuuin pions
nultee was presenir.--d iby; • Coun 110 snur0 numbers without n mos ii,,, , T1d Pastime Clubaskedfor re-
elilur' Wiltse of the Strrrding Com- , we axrnnld like to uwve. our list in l hate of hew Year's d.inre in hall
nuth'ees for 1916., l p,•rfeer. order, Oentinued on page G
•re,teria,:N area eceeeteeteess meteteeelO tN607yd®®e•20.7a®•3Qtr56100.000900et®®®®•'ela®®te®eatel etatelee00
I Corp, Wacketrs Fight, not His Daring Work at I' s9
'sentao>9tgca,at®®goasc®®om®•n®eo3 •Paws•®u®uaa•®os®csmetr v;�•a®cmo•oc®averotnonsesaoe69re vatmaastzT s7e:.. .
When Corp. Edgar Wackett, of
Berlin, was here during the Christ-
mas vacation, the. Editor was also
taking )tis and on his return, try-
ing to catch uri with netxt
week's paper we could not convert
iently get a chance Ito interview
the young soldier. However. when
the soldierhero left Clinton . he
went to -Windsor to visit fronds
and the Windsor Daily Record, has
published the following intervclw
which will no doubt, be of interest
to tate readers of The New Era ;-
Tho hccard Says;--
"Canadians whoare safe at home
will never realize the importance of'.
the work done by t'he men from I
this country at the battles of
Ypres, Lnngemark ;and 5t. Julien
when the great German drive to-
ward Calais was checked,'' said
Corp Edgar Wackett pi the est Co
1st Battalion, 1st Contingent, who
is visiting at the home of Di. Roy -
den 1:.Holmes, Oulette. avenue and
parte street,
Wackett, who is acclaimed as
'Berlin's Own 'Hero,'' 'hy the res'-
dente of that city becaese of his
exploit in carrying 14 "gassed"
Canadian and British soldier to
safety after third day of the battle
for the position of the Yser canal
was wounded in both legs by mai-
chineeegun pullets. in th,e. head by
"Jack Johnson" shell -casing. Hie
right' leg is paralyzed 'frorn the
hip down because :of an injury, to
his spine.
mdnl' and ammunieion that was
1 not immcldiately required or that
might be saved and u!1 was 1 eadi-
nt ss' for a quick trip across the
channel when the Cai,adian ,di -
"Nothing Could Stop Them."
"When the Germans used gas on
the !French and they gave ground
it looked as though nothing could
stop their advauce nn, Calais,
which; was their objective point," 1
said Wackett in relating his ex- 1
perience. "The general staff tree-
lized the clanger aucl prepared for
a hasty retirement. Cavalry was
Imae,seid' to cover up the retreat
l and hospitals 'were via earthed
Boats were loaded with gall equip -
visions were called' !up.
"With members of the other bat
talions, I watt playing ,football,
aboutseven miles froth Ypres
when the German attaac started
W I could hear the firings increas-
ing in Volume throughout the day
and the heavy attack was deliver-
ed on the afternoon of April 32, at
atoutl 5 o'clock. When our a sports
were over, we were ordered to
t'u'n in for the night but to be
prepared for a quick move.
• City An Inferno
"Tire c•a11 came tat 12 o'clock mid
nighil and at one o'clock we were
on our way to Ypres, arriving
there at 3 'o'clock. 3. will 9 -ever
forget the sight (that greeted me.
The city was under a heavy bom-
Continued on page 7
...a.o, ,ema•rv.o.,,,tnee..,.
Owing to the fire which took place in our work shop, our down st:)irs department was slightly damaged by water, but having a satisfactory
adjustment with the insurance companies, we are offering our entire stock at
Positively and absolutely the biggest value for your money at the great fire sale of
As there is anew ceiling
and other re ,. rush out our large stock. Here are thousands of dollars worth of new
rairy to b® made, we are anxious to
and up-to-date Clothing of the highest class that must be sold at once. We quote only a few of the many bargains to be obtained ]were :-
Every coat in this Department Must go
regardless of cost.
$110 10 to 12 00, stile price $7 90
13 00 10 15 00. sale price 9 90
18 00 10 25 00, sale price 15 90
Men's Heavy Mitts and Gloves,
50c, seta pric e... .. .. ............. 390
75, sale price 59
1 00, sale price 70
1 25. sale price 89
1 50, sale price ..,..1 19
Men's Suits.
These prices talk and tell an interesting story
of practical economy for those who buy during
this sale.
$0 00, sale price. , 6 90
10 00, sales price 7 90
12 00, sale. pries S 90
15 00, sale • price 11''90
45 oe ny mens high class suits 20th century
Heated, reg 20.00 to 25,00 sale price .1'5 90..
Y'rabodes Sinoi,Lss ,and lyucyrails
41 00, sale prate ...,. „79
1 25. strle,priPr.. ., . .... , . fc='r lsh5 •
1 50, sale price 1 17.
19 Ies's Underwear
50e, sale price :39
75c, side prise 5e.
1 00, sale price 70
1 25, sale price9S
1.50, stale price 1 19
Ben's Raincoats
$S 50, sale price $ 5 03
10 00, sale price . 7 a0
12 00, sale price ' 8 911
8 only men's Cravanette, regular 10 00
rale price 5 90
6 only men's black Woisted Coats, 00
sale price
IBen's Negligee and Work Shirts
50c, sale price . 39
7as, sale price
1 90, sale price. .. 79.
1 25, sale price " 59
1 50, stele price 1 19
5 des Soft and stiff hosom shirts, reg.
75c to 1 25, sale price •- 3)
Hues Ties
25c, sale, price
50e, sale price
or, three fu
$1 00
Boys' Suns
A great chance to buy Boys' Clothing.
12 only Boys all wool, Hewson Tweed
bloomer knickers, light shades regular
6 50, your choice, tor. 1 98
4 50, sale Arica 3 25
5 50 to 6 50, sale price '3 90
7 50 to 8 50, sale price 5 90
19 00, sale price
1.5 only fluster suite, regular 3 50 to 7 90
0 50, sale price
• 80)s' Overcoats
No matter what they cost, no mattter'what they
are'.worth, all must go now.
$4 50, sale. price '9 2 29
ti 00 Reefers, sale price 2 51)
15 only o211 lines, sizes 28 to 33 regular
5 00 to 7 00, sale price . , .... ... 2. 91)
Metes Heats
5 dozen Men's Stitt Hats, mostly in colors
regular 2 50, sale price
10 dos Men's Sof, 'hats in black and colors
regular 2 50, sale price • 990
men's 2.50 up to -date style, sale price..1 90
i>+(en's Winder• Caps
50c, sale price
75e, stile price
1 00. sale price .......... .. •.
3 duz boys craps, wet reg 53e for
3 dost,hildren's Tams, wet, register 00
rend iiec, sale price
Ben's Socks
25e, sale price
:35e, sale price .... ....,
50c, sale price
Sweaters and Sweater Coats
00, salleprice' 78
1 25, sale price... 59
1 50, sale price Sit 19
1 75, sale pride 1 P.5
2 50, sale- price; 1 00
3 50, sale price 2 75
6.00, side price 9 •9')
plea's Odd Trousers frbpr, ... ,79e to 3 01)
Wash Vosts'
2 dozen wash vests, lightly soiled, sale 39
Early Shoppers will Get Best Choice
A Square -'Deal for Every Max