HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-01-06, Page 8it .ISAQE MIGHT. ON.,1N'HIWl Buy Dress Goods Now N spite of the war, we have been successful in. obtaining .a: complete assortment of the beautiful new shades And fabrics in The dress goods centres of Continental Europe are either destroyed or in the enemies' hands. Priestleys' famous looms, at Bradford,- England, are now working overtime making cloth for the Allied Armies. The beautiful Spring goods that' we are now showing may be the lastwewill be able to obtain for some time to come. WE STRONGLY ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO BUY NOW, AS THE PRICES ARE LIKELY TO ADVANCE. ,sna4 Priestleys' showing includes many novel and very beautiful fabrics, in the latest and most fashionable shades, as well as the more staple lines that are always popular. See them in our L!'n ss Goode Department. MEN'S STORE, Custom Tailoring Men's 'Furnishings. 0rown:s Phone 103. ,;;. ,e Opposite; Public Libras WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Rouse Furnishings Phone 67. Ncixt to Roiyal Bank 0UR-- JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON Fancy .furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. .Light in can struntion and design but ex. tremety well made in,eve•y de• Coit, l-ereare the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer, .The Cheapest Spot in Huron o buy an kinds of Furniture BA.M.iL1 Z► .ATICI E3O11" Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -•Phone 104 N. Ball 110—RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 "1011P2111•1171.401121911111V•11052110 .012110•11M•10 YOU ARE r 'We are just commencing a New Year which we hope will be a prosper- ous one for you and yours. One resolution we should eh make is to have porridge every morning for breakfast As a breakfast food it is unequalled for its warming powers and for health. We carry in stock the well known brands, Robinhood, and Quaker Oats, etc., which are put up in sanitary packages at 25c. Also a good line of bulk oat meal, Other Breakfast Foods that are very nourishing and invigorating are, Roman Meal, Flaked Wheat, Grape Nuts, Wheatlets, etc. f[IGHEST PRICES FOR BETTER' AND• EGGS. JOHNSON & ee. Phone 111 THE STORE OF QUALITY 1 Ara OUR JANUARY SHOE SALE • The season has once more arrived when we must clean up our stock and prepare for another season. To do this we'are prepared to offer you quite a large num- ber of substantial induc 3ments in Men's and Wotne,n's Shoes and Rubbers, Note fhe'Followhig Rubber Princes 200' pairs 'Women's a ns Rub- 0 1'Pars rf Men's Rub - I ' bers nsRub-Ihers 4shePes hers-, all sizes 59`all sizes 69e 50 pairs Misses Rubbers 50 pairs of Boys Rub- ber S i allsii zes all sizes 4'4c 59C It S. efiTil?MPIN ~'hone 7'0 Clinton 1 MOVED '108 DENTAL OFFICE. L)r. Axon is now getting nicely, settled in his new office eves Mr. Fred Jackson's shoe store. The, Dr. moved last week, SOLDIERS MADE SEARCH. Two soldiers of the 161st 'Bath, corepanied by Policeman Welsh made a search of a young man's room last week after ae had bee, making some unwise remarks that hid the German flavor to them, Nothing that would incriminate him was found in the room, and possibly ,he has found out now "that ,silence is golden!' 'HURON OLD BOWS.. The Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, has for a number of years been in the habit of holding •in At 'Homo, which has invariably been 0 most successful and enjoy- able event; one that is regarded as among the most pleasant of the winter social gatherings, and is usually looked forward to with great anticipations. The executive has decided that the one thisyear will tale the form of aPatriotic Re, -Union and At Hoine, a portion of the proceeds to go towards a Recruiting Fund for the Huron Battalion now being formed, The conn enfant and commodious Odd - fellows Hail on College street+. street, Toronto, has keen secured for the evening of 'Friday, Feb. 4, When, should the weather be oar arable, it is anritipated many Plueof aandoold, resident int daughters, cityyoung , will participate in the event, LECTUt1E. The people of Clinton and vicini- ty are to have the privilege/' of hearing Dr. J. A. McDonald in one of his celebrated lectures "Canada Among the Nations" 00 Friday evening, Jan. 14th Dr. MacDon- ald is to great demand loth] in Canada /and United States as a lec- turer arid his ability as a writer is also well known. His usvaI fee for such lectures is from t$56 do *300 but at the solicitation of Clin- ton Board of Trade the gentleman has kindly consorted to devote to the 161st would have in Huron ordinary M1 ry casesbeen lecturehis a in khakico;ne e iiountd Whenthe tsell ticketss please remember that all the pro- ceeds of this le+.ture will go to re cluithaticketsgyou twill et lr e bhelpingsevthe regiment. .Reserved seat's have Leen Ila,:ed at 03 cents; and gen- eral admission 25• cents, Outiajders may .have setts reserved by .ad. dressing A. T. Cooper, 'Secretary. Clinton Board of Trade. CELEBRATED THEIR GOLDEN' fW1EDDINCG'. Mr. ori bratced and eir19GoldenJohnRweddingaen Neiw. Year's day, at their bonnet in Clinton and all the family were present. Tho bride and groom were married in Colborne. on Jan- uary 2nd, 1865, and for 46 years were residents of 'Hallett township A family of 7 children were born and all are living. --Rev. H. Rap, - son, James of Blyth; Isaac and Al- bert of Hullett, Mrs. W. L, Jamie- son, iof'klullett;• and Misses Eva and Nellie at home. Four years ago 44r. and Mrs. Rapson moved to Clinton. During the day -on New Years the following.;l'tddress Was rend e,a to t hePants ' ar and gold watch - ,a,nd ha' rn w S aS 'i' 6 l'- e'd to the lather while A e en the ma+nd a received a gold bro�oclr, ring and a goldheiended parasol. Fo'l'lowing, was' the address- Dear ;Father and Mother - We', your f surly, desire on the fiftieth anniversary nivensa• i y of your mar- riage, to extend our sincerest con gratualtions and beet wishes for matey more happy and prosperous yearsof life together, it is our desire to present you with a slight token. of our esteem, and we have. much ,pleasure in giving you these pieces of gold n c1 w a trust you will enjoy and that they will be a continual reminder of our . Love and estcean, Signed by your, 'Family. FolloW,,infiliie the figures handed to the Returning' Officer by the Deputies for the•voteApi Ouuncillera ' l C.andidat•e h„t St. Andrew's Si.James St...161)/13e St, George's Total Pitzsim'ons' i ` . 49 04 41 49 200 Hawkti sl 53.. 86 59 • $9 .231 Miller .ti.....,..,...... 44 31 64 Nediger, 48 39 (12` Paisley,. fV 49 50' 51 19..i Sheppard. Cil 62 68 6I 25o Walker`; ' 43 4i 39 38 164 Wallis-..,.,.. 44 44 73 52 213 IViltse ris 72 71 57 56 2561; �11Uars uofie For CoQnc 42 42 181 386 9 - ocal Ne s vv M • OVVYYVvTgrvyyve rIyyirevvV CUSTo sl,'Pwr 711NS IN CL7NTO'N IIuCREAS01D Collects' pf Cmitonts .John Wise - Mau has i'usf eomple,tted his rel - 1:111'.115 fol nine, nlontpns, which are . very en tiuraging 10:14, April ' 1 to Decetriber 31 918,93012; 19,15, April 1.to December_ 31. 920,940.81; increase, 'ja• THANKS 14tOM TEE 33RD: •YvVCvvvVVwVVvitrovVV VvVT711 NEW AGENT HERE Me, L. D. /Fatten, of Hemeall has bought out the Jaynes' Lovett int-. meets ,n the 1 H C., McCormick line of machines, and engies busi- ness near the ,Commrciat Hotep and will carry a full line of IH, C. mogul engines, '0N( BOARD OP EDUCATION Mr. W. N Manning, of London and for many years a well known citizen of Clinton, was elected to the Board of Education in the city of Londan on Saturday, last. Mr. , Manning stood fourth, in the lit•t' He is a brother, of Mr. R. E. Mann leg, of the Roytl Bank here. A tel'egeann leas sent last ' week by Major Rance thanking the la, des of, Clinton 1•or+ the Christmas gifts to the soldiers ;of the 33rd at. Quebec: But we can safely say it was only a pleasure Ito the ladies to remember our soldietr boys, A ID FOR THE BELGISJM FUNIS SEND NEWS IN E:AELY The publishers of The' New Era wish to call attention, of contri.- 1 utors, correrlpoirdy pts, and oth- ers to. tlre'ngdessity of send ng in such matter as they may have for publication as early in the week as•pos;sil•lo, Remember we go to press, early Thursday afternoon, NO MORE'RJ3'EE,NOTICES At a meeting of the Essex and Kent Publishei,s Assoeiatfon it was decided that fi•oin now on every notice whe'her it be to ad- veriise o concert; social, church service, sewing circle, dance, pink tea m' - patriotic aff,aist. will be charged for by every newspaper thesein . The etFree PublicityS,"h •Ev.nssbecome unbear able and the pullishers have decid std to stun it ' FORMERr Bari OR TAKES [IBM' POSITION Mr Tall. Race of Mitchell, and foiineu'ly° .drtor' of the .Kecordee: was called to•Toronte the clay be- fore Christmas and offer d the, posltior4: 09 lecturer and gene,rril field se retary for the Pre: Hos- pital forConsumptives at Toron- to, Muskoua and Gravenhurst. Af- ter considering thel matter for a week 1141';'t' ee accepted the alt- er, and he starts ,on the work this meek. 'The offle: came to Mr. Race ciuiet unexpected y. largely through his v rk far the Manufac tu,crs';rtj.6soclatiun two years ago r•, SUN MORNING FiRE • 01ire was daecvei'ed in the store of the- Merrish . lothing Company about.9 • O'clock Sundry morning, and all- the' firemen relr1-;ondecl promptly... 0onsid lrahle damage was daub to the stock. It was in the wm'-ronm on the second flat that -tire blaze was started, and. the firemen succeed..! in Conran- inn a to this, section, where, con- eld nal jeers erre stock was stored The lingo. stock of clothing 'and furnishings .on the first floor was 0150 damaged but mostly from wa- ter, :Mfr. lforrish is unable, to ex- plain tho cause of the fir e, except that it;,lippareintly started near a stove i.n'ahe workroom, O. ho Mar- rrsh Company carr.ed about ,$16,001 stook, and tee loss is fully cover- ed. by insurirnce in the Perth, Gore MMlerchants, Monarch. Domin- ion, North American and Queen City Pdtnpanies. The building is owned by F. H. Powell, and his' lose is covered by insurance in the Perth and Queen City Compan The; Insurance ,inspectors akereh'eire onWednesday and made a satisfactory settlement with 14r. Mn» is 1, See Tris announcement on page 1.. This Week all the members of the executive of the, W. P. S. will be glad to recefve small or larger sums of money Tor the Belgian fund. Let •your New Year open with a remembrance to the brave but unfortunate peoples of Bel- gium `1No one is useless in this World who lightens the burdekrs of it bo anyone else.” Dickens, WELL .KNOWN 1,ECT UR2IR COMING 4. Clinton 15 again to be favorced with a lecture by Bev. JAL Dyke the ;Field Secretary; of the Nation al Sanitarium Association, Doubt- less .many remember the lctur•e, given some time ago as intensely interostjng thororighly instructive and eminently practical, We under i.tand that much new information, s' number of special views and most interesting movine. pictures are to be presented' et the lecture which 'will be given on Thursday evening, January 20th 1916, at eight o'clock in the town hall. 'Mayor Thompson has kindly oor,senteat o occupy the chair. No charge; will be made for admission consented- to occupy the chair. No ,flus lecture to our; readers. A WELbelIESER'VED TR MUTE. J. A Cooper, el 'Toronto, editor of •t he Car adaian Courier and an old Clinton boy, has 1051 (been given a captaincy in the 1I•lth Over sons Battalion. Cooper was born at Ciinilor., Ontario, in 1058, and educated at -the TJnivorsity of To- roeto In graduation ,lie went into journalism, eventually be - owning edstoe of the Canadian Mai- gazine, a position he retained for a dozen years. Ile then founded; the Caeat ran Courier. of which he has been editor for the last 10 years The Montreal Journal, of Com- merce, of which Tion. W 'S. Field- ing is ed.for, pays this tribute to him; Capt. Cooler is not only, a A% e4-tknown writer, but; is one .of the hest otudonts of municipal and economic questions that we have in Canada. and rn brief is interest od in every movement for the so- sial and economic betterment . of the country. He was 0110 of the the fnundlrs and was the first prctsident of the Canadian Club in Torr.nto, was a director of the To- ronto Industrial Exhibition. and 's now a member of the Ontario Schaal Book Commiselnn During rdeent years he haat done a. lot .of effective work in furthering ' the C/11190 of commission government and • town p.anning in Canadian cities MINOR LOCALS'. 1916: Leap Year. Will, yen be a, volunteer? l" +11 the;sc4rooIs 'opened on Tees - 1 he ealehdar trop is snort ,this Council meets next 'Monday at 11 o'clock. GreetingsCrave you; renesved void NOV Era sul:scrrption for 1916. A dandy New Yeas gift to an ab.,ent friend is the Nev Era for Leap Year is' ' hen's, Will. the single ladieS',,ppleias'e make a note of it and cheiir up!, There were sonic surprises in' t'hr various municipal contests in iurisn Cogntyo'on 'Monda,i'. Don't "ipil''ge>r to hear Dr. Me - Donald in the town hall Un Friday evening of next week, the 14th. rhe St. Catharines Journal ad- 5.orates a, three year term, for 'a.1 dt r men , one-year term is too long for some men. Calendars are scarcer than usual this year. Perhaps this =31 the res' s,ult of one of, the ecoDnoniies Pro d h od bY t ht war. . ! h M� `Winy P oudfoot h` C., M. P. P. for Centre Buren, with' adur ess the I.iberaf club tonight (Thursday) A11 Liberals nr•e invited to attend. Irl 'Hicks Nays January wilt be a severe winter month, [any,, of the stormy i 1 1 tvit be violent bli aaidou, and the intvals and tWeen storms �Vil.i ;bring.reaotiata•- Cry wages,,' of midden and 'epcees- sive Wel Can ,supply you with the yeeer beat business stationary or' b i thier l p natter of any kind at ,1 a prices which will equal anything offlered by travellers for city 1 1 fir>ne. By , ord ring in town you,: tl help local industry which hepls.you Get prfees at the, New Era ; office. ' t 0160 OOOOO •000000000001 M 0 0 WITH TMS CHURCHES. t 8T. PAUL'S CHURCH. The Ladies" Guild will hold their regular ,afternoon tea en Mon'. day, January 10th, WESLEY CWP&1Cii Sunday evening the pastor gave a New S'car's sermon and at the morning S l vlce }s su,'ect was 'The unfailing Helper. The two Method st churches are holding union, meeting: dur- ing the week of Prayer. To. - night's meeting will be hula in the Ontario'St. Church and Friday night in the Wesley church. The Senior League met an Mon. day night and" the program was funder the direction of the Chris- tian Endeavor 'Department ktadthe Pastor, gavean address, • ONTARIO 8T CHURCH. The Church Choir by ,request re- peated a part of their C`hris'tmas music on Sunday evening. Se'rh'ices in concis tion with the "Week cif Prayer'' are beine. held this week e. th& two 1lethodist chureheu. This Thur, day evening the ale el 2 n Will vil be ' i g 1 n Ontario St Church. and on 'Friday, Evening in WellleY ,Chinch The Patriotic Treating on_ Sun- day afternoon which was attended by officers and men of the 161st Battt, drew an audience th'alt fi11ec1 the Church to overflowing. The. Pastor, Rcv. Nr. P les de d. Col. Combo and Marr Shaw very effectively p.repen"ea the need for recruits and made a fine impress"o.n, Miss Grace Walker gave an excellent reud'ng and very fine music was, provided y the church quartette and that rsa of the i Batts n to . A ,pleasing feature was Sire Wail - ng of two Belgian af:1s who sang n(' Mai'seillaise in French. More than $5O,Ofl was taken for, he Belgian ReIie#' Fund, f 'Th'ursday, January .6th 1916. ORDS To Cover a Whole \ear We want every day in the new year to be a happy one for you -the kind of, happiness that comes with good health, good cheer and good,business. The kind you have when you sleep soundly, waken gladly, l•`ook ing torward toa day of good things, and in the evening' being able to look back dt a day that has put you a day ahead. That is what is in our mind when we pen these three words to you HAPPY NEW YEAR. 1916 FLPS. Gist of the Lesson Peloubet's Notes Tai bell's Guide Arnold's Commentary Office and Pocket Diaries IIIMISSIEMBEIMIEMIN6 The W. D. Fair eo. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Fenster White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough 'remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it— M. HOV7 Y' Dispensing. Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE Furniture, Rugs & i. inofeunnb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going. to furnish your hone, or if you only Rant some odd pieces. You will find it to your advantage to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction JAS.Tj �,�pwj�+�aO�� e::' D Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store t Wishing our Friends and Patrons' A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Thus. Hawkins The Corner Store "Live and Let Live" Wishing one and all A Happy and Prosperous New Year. We take this opportunity to thank ah'our customers and friends for the• liberal patronage given us during the. past year, and would solicit a continu• ance of the same. PinnlUin: and HeatingEe E. .Iiunniford Agents for Hecht Furnaces Shop -over Itowland's Hardware, PRONE 45. awag 4..444. ++++'N4.44. rk+'dt+4.9' 4.+++.1.4.1.++.2.444."1"0 4, Housecleaning SALE. ..,' z t. During the present month we shall make deep —very deep cuts on all Jfall and Winter Shoes, 4. and do everything we possibly can to close out every shoe we have on hand. Our Loss—Your Opportunity There is no cave stmenth tatcan� b..made th that will paysuch handsome ome div' ~dead as a shoe invest- • nient made here right now. 1 A list of prices will give you but a faint idea of our offerings. Come in and see for yourself. You know the sort of shoes we sell—Our reputation was established long ago, Save Money by buying your shoes RIGHT NOW ssimmemaimamierm FRED. HOUSE OP • eeaaem�eo. JaeKserst BETTER SHOES 64.4440 r•