HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-01-06, Page 1E CLINT
v and Prosperous New
1916 w.
W. Ii Kerr & Son, Editors and 'Publishers
Year to
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the best
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11 Store.
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• Council of 1915 finished up their
business 00 'Monday evening.,
Mayor ,Tackson'in'the ebair and
ReeVe,Po-d and Councillor
,l Wiitae,
at?Simons, Miller. Sheppherd and.
Wallis pees,ont.
Minutes of last regular melting
and special meeting were ae.ed and
confirmed. •
A communicotion from the clerk
of Brussels Council stating .that
thtp''woul'd not (be responsil,le.
for Stone Crusher, but that their
had it covered ready for use; next
The clerk Was instructed to ask
the Brussels Council to essurne
the responslbility of the crusher
this winter.
Jas. Doig wrote in regards itu
closet tae •
On motion of Wiltse and Wallis
a reined of .$1.00 was trade.
The Clerk upon request of Coun
eillor Wallis, who is chairman of
the Cemet:ery Committ:+tat ahow-
ed that the receipts for this year
was `5919,7e while the expend: u ea
amounted to $542.64.
The (Finance Committee 'made
their report wheeh was ?adopted
along with the town .•Solleitor'S
account with court costs. •
Mayor Jackson expressed his
egret at leaving but also slated
,that it had been a pleasure to
):reside over the Connell on tivo
years and was satisfied to leave
this Council as 1he,y( had reduced
the' expend -Horns during 1015.
Councillor Viltse replied on
behalf of the Council, that the
Connell wan Mayor Jackson a't
the held was ,pleateant anct pro
`fitable and hoped that 1116 'Coma,
cil would have as good a 1VIayar
'and Connell as in 1915.
Council then adjourned,
e-tietS4.444-.-6•04•440449ae-teeve 44
0 o
Patriotic Huhn
On k'riday afternoon, January lth
trona three thirty, to ,Live thirty
the exeeutive,of the Womens pa-
triotic sue. ety will serve a ten cent
tea, the I.rurce'ds to go to the
1elglam fend. We hope to have
pre";ent a; few members of the,
161st Battl. with Capt. Allen, who
mill speak to the lad.es of . .Noah'
o'_liock. A cordial invitatiran ie
e&tended' o all.
at Liberal.
Our New Council
Tonight"t'be election for the Courted passed
oft very quietly on Monday and de
spite the mall volep0 led ell the can
dilates had a good vote. 'rhos Haw
kins, one of the new ctndid atee took
third pone in the race while Wm
Mr. William Proudfoot. M. 2, P.,
for Centre Hurot: will address. the
Liberal Club tonight :n the Club
rooms and all Liberals are cordial-
ly invited to attend. 51re Proud=
foot is a gocd •,peakoir and) will
have something of interest for
his and epee. Tt 1 your neighhne
Lilieral.about the meeting so that
there will be a large gatheaang.
M3'eteng opens at 8 o'clock.
Local News
Paieley, a.n old Q,uncillnr was sixth,
while John Nediger the third new can
didate was only 7 votes hehihd the last
man, Councillors Miller and ' Walker
of hest year's conned were defeated
along with Ir. Nediger, .The suns
maty if the Vol -e hill he round on
notnct page of titvi5 issue.
The toliowing will be the Council for
1016;- .
Mayor -Dr. 0, W. Thompson
Reeve --Jas. Find
Council -H. \'Viltss, :1, Pi Shepherd
Thomas Ilawkine, Harry Fitzsie.uue
0..1, Wallis. IV J. Paisley,
"All the relearns were in by 6 30 and
returning officer rllaopherson gave out
the figures to a large crnwd who hall
gathered in the Council Chamber.
0 uneillor Hawkins is the only
Councillor who hes not served before
and it won't take Tomniy vers long to
get onto the way of things.
There was a small vote polled as"
many voters were ill and others did
not show enough interest in the wel
fare of the town to go out vole.
It just shows what popularity does,
Oouuctlloe 11. Wiltse can stay 111 the.
store and head the polls while Tommy
llewkins can have everything in suub
good working order that he ecu spend
the Solidity in Hamilton and not get
home to even vote and run for third
money. New blood will tell.
" Alnonomy" wits the watchword of
the Conned of 1915 end the ratepayers
of Clinton hope and trust that this
new Council will take the sante stand.
The taxes are hound to he heavy and
all needless expenditures should be
.held up.
Se03®••66.600006 00000001000
Look nut for good sport this
Winter tr.health exercises such as
Snow -shoeing
Mililin y Dail
7:Tyd:d power was off for about
40 minutes Tuesday and left the
town in d:trlcnoes. 'The "juice"
fai1rd just afro 11 o'clock, and in
so daing caused considerable, ire-
yccnaenience to most of "us', going
to lag. The trouble was i0A1n
near Lund is or Hamilton land was
general allover Western' Onterao.
The Twilight Musicale given an-
d ,r• the auspices, of the W'11is
Cheuich choir on New Year's d y
was a voiy suce•essful our and the
Chore• will, have a good snrplue.to
go into the treasury. The varioue-
items on the pt3greni were well.
rendered. Despite the holiday anil.
so many away there was a good
attic dross, Mrs. Saunders, of
God_tich, and a former member of
the choir, was the only outsider
to take .part in the program.
r &MN ehiM
Local Niews
RA- WfilkikPAPAPMM0/40.
This is the 623rd day that the British
Empire has been at war With Ger-.
The highest maximum tempera-
ture was 38° on 17th. Tree lowest
maximum temperature was 0.0 on
31st. The highest range was 20°
on 22nd, 29th and 31st. The low-
est range was 40 on 3rd and 8th,
The means were maximum 30.19;'
minimum. 1.9.32° and range 10.81° .
The rainfall was 59 inches and the
snowfall was 30 inches. Sleighing
began, on 3rd. December was e
dark mild month. The depth of
snow on 31st 10 inches, and the
thickness of ice 6 inches.
'Bast Huron Farmeree Institute
Will hold meetings as follows
]tj dwich, Thursday, Jan. 6th
Moliesworthe Friday, Jan. 7th
Jamestown, Saturday, Jan. 8th.
Bluovale, Monday, Jan. 10th.
Iselgravc, Monday, Jan. 17th
'Meetings to, be addressed by
Wm :C. Barrie, of Galt and Miss M.
V. Powell of Whitby
One and A11�
•0 •es
Movements of the 161st Battalion l�intering Here --Huron
ii County Recruiting Notes --Activities by the Huron
::Clinton's Mihtary life44ID el 0
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Bile LIST OF RECRUITS. J. 'Hinter..
The Huron Bat€alion got a big -•O--
bonet this week with re_ruits and
things begin to look bright for the
officens. Following are the new
names) up to Wednesday. evening:
•000eoeottooatHieoneotao•OoosoeasO000mootweeeaoie0odc)eosso 08430oO OC+®OMIO0oo•440000 sa
. n Recrnitin Grant 1
o• C4eamoonooeo•cit•.•0..o.OelloarO..S.00•000Ooo•09.O.noostoolI oo sto• ootosonopooOoo•seo n
To The Editor of the Nelly Era, ion was made for grant of $1,500. and if they do enlist
Dear Sir;- r It was read and referred to the I in large members how are We go-
• 111 the Toronto Daily) News of h]xdcntive Comnt Utee. of which ]. trig to pay the direct and, indirect
the lOst., thereappeared a brief was C'hairm:In. Proposed grant Was tames that .ire increus.:ng
the iOst., there, appeared a brief discussed there and a a•ecommen- and will continue to for some time
-rid said aS follows, i 2'he Huron dation mane to' grant 21,000. to come, if we are fori;eld. o ser
County Council yesterday fror thesed When report was read in Council
a grant to assist Battalion.
for the I moved in amendment to report
dune production?
Lack saidOverseas roan a fa. pends that no grant be made and ex- 3rd. I am not ashamed of whait
Leckie ig too many farm, hands pl`ained soy reasons for- taking 'Huron Co. has been doing and has
were youngbng esen while hanginggithat course to the Council as fol-
lose men mere loaf,- agreed to do and doubt any Coun.
about the cities, Ther first of, the is', That the expense of recruit cillos as ashen; d of it, If the
'trarticle ietruew roof i last isl u s ...I -FAL ti•atning and preparing sol- war lasts for 6 months atter Mlae•ch
quit every word ,fan and I- •tin diers for active service should .all 19111 the Counf�y of Huron will
quite sure was not, tuer of td County
he. met 'by the Federal' Govern will have paid to the Belgian Reei
News by any tree nba' of the merit and under the strict surveil lief Fufnd end 'the Patriotic fund
C'o1 yo lat.ee 01 the Militia li.•1•artmaentr ,$821'00, exclusive of the mill on
If youcab brief
accountpuuof will where the cost would be • more the, •$ imposed on all Cou,ntiies in
tookpla a brief propof what equitably borne'ben the; whole, the Province bythe Ontario Gov' -
and what asi the say. people $rani people of the Dominion, lust es in c•nment which brings it up $o
Gov -
and what I did say�the case of machine guns and +ail $124,000, exclusive of all the ggrat-
)n afteh(noon of 9th hut.. a Wei- other' munitions for war. autous •sub criptions to Car )liana
2nd. That it was, doubtful, after Red Cross, British Red Cross, &c.,
all the recru1l(ing that has been • & c. •
done, whether anothee Battalion Now,,
gentlemen. don't misunder
of 1200 could bei raked, in the ,stand me. I am not opposing re
County of 'Huron and if done, it meriting so long as itf does not
wou'd bo largely composed of far i 1eafere toe seriously, with farm
meats and farmers sons. In the labor in, the rural; municipality,
press every 'day the call is made Neither am I opposing( this grant
for recruiting and more recruitingon pefnurious grounda but on QM
snare men; & c. while in anotheee principle that it should be'financed
colamn you almost dilly fined lythe whole people of the Do-
ttie call for Increased Production minion. We know that we must
o" are you going to increase help and help liberally. .Huron; is
+reductio.n if farmers and farmers helping liberally on Patriotic( and
sons are enlisted and gone over- Reid Crc,ss lanes and wiling • to
;as? You all know that there are .help mere 00 these lines if consid-
(meand of acros in Haven ered necessary as those eassoeiai-
nuty and manse, other :. ountLes tions are both, I think, doing splen
et are not prodacng half they did work in loeltmg) 'after t:he
n'd Often rented at mere nom- roinforts ofsoldiersl, dependants,
-septets, for grazing purposes .,ick and wounded
g to scarcity of labor caused 1 have'not canvassed a single
e trend to the West, and to member of this Council as how Ire
arge centres, which has re- will vote on this proposed grant
our population by (ver 16,- 1 ut 1 wish the Connell may view-
)ng the last 20 years. Yon the quuethon as I do and vote w-
arming as the groat basic cording]yy,
of this County, and oT: Now, Mt. Editor I have given
le Dominion Nsatl'y all you the gist of what I did say and
lent young me ny Who i 1positlbrouy assert again that I
work on farm°..,# n the never need words attributed to Inc
Ind look for ]o, �s around by;the. a 'icles pub) sl ed 1 by at
eitres Ira et,�e Winter least one' ach of the doily pvpers
dy enlister' eivh`eh will', in Toroialc and T,on•doi,' '!She re-.
r scarcce ttlila0 ria er. ee suit of the `i'l.ate was 13•-14 in favor
UmLiicipalilr7�,r have to of my =erect,
ed, the 1 iibmrrs• fuiys 5, es very truly
not only satisfacti
in selling our
Harold li'remlin.
Chas. F. Lockwood.
1', W. Lee, Seaforth.
Stewart Scott
Bente Danford.
Bert Furniss.
H. W. Cook.
P. W. And sews.
H. McGratten, iioderich.
Percy Beattie, Goderich.
William McArthur, Loadesboro. Dr u ■
R. A. Black
N. Agar
W. Er Wren.
J•• 3• Rowland.
T. D. Savage
G. H. Deemer.
Percy Thuell.
Fred Baines.
W. C. Bennett.
S . R, 'Hinson,
G. W. Brazier,
Geo. Cockfield.
G. W. Stokes.
Roy M. Black.
Robert hrvine.
C. D. Ross.
William G. Lumley.
Geo. A. McDonald,
George E. Jardine.
Harold M. Young.
Prank Jardine.
H. K. Newton.
Ernest W. Fraser.
Wiifre'd 'swan.
Harold J Currie.
Thos. T McDonald.
Ernest Thompson.
Herbert W. Powell.
George L. Stillwell.
Mind;ed C. Mercer.
P. W. Lee.
H. E. Pierce
C. W. Ruffen.
T. H. Dick.
1'erteard Brown.
C. Corisigney
Rosswell P. I. Dougal.)
'H. W. Johnston.
C. A. ,Tohnston,
T. J. Sherritt.
Wm. Hart.
W. Cluff.
Thomas 'II Bissett.
2, S. Bolton.
Alfred F. E. Welts.
Edward B. Nash.
Canada Anion the Nations
Reserve Seats
Under the auspices of Clin-
ton Board of Trade. All pro-
ceeds given to recruiting i6rst
We a eal to you to take up at once your
burden, not only because by so
doing you will be defending your own inter-
ests, but because your action will preserve
the vital interests of the Empire: '
Are you 5 feet, 2 inches or over?
Did you say yes? We want 1000 fellows like
your for the-I6Ist "Mimeos" and we
want YOU NOW.
Pay from date of enlistment.
Uniform issued immediately.
Goo3 Fellows, Good Food, Good Quarters
There are thousands of your kith and kin
At no time in the history of our nation has
it been faced with a crisis of such gravity as
the one which now exists.
Are you doing your share ?
t To=lav Wit' . the.
t "Hurons'
4TT •, r.