The Clinton News Record, 1916-12-28, Page 1rd. •
No. 1969 .37th. Year
The News
cord Wishes all its many readers in
Canada and elsewhere,
appy New Year
Not because it is an honored custom, but
because of the sincereitY appreciation,
our reciation
!gip ,
we take this opportunity to thank you for
pF Y
the part you have played in our business
prosperity the past' twelve months, and we
wish you A Prosperous & Happy New Year
Oldest Established Jewelery Store in Clinton
Incorporated 1809.
Capital Authorized
Capital Paid-up
Reserve and Undivided Profits
Total Assets
880 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
Lon Savings Deposits, General Banking business transacted.
R, lE, MAPJNINt"a, Manager - Clinton Branch
`!••• �••••••• INCORPORATED 1855
Capital and Deserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada.
A General Banking Business Transacted,
Circular Leiters of Credit
Bank Money Orders,.
Savings Bank Department.
till_ i •, - !Interest allowed at highest current rate,
I C. E. Manager,' Dowding,Mand er,' Clinton Branch.
2 he Morrish
Clothing Co.iiDRIEED
n o.
We extend to the many
friends and patrons of
this store
ONN � N.
. C.
Agent C P.R.
foror night calls.
Word was received in town yester- ' Tom Mark's Company headed by
his Highland' Laddies Wi' the Kilt
Bag -Pipes` an' Drums, will appear, in
the town hail,. Clinton on Friday,
Dec. 29th, presenting the great comn-
edy, "Are You a'Mason '?" and eight
vaudeville ants. Prices 25e and 95e,
reserved seats ,50e, on sale at Fait's
book store.
Capt. Kean ai Chatham is now in
charge of the local Salvation Army
The Princess theatre is puttingon
au exceptionallygood show the last'
three days of this week, John Bar-
rfrnore in "Are Ycrt A Mason
This is one of the most expensive
set of moving pictures over shown
here and promises .a treat to all
who attend,
day .of the death of Capt. William
Sheppard, Governor of the Reforma-
tory at Portage la Prairies Man.,
only brother of 'Mr. Thomas Shep-
pard- o•f town. The remains, being
brought to Clinton inc interment and
will probably arrive Monday neat.
Capt. Sheppard • wasa seventy -els:
years of age.
Of five battalions from Military
District No. 1, 'the 111th, 142nd,
1.60th, 161st, and 108th, recently at -
riving in England -the 191st, Huron
battalion, had by far the smallest
percentage of rejections owing to
medical unfitness' or of those under
or over , age. The 111th and 142nd
hail twenty-nine percent of their
men re,jected,'the•160th and 168th
had thirteen while the percentage of
those rejected front the Hurons was
only bine.
The carol service on Sunday even-
ing last was greatly enjoyed bp all
and the old favorites, which are al-
together inseparable from the Christ -
etas festival, prosed as beautiful and
popular as ever.
The services on Christmas Day
were Well attended and must have
helped many tel enter into' that peace
and jays that belong to the great
festival of the lamination in what-
ever circumstances it may be- held.
January 1st to January 5th, 1917,
Monday, Jan, 1st, Willis church ;
Rev. J, Hogg, preacher, subject :
"Thanksgiving and Hnniiliatfon.
Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, Wesley church,
Rev. J. A. Robinson, preacher, sub-
ject : "Opportunity Created by War
for Recovery of Fundamentals."
Wednesday, January 3rd, St. Paul's
church, preacher, Rev, Dr. Rutledge,
subject : "The Judgements v Cod,"
Thursday, Jan. _4th, Ontario street
church, preacher, Rev. H. 0. East-
man, subject : "How to Reach the
Non -Church Going Element:"
Friday, Ian. 5th, Baptist Church,
preacher, Rev. J. A. Agnew, subject:
"Families, Schools and the Young."
N.B.--An offering will be taken up
on Tuesday evening in Weslep church.
The service will consist of special in-
tercessions with a scripture reading
and a twenty -minute address.
Owing to the tact that Christmas
fell upon the last Monday In De-
cember the nominations were -held on
Friday, the 22nd, this year. In..
Clinton the results were as follows
For Mayor •
C. N', Thompson, nominated by 0,
Cantelon. -and J. A. Ford.
W, Jackson, FI, Jea,tner, C. W.
For Reeve
J. A. Ford, W. Jackson, S. J.
,J. P. Sheppard, T. J.. Managhan,
James Finch.
For Councillors:
Arthur Clarkson, B. J. Gibbings,
S. J. Audrews,
73. Wiltse, W. Jackson, W„ J. Mil-
W. J. Nediger, J. E. Hovey, T.
Jackson. '
H. Fitzsimons, • John Carbert, W,
T. IJawkins. •
R. J. Miller, 'i• V. '.l'lplady, T. Watts.
W. J. Paisley, T. Watts, W. Tip -
Murray McEwan, IL 13. Carter, S.
I. R. Rattenbury, W. L. Johnson,
W. T. Hawkins,
W. `I' Hawkins, iv, Jackson, H.
Joyner, -
J, P. Sheppard ; D. Caatelon, C.
J. Wallis,
Bert Langford ; A. F. Cudnmore, K. .
Ladd. ,
C. C. Wallis ; n, Cantelon, W. H.
For School Trustees
St, Andrew's Ward—,S. Kemp ;
Jackson, B. J. Gibbings.
H. W. Watts , 11". T. Hawkins, T.
Watts. '
St. Janes' Ward—Fi, H. M c.Bri eu;
Thos Cattle, R, B. Carter.,
R. 13, Caster ; Bert Fitzsimons, W.
St. John's Ward—Thal, Cottle , W.
Jackson, 13. J. Gibbings.
St. George's Ward—Duncan Mel e'
an ; vV T. Hawkins, nes, Watts.
Chas. 1'Telyar ; T. ,Watts, W. T.
W. Fl. Hellyar ; A, C'antelon, C.
H. Holland.
Public Utilities Commission.
S. •J. Andrews; -W, Jackson, D.
112r. IV. Jackson withdrew his name
as candidate for master and Mr. J. P.
Sheppard declined to run for neve,
leaving Mayor Thompson and; Reeve
Ford in undisputed Possession of
their respective positions for a.uoth-
er year: -Mr. C. J. Wallis and Mr.
T. R. i attenbury also- withdrew Troia
the field, but ;there are' still plenty, of
candidates tares rot thecan i
n ! so that
7 .
the ratepayers may pack and
choose on Monday next roc' school
trustees there will only be' an elect-
ion in, one ward, St; Andrew's', where
Ir @
S. Kandcorp H. W. Watts wiil
try their strength. it. 13Carter• is
the new""nember, in St. Games' ward
Mn, T. Cottle tdas' reelected in Sit
John's and Mr., Chas. Hagar was
returned in St. George's.
The following report was made by
the House of Refuge committee ' at
the recent meeting of - the countyi
council ;
The committee reported having
visited the house and found every-
thing in good order, The adjustment
of financial matters in respect of
certain of the iiunates was reported. -
Jt was recommended that Dr, Can-
dies: be appointed physician of the
house during Dr. J. Wj. Shaw's Mos
deuce, Dr. Milton Sher having re-
signed his place as `substitute.
The report dmf the inspector of the
county house of refuge gave the fol-
lowing statistics :
Total number of inmates admitted
since opening of the house, 481 ;
number of inmates on 1st of Decem-
ber, 1919, 81 ; admitted for the first
time during the year, 18 ; deaths
during the year, 8 ; absconded dur-
ing the year, 1 ; discharged daring
the year, 3 ; inmates in house on last
December, 1910, 80.
Admitted during the year from the
'several municipalities as follows :
Howlett, 7 ; Hay 3 ;, Puc'kersmith 1 ;
Grey, 1 ; Mullett, 3 ; Ashfield; 1 ;
Melsillop, 2 ; Colborne, l ; West Wa-
wanosh, 1 ; Goderich, 1-; Wimitam,
The average daily expense per inmate
was 16
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the' home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Miller, Orange street, en
Christmas Day when their second
daughter, Jennie Map, was united
in marriage with Mr. James Alva
Barnes of Toronto. The bride, who
was given away by her father, look-
ed charming in a gown of flowered
silk with bodice of mauve ninon and
corsage bouquet of 'pink and white
carnations and maidenhair fern. The
ceremony a'as performed by the Rev,
J. A. Robinson and was witnessed
only by tine relatives and intimate
friends of the contracting parties. •
t conclusion of the ceremony
and when the usual emigre -Mations
had been estenled the bride and
groom led the way to the Caing
room where the wedding feast .was
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes left, amid
showers of confetti and good wishes,
on the three o'clock train the same
afternoon for their home in Toren.
to. The bride donned for the jour-
ney a green plush coat with hat to
match with which she wore a hand-
somae muff of white thibet fur, the
groom's gift,
The bride was the roti tient of
many useful and handsome y'ifts front
friends here and elsewhere.
The News -Record adds its congiat-
Illations and good wishes.
The, death occurred in Clinton on
Friday last of Mr, John Armstrong
after a somewhat lengthy illness,
The deceased was a native of Ire-
land but came to this: country: with
his parents fn 1850 -when he was but
'Chace years of age, The family set-
tled - on the Goshen Line, Stanley
township, where he grew to man,
hood, in 1874 he was united in
marriage with Miss Ellen Clark of
the same steamship. After spending
some years in Stanley they moved
to the third concession oP" Tacker-
smith, where they, remained: until a-
bout two years ago when they left
the farm to their son and' came to
reside in 'Clinton,
The late Mr. Armstrong was a
quiet man, one who looked, well .f -
ter 'his own affairs and his own fam-
ily, In religion be was a Presbya
tertau, and int politics a Conserva-
tive: Ile was also reit Orangencami of
long standing.
He is survived by his wife and a
fatally of feta daughters and' two
sons . Mrs. W. Wheatley of Ciin-
ton ; Mrs, Fred Timelier, London ;
MIs, Ernest Wills, Toronto ; Mrs.
James Boyce, Brucefleld, Wilson on
the Mill Road, and Edgar on the
homestead, ':i'uckersmitlt.
The funeral took place on Christ=
map Day from the family home on
Orange street. Rev, hall Woods of
Brimfield I to 1 tl a services sad
conch ° c t
the 1
o1lbatim°tis were
all relatives
Messrs. George and Ro.ert Atm-
strong, Fred Tucker, James Boyce
and Launcelot and Clea:ge Clark.
Mrs. Armstrong and Camille wish
to thank the friends and neighbors
ion the kindness and sympathy shown -
them daring time illness of their hes-
band and' lather ' - and- -since his
death. '
Mrs, B. J. Gibbings received word
on Tuesday of the (Math of her
brother -an -law, Dr. J. R, Steepe' of
Winnipeg, which occurred on Ctrrist-
'Inas Day. Dr. Steep° had been a
medical practiouer in Winnipeg for a
number of• years but of late, owing
to failing health and to the increas-
ing duties pertaining to his position
as inspector of the Indian reserves,
he had givenup his private .practise
to a large extent. For some months
past he had been practically confined
to- his home. He is survived by his
Wile and One eon, Who is . at time
front, and one daughter at home.
An open session of the Sunday
school will be held on December 31st
in aid of the children :of Belgium.
:The following programme will be giv-
Hymn 192 -Sound the Battle Cry.
Solo. kir L;_Weir.
Reading Miss L. Grant.
Solo—bliss Marion Gibbings,
Quartette - Mesdames: Gibbings
and Ross, Messrs. Weir and
Solo—Mrs. J. Oilmen.
Iiyinn 101—Witli Our Colours
' Waving Bright. .
Solo '11r. J. Doherty.
Reading—Miss G. Walker.
Gods Save the King.
People You Know
Rev, W. 13, Mo:lien is spending the
week at his home ht London.
Mrs. Mantle di Exeter is the guest
this week of Air, and. Sirs. J. 1).
ki o
1t ns n.
Mr. E. J, Howard of Londra has
been is town this week calling on
his many old friends,
Miss Jean Greig of Toronto is visi-
ting this week at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. T. Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawkins and fain-
tly spent the Week -end and holiday
with relatives in Hamilton,
Amos Osbalcleston of Stratford spent
Christmas at his home in 'town,
that of Mrs. 'Phos. Caldwell.
Miss Beatrice .Greene is up from
Toronto this week tisiling her
sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Twitchell of
Toronto camie up for Christmas and
are spending the week in town,
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bouck 'and family
spent the week -end and Christmas
Day with relatives mat llaimoral.
Messrs, Stewart Paisley of l'dronto
- amid Clarence Paisley of iiiaetreal
were home for the Yuletide feast.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mackenzie
were holiday visitars in 'Toronto,
at the home of the lady's parents.
Mrs, Paull and Mn, 'Billy Paull of
London were C'hristoeas guests at
time home of the former's son, Mr.
II E. Paull,
Mr. E. Dean. Courtice of the Hamil-
ton Technical School stat? is spend-
ing the acid -winter vacation at'his
home i'in town,
Dr. W. R. Stiller aiid' two sons of
Toronto were guests over the
week -end and Christmas at the
home of Mr, and' Mrs. Id. Cr.
Mr, and Mrs. 'rhos. Dunbar and ba-
by Dorothy of Sarnia met the
Christmas holidays `as guests of
the lady's parents, Mr, and _Mrs. -
Burnett of town.
Mr. 'Elgin Mason of Detroit and Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Haber of Romeo,
Mich,, spent the Yuletide at the
home of the former's parents, Mr,
and Mae. •T. Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. H. •Ci, Matthews,, and
;Master Bill of Goderich, accompan-
ied by Miss ()Maier, oi! Auburn, were
guest's at the home of Mr. a n (1
Mrs. W, S.Downs over Christmas.
The Misses Southcombe and Sirs,
J, Soutiteombe were in Si Mary's
)'esterday, attending the - marriage
their nephew, iMr, W. P. lhe v � , I t.
Soimtllcoritbe of 'the C'ollingwood
Collegiate stale,
Mr. and Mrs. J 1" ' Clark, Miss
Mabel and Master ,Arthur of Tor-
cntto were Christmas 'visitors at
the home of Mr, end Mts. T.
Jackson. Miss Mabel is remaining
oven lois the week,
Messrs: Phemias, Thos, and ' Ed.
Caldwell and the two little • sons
of the former, Ramble and 'P.ommie
of Std atfard, were Christmas vis-
itors at the home of their father,
Mr. Tilos. Caldwell,
Mrs. E. Heideman and-141iss E. Heide-,
man of Exeter, Miss Edith Heide-
man- of Kitchener and Mr. Louis
and Miss Heideman. of Toronto
Spent the Christmastide with Mr.
and Mrs. W. A, Mason of Princess
street. -
Mr. D. 'i'ip•lady, who has been
very ill for, several weeks,, so milds
so that his friends were exceeding-
ly' anxious- concerning him felt some
time, was, able `to get down town
last week and we are glad to -says
was looking very much like '-him-
self again.
Mrs. II, J. Pingell, formerly of Clin-
ton, 1a
t s jut' recently ecentl returned
home from the Goderich hospital,
where she underwent surgical treat -
meat forseveral weeks, Tile many
friends • will he pleased to hear that
the is very mucic improved. The
family, have removed from Sea--
emforth to Port Whitby, where Mr.
Pingell has beadengaged for some,
little timne,-
Mr. and his. Rat -tray of Sombre
ate the gueste. of their daugliter,
Mrs. ,(Rev.) J: i. Jones, at the -
Mrs. George Woods amid daughters,
Miss Bell of Seaforth and Miss Nan
of Orillia, are the guests of Mrs;
Cl, H, Hewson over the holiday per-
iod." ' `
Grenville Atkinson and A. G.
Simms of Detroit are spending their
holidays at the summer residence ou
Dayfreld-.'berm°°. -
Mr. Samuel Eagleson et ll,niton, N.
D., is visiting his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. William Eagleson,
Miss Evelyn Pollock of Bancroft is
spending her holidays under the par-
ental roof. -
Rev. A, Macfarlane left this week
for Banks spendC
ld a :week
Clarence Pollock and Lawrence
Fowlie of London are spending time
holiday season under tine parental
Mr, and Mee, Dimoat of Detroit
are The guests of the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tippet, ov-
er the holidays.
Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. George
King, for tura holidays.
Sirs. Robert Watson of Fiske,
Sesta is visiting Mr, Watson's par-
ents, Slr. and Mrs•. John Watson of
the Sauble Line, Stanley. -
Frank Ding of Detroit is spending
the holidays under the parental roof.
Mr. John Howard of Milestone,
Sask., is the guest of h'.s sister,
Sirs. Fred Baker. - .
Miss Ada Rouatt of - London is
spending her holiday's with, her mo-
ther the village, 6 er ua
air. 'lances C'ameroin; wife and
child of 'Toronto, are spending the
hu`iaays with their parents in the
village. -
Miss Dolly Ross, who is teaching
near Jlt tri1tan, is spending her . holi-
days at her home in the rmllage.
Pte. Wilber i.reae of the 118th
Batt., spent Christmas under the
parental roof.
Sid Castle of Stratford is spend-
ing ,the holiday's with -hie parents.
Mr. and Mrs. P'oilard -of London
are the guests of the latter's par-
ents, lifr, and Mrs. James- Space-
matm, for the holiday season.
R. Bailey of the Sterling Bank,
Sobringvilie, is spending the holt-
dee with his mother,,Mrs, Bailey in
the village,'
Mrs. Green of Colborne temvlcship
and Sirs. Barton of Coderich are the
guests of their parents,' Mr. and
Mrs. John Falconer.
Charles Biggart and wife, N e w
FIazelton, B.C., are visiting the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Biggart.' -
Misses M. Tippet, Lulu Baker, Irene
Harrison and Lulu Davison of Lon-
don are holidaying at their respect-
ive homes.
William and Donald Marrap of De-
troit are spending the Christmas
holidays in the village,
bliss Geddes, principal of the Pub-
lic school, is spending her holidays
at. her home in Lticknow.
Mr. Johu '.Corns, wife and sou,
blaster Norman Toms, are visiting
friends at Port Dover over the hol-
Mts. Herbert Wallis and family of
Fiske, Sasle„ acid Mrs, Hugh lfe-
Laren of 1'orl, Elgin are the guests
of their. mother, Mrs. William Stir-
ling,, in the village.
Messrs. U. Magee amid Si, iikLaugh
lin of time Sterling Bank , staff are
holidaying at their parental. bounce.
Mr. Albert Ca£lin, wife and family
of Port Stanley are spending a week
at his home in the village.
Mr. Robert McMurray spent the
hcl:idays with friends at Toronto.
Mesdames David; and Edward Stur-
geon are spending their holidays
with their parents at Alvinston,
Tim nomination on Friday last re-
suited in thelnouncil being returned by
acclamation : A. E. Erwin, reeve ;
George Copeland, Samuel Cleave,
Edward Merner, William Jowitt,
coumilloes and' Henry Dreh,nann,
'Phomas Elliott, and William heard,
school trustees.
A dance will be -given in i -he town
hall an New Year's night, the pro-
ceeds to -be devotedi to patriotic pur-
The cormced given uy the Stumm:-
hill school on Thursday last was a
great success. The program which
was given principally by the members
of the school, was as excellent one..
Among those who assisted were Rev,
W. B. Moulton, bliss Elsie Farqu-
har, Mr. C', Tyner and others. Lack
of space prevents the publication -of
the whole program, A great deal of
the' success -of ';the affair was cine to
the energy of Miss Holland, teacher
of the school, who was untiring in
her efforts. The proceeds will be held
in trust for a time as there is Some
idea or orgesllzing a branch of the
Red Crass-liomr.. ,
>l�ll —hn;'esviille
Mr. and Mrs. Lasltbrook of Mitch-
ell spent Christmas with the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, ID. Pickard.
Mr. Norman of Preston
ate Christmas dinner at the hone of
Ms sister, bins. -Fred Potter.
People You Know
lir. Wellington Chole of 'Hamilton -.
was home for the Christmas holi-
Mr. H. Volutes, who is teaching near
Chatham, is home for the Chrise-
mas holiday's.
Bliss Fannie .Waldron was with Tor-
onto friends over the , C'hristrnas
holiday time.
bliss Jean Morris of Detroit was a
Is spending the mid -winter vaeatioa
home in Clinton:-
MMr, Bert. Johnson of (tart Burwell
is spending the mid -winter veep:Bea
at the home of his mother.
Mx. David Caate'lon and Miss Doro-
thy spent the Christmastide with
Srr, and Sirs. Iveatherwax in Or.
11 Iia,
Mrs, W. S. Elliott of Toronto- Is
spending enl the Christmas . r•ati m as
1 n6 n aS va , It .
the guest of her parents, Mr, ,min
Mrs. .1, 11. Lindsay,
Hulllett Township
Messrs. -Clarence and- Edi. Blake of
Detroit spent their Christmas holi-
days at their home here.
Miss Loretto Flynn returned to
Toronto after spending the week-eud
and holiday at her home here.
Mr. .Ed. J. Tighe of - Sandwich is spending lbs Christmas holidays at
his home here.
'l'lte nomination ou Friday last re-
sulted in the election by acclamation
of all the old council : Reece Mat-
they Armstrong and Con—ci11ors Wei.
.7. Miller, James Watt, 'Phos; Velli•
chael and Chas. A. Rowson.
Fir, and Mrs, Bruce Medd of Eset'
er spent the festive holiday with the
former's parents, Mr. and .lire.
Mr. and Mrs. Hendersons of Ile";. -
then, Sask., are hone visiting fri-
ends in the neighborhood. They will
probably remain for several weeks,
Sir. S. Glidden, who has been a re•
sident of the Gravel Road far the
past Are years, lies' rented a end-
hundred acre farm at liarlock from
Mr. .1. Parsons and is mo,ing this
week to his new home, The neigh-
bors are sorry to lot. Sir•. Glidden
from the community but Matt hint
success and prosperity,
The death occurred at Killarney,
)Ian., recently of an old resident ••ci
this township in the person of Rich-
ard Bedford aged sixty-seven pears.
He hadbeenill several months. If,
is about seventeen years since Nr.
Bedford removed to the west. Ile is
surrived by his widow and a family
of four sons and one daughter Al-
bert and Howarth and Airs. Burr of
Killarney sndi. ,John I -I, and 10. L.
Bedford of Sault Ste. Marie,
Then will Pilau Their
Part Well
Capt. the Rev. J, Is., b'airfull,
chaplain of the 101st, the Huron
Battalion, +writes the following inter-
esting letter to The News -Record
from the Camp at Shorucliffe, Eng,
The epistle would probably have beers
more interesting, too, if the censor
had not interfered with it but we
are bound. to abide by regulations
and put dip with any inion malenc°
imposed by the government at litls
time of national stress. Captain
Fairtuli has every confidence in the
boys from old - Huron _doing their
duty as ,it comes to theism :
"Lower Dibgate, ,Shornclitie, tient,
England, December Sud, 1916
Dear Mr. Editor': -It is impossible
to convey to you and the tolls ,rt
home any idea of the conditions is
the old land compared with Canada,
Here we see more of the real prepa-
ration and also More, di the real ef-
Teets of the war, everyone seems to
he bearing a burden and yet there
is the feeling reflected `mita the speech
and manners of the people ,here that
we will win out at last bun; -that the
price is staggering, The 161st bays
are all flue and, settling down 'to
titch new- conditions very well. Itc
is a regret that we cannot
keel; altogether as a Battal-
ion but, we are a good deal more
fortunate than most Battalions. We
have only Inst two drafts of ode
hundred each, these being sent to
Prance as you will 'know before this
reaches you. (Here the official censor
seems to have applied the•knife for
there was a sheet missing) Dont thinly
Thome and all it 'means is dearer to
anyeec than the boys who are in
the many, It's a line sight to stand
in a Y.M,C'.A, but and look ever the
tables Oiled with men all writing
Meme letters, '1'Ite Y,M,C,A. huts are
a great boon to the boys, with the
canteen, concerts and last but - not
least, the religious services, The hat
connected with oat part of time camp,
has its special feature every night,
Saturday night only being free that
is called 'home letter night.' Per-
haps the greatest part being played
its this war is the part played by
the women. They have given up of
their best, and homes are lonely be-
cause of .this and hearts are yearn-
ingtint longing • f o end of it all.
1 1 t or the c
g !;
k. oil bats to the women one
and all I do not know what part
the Hurons will be called upon to
play, but, one thing the red county
can rest assured of, whatever the
part may be they will play it well.
-We send you the season's greetings:
May the New Year bring to us, 'peace
and—Florae. Sincerely Yours.
r -J, K. FAIRFULL.,'