HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-12-21, Page 8mro111Ms
Glance gour ege over this list of
Appropriate, Usetul and Lasting
Christmas and New Year Gifts
Carving sets in cases'. Nickel plated ware in
Scissors in cases teakettles, tea and coffee
Pocket and pen knives percolators, casseroles,
Roger and Nevada silver trays, salt and peppers
knives, forks & spoons Alluniinuln and granite
Meat forks and cake forks and English enamel ware
Berry spoons, etc. in teapots and jugs
Auto strop safety razors 0 -cedar mops
and many others Carpet sweepers
Cut Glass Skates and sleighs
Berry Bowls and Nappies at a big 'reduction
See the old time Fire Place or. Grate for burning
soft or hard coal or wood, only $10.00
411 kinds of Mitts and glove
Harland Oros.
Last Minute Suggestions
For Busy Shoppers
Only Two,days Left
As the time grows shorter, more help is needed in order to
make gift buying easy.
If you have still some friend or relative whore you wish to re-
member, we would suggest sonic of the following lines
Handkerchiefs. Ties, Braces, fancy boxed Arm Bands and
Garters, Tie Pins Coif Links, Slippers, Fancy Linens,
Cushion Tops and Umbrellas.
All these and hundreds of other useful and acceptable gifts
may be found ab this store.
Come and See What we are Offering
Phone 25
Plumsteel Bros Clore
Profits • Business
A MerrChristmas
This well known house of better shoes extends the compliments of the
season to everybody!
May this be the merriest of all the Christmases you ever bad!
We stand ready to furnish about the most sensible and practical Christ
mac gifts thatiyou can think of.
Christmas gifts that will be appreciated)
Choice Footwear.
We have something in our large lines of splendid footwear that would
make an ideal Christmas gift for any and every foot in the family from
grandpa way down to baby!
While our footwear is of the best, our prices are easy. The patrons
of this shoe store receive the best values at any stated price,
We are all aglow with she spirit of Christmas and we ask
gone consideration.
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to -the room.
it has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove. We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axmrnsters, Wil -
tons, etc., that we have
priced at attractive prices.
We would be most pleased
to show them to you.,s
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone W 28
the dews -Record For
Nevi, well Executed
Job Work.
Clinton News -Record'
Use Lotus Lawrl
Stationery for all
your..// social corres-
iiondIace, While
moderately priced, it
is of a quality that
delights both seeder
gni/ receiver.
Nolo Foyer EnvelopJ
h,r fat:m,B 6a•
P,iriti,a T.‘blei.Pu.peirieu
Correspondence Cprdu
Initialled Siallonerp
GentI l.„te, a Club Note
and .cavelopes
Often the Cheapest—
Always the Best.
Mrs. R...1. (Tuff was in Stratford ov-
er the week -end.
Mr. C. J. Wallis has returned from a
trip to the west.
/MSS Zetta ilawden is visiting in
London this week.
Mr, and Mrs. G len ('cCaish returned
on Monday from their honeymoon
bliss Ruth Walkinshaw is assisting in
the postollice during the Christmas
Miss „Belle -O'Neil is expected home
from Toronto the end of the week
to spend the Christmas vacation.
Mr. J. W. Crooks and bride arc ex•
meted the end of the week and
will spend the Christmas -title with
relatives hereabouts.
bliss 'resale Crooks, who has been in
St. Mary's during the millinery,
season, returns this week for the
winter holiday period.
Mrs. Mcllveen leaves the end of the
week for a holiday visit with her
sons at 'Tee:onto and Watford and
with friends in London.
Mr. J. Emmerton of Berrie has been
in town during the past week, hav-
ing come to visit his father who
has been, we regret to report, quite
Mr. H. Cole, !hiss Cole and Miss Mil
dred Evans left Monday for. Brant-
ford where they have taken fur-
nished rooms for the winter. Mr.
Frank Evans is in Brantford, in -
the employ of the C'an,idian Ex-
press Co.
Corp, J. E. Cook of London spent
the week -end; with his family, in
town, Corp. Cook is cooking for
the pfficer:s of the Bayonet. Fight-
ing and Physical 'Training School
and seems to ,be giving general sat-
isfaction. Ire sap> Ire has not
been "cm the carpet"' since enlist-
ing eight months ago. lie's• fool{
ing well, 'tori.
Mr. arid Mrs: J, 1,'. iaarnwell of
i'russia, Sask., arrived in town
from are west on ;1'rirlay and on
Saturday went on out to Stanley
township, where they will spend a
few weeks with !riends and rein,
fives. hit. Harnweli reports con-
ditions in the west this yrer as
being very encouraging, Crops were
a good average is Saskatchewan,
running, a hit higher. in Alberta,
but were not, so 'good in Manitoba,
owing to frost and rust. Howev-
er, there was a good enough aver-
age crop to .put the west upon its
feet again. Where Mr. 1lnrnwell's
holdilig is there are a great crony,
foreigners, many being Germans.
lie. says there is an agitation on
foot to change the name of Prussia
to Wheaton, or name such niter ,
that probably this will he done
before long,
1iIT. and MTs. Percy Cole returner',
Thursday after a six weeks' visit,
among friends and relatives in the
State of Michigan. ' They lad
a delightful visit, the
Americans being ,p"ver-
bially hospitable, but Mr. ('ole
was surprised and. often a bit hurt
by the iniltit.erenee shot n in regard
to the terrible war in which all
Canahians are so vitally interest•
ed. He says that the general int
pression seemed to prevail that Cali,
aria should have kept out of the 'war_
and let "England fight her . own bat-
tles." 'in the expression of such
a view the Americans show Plainly
that they entirely fail to "sense"
either -tete meaning of the war or
the fine imperialistic spirit of Can-
ada. if the British navy were not
"on the job" all the time our
neighbors to the south would have
realized long before this that they
were as near: as Canada to ,the
war, zone.
December 21st, I916
'*4 Amosvosomommom.arommoman
This HoDj VVrPath
Contains the
United Wish
A Merry
For You
and Yours
Women's Store
T)ry Goods,'F1ouseFurnishings
phone 67
Next to Royal Bank
lien's Store
Custom Tailoring and
phone 103, Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Mr. and Mrs. Brunsdou visited fri-
ends in Blyth on Monday.
The tell cent social held under the
auspices of the died Criss on Fri
day night week was quite successful
the proceeds amounting to ten dol-
Br. S. Crawford has purchased the
residence of his son, Mr. Robert
Crawford, in the village and the lat-
ter has rented the , farm 'of Mrs.
Deer in East Irawanosh and will re-
move to it.
Elizabeth Graham Bell, wife of Mr.
John Lasham, passed into the Great
Beyond on Saturday week after a
somewhat tedious illness. The late
Mrs. Lasham was a native of Eng -
laud, being born at 1ledden, Ycr:k-
shire, but when a child she camp
with her parents to Canada. '1'Ir(r
family first settled in ('hinguecousy
township but in the early, sixties
they came up to klnllctt anti for a
time resided or, j the: Mason faun In
that township, Later they settled
just, at the edge of the village and
since her marriage to Mr, l,aslralu
is September of L870 she has resid-
ed in I,oudesboro. She was very
well known throughout all this ar.e--
t:ini, and was highly esteemed by all
were knew hen For the past fire
year's she has hien in falling health
anti at limns she was a great sull'.er-
cr, She was of a very cheerful tura,
however, r , and though forced to, hred.
her touch pearly all tint period she
was always p1ri, when at all able,
to greet lam many friends .and to take
an interest in all that was tram:upir-
mg about her. Daring the last few
weeks iii her illness her nephews, lit, -
Bell of Reading, Mich., and Mr. Nel-
Bell of Detroit, visited her bed
side and also returned for the funer-
The funeral took place nn 'Tuesday
from the Mathes ist ehur'eh, of which
sire was a nmrnber and vellerc she
was a willing worker as long as her
,health permitted. Rev. C' C. Raine
conducted the fmieral services and
the pallbearers were her sir nephews:
Dr. Bell, Nelson Bell, Russel Taylor,
and C I yf rl a Herrington, Tor-
onto, R. Walter's, Cioilea:tell and W.
ri. Bell, Mullett.
Mrs. Lasham is survived by her
husband and by one slater, Mrs, Tay-
lor, Toronto , four half sietars ;
lifts (Dr.) Hamlin, Detroit ; Mrs.
Macdonald and Mrs. Lear, London
and Mrs Heck, Dakota, and three
half brothers' S. Herri1tgton, Saska-
toon ; George H. :[Icrrington, Winni-
peg, and, Bean. Herrington, illytli.
Amongst those who were- present
from a distance for the funeral were :
Mrs. Hamlin, Detroit Mrs, Macdmr-
aid, London ; Mm. and 'Nits, MCL ear,,
Mrs. Wm. Lasham, Mrs. J. and
Mr. R. Walters, Goderielt; Mr. and
. Howard tec Pott Colborne a 1
Miss Graham, Clinton. Much sym-
pathy is felt for Mr, Lasham and
the family in their bereavement.
111.1111=11114%.)- KA11.1161.11.
At the last regular meeting of L.
0.1, NM 855 the following etllcers
were elected for the ensuring 'year :
Master, Rev. C`. C. Raine,
Deputy, Howard Shobbreok,
Ree: Secretary, W. Armstrong.
Pin. -Secretary, R. Riley.
Chaplain 16. Crawford,
Treasurer, R. Townsend,
1). of C'., John Jenkins.
Committee, R. Crawford, W.
Deputy -Master Brandon of Belgrrve
installed the officers, assisted by Bra,
Christmas will be observed in St,
John's church on Sunday afternoon
next. tl'lrere will be a celebration of
Holy ecmtmunion at this service. :11l
Christmas sermon and celebration
of holy communion to St. Peter's
church on Sandah evening next,
Mr, Lee McConnell has returned
from the west lookhip bale and
Mr. 'rem llcid left last week fo'r
Sealor'th to work in the shell fac-
litr. Ralph Stephenson, has been vis-
Lting in 'I'orc.rnto,
Messrs. J, W. Reid and Win. Thy -
ler shipped four cars u1 cattle, sheep
and hogs to Toronto recently.
Mn:,and Mrs. A, S, iiarnwell of
Prussia, Srsk., dropped in on theft
friends on Saturday last and, will
spend a few weeks in Varna and
They both 100'.1 well and re-
port that . times aie much improved
in .the west this year owing to the
ercelient crop reaped in Alberta and
Patrons§and. Friends
A Very Merry Christmas
Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 9,
Mullett Township
Messrs, T. IlleMic!iael and Son
were winners of several prizes at the
Guelph Winter Fair held recently.
The following represent the extent
of their success with Canadian
Clydesdale horses : International
won first prize, championship and re-
serve grand -championship, Lord Rom
ald", second, a year old filly thin:
and a two year old fllyl- fourth. Mr.
Humphrey Snell won third prize with
a yearling fat heifer and Mr. John:
Barr carried all first for yegrling fat
steer, which also won first at Tor-
onto, Altogether the Mullett exhib
/tors did well.
School Connnerce
begins- Wednesday. January 3rd, 1917
if you cannot attend day school, you may take
a course in
Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping
by attending Night Classes
Classes Monday and Wednesday
Terms Moderate.
You have always intended to take a Commercial
and Stenographic Course sometime--i)O IT NOW
Learn More to Earn More
Positions Guaranteed to Students.
Phone 208,
B. F. WARD, B.A. M.Accts.,
10.45 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
For Parry So Port Arthur,
u nd Sudbury, , y
Fort William Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina,
Saskatoon, Calgary, North Battleford,
Edmonton, Vancouver, da Pacific Coast points
iAl iAl'f fl0;l 1Elif 'At TO WAY.
Tickets and Berth Reservations from A. T, Cooper, G.N.W. 'Agent, Clin-
ton,.or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, 08 Icing ,tit.,
I .
Toronto, Omit, ea l..l l; l . ii_ l . i .1.LAMi'. . ♦-