HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-12-21, Page 5December 21st, 1916 Win Not Trust Faith, - less Germany. David Lloyd -George The "little Welshman" who is -head a the , new "win -the -war" cabinet in Great Britain. Mr. Lloyd -George has i ecove;ed from his recent indisposition and is again able to grasp the reins •er government 'i'his is what lie says about erermaity's peace proposition : "We will wait until we hear what term's and guarantees there are other than those, better than those, surer than those which Germany so lightly, broke. Meanwhile we shall put thrust in our unbroken army rather than in 'broken rattle" • McQueen -Thompson Nuptigls A. pretty wedding teak place at high noon on Saturday at the ]come of - Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Thompson of the Bayfield Road, when their daughter, Jean, beeante tlsc bride of Mr. Arthur McQueen of the second of Stanley, taniep, The ceremony was per- formed be the Rev. hall Woods of Brueefreld and was witnessed by be- tween thirty and forty guests, near- ly all relatives of the contracting parties. The bride was prettily gown- ed in ivory satin and carried a bou- geret of carnations and ferns. The young couple were unattended. After al y...ceremony a sumptuous . wedding Iuucheon was served and afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Me Qtteen left by the afternoon train from Brucefielci for a honeymoon trip to Dundee, Ham- ilton. and Toronto. The bride trav- elled in a handsome suit of navy blue. On their. return clic young.cou- irle will reside on the second of Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. McQueen have the good wishes of the community for a long, happy and prosperous married life. Stanley Townships The death cowered on Monday or last week of Mr, James 1:-I, John- ston of the sixth concession at the age of seventy-two pears. Tire de- eeased was bora in Clarke lownship1 Durham county, iu 1844, bat had ,been a resident of Stanley for a number of years. Ile is survived by Ids wife and a family of two sons ;and one daughter a George H., and John A., and ribs, James afeBride,. The late Mee James ;Johnston was a quiet, home -loving .rnan, devoted to Itis family and a Barest unci obliging neighbor, en re- ligion he wend Presbyterian andein politics a Conservative. The funeral took place on Friday last to 1'.•aird's cemetery. Among those metal a di ranee who were present for, the lash sad rites : Miss. lel. A. Johnston of Newtonville, Clarke township, a 'sis- ter of deceased , Ma. and Mes, Sharp Mrs, McTavish and Mr. .I, Johnston of Teeswater, and Mr. nail lWrs, Jag. Millen of Seaforth. The fatally and 'friends have the sympathy of the community .in their bereavement, Marriages CROOKS -HAMPTON - At Mount Forest, on Dec. 1.0th, Frances Jane Hampton to W. J. Crooks Cif Vaneouver, B.C., formerly of Clinton,.• McQUEEN-THOtbf.P,SON-In Stanley, township, ow December 16th, by Rev. Hall Woods of :Ibrucefreld, `Jean, daughter of ilir. and Mrs. ' Alexander Thompson, to Artl(ur bIrcQueen, •UD;IIT'-ALEXANDER - At Clinton. on November loth, by Rev, W. B. Moulton; Mabel, daughter: of Mr. Joie Alexander of Goderieb town- ship, to Harvey Wesley Hudio of Walton: Births Awl IAWKCtbJi-3u Flamiiton, on Dec. 90, to Mr.' and Mrs. John Haw- kins, a son, HIF300t-In Winghatu 011• December • 12th, to Capt. and Mas. W. F', Ilisoox, a daughter. ICEST Lp)-In lexeter on December 8th, to Mr. apd. Mrs. B. J. Reti- tle, a son. DAVIDSON-In Morris, era'Decetnber 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Dar. idson, a daughter. HENDERSON-At Wingham June- tion, on December 7th, : to 17:41, and chis. W. J. Henderson, a 1011. • Deaths 0LARlC-in Hallett, on Dece1uh01 Llt1, Eileen Clarke, youngest dau- ghter or 'Mr. Robert Clarke, aged 10 years, 1 month.:and 21 days. C,1 NS'TO'NE-In Gabriela on Dee, 11th Many Stirling, widoyv of the late Richard Vata l:oine, Clinton: News -Record Auburn There will be a special service hie the Bapt,tit ehuroh 011. Sunday alter noott next, The church and Sunday school will combine their energies a.ud tt is eepectetl that it will be eery interesting and inspitmg. The pret- ty exercises, 'lll'hitc Gifts to the King" will be 'golre through: with:' and besides there will lie special 1nu- sic and several short acicliesses by the pastor acrd others, 2141, and. firs, , lIni Sheppard of 7latlock spent 0 few days with fri- ends at Auburn. • Mts. W. T. Riddell has returned home alter: spending a month with her parents at Lloydminister, Seek, The enteetainoient in aid of the Red Cross last weeds was- well • pa- tronieed, rho playlet, "The Mihister's Bride" being'again presented and was enjoyed by everyone. Proceeds to • $45. a- rpt carol e The Red Cross Society have open- ed } bazaat in Mr, Cleo. Denstedt''s hardware score, a very nice supply el fares 'goods and Christmas can- dies Being kept on hand. • The pro- ceeds already have anteunted to over $00, Varna The bazaar held by the Patriotic Society- in the town hall on Tuesday of last . week was a., great .success. The ball was very prettily( decorated with evergreens, bunting anti Christ - utas bells, giving it all exceedingly festive appearance. • The various booths where plain: sewing, home- made cooking, candy, etc. were dis- playeti were well patronized and The ladies In charge were kept busy all afternoon and evening, Little ' Miss Marjory Hart being the holder of the lucky ticket won the beautiful doll which was donated by Mrs. John Seeley of Clinton. The afternoon tea and supper were dainty and well served. The proceeds amounted to $132.57. The ladies of the Society wish to thank those who so kindly provitleil the music for the occasion, also those who contributed articles for sale and anyone who assisted in any way In making the undertaking a success. St. Helens Miss Ethel McPherson spent the latter part of the week with Miss Edna Woods. Miss' Hazel Palmer spent Sunday at the home of W. J. Todd. Anniversary services were held. in Christ Church at St. Helen's on Sunday, Rev. Bir. Williams • of Dun- gannon conducting the services after- noon. and evening. There was a good attendance at both services. Miss Prima Rutherford entertained the teachers of the vicinity on Sat- urday afternoon last. Miss Charlotte Johnston or Bruce - field is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rob- inson Woods. Llirs. Ramage has gone to spend the winter with her (laughter, Mrs. Pur- vis. 1141.. Reginald Mae -en -tie or 13,0, is visiting her sister, Mrs: George Webb, The Presbyterian Sundae' school .itt- tetd hultliug their Xmas Tree Itt the hall ou Friday evetiing, Dec, Send, Rev. bili. Little atte7.i(ied a J'reeby- tery meeting in Wingham lagit Week, liar, John Fanning or Cochrane vies Red a few days at itIr. Jos. An- derson's. A Good Contribution Up to date over $1,040,000 has been contributed to the British Red Cross Fund by the municipalities of the Province of Ontario. This amount is $125,000 in excess of the stun raised iu connection with filo Tlafalgar 1)ay appeal in 1.915. As the Organization Of Resources Committee t, anxious to have a report prepl'rdlt in time for presentation at t h e • next session of the Logislaiture, the books of the Fund Will be closed an. Jaime ary 15th, All colitrlbuti.ons Must reacit.the Committee as sooli as• pos- sible before that' date in order that they may appear: in the report. Con- tributions received by the Treasurer, W. lion. 7', � � . iVlcGarr � after Jan. 15t McGarry, a a h will be acknowledged and forwarded to the British Red Cross headquar- ters front. time to time, Voluntarq Contribu-e tions. Best. Some people, when .asked to eon - tribute to the Patriotic ;p'uttd, reply that Parliament should maintain the Fund, ;'le is the duly of • Canada Lo make provision for the families of het: soldiers,','say they. 1'Why shoeld not '1110 Government support and ad- hninistee the Fund '+"' There are, many good reasons wliy it should not. Here are a few 1 The Government' must treat 'every soldier alike. It cantos maim fish of one, I,feslr of another. I1 is now pay- ing in separation alloevances $20 a month to the 101111lyt of each enlist- ed mar.,' but one-third of the families receiving these separation 'allowances do isbt get a coni, front the Fund. ll the Government - maintained the Fund, this, third •would have to be Paid on the eamet scale. as the, two other thirds-eattsitig an increase for 1017 estimated at $(i, 720,000. The Government could not .give- families the help, other: than financial, they now :receive from thousands of vole untary workers, \vim visit theist in sickness and in health, share their troubles, encourage them in w ell-do ing animake them to feel that they are not friendless nor alone. The Government would raise the re- quieed money by floating a loan, thus throwing on. the future -and eft the returned soldiers -a burden the stay - at -hones should bear. For such work as this eve should pay as we go. The government control would mean double, and its seine 1 cases treble, taxation. Municipalities all over the Dominion are taxing themselves for the Fund. So ate many prcrrinces. It would not be fair to re -tax these bodies, while other ' districts were escaping with only the Federal tax, Tile governmental cantrol would re- duce the amounts the ricin now con- tribute to the Fund, and place a heavier burden on the shoulders of the poorer men. It would take from all, rich and poor, the privilege of', doing something of their ewu free will, and, through acts of self-sacri- fice, assist in winning the great struggle. And it wruld, by stifling the out -pouring of pithlic spirit that has been so conspicuous, work to the distinct disadvautege of the com- munity. News -Record Means News -Leader. The Weekly Sun, 'Toronto, is a large seventy-cclmnn farm weekly newspa- per, making a specialty of alt mat- ters of business and social interest t0 the tanner and his family. The bull's market reports are admitted- ly the best and most accurate pub- lished. It has no equal in the field, This feature prone will amply repay e't'ery subscriber, RAW FURS WANTED -BEFORE selling your: furs it will pay you to get my prices. I ant payling tip-top prices on all kinds of saw furs, Prices are high. Bring in your litre now, before prices drop, -A, H. Hovey, Clinton, 118-3, 4,414. 100I1 SALE. -11 STORY FRAI'1E house in, the Village at Bayflel , with acre of land attached contain- ing stable. Good well and orchard ole place. Also eight acres in one lips$ 011 the °ppSite side of the street, Will be sold, separately or together to suet purchaser. For particulars apply' to the executors -Mrs, FI. Darrow or Mrs; 'John Datisots, Bayfield: -68. DR. W. J, GLANPII LD, 13., Physician, etc„ Honor Gradit-' ate, Toronto University, 1six years' experience, Brttcefield, Ont. -58-12 FOR SALE 011 TO RENT, -AN g- roomed house on Princess street. Furnace and •bath. Now occupied . by W. Collyer -For particulars ap- ply to W. 5. Harland, Rattenbury street, Clinton. -55 WANTED -HORSE. lrDrs 13IEF A Good Resolution : "I will pay Aides, Skunk, Coon, Mink, or any( my subscription to The News -Record other Furs . -James Steep, Licensed la advance." i to deal in furs, -04 IIIIIIft1UIIIIt Ili New Issue 8w 1111111111111111111N Telephone Book. iz. Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above dater ti Order your telephone now; so that your name will be in the new issue! ¶ Report changes required to our Local Manager to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Allinlmonmemenwelmmemans STRAYED -TO LOT nit, CON, 5, Mullett; a yearling Heifer,. Owner canhave same by proving property and paying charges:. Apply to - i9 Ir 4141 "h inns .1 11.: Clin- ton. 1 0 No. Ln- Y R 1, ton. Rhone 2; on 105, -04, BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD location on William street, near the Model school, Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, ete.-' T, T. Murphy. -44. FOR S'1LE1,-A IIAI'P7 I'FIOUGFIT Coal Range: Six tido, large '07011, new copper reservoir. In first class condition. Too large' for present use. Guluire at `Pine- News -Record Office. -07' M1I. D. 'W. HAMILTON, P1111 agent for the De Laval • Cream Separator has taken the agency for file Edison'Amberola ' Phonographs anil Records. These make a useful and lasting Christmas Gift. • Can be seen and heard at any 'time, at his residence, Huron St.. or Phone 207 for particulars. -67, FARM FOR SALE. 100 -ACRE Farm for sale, 2e, miles north Of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hui lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 5040, with stone stab - Bag underneath and 1t• storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. Titis farm is convenient to schools • and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to snit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St„ Strat- ford, Ont. -02, STRAYED.--FIIOM LOT 21, CON. 0, Mullett, a yearling heifer with a nark on dewlap. A suitable to- ward will be paid for information leading to its recovery. -Thos. Tighe, R. R. No. it, Clinton. Phone IS on 1.65. -59 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 30 IN THE 7th con., Goderieh township, con- taining 30 acres ail under cultiva- tion ultivation : barn 50 x 50 with stone foun- dation ; small house ; good well. For particulars apply to -Mrs. Pet- er Cantelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. -18. FOR SALE, -HOUSE ON RATTEN- bury street formerly occupied by the late ales. Wm. Murray. Ap- ply to G. D, isIeTaggart. -32 McCORMIOIs AGENCY, -I IIAVE taken over the. agency ler the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention. - Wilson Elliott. -13 FOR SALE -THE PROPERTY ON Tlattenbury street occupied, by pit Gandier, including house, office, barn and "two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water' in bathroom, kitchen and summer IdC- chen.--Apply to Dr. Gaudier. --40- DREAM WANTED. -, DAIRYMEN N having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans Leese Pay all express chaps and issue cheques twice ,each month, cheques payable a1 par. Wo pay; the high- est market pC::e'•s ponsisteilt with see •„ toned test. Testing 40115 by a ea/flee/m -•til- man. Each can ea+..._ ly w1s1 l il, , sampleal and tested on arrival afld statement r urned._ Those in the yselnity' et ICinher5 may leave there' ere to ,with hid. Hall who will delver it lien , Write for cans and gi;a4 us,d iu13a7, Patrons in the vieinitye a'< yank vtheircream o B may, deliver m t t<i'aUtty Bros. Store and it will be takdu care of there -rake Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, Ant. NOTICE NOTICE. IS 2I1 111113? GIVEN THAT the Municipal Council of the. Town of Clinton' at its meeting held on Dec. 4111'., 1916, passed the first and 500011d readings of a bylaw of which the following is a synopsis : Purpose. ExteusiOn or Waterworks system Amount to be raised $5,000 Deben tures to be issued 1,0 01 $500ea, Rate of interest 5 percent ; Principal payable Pee, 1st, 1946 ; int, payable Dec, 1st, aliuually, ct ainettcing on Dec. 1st, 1017.200, Amottnt to be raised andunity for Sittkiltg l+ uhd $ 80.1:5 Total alnOeuit to be fai5(:d nually i 330an- ,15. This bylaw twilt be su, btnitted - to' the electors quarreled to vote on money bylaws ole Jan. 1st, 1017 at the same places and by the carne' Deputy returniog officers enef .Pol'1 Clerks at for the annual municipal elections. ' This notice is given par: silent to snub -section 7 of section 263 of the Munieinal,Aet. D. 1.. 2J'ACPFIERSObo --60-3. Town Clerir,. IskipwriJ011Ns FORSALE-THREE young bulls, two reds and a roan, from 11 to (3 months old, sired by a bull fftbm a record milking strain.. Good growth and kind, Gpnlo and see them or write -Fr, H. Wise, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 142 on, 155, -64, YOUR CLOTHES ; CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at : _ the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do, good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suites, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- erre weaterre ete.' All orders promptly . at- tended to. Rooms over Jolmson's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 POULTRY WANTED. - Ey le R Y Tuesday morning. Highest prices paid:-llorarer 4.1 Ings, Valga '-60 GIRLS INANTED 4e♦ WE C'iAN GIVE • 4114PLOYMENT TO iv FEW MORE I{NIT- TIiIRS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED. FOR SALE Portland cutter like net',•heavy wa- gon, in good condition and newly painted, set logging trucks, pair heavy sleighs, democrat wagon, buggy, set light double harness, straw cutter and u drag. saw outfit, For prices and particulars apply to • W. R. JOW1C'1T. Box 30, Bayfield, or1 rhotl e 5 on 174 CLINTON MACHINE SHOP We're prepared to resent crusher rolls All kinds of macltinerynela,ired circular and cross -cut saws' gumnmed, scissors and skates ground botcher and carving knives ground Satisfaction Gunrantead Seeley % &I West Wanted 50 ir1s To learn Sewing, good wages while learning, Good operators can make $10 per week. Write or apply- The Fred Robinson Ilan- ufacturing Co., Seaforth Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will he taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait, Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T, E. MASON, General Merchant, • Nothing is more Appreci- ated than Jewelry for Christmas Gifts, 'We invite yoll to see what we have for this seasons Holiday Trade, Here are a few suggestions Ladies gold watches Gents gold watches Lockets bobs Necklaces Diamond rings Peart rings Signet rings Earrin s Ont1 ranks Jewel eases 14k brooches Mantle clocks Ivory clocks Manicure sets Out glass Bilverve re GM rimmed spectacles and . Eveglsaseb Gold headed. umbrellas Bracelets Wrist C:. 11b.1il Snore pine Fountlan pens Vanity purses Pendants • 1 41'.'1{'. JOHNSON, Optician and Jeweler LVE I POUT TRY .. �NTEO , I We are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest market price paid. -Phone 14 on 106. - Pullets For Sale, W. MARQUIS we wish A Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous s alp s p hew Year. To our many customers who have helped to make this our largest and best year in Clinton. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live 1 Christmas Cheer for all There is a tendency this year to curtail the expenditure on lux- uries„ People are living with more care and discrimination,, 13ny+ers radio are looking for quality and good solid value for their money instinctively turn to this store.. We have all the good things tor Christmas of the brightest qual- ity at the most reasonable pric- es. New fruits dor cake and, plum , puildiag, nese new shelled nuts, new raisins, oranges, sweet and • juicy, new mixed nuts, fifty sari- eties of tansy cas, ha, water ice wafers, keLac;esrimeort water t rolls and acorns. Ona; Genuine Homemade Mince meat, The best of , ab- solutel� clean, fuci purestfruitsspices to give it that ,delicious Havel. Candies for the children. Cut Rot7ad.n, diMesixedr Cg roewanh-sti,pChocolates, s hocolates< 0s31onSieointckngS,e. W-esAtatkaes Pavey 3ocest to suit all pockets, i 1 . E.E.U I II NN FO R D LIVE 'AND LET LIVE GROCER. 1 e Let Jay Reign in Your Home On Christmas Day May it bring Gladness to your Fiome and make merry at the Table We have a fine assortment of Christ- mas Stockings, which are the Joy of the Kiddies and contains the Toys that girls and boys like best 5 and 10e, Christmas Candies, Nuts and Oranges Our assortment of Christmas candies are of the Ochoicesb lines -15c to 40e per lb. Mixed Nut 25c per ib, Navel Oranges, sweet, ,juicy, luscious fruit 80 to 60 per dozen. 001' Box Chocolates pat up by Bean SaWestlake are of the best, A. good range to choose from. . A few suggestions of special men- tion that will acrd zest 10 the appetite - Cranberries , petite--• Cranberries Canned Vegetable Cabbage Tomato Chutney Tuunips Sweet or Mixed Pickle Plain or Stuffed Olives Peanut Butter Tea Coflee . Cocoa A fine assortment of Dainty Oakes for. Reception or evening social, Try ourGraham Sandwich, A Merry Christmas to All leigbest 16larkee Pried for Produce Johnson & Co The Store of Quality. mom cadets promptly, atksnded to. for: some of our Western Oats, which etre have just received and Nate will charge you no more than it they were just the ordinary grade o•£ oats. If you wish ta, secure some of these Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full stool: of Flour 011d. Treed, FLOUR AND FEED, Phone 199. Highest; prices paid to Grain and Wool. Elevator.: 'Residence 1)11000 0-122, Santa Claus Wants to meet all the little girls and boys in Olinton, and the surrounding country accom- panied by their mothers, aunts and sisters, on the afternoon of Friday and Saturday Dec. 2nd and 23rd at O'Neils He is not particular about the men. Ail he wants of them is to come and pay the hills next year, . T. O'ic!l Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards, Coal is going to be dear, scarce and hard to get, so let us have your orders now and we will sttppIy you with "The Coal that Satisfies" if at all possible. We aro going to stock a few cars of Coke which willcome considerably cheaper than coal and if you would like to try a load of this, let us know at once so that tee may, place our orders. We also ]candle all kinds of I ngs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can- ada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Ete. If in the market for any of rho above items it will pay Fon to tel- ephone, r=; JOHN B, MUSTARD Tread Office BRUCEFIELD: We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store.; We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produee taken in ee- change for goott9. , . I. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next .the flospita4, We Extend to One and All The Season's Greetings THOS. 1lAWKINS. The BigStoro A Merry. Christmas and a. Happy New Year to all, J. 0. Lounsbery LONDESBORO The big stole with little prices The sub to The News:, Record is $1 per year,. 4 , a J a J 4