HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-12-21, Page 20 D. MeTAGGART
McTaggart Bros.
--- BA N ai ER
- 11. T. RAC E --
Mee-- Shinn Block -CLINTON
Office on Albert Street oecuped by
Hr. Hooper.
iii Cliutem on every Thursday,
and on any day for which ap-
pointments are made. Office
hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
A good vault in connection with
the office. Office open every
wee k -day , Mr. Hooper will
make any appointments for Mr.
Itellable asaesman to set sii,Aitent le
. sauron County .
Out free, exedusive territory g,nd
triontly-makIng speclaltleg, vat
agencies arty the beat in the buolness
for we esti the highest MA* oZ
stool . at moat reasonable armee and
guarantee douveriee in driit-oless
condition. bTursory stock 14 Il4/111141
'well this year and good TOOSeY ean
be made in this district, For par-
ticulars write Salts Manager,
Tononwo, ONT.
-- --
1 [Christmas Giving and Christmas Living -'
Conveyancer, Notary Prattle,
Commismonor, De.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
titmoN sTnErr, -- CLINTON
We caery a Complete Stock of
.gtone's Natural Fertilizer, No
better on 'the market.
1-1 ay
We pay at all seasonal the highest
tearket prices for Hay for baling.
Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.O.P., L.R
Dr. J. 0. Gandier, B.A., M.B.
Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night
Gall! at residence, Rattenbury St,
or at II ,
American Feed Corn, Red
ver, Alaike, Timothy and Alf
It was Annis Crosby, in her pathe- 9 suppose," said Dorothy, slowly
tic black dress, advertising the recent "my mother would have more actua
loss of her mothers, who startled them satisfaction it I brought her darning
all by coming to the first meeting of bag to these meetings instead of mak
the Christmas seWing-club with a ing her this centerpiece I've atarted
large darning -bag. We had hardly I believe I'll do it, Annis. I just love
expected her to have the courage even to embroider and I hate to daT11--bUit
to think of Christmas this year. what shall' I do for a Christmas pre
"It isn't only that we don't feel very sent for her, something she'll really
Cheistenassy at our house this year, like?"
she said, drawing a boy's thick, ugly Annis considered. "We've been
ribbed stocking over the darning -egg, thinking at home that OUT so-called
"but I've been doing a lot of thinking Christmas presents to‘Mother weren't
lately, especially about Christmas. Per really personal gifts at all. One year
one thing I've come to the realization three of us clubbed together and
that weave all grown fanatical over bought her a lamp -and Mother rare -
giving instead of living -and maybe ly had a chance to use it at all be -
over getting, too -but with most of cause we usually monopolized its
us here, present -making has become light. The traveling -bag Don gave
‚a regular vice." her he used himself, and we all walk -
"Why, Annie," expostulated Marion, ed over the new rug -Mother simply
the most arelept and claim -sate giver kept it clean. This year were going
of all "giving things is iale very es- to put our savings into a few sub -
OR. 0. W. T11011P!4011
Special attention given te dise
taxes of the Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat.
Eyes carefully examined and ruit.
able glautee preeeribed.
Office and residence. 2 door' weet of
, the Commercial Hotel, Huron Ste
Licensed Auctioneer for the Covell
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly nsw e r est
lmmediate.arrangements cantina
osade for Sale. Date at The
News -Record,, Clinton, or by
Phone 13 on 157.
Margo* moderate and eatiafactioe
There is a
Cold Day Coming
Why not prepare for it by
ordering your winter supply
of Lehigh Valley oal. None
beter in the world,
HouSe Phone 12.
Office Phone 3.
How is Your
Ton know that ewelry Store
Cutlery Ti out of the com-
mon class. At least, OURS
It carries a distinctiveness-.
'in air of superiority, that
comes from being made with
the greatest care and ut-
most skill from the highest.-
' priced materials.
If you can use some of this
Cutlery in your home, you
will be proud of it every
time you see it on the table
Carvers, cased, $3.00 up.
Knives, Forks and Spoons,
$1.00 doz. up.
Knives and Forks, steel, White
handles, $3.00 doz. up.
Lotus show you our Cutlery
line. Let us tell ycru more
about why it is the most
desirable that you eau put
'our money into
E it and SSU ER of
sence and spirit of Christmas!" stantial things the house needs. It's
home now, and even when she was
"Giving, yes -abut not altogether our
giving things, Marion," replied Annis, 'here, it wasn't just Mother's exclusive -
We'll have councils over the par -
quietly. "I don't know quite how to IY.
chases, and committees, and the kind
express what I mean without seeming
to lecture -but don't you think there of celebration Mother svould have liked
are gifts more important than the ma-
over the installation. Any one who
terial ones, and, too, better selections still wants to cultivate the individual
feeling can do so in a separate small
to be made when it comes to the ac -
teal gifts themselves? None of us gift to the house -an egg -beater or a
ever count the cost of all our Christ -new book or a sofa pillow or anything
mos preparations. I thoroughly be.' else we can all get some satisfaction
Rove, for instance, that we could °Iit of:
choose a few more 'boughten' presents I "Then for our friends, lettere and
and use the time and effort we expend ' greeting -cards and 'service -promises'
on Christmas sewing to better ad- will be all. We don't-"
vantage. If I'm not mistaken, Mar -1 "Please, Annis," interrupted Marion,
ion spent her Christmas holidays in "what do you mean by 'service -pro-
bed with the grippe last year," she mins?' " .
added with a faint smile, "just because; "Why," smiled Annie, "if Dorothy
she was tired out and her resistance should hand her mother a note saying
was low when the grippegerm roam- that her Christmas present was a
ed in her vicinity -that's one kind of contrace to dare stockings or do mend-
unreckoned cost, but not exactly what ing for two 'hours once a week, that
I mesa, 'either." would be a 'service -promise! The
She stopped, hesitating. i Dorothy's mother could have the fun
"Go on, go on!" urged several of the ' of embroidering centerpieces instead
girls. The group of eight busy teach- ' of doing the less interesting work. If
ers had formed a little club which Marion should decide to give Myra
met once a week from the first of Conway all the time she is putting into
October for tbe laudable purpose of . that baby -jacket, taking care of, the
working on their Christmas gifts. Of other children, for instance, while
course nobody accomplished till her Myra rests or gets out for a change
Christmas sewing to the accompani-lwithout the children, that would be a
balk; in fact, each of the eight had ing to criticize, it's been the expert- If To
OUT loving .wills incline .
ment of tea and little cakes tend much "service -promise. And without want.. -a
somehow to manage seven presents lame of most_ of my friends with using a figured goods for the outside Turkey Giblets. -These are the ao that sweet life which Is the law.
cretonne for the covering' of the box, Serve with good gravy in a tureen.
if desired and a plain for lining. In wings, skinned and trimmed feet, the So shall we learn to understand
for the other members entieely oetside babies that the practical 'boughten'
covering, be sure to keep the threads , neck cut in short lengths, the head . The simple faith of shepherds then,
of the club meetings, to say nothing of things, like hot-water bottles and
of the materials straightwith the lines skinned, split, and. cleaned, the gizzard 'And, clasping kindly hand in hand,
gifts too cumbersome to carry about. diapers and.rubber bath -tubs, are far
of the pasteboard. Overhand outside' cleaned, split and skinned, cat in four; Sing, "Peace on earth, good will to
But the club fernished the impetus more needed than the francy garments.
and lining together, making the, and the liver from which the gall has men!"
for a vast amount of energetic Christ- I've thought of lots of 'service -pro -
stitches fine and even, then overhand been most carefully removed, par-
mas labor so that eight paire of eyes, mises' for my own family -helping
' the sides to each other and to the' boiled and sliced. Heat two ounces And they who do their souls sto wrong
But keep at eve the faith of morn,
Shall daily hear the angel -song,
"To -day the Prince of Peace is
A Christmas -time Jingle.
-James .
By James Whitcornb Riley
My dears, do you know, one short
Christmas ago, .
There were two little children named
Jimpsy and Joe,
Who were stolen away by their 'Uncle
that day,
Who drove round and carted them off
in a sleigh?
And the two little chaps, rolled in
The McKillop
Fire Insurance Compaay
New Clubbing, Rates
For n17
Christmas Itecipes
Mincemeat Rolly,poly.--Make Borne
light suet pastry, roll it out thinly,
spread lightly with mincemeat, roll,
wet the edges, and form into a roll.
Tie in a wet cloth, a-nd boil steadily
for two and a half to three hours.
Serve with a nica sweet sacce.
When Decorating a Table for.Chtist-
mas.-First lay on the spotlesely clean
cloth bands of scarlet ribbon or paper
from corner to corner crossing in the
centre. Let the ends bang down at
each corner him knot. At Intervale
down this band arrange bunches' of
holly and mistletoe, and between the
bands curvd a wreath of ivy, fern, 01
smilax. In the centre •of the table
have some kind' of high vase, with
whit or scarlet' flowers.
Plum Pudding and Custard -is a Gift of gifts, whose advent we are
good way of using ue the remains of supposed to be celebrating?"
Christmas pudding. Bueter a plain "A Mother."
tard. Beat up two eggs, add three -
Put slices of plum To this we would like to add a word
for the teacher, longing to remember
mould, and into it
pudding, leaving spaces for the cus-
quarters of a pint of milk, flavor with money to spare for such a
each little one, and withoul, time or
a little brandy, and pout over the pud- Lee love and amaia washes take the
Hood's Sarsaparilla surely inse ef-
fectively removes scrofela, boils and
other blood dieeaecs beeeusc it d sivea
out of the blood all the humess that
cause these diseases. They atianot be
successfully treated in any other way.
External applications for tl3ele re-
moval have proven almost nseleaa,
because. they cannot drive oat the
imputillea that are in the blood'.
Hood's Sarsaparilla. makes pilre
rieh bleed, perfed6 the digestion, end
builds up the *hate system. The skin
becomes smooth, Arm. tad
Tata -great blood remedy has stood the
test of felts, years.. Insist on .baeing
Hood'a, for nothing; else. ado elike
There is no anal, substitute.. Gee it
today. Sold by all druggists.
ding, Cover with battered paper,
and steam slowly for three-quarters
wit of an hour. Turn out, scatter chipped
Something- that every woman
appreciate is the wire coat hanger
covered with cotton and ribbon; on
which to hang her waists. Wind the
ahnonds over, and serve hot.
Leg of Pork as Goose. -Boil a small
leg of pork for an hour, remove the
skin and put sage and onion stuffing
hook of the hanger with narrow rite
sound the knuckle; roast thus for an
bon. Fold cotton batting over each
hour and a half, boating with clarified
loop, sprinkling it with sachet powder.
dripping, or butter, and during the last
Make bags of ribbon or silk to slip on
half hour dredge it With two minces
.over the cotton and fasten under a of finely powdered crutnbs, mixed with
bow in the center. If one intends to a tablespoonful of powdered sage.
make a number of these hangers it Serve with good gravy and apple
will probably be cheaper to buy a sauce, which, if convenient, can be
yard of taffeta or China silk, end use made of dried apple chips.
Scalloped Turkey -is a good dish
for using up the remains of the
Christmas dinner. Well butter" some
scallop shells, sprinkle them with
crumbs, and fill with the following
ribbon for the bow e only.. By sante -
ing the sales one can often pick up a
remnant at a very low price that will
work in advantageously.
A young lady will enjoy a toilet box
for her dressing table or bureau. In mixture: Chop finely any remains o
its construction material matters less cold turkey, with a slice or two of
than daintiness and neatness of con- ham and some of the stuffing; to each
struction. Take a box of the re- pint of chopped meat add one dessert-
quired size to pieces, being careful not spoonful of breadcrumbs. Season to
to break the edges. Smooth them, taste, add one ounce of liquid butter,
then cover each piece separately. Put the well -beaten yolks and whites of
a layer of cotton wackling no the bot- two eggs and two gills of good rich
tem, which may have the lower side gravy. Mix thoroughly, fill the shells,
covered with a thin muslin -you man speinkle with &limbs, and bake in a
me silk satin foulard silkoline or
place (1 ail this strain. as.
A Christie:IS Carol.
"What means this glory. round our
The n gi mused, "more bright than
And voi .es talented, clear and sweet,
"To-day/the Prince of Peace is born."
."What means that star," the shep-
herds. said,
"That brightens through the rocky.
glen?" ,
And angels answering overhead,
Sang, "Peace on eaeth, good will to•
moderate oven till nicely browned.
'Tis eighteen hundred years and more
since • those sweet oracles were•
We wait for him like those of yore;
Alas! He seems so slow to come.
But it was said in words of gold
No time or SOTTOW e'er shall dim,
That little children might be bold
In perfect trust to come to Him.
All round about our feet shall shine
A light like that the wise men saw,
already tired by the biose work of cor- Roy with his mathematics, taking one
Pad the top with cotton and of clarified dripping or cooking but -
and plan -books, were taxed after the hand. Thesre are really lots of uses noting papers and writing reports ' of Edna's settlement classes off her bot -tom.
with the material; it will be used ter in a stewpan, dredge the giblets
as a pincushion. If the bax is Coy- . with flour and shake them over the
school day for many a long hour; for time if you count up how much
ed with silk or satin a very pretty " fire in it till browned, add a small clove
nerves, taut and tense from the class- there is and what you can do with it." er
effect is gained by stretching a piece of garlic, a bunch of sweetbreads,
room noises, were put to fisial strain 1 (To you believe, in giving people
of all-over lace edge, just the depth bay leaf and pafsley, pepper, salt,
by the confinement of sewing; eight clothes for presents, Annie?" demand -
of the box, gather Mid sew it around mace, and three cloves, add about a
intelligent brains centered frantically , ed Dorobby. "I don't. Every year
for weeks on producing tea -aprons,' Ted gives jack a necktie and
the top, arid cover the joining with a ' pint of stock, and let stew very gently
me a
narrow beading; through which No. lifer two hours, Take oat, thicken the
ornamental traveling -cases, embroi-a pair of gloves, and Jack gives Ted
dared shirtwaists, fancy pincushions silk soths and me silk stockings- ribben has been run Fasten straps .
sauce, reheat the giblets in it, adding,
and coat -hangers, hemstitched table- and secretly nobody likes what the of narrow ribbon to the box and the f liked, a little wine. Serve very
cover to keep the latter from falling hot with a good border of boiled Brits -
linen, tatting, crocheting, and sheer ., other has chosen. And if I want to
and fragile dress -accessories dear to invest in a now party -dress in October, back, :ant add a bow of wide ribbon ' sets sprouts.
the feminine heart. ..... I Mother says wait atnd see what by which to lig the cover.
Motheedied I gradually began to not-ily forgetting and giving me underwear a working apron which would be a i
ice how everything fell on mo -how when the time comes! I can't see great convenience to any one doing I -
News -Record and Family Herald and
Weekly Star 1,85
News -Record and Canadian
Countryman 1.60
News -Record and Weekly Sun 1.86
News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.36
News-Reeord and Farm & Dairy1.85
News -Record and Canadian Farm 1.96
News-Rbcord and Weekly Witness 1.86
News Record and Northern
Messenger 1.60
News -Record and Saturday Night. 3.60
News -Record and Youth's Cern-
Penton 8.25
News -Record and Canadian Sports-
man 3.26
News -Record and Lippinoot's Maga-
zine 8,26
News -Record and World 98.60
News -Record and (Robe 3.60
News -Record and Mall & Empire8,60
News -Record and Advertiser 8.60
News -Record and Morning Free
Press 3.60
News -Record and Evening Free
Prese 3.60
News -Record and Toronto Star2,86
News -Record and Toronto News2,86
If what you want is not in this list let
us know about it. We can SUPPlY you
at less than it would cost you to send
In remitting please do so by Post -
°dice Order, Postal Note, Express Order
or Registered letter and address
Publisher News -Record
Head office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, James Connolly, Goderich ;
Vice., Tarries Evana, Beechwood ;
Sec. -Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Sea -
Directors : George McCartney, Sea -
forth ; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth ; J.
0. Grieve, Winthrop ; tuna,
Seaforth ; A, McEwen, Brucefield ;
Robert Ferris, Hexloca.
Agents : Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Leo, Goderich ; Ed. Hinchley, Sea -
forth ; W. Chesney, Egmondville ; R.
S. Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
Any money to be paid in ma; be
paid to Moorish Clothing Co„ Clinton,
or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to effect Insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to
any of the above officers addressel to
their respective post officer. Losses
inspected by the director who lives
nearest the scene.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as followa:
Going East, depart
11 41 MI
14 14 41
7.83 cm.
8.03 p.m.
5.15 p.m.
Going West, ar. 11.001 dp. 11.07 a.m.
" " depart 1.85 p.m.
or 6.82, dp. 6.45 paa,
" " departs 11.18 pan.
Going South, ar. 7.33, rip. 8.05 pan.
" " departs 4.15 p.m.
Going North, ar. 10.80, rip. 11.00 a.m.
. to " departo 5.4Q RA,
Annis cleared__ her throat. "After •Santa Clause 'does for you' -most like- Harper's Bazar tells, how to make MAKING CHRISTMAS A BURDEN.
IA Worried Mother Writes the Follow-
th en er onee were off about their , much present about something you,
tansy work: Make a square of Per-
• .‘" 't viah lace and ing Protest.
We are now ready to show
you a beautiful stock of Christ-
mas Goods.
Ebony Brushes, Mirrors and
Manicure Pieces and Sete.
Ivory Brushes, Mirrors, Mani-
eure Pieces and Sets, Jewel
Cases, Hair Receivers, Trays,
A new stock of up-to-date
Gillette Auto Strop and Ever -
Ready Safety Razors and Shav-
ing Brushes.
Kodaks and Albuine. Pack-
age Perfumes in a variety of
pleasant odors,
Beautiful new. goods at the '
Rexall Store
W. . R. liolmes
had time to help. Bight there I sat "In families where these are children! tneks, and having it twenty-four "With the approaching Christmas banns wraps
own affairs all the time, and nobody have to have anyway!" I Sla )
time I, personally, had been giving expect toys," protested Anna th
, e, dle of each side make a diagonal I uttered against the custom of ex -1 With their eyes in the furs and their
Ile whizzed down the street, through •
hands in their laps,
down and asked myself how much you. can't banish gifts -they always! inches when finished. From the mid- season cannot a word of protest be
Mother when she was with us. I s eare of beading, 'cat six yarde of,' changing gifts between pupils and
' the snow and the sleet,
counted up the hours and minutes, and At a gait old Kriss Kringle himself
the sum total was, oh, so pitifully lit- couldn't heat.
tie! I used to think it was fine of me few well-chosen ones. As long as chtl-a
to work hard and let Mother use most dren are at the expectant age, give tight in the fourth bo make a little gift piled up on her desk. lt was
And their Uncle yelled "Hol" all at
of my -money; but I know now that them playthings with which they can tfulnese at the Waist line of the apron.
1 easy to single out those who had .not
once, and then "Whoa!
money isn't everything, and that there make or do something. Good tools, Make hard knots at all four corners1brought presents by their distressed .
Mr. Horses, this store is where we
were lots of little matters , I might building-blocks, the 'various kinds of and then tie doable bow knots. By and unhappy faces, their sensitive lit -
Want to go."
lifting these bows you can drawl tle hearts feeling as if they were n -
"Yes, they clo," Annis agreed, "but „
ribbon into four lengths and run , teachers? The writer was present a
youngest member.
'usually they get too many and very' through the beading, making it very theI ' f t rat last year,
c °sing o a sc e ,
' 1 or three sides and drawing quite and saw a teacher open gift after
h And as the sleigh stopped, up the
have attended to, but mostly there
was so much time I might have spent
with her that I can never have now. -
"Take this Christmas sewing -club --
we've had it for six years. If it was
just the one afternoon a week, I'd
say it was a fine thing -bringing us
all together, having a good, jolly time
and forgetting other work. But that's
the smallest part of Christmas. After
we lea,ve here we all spend every spare
tninute sewing on a lot of unnecessary
things that don't do the people who
get them any good, and all that •pre -
wood and metal building -toys, scis-1„
sewing -outfits, crayons,
sors, knives, paints, electric motors,' " ull
aaaaa„...thalas 1 shirred side to tic around the waist ;
into a bag; for strings to the '
, der a ban for not being able to do so
as the others. A sorry beginning for
And out on the sidewalk the old
Uncle hopped'.
little heads popped,
like that. After a while they will f untie the bow knots at each end. The I at, joyoos a season. Even if the gifts
learn to make things for others, and ' little corner on the shirred side gives , not brought to the school, but
finally come to the household -gift' a bib effect. When sewing, you have ' are
better And he took the boys in, svith a wink
itdioenas,.,,,outgrowing personal anticipa-'
i bib; when you stop you pile all your i
on a pretty white apron with a little 1 ars'
direct .to the teachers' or schol-
homes would it not be be
And had 'em rasse clean up
and a grin,d . dfront
"We've always devotes' the day simply to have the good wishes of the
toe -tip to chin
fore 'Christmas to making our own'
be- things into your lap and pull up th
pows, retying the double knots on the
---e i season exchanged, without the ex -
candy," Clara said. "We've done ib shirred side. .A. twenty -four -inch • o
i Pease and formality of a present?
Then he bundled' 'em back in the
everybody helps. Be-, I know of one family where the
sleigh, and cur-racki
foreheand we make or buy pretty square of black China silk with one
corner slightly rounded for a bid can three children expcet to take a gift to
Went the whip; and away they all
boxes and the children fill them to . be made with a atirrosv ruffle of tho each of their different teachers. They
want whizzin' back.
for -years, and ever
cious Cale might be spent being with give to their . friends. When the ' same silk on all round. Gather to a are asked also each year to #iring
for ll dellati" from the Atari Jimpsy and Joe, when they
making life easier. There is a little they eat too much a d t t 't
, rt ge a 1, sun! bon. A pair of scissors. and a pin-
, class as a whole. The same thing
is repeated in the Sanday school, each
There at home, with new suits, both
people we love, doing things for them, candy's put in cornucopias on the tree yard and a half of black satin rib- marched in, you know,
I ball, fastened to the si'de of the apron child giving to each teacher, and each
tribute to someeespecial charitable ob. ,
Jest. Tho father and mother of these
W'y yau, got the best Uncle tha' is
dren you air, -
throe children CLIC11 have sunday .
school classes, one of seven scholars,'
the other of live. If they pursue the
But their Uncle just pats the boys'
same method in their own classes and i
heads and says, "Rats!"
tinge of selfish indulgence in the reptitiously. . I their events says "OH!
way some of us concentrate on the "Oar Christmas plum podding is 'with long ribbons make it still more one also expected in addition bo con- P
1 What dee-lishamous rare little chil-
pleasure of making Christmas things." made a month beforehand " remarked Practical.
An apron can be decorated in cross-
"But what," asked Clara in bewild- Millicent. "It's another family in -
stitch embroidery by basting a strip
crment, "are we going to do about the stitution. We all sed raisins and
of scrim or canvas on the part, work -
presents ? I think it's all true about cut citron till our arms ache. Then
. ing over the canvas and then pulling
too much giving, and over in our it's boiled and hung in a bag in ie out the threads. If the work has
school we all joined the ‘Spurs' to attic to season. It comes on title
, been dtne with moderate looseness this give a remembrance to each pupil, an
prevent eolleationa for the principal Christmaa table blazing all around.:
. trees, stockings, etc., may try e new of the presents given by this one eain-
! will not be difficult. also contribuee to the special object
and officers, but home giving and your "Wouldn't it be a fine thing," Anms People who are tired of Christmas
caoson by each class, the grand total ,
friends are different -you wouldn't said, "ir families could got together
feel right, not to remomboa them." once a yeas and talk oval leo 11100111
"We could begin right hare, in this and expease-budget frankly ? Deck': depatture in the Christmaseste , a
pretty 'basket, tied with ribbons, be -
meeting by pledging ourselve3 10 how much each ought to spend for
.. , , , , . ing prepared for each person.
omit all gifts to each other, couldn't clothing, for exemple, ano ict each -- ---;.-
wel" suggep
sted ractical E;m
lsie. end it whenever he or she wished'
• • !loitering Santa Claus.
ily woure
ld ach the extmoi maiy
number of twenty-six, aside from the
immediate relatives and friends.
"Is is any wonder, therefore, that
Christmas becomes a great finencial
a leerttolimitr eamera picture," put in vidual. gifts, the little luxuries, and Santa elaUS AIMS 'Imre in P,000,,,. in and nerve -exhausting; stsain
'Or it to a card ot. greethg or -take birthdays e y
Millitent. turn Christmas intay• .) dof broader Asia Minor. ',Chat was not his real is especially the ease when the bur.n
. thought, gond will to all ? Have the name. He VMS an abbot, and named den falls moon the Wed mothers, who
;woleFamily unite in whatever fun or St. 14 k holt 11 He afterwueds became have to select the gifts. An overdo -
1.1 ta hop of Myra At the latter ing of anything; hosveyer good of it -
CI nto n
News - Reco
, Christmas dirmer s : g
Terms of subscriPtiOn-11 Pm' Year, family feast belongs to the traditions a pilgrimage to his shrine every yeor.
if not so pomi. No paper disecm. that ought to be kept alive -but the No one seeking food on that occasion
In advance; 41.60 may be charged
tinned until all alTeara eve paid work of it shouldn't fall on one niem- is refused it by the priests, whilst ac -
bar of the family." ' cummodation iS given as inanY p11.
"Wo can't give up our Christmas
tree," said' Glmm, "but we could cer-
tainly adopt some of these other sug-
gestions that make Christmas 11 day
for ail the family to think about loving
and serving each other better and do-
ing things in unison."
"Money talks," remarked Gilderson,
"I am Rot ao sore of that," retorted.
Morton. "It is not on speaking ter/its
svitb me anysvay,"
Featherstone: "I wonder if your sis-
ter realises, Willie, that during, the
bit two months I have given her ten
dollars' worth of sweets and flowera?"
celebration there is -such as installs- Me s
. b t'f I set Adqv 1 011. his remains 'were carried needless multiplication of Christmas
in,e a new phonograiili or a big chuir piece he died and was duly buried. In self, ceases to be desirable. In the
au e 1,
rdof 'best' linen -and then bry to bove"by sonic pious Italians to Bart, an the
ithe day one of 'pe.ace on earth' instead A.driatic coast. They are now at rest
' of Confusion and commotion? The in a splendid church which bears his
' S ht -the name. The people roaral abaut make
unless at the option of the po -
Usher. The date to whieb every
eubscription is paid is denoted on
the label,
Advertising Metes - Transient ad-
vertisements, 10 cents per noa-
pa.reil line for first insertion and
4 cente per line for each subse-
quent insertion. Small advertise-
ments not, to eXceed 011 0 inch,
SU011 0/5 "Loot," " SiTa1,0(1," or
•• semen," etc., Inserted once for
35 cents, n led each subsequent in-
sertion 10 cents.
Commitnicatious intended for nub-
licAtion must, as a guarantee of
gond faith, be accompanied hy th
name of the 'writer,
Willie : "Of course she does. That s
Gs E. HALL, why she is- keeping her engagement
loplietor. with Jim Burling a secaet."
grims as the edifice will hold. On St.
Nicholas' Day, December 6th, a great
celebration takes place in his honor.
Early in the morning the populace
talte his image from the priests and
carry it through the town. At night
the city is grandly illuminated.
Fannie; "Why do people apply the
name of 'she' to a city?" George; "I
don't know, Why is it?" Fannie:
"Because every city has its outskirts."
"Railer hard to lose your daughter,
nr?" said the guest at the wedding.
"No," replied the bride's father; "it did
look as ii! it was going to be hard at
one time, but she filially landed this
fellow juse as we were giving up all
gifts have not many of us lost the
spirit of Joyousness and true thankful-
ness? In our absorption in "much
giving" do we not often forget to
thank our Heavenly rather for the
In a whisper to them -"Parents purr
same as catii;"
Then he kissed 'em and rose and fish-
ed round in his clothes,
And lit his old pipe with the end of
his nose.
A Curious Custom. ,
The King of Spain always eejoys
himself at Christmas, and he does not
, fail to play the chief part in the won-
derful ceremony performed for cen-
turies on Christmas Eve at the Span-
ish Court, when a crib is set up, and
the Sovereign, tambourine in hand, fol-
lowed by his Ministers, dances round
the cradle of the babe. To us it may
seem a curious custom. To him, as
I King of Spain, it seems the most na-
tural thing in the world, and he daacee
with a will.
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bathingshows itself in spotty, and sallow compleinons-as
well as n dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's becauee
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remedy is am erlam s Stomaco and Lives Tablets, which
stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation,
gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole
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night anti you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get
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